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The antioxidant enzyme Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) has the distinction of being one of the most abundant disulfide-containing protein known in the eukaryotic cytosol; however, neither catalytic nor physiological roles for the conserved disulfide are known. Here we show that the disulfide status of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SOD1 significantly affects the monomer-dimer equilibrium, the interaction with the copper chaperone CCS, and the activity of the enzyme itself. Disulfide formation in SOD1 by O2 is slow but is greatly accelerated by the Cu-bound form of CCS (Cu-CCS) in vivo and in vitro even in the presence of excess reductants; once formed, this disulfide is kinetically stable. Biochemical assays reveal that Cu-CCS facilitates Cys oxidation and disulfide isomerization in the stepwise conversion of the immature form of the enzyme to the active state. The immature form of SOD1 is most susceptible to oxidative insult and to aggregation reminiscent of that observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Thus Cu-CCS mediation of correct disulfide formation in SOD1 is important for regulation of enzyme activity and for prevention of misfolding or aggregation.  相似文献   

Insertion of copper into superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) in vivo requires the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS). CCS encompasses three protein domains: copper binding Domains I and III at the amino and carboxyl termini, and a central Domain II homologous to SOD1. Using a yeast interaction mating system, yeast CCS was seen to physically interact with SOD1, and this interaction required sequences at the predicted dimer interface of CCS Domain II. Interactions with SOD1 also required sequences of Domain III, but not Domain I. Mutations were introduced at the dimer interface of yeast SOD1, and the corresponding mutant failed to interact with CCS. When loaded with copper independent of CCS, this mutant SOD1 exhibited superoxide scavenging activity, but was normally inactive in vivo because CCS failed to recognize the enzyme. Activation of SOD1 by CCS was also examined using an in vivo assay for copper incorporation into SOD1. Yeast CCS was observed to insert copper into a pre-existing pool of apoSOD1 without the need for new SOD1 synthesis or for protein unfolding by the major SSA cytosolic heat shock proteins. Our data are consistent with a model in which prefolded dimers of apoSOD1 serve as substrate for the CCS copper chaperone.  相似文献   

The neuronal adaptor protein X11alpha participates in the formation of multiprotein complexes and intracellular trafficking. It contains a series of discrete protein-protein interaction domains including two contiguous C-terminal PDZ domains. We used the yeast two-hybrid system to screen for proteins that interact with the PDZ domains of human X11alpha, and we isolated a clone encoding domains II and III of the copper chaperone for Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase-1 (CCS). The X11alpha/CCS interaction was confirmed in coimmunoprecipitation studies plus glutathione S-transferase fusion protein pull-down assays and was shown to be mediated via PDZ2 of X11alpha and a sequence within the carboxyl terminus of domain III of CCS. CCS delivers the copper cofactor to the antioxidant superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) enzyme and is required for its activity. Overexpression of X11alpha inhibited SOD1 activity in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells which suggests that X11alpha binding to CCS is inhibitory to SOD1 activation. X11alpha also interacts with another copper-binding protein found in neurons, the Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein. Thus, X11alpha may participate in copper homeostasis within neurons.  相似文献   

A successful pregnancy requires synchronized adaptation of maternal immune-endocrine mechanisms to the fetus. Here we show that galectin-1 (Gal-1), an immunoregulatory glycan-binding protein, has a pivotal role in conferring fetomaternal tolerance. Consistently with a marked decrease in Gal-1 expression during failing pregnancies, Gal-1-deficient (Lgals1-/-) mice showed higher rates of fetal loss compared to wild-type mice in allogeneic matings, whereas fetal survival was unaffected in syngeneic matings. Treatment with recombinant Gal-1 prevented fetal loss and restored tolerance through multiple mechanisms, including the induction of tolerogenic dendritic cells, which in turn promoted the expansion of interleukin-10 (IL-10)-secreting regulatory T cells in vivo. Accordingly, Gal-1's protective effects were abrogated in mice depleted of regulatory T cells or deficient in IL-10. In addition, we provide evidence for synergy between Gal-1 and progesterone in the maintenance of pregnancy. Thus, Gal-1 is a pivotal regulator of fetomaternal tolerance that has potential therapeutic implications in threatened pregnancies.  相似文献   

Dyshomeostasis of extracellular zinc and copper has been implicated in β-amyloid aggregation, the major pathology associated with Alzheimer disease. Presenilin mediates the proteolytic cleavage of the β-amyloid precursor protein to release β-amyloid, and mutations in presenilin can cause familial Alzheimer disease. We tested whether presenilin expression affects copper and zinc transport. Studying murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from presenilin knock-out mice or RNA interference of presenilin expression in HEK293T cells, we observed a marked decrease in saturable uptake of radiolabeled copper and zinc. Measurement of basal metal levels in 6-month-old presenilin 1 heterozygous knock-out (PS1(+/-)) mice revealed significant deficiencies of copper and zinc in several tissues, including brain. Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) activity was significantly decreased in both presenilin knock-out MEFs and brain tissue of presenilin 1 heterozygous knock-out mice. In the MEFs and PS1(+/-) brains, copper chaperone of SOD1 (CCS) levels were decreased. Zinc-dependent alkaline phosphatase activity was not decreased in the PS null MEFs. These data indicate that presenilins are important for cellular copper and zinc turnover, influencing SOD1 activity, and having the potential to indirectly impact β-amyloid aggregation through metal ion clearance.  相似文献   

ATOX1 is a cytoplasmic copper chaperone that interacts with the copper-binding domain of the membrane copper transporters ATP7A and ATP7B. ATOX1 has also been suggested to have a potential anti-oxidant activity. This study investigates the tissue-specific localization of the mouse homolog, Atox1, in mouse liver and kidney. Immunohistochemical studies in the liver localize the copper chaperone to hepatocytes surrounding both hepatic and central veins. In the kidney, Atox1 is localized to the cortex and the medulla. Cortex immunostaining is specific to glomeruli in both the juxtamedullary and cortical nephrons. Expression in the medulla appears to be associated with the loops of Henle. These data suggest that localized regions in the liver and kidney express Atox1 and have a role in copper homeostasis and/or anti-oxidant protection. Twenty-seven patients with Wilson disease-like phenotypes and two patients with Menkes disease-like phenotypes were screened for ATOX1 mutations with no alterations detected. The human phenotype resulting from mutations in ATOX1 remains unidentified.  相似文献   

Antibiotic production and cell differentiation in Streptomyces is stimulated by micromolar levels of Cu2+. Here, we knocked out the Sco1/SenC family copper chaperone (ScoC) encoded in the conserved gene cluster ‘sco’ (the S treptomycesco pper utilization) in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) and S. griseus. It is known that the Sco1/SenC family incorporates Cu2+ into the active centre of cytochrome oxidase (cox). The knockout caused a marked delay in antibiotic production and aerial mycelium formation on solid medium, temporal pH decline in glucose‐containing liquid medium, and significant reduction of cox activity in S. coelicolor. The scoC mutant produced two‐ to threefold higher cellular mass of the wild type exhibiting a marked cox activity in liquid medium supplied with 10 µM CuSO4, suggesting that ScoC is involved in not only the construction but also the deactivation of cox. The scoC mutant was defective in the monoamine oxidase activity responsible for cell aggregation and sedimentation. These features were similarly observed with regard to the scoC mutant of S. griseus. The scoC mutant of S. griseus was also defective in the extracellular activity oxidizing N,N′‐dimethyl‐p‐phenylenediamine sulfate. Addition of 10 µM CuSO4 repressed the activity of the conserved promoter preceding scoA and caused phenylalanine auxotrophy in some Streptomyces spp. probably because of the repression of pheA; pheA encodes prephenate dehydratase, which is located at the 3′ terminus of the putative operon structure. Overall, the evidence indicates that Sco is crucial for the utilization of copper under a low‐copper condition and for the activation of the multiple Cu2+‐containing oxidases that play divergent roles in the complex physiology of Streptomyces.  相似文献   

Copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) specifically delivers copper (Cu) to copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) in cytoplasm of mammalian cells. In the present study, small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting CCS was introduced into metallothionein-knockout mouse fibroblasts (MT-KO cells) and their wild type cells (MT-WT cells) to reveal the interactive role of CCS with other Cu-regulating proteins, in particular, MT. CCS knockdown significantly decreased Ctr1, a Cu influx transporter, mRNA expression. On the other hand, Atp7a, a Cu efflux transporter, mRNA expression was increased 3.0 and 2.5 times higher than those of the control in MT-WT and MT-KO cells. These responses of Cu-regulating genes to the CCS knockdown reflected the presence of excess Cu in the cells. To evaluate the Atp7a function in the Cu-replete cells, siRNA of Atp7a and the other Cu transporter, Atp7b were introduced into MT-WT and MT-KO cells. The Atp7a knockdown significantly increased the intracellular Cu concentration, whereas the Atp7b knockdown had no affect. Although two MT isoforms were induced by the CCS knockdown in MT-WT cells, the expression and activity of SOD1 were maintained in both MT-WT and MT-KO cells even when CCS protein expression was reduced to 0.30-0.35 of control. This suggests that the amount of CCS protein exceeds that required to supply Cu to SOD1 in the cells. Further, the CCS knockdown induces Cu accumulation in cells, however, the Cu accumulation is ameliorated by the MT induction, the decrease of Ctr1 expression and the increase of Atp7a expression to maintain Cu homeostasis.  相似文献   

Many Chordopoxviruses encode catalytically inactive homologs of cellular Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD). The biological function of these proteins is unknown, although the proteins encoded by Leporipoxviruses have been shown to promote a slow decline in the level of superoxide dismutase activity in virus-infected cells. To gain more insights into their function, we have further characterized the enzymatic and biochemical properties of a SOD homolog encoded by Shope fibroma virus. Shope fibroma virus SOD has retained the zinc binding properties of its cellular homolog, but cannot bind copper. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that it requires at least four amino acid substitutions to partially restore copper binding activity, but even these changes still did not restore catalytic activity. Reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that recombinant Shope fibroma virus SOD forms very stable complexes with cellular copper chaperones for SOD and these observations were confirmed using glutathione-S-transferase tagged proteins. Similar viral SOD/chaperone complexes were formed in cells infected with a closely related myxoma virus, where we also noted that some of the SOD antigen co-localizes with mitochondrial markers using confocal fluorescence microscopy. About 2% of the viral SOD was subsequently detected in gradient-purified mitochondria extracted from virus-infected cells. These poxviral SOD homologs do not form stable complexes with cellular Cu,Zn-SOD or affect its concentration. We suggest that Leporipoxvirus SOD homologs are catalytically inert decoy proteins that are designed to interfere in the proper metallation and activation of cellular Cu,Zn-SOD. This reaction might be advantageous for tumorigenic poxviruses, since higher levels of superoxide have been proposed to have anti-apoptotic and tumorigenic activity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of copper into biological macromolecules such as SOD1 (Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase) is essential for the viability of most organisms. However, copper is toxic and therefore the intracellular free copper concentration is kept to an absolute minimum. Several proteins, termed metallochaperones, are charged with the responsibility of delivering copper from membrane transporters to its intracellular destination. The CCS (copper chaperone for SOD1) is the major pathway for SOD1 copper loading. We have determined the first solution structure of hCCS (human CCS) by SAXS (small-angle X-ray scattering) in conjunction with SEC (size-exclusion chromatography). The findings of the present study highlight the importance of this combined on-line chromatographic technology with SAXS, which has allowed us to unambiguously separate the hCCS dimer from other oligomeric and non-physiological aggregated states that would otherwise adversely effect measurements performed on bulk solutions. The present study exposes the dynamic molecular conformation of this multi-domain chaperone in solution. The metal-binding domains known to be responsible for the conveyance of copper to SOD1 can be found in positions that would expedite this movement. Domains I and III of a single hCCS monomer are able to interact and can also move into positions that would facilitate initial copper binding and ultimately transfer to SOD1. Conversely, the interpretation of our solution studies is not compatible with an interaction between these domains and their counterparts in an hCCS dimer. Overall, the results of the present study reveal the plasticity of this multi-domain chaperone in solution and are consistent with an indispensable flexibility necessary for executing its dual functions of metal binding and transfer.  相似文献   

The amyloidogenic pathway leading to the production and deposition of Abeta peptides, major constituents of Alzheimer disease senile plaques, is linked to neuronal metal homeostasis. The amyloid precursor protein binds copper and zinc in its extracellular domain, and the Abeta peptides also bind copper, zinc, and iron. The first step in the generation of Abeta is cleavage of amyloid precursor protein by the aspartic protease BACE1. Here we show that BACE1 interacts with CCS (the copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1)) through domain I and the proteins co-immunoprecipitate from rat brain extracts. We have also been able to visualize the co-transport of membranous BACE1 and soluble CCS through axons. BACE1 expression reduces the activity of SOD1 in cells consistent with direct competition for available CCS as overexpression of CCS restores SOD1 activity. Finally, we demonstrate that the twenty-four residue C-terminal domain of BACE1 binds a single Cu(I) atom with high affinity through cysteine residues.  相似文献   

The incorporation of copper ions into the cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is accomplished in vivo by the action of the copper metallochaperone CCS (copper chaperone for SOD1). Mammalian CCS is comprised of three distinct protein domains, with a central region exhibiting remarkable homology (approximately 50% identity) to SOD1 itself. Conserved in CCS are all the SOD1 zinc binding ligands and three of four histidine copper binding ligands. In CCS the fourth histidine is replaced by an aspartate (Asp(200)). Despite this conservation of sequence between SOD1 and CCS, CCS exhibited no detectable SOD activity. Surprisingly, however, a single D200H mutation, targeting the fourth potential copper ligand in CCS, granted significant superoxide scavenging activity to this metallochaperone that was readily detected with CCS expressed in yeast. This mutation did not inhibit the metallochaperone capacity of CCS, and in fact, D200H CCS appears to represent a bifunctional SOD that can self-activate itself with copper. The aspartate at CCS position 200 is well conserved among mammalian CCS molecules, and we propose that this residue has evolved to preclude deleterious reactions involving copper bound to CCS.  相似文献   

Nanji MS  Cox DW 《Genomics》1999,62(1):108-112
Copper toxicosis, resulting in liver disease, commonly occurs in Bedlington terriers. This recessively inherited disorder, similar in many respects to Wilson disease, is of particular interest because the canine Atp7b gene, homologous to ATP7B defective in Wilson disease, is not responsible for canine copper toxicosis as has been expected. Atox1, a copper chaperone delivering copper to Atp7b, therefore became a potential candidate. We cloned canine Atox1, which shows conserved motifs of the copper-binding domain (MTCXXC) and of the lysine-rich region (KTGK), and showed 88, 80, and 41% amino acid sequence identity with the orthologous mouse, human, and yeast proteins. No gross deletions of Atox1 could be identified in the affected Bedlington terriers by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA. The canine Atox1 gene spans about 4 kb, with a 204-bp open reading frame cDNA contained within two exons. Sequence analysis of the coding regions, including intron/exon boundaries, showed no mutations in Atox1 from genomic DNA of an affected dog. We have also identified an apparently nontranscribed canine Atox1 pseudogene, with 12 sequence changes and no intron. Mapping of Atox1 and a marker closely linked to the canine copper toxicosis locus indicated lack of synteny. Atox1 is therefore excluded as a candidate gene for canine copper toxicosis, indicating that some other unidentified gene must be responsible for this copper storage disease in dogs and also suggesting the possibility of a similar gene responsible for a copper storage disease in humans.  相似文献   

Shin LJ  Lo JC  Yeh KC 《Plant physiology》2012,159(3):1099-1110
Copper (Cu) is essential for plant growth but toxic in excess. Specific molecular mechanisms maintain Cu homeostasis to facilitate its use and avoid the toxicity. Cu chaperones, proteins containing a Cu-binding domain(s), are thought to assist Cu intracellular homeostasis by their Cu-chelating ability. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), two Cu chaperones, Antioxidant Protein1 (ATX1) and ATX1-Like Copper Chaperone (CCH), share high sequence homology. Previously, their Cu-binding capabilities were demonstrated and interacting molecules were identified. To understand the physiological functions of these two chaperones, we characterized the phenotype of atx1 and cch mutants and the cchatx1 double mutant in Arabidopsis. The shoot and root growth of atx1 and cchatx1 but not cch was specifically hypersensitive to excess Cu but not excess iron, zinc, or cadmium. The activities of antioxidant enzymes in atx1 and cchatx1 were markedly regulated in response to excess Cu, which confirms the phenotype of Cu hypersensitivity. Interestingly, atx1 and cchatx1 were sensitive to Cu deficiency. Overexpression of ATX1 not only enhanced Cu tolerance and accumulation in excess Cu conditions but also tolerance to Cu deficiency. In addition, the Cu-binding motif MXCXXC of ATX1 was required for these physiological functions. ATX1 was previously proposed to be involved in Cu homeostasis by its Cu-binding activity and interaction with the Cu transporter Heavy metal-transporting P-type ATPase5. In this study, we demonstrate that ATX1 plays an essential role in Cu homeostasis in conferring tolerance to excess Cu and Cu deficiency. The possible mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC) is the most potent activator of CD4+ T cells and has unique dendrites and veils. To explore the function of Rho in DC, exoenzyme C3 from Clostridium botulinum was used as a specific inhibitor of Rho. Treatment of DC with C3 (DC/C3) resulted in profound morphological changes by losing dendrites and emerging of shrunk membrane processes that were in parallel with marked reduction of polymerized actin in the marginal area. Inactivation of Rho-associated coiled coil-containing kinase (p160ROCK) by a specific ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 also led to disappearance of dendrites of DC with retaining large membrane expansions. In scanning electron microscopy, untreated DCs interacted with CD4+ T cells more efficiently than DC/C3. Conjugate formation assay showed that the number of DCs associated with CD4+ T cells was 2-fold higher in untreated DCs than that of DC/C3. Alloantigen-presenting capacity of DC/C3 was significantly suppressed in a dose-dependent manner. Because C3 treatment did not affect the surface expression of HLA, costimulatory, and adhesion molecules of DC, we examined cytokine production of DC and naive CD4+ T cells to further elucidate the inhibitory mechanism of MLR. Unexpectedly, DC/C3 increased IL-12 production after LPS stimulation. Naive CD4+ T cells cocultured with DC/C3 produced the increased percentage of IFN-gamma-producing cells, whereas the percentage of IL-2-producing T cells was decreased. These results demonstrate that Rho GTPase in DC controls both characteristic shape and immunogenic capacity.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a pathogenic yeast of important public health relevance. Virulence of C. albicans requires a copper and zinc containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1), but the biology of C. albicans SOD1 is poorly understood. To this end, C. albicans SOD1 activation was examined in baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a eukaryotic expression system that has proven fruitful for the study of SOD1 enzymes from invertebrates, plants, and mammals. In spite of the 80 % similarity between S. cerevisiae and C. albicans SOD1 molecules, C. albicans SOD1 is not active in S. cerevisiae. The SOD1 appears incapable of productive interactions with the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS1) of S. cerevisiae. C. albicans SOD1 contains a proline at position 144 predicted to dictate dependence on CCS1. By mutation of this proline, C. albicans SOD1 gained activity in S. cerevisiae, and this activity was independent of CCS1. We identified a putative CCS1 gene in C. albicans and created heterozygous and homozygous gene deletions at this locus. Loss of CCS1 resulted in loss of SOD1 activity, consistent with its role as a copper chaperone. C. albicans CCS1 also restored activity to C. albicans SOD1 expressed in S. cerevisiae. C. albicans CCS1 is well adapted for activating its partner SOD1 from C. albicans, but not SOD1 from S. cerevisiae. In spite of the high degree of homology between the SOD1 and CCS1 molecules in these two fungal species, there exists a species-specific barrier in CCS–SOD interactions which may reflect the vastly different lifestyles of the pathogenic versus the noninfectious yeast.  相似文献   

Calreticulin is a Ca2+ -binding chaperone that resides in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and is involved in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and in the folding of newly synthesized glycoproteins. In this study, we have used site-specific mutagenesis to map amino acid residues that are critical in calreticulin function. We have focused on two cysteine residues (Cys(88) and Cys(120)), which form a disulfide bridge in the N-terminal domain of calreticulin, on a tryptophan residue located in the carbohydrate binding site (Trp(302)), and on certain residues located at the tip of the "hairpin-like" P-domain of the protein (Glu(238), Glu(239), Asp(241), Glu(243), and Trp(244)). Calreticulin mutants were expressed in crt(-/-) fibroblasts, and bradykinin-dependent Ca2+ release was measured as a marker of calreticulin function. Bradykinin-dependent Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum was rescued by wild-type calreticulin and by the Glu(238), Glu(239), Asp(241), and Glu(243) mutants. The Cys(88) and Cys(120) mutants rescued the calreticulin-deficient phenotype only partially ( approximately 40%), and the Trp(244) and Trp(302) mutants did not rescue it at all. We identified four amino acid residues (Glu(239), Asp(241), Glu(243), and Trp(244)) at the hairpin tip of the P-domain that are critical in the formation of a complex between ERp57 and calreticulin. Although the Glu(239), Asp(241), and Glu(243) mutants did not bind ERp57 efficiently, they fully restored bradykinin-dependent Ca2+ release in crt(-/-) cells. This indicates that binding of ERp57 to calreticulin may not be critical for the chaperone function of calreticulin with respect to the bradykinin receptor.  相似文献   

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