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Precursor mRNA encoding CNGA3 subunits of cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels undergoes alternative splicing, generating isoforms differing in the N-terminal cytoplasmic region of the protein. In humans, four variants arise from alternative splicing, but the functional significance of these changes has been a persistent mystery. Heterologous expression of the four possible CNGA3 isoforms alone or with CNGB3 subunits did not reveal significant differences in basic channel properties. However, inclusion of optional exon 3, with or without optional exon 5, produced heteromeric CNGA3 + CNGB3 channels exhibiting an ∼2-fold greater shift in K1/2,cGMP after phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate or phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate application compared with channels lacking the sequence encoded by exon 3. We have previously identified two structural features within CNGA3 that support phosphoinositides (PIPn) regulation of cone CNG channels: N- and C-terminal regulatory modules. Specific mutations within these regions eliminated PIPn sensitivity of CNGA3 + CNGB3 channels. The exon 3 variant enhanced the component of PIPn regulation that depends on the C-terminal region rather than the nearby N-terminal region, consistent with an allosteric effect on PIPn sensitivity because of altered N-C coupling. Alternative splicing of CNGA3 occurs in multiple species, although the exact variants are not conserved across CNGA3 orthologs. Optional exon 3 appears to be unique to humans, even compared with other primates. In parallel, we found that a specific splice variant of canine CNGA3 removes a region of the protein that is necessary for high sensitivity to PIPn. CNGA3 alternative splicing may have evolved, in part, to tune the interactions between cone CNG channels and membrane-bound phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing contributes to the complexity of proteome by producing multiple mRNAs from a single gene. Affymetrix exon arrays and experiments in vivo or in vitro demonstrated that alternative splicing was regulated by mechanical stress. Expression of mechano-growth factor (MGF) which is the splicing isoform of insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) splicing variants such as VEGF121, VEGF165, VEGF206, VEGF189, VEGF165 and VEGF145 are regulated by mechanical stress. However, the mechanism of this process is not yet clear. Increasing evidences showed that the possible mechanism is related to Ca2+ signal pathway and phosphorylation signal pathway. This review proposes possible mechanisms of mechanical splicing regulation. This will contribute to the biomechanical study of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

可变剪接(alternative splicing)发生在前体m RNA向成熟m RNA的转换过程中,是转录后表达调控和产生蛋白质多样性的重要机制。可变剪接在真核生物中普遍存在,神经系统发育作为一个极其复杂且严密的过程,可变剪接对它的影响更明显。近年来,一些参与神经发育的可变剪接事件已经得到一定程度的验证,可以得知它的发生影响了突触生长、突触传递和神经干细胞的形成等生物学功能。同时,当可变剪接的模式发生改变时往往也会造成神经系统的功能异常。因此,本文就可变剪接的机制进行了简短的介绍,探索其在神经发育及神经疾病中的作用,并简单总结了相关数据库。  相似文献   

An intramolecular interaction between a distal (DCRD) and a proximal regulatory domain (PCRD) within the C terminus of long Ca(v)1.3 L-type Ca(2+) channels (Ca(v)1.3(L)) is a major determinant of their voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent gating kinetics. Removal of these regulatory domains by alternative splicing generates Ca(v)1.3(42A) channels that activate at a more negative voltage range and exhibit more pronounced Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation. Here we describe the discovery of a novel short splice variant (Ca(v)1.3(43S)) that is expressed at high levels in the brain but not in the heart. It lacks the DCRD but, in contrast to Ca(v)1.3(42A), still contains PCRD. When expressed together with α2δ1 and β3 subunits in tsA-201 cells, Ca(v)1.3(43S) also activated at more negative voltages like Ca(v)1.3(42A) but Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation was less pronounced. Single channel recordings revealed much higher channel open probabilities for both short splice variants as compared with Ca(v)1.3(L). The presence of the proximal C terminus in Ca(v)1.3(43S) channels preserved their modulation by distal C terminus-containing Ca(v)1.3- and Ca(v)1.2-derived C-terminal peptides. Removal of the C-terminal modulation by alternative splicing also induced a faster decay of Ca(2+) influx during electrical activities mimicking trains of neuronal action potentials. Our findings extend the spectrum of functionally diverse Ca(v)1.3 L-type channels produced by tissue-specific alternative splicing. This diversity may help to fine tune Ca(2+) channel signaling and, in the case of short variants lacking a functional C-terminal modulation, prevent excessive Ca(2+) accumulation during burst firing in neurons. This may be especially important in neurons that are affected by Ca(2+)-induced neurodegenerative processes.  相似文献   

CaV1.2 calcium channels play roles in diverse cellular processes such as gene regulation, muscle contraction, and membrane excitation and are diversified in their activity through extensive alternative splicing of the CaV1.2 mRNA. The mutually exclusive exons 8a and 8 encode alternate forms of transmembrane segment 6 (IS6) in channel domain 1. The human genetic disorder Timothy syndrome is caused by mutations in either of these two CaV1.2 exons, resulting in disrupted Ca(2+) homeostasis and severe pleiotropic disease phenotypes. The tissue-specific pattern of exon 8/8a splicing leads to differences in symptoms between patients with exon 8 or 8a mutations. Elucidating the mechanisms controlling the exon 8/8a splicing choice will be important in understanding the spectrum of defects associated with the disease. We found that the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) mediates a switch from exon 8 to 8a splicing. PTB and its neuronal homolog, nPTB, are widely studied splicing regulators controlling large sets of alternative exons. During neuronal development, PTB expression is down-regulated with a concurrent increase in nPTB expression. Exon 8a is largely repressed in embryonic mouse brain but is progressively induced during neuronal differentiation as PTB is depleted. This splicing repression is mediated by the direct binding of PTB to sequence elements upstream of exon 8a. The nPTB protein is a weaker repressor of exon 8a, resulting in a shift in exon choice when nPTB replaces PTB in cells. These results provide mechanistic understanding of how these two exons, important for human disease, are controlled.  相似文献   

T-type (Cav3) channels are categorized as calcium channels, but invertebrate ones can be highly sodium-selective channels. We illustrate that the snail LCav3 T-type channel becomes highly sodium-permeable through exon splicing of an extracellular turret and descending helix in domain II of the four-domain Cav3 channel. Highly sodium-permeable T-type channels are generated without altering the invariant ring of charged residues in the selectivity filter that governs calcium selectivity in calcium channels. The highly sodium-permeant T-type channel expresses in the brain and is the only splice isoform expressed in the snail heart. This unique splicing of turret residues offers T-type channels a capacity to serve as a pacemaking sodium current in the primitive heart and brain in lieu of Nav1-type sodium channels and to substitute for voltage-gated sodium channels lacking in many invertebrates. T-type channels would also contribute substantially to sodium leak conductances at rest in invertebrates because of their large window currents.  相似文献   

The expression of mesencephalic brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been shown to be regulated by dopaminergic neuronal functioning and glutamate receptors (GluRs). In turn, BDNF participates in the regulation of mesencephalic GluRs’ expression. In the present study we analyzed, using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, the effect of BDNF as well as of the GluRs agonists NMDA and trans-(±)-1-Amino-(1S,3R)-cyclopentane dicarboxylic acid (t-ACPD), on the expression levels of the NMDA GluR subunit 1 (NR1) mRNA, using rat cultured mesencephalic neurons. In the course of this study, a novel rat mRNA splice variant of NR1 was identified. This new NR1 mRNA isoform is characterized by the insertion of an 82 base pair intron containing an inframe stop codon, thus predicting the expression of a putative truncated protein of 465 amino acids. The RT-PCR and in situ hybridization reveals that the novel NR1 mRNA is expressed in various brain regions of the rat embryo, whereas no expression was detected in the adult rat brain. The modulation of the novel NR1 mRNA isoform by both BDNF and the metabotropic GluR agonist t-ACPD, suggests that the resulting putative NR1 truncated protein may be relevant in the regulatory network of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the developing central nervous system.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a molecule capable of initiating the release of intracellular Ca2+ required for many essential cellular processes. Recent evidence links two-pore channels (TPCs) with NAADP-induced release of Ca2+ from lysosome-like acidic organelles; however, there has been no direct demonstration that TPCs can act as NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release channels. Controversial evidence also proposes ryanodine receptors as the primary target of NAADP. We show that TPC2, the major lysosomal targeted isoform, is a cation channel with selectivity for Ca2+ that will enable it to act as a Ca2+ release channel in the cellular environment. NAADP opens TPC2 channels in a concentration-dependent manner, binding to high affinity activation and low affinity inhibition sites. At the core of this process is the luminal environment of the channel. The sensitivity of TPC2 to NAADP is steeply dependent on the luminal [Ca2+] allowing extremely low levels of NAADP to open the channel. In parallel, luminal pH controls NAADP affinity for TPC2 by switching from reversible activation of TPC2 at low pH to irreversible activation at neutral pH. Further evidence earmarking TPCs as the likely pathway for NAADP-induced intracellular Ca2+ release is obtained from the use of Ned-19, the selective blocker of cellular NAADP-induced Ca2+ release. Ned-19 antagonizes NAADP-activation of TPC2 in a non-competitive manner at 1 μm but potentiates NAADP activation at nanomolar concentrations. This single-channel study provides a long awaited molecular basis for the peculiar mechanistic features of NAADP signaling and a framework for understanding how NAADP can mediate key physiological events.  相似文献   

The role of the L-type calcium channel (Cav1.2) as a molecular switch that triggers secretion prior to Ca2+ transport has previously been demonstrated in bovine chromaffin cells and rat pancreatic beta cells. Here, we examined the effect of specific Cav1.2 allosteric modulators, BayK 8644 (BayK) and FPL64176 (FPL), on the kinetics of catecholamine release, as monitored by amperometry in single bovine chromaffin cells. We show that 2 μm BayK or 0.5 μm FPL accelerates the rate of catecholamine secretion to a similar extent in the presence either of the permeable Ca2+ and Ba2+ or the impermeable charge carrier La3+. These results suggest that structural rearrangements generated through the binding of BayK or FPL, by altering the channel activity, could affect depolarization-evoked secretion prior to cation transport. FPL also accelerated the rate of secretion mediated by a Ca2+-impermeable channel made by replacing the wild type α11.2 subunit was replaced with the mutant α11.2/L775P. Furthermore, BayK and FPL modified the kinetic parameters of the fusion pore formation, which represent the initial contact between the vesicle lumen and the extracellular medium. A direct link between the channel activity and evoked secretion lends additional support to the view that the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels act as a signaling molecular switch, triggering secretion upstream to ion transport into the cell.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium (Kv) 1.1 channels undergo a specific enzymatic RNA deamination, generating a channel with a single amino acid exchange located in the inner pore cavity (Kv1.1I400V). We studied I400V-edited Kv1.1 channels in more detail and found that Kv1.1I400V gave rise to much smaller whole-cell currents than Kv1.1. To elucidate the mechanism behind this current reduction, we conducted electrophysiological recordings on single-channel level and did not find any differences. Next we examined channel surface expression in Xenopus oocytes and HeLa cells using a chemiluminescence assay and found the edited channels to be less readily expressed at the surface membrane. This reduction in surface expression was verified by fluorescence imaging experiments. Western blot analysis for comparison of protein abundances and glycosylation patterns did not show any difference between Kv1.1 and Kv1.1I400V, further indicating that changed trafficking of Kv1.1I400V is causing the current reduction. Block of endocytosis by dynasore or AP180C did not abolish the differences in current amplitudes between Kv1.1 and Kv1.1I400V, suggesting that backward trafficking is not affected. Therefore, our data suggest that I400V RNA editing of Kv1.1 leads to a reduced current size by a decreased forward trafficking of the channel to the surface membrane. This effect is specific for Kv1.1 because coexpression of Kv1.4 channel subunits with Kv1.1I400V abolishes these trafficking effects. Taken together, we identified RNA editing as a novel mechanism to regulate homomeric Kv1.1 channel trafficking. Fine-tuning of Kv1.1 surface expression by RNA editing might contribute to the complexity of neuronal Kv channel regulation.  相似文献   

Osteoclast differentiation is one of the critical steps that control bone mass levels in osteoporosis, but the molecules involved in osteoclastogenesis are still incompletely understood. Here, we show that two-pore channel 2 (TPC2) is expressed in osteoclast precursor cells, and its knockdown (TPC2-KD) in these cells suppressed RANKL-induced key events including multinucleation, enhancement of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activities, and TRAP mRNA expression levels. With respect to intracellular signaling, TPC2-KD reduced the levels of the RANKL-induced dynamic waving of Ca2+ in RAW cells. The search for the target of TPC2 identified that nuclear localization of NFATc1 is retarded in TPC2-KD cells. Finally, TPC2-KD suppressed osteoclastic pit formation in cultures. We conclude that TPC2 is a novel critical molecule for osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   

Alternative mRNA splicing is a fundamental process to increase the versatility of the genome.In humans,cardiac mRNA splicing is involved in the pathophysiology of heart failure.Mutations in the splicing factor RNA binding motif protein 20(RBM20) cause severe forms of cardiomyopathy.To identify novel cardiomyopathy-associated splicing factors,RNA-seq and tissue-enrichment analyses were performed,which identified up-regulated expression of Sam68-Like mammalian protein 2(SLM2) in the left ventricle...  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy is one of the complications of diabetes that eventually leads to heart failure and death. Aberrant activation of PKC signaling contributes to diabetic cardiomyopathy by mechanisms that are poorly understood. Previous reports indicate that PKC is implicated in alternative splicing regulation. Therefore, we wanted to test whether PKC activation in diabetic hearts induces alternative splicing abnormalities. Here, using RNA sequencing we identified a set of 22 alternative splicing events that undergo a developmental switch in splicing, and we confirmed that splicing reverts to an embryonic pattern in adult diabetic hearts. This network of genes has important functions in RNA metabolism and in developmental processes such as differentiation. Importantly, PKC isozymes α/β control alternative splicing of these genes via phosphorylation and up-regulation of the RNA-binding proteins CELF1 and Rbfox2. Using a mutant of CELF1, we show that phosphorylation of CELF1 by PKC is necessary for regulation of splicing events altered in diabetes. In summary, our studies indicate that activation of PKCα/β in diabetic hearts contributes to the genome-wide splicing changes through phosphorylation and up-regulation of CELF1/Rbfox2 proteins. These findings provide a basis for PKC-mediated cardiac pathogenesis under diabetic conditions.  相似文献   

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