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1. Northern Australia is characterised by a tropical wet–dry climate that regulates the distinctive character of river flow regimes across the region. There is marked hydrological seasonality, with most flow occurring over only a few months of the year during the wet season. Flow is also characterised by high variability between years, and in the degree of flow cessation, or intermittency, over the dry season. 2. At present, the relatively low human population density and demand for water in the region means that most rivers have largely unmodified flow regimes. These rivers therefore provide a good opportunity to understand the role of natural flow variability in river ecosystem structure and processes. 3. This review describes the major flow regime classes characterising northern Australian rivers, from perennial to seasonally intermittent to extremely intermittent, and how these regimes give rise to marked differences in the ecological character of these tropical rivers, particularly their floodplains. 4. We describe the key features of these flow regimes, namely the wet and dry seasons and the transitions between these seasons, and how they regulate the biophysical heterogeneity, primary productivity and movement of biota in Australia’s wet–dry tropical rivers. 5. We develop a conceptual model that predicts the likely hydrological and ecological consequences of future increases in water abstraction (e.g. for agriculture), and suggest how such impacts can be managed so that the distinctive ecological character of these rivers is maintained.  相似文献   

Environmental flows and the European Water Framework Directive   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Environmental flows is now a widely accepted term that covers the quantity, timing, duration, frequency and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater, estuarine and near-shore ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on them.
2. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union does not use the term environmental flows explicitly, but requires member states to achieve good ecological status (GES) in all waterbodies, which is assessed by reference to aquatic biology. Nevertheless, it is accepted that ecologically appropriate hydrological regimes are necessary to meet this status. Implementing environmental flows will be a key measure for restoring and managing river ecosystems.
3. The WFD explicitly requires stakeholder involvement, but this has been interpreted as largely a dissemination exercise by national government agencies. Stakeholders are no longer involved in negotiation over ecological objectives as these are pre-set in the WFD. However, stakeholders may be more involved in reviewing standards and agreeing to measures to restore river ecosystems to the status required by the WFD.
4. The U.K. has undertaken two major projects to set environmental standards for water resources (i) to define water abstraction limits that maintain a healthy river ecosystem and (ii) to define ecologically appropriate flow releases from reservoirs.
5. Implementation of environmental flows remains a major issue, but new ideas such as time-limited licences and licence trading are being tried.  相似文献   

This study assessed the protracted effects of two angling treatments (mild and harsh) on the post‐release mortality, gonadal development and somatic condition of Australian bass Macquaria novemaculeata in a pond‐based experiment. Angled fish were destructively sampled (along with controls) three times: immediately before, and 1 or 4 weeks after release into cages. Compared with the other groups, harshly angled fish had similar, low immediate and short‐term mortalities (≤5%), but significant delayed mortality (25%) and fed only minimally. None of these fish ejected ingested hooks. Forty‐six per cent of captive fish (across all groups) and 20% of wild fish had non‐ripening gonads (stage I) prior to, or during, the experiment. In females with ripening ovaries (stages II or III), neither angling treatment significantly reduced standardized gonadal mass. The mean per cent of atretic oocytes increased among females in all groups, but was significantly greater in those that were harshly angled. The results demonstrated that the gonadal development of M. novemaculeata could be suppressed or impaired (by angling, handling and confinement), and that further research is warranted. In particular, the timing and severity of angling in relation to the stage of gonadal development could have important implications for the introduction of temporal restrictions to angling.  相似文献   

Tooth wear scores (ratios of exposed dentin to total crown area) were calculated from dental casts of Australian Aboriginal subjects of known age from three populations. Linear regression equations relating attrition scores to age were derived. The slope of the regression line reflects the rate of tooth wear, and the intercept is related to the timing of first exposure of dentin. Differences in morphology between anterior and posterior teeth are reflected in a linear relationship between attrition scores and age for anterior teeth but a logarithmic relationship for posterior teeth. Correlations between age and attrition range from less than 0.40 for third molars (where differences in the eruption and occlusion of the teeth resulted in different patterns of wear) to greater than 0.80 for the premolars and first molars. Because of the generally high correlations between age and attrition, it is possible to estimate age from the extent of tooth wear with confidence limits of the order of +/- 10 years.  相似文献   

1. A 7‐year study was conducted in three hydrologically distinct sections within the highly regulated, lowland Campaspe River to investigate the influence of hydrology on temporal and spatial patterns in fish composition, abundance and recruitment. One section had 6 months, one section 2 months and one section no months of increased flow due to storage releases. The fish fauna of the less regulated, nearby Broken River served as a reference to which that of the Campaspe River was compared for the last 3 years of the study to allow insight into the relative effects of hydrology, barriers to movement and other environmental characteristics. The study included one high‐flow year, a moderate‐flow year and five low‐flow years. 2. A total of 16 fish species – 10 native and six alien – were caught in the Campaspe River, although of the native species, only three are considered to have self‐sustaining populations. The remaining species are either itinerants or a result of stocking. Alien species comprised approximately 64% of the total biomass of all fish caught. 3. Overall composition of the fish fauna did not differ significantly by year, but did by section of river. Species richness and the abundance of most of the dominant species also differed significantly by river section, but there was little inter‐annual variation in the abundance of any species, except for European perch and for common carp; the latter showing an increase in abundance following a high‐flow event during the spring of 2000 as a result of recruitment. 4. Overall faunal composition was not influenced by hydrology. However, multiple regression indicated that species richness, abundance of the dominant species and abundance of young‐of‐year (YOY) of golden perch, European perch and common carp all were influenced significantly by hydrological variables. The nature of the relationships was dependent on river section and hydrological season (‘winter’ or ‘spring/summer’). Of note was the result that the total abundance of fish and that of YOY common carp were significantly positively related to the number of spells above the threshold for movement upstream through the lower two weirs in the Campaspe River. Only one significant relationship between hydrological and fish‐related variables was found for the upper river section, whereas seven and five were found for the lower and middle sections respectively. 5. Comparisons with fish collected in the Broken River over 3 years suggest that the fauna of the Broken River is in a more natural state than that of the Campaspe River. Since the two rivers do not differ substantially in water quality, and since both contain significant weirs, which act as barriers to movement of fish, flow regulation is most likely to be the major reason for the poor state of the fauna in the Campaspe River.  相似文献   

植物生活史繁殖对策与干扰关系的研究   总被引:50,自引:7,他引:50  
植物生活史繁殖对策研究是涉及植物的适应或进化、生态系统退化与恢复过程、生物多样性保护等多方面理论生态学和应用生态学研究内容的生态学研究领域。按Grime的植物生活史繁殖对策分类、植物营养繁殖与干扰适应、种子形态学与干扰适应、土壤种子库与干扰适应、植物繁殖体传播和萌发与干扰适应论述了当今极受关注的植物生活史繁殖对策与干扰关系,简述了我国干旱区干扰与植物生活史繁殖对策关系研究。  相似文献   

Disturbance can impact natural communities in multiple ways. However, there has been a tendency to focus on single indicators of change when examining the effects of disturbance. This is problematic as classical diversity measures, such as Shannon and Simpson indices, do not always detect the effects of disturbance. Here, we instead take a multilevel, hierarchical approach, looking for signatures of disturbance in the capacity and diversity of the community, and also in allocation and demography at the population level. Using recreational use as an example of disturbance, and the freshwater streams of Trinidad as a model ecosystem, we repeatedly sampled the fish communities and physical parameters of eight pairs of recreational and nonrecreational sites every 3 months over a 28‐month period. We also chose the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as the subject of our population‐level analyses. Regression tree analysis, together with analysis of deviance, revealed that community capacity and community species richness were greater at sites with higher levels of recreational use. Interestingly, measures of community diversity that took into account the proportional abundance of each species were not significantly associated with recreational use. Neither did we find any direct association between recreational use and proportion of guppy biomass in the community. However, population‐level differences were detected in the guppy: Sex ratio was significantly more female‐biased at more disturbed sites. Our findings emphasize the importance of considering multiple levels when asking how disturbance impacts a community. We advocate the use of a multilevel approach when monitoring the effects of disturbance, and highlight gaps in our knowledge when it comes to interpreting these effects.  相似文献   

1. Floods and low flows are hydrological events that influence river ecosystems, but few studies have compared their relative importance in structuring invertebrate communities. Invertebrates were sampled in riffles and runs at eight sites along 40 km of a New Zealand gravel‐bed river every 1–3 months over 2.5 years, during which time a number of large flood and low flow events occurred. Flows were high in winter and spring, and low in summer and autumn. Four flow‐related variables were calculated from hydrological data: flow on the day of sampling (Qsample), maximum and minimum flow between successive samples (Qmax and Qmin, respectively), and the number of days since the last bed‐moving flood (Ndays). 2. The invertebrate community was summarised by relative densities of the 19 most abundant taxa and four biotic metrics [total abundance, taxon richness, the number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera taxa (i.e. EPT richness), and per cent EPT]. Invertebrate density fluctuated greatly, and was high in summer and autumn, and low during winter and spring. Stepwise multiple regression (SMR) analysis was used to investigate relationships between the invertebrate community and season, flow, habitat and water temperature. 3. Seasonal variables were included in almost 50% of the SMR models, while flow‐related variables were included in >75% of models. Densities of many taxa were negatively correlated to Qmin and Qmax, and positively correlated to Ndays, suggesting that while high flows reduced invertebrate densities, densities recovered with increasing time following a flood. Although season and flow were confounded in this study, many of the taxa analysed display little seasonal variation in abundance, suggesting that flow‐related variables were more important in structuring communities than seasonal changes in density associated with life‐cycles. 4. Five discrete flood and low flow events were identified and changes to invertebrate communities before and after these events examined. Invertebrate densities decreased more commonly after floods than after low flows, and there was a significant positive relationship between the number of taxa showing reductions in density and flood magnitude. Densities of most invertebrates either remained unchanged, or increased after low flow events, except for four taxa whose densities declined after a very long period (up to 9 months) of low flow. This decline was attributed to autogenic sloughing of thick periphyton communities and subsequent loss of habitat for these taxa. 5. Invertebrate communities changed more after floods and the degree of change was proportional to flood magnitude. Community similarity increased with increasing time since the last disturbance, suggesting that the longer stable flows lasted, the less the community changed. These results suggest that invertebrate communities in the Waipara River were controlled by both floods and low flows, but that the relative effects of floods were greater than even extended periods of extreme low flow. 6. Hydraulic conditions in riffles and runs were measured throughout the study. Riffles had consistently faster velocities, but were shallower and narrower than runs at all measured flows. Invertebrate density in riffles was expressed as a percentage of total density and regressed against the flow‐related variables to see whether invertebrate locations changed according to flow. Significant negative relationships were observed between the per cent density of common taxa in riffles and Qsample, Qmax and Qmin. This result suggests either that these animals actively drifted into areas of faster velocity during low flows, or that their densities within riffles increased as the width of these habitats declined.  相似文献   

Individual striped bass Morone saxatilis were each exposed in random order to aquatic hypoxia (10% air saturation) either while swimming at 50% of their estimated critical swimming speed (Ucrit) or while at rest until they lost equilibrium. Individuals were always less tolerant of hypoxia when swimming (P < 0·01); the average fish was over five times more tolerant to the same hypoxia exposure when not swimming. There was no relationship between an individual's rank order of hypoxia tolerance (HT) under the two flow regimes, suggesting that different factors determine an individual's HT when at rest than when swimming.  相似文献   

This article examines the trophic ecology of freshwater fishes (22 species in 15 families) in a wet and dry tropical Australian river of high intra‐annual and interannual hydrological variability. Seven major trophic groups were identified by cluster analysis; however, four food items (filamentous algae, chironomid larvae, Trichoptera larvae and Ephemeroptera nymphs) comprised almost half of the average diet of all species. The influence of species, fish size, spatial effects and temporal effects on food use was investigated using redundancy analysis. Size, time and space accounted for little of the perceived variation. Ontogenetic changes in diet were minor and limited to a few large species. Spatial variation in trophic composition of the fish assemblages reflected the effects of the Burdekin Falls and dam, a major geographic barrier, on species distributions. Little spatial variation in diet was detected after accounting for this biogeographical effect. Temporal variations in flow, although marked, had little effect on variations in fish diet composition due to the low temporal diversity of food resources in physically monotonous sand and gravel channels. Species identity accounted for<50% of the observed variation in food choice; omnivory and generalism were pronounced. The aquatic food web of the Burdekin River appears simple, supported largely by autochthonous production (filamentous and benthic microalgae, and to some extent, aquatic macrophytes). Allochthonous food resources appear to be unimportant. The generalist feeding strategies, widespread omnivory and absence of pronounced trophic segregation reported here for Burdekin River fishes may be common to variable and intermittent rivers of subtropical and tropical northern Australia with similar fish communities and may be a general feature of rivers of low habitat diversity and characterized by flow regimes that vary greatly both within and between years.  相似文献   

1.  The provision of environmental flows and the removal of barriers to water flow are high priorities for restoration where changes to flow regimes have caused degradation of riverine ecosystems. Nevertheless, flow regulation is often accompanied by changes in catchment and riparian land-use, which also can have major impacts on river health via local habitat degradation or modification of stream energy regimes.
2.  The challenges are determining the relative importance of flow, land-use and other impacts as well as deciding where to focus restoration effort. As a consequence, flow, catchment and riparian restoration efforts are often addressed in isolation. River managers need decision support tools to assess which flow and catchment interventions are most likely to succeed and, importantly, which are cost-effective.
3.  Bayesian networks (BNs) can be used as a decision support tool for considering the influence of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems and the relative benefits of various restoration options. We provide simple illustrative examples of how BNs can address specific river restoration goals and assist with the prioritisation of flow and catchment restoration options. This includes the use of cost and utility functions to assist decision makers in their choice of potential management interventions.
4.  A BN approach facilitates the development of conceptual models of likely cause and effect relationships between flow regime, land-use and river conditions and provides an interactive tool to explore the relative benefits of various restoration options. When combined with information on the costs and expected benefits of intervention, one can derive recommendations about the best restoration option to adopt given the network structure and the associated cost and utility functions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic alterations to river flow regimes threaten freshwater biodiversity globally, with potentially disproportionate impacts on species that rely on flow cues to trigger critical life history processes, such as migration for diadromous fishes. This study investigates the influence of river discharge on the abundance of juvenile fish moving into rivers by four temperate catadromous or amphidromous species (common galaxias Galaxias maculatus, spotted galaxias Galaxias truttaceus, climbing galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis and the threatened Australian grayling Prototroctes maraena). Fyke netting or fishway trapping was used to catch juvenile fish moving from estuaries into freshwater in five coastal waterways in south-eastern Australia during the spring migratory period. There was a positive relationship between the probability of high catch rates and mean discharge in September. We also found a positive relationship between discharge and the number of recruits captured 22–30 days later in a flow stressed system. In addition, day-of-year had a strong influence on catch rates, with the peak abundance of juveniles for three species most likely to occur midway through the sampling period (spotted galaxias in October, climbing galaxias in late October and Australian grayling in late October and early November). Our study shows that higher magnitudes of river discharge were associated with increased catches of juvenile catadromous and amphidromous fishes. With a limited supply of environmental water, environmental flows used to enhance immigration of these fishes may be best targeted to maintain small amounts of immigration into freshwater populations in waterways or years when discharges are low and stable. When there are natural, large discharge volumes, relatively large numbers of juvenile fish can be expected to enter coastal waterways and during these times environmental flows may not be required to promote immigration.  相似文献   

Several experiments with Brachionus plicatilis have been conducted to test the existence of chemical-mediated induction of mixis. In a first experimental set, bioassays were used to test relationships between preconditioning of culture medium to high population density and the occurrence of mixis in mass cultures with these media. The results show that a preconditioned medium has inducing properties that are comparable to the crowding effect.In order to isolate the effect on mixis of the preconditioning, we also carried out an experiment involving individual cultures. Isolated individuals of B. plicatilis, CU strain, placed in 1 ml of medium renewed daily showed no mixis, but mixis was induced when medium preconditioned to high density was used following the same experimental procedure.  相似文献   

流域尺度上河流水质与土地利用的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以苏子河流域内54个水质采样点为基点,生成6种尺度的河岸带缓冲区,并借助FRAGSTATS软件计算景观水平和类型水平上的8种景观指数.分别从景观空间格局与景观类型组成两方面,对景观指数与水质进行相关分析.结果表明:区域景观格局在不同缓冲区内对流域水质具有不同的效应.当缓冲区距离≤300 m时,旱地、建筑用地、水田为主要的景观类型组成,其面积比例、斑块数量、斑块密度、最大斑块指数、最大形状指数、景观斑块聚集度指数均较高,农田的连通性较高,对水质的影响较大.在距离河流较远的区域(缓冲区距离>300 m),林地面积比例较高,林地聚集连通程度较好,对水质改善具有一定作用,但不明显.该流域耕地、建设用地等对水质有着关键的影响作用.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the melt season diatom assemblage of a middle arctic river with respect to hydrological conditions. In addition, the potential to identify species that show a strong affinity for the lotic environment provides an opportunity to interpret stratigraphic changes in these species in the lake sedimentary record in terms of past hydrological change. Understanding long-term hydrological variability is critical for assessing both current and future environmental change. Significantly higher relative abundances of Achnanthes minutissimaKützing, Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot, Diatoma tenuisAgardh, Cymbella arctica(Lagerstedt) Schmidt, C. minutaHilse ex. Rabenhorst, C. silesiaca Bleisch and Encyonema fogedii Krammer in the lotic environment throughout the 2001 growing season compared to the lacustrine sedimentary record suggest that these species characterize the Lord Lindsay River diatom assemblage. Comparison of seasonal abundances of these taxa to hydrological parameters including discharge, electrical conductivity, and water temperature reveal key information about the character of this community. The fact that the river diatom assemblage changes very little throughout the sampling period, despite major changes in hydrological conditions, suggests a degree of resilience and inherent structure in the community. However, a decrease in diatom biomass in response to rapid and dramatic changes in hydrological conditions following a major rainfall event suggests that a threshold tolerance may exist, with potentially important implications for interpreting stratigraphic changes in the paleoenvironmental record.  相似文献   

太白红杉群落物种多样性与环境因子的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
定量研究了太白红杉群落物种多样性与环境因子的关系,结果表明:(1)海拔与物种丰富度和种间相遇机率呈极显著的负相关;与Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数表现为"中间高度膨胀"的规律,即中等海拔高度上多样性高而低海拔和高海拔多样性较低。(2)岩石裸露度与物种丰富度呈显著的负相关。(3)土壤含水量与物种丰富度呈极显著的正相关;与种间相遇机率呈先降后升的趋势。(4)环境因子与物种多样性逐步回归结果是:海拔和岩石裸露度与物种丰富度关系密切,其回归方程为:S=90.62-0.02E-14.14B(r=0.769,P<0.05)。  相似文献   

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