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爬行动物的体温依赖于外界热环境的变化,本研究以荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)为对象,收集其冬眠前活动期间的体温与地面和离地10 cm的空气温度,研究爬行动物体温节律性变化与环境温度的关系.研究结果表明,荒漠沙蜥在环境温度高于20℃后开始外出活动,其体温随着地面温度和空气温度的上升而逐步...  相似文献   

We incubated eggs of five Phrynocephalus species (P. albolineatus, P. axillaries, P. grumgrzimailoi, P. helioscopus and P. przewalskii) at three constant temperatures (24℃, 28℃ and 32℃) to examine differences in incubation length and hatchling morphology among species and among temperature treatments. We combined data from this study with those reported previously for P. frontalis and P. versicolor to examine whether embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor for interspecific variation in incubation length, and whether the phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is consistent with the relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Mean values for incubation length differed among the five species studied herein and, in all these five species, incubation length decreased at a decreasing rate as temperature increased. In none of the five species did hatchling size (snout-vent length and body mass) and other morphological variables differ among the three temperature treatments. The seven oviparous Phrynocephalus lizards found in China differ from each other in hatchling morphology, and embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor of inter- and intra-specific variation in incubation length. The phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is not always consistent with the currently known relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Data from this study and those reported previously allow the conclusion that any Phrynocephalus species may have its unique position along the axis defined by hatchling morphology.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of adaptation is a key mission in modern evolutionary biology.Animals living at high elevations face challenges in energy metabolism d...  相似文献   

Samples of mtDNA isolated from each of 92 lizards representing all color pattern classes of Cnemidophorus tesselatus and two populations of C. tigris marmoratus were digested with the restriction endonucleases MboI, TaqI, RsaI and MspI. The mtDNA fragment sizes were compared after radioactive labeling and gel electrophoresis. Three features were notable in the comparisons: there was little variation due to gain or loss of cleavage sites, two fragments varied noticeably in length among the samples, one by a variable amount up to a maximum difference of approximately 370 base pairs (bp) and the other by a discrete amount of 35 bp, these two fragments occasionally varied within, as well as between, samples. Two regions that corresponded in size to these variants were identified by restriction endonuclease cleavage mapping. One of these is adjacent to the D-loop. Heteroplasmy, heretofore rarely observed, occurred frequently in these same two regions. Variability in the copy number of a tandemly repeated 64-bp sequence appears to be one component of the variation, but others (e.g., base substitutions or small additions/deletions) must also be involved. The frequent occurrence of these length variations suggests either that they can be generated rapidly or that they were inherited from a highly polymorphic ancestor. The former interpretation is favored.  相似文献   

沙蜥属Phrynocephalus作为鬣蜥科Agamidae中的古北界类群,分布区复杂的地质、地理历史对该属物种形成、分化及分布格局的形成具有重要的影响.近年来,随着生物地理学理论的不断发展,各国学者从不同角度对沙蜥属的生物地理学做了大量研究.本文主要综述了这方面的研究进展;同时基于沙蜥属的研究现状对今后的研究做出展望.  相似文献   

赵雪  毕俊怀 《动物学杂志》2014,49(2):274-279
于2011年9月在内蒙古库布齐沙漠捕获118条草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalis)幼体,测量其部分身体指数并对其两性异形进行研究。结果表明,雄性幼体和雌性幼体的平均体长分别为36.3 mm和34.0 mm,雄性的体长显著大于雌性。两性异形表现为雄性幼体有较大的头部和尾部,雌性幼体具有较大的腋胯距。草原沙蜥幼体的局部形态特征皆与体长成正相关。  相似文献   

In the center of their distribution in North America, membersof a complex of parthenogenetic and bisexual lizards of thegenus Cnemidophorus may be found side by side with one or moreof the others in a bewildering variety of patterns and ecologicalassociations. Exactly why so many congeneric species are foundliving together and exactly what their ecological, physiologicaland geographical requirements are remains virtually unknown.Here 1 summarize all reported cases of sympatry among six speciesof Cnemidophorus and discuss in detail specific examples ofsome of these interactions based on several years of field collectionsand observations. In addition I present the first field experimentalstudy designed to understand the ecological relationships ofsympatry in Cnemidophorus.  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of a satellite DNA family was examined in lizards from the genus Darevskia(family Lacertidae). Comparison of tandem units of repeated DNA (satDNA), CLsat, in all species from the genus Darevskiahas shown that their variability is largely explained by single-nucleotide substitutions, which form about 50 diagnostic positions underlying classification of the family into three subfamilies. Maximum differences between the subfamilies reached 25%. At this level of tandem unit divergence in the subfamilies, no cross-hybridization between them was observed (at 65°C). The individual variability within one subfamily within the species was on average 5% while the variability between species consensuses within a subfamily was 10%. The presence of highly conserved regions in all monomers and some features of their organization show that satellites of all Darevskia species belong to one satDNA family. The organization of unit sequences of satellites CLsat and Agi160 also detected by us in another lizard genus, Lacerta s. str. was compared. Similarity that was found between these satellites suggests their relatedness and common origin. A possible pathway of evolution of these two satDNA families is proposed. The distribution and content of CLsat repeat subfamilies in all species of the genus was examined by Southern hybridization. Seven species had mainly CLsatI (83 to 96%); three species, approximately equal amounts of CLsatI and CLsatIII (the admixture of CLsatII was 2–5%); and five species, a combination of all three subfamilies in highly varying proportions. Based on these results as well as on zoogeographic views on the taxonomy and phylogeny of theDarevskia species, hypotheses on the evolution of molecular-genetic relationships within this genus are advanced.  相似文献   

The genus Oryza, which includes rice (Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima) and wild relatives, is a useful genus to study leaf properties in order to identify structural features that control CO2 access to chloroplasts, photosynthesis, water use efficiency, and drought tolerance. Traits, 26 structural and 17 functional, associated with photosynthesis and transpiration were quantified on 24 accessions (representatives of 17 species and eight genomes). Hypotheses of associations within, and between, structure, photosynthesis, and transpiration were tested. Two main clusters of positively interrelated leaf traits were identified: in the first cluster were structural features, leaf thickness (Thickleaf), mesophyll (M) cell surface area exposed to intercellular air space per unit of leaf surface area (Smes), and M cell size; a second group included functional traits, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, M conductance to CO2 diffusion (gm), stomatal conductance to gas diffusion (gs), and the gm/gs ratio. While net photosynthetic rate was positively correlated with gm, neither was significantly linked with any individual structural traits. The results suggest that changes in gm depend on covariations of multiple leaf (Smes) and M cell (including cell wall thickness) structural traits. There was an inverse relationship between Thickleaf and transpiration rate and a significant positive association between Thickleaf and leaf transpiration efficiency. Interestingly, high gm together with high gm/gs and a low Smes/gm ratio (M resistance to CO2 diffusion per unit of cell surface area exposed to intercellular air space) appear to be ideal for supporting leaf photosynthesis while preserving water; in addition, thick M cell walls may be beneficial for plant drought tolerance.Leaves have evolved in different environments into a multitude of sizes and shapes, showing great variation in morphology and anatomy (Evans et al., 2004). However, all leaf typologies share common functions associated with chloroplasts, namely to intercept sunlight, take up CO2 and inorganic nitrogen, and perform photosynthesis as a primary process for growth and reproduction.Investigating relationships between leaf anatomy and photosynthetic features (CO2 fixation, which involves physical and biochemical processes and loss of water by transpiration) could lead to the identification of structural features for enhancing crop productivity and improve our understanding of plant evolution and adaptation (Evans et al., 2004).Stomata, through which CO2 and water vapor diffuse into and out of the leaf, are involved in the regulation and control of photosynthetic and transpiration responses (Jarvis and Morison, 1981; Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982). Besides stomata distribution patterns between the abaxial and adaxial lamina surfaces (Foster and Smith, 1986), stomatal density and size are leaf anatomical traits contributing to build the leaf stomatal conductance to gas diffusion (gs). This is calculated as the reciprocal of the stomatal resistances to gas diffusion; stomatal control results in a lower concentration of CO2 in the leaf mesophyll (M) intercellular air space (Ci) than in the atmosphere (Ca; Nobel, 2009).Leaf M architecture greatly contributes to the pattern of light attenuation profiles within the lamina (Terashima and Saeki, 1983; Woolley, 1983; Vogelmann et al., 1989; Evans, 1999; Terashima et al., 2011) and affects CO2 diffusion from the intercellular air space (IAS) to the chloroplast stroma. Therefore, it influences photosynthetic activity (Flexas et al., 2007, 2008) and can have effects on leaf hydrology and transpiration (Sack et al., 2003; Brodribb et al., 2010; Ocheltree et al., 2012). In addition, M architecture sets boundaries for leaf photosynthetic responses to changing environmental conditions (Nobel et al., 1975).Fortunately, several methodologies are currently available (Flexas et al., 2008; Pons et al., 2009) to determine M conductance to CO2 diffusion (gm), expressed per unit of leaf surface area. It is calculated as the reciprocal of the cumulated partial resistances exerted by leaf structural traits and biochemical processes from the substomatal cavities to photosynthetic sites (Evans et al., 2009; Nobel, 2009). The resistance to CO2 diffusion in the liquid phase is 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the gaseous phase (Nobel, 2009); therefore, the changes in CO2 concentration in the leaf gas phase are small in comparison with the changes in the liquid phase (Niinemets, 1999; Aalto and Juurola, 2002; Nobel, 2009). In the liquid phase, the resistance to CO2 transfer is built from contributions by the cell walls, the plasmalemma, cytoplasm, chloroplast membranes, and stroma (Tholen and Zhu, 2011; Tholen et al., 2012); in addition, it involves factors associated with the carboxylation reaction (Kiirats et al., 2002; Evans et al., 2009). Thus, the concentration of CO2 in the chloroplasts (Cc) is lower than Ci and can limit photosynthesis.At steady state, the relationships between the leaf net photosynthetic rate (A), the concentrations of CO2, and the stomatal conductance to CO2 diffusion (gs_CO2) and gm are modeled based on Fick’s first law of diffusion (Nobel, 2009) as:(1)where Ca, Ci, and Cc are as defined above (Flexas et al., 2008).The magnitude of gm has been found to correlate with certain leaf structural traits in some species, in particular with the M cell surface area exposed to IAS per (one side) unit of leaf surface area (Smes) and its extent covered by chloroplasts (Schl; Evans and Loreto, 2000; Slaton and Smith, 2002; Tholen et al., 2012). From a physical modeling perspective, increasing Smes provides more pathways acting in parallel for CO2 diffusion (to and from the chloroplasts) per unit of leaf surface area; thus, it tends to reduce the resistance to CO2 movement into the M cells and to increase gm (Evans et al., 2009; Nobel, 2009). A number of leaf structural traits affect Smes, including leaf thickness, cell density, cell volume and shape, and the fraction of the M cell walls in contact with the IAS (Terashima et al., 2001, 2011), and the degree they are linked to Smes can vary between species (Slaton and Smith, 2002; Terashima et al., 2006). In particular, the presence of lobes on M cells, which are prominent in some Oryza species, may contribute to gm through increasing Smes (Sage and Sage, 2009; Terashima et al., 2011; Tosens et al., 2012). The M cell wall can provide resistance in series for M CO2 diffusion (Nobel, 2009); thicker cell walls may increase resistance to CO2 movement into the M cells and decrease gm (Terashima et al., 2006, 2011; Evans et al., 2009).Other leaf traits, such as M porosity (the fraction of M volume occupied by air spaces [VolIAS]), has been shown to have a positive correlation with gm in some species (Peña-Rojas et al., 2005), but the association may be mediated by light availability (Slaton and Smith, 2002). Leaf thickness (Thickleaf) tends to be negatively linked to gm, and it may set an upper limit for the maximum gm, according to Terashima et al. (2006), Flexas et al. (2008), and Niinemets et al. (2009).With respect to leaf structural traits and water relations, Thickleaf may increase the apoplast path length (resistances in series; Nobel, 2009) in the extra-xylem M (Sack and Holbrook, 2006; Brodribb et al., 2007) for water to reach the evaporation sites, which could decrease the conductance of water through the M and lower the transpiration rate. Interestingly, while thicker M cell walls may reduce gm, they can enable the development of higher water potential gradients between the soil and leaves, which can be decisive for plant survival and longevity under drought conditions (Steppe et al., 2011).The purpose of this study was to provide insight into how the diversity of leaf structure relates to photosynthesis and transpiration among representative cultivated species and wild relatives in the genus Oryza. This includes, in particular, identifying leaf structural features associated with the diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere to the chloroplasts, photosynthesis, transpiration efficiency (A/E), and drought tolerance. The genus consists of 10 genomic groups and is composed of approximately 24 species (the number depending on taxonomic preferences; Kellogg, 2009; Brar and Singh, 2011), including the cultivated species Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima. Oryza species are distributed around the world, and they exhibit a wide range of phenotypes, with annual versus perennial life cycles and sun- versus shade-adapted species (Vaughan, 1994; Vaughan et al., 2008; Brar and Singh, 2011; Jagadish et al., 2011). This diversity in the genus is an important resource, which is being studied to improve rice yield, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. In particular, O. glaberrima, Oryza australiensis, and Oryza meridionalis are of interest as drought-tolerant species (Henry et al., 2010; Ndjiondjop et al., 2010; Scafaro et al., 2011, 2012), while Oryza coarctata is salt tolerant (Sengupta and Majumder, 2010). In this study, a total of 43 leaf functional and structural parameters were collected on 24 accessions corresponding to 17 species within eight genomes (Brar and Singh (2011). Life cycle is as follows: A = annual; B = biennial; P = poliennial. Habitat is as follows: S = shade; S-Sh = sun-shade.
GenomeSpeciesLife CycleHabitatAccessionNo.
AAO. barthiiASPI 590400*1
AAO. glaberrimaASPI 450430*2
AAO. glumaepatulaPSPI 527362*3
AAO. longistaminataPSIRGC 101207*4
AAO. longistaminataPSIRGC 1017545
AAO. meridionalisA/PSIRGC 93265*6
AAO. nivaraA/BSPI 590405*7
AAO. rufipogonPSPI 1046408
AAO. rufipogonSPI 590421*9
AAO. sativaASIR64*10
AAO. sativaASIR7211
BBO. punctataAS-ShIRGC 105690*12
BBCCO. minutaPS-ShIRGC 101141*13
CCO. officinalisPS-ShPI 59412*14
CCO. rhizomatisPSIRGC 10160915
CCO. rhizomatisPSIRGC 105950*16
CCDDO. altaPS-ShPI 590398*17
CCDDO. latifoliaPS-ShIRGC 100959*18
CCDDO. latifoliaPS-ShIRGC 10517319
EEO. australiensisPSIRGC 101397*20
EEO. australiensisPSIRGC 105277*21
EEO. australiensisPSIRGC 8652722
FFO. brachyanthaBSIRGC 101232*23
HHKKO. coarctataPSIRGC 104502*24
Open in a separate windowFor evaluating aspects of photosynthesis, the model in Equation 1 was considered, and all the listed functional variables, A, gs_CO2, (CaCi), gm, and (CiCc), were determined. In addition, among the leaf functional traits, the M resistance to CO2 diffusion per unit of cell surface area exposed to IAS (reciprocal of gm/Smes) was calculated as described by Evans et al. (2009): it represents the resistance to CO2 diffusion from IAS to chloroplasts in a liquid solution through cell wall and membranes (Nobel, 2009). Leaf transpiration rate (E), A/E, the intrinsic A/E (ratio between A and stomatal conductance to water vapor diffusion [gs_H2O]), gm/gs_CO2 (representing the coordination between gm and gs), and the carbon isotope composition of leaf biomass (δ13C; calculated as 13C/12C) were determined. The value of δ13C has been recognized as a potential indicator of leaf A/E: increased limitations on photosynthesis by decreased gs can lead to higher A/gs_H2O ratios and less discrimination against assimilation of 13CO2 (for review, see Farquhar et al., 1989); the leaf A/E may also be positively linked to the gm/gs ratio (Flexas et al., 2008, 2013; Barbour et al., 2010). With respect to leaf structure, the stomatal density, stomatal pore length, and indices of stomatal pore area on both lamina sides (according to Sack et al., 2003), the Thickleaf, VolIAS, Smes, Schl, area of M cell section (acell) in leaf cross sections, cell wall thickness (Thickcw), and M cell surface lobing (Lobcell) were the principal traits estimated. A statistical multivariate analysis (Child, 2006) was employed to identify clusters of highly interrelated leaf traits; trait-to-trait correlation analysis was carried out to further examine leaf structural, functional, and structural-functional relationships.The following are the main hypotheses examined in this study. (1) Leaf thickness will be associated with certain M structural features. (2) gm will be coordinated with M structural traits. (3) A will be correlated with gs, gm, and E. (4) Leaf structural traits will be involved in the relationship between A and E, which will affect leaf A/E. (5) The gm/gs ratio will be positively correlated with leaf A/E; associations with high Thickcw could have implications for plant drought tolerance.  相似文献   

奇台沙蜥生长过程中的两性异形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究奇台沙蜥Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi头、尾、腋胯距大小在个体发育过程中的变化.成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部,雌性具有较大的腋胯距.头、尾、腋胯距大小的两性异形在幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著.不同年龄组两性个体头部、尾部、腋胯距随SVL呈异速增长,表现为两性头部的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大,尾部的增长速率逐渐减慢,腋胯距在雌性蜥蜴中增长速率逐渐增大,在雄性中逐渐变小.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - It was revealed that the southern border of the range of spectacled sculpin Triglops scepticus runs in the region of 37°23′ N. It has been confirmed that the...  相似文献   

沙蜥属隶属于鬣蜥科,是欧亚大陆荒漠和稀疏草原常见的蜥蜴。该属特征变异较大,存在许多争议。本文从其分类史、系统演化关系、生物地理学研究三个方面进行总结,并指出沙蜥属卵生类群的系统关系还比较混乱,生物地理历史过程有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

对2008年4~6月在甘肃省甘塘、阿拉善左旗、民勤、山丹采集的荒漠沙蜥样本进行了食物两性差异的研究。主要采用剖胃法对219个荒漠沙蜥胃样的6021个食物做了识别和鉴定。结果表明,荒漠沙蜥的食性为动物性,食物多为昆虫,主要取食半翅目和膜翅目昆虫,尤其是长蝽科和蚁科(合计高于70%),取食猎物的体积大小集中在0.01~20mm3。4个种群的沙蜥对长蝽科昆虫均表现为正向选择,部分种群对蚁科昆虫表现负向选择。可能是因为沙蜥有食物选择性,对长蝽科昆虫取食较多,对拟步甲科摄食较少。较多地取食蚂蚁则是因为生境中喜好食物较少,而蚁科昆虫数量多,遇见率也较高。荒漠沙蜥雌雄个体食物生态位重叠度极高,但是卡方检验的结果却表明两性在食物组成和食物大小存在显著差异。由于雌雄个体对同种食物有相同的选择性,因此导致两性在食物组成和食物大小上存在显著差异的原因可能是雄性家域范围更大,对食物有更多选择。  相似文献   

1. Statistically significant variations were observed in the RBC counts and Hb concentration in pregnant females of Pipistrellus pipistrellus. 2. Basic hematological values in 59 animals of five species of insectivorous bats were estimated. 3. Electrophoretic separation of the hemoglobins of Plecotus austriacus, Myotis nattereri and Myotis myotis showed two components, whereas in Miniopterus schreibersi and Pipistrellus pipistrellus appeared three and four components, respectively.  相似文献   

金园庭  刘逎发 《动物学报》2008,54(1):111-121
青海沙蜥和贵德沙蜥在共和沙珠玉地区重叠分布,形态和遗传显著不同。线粒体基因序列分析说明在重叠区两种蜥蜴mtDNA基因相互渗透。重叠区19个青海沙蜥个体中有1个具有贵德沙蜥线粒体基因型,但形态与青海沙蜥相似。6个贵德沙蜥个体中有1个具有青海沙蜥线粒体基因型,形态与贵德沙蜥相似。两种沙蜥在该地区的基因流动可能发生在共和古湖的退缩消失后次级相遇形成的。分子钟推测杂交发生的时间大约在19至16万年前,与古湖的消失时间(15万年前)相符。  相似文献   

Y Qi  DW Noble  J Fu  MJ Whiting 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41130
Shared ecological resources such as burrow complexes can set the stage for social groupings and the evolution of more complex social behavior such as parental care. Paternity testing is increasingly revealing cases of kin-based groupings, and lizards may be a good system to inform on the early evolution of sociality. We examined spatial and social organization in the lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii from China and tested genetic relatedness (based on eight microsatellite DNA loci) between offspring and parents that shared burrow complexes. Adult males and females had similar spatial patterns: they overlapped most with members of the opposite sex and least with their own sex. Males in better body condition overlapped with more females, and both sexes showed high site fidelity. Most lizards used a single burrow, but some individuals used two or three burrows. While high site fidelity is consistent with sociality in lizards, juveniles did not preferentially share burrows with parents, and we documented only a few cases of parent-offspring associations through burrow sharing. We suggest that P. vlangalii conforms to a classical polygynous mating system in which the burrow forms the core of the male's territory and may be offered as an important resource for females, but this remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Ananjeva  N. B.  Gordeev  D. A.  Tao  Nguyen Thien  Orlov  N. L. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,49(4):309-317
Biology Bulletin - The results of an analysis of manifestations and combinations of urotomy and regeneration in the caudal part of the vertebral column in agamid lizards of the subfamily Draconinae...  相似文献   

Differential scanning microcalorimetry was used to investigate the enthalpy (ΔHd) and the temperature (td) of thermal denaturation of normal and deuterated phycocyanins isolated from two blue-green algae, Plectonema calothricoides and Phormidium luridum. Values of td in deuterated proteins are about 5°C lower than those in normal proteins. The magnitudes of ΔHd in deuterated proteins are 18–36% lower than in normal proteins. The heatcapacity change (ΔCp) in protein unfolding is essentially the same (2 kcal/mol/K) for deuterated and normal proteins within the experimental error. At close to physiological temperature (27°C), the differences in thermodynamic functions in the native and denatured states are much higher in normal proteins than in deuterated proteins. CD was employed to evaluate both the secondary structures and urea denaturation of these two types of proteins. In P. luridum, deuterated protein is about 8% higher in α-helix content; in P. calothricoides it is not significantly higher. Deuterated proteins are less resistant to the denaturant urea than are normal proteins: the denaturant concentration at the midpoint of the denaturation curve is 0.6–1.2 mol/L lower in the deuterated proteins. The apparent free energies of unfolding of deuterated proteins at zero denaturant concentration are 1.1–1.5 kcal/mol less than for normal proteins.  相似文献   

Global climate change is a threat to animals in nearly all biomes and ecosystems, especially for ectotherm whose life activities highly depend on environmental thermal regime. Population genetic diversity which is essential for adaptation to environmental change is a useful index for long-term species survival. In this paper, genetic diversity of eight Phrynocephalus forsythii population which distributed in Tarim Basin, China, were evaluated based on three mtDNA gene and its correlation with environment factors were investigated using RDA. Our result revealed that, the level of genetic diversity of P. forsythii populations was related to its location but there was no significant correlation between genetic distances and geographic distances in P. forsythii. However, we find that mtDNA of P. forsythii was subjected to selection pressure during evolution and population genetic diversity was significantly positively related to variation coefficient of rainfall(VCR) and altitude(AL), while significantly negatively related to longitude(N) and annual average temperature(AAT). Our result supported the previous prediction that excessive ambient heat is a threat to P. forsythii.  相似文献   

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