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The effects of streptozotocin induced diabetes (50 mg/Kg) on the circadian rhythms in the excretion of sodium and potassium as well as their plasma concentration rhythms were investigated. Control (C) and diabetic (D) rats were studied during a light-dark (12h:12h) cycle and fed ad libitum. Statistically significant circadian rhythms were found for sodium and potassium excretion in C rats. The orthophases of both rhythms occurred in the dark phase, the potassium one occurring before that of sodium. In D rats there is increased excretion of both sodium and potassium with the rhythmicity maintained for sodium excretion only, which has an earlier orthophase than in the C rats. Plasma sodium and potassium concentrations showed a statistically significant circadian pattern in C rats, with orthophase in the light phase. This rhythmicity only appears in plasma potassium concentration for D rats, with orthophase at the end of the dark phase. The results in diabetic rats may suggest that the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and/or tubular reabsorption rhythms are still contributing to the sodium excretory rhythm, and that the loss of the circadian rhythm in sodium plasma concentration has no influence on the sodium excretion rhythm. Nevertheless, the loss of the potassium excretion rhythm may suggest a disruption of the variations in the secretory process, as this excretion seems to be independent of the plasma potassium concentration rhythm, which is not lost in D rats.  相似文献   

The effects of streptozotocin induced diabetes (50 mg/Kg) on the circadian rhythms in the excretion of sodium and potassium as well as their plasma concentration rhythms were investigated. Control (C) and diabetic (D) rats were studied during a light-dark (12h:12h) cycle and fed ad libitum. Statistically significant circadian rhythms were found for sodium and potassium excretion in C rats. The orthophases of both rhythms occurred in the dark phase, the potassium one occurring before that of sodium. In D rats there is increased excretion of both sodium and potassium with the rhythmicity maintained for sodium excretion only, which has an earlier orthophase than in the C rats. Plasma sodium and potassium concentrations showed a statistically significant circadian pattern in C rats, with orthophase in the light phase. This rhythmicity only appears in plasma potassium concentration for D rats, with orthophase at the end of the dark phase. The results in diabetic rats may suggest that the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and/or tubular reabsorption rhythms are still contributing to the sodium excretory rhythm, and that the loss of the circadian rhythm in sodium plasma concentration has no influence on the sodium excretion rhythm. Nevertheless, the loss of the potassium excretion rhythm may suggest a disruption of the variations in the secretory process, as this excretion seems to be independent of the plasma potassium concentration rhythm, which is not lost in D rats.  相似文献   

K+Nutrition and Na+Toxicity: The Basis of Cellular K+/Na+Ratios   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
The capacity of plants to maintain a high cytosolic K+/Na+ratiois likely to be one of the key determinants of plant salt tolerance.Important progress has been made in recent years regarding theidentification and characterization of genes and transportersthat contribute to the cytosolic K+/Na+ratio. For K+uptake,K+efflux and K+translocation to the shoot, genes have been isolatedthat encode K+uptake and K+release ion channels and K+carriersthat are coupled to either a H+or Na+gradient. Although thepicture is less clear for the movement of Na+, one pathway,in the form of non-selective ion channels, is likely to playa role in Na+uptake, whereas Na+efflux and compartmentationare likely to be mediated by H+-coupled antiport. In addition,several proteins have been characterized that play prominentroles in the regulation of K+and/or Na+fluxes. In this BotanicalBriefing we will discuss the functions and interactions of thesegenes and transporters in the broader context of K+nutritionand Na+toxicity. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Salinty, K+/N+ratio, transporter, membrane.  相似文献   

The electromotive force E and the conductance G of the Characorallina plasmalemma were measured under voltage clamp conditions.In the depolarized voltage range less negative than –60mV, E changed according to the Nerhst equation for K+, and Gincreased with the external K+ concentration [K+]o and alsowith the depolarization of the membrane potential. This is attributedto the voltage-dependent opening of the K+ channels in the largelydepolarized voltage region. The voltage-dependent increase ofG was due to the increase of the number of open K+ channelsper unit area. The density of the total K+ channels in the C. corallina plasmalemmawas estimated to be about 6.50/(10 µm)2. The single K+channel conductance K changed with the external [K+]o; it was79.3, 86.1, 105.9, 119.0 pS for external [K+]o of 0.2, 0.5,2.0 and 5.0 mu respectively. (Received May 22, 1986; Accepted August 22, 1986)  相似文献   

It has long been believed that maintenance of low Na+ : K+ ratios in the cytosol of plant cells is critical to the plant's ability to tolerate salinity stress. Direct measurements of such ratios, however, have been few. Here we apply the non-invasive technique of compartmental analysis, using the short-lived radiotracers 42K+ and 22Na+, in intact seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), to evaluate unidirectional plasma membrane fluxes and cytosolic concentrations of K+ and Na+ in root tissues, under eight nutritional conditions varying in levels of salinity and K+ supply. We show that Na+ : K+ ratios in the cytosol of root cells adjust significantly across the conditions tested, and that these ratios are poor predictors of the plant's growth response to salinity. Our study further demonstrates that Na+ is subject to rapid and futile cycling at the plasma membrane at all levels of Na+ supply, independently of external K+, while K+ influx is reduced by Na+, from a similar baseline, and to a similar extent, at both low and high K+ supply. We compare our results to those of other groups, and conclude that the maintenance of the cytosolic Na+ : K+ ratio is not central to plant survival under NaCl stress. We offer alternative explanations for sodium sensitivity in relation to the primary acquisition mechanisms of Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) appear to forego the chemical courtship that is typical of other danaid butterflies, and instead employ a coercive mating system. Females have been described as using resistance behaviors in response to male coercion. Much of our understanding of sexual selection in monarchs is based on observations of mating attempts that occur on the ground, but recent studies report frequent mating attempts in the tree canopy. I compared mating activity on the ground to that in the tree canopy and found that, among heterosexual mating attempts, location did not affect the likelihood of ending in copulation. This suggests that the more easily obtained data on ground attempts may reasonably approximate mating activity in the canopy. The outcome of ground attempts was influenced by vegetation structure and the position of the male relative to the female and the ground at the start of the ground phase of the mating attempt. My observations suggest that butterfly position may be correlated with male search strategy. It remains unclear whether described resistance behaviors represent female or male control. However, the data do demonstrate that attempt outcome is influenced by both behavior and ecology: male search and capture strategies may influence copulatory success, and human-induced changes to the habitat can influence monarch mating activity at overwintering sites.  相似文献   

Current definitions of habitat are closely allied to the concept of patch and matrix. This concept is, for instance, central to the prevailing metapopulation models of population dynamics. But, butterfly population dynamics, mobility and spatial structure can only properly be understood in the context of a resource-based definition of habitats. In criticising current definitions of habitat, we illustrate how habitat is best understood in terms of resource distributions. These transcend vegetation-based definitions of habitat and lie at the root of life history strategies, the vulnerability of butterflies to environmental changes and extinction, and govern conservation status. We emphasise the need for a resource-use database and demonstrate the shortcomings of current data for conserving butterflies; patch based definitions of habitats are inappropriate for some species and for others do not provide a universal panacea, inadequately explaining spatial occurrence when scaled over space and time. A resource-based habitat definition challenges the bipolar, patch vs. matrix view of landscape; the alternative is to view landscape as a continuum of overlapping resource distributions. We urge greater attention to the details of butterfly behaviour and resource use as the keys to understanding how landscape is exploited and therefore to successful conservation at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Occlusion of K (+) in the Na (+)/K (+)-ATPase can be achieved under two conditions: during hydrolysis of ATP, in media with Na (+) and Mg (2+), after the K (+)-stimulated dephosphorylation of E2P (physiological route) or spontaneously, after binding of K (+) to the enzyme (direct route). We investigated the sidedness of spontaneous occlusion and deocclusion of Rb (+) in an unsided, purified preparation of Na (+)/K (+)-ATPase. Our studies were based on two propositions: (i) in the absence of ATP, deocclusion of K (+) and its congeners is a sequential process where two ions are released according to a single file mechanism, both in the absence and in the presence of Mg (2+) plus inorganic orthophosphate (Pi), and (ii) in the presence of Mg (2+) plus Pi, exchange of K (+) would take place through sites exposed to the extracellular surface of the membrane. The experiments included a double incubation sequence where one of the two Rb (+) ions was labeled as (86)Rb (+). We found that, when the enzyme is in the E2 conformation, the first Rb (+) that entered the enzyme in media without Mg (2+) and Pi was the last to leave after addition of Mg (2+) plus Pi, and vice-versa. This indicates that spontaneous exchange of Rb (+) between E2(Rb 2) and the medium takes place when the transport sites are exposed to the extracellular surface of the membrane. Our results open the question if occlusion and deocclusion via the direct route participates in any significant degree in the transport of K (+) during the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Measurements of 86Rb efflux across the apical and basal-lateral aspects of intact monolayers of ‘high-resistance’ MDCK cells mounted in Ussing chambers have been made. A transient increase in 86Rb efflux across both epithelial borders upon stimulation with adrenalin or ionophore A23187 is observed. The increased 86Rb across the basal cell aspects is of greatest quantitative importance. Measurements of total cellular K+ contents by flame photometry of tissue extracts indicate a net loss of K+ following adrenalin addition. The effects of adrenalin and ionophore A23187 upon 86Rb efflux are abolished in ‘Ca2+-free’ media. The properties of the Ca2+ -dependent increase in 86Rb efflux show similarities to Ca2+-activated K+ conductances in other tissues, notably human red cells, including inhibition by quinine (1 mM), tetraethylammonium (25 mM) and insensitivity to bee venom toxin (apamin) (25 nM). Adrenalin is only effective when applied to the basal bathing solution suggesting that the receptors mediating adrenalin action are located upon the basal-lateral membranes. Half maximal stimulation of 86Rb efflux by adrenalin is observed at 9.1·10?7 M. The action of various adrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists are consistent with adrenalin action being mediated by an α-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Transport of K+ and H+ in the anaeronically and aerobically grown bacterium Serratia marcescens has been studied. The volumes of one cell of the anaerobically and aerobically grown bacterium were 3.7 X 10(-13) cm3 and 2.4 X 10(-13) cm3, respectively. Irrespective of the growth conditions the bacteria manifested the same respiration rate. However, the values of membrane potential for the anaerobically and aerobically grown bacterium were different and equal to -130 mV and -175 mV (interior negative), respectively, in the absence of an exogenic energy source. KCN + DCCD decreases delta psi down to almost zero in both species. DCCD alone decreases delta psi partially in anaerobes and increases delta psi in aerobes, whereas KCN alone reduces delta psi partially in both species. The introduction of glucose into the medium containing K+ reduces the absolute value of delta psi to [-160] mV in aerobes and to [-20] mV in anaerobes. The effect is not observed without external K+. In the presence of arsenate a delta psi is not reduced after the addition of glucose. At pH 7.5-7.8 the ATP level in aerobes grows notably faster than in anaerobes. The H+ extrusion becomes intensified when K+ uptake is activated by the increase in external osmotic pressure. Apparent Km and Vmax for K+ accumulation are 1.2 mM and 0.4 mM.min-1.g-1. The decrease of delta psi by glucose or KCN + DCCD have no effect on the K+ uptake whereas CCCP inhibits potassium accumulation. At the same time, arsenate stabilizes the delta psi value, but blocks K+ uptake. The accumulation of K+ correlates with the potassium equilibrium potential of -200 mV calculated according to the Nernst equation, whereas the delta psi measured was not more than [-25] mV. The calculated H+/ATP stoichiometry was 3.3 for aerobes. It was assumed that a constitutive K+ pump having a K+/ATP ratio equal to 2 or 3 operates in S. marcescens membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of glucose or the nonmetabolizable analogue -methyl-d-glucoside to rabbit proximal tubules suspended in a glucoseand alanine-free buffer caused a sustained increase in intracellular Na+ content (+43±7 nmol · (mg protein)–1) and a concomitant but larger decrease in K+ content (–72±11 nmol· (mg protein)–1). A component of the net K+ efflux was Ba2+ insensitive, and was inhibited by high (1mm) but not low (10 m) concentrations of the diuretics, furosemide and bumetanide. The increase in intracellular Na+ content is consistent with the view that the increased rates of Na+ and water transport seen in the proximal tubule in the presence of glucose can be attributed (at least in part) to a stimulation of basolateral pump activity by an increased [Na+] i .  相似文献   

Theories of social evolution in cockroaches have mainly referred to hypotheses of evolutionary relationship between resource use and social system. The use of particular resources, such as scattered and enclosed habitat, was hypothesized to have favored evolution toward presociality or subsociality. A phylogenetic test of these hypotheses is carried out using the clade (Zetoborinae+ Blaberinae+Gyninae+Diplopterinae). Phylogenetic patterns of habitat use, social systems and anti-predator behavior are inferred and compared to previous evolutionary hypotheses. There is much heterobathmy concerning these three attributes and five evolutionary paths are inferred which weakly corroborate the hypothesis of evolutionary relationship between resource use and social system. Anti-predator behavior also appears to be possibly related evolutionarily to social systems.  相似文献   

The importance of astrocytic K+ uptake for extracellular K+ ([K+]e) clearance during neuronal stimulation or pathophysiological conditions is increasingly acknowledged. It occurs by preferential stimulation of the astrocytic Na+,K+-ATPase, which has higher Km and Vmax values than its neuronal counterpart, at more highly increased [K+]e with additional support of the cotransporter NKCC1. Triggered by a recent DiNuzzo et al. paper, we used administration of the glycogenolysis inhibitor DAB to primary cultures of mouse astrocytes to determine whether K+ uptake required K+-stimulated glycogenolysis. KCl was increased by either 5 mM (stimulating only the Na+,K+-ATPase) or 10 mM (stimulating both transporters) in glucose-containing saline media prepared to become iso-osmotic after the addition. DAB completely inhibited both uptakes, the Na+,K+-ATPase-mediated by preventing Na+ uptake for stimulation of its intracellular Na+-activated site, and the NKCC1-mediated uptake by inhibition of depolarization- and L-channel-mediated Ca2+ uptake. Drugs inhibiting the signaling pathways involved in either of these processes also abolished K+ uptake. Assuming similar in vivo characteristics, partly supported by literature data, K+-stimulated astrocytic K+ uptake must discontinue after normalization of extracellular K+. This will allow Kir1.4-mediated release and reuptake by the less powerful neuronal Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The effects of altered external sodium and potassium concentrations on steady state, active Na+ + K+ transport in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells have been investigated. Membrane permeability to Na+ and K+, intracellular [Na+] and [K+], and membrane potential were measured. Active cation fluxes were calculated as equal and membrane potential were measured. Active cation fluxes were calculated as equal and opposite to the net, diffusional leak fluxes. Elevation of external K+ (6–60 Mm)by equivalent replacement of Na+ (154–91 mM) inhibits both active Na+ and K+ fluxes, but not proportionally. This results in a decrease of the coupling ratio (rp = -Jkp/J) as external K+ is increased. Elevation of external K+ (3–68 mM) at constant Na+ (92mM) inbibits J, but is without effect on J. The coupling ratio declines from 1.01 ± 0.14 to 0.07 ± 0.05, a 14-fold alteration. Reduction of external Na+ (154–25 mM) at constant K+ (6mM) depresses J, but is without effect on J. The coupling ratio increases from 0.63 ± 0.04 at 154 mM Na+ to 4.5 ± 2.04 at 25 mM Na+. The results of this investigation are consistent with the independent regulation of active cation fluxes by the transported species. Kinetic analysis of the data indicates that elevation of external sodium stimulates active sodium efflux by interacting at “modifier sites” at the outer cell surface. Similarly, external potassium inhibits active potassium influx by interaction at separate modifier sites.  相似文献   

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