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Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus nest in two contrasting but commonly found habitats: steep cliffs and open tundra slopes. In Svalbard, we compared nest densities and nesting success in these two environments over ten breeding seasons to assess the impact of spring snow cover, food availability to nesting adults and arctic fox Vulpes lagopus (main terrestrial predator) abundance. In years with extensive spring snow cover, fewer geese at both colonies attempted to breed, possibly because snow cover limited pre-nesting feeding opportunities, leaving adults in poor breeding condition. Nesting success at the steep cliff colony was lower with extensive spring snow cover; such conditions force birds to commit to repeated and prolonged recess periods at far distant feeding areas, leaving nests open to predation. By contrast, nesting success at the open tundra slope was not affected by spring snow cover; even if birds were apparently in poor condition they could feed immediately adjacent to their nests and defend them from predators. Foxes were the main nest predator in the open tundra slopes but avian predators likely had a larger impact at the steep cliffs colony. Thus, the relative inaccessibility of the cliffs habitat may bring protection from foxes but also deprives geese from readily accessing feeding areas, with the best prospects for successful nesting in low spring snow cover years. Our findings indicate that spring snow cover, predator abundance and food proximity did not uniformly influence nesting success of this herbivore, and their effects were dependent on nesting habitat choice.  相似文献   

1. Habitat heterogeneity and predator behaviour can strongly affect predator-prey interactions but these factors are rarely considered simultaneously, especially when systems encompass multiple predators and prey. 2. In the Arctic, greater snow geese Anser caerulescens atlanticus L. nest in two structurally different habitats: wetlands that form intricate networks of water channels, and mesic tundra where such obstacles are absent. In this heterogeneous environment, goose eggs are exposed to two types of predators: the arctic fox Vulpes lagopus L. and a diversity of avian predators. We hypothesized that, contrary to birds, the hunting ability of foxes would be impaired by the structurally complex wetland habitat, resulting in a lower predation risk for goose eggs. 3. In addition, lemmings, the main prey of foxes, show strong population cycles. We thus further examined how their fluctuations influenced the interaction between habitat heterogeneity and fox predation on goose eggs. 4. An experimental approach with artificial nests suggested that foxes were faster than avian predators to find unattended goose nests in mesic tundra whereas the reverse was true in wetlands. Foxes spent 3.5 times more time between consecutive attacks on real goose nests in wetlands than in mesic tundra. Their attacks on goose nests were also half as successful in wetlands than in mesic tundra whereas no difference was found for avian predators. 5. Nesting success in wetlands (65%) was higher than in mesic tundra (56%) but the difference between habitats increased during lemming crashes (15%) compared to other phases of the cycle (5%). Nests located at the edge of wetland patches were also less successful than central ones, suggesting a gradient in accessibility of goose nests in wetlands for foxes. 6. Our study shows that the structural complexity of wetlands decreases predation risk from foxes but not avian predators in arctic-nesting birds. Our results also demonstrate that cyclic lemming populations indirectly alter the spatial distribution of productive nests due to a complex interaction between habitat structure, prey-switching and foraging success of foxes.  相似文献   

Food accessibility and availability in the highly seasonal Arctic landscape can be restricted by snow cover and frozen substrate, particularly in early spring. Therefore, to determine how a long distance migratory herbivore forages in such a landscape, pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus at an early spring feeding area in Svalbard were studied. Birds arrived in mid May when extensive snow cover restricted habitat availability. Geese fed in all habitats, but the highest densities occurred in wet tundra. However, prolonged snow lie restricted access to wet areas compared to dry and mesic habitats. Above ground biomass was very low in all habitats; yet sizeable amounts occurred below ground. In line with this, the majority of birds (86%) grubbed for below ground plant storage organs such as stem bases and rhizomes. Wet habitat contained greater quantities of edible and lower amounts of inedible below ground material (ratio 1:0.3) than dry (ratio 1:9) or mesic (ratio 1:4) areas. Although foraging in wet habitat prevented geese from encountering high proportions of inedible plant parts, forage species characteristic of this habitat, such as Dupontia grasses and the rush Eriophorum scheuchzeri, were more difficult to extract than food plants typical of drier habitats such as the forb Bistorta vivipara. Hence, we suggest that wet areas are preferred by pink‐footed geese, but the prolonged snow lie there made it necessary to use less preferred but much more abundant drier habitats, which experienced earlier snowmelt and indeed accommodated more than half of all goose foraging recordings.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) provide important habitats for wintering waterfowl, cranes, and both migrant and breeding shorebirds. Playa Lakes Region wetlands experience naturally fluctuating hydroperiods but are exposed to anthropogenic stresses, which are exacerbated during summer and may influence PLR wetland occupancy and selection by breeding shorebirds. We examined wetland-scale habitat use and nest-site selection of the 4 dominant shorebirds (American avocets [Recurvirostra americana], black-necked stilts [Himantopus mexicanus], killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], snowy plovers [C. alexandrinus]) nesting in playas, saline lakes, and in both created and riparian wetlands in the PLR of Texas, USA. All 4 species nested in saline lakes. Only avocets and killdeer nested in playas, and snowy plovers nested in riparian wetlands. No nests were found in created wetlands. Wetland habitat changed (P < 0.001) during the breeding season, while water habitats generally decreased. Used (i.e., shorebirds found nesting) wetlands had more (P < 0.05) mudflats than non-used (i.e., shorebirds not found nesting) wetlands, which had more (P < 0.05) dry habitats. Used and non-used wetlands had similar (P > 0.05) amounts of water habitats. Nests were located close to vegetation on bare dry ground and dry ground with vegetation. Because water is ephemeral in PLR wetlands, shorebirds must select—in a somewhat predictive manner upon arrival—wetlands with suitable nest-site and brood-rearing habitat. Although surface water is necessary for nesting, its presence is not adequate for delineating suitable PLR wetland habitat for breeding shorebirds. Our findings that created wetlands cannot compensate for regional wetland losses in habitat or function highlights the need for conservation of natural PLR wetlands  相似文献   

During four breeding seasons, 2003–2006, we studied the relationship between snow cover and nesting performance in pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) in a key breeding site on Svalbard. Snow cover in late May, i.e., at the time of egg laying of geese, was derived from MODIS satellite images. Snow cover had a profound cascading effect on reproductive output via the number of nesting pairs and timing of nesting, which affected nest success, while there was only a tendency for a negative effect on clutch size. Hence, we estimated a five-fold difference in the number of young produced (to post-hatching) between years with little snow and years with high snow cover. The results from the study area correlated with whole-population productivity estimates recorded in autumn. Thus, snow cover derived from MODIS satellite images appears to provide a useful indicator of the breeding conditions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent effects on reproduction can arise through variation in habitat quality or increased competition and interference among neighbours. Negative effects have been found in avian populations and these have been mainly attributed to food limitations. In this study, we investigated whether density‐dependent effects could result from either heterogeneity in habitat suitability, interference among neighbours, or predation. To test these hypotheses, we collected data over eight years in a growing population of temperate‐nesting Canada geese Branta canadensis maxima. We compared different parameters of nesting success of geese between two sites characterized by different nest densities and looked at the effects of nest proximity on these parameters within each site. At the landscape level, we found density‐dependent effects due to variation in habitat quality associated with predation probabilities and flooding events. At a finer scale, nesting success declined with proximity to neighbours, probably due to increased aggressive interactions among pairs. However, complete clutch predation showed both positive and negative density‐dependence, due to differences in predator community at each site. We concluded that density‐dependent effects reduced nesting success of Canada geese through both heterogeneity in habitat safety and agonistic interference between neighbours but that density‐dependent effects could also be positive in some instances.  相似文献   

Nest-site selection by species is expected to be adaptive and lead to improved breeding productivity, but in some settings, there exist mismatches between preferred nesting habitat and breeding productivity. We tested the expectation that nest-site selection is adaptive in a sample of 63 nests of a long-lived social species that breeds and forages in groups: the critically endangered white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus). By studying breeding groups in the same area, we controlled for landscape-level effects on habitat selection and investigated how fine-scale nest-site characteristics affect breeding productivity. We developed models to assess how nine characteristics of nest sites selected by breeding vultures compared with 70 random trees and tested associations between these characteristics and breeding productivity. White-backed vultures selected nest sites in taller trees (>7 m), but neither tree height nor any other nest-site characteristics had a clear effect on breeding productivity. Vultures selected nest trees closer to each other than random trees, and the associations between nest density, nearest neighbour distance and breeding success were all positive. These positive associations and the absence of an observable effect between nest-site characteristics and breeding productivity suggest that for this semi-colonial breeder, the social imperative of proximity to conspecifics (i.e., nesting near other vultures and group foraging) may be more important than individual nest-site selection.  相似文献   

The idea of differences in individual quality has been put forward in numerous long-term studies in long-lived species to explain differences in lifetime production among individuals. Despite the important role of individual heterogeneity in vital rates in demography, population dynamics and life history theory, the idea of "individual quality" is elusive. It is sometimes assumed to be a static or dynamic individual characteristic. When considered as a dynamic trait, it is sometimes assumed to vary deterministically or stochastically, or to be confounded with the characteristics of the habitat. We addressed heterogeneity in reproductive performance among individuals established in higher-quality habitat in a long-lived seabird species. We used approaches to statistical inference based on individual random effects permitting quantification of heterogeneity in populations and assessment of individual variation from the population mean. We found evidence of heterogeneity in breeding probability, not success probability. We assessed the influence of dispersal on individual reproductive potential. Dispersal is likely to be destabilizing in species with high site and mate fidelity. We detected heterogeneity after dispersal, not before. Individuals may perform well regardless of quality before destabilization, including those that recruited in higher-quality habitat by chance, but only higher-quality individuals may be able to overcome the consequences of dispersal. Importantly, results differed when accounting for individual heterogeneity (an increase in mean breeding probability when individuals dispersed), or not (a decrease in mean breeding probability). In the latter case, the decrease in mean breeding probability may result from a substantial decrease in breeding probability in a few individuals and a slight increase in others. In other words, the pattern observed at the population mean level may not reflect what happens in the majority of individuals.  相似文献   

该文报道了西滨鹬 (Calidris mauri) 在美国阿拉斯加州育空-卡斯科奎姆河三角洲相对较小的空间尺度上所表现的集群繁殖行为。在开始产卵之前, 西滨鹬雄鸟聚集在一处 36 hm2的区域鸣唱飞行, 进行求偶炫耀。随后在该区域营巢时, 西滨鹬也保持着集群状态。检验了三个常用于解释具领域行为的物种的集群繁殖的假说:社会成员选择假说、捕食假说和物质资源限制假说。结果表明, 与斑块可利用性相比, 分散的个体常栖息于地势平坦的苔原栖息地斑块, 而集群个体常筑巢于地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块, 因此, 该研究支持物质资源限制假说。在地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块集群营巢的西滨鹬繁殖成功率较低, 这表明西滨鹬的这种栖息地占有模式符合理想的等级分布。在研究样地中, 年长且更具攻击性的雄鸟向雌鸟求偶的次数更多, 并且保卫位于地势平坦的苔原栖息地斑块上更大的领域; 相比之下, 年幼且攻击性较弱的雄鸟则聚集在地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块。通常情况下, 繁殖期的集群多集中于某种关键资源的分布区内或分布区附近, 但西滨鹬繁殖集群的出现是由于年长和处于优势地位的个体将年幼和处于从属地位的个体排斥出高质量的栖息地。虽然, 繁殖领域的集群现象在很多非群居的鸟类中都曾有报道, 但该文是首次对非群居的单配制鸻鹬类物种在孵卵之前的集群繁殖行为进行了定量研究。  相似文献   

The suggested link between lemming cycles and reproductive success of arctic birds is caused by potential effects of varying predation pressure (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis, APH) and protective association with birds of prey (the Nesting Association Hypothesis, NAH). We used data collected over two complete lemming cycles to investigate how fluctuations in lemming density were associated with nesting success of greater snow geese ( Anser caerulescens atlanticus ) in the Canadian High Arctic. We tested predictions of the APH and NAH for geese breeding at low and high densities. Goose nesting success varied from 22% to 91% between years and the main egg predator was the arctic fox ( Alopex lagopus ). Nesting associations with snowy owls ( Nyctea scandiaca ) were observed but only during peak lemming years for geese nesting at low density. Goose nesting success declined as distance from owls increased and reached a plateau at 550 m. Artificial nest experiments indicated that owls can exclude predators from the vicinity of their nests and thus reduce goose egg predation rate. Annual nest failure rate was negatively associated with rodent abundance and was generally highest in low lemming years. This relationship was present even after excluding goose nests under the protective influence of owls. However, nest failure was inversely density-dependent at high breeding density. Thus, annual variations in nest density influenced the synchrony between lemming cycles and oscillations in nesting success. Our results suggest that APH is the main mechanism linking lemming cycles and goose nesting success and that nesting associations during peak lemming years (NAH) can enhance this positive link at the local level. The study also shows that breeding strategies used by birds (the alternative prey) could affect the synchrony between oscillations in avian reproductive success and rodent cycles.  相似文献   

Telemetry data from sympatric Eastern Tundra Bean Geese Anser serrirostris captured on their winter quarters in the Yangtze River Floodplain, China, tracked to two discrete breeding areas (the Anadyr Region (AR) at 65°N and Central Russian Arctic (CRA) at 75°N) showed that, despite longer migration distance (6300 vs. 5300 km), AR geese reached their destination 23 days earlier than CRA geese as a result of increasingly delayed date of 50% snow cover along the route of CRA geese (based on satellite imagery data). Both groups arrived at breeding areas 8–9 days prior to the local date of 50% snow cover thaw, suggesting optimal timing of arrival for subsequent reproduction. Despite small sample sizes from one season of tracking, these intra-specific data are the first to suggest that, in time-limited Arctic-nesting geese, snowmelt conditions regulated the individual progress and duration of spring migration along the flyway to coincide with arrival at optimal spring conditions on breeding areas.  相似文献   

Federally endangered interior least terns (Sternula antillarum) nest on bare or sparsely vegetated sandbars on midcontinent river systems. Loss of nesting habitat has been implicated as a cause of population declines, and managing these habitats is a major initiative in population recovery. One such initiative involves construction of mid-channel sandbars on the Missouri River, where natural sandbar habitat has declined in quantity and quality since the late 1990s. We evaluated nest-site habitat selection by least terns on constructed and natural sandbars by comparing vegetation, substrate, and debris variables at nest sites (n = 798) and random points (n = 1,113) in bare or sparsely vegetated habitats. Our logistic regression models revealed that a broader suite of habitat features was important in nest-site selection on constructed than on natural sandbars. Odds ratios for habitat variables indicated that avoidance of habitat features was the dominant nest-site selection process on both sandbar types, with nesting terns being attracted to nest-site habitat features (gravel and debris) and avoiding vegetation only on constructed sandbars, and avoiding silt and leaf litter on both sandbar types. Despite the seemingly uniform nature of these habitats, our results suggest that a complex suite of habitat features influences nest-site choice by least terns. However, nest-site selection in this social, colonially nesting species may be influenced by other factors, including spatial arrangement of bare sand habitat, proximity to other least terns, and prior habitat occupancy by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). We found that nest-site selection was sensitive to subtle variation in habitat features, suggesting that rigor in maintaining habitat condition will be necessary in managing sandbars for the benefit of least terns. Further, management strategies that reduce habitat features that are avoided by least terns may be the most beneficial to nesting least terns. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Despite the interest of resource managers and conservationists in the status of Common Black-Hawk ( Buteogallus anthracinus ) populations in the southwestern United States, little is known about their nesting success and habitat requirements. Because such information is essential for effective population and habitat management, I examined the nesting success and nest-site selection of Common Black-Hawks in southwestern New Mexico during 2000 and 2001. Of the 37 nesting attempts in 21 territories, ≥1 young fledged from 25 nests (68%). Comparison of nest-sites and nonused sites suggested that breeding Common Black-Hawks selected nest-sites in areas with a sparser and shorter subcanopy tree layer and in trees with a smaller trunk diameter and a greater minimum crown diameter. These differences appear to be related to variation in forest ages within territories, with nonused sites having fewer, but older, canopy trees than nest-sites. Sites with younger, smaller subcanopy trees may provide forest structure for more effective foraging, whereas the characteristics of younger nest tree canopies may reduce the risk of nest predation or offer more protection from inclement weather. Due to the limited range of this species in the southwestern United States, efforts to encourage the establishment and maturation of riparian forests in Common Black-Hawk breeding areas could be important in sustaining available nesting habitat and, in turn, maintaining or expanding current population levels.  相似文献   

Quantifying spatial patterns of bird nests and nest fate provides insights into processes influencing a species’ distribution. At Cape Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, recent declines in breeding Eastern Prairie Population Canada geese (Branta canadensis interior) has coincided with increasing populations of nesting lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross’s geese (Chen rossii). We conducted a spatial analysis of point patterns using Canada goose nest locations and nest fate, and lesser snow goose nest locations at two study areas in northern Manitoba with different densities and temporal durations of sympatric nesting Canada and lesser snow geese. Specifically, we assessed (1) whether Canada geese exhibited territoriality and at what scale and nest density; and (2) whether spatial patterns of Canada goose nest fate were associated with the density of nesting lesser snow geese as predicted by the protective-association hypothesis. Between 2001 and 2007, our data suggest that Canada geese were territorial at the scale of nearest neighbors, but were aggregated when considering overall density of conspecifics at slightly broader spatial scales. The spatial distribution of nest fates indicated that lesser snow goose nest proximity and density likely influence Canada goose nest fate. Our analyses of spatial point patterns suggested that continued changes in the distribution and abundance of breeding lesser snow geese on the Hudson Bay Lowlands may have impacts on the reproductive performance of Canada geese, and subsequently the spatial distribution of Canada goose nests.  相似文献   

Pink-footed geese ( Anser brachyrhynchus ) breed in the Arctic, where their populations have doubled since the 1980s. There is concern that nesting geese disturb the fragile tundra and lead to a trophic cascade with strong top-down effects on vegetation and soil processes. A better understanding of the distribution of geese and factors that influence nest site selection is needed to highlight potential problem areas and assess the potential for further population expansion. To help infer the importance of environmental variables on nest site selection, we built generalized additive models using nest observations collected in 2003 and 2004 from the Sassendalen valley, Svalbard, along with a suite of geographical information system explanatory predictors. The fit of the models was very high (explaining over 72% of the deviance), and predictive power to independent samples indicated useful predictions that could discriminate between presences and absence of nests very well (area under the receiver operating characteristic curves exceeded 0.88). Significant predictors of nest site selection included elevation, slope, aspect, percentage of snow cover, percentage of foraging habitat cover, and a spatial autocovariate. Spatial predictions were applied to the broader Nordenskiöldsland region of Svalbard and highlighted the importance of previously unsurveyed locations for nesting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We assessed spatial distribution and habitat use by Ross's and lesser snow geese (Chen rossii and C. caerulescens caerulescens) during late brood rearing to begin understanding goose-habitat interactions and monitoring key habitats around a rapidly growing nesting colony located at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, Canada. We conducted aerial surveys to count geese and georeference locations, then used Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery to identify habitats associated with each flock. We observed 435 and 407 flocks and 36,287 and 32,745 birds in 1994 and 1995, respectively. Birds were somewhat uniformly distributed over the 5,000-km2 study area, with larger aggregations occurring closer to the coast, about 70 km from the colony. We assessed habitat use using Bonferroni intervals at both the flock and individual scales. At the flock level, birds avoided lichen-heath, used other terrestrial habitats as available, and selected freshwater. At the individual level, geese selected lowland habitats: wet sedge meadow, hummock graminoid tundra, and freshwater, which accounted for about 70% of the birds observed, and avoided upland habitats. Selection of lowland habitats is likely due to greater availability of food and easier predator avoidance compared to drier upland areas. Because most geese in our study used freshwater habitats, our results demonstrate that assessment of carrying capacity, at least in the central Arctic, must be expanded beyond the coastal salt marshes traditionally considered by researchers and managers as primary brood-rearing habitat for mid-continent light geese.  相似文献   

To nest in the same breeding area, territory or even nest-site in successive years may provide a possibility to look at mechanisms involved in breeding habitat selection and could also be an important tool for conservation, management and restoration attempts. In this study we examine site fidelity towards the breeding area as well as the nesting site in a dense and stable population of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor, a long-distance migrant and highly endangered passerine species, at its present northern border of its breeding range. Overall we recovered 48 out of 146 (32.8%) adults between 1996 and 2000. Recovery rate is significantly higher for males (31 of 77, 40.25%) than for females (17 of 69, 24.6%). Recovery rate of nestlings is much lower since only 51 of 790 (6.5%) were recovered and there is no significant sex difference. Furthermore, our results from 1989 to 2000 revealed that more than 30% (97/319) of the nests were built in the same nest tree in successive years and more than half (183/319 = 57.4%) of the nests in the same or neighboring trees (up to 20 m), but very seldom by the same individuals. The fact that nest reuse in successive years is almost exclusively done by different individuals suggests habitat copying and public information of individual birds. Due to optimal ecological breeding conditions other parameters like inbreeding avoidance or increased genetic variability could be important factors in nest-site selection strategies and consequently result in a “disperse over stay strategy”.  相似文献   

Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus are threatened across much of their range and their conservation requires appropriate habitat management. The locations of 148 Hen Harrier nests found in the Republic of Ireland during national breeding surveys in 2000 and 2005 were used to assess nest-site selection. The distribution of these nests was compared to distributions of randomly located points to investigate selection at the scale of the nest-site and landscape. The main nesting habitats selected were pre-thicket stage of first and, particularly, second rotation plantations, mostly of exotic conifers. There was no evidence that the area of post-closure plantations negatively affected Hen Harrier nest distribution. There was a positive correlation across study areas between changes in numbers of Hen Harrier nests between 2000 and 2005 and changes in the area of pre-thicket second rotation plantations over the same period. The overall effect of plantation forests on breeding Hen Harriers in Ireland therefore appears to be positive. However, this study did not consider the effects of plantation habitats on breeding success. Improved grassland was strongly avoided as a nesting habitat. Furthermore, after controlling for the influence of nesting habitat on nest location, landscapes with a high percentage cover of improved grassland were also avoided. Further agricultural intensification of grassland in areas where Hen Harriers breed is likely to have a negative impact on this species. These results are required for the development of management strategies for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Choice of nest site has important consequences for nest survival. We examined nest-site characteristics relative to nest success in Karoo Prinias breeding in coastal dwarf shrubland, where high nest predation is the main cause of nest failure. Initially, we compared nests that failed during the building, laying, incubation and nestling stages and those from which young were successfully raised, to test whether nests that survived to progressive stages in the nesting cycle differed in their nest-site characteristics. Subsequently, we compared the characteristics of successful nests with those of unsuccessful nests. The nest-site characteristics considered included nest height, nest-plant height, nest-plant species, distance from lateral foliage edge, nest concealment, nest-patch heterogeneity and vegetation cover at four different heights. We were unable to distinguish between the nest-site characteristics of nests that failed during the various stages of the nesting cycle. Concealment was the main nest-site characteristic that differentiated successful nests from unsuccessful nests, with successful nests being located in more concealed sites. The other variables that contributed to the discrimination between successful and unsuccessful nests by discriminant function analysis included nest-plant type and distance from edge, which are also directly related to concealment. This suggests that nest concealment is the most important variable influencing nesting success at this site, which has a preponderance of visually-oriented predators.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding parameters of a reintroduced population of individually marked Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in the Grand Causses region of southern France from the time of first reintroduction in 1982 to 1992. Among nesters, 65% of the birds released as immatures or born in the wild recruited into the breeding population when 4 years old, i.e. 1 year earlier than previously described. The proportion of birds nesting each year was relatively high and increased with time, suggesting that conspecific attraction favoured recruitment. We detected a permanent adverse effect of long-term captivity on the nesting success of birds released when more than 2 years old: compared to the natural population, birds which had been kept in captivity showed a reduced breeding success during the whole study period. The breeding success of released immatures and wild-born birds was similar to the highest values observed in a natural population in the Spanish and French Pyrenees. Breeding failures did not usually result in mate change but affected nest-site fidelity. Birds not born in the wild were more likely to recruit to the largest subcolonies available, which highlights the role of social attraction. The observed philopatry of wild-born birds probably resulted from such a social attraction since most of them were born in the largest subcolony. Conspecific attraction maintained the spatial aggregation of nests, whereas nest changes after a breeding failure favoured the spatial expansion of the colony.  相似文献   

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