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Prospects for conserving biodiversity in Amazonian extractive reserves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non‐timber forest product (NTFP) extraction is a popular alternative to timber extraction that figures prominently in efforts to utilize tropical forests sustainably. But the ability to conserve biodiversity through NTFP management, particularly in extractive reserves in Amazonia, has remained untested. We found that intensive management of Euterpe oleracea (Palmae) fruit, one of the most important extractive products in the Amazon, has substantial impacts on biodiversity, whereas moderate management does not. We mimicked traditional levels of fruit harvest in a replicated experiment over one fruiting season. High‐intensity harvest (75% of fruits removed) reduced avian frugivore species diversity by 22%. Low‐intensity harvest (40% of fruits removed), however, had no effect on diversity. On a larger scale, we found that forests with enriched densities of E. oleracea supported more fruit‐eating birds but fewer non fruit‐eating birds than non‐enriched forests. Taken together, these results suggest that intensive NTFP management to meet market demands may trigger substantial ecological impacts, at least at the level of our study. E. oleracea harvest should be limited where conservation of biodiversity is a goal.  相似文献   


Research into human metabolism is expanding rapidly due to the emergence of metabolism as a key factor in common diseases. Mathematical modeling of human cellular metabolism has traditionally been performed via kinetic approaches whose applicability for large-scale systems is limited by lack of kinetic constants data. An alternative computational approach bypassing this hurdle called constraint-based modeling (CBM) serves to analyze the function of large-scale metabolic networks by solely relying on simple physical-chemical constraints. However, while extensive research has been performed on constraint-based modeling of microbial metabolism, large-scale modeling of human metabolism is still in its infancy. Utilizing constraint-based modeling to model human cellular metabolism is significantly more complicated than modeling microbial metabolism as in multi-cellular organisms the metabolic behavior varies across cell-types and tissues. It is further complicated due to lack of data on cell type- and tissue-specific metabolite uptake from the surrounding microenvironments and tissue-specific metabolic objective functions. To overcome these problems, several studies suggested CBM methods that integrate metabolic networks with gene expression data that is easily measurable under various conditions. This specific objective functions are expected to improve the prediction accuracy of the presented methods. Such objective functions may be derived based on computational learning that would give optimal correspondence between predicted and measured metabolic phenotypes (Burgard, 2003).

The CBM methods presented here open the way for future computational investigations of metabolic disorders given the relevant expression data. A first attempt to visualize and interpret changes in gene expression data measured following gastric bypass surgery via a genome-scale metabolic network was done by Duarte et al (Duarte, 2007). Another potential application would be the prediction of diagnostic biomarkers for metabolic diseases that could be identified via biofluid metabolomics (Kell, 2007). Towards this goal, we have recently developed a CBM method for predicting metabolic biomarkers for in-born errors of metabolism by searching for changes in metabolite uptake and secretion rate due to genetic alterations (Shlomi, 2009). Incorporating cell type- and tissue-specific gene expression data within this framework can potentially improve the identification of diagnostic biomarkers. Overall, the methods presented here lay the foundation for studying normal and abnormal human cellular metabolism in tissue-specific manner based on commonly measured gene expression data.  相似文献   

Richness of endemic species is considered important for biodiversity conservation and avifaunal regionalization, but no detailed studies concerning the subregional endemism have yet been done in China. Here we investigate the assemblage of China avian endemics of each avifaunal subregion, and analyze the faunal subregional species diversity, subspecific differentiation, and their relationships. The endemic species richness is found to be the highest in the Southwest Mountainous subregion where 60 species account for 57.1% of China’s 105 endemics. Seventy seven species accounting for 73.3% are monotypic. Twenty eight species (26.7%) occurred in only one subregion; the mean was 3.14±1.929 subregions, while 3 species were found widespread over 8 subregions. The number of species distributed only at one specific subregion (EOSR) is the highest in Taiwan subregion. The Southwest Mountainous subregion has the second highest EOSR and the highest richness of monotypic species, but the ratio of numbers of monotypic species or EOSR to the numbers of its subregional overall endemic species is not high in this subregion (68.3%; 10.0%). On the contrary, Taiwan subregion does not have higher richness of overall endemic species and monotypic species, but the EOSR is the highest, while the ratio of numbers of monotypic species or EOSR to the numbers of its subregional overall endemic species is also the highest among all subregions (76.2%; 71.4%). From the evidence of comparing subregional distribution of overall endemic species, EOSR, monotypic species and subspecific diversification, we may conclude that geographical isolation might be the main effect factor contributing to both subspecific diversification and avian subregional endemism in China. The higher endemic and monotypic richness in the Southwest Mountainous subregion may also indicate that the subregion’s avifaunal evolutionary and ecological isolation results from the highly diversified habitats and geographical environments as well as the historical effects from the primitive avifauna.  相似文献   

Rodolfo Salm 《Biotropica》2006,38(4):558-560
Spatial‐scale‐dependent patterns of Attalea maripa seed predation and removal by the beetle Pachymerus cardo and vertebrates were examined in a palm patch and its adjacent forest in southeastern Amazon. Seed survivorship depended on the distance from the palm patch, but was unrelated to distance from individual fruiting palms.  相似文献   

The wet and dry seasons in tropical rain forests can differ in precipitation, soil moisture and irradiance more significantly than often assumed. This could potentially affect the water relations of many tree species that may exhibit either increased transpiration in the dry season as a response to the increased irradiance or decreased transpiration as a result of decreases in soil moisture and increases in atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Atmospheric data, soil moisture data and sap fluxes in Iriartea deltoidea palms were measured in eastern Ecuador during the wet and dry seasons. There were no differences between total daily sap fluxes in I. deltoidea palms during the wet and dry seasons; however, evaporative demand was significantly higher in the dry season and therefore, transpiration was more restricted by stomatal closure during the dry season than the wet season. This is likely the result of larger atmospheric VPD during the dry season compared with the wet season and possibly the result of reduced soil moisture availability. Additionally, based on published tree abundances in this area, measured sap fluxes in I. deltoidea were scaled up to the hectare level. Transpiration from I. deltoidea palms was estimated to be around 0.03 mm/d, which could represent about 1 percent of total transpiration in this area of the Amazon rain forest. If climate change predictions for more lengthy tropical dry periods are realized, greater stomatal control of dry-season sap flux has the potential to become even more prevalent in tropical species.  相似文献   

Finn Ervik  Jan P. Feil 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):309-317
Prestoea schultzeana is a monoecious, protandrous palm in the forest understory of Amazonian Ecuador. We studied its leaf production, population density, sexual expression, phenology, pollination, and the specificity of the floral visitors. On average, 1.4 leaves and 0.9 inflorescences are produced per individual per year. The number of staminate flowers per inflorescence is relatively constant compared with the number of pistillate flowers which varies greatly. Flowering occurs in staminate and pistillate phases of approximately 19 and 0–7 days duration, respectively. Flowers open in the morning, and staminate flowers abscise in the afternoon of the same day whereas pistillate flowers last for two days. Flowers are whitish-yellow with a sweet odor and produce nectar. They were visited by Coleoptera (Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae, Nitidulidae, Ptiliidae, Staphylinidae), Hemiptera, Diptera (Drosophilidae, Syrphidae, Ceratopogonidae), Lepidoptera (Nymphalidae), and Hymenoptera (Formicidae, Halictidae). All examined individuals of the syrphid fly Copestylum sp. visiting pistillate flowers carried 100–500 grains of P. schultzeana pollen. Pollen occurred on all body parts, but especially on the legs, and this makes Copestylum sp. the most important pollinator. Most floral visitors were also frequent on the flowers of co-occurring plant species; notably the palm Hyospathe elegans shared most visitor species with P. schultzeana.  相似文献   

Specific acyltransferase activities were detected in microsomesand oil bodies from palm mesocarp in the presence of exogenouslysophosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol and glycerol-3-phosphate.These activities were 2–3 times higher per mg proteinin oil bodies than in microsomes. Diacylglycerol acyltransferasein both preparations required Mg2+, dithiothreitol, gelatineand fat free bovine serum albumin for maximum activity at pH8.5. The enzyme had an apparent Km of 0.18 mM for dipalmitin.In both preparations, the enzyme was active with myristoyl-CoA,palmitoyl-CoA, stearoyl-CoA and oleoyl-CoA. When presented witha mixture of two acyl- CoAs, microsomal enzyme showed no selectivitybut oil body enzyme had a preference for oleoyl-CoA over palmitoyl-CoA. (Received October 11, 1991; Accepted December 27, 1991)  相似文献   

Oil palm biomass is widely known for its potential as a renewable resource for various value‐added products due to its lignocellulosic content and availability. Oil palm biomass biorefinery is an industry that comes with sociopolitical benefits through job opportunities, as well as potential environmental benefits. Many studies have been conducted on the technological advancements of oil‐palm biomass‐derived renewable materials, which are discussed comprehensively in this review. Recent technological developments have made it possible to bring new and innovative technologies to commercialization, such as compost, biocharcoal, biocomposites, and bioplastics.  相似文献   

Aim To develop a methodology for defining the boundaries of the Guianan area of endemism using complementary approaches that include GIS tools, multivariate statistics and analyses of physical barriers in the distribution patterns of an entire endemic avifauna. As a case study, I used the distribution patterns of lowland terra firme forest birds. Location Guiana Shield, northern South America. Methods I identified Guianan endemics using the ornithological literature, subsequently gathering distributional data for these taxa using mainly museum collections and my own fieldwork in the region. I used these distributional data to map the spatial patterns of endemicity in the region and to compare distributions across taxa. I employed community composition data from 34 localities from throughout the Guiana Shield to identify spatial patterns of clustering using an ordination analysis (non‐metric multidimensional scaling), and to recognize the region’s main biogeographical barriers for birds using Monmonier’s algorithm. Results At least 88 avian taxa are restricted to the terra firme forests of the Guianan area of endemism, which is roughly delimited by the Amazon, Negro and Branco rivers. These large rivers, however, are not the only boundaries. I identified seven additional barriers, including medium‐sized rivers, non‐forested areas and mountains, which also contribute to delimiting the area of endemism. Within the endemic avifauna, I identified three distinct distribution patterns. The ordination analysis shows the presence of two distinct avifaunas within the Guiana Shield. Main conclusions Although the proposed boundaries of the Guianan area of endemism are consistent with previously postulated configurations, this study reveals a more complex delimitation than formerly recognized, highlighting the importance of several landscape features besides large rivers, and the existence of three distinct distributional patterns within one endemic avifauna. The Branco/Negro interfluvium, often included within this area of endemism, actually represents a transition zone between two distinct avifaunas. The longstanding view of the Amazon Basin as a mosaic of parapatric areas of endemism delimited by major rivers appears to be an oversimplification, at least for the Guiana Shield. This finding suggests the need for more rigorous approaches to re‐evaluate the traditional boundaries of such areas.  相似文献   

Structural and cytochemical aspects of the pistil and detailsof pollination and pollen-pistil interaction were investigatedin the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), an importantperennial oil crop. The stigma is trilobed, wet and papillate.The branched papillae are confined to a narrow linear zone oneach stigmatic lobe. Each stigmatic lobe harbours a deep stigmaticgroove, which runs adaxially along the surface. The stigmaticgroove is bordered by a well-defined layer of glandular cells,each of which has a pectinaceous cap on the inner tangentialwall. The style is hollow. The canal cells show thickeningson the inner tangential wall. The stigmatic groove and stylarcanal contain an extracellular matrix secreted by the canalcells which is rich in proteins, acidic polysaccharides andpectins. The canal cells at the base of the style are papillateand loosely fill the stylar canal. The stigma becomes receptivewhen the stigmatic lobes separate, and remains so for 24 h.Pollination is mediated by weevils as well as by the wind. Undernatural conditions the pollination efficiency was 100%. Pollinationinduces additional secretion in the stigmatic groove and stylarcanal. During post-pollination secretion, the pectinaceous capsof the cells lining the stigmatic groove are degraded. Pollengrains germinate on the stigmatic papillae and tubes grow onthe surface of the papillae, entering the stigmatic groove andadvancing along it into the stylar canal to eventually gainaccess to the locules. Pollen tubes are seen in the ovules 18–20h after pollination. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Arecaceae, Elaeis guineensis, African oil palm, pollination, stigmatic grove, stylar canal, Tenera hybrid, weevil  相似文献   

Sex Differentiation in Oil Palm: Effects of Growth Regulators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gibberellic acid is shown to increase the production of maleinflorescences, and reduce production of females, in the oilpalm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Ethephon and -naphthyleneaceticacid also have effects on sex ratio, but it is suggested thatthese may be indirect effects, in contrast to that of gibberefficacid which is considered to be a direct effect on the processof sex differentiation. 2-Chioroethyl trimethylammonium chloridehad no effect on sex ratio.  相似文献   

S ummary . In a study of the origin of the initial microflora of palm wine from the oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ), micro-organisms from parts of the immature spadix, the plant tissues around the point of tapping the tree, the palm leaves and the atmosphere around the palm trees, were isolated and examined. It was shown that the yeasts in fresh palm wine might have originated from those that colonize those parts of the palm which are covered with fluffy hairy outgrowths. These materials which surround the tapping hole are the stalk of the male inflorescence, the leaf petiole, the felt (a fabric-like outgrowth of the frond petiole used to cover the tapping hole) and the cross strips. Another possible source of the yeasts was the xylem stream.  相似文献   

The proliferation of oil palm plantations has led to dramatic changes in tropical landscapes across the globe. However, relatively little is known about the effects of oil palm expansion on biodiversity, especially in key ecosystem-service providing organisms like pollinators. Rapid land use change is exacerbated by limited knowledge of the mechanisms causing biodiversity decline in the tropics, particularly those involving landscape features. We examined these mechanisms by undertaking a survey of orchid bees, a well-known group of Neotropical pollinators, across forest and oil palm plantations in Costa Rica. We used chemical baits to survey the community in four regions: continuous forest sites, oil palm sites immediately adjacent to forest, oil palm sites 2km from forest, and oil palm sites greater than 5km from forest. We found that although orchid bees are present in all environments, orchid bee communities diverged across the gradient, and community richness, abundance, and similarity to forest declined as distance from forest increased. In addition, mean phylogenetic distance of the orchid bee community declined and was more clustered in oil palm. Community traits also differed with individuals in oil palm having shorter average tongue length and larger average geographic range size than those in the forest. Our results indicate two key features about Neotropical landscapes that contain oil palm: 1) oil palm is selectively permeable to orchid bees and 2) orchid bee communities in oil palm have distinct phylogenetic and trait structure compared to communities in forest. These results suggest that conservation and management efforts in oil palm-cultivating regions should focus on landscape features.  相似文献   

The dioecious, tropical palm Mauritia flexuosa has high ecological and economic value, but currently some wild populations are harvested excessively, which is likely to increase. In this study, we investigated the population dynamics of this important palm, the effects of harvesting, and suggested sustainable harvesting regimes. Data were collected from populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon that were assumed to be stable. We used a matrix population model to calculate the density-independent asymptotic population growth rate (λ= 1.046) and to evaluate harvesting scenarios. Elasticity analysis showed that survival (particularly in the second and fifth size class) contributes more to the population growth rate, than growth and fecundity. To simulate a stable population at carrying capacity, density dependence was incorporated and applied to the seedling survival and growth parameters in the transition matrix. Harvesting scenarios were simulated with the density-dependent population models to predict sustainable harvesting regimes for the dioecious palm. We simulated the removal of only female palms and showed how both sexes are affected with harvest intensities between 15 and 75 percent and harvest intervals of 1–15 yr. By assuming a minimum female threshold, we demonstrated a continuum of sustainable harvesting schedules for various intensities and frequencies for 100 yr of harvest. Furthermore, by setting the population model's λ= 1.00, we found that a harvest of 22.5 percent on a 20 yr frequency for the M. flexuosa population in Ecuador is consistent with a sustainable, viable population over time.  相似文献   

The Apical Organization and Phyllotaxis of the Oil Palm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
REES  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(1):57-69
The oil palm apex is described, together with investigationsof its phyllotaxis as revealed by apical dissection and measurementson mature stems and axillary structures. The rate of growthof the apex is remarkably low, being correlated with both plastochroneand phyllotaxis height. This is discussed in relation to therates of dry-matter production determined for adult palms. Thephyllotaxis as determined in the apex is remarkably constant,irrespective of extremes of age and habitat, and the same patternis found almost unchanged in the leaf bases on mature stemsgrowing under plantation conditions. Modification of the characteristicphyllotaxis height occurs due to internal factors resultingin the basal swelling of the palm stem and the different phyllotaxisof branching systems, both vegetative and reproductive, andalso due to external factors which cause constrictions in thestem. These modifications result from different rates of longitudinaland radial growth during development, and cause considerablechange in phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

To better understand lipid biosynthesis in oil palm mesocarp, in particular the differences in gene regulation leading to and including de novo fatty acid biosynthesis, a multi-platform metabolomics technology was used to profile mesocarp metabolites during six critical stages of fruit development in comparatively high- and low-yielding oil palm populations. Significantly higher amino acid levels preceding lipid biosynthesis and nucleosides during lipid biosynthesis were observed in a higher yielding commercial palm population. Levels of metabolites involved in glycolysis revealed interesting divergence of flux towards glycerol-3-phosphate, while carbon utilization differences in the TCA cycle were proven by an increase in malic acid/citric acid ratio. Apart from insights into the regulation of enhanced lipid production in oil palm, these results provide potentially useful metabolite yield markers and genes of interest for use in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

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