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The LEA rat was established from a Long-Evans rat closed colony as the control strain of the LEC rat, which is reported to exhibit several mutant phenotypes such as hepatic disorder (hts), blockage of the T cell differentiation (thid) and X-ray hypersensitivity (xhs1 and xhs2). Here we report that the LEA rat is hypersensitive to X-rays to a similar degree as the LEC rat, although it is normal with respect to the hts and thid phenotypes. We further performed genetic linkage analysis of X-ray hypersensitivity in the LEA rat. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) linkage analysis revealed that xhs1 but not xhs2 is the locus responsible for X-ray hypersensitivity in the LEA rat.  相似文献   

R. Robinson 《Genetica》1987,74(2):137-142
The present status of research on genetic linkage is reviewed. Where possible, the data are statistically combined to give consolidated estimates of the recombination value. Ten groups of linked genes have been determined. The first assignments of linkage groups to specific chromosomes have been facilitated by inter-species cell hybridisation.  相似文献   

Two generations of a family with autosomal dominant carpal tunnel syndrome were studied for genetic linkage to 20 informative polymorphic blood markers. No linkage was demonstrated between the syndrome and the markers tested; exclusion of close linkage (lod score less than -2.0) was found for MNSs, ACP, GALT, GPT, GLO, Hp, Gc, and Pi.  相似文献   

Early maturing cultivars of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] native to the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk (Sakhalin and Kuril Islands) and eastern Hokkaido (northern Japan) have been used in breeding for chilling tolerance. These cultivars have a strong tendency to produce cleistogamous flowers throughout their blooming period. This study was conducted to determine the genetic basis of cleistogamy in an early maturing cultivar, Karafuto-1, introduced from Sakhalin. Genetic analysis was performed using F1 plants, the F2 population, and 50 F3 families produced by crossing between Karafuto-1 and a chasmogamous cultivar, Toyosuzu. F2 plants had chasmogamous flowers, indicating that chasmogamy was dominant to cleistogamy. Analysis of F2 populations and F3 families generated segregation data that was close to a two-gene model with epistatic interactions, although a portion of the pooled F3 data on the frequency of chasmogamous segregants from cleistogamous families significantly deviated from the model. The results suggested that a minimum of two genes with epistatic effects were involved in the genetic control of cleistogamy. Furthermore, cleistogamy was associated with early flowering in the F2 and F3 populations. A gene for cleistogamy was linked to one of the recessive genes responsible for insensitivity to incandescent long daylength.  相似文献   

The LEC rat is known to be a mutant strain that spontaneously develops heritable hepatitis due to copper accumulation, caused by mutation of the copper-transporting ATPase gene (Atp7b). Immunodeficiency and radiosensitivity have also been observed. Hayashi et al. extensively examined the radiosensitivity of the LEC rat and concluded that its hypersensitivity is controlled by a single autosomal gene. Furthermore, they suggested the possibility that it correlates to copper accumulation due to the Atp7b gene mutation, because ionizing radiation-induced hydroxyl radicals might act in concert with copper-induced hydroxyl radicals. In the present experiment, we analyzed linkage between radiosensitivity and the mutation responsible for hepatitis in F(1) animals of a cross with the F344 rat. Our results clearly demonstrated an absence of any significant association. In addition, partial dominance for radiosensitivity was observed, and radiosensitive (F(1) x LEC) backcross rats were twice as numerous as their radioresistant counterparts, suggesting the possibility of control by two or more recessive genes.  相似文献   

All cloned sialyltransferases from vertebrates are classified into four subfamilies and are characterized as having type II transmembrane topology. The catalytic domain has highly conserved motifs known as sialylmotifs. Besides sialylmotifs, each family has several unique conserved cysteine (Cys) residues mainly in the catalytic domain. The number and loci of conserved amino acids, however, differ with each subfamily, suggesting that the conserved Cys-residues and/or disulphide linkages they make may contribute to linkage specificity. Using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF)-mass spectrometry, the present study performed disulphide linkage analysis on soluble mouse ST6Gal-I, which has six Cys-residues. Results confirmed that there were no free Cys-residues, and all six residues contributed to disulphide linkage formation, C(139)-C(403), C(181)-C(332) and C(350)-C(361). Study of single amino acid-substituted mutants revealed that the disulphide linkage C(181)-C(332) was necessary for molecular expression of the enzyme, and that the disulphide linkage C(350)-C(361) was necessary for enzyme activity. The remaining disulphide linkage C(139)-C(403) was not necessary for enzyme expression or for activity, including substrate specificity. Crystallographic study of pig ST3Gal I has recently been reported. Interestingly, the loci of disulphide linkages in ST6Gal-I differ from those in ST3Gal I, suggesting that the linkage specificity of sialyltransferase may results from significant structural differences, including the loci of disulphide linkages.  相似文献   

Flower color of soybean is primarily controlled by genes W1, W3, W4, Wm, and Wp. In addition, the soybean gene symbol W2, w2 produces purple-blue flower in combination with W1. This study was conducted to determine the genetic control of purple-blue flower of cultivar (cv). Nezumisaya. F(1) plants derived from a cross between Nezumisaya and purple flower cv. Harosoy had purple flowers. Segregation of the F(2) plants fitted a ratio of 3 purple:1 purple-blue. F(3) lines derived from F(2) plants with purple-blue flowers were fixed for purple-blue flowers, whereas those from F(2) plants with purple flowers fitted a ratio of 1 fixed for purple flower:2 segregating for flower color. These results indicated that the flower color of Nezumisaya is controlled by a single gene whose recessive allele is responsible for purple-blue flower. Complementation analysis revealed that flower color of Nezumisaya is controlled by W2. Linkage mapping revealed that W2 is located in molecular linkage group B2. Sap obtained from banner petals of cvs. with purple flower had a pH value of 5.73-5.77, whereas that of cvs. with purple-blue flower had a value of 6.07-6.10. Our results suggested that W2 is responsible for vacuolar acidification of flower petals.  相似文献   

We have obtained one plant regenerated from rye tissue culture which showed a high percentage of polyembryonic seeds in its progeny. The mutation inducing the development of extra embryos is also influencing erroneous cell division, mitosis and meiosis. The genetic analysis indicated that the aptitude for polyembryonic seed formation is a heritable trait controlled by a dominant gene. However, for expression of the phenotype the female parent should have a specific cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Genome-wide linkage analysis of inherited hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Inherited hydrocephalus in humans has received very little attention, most probably because known occurrences are sporadic and systematic investigation is difficult. The H-Tx rat, one of a number of rodent strains with inherited hydrocephalus, has a complex inheritance with more than one postulated susceptibility gene and 40% penetrance. The aim of this study was to perform a genome-wide scan on backcross progeny derived from H-Tx and Fisher F344 rats, to identify genomic regions associated with hydrocephalus. Penetrance of hydrocephalus in (H-Tx × F344) F1× H-Tx was 12.3%. All severely hydrocephalic progeny (n = 185) and a subset of normal progeny (n = 128) were screened with 110 simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs) with 83% coverage of the genome. A significant susceptibility locus was found on chromosome (Chr) 11 (LOD = 3.1). Three loci with suggestive linkage were found on Chr 17 (LOD = 2.4), on Chr 9 (LOD = 1.94), and on Chr 19 (LOD = 1.91). For the loci on Chr 11 and 19, hydrocephalus was associated with the heterozygous genotype, while the other two were recessive. Although none of the four loci was essential for the hydrocephalic phenotype, the additive effects of two, three, or four loci increased the penetrance in a linear fashion. Altogether these four loci accounted for 13.5% of the total variance. It is concluded that hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat is associated with two, possibly four genetic loci, but that there may be additional undefined genetic and environmental influences. Received: 26 April 2000 / Accepted: 24 August 2000  相似文献   

大麦多棱分枝穗突变体的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄碧光  吴为人  刘思衡  黄志贵 《遗传》2004,26(6):903-906
为研究大麦多棱分枝突变的遗传,对四个杂交组合(六棱×二棱、多棱分枝×二棱、多棱分枝×六棱和六棱×多棱分枝)的F1、F2、和F3的棱型进行了调查分析。结果表明,一对隐性基因(mm)控制多棱分枝,并且对控制二棱和六棱的基因具有隐性上位性作用。  相似文献   

Linkage analysis using the LIPED program developed by Ott for the analysis of whole family data was performed on 175 families with variants of the hemoglobin beta- or gamma-chain. Comparison of our results with those in the literature indicate that there is little evidence for linkage with any of the currently used markers, although there is considerable heterogeneity in lod scores between sexes for the Duffy and MNS blood groups. It is suggested that the most successful approach in the future will be to analyze markers known to be localized on chromosomes which have been indicated as likely sites of the beta-chain locus from hybridization studies.  相似文献   

The combined application of genome-wide expression profiling from microarray experiments with genetic linkage analysis enables the mapping of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) which are primary control points for gene expression across the genome. This approach allows for the dissection of primary and secondary genetic determinants of gene expression. The cis-acting eQTLs in practice are easier to investigate than the trans-regulated eQTLs because they are under simpler genetic control and are likely to be due to sequence variants within the gene itself or its neighboring regulatory elements. These genes are therefore candidates both for variation in gene expression and for contributions to whole-body phenotypes, particularly when these are located within known and relevant physiologic QTLs. Multiple trans-acting eQTLs tend to cluster to the same genetic location, implying shared regulatory control mechanisms that may be amenable to network analysis to identify gene clusters within the same metabolic pathway. Such clusters may ultimately underlie development of individual complex, whole-body phenotypes. The combined expression and linkage approach has been applied successfully in several mammalian species, including the rat which has specific features that demonstrate its value as a model for studying complex traits.  相似文献   

Livers of LEC rats were histochemically stained for copper according to the modified Timm's method, which includes trichloroacetic acid (TCA) treatment. TCA pretreatment was effective in removing zinc and iron, leaving copper as the major metal in the liver. Hepatocytes in 3-month-old rats were stained intensely by the modified Timm's method, both in frozen sections and in paraffin-embedded specimens. The centrilobular hepatocytes were usually stained, but positive cells were also randomly distributed in the hepatic lobes, showing a mosaic pattern. The staining was intensified in 8- compared to 3-month-old LEC rats. In contrast hepatocytes from LEA rats, the normal counterpart of LEC rats, were faintly stained for copper. Proliferating cholangioles found in older LEC rats were shown to lack copper deposition, and hepatocellular carcinoma showed less copper deposits than the hepatocytes surrounding the tumor. The copper staining was augmented in livers of LEC rats subjected to copper-loading, but was less intense in the livers treated with d-penicillamine. The staining intensity under the various experimental conditions showed good correlation with the copper concentration. Lysosomal deposition of copper in hepatocytes was demonstrated by electron microscopic analysis for copper. Thus the modified Timm's method was shown to produce valuable results in demonstrating copper in LEC rat livers, providing important information for an understanding of the mechanism of copper deposition and hepatic disease of the animal.  相似文献   

一个新的小麦黄化突变体的遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹莉  王辉  孙道杰  冯毅  李学军  闵东红 《遗传》2008,30(12):1603-1607
摘要: 通过对冬小麦“西农1718” 自然黄化突变体多年连续自交、与突变亲本回交以及与其他基因型进行正反交, 研究突变性状的遗传规律。观察统计发现, 突变体中金黄株发育至抽穗-开花期前后死亡, 黄-绿株自交后代表现为1金黄株︰2黄-绿株︰1绿株, 绿株自交后代不再分离; 黄-绿株与突变亲本回交及与其他基因型正反交, 后代均表现为1黄-绿株︰1绿株。遗传分析表明, 该小麦黄化突变体是由一对核基因控制的不完全显性遗传, 其中, 金黄株是纯合体(au/au), 表现为致死, 黄-绿株为杂合体(Au/au), 绿株为纯合体(Au/Au)。  相似文献   

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