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急性肾损伤(Acute kidney injury,AKI)可发生于各临床科室其临床经过常见并严重,ICU的重症患者AKI的发病率和死亡率更高。早期诊断对AKI的预后影响重大,能否找到临床实用的早期预测AKI的生物学标志物尽早采取干预措施是改善其预后的关键。本文就近年来研究的几种具有潜力的生物标志物作一综述。  相似文献   

冯炜  廖蕴华 《蛇志》2016,(1):63-64
正急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是常见的临床综合征,特别是在重症监护病房等单元。临床上血肌酐增高的程度和尿量变化是目前AKI的诊断指标,但肌酐不是反映肾功能变化的可靠指标,临床局限性较大,因此通过基础研究和临床研究发现理想的生物标志物势在必行,这对AKI的诊断、治疗、判断预后及预防极其重要。近年来的研究发  相似文献   

大强度运动中,非创伤性急性肾损伤(acute kindey injury, AKI)经常发生,表现为血尿、蛋白尿、血红蛋白尿等。一般认为,中低程度的运动性急性肾损伤是可逆的,可完全恢复。但动物实验与人类研究均发现,严重的运动性肾损伤会导致“功能性”急性肾损伤发展为“结构性”急性肾损伤,并增加慢性肾病的风险。运动性急性肾损伤对机体的潜在健康威胁已引起国内外相关领域学者的广泛关注。血清肌酐 (serum creatinine, Scr)和尿量作为肾功能的传统经典标志物,不能特异性反映早期肾损伤,而新型肾损伤标志物可进一步明确损伤的位置及严重程度。在运动领域,利用新型生物标志物进行无创性检查,识别早期运动性急性肾损伤非常必要。本文综述了反映肾小球或肾小管损伤、细胞周期停滞和肾损伤修复的新型生物标志物,着重论述了尿中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)和肾损伤分子-1(KIM-1)与肾功能的关系,以及长时间耐力运动、急性运动和高强度间歇阻力运动3种运动形式对肾功能的影响,旨在引起重视,精准识别风险,及时进行早干预。  相似文献   

大强度运动中,非创伤性急性肾损伤(acute kindey injury, AKI)经常发生,表现为血尿、蛋白尿、血红蛋白尿等。一般认为,中低程度的运动性急性肾损伤是可逆的,可完全恢复。但动物实验与人类研究均发现,严重的运动性肾损伤会导致“功能性”急性肾损伤发展为“结构性”急性肾损伤,并增加慢性肾病的风险。运动性急性肾损伤对机体的潜在健康威胁已引起国内外相关领域学者的广泛关注。血清肌酐 (serum creatinine, Scr)和尿量作为肾功能的传统经典标志物,不能特异性反映早期肾损伤,而新型肾损伤标志物可进一步明确损伤的位置及严重程度。在运动领域,利用新型生物标志物进行无创性检查,识别早期运动性急性肾损伤非常必要。本文综述了反映肾小球或肾小管损伤、细胞周期停滞和肾损伤修复的新型生物标志物,着重论述了尿中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)和肾损伤分子-1(KIM-1)与肾功能的关系,以及长时间耐力运动、急性运动和高强度间歇阻力运动3种运动形式对肾功能的影响,旨在引起重视,精准识别风险,及时进行早干预。  相似文献   

肾小管萎缩和肾小管间质纤维化是慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)常见的病理表现,肾小管损伤的生物标志物通常可反映肾小管间质中直接组织损伤和修复的过程,其严重程度一直被证明是预测疾病进展的可靠指征。目前大部分研究常利用肾小球滤过率和尿白蛋白/肌酐比作为评估CKD的主要指标,而肾小管损伤诊断标志物在慢性肾脏病中的研究较少。因此,本文就肾小管损伤诊断标志物在CKD中的研究进展作一综述,以期最大限度地诊断、治疗和预防CKD,对肾脏健康进行更加全面的评估。  相似文献   

周海洋  宁果豪 《蛇志》2014,(3):281-282
目的探讨乌司他丁对毒蛇咬伤合并急性肾功能损伤患者的肾功能和血TNF-α、IL-6的影响及疗效。方法将45例毒蛇咬伤并急性肾功能损伤患者随机分为治疗组(n=25)和对照组(n=20),两组均给予综合治疗,治疗组在综合治疗的基础上静脉注射乌司他丁。观察治疗后两组血尿素氮、血肌酐、TNF-α和IL-6水平变化,同时观察两组的治愈率和平均进入多尿期时间。结果治疗组的血尿素氮、血肌酐、TNF-α和IL-6水平均较对照组下降明显(P0.05),同时治疗组平均进入多尿期时间也短于对照组(P0.05),但两组的治愈率无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论乌司他丁能改善毒蛇咬伤合并急性肾功能损伤患者的肾功能和TNF-α和IL-6指标,明显缩短病程,减少住院时间。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是目前发病率较高的神经退行性疾病,主要临床表现为不可逆的记忆力丧失与认知功能的衰退。AD起病隐秘,不易察觉,病程长达数十年,尚无有效治疗手段,因此AD早期的诊断与干预尤为重要;但是,当前AD早期诊断缺乏灵敏、简便的检测方案。体液(特别是血液)中的生物标志物受到了越来越多的关注,可能成为AD早期诊断的有效手段。现主要综述了与AD病理进程相关的脑脊液、血液、尿液中的生物标志物,并对其应用与前景做一展望。  相似文献   

胰腺癌症是最难诊断和治疗的恶性肿瘤之一,其特点是发病隐匿、进展迅速、预后差。目前,手术治疗仍然是首选治疗方法。然而由于缺乏早期症状,大约70%的患者在确诊时已经出现局部扩散或远端转移,从而无法进行手术治疗。由此看来,早期检测是提高患者治疗效果和预后的有效途径。临床上使用的成像方法 (CT、MRI、EUS等)通常无法检测早期病变,并且很容易受到操作员的影响。常规临床标志物如CA19-9、CA125、CA242和CEA受到限制,其敏感性或特异性不令人满意。因此,寻找新的具有高敏感性和特异性的标志物是实现胰腺癌早期检测的关键。近年来,对生物标志物的广泛研究主要集中在遗传学、转录组学和蛋白质组学上。特别是由microRNA(miRNA)、long non-coding RNA(lncRNA)和circRNA(circRNA)组成的非蛋白质编码RNA(non-protein coding RNA,ncRNA)为胰腺癌的早期检测提出了许多新思路。然而,其中绝大多数仍处于实验室研究阶段。而一项成熟的生物标志物研究应该整合基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学或代谢组学的数据,并结合患者的个体特征(如体重指数...  相似文献   

蔡同建  姚婷  陈景元  骆文静 《生物磁学》2011,(Z1):4758-4760
铅是严重威胁人类健康的一种环境污染物,尤其对儿童神经系统的发育以及学习记忆等产生不良的影响。因此,铅毒性的早期预防、早期诊断以及早期治疗尤为重要。生物标志物是公共卫生领域尤其是环境医学领域的一个研究热点,选择合适的生物标志物对于开展铅毒性的生物监测,实现铅生物效应的早期预警、早期干预等都具有重要的作用。本文就现有的主要铅暴露生物标志物的现状作一归纳。  相似文献   

铅是严重威胁人类健康的一种环境污染物,尤其对儿童神经系统的发育以及学习记忆等产生不良的影响.因此,铅毒性的早期预防、早期诊断以及早期治疗尤为重要.生物标志物是公共卫生领域尤其是环境医学领域的一个研究热点,选择合适的生物标志物对于开展铅毒性的生物监测,实现铅生物效应的早期预警、早期干预等都具有重要的作用.本文就现有的主要铅暴露生物标志物的现状作一归纳.  相似文献   

Factors which modify the excretion profiles of acute kidney injury biomarkers are difficult to measure. To facilitate biomarker choice and interpretation we modelled key modifying factors: extent of hyperfiltration or reduced glomerular filtration rate, structural damage, and reduced nephron number. The time-courses of pre-formed, induced (upregulated), and filtered biomarker concentrations were modelled in single nephrons, then combined to construct three multiple-nephron models: a healthy kidney with normal nephron number, a non-diabetic hyperfiltering kidney with reduced nephron number but maintained total glomerular filtration rate, and a chronic kidney disease kidney with reduced nephron number and reduced glomerular filtration rate. Time-courses for each model were derived for acute kidney injury scenarios of structural damage and/or reduced nephron number. The model predicted that pre-formed biomarkers would respond quickest to injury with a brief period of elevation, which would be easily missed in clinical scenarios. Induced biomarker time-courses would be influenced by biomarker-specific physiology and the balance between insult severity (which increased single nephron excretion), the number of remaining nephrons (reduced total excretion), and the extent of glomerular filtration rate reduction (increased concentration). Filtered biomarkers have the longest time-course because plasma levels increased following glomerular filtration rate decrease. Peak concentration and profile depended on the extent of damage to the reabsorption mechanism and recovery rate. Rapid recovery may be detected through a rapid reduction in urinary concentration. For all biomarkers, impaired hyperfiltration substantially increased concentration, especially with chronic kidney disease. For clinical validation of these model-derived predictions the clinical biomarker of choice will depend on timing in relation to renal insult and interpretation will require the pre-insult nephron number (renal mass) and detection of hyperfiltration.  相似文献   



Semaphorin 3A is a secreted protein that regulates cell motility and attachment in axon guidance, vascular growth, immune cell regulation and tumor progression. However, nothing is known about its role in kidney pathophysiology. Here, we determined whether semaphorin3A is induced after acute kidney injury (AKI) and whether urinary semaphorin 3A can predict AKI in humans undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Methods and Principal Findings

In animals, semaphorin 3A is localized in distal tubules of the kidney and excretion increased within 3 hr after reperfusion of the kidney whereas serum creatinine was significantly raised at 24 hr. In humans, using serum creatinine, AKI was detected on average only 48 hours after CPB. In contrast, urine semaphorin increased at 2 hours after CPB, peaked at 6 hours (2596±591 pg/mg creatinine), and was no longer significantly elevated 12 hours after CPB. The predictive power of semaphorin 3A as demonstrated by area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for diagnosis of AKI at 2, 6, and 12 hours after CPB was 0.88, 0.81, and 0.74, respectively. The 2-hour urine semaphorin measurement strongly correlated with duration and severity of AKI, as well as length of hospital stay. Adjusting for CPB time and gender, the 2-hour semaphorin remained an independent predictor of AKI, with an odds ratio of 2.19.


Our results suggest that semaphorin 3A is an early, predictive biomarker in experimental and pediatric AKI, and may allow for the reliable early diagnosis and prognosis of AKI after CPB, much before the rise in serum creatinine.  相似文献   



New renal biomarkers measured in urine promise to increase specificity for risk stratification and early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) but concomitantly may be altered by urine concentration effects and chronic renal insufficiency. This study therefore directly compared the performance of AKI biomarkers in urine and plasma.


This single-center, prospective cohort study included 110 unselected adults undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass between 2009 and 2010. Plasma and/or urine concentrations of creatinine, cystatin C, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP), kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM1), and albumin as well as 15 additional biomarkers in plasma and urine were measured during the perioperative period. The primary outcome was AKI defined by AKIN serum creatinine criteria within 72 hours after surgery.


Biomarkers in plasma showed markedly better discriminative performance for preoperative risk stratification and early postoperative (within 24h after surgery) detection of AKI than urine biomarkers. Discriminative power of urine biomarkers improved when concentrations were normalized to urinary creatinine, but urine biomarkers had still lower AUC values than plasma biomarkers. Best diagnostic performance 4h after surgery had plasma NGAL (AUC 0.83), cystatin C (0.76), MIG (0.74), and L-FAPB (0.73). Combinations of multiple biomarkers did not improve their diagnostic power. Preoperative clinical scoring systems (EuroSCORE and Cleveland Clinic Foundation Score) predicted the risk for AKI (AUC 0.76 and 0.71) and were not inferior to biomarkers. Preexisting chronic kidney disease limited the diagnostic performance of both plasma and urine biomarkers.


In our cohort plasma biomarkers had higher discriminative power for risk stratification and early diagnosis of AKI than urine biomarkers. For preoperative risk stratification of AKI clinical models showed similar discriminative performance to biomarkers. The discriminative performance of both plasma and urine biomarkers was reduced by preexisting chronic kidney disease.  相似文献   

目的:观察急性肾损伤(Acute kidney injury,AKI)患者血清胱抑素-C(Cystatin-C,CysC)及尿中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL)水平的变化及其临床意义。方法:选择60例AKI患者为实验组,50例正常健康人作为对照组,应用酶联免疫吸附法测定两组人群血清胱抑素-C和尿NGAL水平。结果:实验组与对照组相比血清胱抑素-C和尿NGAL水平显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组尿NGAL检出率高于血清胱抑素-C、血肌酐,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:急性肾损伤患者血清胱抑素-C和尿NGAL均升高,其中尿NGAL是反映AKI较敏感的生物学标志物,值得临床进一步研究。  相似文献   

林坚  曾仲意 《蛇志》2009,21(3):191-192
目的探讨中西医结合救治毒蛇咬伤所致急性肾损伤(AKI)的临床疗效.方法将毒蛇咬伤致AKI病人49例随机分成两组,对照组(n=25)和治疗组(n=24).对照组给予西医常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上加服蛇伤凉血合剂.疗程7~14天。结果治疗组少尿持续时间(5±3)天。对照组为(8±5)天,组间差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05);治疗组4例(16%)行透析治疗,对照组10例(41%)行透析治疗,差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),两组疗效比较差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论蛇伤凉血合荆能显著提高毒蛇咬伤致AKI的疗效。  相似文献   


Background and Objectives

Acute kidney injury (AKI) complicates the course of disease in critically ill patients. Efforts to change its clinical course have failed because of the fail in the early detection. This study was designed to assess whether heat shock protein (Hsp72) is an early and sensitive biomarker of acute kidney injury (AKI) compared with kidney injury molecule (Kim-1), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and interleukin-18 (IL-18) biomarkers.


A total of 56 critically ill patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. From these patients, 17 developed AKI and 20 were selected as controls. In AKI patients, Kim-1, IL-18, NGAL, and Hsp72 were measured from 3 days before and until 2 days after the AKI diagnosis and in no-AKI patients at 1, 5 and 10 days after admission. Biomarker sensitivity and specificity were determined. To validate the results obtained with ROC curves for Hsp72, a new set of critically ill patients was included, 10 with AKI and 12 with no-AKI patients.


Urinary Hsp72 levels rose since 3 days before the AKI diagnosis in critically ill patients; this early increase was not seen with any other tested biomarkers. Kim-1, IL-18, NGAL, and Hsp72 significantly increased from 2 days before AKI and remained elevated during the AKI diagnosis. The best sensitivity/specificity was observed in Kim-1 and Hsp72: 83/95% and 100/90%, respectively, whereas 1 day before the AKI diagnosis, the values were 100/100% and 100/90%, respectively. The sensibility, specificity and accuracy in the validation test for Hsp72 were 100%, 83.3% and 90.9%, respectively.


The biomarker Hsp72 is enough sensitive and specific to predict AKI in critically ill patients up to 3 days before the diagnosis.  相似文献   



Acute kidney injury (AKI) complicating ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) increases subsequent morbidity and mortality. We combined the biomarkers of heart failure (HF; B-type natriuretic peptide [BNP] and soluble ST2 [sST2]) and renal injury (NGAL [neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin] and cystatin C) in predicting the development of AKI in patients with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

Methods and Results

From March 2010 to September 2013, 189 STEMI patients were sequentially enrolled and serum samples were collected at presentation for BNP, sST2, NGAL and cystatin C analysis. 37 patients (19.6%) developed AKI of varying severity within 48 hours of presentation. Univariate analysis showed age, Killip class ≥2, hypertension, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin, estimated glomerular filtration rate, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and all the four biomarkers were predictive of AKI. Serum levels of the biomarkers were correlated with risk of AKI and the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) stage and all significantly discriminated AKI (area under the receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve: BNP: 0.86, sST2: 0.74, NGAL: 0.75, cystatin C: 0.73; all P < 0.05). Elevation of ≥2 of the biomarkers higher than the cutoff values derived from the ROC analysis improved AKI risk stratification, regardless of the creatine level (creatinine < 1.24 mg/dL: odds ratio [OR] 11.25, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.63-77.92, P = 0.014; creatinine ≥ 1.24: OR 15.0, 95% CI 1.23-183.6, P = 0.034).


In this study of STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI, the biomarkers of heart failure (BNP and sST2) and renal injury (NGAL and cystatin C) at presentation were predictive of AKI. High serum levels of the biomarkers were associated with an elevated risk and more advanced stage of AKI. Regardless of the creatinine level, elevation of ≥2 of the biomarkers higher than the cutoff values indicated a further rise in AKI risk. Combined biomarker approach may assist in risk stratification of AKI in patients with STEMI.  相似文献   



To determine the incidence and effect on mortality of early acute kidney injury in severely injured trauma patients using the Acute Kidney Injury Network creatinine criteria.


A retrospective cohort study of severely injured trauma patients admitted to the shock trauma intensive care unit.


Texas Trauma Institute, a state designated level I trauma unit certified by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.


901 severely injured trauma patients admitted over a 15 month period to the shock trauma intensive care unit.


Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data abstracted from an electronic trauma database.

Measurements and Main Results

Of 901 eligible patients admitted to the shock trauma intensive care unit after traumatic injury, 54 patients (6%) developed acute kidney injury, of whom 10 (19%) required renal replacement therapy. The 30-day mortality rate for the entire cohort was 83/901 (9.2%). Patients with early acute kidney injury had a mortality rate of 16/54 (29.6%). When corrected for multiple covariates including injury severity scores, the development of early acute kidney injury was associated with a significantly higher risk of death at 30 days with an OR of 3.4 (95% CI 1.6-7.4).


Applying the Acute Kidney Injury Network creatinine criteria in severely injured trauma patients, the incidence of early acute kidney injury was 6%. After correction for injury severity, development of early acute kidney injury was independently associated with significantly higher 30-day mortality.  相似文献   

Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a life-threatening condition that can result in multiple organ injury and death. A timely diagnosis and treatment would have a significant impact on the morbidity and mortality in high-risk patient population. The purpose of this study was to investigate if intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) and α-defensins can be used as biomarkers for early AMI and resultant lung injury. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to intestinal ischemia by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery. A time course of intestinal ischemia from 0.5 to 3 h was performed and followed by reperfusion for 2 h. Additional mice were treated with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) at 300 mg/kg given intraperitoneally prior to reperfusion. AMI resulted in severe intestinal injury characterized by neutrophil infiltrate, myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels, cytokine/chemokine levels, and tissue histopathology. Pathologic signs of ischemia were evident at 1 h, and by 3 h of ischemia, the full thickness of the intestine mucosa had areas of coagulative necrosis. It was noted that the levels of α-defensins in intestinal tissue peaked at 1 h and I-FABP in plasma peaked at 3 h after AMI. Intestinal ischemia also resulted in lung injury in a time-dependent manner. Pretreatment with NAC decreased the levels of intestinal α-defensins and plasma I-FABP, as well as lung MPO and cytokines. In summary, the concentrations of intestinal α-defensins and plasma I-FABP predicted intestinal ischemia prior to pathological evidence of ischemia and I-FABP directly correlated with resultant lung injury. The antioxidant NAC reduced intestinal and lung injury induced by AMI, suggesting a role for oxidants in the mechanism for distant organ injury. I-FABP and α-defensins are promising biomarkers, and may guide the treatment with antioxidant in early intestinal and distal organ injury.  相似文献   

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