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Summary Transposon Tn7 was shown to insert specifically into the megaplasmid of different Rhizobium meliloti strains. Tn7 transposition could not be detected in other Rhizobium strains such as R. trifolii, R. leguminosarum, R. phaseoli and R. japonicum. In R. meliloti strains, two unique sites in the megaplasmid were observed into which Tn7 can transpose at different frequencies. Only one copy of Tn7 could be detected in the megaplasmid and the insertion sites for Tn7 are outside the nif and nod region. Tn7 transposition in R. meliloti showed a marked preference for sites on plasmid RP4 compared to the megaplasmid sites. Attempts to cure Tn7 from the megaplasmid were unsuccessful. This site specific transposition of Tn7 in R. meliloti provides an additional genetic tool to further manipulate this important plasmid in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Summary The enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation by Rhizobium meliloti 4l and their role in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism were studied. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) were present at relatively high levels in cells grown in media containing either low or high concentrations of ammonia. NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase could not be detected.GOGAT and GS mutants were isolated and characterised. A mutant lacking GOGAT activity did not grow even on high concentrations of ammonia, it was a glutamate auxotroph and was effective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The GS and assimilatory nitrate reductase activities of this mutant were not repressible by ammonia but still repressible by casamino acids. A mutant with low GS activity required glutamine for optimal growth. It was ineffective and its nitrate reductase was not inducible.These findings indicate that ammonia is assimilated via the GS/GOGAT pathway in free-living R. meliloti and bacterial GOGAT is not important in symbiosis. Furthermore, GS is suggested to be a controlling element in the nitrogen metabolism of R. meliloti.  相似文献   

Summary R. meliloti strain 41 (Rm41) was shown to harbour two indigenous plasmids with molecular weights of 140 Mdal (pRmc41a) and more than 300 Mdal (pRme41b), respectively. Using a heat-treatment procedure, derivatives of Rm41 defective in nodulation (Nod-) or nitrogen fixation (Fix-) have been readily obtained. In some Nod- mutants the deletion of a segment of plasmid pRme41b was found.Based on the demonstrated homology between the nitrogen fixation (nif) genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae and of R. meliloti the Rhizobium nif region has been cloned into the cosmid vector pHC79, then recloned into pBR322 and the restriction map of the nif region has been determined. 32P-labelled nick-translated probe prepared from the cloned nif DNA fragment hybridized to pRme41b of Rm41 but for most Nod- mutants this hybridization was not detected. Hybridization of a cosmid containing Rm41 DNA to total DNA digests from the wild-type bacterium and from a series of Nod- mutants revealed that at least a 24 kb DNA fragment including the nif structural genes was missing from most of the Nod- mutants. These results, together with the genetic analyses of these symbiotic mutations suggest that some nod and fix genes are located on pRme41b.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pattern of Rhizobium meliloti strain GR4 was studied and a gene bank of one of the large plasmids (pRmeGR4) of 140 Mdal, was constructed using the broad host range vector pRK290. A restriction map was established with EcoRI. Two regions of this plasmid involved in the infectivity of GR4 on Medicago sativa were identified. An EcoRI fragment hybridizing with the PstI-nif fragment of pID1 was also identified. However, no homology to the cloned Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase genes (pSA30) was detected.  相似文献   

Summary Large plasmids of molecular weight varying from 90 to around 200×106 have earlier been detected in most Rhizobium meliloti strains using an alkaline denaturation-phenol extraction procedure. With a less destructive method (Eckhardt 1978) it was possible additionally to detect one plasmid of molecular weight clearly greater than 300×106 (=megaplasmid) in all of twenty-seven R. meliloti strains of various geographical origins and nodulation groupings investigated. Four strains (RCR 2011, A145, S26 and CC2013) were found to carry one megaplasmid and no smaller plasmids. Hybridization experiments with Klebsiella pneumoniae and R. meliloti cloned nitrogenase structural genes D and H showed that these genes are located on the megaplasmid and not on the smaller plasmids.All of the ten independent spontaneous non-nodulating derivatives of three strains of R. meliloti were shown to have suffered a deletion in the nif DH region of the megaplasmid. These results indicate that a gene controlling an early step in nodule formation is located in the nif DH region of the megaplasmid. This indicates that the same replicon carries genes controlling early and late functions in symbiosis.  相似文献   

Summary We have established the HindIII physical map of a cloned 290 kilobase fragment of the Rhizobium meliloti 2011 pSym megaplasmid. The cloned fragment, which contains nodulation genes as well as the nitrogenase structural genes (nifHDK), has been shown to be colinear with the corresponding genomic region. Using transposon mutagenesis we have demonstrated that a region which is located more than 200 kb from the nifHDK operon on pSym is essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.Dedicated to Professor Georg Melchers to celebrate his 50-year association with the journal  相似文献   

Summary DNA fragments carrying the recA genes of Rhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae were isolated by complementing a UV-sensitive recA Escherichia coli strain. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of the R. meliloti recA gene consists of 1044 by coding for 348 amino acids whereas the coding region of the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA gene has 1053 bp specifying 351 amino acids. The R. meliloti and R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA genes show 84.8% homology at the DNA sequence level and of 90.1% at the amino acid sequence level. recA mutant strains of both Rhizobium species were constructed by inserting a gentamicin resistance cassette into the respective recA gene. The resulting recA mutants exhibited an increased sensitivity to UV irradiation, were impaired in their ability to perform homologous recombination and showed a slightly reduced growth rate when compared with the respective wild-type strains. The Rhizobium recA strains did not have altered symbiotic nitrogen fixation capacity. Therefore, they represent ideal candidates for release experiments with impaired strains.The accession numbers: X59956 R. LEGUMINOSARUM REC A ALAS-DNA; X59957 R. MELITOTI REC A ALAS-DNA  相似文献   

Summary We have shown by physical and genetic means that there are two megaplasmids in all strains of Rhizobium meliloti that we have studied. Megaplasmids from several strains of R. meliloti were mobilized to Agrobacterium tumefaciens and to other Rhizobium strains using the Tn5-Mob system. We were also able to resolve these two megaplasmids in agarose gels for most strains, and to show that only one of them hybridized to nif and nod genes. Transfer of this plasmid, the pSym, to Agrobacterium, R. leguminosarum, and R. trifolii strains conferred on these recipients the ability to nodulate alfalfa ineffectively. The second megaplasmid did not appear to have a direct role in nodule initiation. However, we were able to complement extracellular polysaccharide (EPS-) mutants of R. meliloti by transferring this second megaplasmid into them. Furthermore, Tn5-induced EPS- mutants of R. meliloti 2011, which produced ineffective (Fix-) nodules of abnormal morphology, were shown by hybridization and complementation to carry mutations in this second megaplasmid. This demonstrates that both megaplasmids of R. meliloti are necessary for the effective nodulation of alfalfa.  相似文献   

Summary A resident plasmid of wild-type strains of Rhizobium meliloti of 59.6 megadaltons has been shown to be transferred at a high frequency to cured strains of this bacterial species. This plasmid, named pEZ1, that confers phage-sensitivity to cells carrying it is also transmissible to Escherichia coli and from it to cured R. meliloti strains.  相似文献   

Summary Three nodulation-deficient (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were isolated following insertion of the transposon Tn5 into pRL1JI, the R. leguminosarum plasmid known to carry the nodulation genes. DNA adjacent to the nod: Tn5 alleles was subcloned and used to probe a cosmid clone bank containing DNA from a Rhizobium strain carrying pRL1JI. Two cosmid clones which showed homology with the probe contained about 10 kb of DNA in common. The R. leguminosarum host-range determinants were found to be present within this 10 kb common region since either of the cosmid clones could enable a cured R. phaseoli strain to nodulate peas instead of Phaseolus beans, its normal host. Electron microscopy of nodules induced by Rhizobium strains cured of their normal symbiotic plasmid but containing either of the two cosmid clones showed bacteroid-forms surrounded by a peri-bacteroid membrane, indicating that normal infection had occurred. Thus it is clear that this 10 kb region of nodDNA carries the genes that determine host range and that relatively few bacterial genes may be involved in nodule and bacteroid development.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium meliloti infective on Medicago, Melilotus and Trigonella plants has three copies of the nodulation regulatory gene nodD. Strains containing mutations in nodD1 exhibited a delayed and/or decreased nodulation on Melilotus albus (Ma), Medicago sativa (Ms), Medicago quasifalcata (Mqu) and Trigonella coerulea (Tc), while on Medicago truncatula (Mt) they nodulated similarly to the wild-type R. meliloti. Delayed nodulation was observed also when nodD2 mutants were inoculated onto Ms, Mt and Tc, but not on Ma and Mqu. A nodD3 mutant exhibited delayed nodulation on Ms and Ma. Using a nodC-lacZ fusion and cloned nodD genes on plasmids, high induction levels were detected in R. meliloti when nodD1 was present with seed exudates from Ms, Ma and Mqu, nodD2 with those from Ms and Mt, and nodD3 with those from Ms, Ma and Mqu. NOne of the nodD copies exhibited high levels of nodC-lacZ induction when present with seed exudate from Tc. Only nodD1 induced nodC-lacZ expression in conjunction with the flavone, luteolin. The plant hosts used in this study exude different flavonoids and correlation between nodulation and nodC-lacZ induction abilities of the host exudates was observed. We concluded that all the three nodD copies of R. meliloti have common nod-promoter activating but diverged flavonoid-recognizing abilities. Thus, the three nodD alleles contribute to the activation of nodulation genes in a host-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Summary The genome structure of the temperateRhizobium meliloti phage and the attachment site of this phage on the host chromosome were examined by genetic means. The heat-sensitive mutants used in 2 and 3 point crosses gave a linear chromosome map. There was no evidence for map circularity. The immunity region has a distal position on the phage chromosome. The functional grouping of the used 23 phage mutants was made byin vivo andin vitro complementation tests and 20 cistrons were obtained. The cistrons, near to the immunity region, were identified as early genes, the remaining ones as morphogenetic cistrons. The latter inin vitro complementation tests gave two complementing groups, presumably as head and tail donors. The attachment site of the prophage on the host chromosome was localized by pulse mutagen treatments in synchronously replicating cultures. The sequence of markers are O-str — hs — att 16−3 — T.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of combined nitrogen in the soil suppresses the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules by Rhizobium. We demonstrate that bacterial genes determining early nodulation functions (nodABC) as well as the regulatory gene nodD3 are under nitrogen (NH 4 + ) control. Our results suggest that the gene product of nodD3 has a role in mediating the ammonia regulation of early nod genes. The general nitrogen regulatory (ntr) system as well as a chromosomal locus mutated in Rhizobium meliloti were also found to be involved in the regulation of nod gene expression. A R. meliloti mutant with altered sensitivity to ammonia regulation was isolated, capable of more efficient nodulation of alfalfa than the wild-type strain in the presence of 2 mM ammonium sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary A molecular map was constructed linking the nitrogenase structural genes (nif) and nodulation genes (nod) in the white clover symbiont, Rhizobium trifolii. In R. trifolii strain ANU843 these two genetic regions are located some 16 kilobases (kb) apart on the 180 kb symbiotic (Sym) plasmid. The molecular linkage of nod and nif genetic regions was established by hybridization analysis using recombinant plasmids containing overlapping cloned sequences. Nodulation genes were located by means of a Tn5-induced nodulation-defective mutant that failed to induce clover root hair curling (Hac- phenotype). A cloned wild-type DNA fragment was shown to phenotypically correct the Hac- mutation by complementation. The nifHDK genes were cloned by positive hybridization to another R. trifolii nif-specific probe. Location of the nif genes relative to the nod genes was established by analysis of a Sym plasmid deletion derivative.  相似文献   

Summary Symbiotic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti were isolated following Tn5 mutagenesis. Besides four nodulation mutants (Nod-) unable to induce nodule formation on alfalfa, five infection mutants (Inf-), which induce the formation of root nodules without detectable infection threads or bacteroids, were obtained. The Inf- mutants were subdivided into two classes. One class contains mutants which fail to synthesize acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS-). The other class is comprised of mutants which produce excess amounts of acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS*). 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the exopolysaccharide isolated from one of the latter type of Inf- mutant, 101.45, revealed that the side chain of the repeating octosaccharide unit lacks the terminal pyruvate residue. Complementing cosmids were isolated for all Inf- mutants. In the case of the Inf- EPS- mutants the complementing cosmids contain DNA segments which overlap and are part of megaplasmid 2. For two mutants the mutations were found to map on a 7.8 kb EcoRI fragment. In the case of the Inf- EPS* mutants the complementing cosmids carry chromosomal DNA. The mutations of two Inf- EPS* mutants were localized on a 6.4 kb EcoRI fragment. Coinoculation of alfalfa plants with Nod- and Inf- EPS- mutants resulted in effective symbiosis. The nodules appeared wild type and fixed nitrogen. In constrast, coinoculations with Nod- mutants and the Inf- EPS* mutant 101.45 did not result in the formation of effective nodules.  相似文献   

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