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1. The wasp Diaeretiella rapae uses honeydew emitted by its host, the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassica, as a kairomone (chemicals emitted by an organism as part of its activity and used by its natural enemies to their advantage). The role of the kairomone in foraging decisions by the parasitic wasp was explored by manipulating the amount of honeydew and the number of aphids in a colony independently. The count-down patch-exploitation mechanism (Iwasa et al., 1981) was employed to predict the results of these manipulations and contrast them with the predictions of Waage's (1979) model. 2. Kairomonal activity of honeydew decreased as the honeydew aged and lost its activity completely within 72 h. 3. The wasp was exposed to different amounts of honeydew on (a) aphid-free leaves and (b) leaves bearing colonies of 150 aphids. The parasitoid search time on both leaf types increased with increasing honeydew contamination. On aphid-bearing leaves, the number of attacked aphids in the colonies also increased with increasing honeydew contamination. The presence of aphids reduced the parasitoid search time compared to search time on aphid-bearing leaves with the same level of honeydew contamination, as predicted by the count-down model. 4. Parasitoids exposed to the same amount of honeydew, but a different number of aphids in a colony on the leaf, first increased the number of aphids attacked in relation to the number of aphids in the colony. But as the colony reached a certain size, the number of aphids attacked levelled off, despite the increase in the number of aphids in the colony. Search time was variable but did not exhibit any trend as the number of aphids in the colonies increased. 5. These results suggest that honeydew level is used by D. rapae as a cue for assessment of the number of aphids in the colony. In such cases, a count-down exploitation mechanism gives the best results to a forager. Many parasitoids may use kairomones for patch assessment and will therefore employ a count-down rule during patch exploitation.  相似文献   

Foraging parasitoids are thought to need more specific information than generalists on the presence, identity, availability, and suitability of their insect host species. In the present paper, we compare responses to host kairomones by two phylogenetically related parasitoid species that attack Drosophilidae and that differ in the width of their host range. As predicted, the behavioral response of the parasitoids to host kairomones reflected their difference in host range. The response of the specialist parasitoid Leptopilina boulardiwas restricted to contact kairomones from its natural hosts and one closely related species. In contrast, the generalist parasitoid Leptopilina heterotomaresponded to contact kairomones of a variety of Drosophilidae species.  相似文献   

Even for parasitoids with a wide host range, not all host species are equally suitable, and host quality often depends on the plant the host feeds on. We compared oviposition choice and offspring performance of a generalist pupal parasitoid, Pteromalus apum (Retzius) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), on two congeneric hosts reared on two plant species under field and laboratory conditions. The plants contain defensive iridoid glycosides that are sequestered by the hosts. Sequestration at the pupal stage differed little between host species and, although the concentrations of iridoid glycosides in the two plant species differ, there was no effect of diet on the sequestration by host pupae. The rate of successful parasitism differed between host species, depending on the conditions they were presented in. In the field, where plant‐associated cues are present, the parasitoid used Melitaea cinxia (L.) over Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), whereas more M. athalia were parasitised in simplified laboratory conditions. In the field, brood size, which is partially determined by rate of superparasitism, depended on both host and plant species. There was little variation in other aspects of offspring performance related to host or plant species, indicating that the two host plants are of equal quality for the hosts, and the hosts are of equal quality for the parasitoids. Corresponding to this, we found no evidence for associative learning by the parasitoid based on their natal host, so with respect to these host species they are truly generalist in their foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Host location and selection cues in a generalist tachinid parasitoid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tachinid flies are diverse and ecologically important insect parasitoids. However, the means by which tachinid species locate and select hosts are poorly known. Many tachinids exhibit unusually wide host ranges and they also possess well-developed visual systems. These characteristics suggest that tachinids differ from parasitic wasps in their reliance on various sensory modes and types of cues. A series of behavioral assays using the generalist tachinid Exorista mella Walker (Diptera: Tachinidae) were conducted to examine what types of cues this parasitoid uses to locate and accept hosts, and how the cues used may reflect its ecological relationships with hosts. Female E. mella responded strongly to host motion in assays using both live hosts and host corpses, and this cue is shown to be an important elicitor of attack behavior. Females also responded to volatile chemicals associated with damaged food plants of their host in an olfactometer. Flies responded only weakly to direct visual contact with stationary hosts and odors directly associated with hosts. The behavior of female E. mella changed with experience such that more experienced flies recognized and attacked hosts more readily than did inexperienced flies. The use of general olfactory and visual cues by E. mella may be an effective strategy by this polyphagous parasitoid to locate a broad range of potential hosts.  相似文献   

Interactions between predators foraging in the same patch may strongly influence patch use and functional response. In particular, there is continued interest in how the magnitude of mutual interference shapes predator–prey interactions. Studies commonly focus on either patch use or the functional response without attempting to link these important components of the foraging puzzle. Predictions from both theoretical frameworks suggest that predators should modify foraging efforts in response to changes in feeding rate, but this prediction has received little empirical attention. We study the linkage between patch departure rates and food consumption by the hunting spider, Pardosa milvina, using field enclosures in which prey and predator densities were manipulated. Additionally, the most appropriate functional response model was identified by fitting alternative functional response models to laboratory foraging data. Our results show that although prey availability was the most important determinant of patch departure rates, a greater proportion of predators left enclosures containing elevated predator abundance. Functional response parameter estimation revealed significant levels of interference among predators leading to lower feeding rates even when the area allocated for each predator was kept constant. These results suggest that feeding rates determine patch movement dynamics, where interference induces predators to search for foraging sites that balance the frequency of agonistic interactions with prey encounter rates.  相似文献   

Chad E. Brassil 《Oikos》2007,116(3):524-532
This work details theory in which selection favors generalists in a more variable environment. Specifically, in a two-host-one-parasitoid model, temporal variation in host abundances alters the optimal searching strategy and leads to the evolution of more generalist parasitoid strategies. Consistent with empirical observations, parasitoids learn host/plant odors, and use them as a cue to search for oviposition sites. The amount of unsuccessful search time required before a parasitoid alters its searching cues (the "giving-up time") is modeled in order to understand the evolutionarily optimal giving-up times under a variety of conditions. When host abundances vary across time, a generalist parasitoid strategy evolves with short giving-up times as it is likely that the host initially favored by a parasitoid will now have a low abundance. In contrast, when populations reach stable dynamics across time, giving-up times typically evolve to longer times, i.e. parasitoids remain specialized longer. The effect of temporal fluctuations is consistent across variation caused by endogenous population interactions and, to some degree, by environmental stochasticity. The conclusions are robust in that there is a strong degree of concordance between the results of a stochastic, individual-based model and a deterministic, numerical model. As an extension, spatial variation in hosts that leads to unequal tradeoffs between generalist parasitoids and specialist parasitoids may also result in the evolution of reduced giving-up times.  相似文献   

Food mixing by herbivores is thought to balance nutrient intake and possibly dilute secondary metabolites characteristic of different host plant species. Most empirical work on insect herbivores has focused on nutrient balancing in laboratory settings. In this study, we characterize food mixing behaviour of the caterpillar Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in nature and use the observed patterns to design ecologically relevant experiments that reveal the relative importance of these processes in food-switching behaviour. Our design involved both choice and no-choice experiments with chemically defined diets in which primary nutrients and secondary metabolites were manipulated in tandem. We analysed two stages in the process of food-switching behaviour: leaving food and accepting new food. In nature, an individual's rate of leaving host plants was positively associated with its probability of rejecting plant species most recently eaten, but not related to its probability of accepting different host plant species. Furthermore, an individual's leaving rate was negatively related to its average feeding bout duration. This relationship resulted partly from variation in the response of individuals to nutrient imbalance and partly from shortened feeding bouts prior to switching, suggesting that a decline in feeding excitation preceded searching for food that differed from that most recently eaten. Laboratory experiments with synthetic diets indicated the importance of secondary metabolites in the decline in feeding excitation prior to switching. Preference for new food depended strongly on secondary metabolites in a manner consistent with toxin dilution. This is the first experimental evidence for the process of toxin dilution in caterpillars, and for the combined influence of nutrients and secondary metabolites on their foraging patterns in nature. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1. In environments in which resources are distributed heterogeneously, patch choice and the length of time spent on a patch by foragers are subject to strong selective pressures. This is particularly true for parasitoids because their host foraging success translates directly into individual fitness. 2. The aim of this study was to test whether: (i) females of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) can discriminate among patches according to host numbers; (ii) the surrounding context affects the initial choice of patch, as well as time spent on patch; and (iii) the perceived quality of a given patch is affected by the quality of the surrounding patches. 3. Each female was randomly exposed to one of three different three‐patch environments which differed in host number per patch, mean environment host number and host distribution among patches. For each treatment level, the first patch chosen and the time allocated to each patch visited by the female were recorded. 4. Females of I. leucospoides were able to discriminate different levels of host numbers among patches from a distance. The patch bearing the highest number of hosts was, predominantly, the first choice. Patch host number in association with mean habitat profitability influenced the length of time spent on the first patch visited. By contrast, variance in habitat profitability did not influence time allocation decisions. Contrary to the study prediction, there were no significant habitat‐dependent time allocation differences among patches holding the same number of hosts. 5. The results indicate that, for I. leucospoides, patch exploitation decisions are partially influenced by information obtained from the habitat as a whole, a behaviour that may prove to indicate adaptive ability in highly patchy environments, as well as suggesting the presence of good cognitive abilities in this parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Parasitoids learn olfactory and visual cues that are associated with their hosts, and use these cues to forage more efficiently. Classical conditioning theory predicts that encounters with high-quality hosts will lead to better learning of host-associated cues than encounters with low-quality hosts. We tested this prediction in a two-phase laboratory experiment with the parasitoid Trichogramma thalense Pinto & Oatman (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and the host Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).Host quality during the first exposure to hosts affected later foraging behavior for some experimental treatments, as predicted. We used a learning model, followed by patch-time optimization, to interpret our findings. We first simulated the parasitoids' host encounters during the experiment, and predicted their estimate of patch quality after each encounter. We then used dynamic optimization to predict the parasitoids' optimal patch residence times. The model reproduces the trends of the experimental results.  相似文献   

Eurytoma brunniventris is a parasitic wasp with a wide range of host species. We have developed primers for nine polymorphic microsatellite loci to allow examination of intraspecific population subdivision associated with two aspects of the biology of their hosts: host species (oak gallwasps) and the tree on which the gallwasp develops (different oak species). All nine loci amplified well across individuals collected from a range of gallwasp species and across two oak taxa. These microsatellite loci are potentially of value in the study of closely related economic pests such as seed predators of almonds (E. amygdali) and pistachios (E. plotnikovi).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Recognition of Periplaneta americana (L.) oothecae by the egg parasitoid Tetrastichus hagenowii (Ratzeburg) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is mediated by mucopolysaccharides from the salivary glands, and calcium oxalate from the colleterial glands of the roach. Calcium oxalate, the most active compound isolated, only elicits stereotyped host recognition behaviour from the parasitoid when perceived in the context of a curved surface. Although empty oothecae contain calcium oxalate, female T. hagenowii appear to determine the unsuitability of these oothecae soon after drumming begins and abandon them. The potential usefulness of host recognition kairomones in biological control is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Trophic interactions between predators and parasitoids can be described as intraguild predation (IGP) and are often asymmetric. Parasitoids (typically the IG prey) may respond to the threat of IGP by mitigating the predation risk for their offspring. 2. We used a system with a facultative predator Macrolophus caliginosus, the parasitoid Aphidius colemani, and their shared prey, the aphid Myzus persicae. We examined the functional responses of the parasitoid in the presence/absence of the predator on two host plants (aubergine and sweet pepper) with differing IGP risk. 3. Estimated model parameters such as parasitoid handling time increased on both plants where the predator was present, but impact of the predator varied with plant species. The predator, which could feed herbivorously on aubergine, had a reduced impact on parasitoid foraging on that plant. IG predator presence could reduce the searching effort of the IG prey depending on the plant, and on likely predation risk. 4. The results are discussed with regard to individual parasitoid's foraging behaviour and population stability; it is suggested that the presence of the predator can contribute to the stabilisation of host–parasitoid dynamics  相似文献   

1. We studied chick diet in a known-age, sexed population of a long-lived seabird, the Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia), over 15 years (N = 136; 1993-2007) and attached time-depth-temperature recorders to examine foraging behaviour in multiple years (N = 36; 2004-07). 2. Adults showed specialization in prey fed to offspring, described by multiple indices calculated over 15 years: 27% of diet diversity was attributable to among-individual variation (within-individual component of total niche width = 0.73); average similarity of an individual's diet to the overall diet was 65% (mean proportional similarity between individuals and population = 0.65); diet was significantly more specialized than expected for 70% of individuals (mean likelihood = 0.53). These indices suggest higher specialization than the average for an across-taxa comparison of 49 taxa. 3. Foraging behaviour varied along three axes: flight time, dive depth and dive shape. Individuals showed specialized individual foraging behaviour along each axis. These foraging strategies were reflected in the prey type delivered to their offspring and were maintained over scales of hours to years. 4. Specialization in foraging behaviour and diet was greater over short time spans (hours, days) than over long time spans (years). Regardless of sex or age, the main component of variation in foraging behaviour and chick diet was between individuals. 5. Plasma stable isotope values were similar across years, within a given individual, and variance was low relative to that expected from prey isotope values, suggesting adult diet specialized across years. Stable isotope values were similar among individuals that fed their nestlings similar prey items and there was no difference in trophic level between adults and chicks. We suggest that guillemots specialize on a single foraging strategy regardless of whether chick-provisioning and self-feeding. With little individual difference in body mass and physiology, specialization likely represents learning and memorizing optimal feeding locations and behaviours. 6. There was no difference in survival or reproductive success between specialists and generalists, suggesting these are largely equivalent strategies in terms of evolutionary fitness, presumably because different strategies were advantageous at different levels of prey abundance or predictability. The development of individual specialization may be an important precursor to diversification among seabirds.  相似文献   

Umbanhowar J  Maron J  Harrison S 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):123-130
Empirical studies of spatial heterogeneity in parasitism by insect parasitoids have focused largely on patterns, while the many possible underlying mechanisms have been little studied in the field. We conducted experimental and observational studies on Tachinomyia similis (Diptera: Tachinidae) attacking western tussock moths (Orgyia vetusta; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) on lupine bushes at Bodega Bay, Calif., USA. We examined several foraging behaviors that have been hypothesized to create density-dependent variation in parasitism rates, including spatial aggregation of parasitoids to high host density, mutual interference among searching parasitoids and decelerating functional responses of the parasitoid. At the spatial scale of individual bushes, we detected both aggregation to a high density and a decelerating functional response. The resulting spatial pattern of parasitism was best fit by two models; one included an effect of parasitoid aggregation and the other included an effect of aggregation and a decelerating functional response. Most of the variation in parasitism was not correlated with density of O. vetusta.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Ecological interactions between parasitoids and their hosts are extremely strong as parasitoid offspring rely entirely on an individual host to complete development. The ability of a parasitoid to use a host is influenced directly by the degree to which the parasitoid can overcome host defences and grow within the host.
2. Hymenopteran parasitoids have evolved different host-specific strategies to defeat the host immune system, such as the use of venom, endosymbiont virus, or mimicking the host tissue. Dipteran parasitoids from the Tachinidae family do not use these subterfuges and rely mainly on avoiding the host immune system by hiding in specific tissues.
3. Little is known of the effect of this strategy on the host immune system, the absorption of nutrients by the parasitoid larvae, or the implications for parasitoid host range.
4. In this study, the impact of a polyphagous tachinid parasitoid Compsilura concinnata Meigen on a pest lepidopteran Trichoplusia ni Hübner are assessed. Phenoloxidase levels and haemolymph proteins were measured in parasitised T. ni as a function of host immune response.
5. Haemolymph phenoloxidase in the host did not vary with parasitisation but was triggered when a piece of monofilament was implanted in the haemocoel. Haemolymph proteins were depleted in heavily parasitised T. ni .
6. These results indicate that C. concinnata has a strategy that avoids the host immune system, and accesses the necessary nutrients for larval growth. This strategy could explain the success of this tachinid and its wide host range.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates (GLS) are secondary plant metabolites that as a result of tissue damage, for example due to herbivory, are hydrolysed into toxic compounds that negatively affect generalist herbivores. Specialist herbivores have evolved specific adaptations to detoxify GLS or inhibit the formation of toxic hydrolytic products. Although rarely studied, GLS and their breakdown products may also affect parasitoids. The objectives were to test the effects of GLS in a multitrophic system consisting of the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua, the specialist herbivore Pieris rapae, and the endoparasitoid Hyposoter ebeninus. Three ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana that differ in their GLS composition and concentrations and one transformed line that constitutively produces higher concentrations of aliphatic GLS were used, the latter allowing a direct assessment of the effects of aliphatic GLS on insect performance.Feeding by the generalist S. exigua and the specialist P. rapae induced both higher aliphatic and indole GLS concentrations in the A. thaliana ecotypes, although induction was stronger for indole than aliphatic GLS. For both herbivores a negative correlation between performance and aliphatic GLS concentrations was observed. This suggests that the specialist, despite containing a nitrile-specifier protein (NSP) that diverts GLS degradation from toxic isothiocyanates to less toxic nitriles, cannot completely inhibit the formation of toxic GLS hydrolytic products, or that the costs of this mechanism are higher at higher GLS concentrations. Surprisingly, performance of the parasitoid was positively correlated with higher concentrations of aliphatic GLS in the plant, possibly caused by negative effects on host immune responses. Our study indicates that GLS can not only confer resistance against herbivores directly, but also indirectly by increasing the performance of the parasitoids of these herbivores.  相似文献   

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