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大麦黄花叶病毒(BYMV)的提纯和生化性质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

超薄切片电镜观察表明,在感染大麦黄花叶病毒(BaYMV)的大麦(品种“早熟3号”)叶肉细胞中,液泡周围偶而可看到病毒颗粒束,在发病后期黄化或坏死的叶肉细胞中,可见到散布的病毒颗粒。在所有表现症状的病叶叶肉细胞,表皮细胞和木质部薄壁细胞中均可观察到风轮体、束状体、板状集结体以及膜状体等细胞质内含体,未见 卷简体和细胞核内含体。感病初期细胞中,细胞质丰富,核糖体数量增加,内质网肥大,随着病毒症状发喂,叶绿体、线粒体等细胞器逐渐肿大,外膜破裂直至解体。  相似文献   

根据致病性差异,我国大麦黄花叶病毒(BaYMV)存在若干不同株系,血清学和核酸杂交技术不能区分这些株系。但还由于致病性不同,各株系的核酸序列同必定存在差异。最近建立的单链构象多态性-聚合酶链反应(SSCP-PCR)技术能灵敏而有效地诊断和区分核酸序列间的差异,从而进一步证实我国BaYMV不同株系的分化。  相似文献   

在自然感染大麦黄花叶病毒的大麦叶肉细胞中可见线条状和杆状的病毒粒体以及风轮状内含体。这些病毒的长度一般为480—920nm,宽为lo—20nm。此外,还观察到一种由许多病毒组成的堆束状结构,这种病毒的直径为13nm 左右,长度可达2000nm 以上。感病叶肉细胞的超微结构变化是相当明显的。在病害严重的细胞中,细胞基质丧失严重;叶绿体膜系统破坏;线粒体的嵴和基质减少;内质网膨大或断裂,小泡大量出现,病毒粒体的一端往往与内质网联结在一起,特征性膜性网络结构在感染的细胞质中形成。细胞核和细胞膜也发生了变化。  相似文献   

大麦黄花叶病严重度的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就大麦黄花叶病(BYMV)的抗性进行了遗传分析。研究表明,在本研究中,大麦黄花叶病抗性表现为多基因控制的数量性状,符合“加性-显性”遗传模型,但主要受加性效应控制。回归分析与平均显性度((H_1/D)~(1/2))测定均表明为部分显性。且控制BYMV的严重度的显性基因数约为3—6组。遗传力估算较高。最后就实验结果对BYMV抗性育种进行了初步分析讨论。  相似文献   

The Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) GAV isolate was preserved at the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The cDNA of BYDV GAV coat protein (CP) gene was amplified from the extracted RNA of BYDV GAV by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and cloned into pGEM-7zf(+). Its complete nucleotide sequence has been determined by means of Sanger's dideoxy-mediated chain-termination method. The result showed that BYDV GAV CP gene has 600nt. It shares 97.5% and 96.5% identity with CP gene of BYDV MAV-PS1 in terms of nucleotide and amino acid sequences respectively.  相似文献   

本文对辣椒花叶病毒的生化特性进行了研究。病毒蛋白的紫外吸收,最高280毫微米,最低为260毫微米;以SDS-PAGE测定其分子量为17500;病毒蛋白亚基由148个氨基酸组成。从病毒提纯的核酸为线状RNA;紫外吸收最高为260毫微米,最低230毫微米;经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定,其分子量为2.0×10~6。根据形态结构、血清学试验、外壳蛋白亚基组成、核酸和蛋白的分子量等综合分析,我们认为这株辣椒花叶病毒是烟草花叶病毒组(TMV)中的一个毒株。  相似文献   

中国大麦黄花叶病毒分离物的分子变异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
13个供试的中国和英国大麦黄花叶病毒(BaYMV)分离物,经RNA1和RNA2全基因组不同区域DNA片段背地里单构象多态分析(SSCP),外壳蛋白基因和RNA2 70kD基因5端705碱基序列分析,以及此7-5碱基DNA片段限制性内切酶图谱分析结果,它们的RNA1和RNA2彼此无一相同,其中RNA2变异比RNA1更大。由于变异十分复杂,且没有规律性,因而当前通用的分子生物学技术尚不能简单地BaYM  相似文献   

根据致病性差异,我国大麦黄花叶病毒(BaYMV)存在若干不同株系,血清学和核酸杂交等技术不能区分这些株系。但还由于致病性不同,各株系的核酸序列间必定存在差异。最近建立的单链构象多态性。聚合酶链反应(SSCP-PCR)技术能灵敏而有效地诊断和区分核酸序列间的差异,从而进一步证实我国BaYMV不同株系的分化。  相似文献   

大麦黄矮病毒 (BYDVs)是一种由蚜虫专化性传播的循回非增殖型单链正义RNA病毒 ,是黄症病毒属 (Luteovirus)的代表成员。BYDVGAV是我国的主流株系之一 ,它与美国的BYDVMAV有较强的血清学关系 ,但美国的MAV仅由麦长管蚜传播 ,而我国的GAV除麦长管蚜传播外 ,还可由麦二叉蚜传播[1,2 ] 。近年来 ,有关麦蚜传播病毒专化性的研究已成为BYDV的研究热点[3 ] 。BYDV病毒的传播涉及病毒粒子表面成分与蚜虫体内专化性受体的相互作用 ,BYDV病毒粒子表面主要成分是CP ,另外一个次要成分是通读蛋白 (…  相似文献   

lexuous filamentous, rod-shaped particles, and laminated, pinwheel inclusions were observed in the mesophyll cells of the barley plants naturally infected with barley yellow mosaic viruses. These virus particles had a length of 480–920 nm and a width of 10–20 nm. In addition, bundles of filamentous structures which consisted of many particles with more 2000 nm in length were found in the leaves of the infected barley plants. The ultrastructural alterations of the infected mesophyll cells were rather conspicuous. The cytoplasmic matrix was lost seriously, and the chloroplast membrane system was destroyed. The cristae and matrix of the mitochondrium were decreased and some of them became vacuoles. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) expanded teristic membranous network structures occurred in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The virus particles were often associated at one end with ER and with the membranes of network structures. The nucleus, membrane and wall of ceils also had somewhat variation.  相似文献   

草莓伪温和黄边病毒提纯技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纯化的草莓伪温和黄边病毒(SPMYEV),小叶嫁接繁殖于指示植物草莓UC—4上,然后采样榨汁,结合聚乙二醇(PEG)沉淀,蔗糖垫底差速离心及连续性蔗糖密度梯度离心,能成功地将草莓伪温和黄边病毒提纯出来。经电镜观察为丝杆状病毒粒体,长×宽为650nm×12—13nm。提纯的病毒制剂,经紫外分光光度计测定,呈典型的核蛋白吸收曲线,其最大值位于263nm,最小值位于243nm。A260/A280=1.24,用冰醋酸分解病毒,提取衣壳蛋白,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定其分子量约37000道尔顿。  相似文献   

Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus disease caused by different strains of BaYMV and BaMMV is a major threat to winter barley cultivation in Europe. Pyramiding of resistance genes may be considered as a promising strategy to avoid the selection of new virus strains and to create more durable resistances. However, this goal cannot be achieved by phenotypic selection due to the lack of differentiating virus strains. For pyramiding of resistance genes rym4, rym5, rym9 and rym11, located on chromosomes 3H and 4H of barley two different strategies have been developed. These strategies are based on doubled haploid lines (DHs) and marker assisted selection procedures. On the one hand F1 derived DH-plants of single crosses were screened by molecular markers for genotypes being homozygous recessive for both resistance genes. These genotypes were crossed to lines carrying one resistance gene in common and an additional third gene, leading to a DH-population of which 25% carry three resistance genes, 50% have two resistance genes and 25% possess a single resistance gene homozygous recessively. Alternatively, F1 plants having one resistance gene in common were directly inter-crossed [e.g. (rym4 × rym9) × (rym4 × rym11)] and about 100 seeds were produced per combination. Within these complex cross progenies plants were identified by markers being homozygous at the common resistance locus and heterozygous at the others. From such plants, theoretically present at a frequency of 6.25%, DH-lines were produced, which were screened for the presence of genotypes carrying three or two recessive resistance genes in a homozygous state. Besides DH-plants carrying all possible two-gene combinations, 20 DH-plants out of 107 analysed carrying rym4, rym9, and rym11 and 27 out of 187 tested carrying rym5, rym9, and rym11 homozygously have been detected using the second strategy which is faster but needs co-dominant markers, because in contrast to the first strategy marker selection is carried out on heterozygous genotypes.  相似文献   

正The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(ICTV)has the decree to set the rules for the classification and naming of viruses.The species is the lowest level considered in the taxonomic hierarchy.In general,virus species are named according to the structure"isolation hostsymptomsand the word‘virus’".A typical example is Tobacco mosaic virus[Genus:To-  相似文献   

烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白嵌合基团的重组   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
普通烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因已和花椰菜花叶病毒35S启动子及3′未端重组成嵌合基因。在连接了用于筛选在土壤杆菌中导入外源基因的新霉素磷酸转移酶Ⅰ(NPT Ⅰ)基因和用于筛选在植物细胞中导入外源基因的嵌合的新霉素磷酸转移酶Ⅱ(NPT Ⅱ)基因后,已导入一个去致瘤基因的Ti载体T-DNA区中。这种在Ti载体T-DNA区带嵌合的烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因的土壤杆菌菌株,可以用来转化植物。观察在转化植物中表达的这种外壳蛋白能否延缓或减轻烟草花叶病毒对它们的危害。  相似文献   

四川雅安、陕西长安的土传小麦病毒病由小麦梭条斑花叶病毒(WSSMV)引起,而浙江安吉、新昌、江苏宜兴的病害则由WSSMV和土传小麦花叶病毒(SBWMV)所致。WSSMV和SBWMV可以同时复合侵染同一株小麦,但在病细胞中二者彼此独立分布。我国WSSMV RNA有2个基因组,分子量分别为2.6×10~6和1.5×10~6,与日本小麦黄花叶病毒(WYMV)一致。  相似文献   

从新疆苜蓿黄斑花叶病株上分离到病毒分离物M-4,该分离物能引起多种豆科值物系统花叶,并在藜科植物上产生局部褪绿斑,易经汁液摩擦接种和蚜虫传毒,不经菜豆种子传毒。病毒致死温度60—65℃,体外保毒期4—5天,稀释限点10~(-3)—10~(-4)。病毒粒体线状,长约660—740nm,宽15nm;在感病的寄主叶片细胞中,电镜观察到风轮状、带状和环状内含体。免疫电镜法测定,该分离物与菜豆黄色花叶病毒(BYMV)抗血清有血清反应。经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和氨基酸自动分析仪分析分别测得该病毒的衣壳蛋白亚基分子量为16,200道尔顿,氨基酸残基数128个。鉴定结果认为,分离物M-4是BYMV的一个株系。  相似文献   

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