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Population genetic structure has important consequences in evolutionary processes and conservation genetics in animals. Fine-scale population genetic structure depends on the pattern of landscape, the permanent movement of individuals, and the dispersal of their genes during temporary mating events. The lesser flat-headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) is a nonmigratory Asian bat species that roosts in small groups within the internodes of bamboo stems and the habitats are fragmented. Our previous parentage analyses revealed considerable extra-group mating in this species. To assess the spatial limits and sex-biased nature of gene flow in the same population, we used 20 microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequencing of the ND2 gene to quantify genetic structure among 54 groups of adult flat-headed bats, at nine localities in South China. AMOVA and F ST estimates revealed significant genetic differentiation among localities. Alternatively, the pairwise F ST values among roosting groups appeared to be related to the incidence of associated extra-group breeding, suggesting the impact of mating events on fine-scale genetic structure. Global spatial autocorrelation analyses showed positive genetic correlation for up to 3 km, indicating the role of fragmented habitat and the specialized social organization as a barrier in the movement of individuals among bamboo forests. The male-biased dispersal pattern resulted in weaker spatial genetic structure between localities among males than among females, and fine-scale analyses supported that relatedness levels within internodes were higher among females than among males. Finally, only females were more related to their same sex roost mates than to individuals from neighbouring roosts, suggestive of natal philopatry in females.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction threatens biodiversity by reducing the amount of available resources and connectivity among geographic areas. For organisms living in fragmented habitats, population persistence may depend on dispersal, which maintains gene flow among fragments and can prevent inbreeding within them. It is centrally important to understand patterns of dispersal for bees living in fragmented areas given the importance of pollination systems and recently documented declines in bee populations. We used population and landscape genetic techniques to characterize patterns of dispersal over a large fragmented area in southern Costa Rica for the orchid bee species Euglossa championi. First, we estimated levels of genetic differentiation among forest fragments as ?PT, an analog to the traditional summary statistic FST, as well as two statistics that may more adequately represent levels of differentiation, GST and Dest. Second, we used a Bayesian approach to determine the number and composition of genetic groups in our sample. Third we investigated how genetic differentiation changes with distance. Fourth, we determined the extent to which deforested areas restrict dispersal. Finally, we estimated the extent to which there were temporal differences in allele frequencies within the same forest fragments. Within years we found low levels of differentiation even over 80 km, and no effect of land use type on level of genetic differentiation. However, we found significant genetic differentiation between years. Taken together our results suggest that there are high levels of gene flow over this geographic area, and that individuals show low site fidelity over time.  相似文献   

Structure and Dynamics in an Urban Landscape: Toward a Multiscale View   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ecosystems and city systems often form hierarchically structured landscapes whose spatial pattern is scale dependent. While trends in the upper tail of national city-size distributions leave the impression that fractal-scaling laws such as Zipf's law or the rank-size rule truly represent the essence of the system, the linearity depicted at aggregate scale actually obscures variation and discontinuity in the urban size-density function, including multimodalities evident in regional data sets. Tracing individual city trajectories through these hierarchical patterns reveals structural resilience at macroscopic scale, the punctuated growth of individual cities of differing sizes, the persistence and self-reinforcing character of spatial agglomeration, and a general need for further empirical investigation of the relationship between city size and growth. It also raises questions for future exploration, including the meaning of persistent departures from the power laws of traditional urban systems theory. Interpretation of such departures in the context of questions of jurisdictional scale in environmental management and “smart growth” policy adds a practical dimension to the research agenda. Received 14 November 2000; accepted 5 September 2001.  相似文献   

Studying genomic patterns of human population structure provides important insights into human evolutionary history and the relationship among populations, and it has significant practical implications for disease-gene mapping. Here we describe a principal component (PC)-based approach to studying intracontinental population structure in humans, identify the underlying markers mediating the observed patterns of fine-scale population structure, and infer the predominating evolutionary forces shaping local population structure. We applied this methodology to a data set of 650K SNPs genotyped in 944 unrelated individuals from 52 populations and demonstrate that, although typical PC analyses focus on the top axes of variation, substantial information about population structure is contained in lower-ranked PCs. We identified 18 significant PCs, some of which distinguish individual populations. In addition to visually representing sample clusters in PC biplots, we estimated the set of all SNPs significantly correlated with each of the most informative axes of variation. These polymorphisms, unlike ancestry-informative markers (AIMs), constitute a much larger set of loci that drive genomic signatures of population structure. The genome-wide distribution of these significantly correlated markers can largely be accounted for by the stochastic effects of genetic drift, although significant clustering does occur in genomic regions that have been previously implicated as targets of recent adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The extent of spatial genetic structure (SGS) within plant populations depends on seed and pollen dispersal distance, breeding type, level of self-fertilization and effective plant density. Self-fertilizing species with gravity-dispersed seeds are expected to have both small effective population sizes and low pollen movement leading to high genetic structure. Higher SGS can be expected in more patchy and peripheral populations because of lower plant density and population sizes, and lower intensity of gene flow. We tested these predictions analyzing SGS in two core and two peripheral populations of predominantly self-fertilizing emmer wheat. Analysis of SGS with 11 nuclear microsatellites revealed (1) a negative linear relationship between kinship coefficients, calculated for pairs of individuals, and the logarithm of geographical distance between members of the pairs, in all studied populations; and (2) a significant autocorrelation for a distance up to 5 m (core populations) or 20 m (peripheral populations). Pollen flow, estimated from comparison of nuclear and chloroplast variation, was spatially limited, as was seed dispersal. Our results support a hypothesized relationship between SGS intensity and breeding system, the mode of seed dispersal and the population range position (core vs. periphery).  相似文献   

Population differentiation in environments without well-defined geographical barriers represents a challenge for wildlife management. Based on a comprehensive database of individual sighting records (1988–2009) of blue whales from the winter/calving Gulf of California, we assessed the fine-scale genetic and spatial structure of the population using individual-based approaches. Skin samples of 187 individuals were analyzed for nine microsatellite loci. A single population with no divergence among years and months and no isolation by distance (Rxy = 0.1–0.001, p>0.05) were found. We ran two Bayesian clustering methods using Structure and Geneland softwares in two different ways: 1) a general analysis including all individuals in which a single cluster was identified with both softwares; 2) a specific analysis of females only in which two main clusters (Loreto Bay and northern areas, and San Jose-La Paz Bay area) were revealed by Geneland program. This study provides information indicating that blue whales wintering in the Gulf of California are part of a single population unit and showed a fine-scale structure among females, possibly associated with their high site fidelity, particularly when attending calves. It is likely that the loss of genetic variation is minimized by male mediated gene flow, which may reduce the genetic drift effect. Opportunities for kin selection may also influence calf survival and, in consequence, have a positive impact on population demography in this small and endangered population.  相似文献   

The indigenous population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique demographic and cultural history. Its tradition of endogamy and consanguinity is expected to produce genetic homogeneity and partitioning of gene pools while population movements and intercontinental trade are likely to have contributed to genetic diversity. Emiratis and neighboring populations of the Middle East have been underrepresented in the population genetics literature with few studies covering the broader genetic history of the Arabian Peninsula. Here, we genotyped 1,198 individuals from the seven Emirates using 1.7 million markers and by employing haplotype-based algorithms and admixture analyses, we reveal the fine-scale genetic structure of the Emirati population. Shared ancestry and gene flow with neighboring populations display their unique geographic position while increased intra- versus inter-Emirati kinship and sharing of uniparental haplogroups, reflect the endogamous and consanguineous cultural traditions of the Emirates and their tribes.  相似文献   

Understanding biodiversity distribution is a primary goal of community ecology. At a landscape scale, bee communities are affected by habitat composition, anthropogenic land use, and fragmentation. However, little information is available on local-scale spatial distribution of bee communities within habitats that are uniform at the landscape scale. We studied a bee community along with floral and nesting resources over a 32 km2 area of uninterrupted Mediterranean scrubland. Our objectives were (i) to analyze floral and nesting resource composition at the habitat scale. We ask whether these resources follow a geographical pattern across the scrubland at bee-foraging relevant distances; (ii) to analyze the distribution of bee composition across the scrubland. Bees being highly mobile organisms, we ask whether bee composition shows a homogeneous distribution or else varies spatially. If so, we ask whether this variation is irregular or follows a geographical pattern and whether bees respond primarily to flower or to nesting resources; and (iii) to establish whether body size influences the response to local resource availability and ultimately spatial distribution. We obtained 6580 specimens belonging to 98 species. Despite bee mobility and the absence of environmental barriers, our bee community shows a clear geographical pattern. This pattern is mostly attributable to heterogeneous distribution of small (<55 mg) species (with presumed smaller foraging ranges), and is mostly explained by flower resources rather than nesting substrates. Even then, a large proportion (54.8%) of spatial variability remains unexplained by flower or nesting resources. We conclude that bee communities are strongly conditioned by local effects and may exhibit spatial heterogeneity patterns at a scale as low as 500–1000 m in patches of homogeneous habitat. These results have important implications for local pollination dynamics and spatial variation of plant-pollinator networks.  相似文献   

Abstract: We used Global Positioning System technology to document distance, movement path, vegetation, and elevations used by a dispersing subadult female cougar (Puma concolor) through the fragmented habitat of the Intermountain West, USA. Over the course of 1 year, female number 31 moved 357 linear km, but an actual distance of 1,341 km from the Oquirrh Mountains, Utah to the White River Plateau, Colorado, constituting the farthest dispersal yet documented for a female cougar. This cougar successfully negotiated 4 major rivers and one interstate highway while traversing portions of 3 states. Our data suggest that transient survival, and therefore total distance moved, may be enhanced when dispersal occurs during the snow-free season due to low hunting pressure and greater access to high elevation habitats. Long-distance movements by both sexes will be required for the recolonization of vacant habitats, and thus inter-state management may be warranted where state boundaries do not coincide with effective dispersal barriers.  相似文献   

具有扩散的n-斑块单种群系统的全局稳定性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了具有扩散的n-斑块多种环境下单种群非自治模型,在假定该模型所有系数连续有界的情况下,得到了系统全局稳定的充分条件。  相似文献   

High concentrations of orangutans remain in the multiple-use forests of the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. Compared to primary forest, the habitat is highly fragmented, characterized by a low tree density (332 stems/ha), small tree size (83.6% of trees are <20 m high), low basal area (18 m2/ha), abundance of canopy gaps and high level of soil disturbance. The forest structure and composition influence orangutan nesting patterns, and thus directly influence the results of nest surveys used to determine orangutan population size. In logged forests, tall and large trees are the preferred nesting sites of orangutans. The scarcity of suitable nesting sites in the logged-over forests of Kinabatangan, could partly explain the lower daily rate of nest construction (r = 1.00) versus those of other orangutan populations. The nest decay rate t recorded at the study site (average ± SD = 202 ± 151 days) strongly depends on the species of tree in which a nest is built. Our results illustrate that the nest-related parameters used for orangutan censuses fluctuate among habitat types and emphasize the need to determine specific values of r for specific orangutan populations and of t for different tree species in order to achieve accurate analysis of census data.  相似文献   

Many species exhibit widespread spatial synchrony in population fluctuations. This pattern is of great ecological interest and can be a source of concern when the species is rare or endangered. Both dispersal and spatial correlations in the environment have been implicated as possible causes of this pattern, but these two factors have rarely been studied in combination. We develop a spatially structured population model, simple enough to obtain analytic solutions for the population correlation, that incorporates both dispersal and environmental correlation. We ask whether these two synchronizing factors contribute additively to the total spatial population covariance. We find that there is always an interaction between these two factors and that this interaction is small only when one or both of the environmental correlation and the dispersal rate are small. The interaction is opposite in sign to the environmental correlation; so, in the normal case of positive environmental correlation across sites, the population synchrony will be lower than predicted by simply adding the effects of dispersal and environmental correlation. We also find that population synchrony declines as the strength of population regulation increases. These results indicate that dispersal and environmental correlation need to be considered in combination as explanations for observed patterns of population synchrony.  相似文献   

Change is traced in the biosocial structure of the Japanese American population of Seattle-King County, Washington, from that of a deme to a state approaching panmixis with surrounding American populations. Data from 2,767 marriage license applications of Japanese Americans between 1930 and 1975 were used to calculate rates of racial exogamy. Rates rose from prewar levels of less than 1% to over 50% in 1975. The total Japanese American county population was subdivided into a nuclear group, tracing its origins back to the original founding immigrants, and a nonnuclear group which has migrated into the area since World War II. Until 1965, the nonnuclear group consistently led the nuclear group in exogamous marriages. In both groups, females consistently out-married more frequently than did the males. Further analysis of community exogamy, i.e., nuclear member marriage to a nonnuclear Japanese American, showed that this type of exogamy within the second generation preceded the high rates of racial exogamy characterizing the marriage patterns of the third generation. Familial analysis suggested that the maternal kin ties of nuclear population females continue to influence marriage choice of their offspring. The patterns of increasing racial exogamy for Japanese Americans are examined against their rise in socioeconomic status, [biosocial structure, exogamy, population]  相似文献   

Dispersal is critically linked to the demographic and evolutionary trajectories of populations, but in most seabird species it may be difficult to estimate. Using molecular tools, we explored population structure and the spatial dispersal pattern of a highly pelagic but philopatric seabird, the Cory''s shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Microsatellite fragments were analysed from samples collected across almost the entire breeding range of the species. To help disentangle the taxonomic status of the two subspecies described, the Atlantic form C. d. borealis and the Mediterranean form C. d. diomedea, we analysed genetic divergence between subspecies and quantified both historical and recent migration rates between the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. We also searched for evidence of isolation by distance (IBD) and addressed spatial patterns of gene flow. We found a low genetic structure in the Mediterranean basin. Conversely, strong genetic differentiation appeared in the Atlantic basin. Even if the species was mostly philopatric (97%), results suggest recent dispersal between basins, especially from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean (aprox. 10% of migrants/generation across the last two generations). Long-term gene flow analyses also suggested an historical exchange between basins (about 70 breeders/generation). Spatial analysis of genetic variation indicates that distance is not the main factor in shaping genetic structure in this species. Given our results we recommend gathering more data before concluded whether these taxa should be treated as two species or subspecies.  相似文献   

Despite the great anthropogenic interference on urban streams, information is still scarce about the genetic variability and structure of native fish populations inhabiting such streams. In the present study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyze genetic variability and structure of populations assigned to the Neotropical fish species Astyanax scabripinnis from an urban stream located in Londrina, Paraná State, southern Brazil. Thirty individuals of this species were collected from three sites throughout the upper Cambé stream. A total of 10 primers amplified 159 loci, of which 128 (80.5%) were polymorphic. Each of the three populations showed very similar proportions of polymorphic loci, which ranged from 63.5 to 64.8%. Unbiased genetic distances varied from 0.0612 to 0.0646. Thetap-test values indicated moderate to high genetic differentiation among individuals from different localities. The number of migrants varied from 1.34 to 1.46, suggesting a low gene flow between populations. The genetic similarity among all individuals studied ranged from 0.424 to 0.848. The results suggest that populations of A. scabripinnis in Cambé stream are undergoing genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a vector-borne disease endemic in Latin America. Triatoma infestans, a common vector of this disease, has recently expanded its range into rapidly developing cities of Latin America. We aim to identify the environmental features that affect the colonization and dispersal of T. infestans in an urban environment. We amplified 13 commonly used microsatellites from 180 T. infestans samples collected from a sampled transect in the city of Arequipa, Peru, in 2007 and 2011. We assessed the clustering of subpopulations and the effect of distance, sampling year, and city block location on genetic distance among pairs of insects. Despite evidence of genetic similarity, the majority of city blocks are characterized by one dominant insect genotype, suggesting the existence of barriers to dispersal. Our analyses show that streets represent an important barrier to the colonization and dispersion of T. infestans in Arequipa. The genetic data describe a T. infestans infestation history characterized by persistent local dispersal and occasional long-distance migration events that partially parallels the history of urban development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban landscapes vary greatly across North America and long-term data on the nesting biology of Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) from a variety of urban environments will improve our understanding of these poorly studied populations. We studied Cooper's hawks nesting in the metropolitan Milwaukee area, Wisconsin, USA, over a 12-year period, 1993–2004. Nesting success for 254 first nesting attempts averaged 64.6% with means of 2.27 young per laying pair and 3.53 young per successful pair. For 8 second nesting attempts (i.e., re-nests), nesting success averaged 87.5% with means of 2.57 young per laying pair and 3.00 young per successful pair. Productivity for first nesting attempts did not vary over the 12-year period, and productivity for re-nests did not differ from first nesting attempts. We documented evidence of nest predation by raccoons (Procyon lotor) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). On average, second year (SY [i.e., 1-yr-old]) Cooper's hawks comprised 14.6% (43 of 295 breeding birds; 21.5% [37 of 172] of F and 4.9% [6 of 123] of M) of the known breeding population. The percentage of SY breeders within this population declined over the 12-year period, suggesting a relatively young population. Cooper's hawks consistently reoccupied nest sites annually after initial discovery over an estimated 2 generations of breeding adults, suggesting that population density for our study was at least stable. We trapped 105 breeding adults, including 5 natal dispersal birds. Based on long-term, relatively high reproduction, repeated re-occupancy of nest sites, and confirmed recruitment from within this population, we suggest that these nesting areas were not marginal or inferior habitats and that urban Cooper's hawks in this study area were not a sink population. We recommend no active management of this population at this time; however, additional information for nesting Cooper's hawks from other urban environs will expand our knowledge base for these populations.  相似文献   

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