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Mutant forms of tufA and tufB independently suppress nonsense mutations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The level of nonsense suppression in Salmonella typhimurium carrying error-enhancing mutations in either or both of the genes coding for the elongation factor EF-Tu has been measured. Suppression of both UGA and UAG is observed. There is no significant suppression of any of six UAA sites tested. Nonsense suppression does not require that both genes for EF-Tu be mutant. Strains carrying one mutant and one wild-type tuf gene suppress nonsense mutations. The level of suppression increases approximately additively when both tuf genes are mutant. It is suggested that these mutant forms of EF-Tu act independently of each other to suppress nonsense mutations. Suppression is not observed at all UGA and UAG sites, but instead shows a strong site specificity.  相似文献   

Radioactive elongation factor Tu coded by either the tufA or the tufB gene of Escherichia coli K-12 was isolated from cells incubated with a mixture of radioactive amino acids after infection with the defective lambda phage particles that carry either of these genes. Two-dimensional chromatographic analyses of tryptic digests of the tufB gene product revealed about 50 radioactive spots. These same spots plus an additional one were also found in tryptic digests of the tufA gene product. Furthermore, these peptide maps are qualitatively the same as those of the elongation factor Tu obtained from two separate isolates of uninfected E. coli K-12 or from rel+ and relA strains of E. coli B. Because the number of spots recovered is consistent with the number of trypsin-sensitive sites, these analyses indicate that the tufA and tufB genes have not significantly diverged from each other.  相似文献   

The expression of tufB, one of the two EF-Tu-encoding genes in Escherichia coli, is under autogenous control. Feedback inhibition of tufB expression by plasmid-borne EF-Tu has been used to answer the question of whether or not the integrity of the guanine-nucleotide-binding domain of EF-Tu is required for the autoregulatory role of the factor protein. We show that a large deletion of tufB, causing the elimination of an 81-amino-acid segment from the plasmid-borne EF-Tu, does not abolish tufB repression. We conclude that the autoregulation of the cellular EF-Tu level is not dependent on an intact guanine-nucleotide-binding domain and does not require binding of GTP to EF-Tu. The repressor activity of the deletion derivative of EF-Tu can be measured despite a rapid disappearance of the (altered) mutant protein from the soluble cytoplasmic fraction of the cell. Degradation and assembly in larger complexes are responsible for this disappearance.  相似文献   

The sequence of the tufA gene from the extreme thermophilic eubacterium Thermus aquaticus EP 00276 was determined. The GC content in third positions of codons is 89.5%, with an unusual predominance of guanosine (60.7%). The derived protein sequence differs from tufA- and tufB-encoded sequences for elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) of Thermus thermophilus HB8, another member of the genus Thermus, in 10 of the 405 amino acid residues. Three exchanges are located in the additional loop of ten amino acids (182-191). The loop, probably involved in nucleotide binding, is absent in EF-Tu of the mesophile Escherichia coli. Since EF-Tu from E. coli is quite unstable, the protein is well-suited for analyzing molecular changes that lead to thermostabilization. Comparison of the EF-Tu domain I from E. coli and Thermus strains revealed clustered amino acid exchanges in the C-terminal part of the first helix and in adjacent residues of the second loop inferred to interact with the ribosome. Most other exchanges in the guanine nucleotide binding domain are located in loops or nearest vicinity of loops suggesting their importance for thermostability. The T. aquaticus EF-Tu was overproduced in E. coli using the tac expression system. Identity of the recombinant T. aquaticus EF-Tu was verified by Western blot analysis, N-terminal sequencing and GDP binding assays.  相似文献   

The two EF-Tu encoding genes, tufA and tufB, of Salmonella typhimurium have been sequenced. Nearly all the differences from their Escherichia coli counterparts are third position changes which do not alter the encoded amino acids. Unexpectedly, most of the changes in one Salmonella tuf gene are paralleled by changes in the other tuf gene perhaps due to gene repair despite the distance separating the genes. Three mutants which cause mis-framing, have their substitutions at codon 375. Explanations for mutants which cause mis-framing are considered and the mechanism of normal reading frame maintenance discussed.  相似文献   

Much of what we know about the chromatin-based mechanisms that regulate gene expression in mammals has come from the study of what are, paradoxically, atypical genes. These are clusters of structurally and/or functionally related genes that are coordinately regulated during development, or between different cell types. Can unravelling the mechanisms of gene regulation at these gene clusters help us to understand how other genes are controlled? Moreover, can it explain why there is clustering of apparently unrelated genes in mammalian genomes?  相似文献   

Low temperature is one of the primary stresses limiting the growth and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.). Winter cereals low-temperature-acclimate when exposed to temperatures colder than 10°C. However, they gradually lose their ability to tolerate below-freezing temperatures when they are maintained for long periods of time in the optimum range for low-temperature acclimation. The overwinter decline in low-temperature response has been attributed to an inability of cereals to maintain low-temperature-tolerance genes in an up-regulated state once vernalization saturation has been achieved. In the present study, the low-temperature-induced Wcs120 gene family was used to investigate the relationship between low-temperature gene expression and vernalization response at the molecular level in wheat and rye. The level and duration of gene expression determined the degree of low-temperature tolerance, and the vernalization genes were identified as the key factor responsible for the duration of expression of low-temperature-induced genes. Spring-habit cultivars that did not have a vernalization response were unable to maintain low-temperature-induced genes in an up-regulated condition when exposed to 4°C. Consequently, they were unable to achieve the same levels of low-temperature tolerance as winter-habit cultivars. A close association between the point of vernalization saturation and the start of a decline in the Wcs120 gene-family mRNA level and protein accumulation in plants maintained at 4°C indicated that vernalization genes have a regulatory influence over low-temperature gene expression in winter cereals.  相似文献   

The effect of noncatalytic domains 2+3 on the intrinsic activity and thermostability of the EF-Tu GTPase center was evaluated in experiments with isolated domains 1 and six chimeric variants of mesophilic Escherichia coli (Ec) and thermophilic Bacillus stearothermophilus (Bst) EF-Tus. The isolated catalytic domains 1 of both EF-Tus displayed similar GTPase activities at their optimal temperatures. However, noncatalytic domains 2+3 of the EF-Tus influenced the GTPase activity of domains 1 differently, depending on the domain origin. Ecdomains 2+3 suppressed the GTPase activity of the Ecdomain 1, whereas those of BstEF-Tu stimulated the Bstdomain 1 GTPase. Domain 1 and domains 2+3 of both EF-Tus positively cooperated to heat-stabilize their GTPase centers to attain optimal activity at a temperature close to the optimal growth temperature of either organism. This can be explained by a stabilization effect of domains 2+3 on alpha-helical regions of the G-domain as revealed by CD spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Each of the two genes encoding EF-Tu in Salmonella typhimurium has been inactivated using a mini-Mu MudJ insertion. Eleven independently isolated insertions are described, six in tufA and five in tufB. Transduction analysis shows that the inserted MudJ is 100% linked to the appropriate tuf gene. A mutant strain with electrophoretically distinguishable EF-TuA and EF-TuB was used to show, on two-dimensional gels, that the MudJ insertions result in the loss of the appropriate EF-Tu protein. Southern blotting, using cloned Escherichia coli tuf sequences as probes, shows that each MudJ insertion results in the physical breakage of the appropriate tuf gene. The degree of growth-rate impairment associated with each tuf inactivation is independent of which tuf gene is inactivated. The viability of S. typhimurium strains with either tuf gene inactive contrasts strongly with data suggesting that in the closely related bacterium E. coli, an active tufA gene is essential for growth. Finally the strains described here facilitate the analysis of phenotypes associated with individual mutant or wild-type Tus both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Expression divergence of duplicate genes is widely believedto be important for their retention and evolution of new function,although the mechanism that determines their expression divergenceremains unclear. We use a genetical genomics approach to exploredivergence in genetical control of yeast duplicate genes createdby a whole-genome duplication that occurred about 100 MYA andthose with a younger duplication age. The analysis reveals thatduplicate genes have a significantly higher probability of sharingcommon genetic control than pairs of singleton genes. The expressionquantitative trait loci (eQTLs) have diverged completely fora high proportion of duplicate pairs, whereas a substantiallylarger proportion of duplicates share common regulatory motifsafter 100 Myr of divergent evolution. The similarity in bothgenetical control and cis motif structure for a duplicate pairis a reflection of its evolutionary age. This study revealsthat up to 20% of variation in expression between ancient duplicategene pairs in the yeast genome can be explained by both cismotif divergence (8%) and by trans eQTL divergence (10%). Initially,divergence in all 3 aspects of cis motif structure, trans-geneticalcontrol, and expression evolves coordinately with the codingsequence divergence of both young and old duplicate pairs. Thesefindings highlight the importance of divergence in both cismotif structure and trans-genetical control in the diverse setof mechanisms underlying the expression divergence of yeastduplicate genes.  相似文献   

ISAba1 was found in all widespread clones of Acinetobacter baumannii in the United Kingdom. All isolates studied had a blaOXA-51-like carbapenemase gene; some also had blaOXA-23-like and/or blaOXA-58-like. Among isolates with blaOXA-51-like as sole carbapenemase gene, only those with ISAba1 adjacent to blaOXA-51-like were carbapenem resistant. Minor differences in blaOXA-51-like sequence were observed in resistant and susceptible isolates. Isolates with blaOXA-23-like in addition were consistently resistant to carbapenems; in all of these ISAba1 lay upstream of blaOXA-23-like, but was not associated with blaOXA-51-like. These results suggest that ISAba1 is providing the promoter for blaOXA-51-like and, probably, for blaOXA-23-like.  相似文献   

Hybrid genes containing human gamma or beta globin gene promoters linked to a neomycin resistance (neoR) gene were transfected into erythroid (K562) and nonerythroid (HeLa) cells. The number of clones resistant to G418, a neomycin analogue, was used to assay promoter strength. The results indicate that in K562 cells both promoters are active, and the gamma gene promoter is much stronger than the beta. By contrast, neither gene promoter is active in HeLa cells. These experiments indicate that these globin gene promoters are tissue-specific and sufficient for activity.  相似文献   

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