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Different patterns of voltage-dependent ion currents are present in mature eggs and in early embryos of the ascidian Boltenia villosa, as if each ion current is regulated in a different manner between fertilization and the early cleavages of embryogenesis. The ion currents appear and/or disappear with precise timing suggesting that they play important roles at specific times during early development. We investigated changes in three voltage-dependent ion currents (an inwardly rectifying chloride current, a calcium current, and a sodium current) and membrane surface area over time between the resumption of meiosis (with fertilization or activation) and the first mitotic cleavage. Using time-lapse video recordings made during whole-cell patch-clamp experiments, we were able to correlate electrophysiological changes with morphological changes and cell cycle related events. Between fertilization and first cleavage, INa was lost exponentially, the density of ICa remained relatively constant, and the amplitudes of both ICl and membrane surface area fluctuated in time with the cell cycle. ICl and surface area increased whenever the cell began dividing--with the polar body extrusions and the formation of the first cleavage furrow. This suggested that the values of ICl and surface area were largest during interphase and smallest during M-phase of each cell cycle. This hypothesis was supported by an experiment in which entry into M-phase was blocked in fertilized eggs by inhibiting protein synthesis. This prevented the decreases of ICl and surface area but allowed the increases to occur normally. Patterns of change in ion currents are current specific and, as is the case with ICl, are tightly correlated with developmental events.  相似文献   

The events of mammalian fertilization overlap with the completion of meiosis and first mitosis; the pronuclei never fuse, instead the parental genomes first intermix at the mitotic spindle equator at metaphase. Since kinetochores are essential for the attachment of chromosomes to spindle microtubules, this study explores their appearance and behavior in mouse oocytes, zygotes and embryos undergoing the completion of meiosis, fertilization and mitoses. Kinetochores are traced with immunofluorescence microscopy using autoimmune sera from patients with CREST (CREST = calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia) scleroderma. These sera cross-react with the 17 kDa centromere protein (CENP-A) and the 80 kDa centromere protein (CENP-B) found at the kinetochores in human cell cultures. The unfertilized oocyte is ovulated arrested at second meiotic metaphase and kinetochores are detectable as paired structures aligned at the spindle equator. At meiotic anaphase, the kinetochores separate and remain aligned at the distal sides of the chromosomes until telophase, when their alignment perpendicular to the spindle axis is lost. The female pronucleus and the second polar body nucleus each receive a detectable complement of kinetochores. Mature sperm have neither detectable centrosomes nor detectable kinetochores, and shortly after sperm incorporation kinetochores become detectable in the decondensing male pronucleus. In pronuclei, the kinetochores are initially distributed randomly and later found in apposition with nucleoli. At mitosis, the kinetochores behave in a pattern similar to that observed at meiosis or mitosis in somatic cells: irregular distribution at prophase, alignment at metaphase, separation at anaphase and redistribution at telophase. They are also detectable in later stage embryos. Colcemid treatment disrupts the meiotic spindle and results in the dispersion of the meiotic chromosomes along the oocyte cortex; the chromosomes remain condensed with detectable kinetochores. Fertilization of Colcemid-treated oocytes results in the incorporation of a sperm which is unable to decondense into a male pronucleus. Remarkably kinetochores become detectable at 5 h post-insemination, suggesting that the emergence of the paternal kinetochores is not strictly dependent on male pronuclear decondensation.  相似文献   

Centrosomes undergo cell cycle-dependent changes in shape and separations, changes that govern the organization of the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is largely organized by the centrosome; however, this investigation explores the importance of cytoskeletal elements in directing centrosome shape. Since the sea urchin egg during fertilization and mitosis displays dramatic and synchronous changes in centrosome shape, the effects of cytoskeletal inhibitors on centrosome compaction, expansion, and separation were explored by the use of anticentrosome immunofluorescence microscopy. Centrosome expansion and separation was studied during two phases: the transition after sperm incorporation, when the compact sperm centrosome enlarges and the sperm aster develops, and from prometaphase to telophase, when the compact spindle poles enlarge. Compaction was investigated when the dispersed centrosome at interphase condenses into the two spindle poles at prometaphase. Although centrosome expansion and separation typically occur concurrently, beta-mercaptoethanol results in centrosome separation independent of expansion. Microtubule inhibitors prevent centrosome expansion and separation, and expanded centrosomes collapse. Since pronuclear union is arrested by microtubule inhibitors, this treatment also affords the opportunity to explore the relative attractiveness of the male and female pronuclei for these centrosomal antigens. Both pronuclei acquire centrosomal material; though only the male centrosome is capable of organizing a functional bipolar mitotic apparatus at first division, the female centrosome nucleates a monaster. Microfilament inhibition (cytochalasin D) prevents centrosome separation but not expansion or compaction. These results demonstrate that as the centrosome shapes the cytoskeleton, the cytoskeleton alters centrosome shape.  相似文献   

Periodic calcium waves cross ascidian eggs after fertilization   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ascidian eggs respond to fertilization with one to two dozen periodic calcium pulses (J.E. Speksnijder, D.W. Corson, C. Sardet, and L.F. Jaffe, 1989a, Dev. Biol. 135, 182-190). We examined the spatial pattern of these pulses and found that they are initiated in discrete regions from which they propagate as waves. The first few pulses start in the animal hemisphere, whereas the later ones are mostly initiated near the vegetal pole. Such vegetal waves are often followed by a contraction of the egg surface. Since these waves are attenuated as they spread, they repeatedly expose the vegetal pole region to more calcium. The mechanism of these repetitive calcium waves and their possible role in establishing pattern or completing meiosis is discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that stimulation of egg metabolism after fertilization is due to a rise in intracellular free calcium concentration. In sea urchin eggs, this first calcium signal is followed by other calcium transients that allow progression through mitotic control points of the cell cycle of the early embryo. How sperm induces these calcium transients is still far from being understood. In sea urchin eggs, both InsP3 and ryanodine receptors contribute to generate the fertilization calcium transient, while the InsP3 receptor generates the subsequent mitotic calcium transients. The identity of the mechanisms that generate InsP3 after fertilization remains an enigma. In order to determine whether PLCgamma might be the origin of the peaks of InsP3 production that punctuate the first mitotic cell cycles of the fertilized sea urchin egg, we have amplified by RT-PCR several fragments of sea urchin PLCgamma containing the two SH2 domains. The sequence shares similarities with SH2 domains of PLCgamma from mammals. One fragment was subcloned into a bacterial expression plasmid and a GST-fusion protein was produced and purified. Antibodies raised to the GST fusion protein demonstrate the presence of PLCgamma protein in eggs. Microinjection of the fragment into embryos interferes with mitosis. A related construct made from bovine PLCgamma also delayed or prevented entry into mitosis and blocked or prolonged metaphase. The bovine construct also blocked the calcium transient at fertilization, in contrast to a tandem SH2 control construct which did not inhibit either fertilization or mitosis. Our data indicate that PLCgamma plays a key role during fertilization and early development.  相似文献   

Ascidians (primitive chordates) are hermaphroditic animals, releasing sperm and eggs nearly simultaneously. But, many ascidians, including Ciona intestinalis and Halocynthia roretzi, show self-sterility or preference for cross-fertilization rather than self-fertilization. The molecular mechanisms underlying this allorecognition process are only poorly understood. We recently identified the genes responsible for self-incompatibility in C. intestinalis by a positional cloning: sperm-borne polycystin 1-like receptor, referred to as s-Themis, and its fibrinogen-like ligand called v-Themis on the vitelline coat (VC) are highly polymorphic and appear to be responsible for allorecognition in the fertilization of C. intestinalis. In H. roretzi, on the other hand, we revealed that HrVC70, a 70-kDa main component of the VC consisting of 12 epidermal-growth-factor (EGF)-like repeats, is a candidate allorecognition protein, since the attachment of this protein to the VC during oocyte maturation and its detachment by weak acid are closely linked to the gain and the loss of self-sterility, respectively, and also since nonself-sperm rather than self-sperm efficiently bound to HrVC70-agarose. As a binding partner of HrVC70, a 35-kDa GPI-anchored glycoprotein in sperm lipid rafts, referred to as HrUrabin, was identified: HrUrabin appears to play a key role in allorecognizable sperm binding to HrVC70 during fertilization. In the present review, we describe the current progress on the molecular bases of allorecognition, or self-incompatibility, during ascidian fertilization, by considering the SI systems in another organisms including fungies and flowering plants.  相似文献   

Aurora A, meiosis and mitosis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Aurora family kinases are pivotal to the successful execution of cell division. Together they ensure the formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle, accurate segregation of chromosomes and the completion of cytokinesis. They are also attractive drug targets, being frequently deregulated in cancer and able to transform cells in vitro. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about the three family members, Aur-A, Aur-B and Aur-C. We then focus on Aur-A, its roles in mitotic progression, and its emerging roles in checkpoint control pathways. Aur-A activity can be controlled at several levels, including phosphorylation, ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis and interaction with both positive regulators, such as TPX2, and negative ones, like the tumor suppressor protein p53. In addition, work in Xenopus oocytes and early embryos has revealed a second role for Aur-A, directing the polyadenylation-dependent translation of specific mRNAs important for cell cycle progression. This function extends to post-mitotic neurons, and perhaps even to cycling somatic cells.  相似文献   

Higher order chromosome structures are the hallmark of mitotic and meiotic cells. Chromatin condensation and compaction are essential for rapid chromosome congression and accurate chromosome segregation during cell division. The core histones possess tails at their amino-termini. These tails, which extend from the surface of the nucleosomes, are highly dynamic and subject to an extensive array of covalent modifications. Modified histone tails play an important role, not only in the folding of nucleosomal arrays into higher order chromatin structures but also are crucial role in gene regulation. The combination of these distinct covalent modifications of histones constitutes “the histone code” that regulates various cellular processes, including mitotic and meiotic progression.  相似文献   

During meiosis in the male of a cyprinodontid fish, Aphyosemion splendopleure, and during the organization of the spindle of division, the spindle is made of two types of tubules: microtubules (20-25 nm) and macrotubules (30-50 nm). The macrotubules are associated only with the polar region of the meiotic apparatus and are located outside the spindle of microtubules. At the end of meiosis, the spindle microtubules depolymerize whereas the macrotubules remain. One can find them throughout the entire process of spermiogenesis; later, they disappear only at the end of spermatid maturation. We have studied four populations from Cameroon, three of them with macrotubules.  相似文献   

One current theory of the Golgi apparatus views its organization as containing both a matrix fraction of structural proteins and a reservoir of cycling enzymes. During mitosis, the putative matrix protein GM130 is phosphorylated and relocalized to spindle poles. When the secretory pathway is inhibited during interphase, GM130 redistributes to regions adjacent to vesicle export sites on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Strikingly, meiotic maturation and fertilization in nonrodent mammalian eggs presents a unique experimental environment for the Golgi apparatus, because secretion is inhibited until after fertilization, and because the centrosome is absent until introduced by the sperm. Here, we test the hypothesis that phosphorylated GM130 associates not with meiotic spindle poles, but with ER clusters in the mature bovine oocyte. At the germinal vesicle stage, phosphorylated GM130 is observed as fragments dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. During meiotic maturation, GM130 reorganizes into punctate foci that associate near the ER-resident protein calreticulin and is notably absent from the meiotic spindle. GM130 colocalizes with Sec23, a marker for ER vesicle export sites, but not with Lens culinaris agglutinin, a marker for cortical granules. Because disruption of vesicle transport has been shown to block meiotic maturation and embryonic cleavage in some species, we also test the hypothesis that fertilization and cytokinesis are inhibited with membrane trafficking disruptor brefeldin A (BFA). Despite Golgi fragmentation after BFA treatment, pronuclei form and unite, and embryos cleave and develop through the eight-cell stage. We conclude that, while the meiotic phosphorylation cycle of GM130 mirrors that of mitosis, absence of a maternal centrosome precludes Golgi association with the meiotic spindle. Fertilization introduces the sperm centrosome that can reorganize Golgi proteins, but neither fertilization nor cytokinesis prior to compaction requires a functional Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are highly hazardous for genome integrity, because failure to repair them can lead to genome rearrangements or chromosome loss. They can arise at unpredictable locations as a consequence of DNA damage during both the mitotic and the meiotic cell cycle or in a programmed manner during meiosis. Cellular response to accidental or programmed DSBs involves highly conserved surveillance mechanisms, called DNA damage checkpoint and recombination checkpoint, which coordinate DSB repair with mitotic or meiotic cell cycle progression, respectively. Although these protective signal-transduction pathways share several upstream components, activation of the recombination checkpoint requires meiosis-specific proteins. These proteins are structural components of the meiotic chromosomes, indicating that the system monitoring programmed meiotic DSBs is an integral part of the chromosome structure formed during meiosis.  相似文献   

We used kinase assays and confocal microscopy to study the interaction of cell cycle proteins with microtubule organising centres (MTOC) and chromatin in ascidian oocytes during meiosis. The activity of maturation promoting factor (MPF) and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) appear not to be correlated in control oocytes. MPF activity peaks during metaphase I and II of the meiotic cell cycle whereas the activity of MAPK peaks at telophase I and is subsequently degraded to remain at low levels for the remainder of meiosis. The protein synthesis inhibitor emetine induces the degradation in MPF activity in unfertilized metaphase-I (M-I) oocytes, while MAPK is unaffected. Emetine does not alter the activities of these cell cycle kinases in fertilized oocytes during meiosis I but MPF activity remains low while MAPK activity is high for an elongated time period and oocytes do not complete meiosis I. Emetine induces maternal MTOC duplication in unfertilized M-I oocytes and prevents sperm aster growth in fertilized oocytes, but it does not alter the M-I meiotic apparatus in unfertilized oocytes. These experiments suggest that neither MPF alone nor emetine-sensitive proteins are responsible for M-I arrest in ascidian oocytes, MAPK may ensure this stability. In addition, we showed that the maternal MTOC is present at M-I but suppressed from duplicating in an emetine-sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa should bind to and then penetrate the vitelline coat for fertilization in ascidians and many other animals. There is substantial evidence that the binding of ascidian sperm is mediated by a sperm glycosidase and complementary saccharide chains of glycoproteins in the vitelline coat. Involvement of a sperm proteasome in the binding is also suggested. For the penetration, sperm proteases such as chymotrypsin-like enzyme, acrosin, spermosin and proteasome are suggested to play essential roles. Sperm glycosidase, that is translocated from the tip of sperm head to the surface overlying the mitochondrion, anchors the mitochondrion at the outer surface of vitelline coat. Therefore it assists sperm to penetrate the vitelline coat and traverse the perivitelline space. For fusion with egg plasma membrane, sperm metalloendoprotease seems to be involved. Egg glycosidases and proteases serve for some steps after fertilization, such as the prevention of polyspermy, expansion of perivitelline space and regulation of cell cycle.  相似文献   

Hauf S  Watanabe Y 《Cell》2004,119(3):317-327
Kinetochores are the major point of contact between spindle microtubules and chromosomes. They are assemblies of more than 50 different proteins and take part in regulating and controlling their own interaction with the spindle. We review recent advance in understanding how kinetochores are properly placed onto the chromosome, and how their interaction with the microtubules of the spindle is regulated. Kinetochore orientation in meiosis I shows some particular features, and we also discuss similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis I.  相似文献   

Rates of oxygen consumption were measured in oocytes of the starfish Patiria miniata prior to and after the initiation of meiotic maturation in response to 1-methyladenine. No significant change in the rate of respiration was noted until after the completion of meiosis, at which point a two-fold increase in the rate of respiration was observed. The rate of oxygen consumption was also measured in response to fertilization and artificial activation with pronase. A transitory “burst” of oxygen consumption was noted in response to both stimuli. This “burst” is larger and of briefer duration in pronase-treated eggs. Possible interpretations of these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Sperm of the solitary ascidian Ascidia ceratodes shed their mitochondria on contact with the chorion. The mitochondrion forms a sphere which slides down the sperm tail ultimately to be released in about 2 min. During this process the sperm emits acid into the surrounding seawater, lowering the pH. Raising the external pH to 9.5 stimulates the shedding process in the absence of eggs. This requires Ca2+ but not Na+. Removal of Na+ from the medium also induces the reaction in the presence of Ca2+. Sperm freshly diluted in pH 9.5 seawater require 2.5 min for 50% fertilization, while the same sperm 13 min later require only 1 min, suggesting that mitochondrial shedding is rate limiting in fertilization. Acid release can be induced by diluting the sperm in Na+-free seawater containing Ca2+ or by the ionophores A23187 or Nigericin. The necessity of Ca2+ for both acid release and the morphological changes suggests that an exchange of Ca2+ for H+ may be occurring which triggers the shedding process.  相似文献   

Denise Zickler 《Chromosoma》1970,30(3):287-304
The behaviour of the division spindle and centrosomal plaques is described in four species of Ascomycetes (Ascobolus immersus, Ascobolus stercorarius, Podospora anserina and Podospora setosa) studied by light and electron microscopy. Two unique features of the kinetical apparatus were observed: presence of centrosomal plaques and intranuclear location of the spindle. In all types of mitoses (mycelium, crosier and postmeiotical mitosis) the apparatus is structurally identical to that found in meiosis. The centrosomal plaques, present in all divisions, are always contiguous with the nuclear envelope and never show centrioles similar to those commonly found in Metazoa and Protozoa. During metaphase and anaphase the plaque is constituted of two zones situated on each side of the nuclear envelope: an electron opaque outer zone and inner one less opaque in which most of the microtubules end. In Podospora the outer zone appears in sections as consisting of two dark layers separated by a clear one. Two dispositions of plaques are possible: either they are entirely contiguous with the nuclear envelope (Ascobolus) or only partially so, the remainder being perpendicular to the nuclear envelope (Podospora). — The localisation of the plaques in the ascus was determined by light and electron microscopy. The nuclear envelope was shown to remain intact during division. It was possible to observe that the sporal wall of each spore originated from the same unique double membrane formed in the ascus during the meiotic second division and postmeiotical mitosis. This fact is of genetical interest for the study of morphological and physiological characters of the spores.  相似文献   

The fertilization potential in Phallusia mammillata consisted of an initial rapid depolarization. This initial sperm-triggered depolarization was followed by a phase of membrane depolarization which was of either long or short duration, depending on the eggs. When of long duration, the phase of membrane depolarization was divided into two periods: the first one began with a plateau (Em = +20.2 +/- 1.1 mV; duration = 1.7 +/- 0.14 min) which was followed by a series of membrane potential oscillations (n = 3.1 +/- 0.25) lasting 2.4 +/- 0.2 min. The second period also began as a plateau (Em = approximately 0 mV; duration = 3.40 +/- 0.20 min) which was followed by a series of oscillations (n = 11.5 +/- 0.5) lasting 11.8 +/- 0.6 min, followed by a membrane repolarization. The second series of oscillations often continued rising from the resting potential value. In the eggs displaying a short duration of membrane depolarization, the second period of depolarization was shortened (lasting only 3.5 +/- 0.5 min) since it lacked the second plateau. In addition it displayed a smaller number of oscillations (n = 4.7 +/- 0.6). As a consequence of this shortening, the membrane repolarized sooner. After repolarization, the membrane displayed several potential oscillations that started from the repolarization level. Regardless of the length of the depolarized plateau phases, the total number of membrane oscillations and the time period during which they occurred were constant. Eggs displaying a long depolarization phase had 15.9 +/- 0.6 oscillations in a 19.5 +/- 0.6 min interval, while eggs having a short depolarization phase had 16.0 +/- 0.8 oscillations in a 18.1 +/- 0.3 min interval. The time period during which the potential oscillations occurred corresponded remarkably well with the time of the meiotic divisions: the formation of the first polar body was detected about 80 sec after the end of the first series of oscillations; the second polar body was extruded about 85 sec after the last membrane oscillation occurred.  相似文献   

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