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Territorial songbirds often match the song features or singing patterns of rivals, commonly as an aggressive signal. Most studies of song matching have been on Northern Hemisphere species with short lifespans and high song rates, but vocal matching is predicted to be affected both by longevity and territorial stability. We studied song matching in males of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, a long-lived, sedentary, territorial Australian songbird. We quantified natural song rate and diversity, and then conducted three playback experiments to test: (a) whether males match by song type; (b) how they respond physically and vocally to territorial intrusion; and (c) whether they match by song length, and use it as an agonistic signal. Males naturally had very low song rates, singing on average less than three times per hour, and moderate repertoires, with an estimated mean of 17.5 song types for individual males. Males did not engage in extended counter-singing bouts. The first experiment showed that males matched the song type of immediate neighbours almost 90% of the time, if that type was in their repertoire. The remaining experiments revealed that song-type matching was an aggressive signal; males responded more aggressively to, and were more likely to match, playback simulating a neighbour's territorial intrusion than song from their shared boundary. Males did not match songs by length, but they produced longer songs after simulated intrusion. Males also responded more aggressively to playback of longer songs that simulated intrusion, but less aggressively to longer songs from the territory boundary. Overall, we show that sedentary, long-lived songbirds with low song rates, can use song-type matching as an aggressive signal to communicate with neighbours and intruders. Song length had a different role in communication, possibly related to individual quality or territory ownership.  相似文献   

Steroid sex hormones play critical roles in the development of brain regions used for vocal learning. It has been suggested that puberty-induced increases in circulating testosterone (T) levels crystallize a bird's repertoire and inhibit future song learning. Previous studies show that early administration of T crystallizes song repertoires but have not addressed whether new songs can be learned after this premature crystallization. We brought 8 juvenile song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) into the laboratory in the late summer and implanted half of them with subcutaneous T pellets for a two week period in October. Birds treated with T tripled their singing rates and crystallized normal songs in 2 weeks. After T removal, subjects were tutored by 4 new adults. Birds previously treated with T tended toward learning fewer new songs post T, consistent with the hypothesis that T helps to close the song learning phase. However, one T-treated bird proceeded to learn several new songs in the spring, despite singing perfectly crystallized songs in the fall. His small crystallized fall repertoire and initial lag behind other subjects in song development suggest that this individual may have had limited early song learning experience. We conclude that an exposure to testosterone sufficient for crystallization of a normal song repertoire does not necessarily prevent future song learning and suggest that early social experiences might override the effects of hormones in closing song learning.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

Birds with small song repertoires have a limited number of song types which may serve multiple functions. The Grey‐cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia is a non‐migratory species of lowland forests in Taiwan. Its song consists of two distinct phrases: a whistled phrase and a harmonic one. Each individual usually sings only one type of whistled phrase, and the geographical patterns of songs can be distinguished by the motif of this phrase. We proposed a dual adaptation hypothesis for the functions of these two phrases. Playback experiments including six sound stimuli (familiar whistled phrases, familiar harmonic phrases familiar complete songs, foreign whistled phrases, foreign harmonic phrases and foreign complete songs) were conducted at 12 sites in the Shoushan Nature Park of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Grey‐cheeked Fulvettas came closer to the playback speaker and increased counter‐singing more in response to the familiar whistled phrase (local dialect) than to a foreign whistled phrase (distant dialect). However, birds responded equally to the playback of harmonic stimuli from familiar and foreign sources. We suggest that in this species, whistled phrases are used for local recognition and harmonic phrases are used for species recognition in short‐range communication.  相似文献   

The function of bird song is closely linked to sexual selection through female choice and male–male competition, and thus variation in communication success is likely to have major fitness consequences for a singing male. A crucial constraint on signal transmission is imposed by background noise, which may include songs from other species. I investigated whether singing nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) avoid temporal overlap with the songs of other bird species in a playback experiment. I analysed the temporal song patterns of six males, each of which were exposed to songs of other species. The nightingales significantly avoided overlapping their songs with the playback songs, and started singing preferentially during the silent intervals between the heterospecific songs. This timing of song onset produced a greater variability in pause duration compared to the nightingales’ undisturbed solo singing. These findings suggest that birds adjust their song timing to avoid acoustic interference on short temporal scales, and thus are able to improve the efficiency of acoustic communication in complex sonic environments. Moreover, the results indicate that temporal song patterns can be affected by the songs of other species, and thus such influences should be taken into account when studying bird song in the field.  相似文献   

In most songbirds, the processes of song learning and territory establishment overlap in the early life and a young bird usually winds up with songs matching those of his territorial neighbors in his first breeding season. In the present study, we examined the relationships among the timing of territory establishment, the pattern of song learning and territorial success in a sedentary population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Males in this population tend to learn their songs from their neighbors and consequently they show high song sharing with neighbors and use these shared songs preferentially in interactions with them. Males also show significant variation in the timing of territory establishment, ranging from their natal summer to the next spring. Using a three-year dataset, we found that the timing of territory establishment did not systematically affect the composition of the song repertoire of the tutee: early establishers and late establishers learned equally as much from their primary tutors and had a similar number of tutors and similar repertoire sizes, nor did timing of territory establishment affect subsequent survival on territory. Therefore, the song-learning program of song sparrows seems versatile enough to lead to high song sharing even for birds that establish territories relatively late.  相似文献   

Riebel K  Slater PJ 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(6):1135-1142
Many songbird species with small song type repertoires repeat each type a few times before switching to the next. Thus, their singing style may constrain their ability to switch. However, the proximate causation of song type switching is poorly understood. We exposed male chaffinches to (nonoverlapping) playbacks of single renditions of their own songs rather than a series of songs, thus stimulating them with a single external auditory event. The most prominent effect of the playback was an increase in the duration of the current song type bout. If the song type played back was different to that the subject was singing at the time, bout duration increased less than if it was of the same song type. The short-term changes induced by the playback suggest that the auditory input increases the motivational level for a particular song type. In the chaffinch this results in a delayed switch rather than in song type matching as a reaction to acoustic stimulation by conspecific song. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Repertoire matching occurs when one songbird replies to another with a song type that the two birds share. Repertoire matching has previously been demonstrated to occur at well above chance levels in a western population of song sparrows, where it is hypothesized to serve as a low level threat in a hierarchy of aggressive signals. Here we test for repertoire matching in an eastern population of song sparrows. Previous work indicates that this eastern population differs from the western one in having lower levels of song sharing between neighboring males and in showing no association between song sharing and territory tenure. Here we confirm that males in this eastern population on average share few whole songs with their neighbors. The eastern males are familiar with their neighbors’ repertoires, as evidenced by a stronger singing response to stranger song than to neighbor song. Males in the eastern population did not repertoire match: when played an unshared song type from a specific neighbor, they did not reply with a song type shared with that neighbor more often than expected by chance or more often than in response to playback of a control song (an unshared stranger song). The results thus demonstrate a qualitative difference in vocal signaling strategies between two populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Among songbirds with large song-type repertoires, there may be functional variation in how individuals organize and display song-type diversity over time. Past studies focusing on conventional measures of song production have been extremely productive. However, network analysis offers a novel set of tools to quantify additional, previously unstudied elements of song organization and display. We studied protracted bouts of singing by 10 male House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to (1) test functional hypotheses of variation in song diversity in this species, and (2) evaluate the utility of network metrics in such research. Our analysis included a variety of conventional measures of song production and several standard metrics from network theory to quantify how variably the many song types in a male’s repertoire could be connected to one another and the limitations or diversity of their song sequences. Analysis of conventional variables showed that males produced more and longer songs, at shorter intervals, containing more syllables and more different syllable types, and also more different song types, prior to than after pairing and early in the morning regardless of breeding stage. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that song diversity functions in mate attraction and possibly in territory signaling. In contrast, analyses of network metrics revealed variety in song sequencing by males, but comparatively few and weak effects associated with either breeding stage or time of day. Overall, most song types connected to only a few others and a relatively small proportion of all possible song-type transitions actually occurred. Hence, much of the variety in song sequencing that was possible with the large song repertoires of males was not realized. The latter outcomes, brought to light via network analyses, highlight an important paradox for future research on this and related species with large song repertoires.  相似文献   

Song complexity in many songbirds is a trait subject to sexual selection. It is often associated with male territorial defence. Empirical studies testing differential male responses to rival song in vocally complex songbirds have, however, been scarce. We conducted playback experiments of the endemic New Zealand Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae to test the aggressive response of territorial male Tui to rival songs with differing complexity levels. Overall, complex songs evoked significantly stronger responses from territorial males than did simple songs. Following playback of complex songs, focal males approached the playback more closely and rapidly, and responded with songs of higher complexity than they did to playback of simple songs. This suggests males could both distinguish between different levels of complexity within the Tui repertoire, and perceive a more complex song as a greater territorial threat. Our study is one of the first to demonstrate strong aggressive responses to increased levels of song complexity in a songbird species with highly complex vocalizations.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that individual recognition based on song may be constrained by repertoire size in songbirds with very large song repertoires. This hypothesis has been difficult to test because there are few studies on species with very large repertoires and because traditional experiments based on the dear enemy effect do not provide evidence against recognition. The tropical mockingbird, Mimus gilvus, is a cooperative breeder with very large song repertoires and stable territorial neighbourhoods. The social system of this species allowed us to test individual recognition based on song independently from the dear enemy effect by evaluating male response to playback of strangers, neighbours (from shared and unshared boundaries), co-males (i.e. other males in the same social group) and own songs. Although subjects did not show a dear enemy effect, they were less aggressive to co-males than to all other singers. Our results suggest that recognition in tropical mockingbirds (1) does not simply distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar singers, (2) requires a small sample of both songs and song types, (3) does not rely on individual-specific sequences of song types and (4) is not likely to rely on group-specific vocal signatures potentially available in cooperatively breeding groups. We conclude that this is a case of true recognition and suggest that the lack of a dear enemy effect in this and other species with large repertoires may relate to the role of song in mate attraction and the perception of neighbours as a threat to future paternity.  相似文献   

In many oscine passerines males’ songs, the repertoire size increases with age. At the same time it often remains unknown when and where males learn new songs. To infer the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra song learning strategy, we described and catalogued song-type repertoire, revealed age differences and examined song sharing strategies among neighbouring and distant males. We recorded song vocalizations of 40 males in a limited (104 ha) study plot during four years. Whinchats produce short and discrete songs with clear intersong pauses. In total 45 song types were allocated, the individual repertoire size averaged 23.5 ± 7.6 song types (range 9–34 song types). The males’ age significantly influenced the song-type repertoire size. The second calendar year (first breeding) males had a lower repertoire size than the older males. The majority of song types were shared by less than half of males in our sample. The Jaccard similarity indexes varied from 0.5 to 0.7. We could not find a relationship between males’ song sharing and geographic distances between their nests. We assume that Whinchat males learned new songs in the local population before territory establishment.  相似文献   

Many bird species participate in dawn singing, a behaviour categorized by intensive singing at dawn; however, many of these species deliver only one song type at dawn. While there are many proximate and ultimate hypotheses for why birds sing at dawn, little is known about whether males are able to vary one simple song to convey different information. We used autonomous acoustic recorders to record dawn songs of field sparrows and quantified three parameters of singing performance: 1) bout length, 2) song rate, and 3) song complexity. We found that males sang the longest dawn bouts during their mate's fertile period, the highest song rates during the post-fertile period, and the most complex songs during the pre-fertile period. The change in dawn singing behaviour with their mate's breeding stage suggest the purpose of dawn song may be context dependent. Our results demonstrate that male field sparrows, while only having a single song type sung at dawn, may convey information for both intra- and intersexual purposes. While it is generally assumed that dawn song has a specific function, the variability in the duration, rate, and complexity of dawn song in field sparrows suggests that they are conveying different information and that dawn song likely has multiple functions.  相似文献   

In birds with song repertoires, song‐type matching occurs when an individual responds to another individual's song by producing the same song type. Song‐type matching has been described in multiple bird species and a growing body of evidence suggests that song‐type matching may serve as a conventional signal of aggression, particularly in male birds in the temperate zone. Few studies have investigated song‐type matching in tropical birds or female birds, in spite of the fact that avian biodiversity is highest in the tropics, that female song is widespread in the tropics, and that female song is the ancestral state among songbirds. In this study of rufous‐and‐white wrens Thryophilus rufalbus, a resident neotropical songbird where both sexes sing, we presented territorial males and females with playback that simulated a territorial rival producing shared and unshared songs. In response, both males and females sang matched song types at levels statistically equal to levels expected by chance. Furthermore, males and females exhibited similar levels of aggression and similar vocal behaviours in response to playback of both shared and unshared songs. These results indicate that rufous‐and‐white wrens do not use song‐type matching in territorial conflicts as a conventional signal of aggression. We discuss alternative hypotheses for the function of song‐type sharing in tropical birds. In particular, we point out that shared songs may play an important role in intra‐pair communication, especially for birds where males and females combine their songs in vocal duets, and this may supersede the function of song‐type matching in some tropical birds.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   

Males of many songbird species have peaks of singing activity at dawn and dusk. Singing during those twilight periods can function in territory proclamation, and males are suggested to adjust song output to the level of intruder pressure. We used song playback during the breeding season to simulate intrusions into territories of male Winter Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) shortly after dawn. We then compared male singing behaviour during the dawn and dusk chorus before and 1 day after the simulated intrusion. One day after the playback, male Wrens increased their song output before sunrise, which confirms our results from a previous study on dawn singing in autumn territories. At dusk, on the evening following the playback, males slightly increased song output after sunset, but singing activity at dusk was generally very low. We found no significant changes of song output after sunrise, before sunset, and between 2 days of control without playback. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dawn and dusk singing is important for territory defence in spring. Unlike in autumn, however, increased singing in spring at dawn and dusk could also serve to defend other resources such as fertile mates or to strengthen the pair bond after a territorial challenge. In comparison with the results on autumnal singing, male Wrens started singing earlier at dawn during the breeding season, and they generally sang more songs at dawn and immediately after playback. The increase in absolute numbers of songs sung in the morning after playback seemed greater in spring than in autumn; however, the proportional increase relative to overall song output was similar in both seasons.  相似文献   

In some songbird species, large song repertoires are advantageous in female attraction, whereas song sharing with neighbours may give an advantage in male–male competition. Open‐ended learners, with the ability to memorize new song elements throughout their lives, may learn from territorial neighbours and thus benefit from increasing both repertoire size and song sharing. A distinction needs to be made between true adult song learning, i.e. memorization of novel song elements, and vocal plasticity resulting in changes in the use of previously memorized elements, such as the use of hidden repertoires or increased production of previously rare syllable types. We assessed the ability of adult pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca males to learn previously unheard song elements and to change their song production in response to playback of unfamiliar, conspecific song, emulating a singing neighbour. After a 1‐week playback treatment, three out of 20 subjects had learned foreign song elements, providing evidence from the wild that pied flycatchers are true open‐ended learners. However, the syllable sharing with the playback stimulus repertoires had not changed, and the males’ repertoires had decreased rather than increased. Hence, we did not find support for increased syllable sharing with neighbours or increased repertoire size as functions of adult song learning in pied flycatchers. Because pied flycatcher song seems to serve mainly for mate attraction, copying of attractive syllable types is a possible alternative function of adult song learning in this species.  相似文献   

Naguib M 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(5):1061-1067
The timing of songs during vocal interactions in male passerines is an important component in territorial signalling as it can reflect information on the singer's state or possibly its quality. Using interactive playback, I investigated effects of song alternation and song overlapping on the nocturnal singing behaviour of nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos. Subjects timed their songs differently depending on whether the playback songs overlapped their songs or alternated with them. During overlapping treatments, subjects sang at higher rates and interrupted more songs than during alternating treatments. In addition, during alternating treatments subjects sang at higher rates when they had been exposed to the overlapping treatment than when the alternating treatment was the first treatment they had received. These latter responses indicate that timing of songs is not just an immediate effect such as to avoid signal masking but that prior experience with a rival influences the way an individual uses its song. The results thus suggest that not only song overlapping but also the timing of songs during alternating singing carries important information. Individual differences in response suggest further that state (e.g. arousal or motivation) or possibly quality of a territorial male is important for decisions on how it responds vocally. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The bellbird (Anthornis melanura) is a honeyeater endemic to New Zealand, which uses song to defend breeding territories and/or food resources year round. Both sexes sing and the song structure and singing behavior have not yet been quantified. The number of song types, spectral structure, repertoire size, and singing behavior of male and female bellbirds was investigated for a large island population. Song types differed between the sexes with males singing a number of structurally distinct song types and females producing song types that overlapped in structure. Singing behavior also differed between the sexes; males often sung long series of songs while females sung each song at relatively long and variable intervals. Singing by both sexes occurred year round but the frequency of male and female singing bouts showed contrasting seasonal patterns. The frequency of female singing bouts increased as the breeding season progressed, whereas male singing bouts decreased. In contrast to almost all studied passerines, female bellbirds exhibited significant singing behavior and sung songs of complex structure and variety that parallel male song. These results provide a quantitative foundation for further research of song in bellbirds and in particular the function of female vocal behavior.  相似文献   

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