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The Esx-1 (type VII) secretion system is critical for virulence of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium marinum, and is highly conserved between the two species. Despite its importance, there has been no direct visualization of Esx-1 secretion until now. In M. marinum, we show that secretion of Mh3864, a novel Esx-1 substrate that remains partially cell wall–associated after translocation, occurred in polar regions, indicating that Esx-1 secretion takes place in these regions. Analysis of Esx-1 secretion in infected host cells suggested that Esx-1 activity is similarly localized in vivo. A core component of the Esx-1 apparatus, Mh3870, also localized to bacterial poles, showing a preference for new poles with active cell wall peptidoglycan (PGN) synthesis. This work demonstrates that the Esx-1 secretion machine localizes to, and is active at, the bacterial poles. Thus, virulence-related protein secretion is localized in mycobacteria, suggesting new potential therapeutic targets, which are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan, a major glycoconjugate in the mycobacterial cell envelope provides strength to resist osmotic stress and plays a pivotal role in maintaining the cellular morphology. Several unique growth stage specific structural alterations occur in its constituent monosaccharides and peptides that allow Mycobacterium to survive nutrient starvation and environmental stress. Here, we discuss the enzymes involved in its intricate biosynthesis that are novel targets for therapeutic intervention and provide an opportunity for potential antibiotic adjuvants. We also revisit the enzymatic steps which are critical for maintaining the equilibrium between peptidoglycan synthesis and hydrolysis during cellular growth and division specifically focused on the importance of cell wall remodelling during “exit from dormancy” in Mycobacterium, a phenomenon with tremendous physiological and therapeutic importance for intervention in mycobacterial infections.  相似文献   

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PE_PGRS proteins are unique to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and a number of other pathogenic mycobacteria. PE_PGRS30, which is required for the full virulence of M. tuberculosis (Mtb), has three main domains, i.e. an N-terminal PE domain, repetitive PGRS domain and the unique C-terminal domain. To investigate the role of these domains, we expressed a GFP-tagged PE_PGRS30 protein and a series of its functional deletion mutants in different mycobacterial species (Mtb, Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis) and analysed protein localization by confocal microscopy. We show that PE_PGRS30 localizes at the mycobacterial cell poles in Mtb and M. bovis BCG but not in M. smegmatis and that the PGRS domain of the protein strongly contributes to protein cellular localization in Mtb. Immunofluorescence studies further showed that the unique C-terminal domain of PE_PGRS30 is not available on the surface, except when the PGRS domain is missing. Immunoblot demonstrated that the PGRS domain is required to maintain the protein strongly associated with the non-soluble cellular fraction. These results suggest that the repetitive GGA-GGN repeats of the PGRS domain contain specific sequences that contribute to protein cellular localization and that polar localization might be a key step in the PE_PGRS30-dependent virulence mechanism.  相似文献   

Problematic fermentations are common in the wine industry. Assimilable nitrogen deficiency is the most prevalent cause of sluggish fermentations and can reduce fermentation rates significantly. A lack of nitrogen diminishes a yeast's metabolic activity, as well as the biomass yield, although it has not been clear which of these two interdependent factors is more significant in sluggish fermentations. Under winemaking conditions with different initial nitrogen concentrations, metabolic flux analysis was used to isolate the effects. We quantified yeast physiology and identified key metabolic fluxes. We also performed cell concentration experiments to establish how biomass yield affects the fermentation rate. Intracellular analysis showed that trehalose accumulation, which is highly correlated with ethanol production, could be responsible for sustaining cell viability in nitrogen-poor musts independent of the initial assimilable nitrogen content. Other than the higher initial maintenance costs in sluggish fermentations, the main difference between normal and sluggish fermentations was that the metabolic flux distributions in nitrogen-deficient cultures revealed that the specific sugar uptake rate was substantially lower. The results of cell concentration experiments, however, showed that in spite of lower sugar uptake, adding biomass from sluggish cultures not only reduced the time to finish a problematic fermentation but also was less likely to affect the quality of the resulting wine as it did not alter the chemistry of the must.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol-1-phosphate synthase is a conserved enzyme that catalyzes the first committed and rate-limiting step in inositol biosynthesis. Despite its wide occurrence in all eukaryotes, the role of myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase and de novo inositol biosynthesis in cell signaling and organism development has been unclear. In this study, we isolated loss-of-function mutants in the Arabidopsis MIPS1 gene from different ecotypes. It was found that all null mips1 mutants are defective in embryogenesis, cotyledon venation patterning, root growth, and root cap development. The mutant roots are also agravitropic and have reduced basipetal auxin transport. mips1 mutants have significantly reduced levels of major phosphatidylinositols and exhibit much slower rates of endocytosis. Treatment with brefeldin A induces slower PIN2 protein aggregation in mips1, indicating altered PIN2 trafficking. Our results demonstrate that MIPS1 is critical for maintaining phosphatidylinositol levels and affects pattern formation in plants likely through regulation of auxin distribution.  相似文献   

The purified casein kinase II (CK II) from Arabidopsis thaliana phosphorylates wheat elongation factor (EF- ), but not elongation factor Iβ’ (EF-lβ’), which lacks a serine residue in the conserved phosphorylation site. Both EF- and1β’ subunits, with similar functions, seem to undergo different regulation despite the partial amino acid sequence of EF-lβ being similar to that of EF-1β’.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the potential for regulationof maize leaf sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) by protein phosphorylation.Highly activated enzyme, in desalted crude leaf extracts preparedfrom illuminated leaves, was inactivated in vitro in a time-and ATP-de-pendent manner. Partial purification of SPS by polyethyleneglycol fractionation and Mono Q chromatography yielded enzymethat was not ATP-inactivated, possibly due to elimination ofcontaminating protein kinase. We used the partially purifiedSPS as substrate to identify an endogenous protein kinase. Theprotein kinase catalyzed the time- and ATP-dependent inacti-vationof SPS, and the apparent Km for Mg-ATP was estimated to be approximately10µM. The partially purified maize SPS protein was phosphorylatedin vitro using [y-32P]ATP and either the endogenous proteinkinase or the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.The incorporation of radiolabel was closely paralleled by inactivationof the enzyme. These results provide the first evidence forregulation of maize leaf SPS by protein phosphorylation, whichwe postulate is the mechanism of light-dark regulation in vivo. (Received October 23, 1990; Accepted January 7, 1991)  相似文献   

In suspension-cultured cells of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), the activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC-S) rapidly increases in response to fungal elicitors. The effect of inhibitors of protein kinases and protein phosphatases on the regulation of ACC-S was studied. K-252a, an inhibitor of protein kinases, prevented induction of the enzyme by elicitors and promoted its apparent turnover in elicitor-stimulated cells, causing a 50% loss of activity within 4 to 8 min in both the presence and absence of cycloheximide. Calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases, caused a rapid increase of ACC-S in the absence of elicitors and an immediate acceleration of the rate of ACC-S increase in elicitor-stimulated cells. In the presence of cycloheximide there was no such increase, indicating that the effect depended on protein synthesis. Cordycepin, an inhibitor of mRNA synthesis, did not prevent the elicitor-induced increase in ACC-S activity but strongly reduced the K-252a-induced decay and the calyculin A-induced increase of its activity. In vitro, ACC-S activity was not affected by K-252a and calyculin A or by treatments with protein phosphatases. These results suggest that protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation is involved in the regulation of ACC-S, not by regulating the catalytic activity itself but by controlling the rate of turnover of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of mycobacterial mannose-containing lipoglycans, such as lipomannan (LM) and the immunomodulator lipoarabinomanan (LAM), is carried out by the GT-C superfamily of glycosyltransferases that require polyprenylphosphate-based mannose (PPM) as a sugar donor. The essentiality of lipoglycan synthesis for growth makes the glycosyltransferase that synthesizes PPM, a potential drug target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. In M. tuberculosis, PPM has been shown to be synthesized by Ppm1 in enzymatic assays. However, genetic evidence for its essentiality and in vivo role in LM/LAM and PPM biosynthesis is lacking. In this study, we demonstrate that MSMEG3859, a Mycobacterium smegmatis gene encoding the homologue of the catalytic domain of M. tuberculosis Ppm1, is essential for survival. Depletion of MSMEG3859 in a conditional mutant of M. smegmatis resulted in the loss of higher order phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides (PIMs) and lipomannan. We were also able to demonstrate that two other M. tuberculosis genes encoding glycosyltransferases that either had been shown to possess PPM synthase activity (Rv3779), or were involved in synthesizing similar polyprenol-linked donors (ppgS), were unable to compensate for the loss of MSMEG3859 in the conditional mutant.  相似文献   

The effect of platelet-activating factor (PAF) on protein tyrosine phosphorylation was studied in rat hippocampal slices. PAF caused an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of two phosphoproteins, which we identified by immunoprecipitation assays as the focal adhesion kinase p125FAK and crk-associated substrate p130Cas. The PAF effect was time- and dose-dependent. In addition, the involvement of PAF receptor was demonstrated by using PCA-4248, a specific receptor antagonist. When NO synthase was inhibited by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMA), PAF-stimulated protein tyrosine phosphorylation was inhibited. In conclusion, our results indicate that PAF increased the tyrosine phosphorylation of both p125FAK and p130Cas proteins by the production of NO in hippocampus, suggesting that PAF may play a role in the functioning of this cerebral area.  相似文献   

The uppermost internode is one of the fastest elongating organs in rice, and is expected to require an adequate supply of cell-wall materials and enzymes to the cell surface to enhance mechanical strength. Although it has been reported that the phenotype of shortened uppermost internode 1 (sui1) is caused by mutations in PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE SYNTHASE (OsPSS), the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we show that the OsPSS-1, as a gene expressed predominantly in elongating cells, regulates post-Golgi vesicle secretion to intercellular spaces. Mutation of OsPSS-1 leads to compromised delivery of CESA4 and secGFP towards the cell surface, resulting in weakened intercellular adhesion and disorganized cell arrangement in parenchyma. The phenotype of sui1-4 is caused largely by the reduction in cellulose contents in the whole plant and detrimental delivery of pectins in the uppermost internode. We found that OsPSS-1 and its potential product PS (phosphatidylserine) localized to organelles associated with exocytosis. These results together suggest that OsPSS-1 plays a potential role in mediating cell expansion by regulating secretion of cell wall components.  相似文献   

The microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) END BINDING1b (EB1b) and SPIRAL1 (SPR1) are required for normal cell expansion and organ growth. EB proteins are viewed as central regulators of +TIPs and cell polarity in animals; SPR1 homologs are specific to plants. To explore if EB1b and SPR1 fundamentally function together, we combined genetic, biochemical, and cell imaging approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that eb1b-2 spr1-6 double mutant roots exhibit substantially more severe polar expansion defects than either single mutant, undergoing right-looping growth and severe axial twisting instead of waving on tilted hard-agar surfaces. Protein interaction assays revealed that EB1b and SPR1 bind each other and tubulin heterodimers, which is suggestive of a microtubule loading mechanism. EB1b and SPR1 show antagonistic association with microtubules in vitro. Surprisingly, our combined analyses revealed that SPR1 can load onto microtubules and function independently of EB1 proteins, setting SPR1 apart from most studied +TIPs in animals and fungi. Moreover, we found that the severity of defects in microtubule dynamics in spr1 eb1b mutant hypocotyl cells correlated well with the severity of growth defects. These data indicate that SPR1 and EB1b have complex interactions as they load onto microtubule plus ends and direct polar cell expansion and organ growth in response to directional cues.  相似文献   

Complex sphingolipids are important components of eukaryotic cell membranes and, together with their biosynthetic precursors, including sphingoid long chain bases and ceramides, have important signaling functions crucial for cell growth and survival. Ceramides are produced at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by a multicomponent enzyme complex termed ceramide synthase (CerS). In budding yeast, this complex is composed of two catalytic subunits, Lac1 and Lag1, as well as an essential regulatory subunit, Lip1. Proper formation of ceramides by CerS has been shown previously to require the Cka2 subunit of casein kinase 2 (CK2), a ubiquitous enzyme with multiple cellular functions, but the precise mechanism involved has remained unidentified. Here we present evidence that Lac1 and Lag1 are direct targets for CK2 and that phosphorylation at conserved positions within the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of each protein is required for optimal CerS activity. Our data suggest that phosphorylation of Lac1 and Lag1 is important for proper localization and distribution of CerS within the ER membrane and that phosphorylation of these sites is functionally linked to the COP I-dependent C-terminal dilysine ER retrieval pathway. Together, our data identify CK2 as an important regulator of sphingolipid metabolism, and additionally, because both ceramides and CK2 have been implicated in the regulation of cancer, our findings may lead to an enhanced understanding of their relationship in health and disease.  相似文献   

The rate of polypeptide chain elongation during steady-state, polyamine-limited growth of a mutant of Escherichia coli was measured by two independent techniques. Analysis of polysome patterns gave values of 17.5 and 9.5 amino acids per s at 37 C in unstarved and polyamine-limited cells, respectively. From the kinetics of entry of labeled amino acids into polypeptides of defined molecular weights, values at 30 C of 10.1 and 5.8 amino acids per s were obtained for unstarved and polyamine-limited cultures, respectively. Correction of these values to 37 C resulted in rates of 15.0 and 8.7 amino acids per s. These results support the previous conclusion, based on the kinetics of beta-galactosidase induction, that polyamine starvation decreases the rate of protein synthesis by limiting the velocity of polypeptide chain elongation.  相似文献   

Src kinases are key regulators of cellular proliferation, survival, motility, and invasiveness. They play important roles in the regulation of inflammation and cancer. Overexpression or hyperactivity of c-Src has been implicated in the development of various types of cancer, including lung cancer. Src inhibition is currently being investigated as a potential therapy for non-small cell lung cancer in Phase I and II clinical trials. The mechanisms of Src implication in cancer and inflammation are linked to the ability of activated Src to phosphorylate multiple downstream targets that mediate its cellular effector functions. In this study, we reveal that inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS), an enzyme also implicated in cancer and inflammation, is a downstream mediator of activated Src. We elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the association between Src and iNOS in models of inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide and/or cytokines and in cancer cells and tissues. We identify human iNOS residue Tyr1055 as a target for Src-mediated phosphorylation. These results are shown in normal cells and cancer cells as well as in vivo in mice. Importantly, such posttranslational modification serves to stabilize iNOS half-life. The data also demonstrate interactions and co-localization of iNOS and activated Src under inflammatory conditions and in cancer cells. This study demonstrates that phosphorylation of iNOS by Src plays an important role in the regulation of iNOS and nitric oxide production and hence could account for some Src-related roles in inflammation and cancer.  相似文献   

Living organisms rely on the FoF1 ATP synthase to maintain the non-equilibrium chemical gradient of ATP to ADP and phosphate that provides the primary energy source for cellular processes. How the Fo motor uses a transmembrane electrochemical ion gradient to create clockwise torque that overcomes F1 ATPase-driven counterclockwise torque at high ATP is a major unresolved question. Using single FoF1 molecules embedded in lipid bilayer nanodiscs, we now report the observation of Fo-dependent rotation of the c10 ring in the ATP synthase (clockwise) direction against the counterclockwise force of ATPase-driven rotation that occurs upon formation of a leash with Fo stator subunit a. Mutational studies indicate that the leash is important for ATP synthase activity and support a mechanism in which residues aGlu-196 and cArg-50 participate in the cytoplasmic proton half-channel to promote leash formation.  相似文献   

The influence of gibberellic acid over a wide range of concentrations on the rate of elongation of root hairs of redtop grass was investigated. The rate of root hair elongation was increased by GA over the concentration range of 10?7 to 10?12 M inclusive, with peak stimulation occurring at 10?6 M. Although root hair growth was slightly accelerated by 10?6 M GA, this concentration damaged many root hairs and caused some to stop growing altogether. Rate of root hair elongation was reduced to less than 84% of the control by 10?5 M GA.  相似文献   

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