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Deciphering how Listeria monocytogenes exploits the host cell machinery to invade mammalian cells during infection isa key issue for the understanding how this food-borne pathogen causes a pleiotropic disease ranging from gastro-enteritis to meningitis and abortions. Using multidisciplinary approaches, essentially combining bacterial genetics and cell biology, we have identified two bacterial proteins critical for entry into target cells, InlA and InlB. Their cellular ligands have been also identified: InlA interacts with the adhesion molecule E-cadherin, while InlB interacts with the receptor for the globular head of the complement factor Clq (gClq-R), with the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met) and with glycosaminoglycans(including heparan sulphate). The dynamic interaction between these cellular receptors and the actin cytoskeleton is currently under investigation. Several intracellular molecules have been recognized as key effectors for Listeria entry into target cells,including catenins (implicated in the connection of E-cadherin to actin) and the actin depolymerising factor/cofilin (involved in the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton in the InlB-dependent internalisation pathway). At the organism level, species specificity has been discovered concerning the interaction between InlA and E-cadherin, leading to the generation of transgenic mice expressing the human E-cadherin, in which the critical role of InlA in the crossing of the intestinal barrier has been clearly determined. Listeria appears as an instrumental model for addressing critical questions concerning both the complex process of bacterial pathogenesis and also fundamental molecular processes, such as phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes uptake by nonphagocytic cells is promoted by the bacterial invasion proteins internalin and InlB, which bind to their host receptors E-cadherin and hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGF-R)/Met, respectively. Here, we present evidence that plasma membrane organization in lipid domains is critical for Listeria uptake. Cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin reversibly inhibited Listeria entry. Lipid raft markers, such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked proteins, a myristoylated and palmitoylated peptide and the ganglioside GM1 were recruited at the bacterial entry site. We analyzed which molecular events require membrane cholesterol and found that the presence of E-cadherin in lipid domains was necessary for initial interaction with internalin to promote bacterial entry. In contrast, the initial interaction of InlB with HGF-R did not require membrane cholesterol, whereas downstream signaling leading to F-actin polymerization was cholesterol dependent. Our work, in addition to documenting for the first time the role of lipid rafts in Listeria entry, provides the first evidence that E-cadherin and HGF-R require lipid domain integrity for their full activity.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) is a human intracellular pathogen widely used to uncover the mechanisms evolved by pathogens to establish infection. However, its capacity to perturb the host cell cycle was never reported. We show that Lm infection affects the host cell cycle progression, increasing its overall duration but allowing consecutive rounds of division. A complete Lm infectious cycle induces a S-phase delay accompanied by a slower rate of DNA synthesis and increased levels of host DNA strand breaks. Additionally, DNA damage/replication checkpoint responses are triggered in an Lm dose-dependent manner through the phosphorylation of DNA-PK, H2A.X, and CDC25A and independently from ATM/ATR. While host DNA damage induced exogenously favors Lm dissemination, the override of checkpoint pathways limits infection. We propose that host DNA replication disturbed by Lm infection culminates in DNA strand breaks, triggering DNA damage/replication responses, and ensuring a cell cycle delay that favors Lm propagation.  相似文献   

P Cossart  M Lecuit 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(14):3797-3806
Although <50 kb of its 3.3 megabase genome is known, Listeria monocytogenes has received much attention and an impressive amount of data has contributed in raising this bacterium among the best understood intracellular pathogens. The mechanisms that Listeria uses to enter cells, escape from the phagocytic vacuole and spread from one cell to another using an actin-based motility process have been analysed in detail. Several bacterial proteins contributing to these events have been identified, including the invasion proteins internalin A (InlA) and B (InlB), the secreted pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) which promotes the escape from the phagocytic vacuole, and the surface protein ActA which is required for actin polymerization and bacterial movement. While LLO and ActA are critical for the infectious process and are not redundant with other listerial proteins, the precise role of InlA and InlB in vivo remains unclear. How InlA, InlB, LLO or ActA interact with the mammalian cells is beginning to be deciphered. The picture that emerges is that this bacterium uses general strategies also used by other invasive bacteria but has evolved a panel of specific tools and tricks to exploit mammalian cell functions. Their study may lead to a better understanding of important questions in cell biology such as ligand receptor signalling and dynamics of actin polymerization in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Absence of gravity or microgravity influences the cellular functions of bone forming osteoblasts. The underlying mechanism, however, of cellular sensing and responding to the gravity vector is poorly understood. This work quantified the impact of vector-directional gravity on the biological responses of Ros 17/2.8 cells grown on upward-, downward- or edge-on-oriented substrates. Cell morphology and nuclear translocation, cell proliferation and the cell cycle, and cytoskeletal reorganization were found to vary significantly in the three orientations. All of the responses were duration-dependent. These results provide a new insight into understanding how osteoblasts respond to static vector-directional gravity.  相似文献   

The analysis of many natural glycoproteins and their recombinant counterparts from mammalian hosts has revealed that the basic oligosaccharide structures and the site occupancy of glycosylated polypeptides are primarily dictated by the protein conformation.The equipment of many frequently used host cells (e.g. BHK-21 and CHO-cells) with glycosyltransferases, nucleotide-sugar synthases and transporters appears to be sufficient to guarantee complex-type glycosylation of recombinant proteins with a high degree of terminal 2-3 sialylation even under high expression conditions. Some human tissue-specific terminal carbohydrate motifs are not synthesized by these cells since they lack the proper sugar-transferring enzymes (e.g. 1-3/4 fucosyltransferases, 2-6 sialyltransferases). Glycosylation engineering of these hosts by stable transfection with genes encoding terminal human glycosyltransferases allows to obtain products with tailored (human tissue-specific) glycosylation in high yields.Using site-directed mutagenesis, unglycosylated polypeptides can be successfully converted in N- and/or O-glycoproteins by transferring glycosylation domains (consisting of 7-17 amino acids) from donor glycoproteins to different loop regions of acceptor proteins.The genetic engineering of glycoproteins and of host cell lines are considered to provide a versatile tool to obtain therapeutic glyco-products with novel/improved in-vivo properties, e.g. by introduction of specific tissue-targeting signals by a rational design of terminal glycosylation motifs.  相似文献   

The Listeria monocytogenes InlB protein is a 630-amino-acid surface protein that mediates entry of the bacterium into a wide variety of cell types, including hepatocytes, fibroblasts and epithelial cells such as Vero, HEp-2 and HeLa cells. Invasion stimulates host proteins tyrosine phosphorylation, PI 3-kinase activity and rearrangements in the actin cytoskeleton. We previously showed that InlB is sufficient for entry of InlB-coated latex beads into cells and recent results indicate that purified InlB can stimulate PI 3-kinase activity and is thus the first bacterial agonist of this lipid kinase. In this study, we identified the region of InlB responsible for entry and stimulation of signal transduction events. Eight monoclonal antibodies directed against InlB were raised and, of those, five inhibited bacterial entry. These five antibodies recognized epitopes within the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) region and/or the inter-repeat (IR) region. InlB-staphylococcal protein A (SPA) fusion proteins and recombinant InlB derivatives were generated and tested for their capacity to mediate entry into cultured mammalian cells. All the InlB derivatives that carried the amino-terminal 213-amino-acid LRR region conferred invasiveness to the normally non-invasive bacterium L. innocua or to inert latex beads and the corresponding purified polypeptides inhibited bacterial entry. In addition, the 213-amino-acid LRR region was able to stimulate PI 3-kinase activity and changes in the actin cytoskeleton (membrane ruffling). These properties were not detected with purified internalin, another invasion protein of L. monocytogenes that displays LRRs similar to those of InlB. Taken together, these results show that the first 213 amino acids of InlB are critical for its specific properties.  相似文献   

Animal parasitic nematodes can cause serious diseases and their emergence in new areas can be an issue of major concern for biodiversity conservation and human health. Their ability to adapt to new environments and hosts is likely to be affected by their degree of genetic diversity, with gene flow between distinct populations counteracting genetic drift and increasing effective population size. The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis), a gastrointestinal parasite of the raccoon (Procyon lotor), has increased its global geographic range after being translocated with its host. The raccoon has been introduced multiple times to Germany, but not all its populations are infected with the parasite. While fewer introduced individuals may have led to reduced diversity in the parasite, admixture between different founder populations may have counteracted genetic drift and bottlenecks. Here, we analyse the population genetic structure of the roundworm and its raccoon host at the intersection of distinct raccoon populations infected with B. procyonis. We found evidence for two parasite clusters resulting from independent introductions. Both clusters exhibited an extremely low genetic diversity, suggesting small founding populations subjected to inbreeding and genetic drift with no, or very limited, genetic influx from population admixture. Comparison of the population genetic structures of both host and parasite suggested that the parasite spread to an uninfected raccoon founder population. On the other hand, an almost perfect match between cluster boundaries also suggested that the population genetic structure of B. procyonis has remained stable since its introduction, mirroring that of its raccoon host.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins, e.g. antibodies, requires constant real‐time monitoring to optimize yield and quality attributes and to respond to changing production conditions, such as host cell protein (HCP) titers. To date, this monitoring of mammalian cell culture‐based processes is done using laborious and time consuming enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), two‐dimensional sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and chromatography‐based systems. Measurements are usually performed off‐line, requiring regular sample withdrawal associated with increased contamination risk. As information is obtained retrospectively, the reaction time to adapt to process changes is too long, leading to lower yield and higher costs. To address the resulting demand for continuous online‐monitoring systems, we present a feasibility study using attenuated total reflection spectroscopy (ATR) to monitor mAb and HCP levels of NS0 cell culture in situ, taking matrix effects into account. Fifty‐six NS0 cell culture samples were treated with polyelectrolytes for semi‐selective protein precipitation. Additionally, part of the samples was subjected to filtration prior to analysis, to change the background matrix and evaluate effects on chemometric quantification models. General models to quantify HCP and mAb in both filtered and unfiltered matrix showed lower prediction accuracy compared to models designed for a specific matrix. HCP quantification in the range of 2,000–55,000 ng mL?1 using specific models was accurate for most samples, with results within the accepted limit of an ELISA assay. In contrast, mAb prediction was less accurate, predicting mAb in the range of 0.2–1.7 g L?1. As some samples deviated substantially from reference values, further investigations elucidating the suitability of ATR for monitoring are required. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogen that incites crown gall tumors by transferring to and expressing a portion of a resident plasmid in plant cells. Currently, little is known about the host response to Agrobacterium infection. Using suppressive subtractive hybridization and DNA macroarrays, we identified numerous plant genes that are differentially expressed during early stages of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Expression profiling indicates that Agrobacterium infection induces plant genes necessary for the transformation process while simultaneously repressing host defense response genes, thus indicating successful utilization of existing host cellular machinery for genetic transformation purposes. A comparison of plant responses to different strains of Agrobacterium indicates that transfer of both T-DNA and Vir proteins modulates the expression of host genes during the transformation process.  相似文献   

The use of biological systems to synthesize complex therapeutic products has been a remarkable success. However, during product development, great attention must be devoted to defining acceptable levels of impurities that derive from that biological system, heading this list are host cell proteins (HCPs). Recent advances in proteomic analytics have shown how diverse this class of impurities is; as such knowledge and capability grows inevitable questions have arisen about how thorough current approaches to measuring HCPs are. The fundamental issue is how to adequately measure (and in turn monitor and control) such a large number of protein species (potentially thousands of components) to ensure safe and efficacious products. A rather elegant solution is to use an immunoassay (enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) based on polyclonal antibodies raised to the host cell (biological system) used to synthesize a particular therapeutic product. However, the measurement is entirely dependent on the antibody serum used, which dictates the sensitivity of the assay and the degree of coverage of the HCP spectrum. It provides one summed analog value for HCP amount; a positive if all HCP components can be considered equal, a negative in the more likely event one associates greater risk with certain components of the HCP proteome. In a thorough risk‐based approach, one would wish to be able to account for this. These issues have led to the investigation of orthogonal analytical methods; most prominently mass spectrometry. These techniques can potentially both identify and quantify HCPs. The ability to measure and monitor thousands of proteins proportionally increases the amount of data acquired. Significant benefits exist if the information can be used to determine critical HCPs and thereby create an improved basis for risk management. We describe a nascent approach to risk assessment of HCPs based upon such data, drawing attention to timeliness in relation to biosimilar initiatives. The development of such an approach requires databases based on cumulative knowledge of multiple risk factors that would require national and international regulators, standards authorities (e.g., NIST and NIBSC), industry and academia to all be involved in shaping what is the best approach to the adoption of the latest bioanalytical technology to this area, which is vital to delivering safe efficacious biological medicines of all types. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015;112: 1727–1737. © 2015 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recombinant human Acid Alpha Glucosidase (GAA) is the therapeutic enzyme used for the treatment of Pompe disease, a rare genetic disorder characterized by GAA deficiency in the cell lysosomes (Raben et al., Curr Mol Med. 2002; 2:145–166). The manufacturing process for GAA can be challenging, in part due to protease degradation. The overall goal of this study was to understand the effects of GAA overexpression on cell lysosomal phenotype and host cell protein (HCP) release, and any resultant consequences for protease levels and ease of manufacture. To do this we first generated a human recombinant GAA producing stable CHO cell line and designed the capture chromatographic step anion exchange (IEX). We then collected images of cell lysosomes via transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and compared the resulting data with that from a null CHO cell line. TEM imaging revealed 72% of all lysosomes in the GAA cell line were engorged indicating extensive cell stress; by comparison only 8% of lysosomes in the null CHO had a similar phenotype. Furthermore, comparison of the HCP profile among cell lines (GAA, mAb, and Null) capture eluates, showed that while most HCPs released were common across them, some were unique to the GAA producer, implying that cell stress caused by overexpression of GAA has a molecule specific effect on HCP release. Protease analysis via zymograms showed an overall reduction in proteolytic activity after the capture step but also revealed the presence of co‐eluting proteases at approximately 80 KDa, which MS analysis putatively identified as dipeptidyl peptidase 3 and prolyl endopeptidase. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:666–676, 2017  相似文献   

Recombinant protein products such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for use in the clinic must be clear of host cell impurities such as host cell protein (HCP), DNA/RNA, and high molecular weight immunogenic aggregates. Despite the need to remove and monitor HCPs, the nature, and fate of these during downstream processing (DSP) remains poorly characterized. We have applied a proteomic approach to investigate the dynamics and fate of HCPs in the supernatant of a mAb producing cell line during early DSP including centrifugation, depth filtration, and protein A capture chromatography. The primary clarification technique selected was shown to influence the HCP profile that entered subsequent downstream steps. MabSelect protein A chromatography removed the majority of contaminating proteins, however using 2D‐PAGE we could visualize not only the antibody species in the eluate (heavy and light chain) but also contaminant HCPs. These data showed that the choice of secondary clarification impacts upon the HCP profile post‐protein A chromatography as differences arose in both the presence and abundance of specific HCPs when depth filters were compared. A number of intracellularly located HCPs were identified in protein A elution fractions from a Null cell line culture supernatant including the chaperone Bip/GRP78, heat shock proteins, and the enzyme enolase. We demonstrate that the selection of early DSP steps influences the resulting HCP profile and that 2D‐PAGE can be used for monitoring and identification of HCPs post‐protein A chromatography. This approach could be used to screen cell lines or hosts to select those with reduced HCP profiles, or to identify HCPs that are problematic and difficult to remove so that cell‐engineering approaches can be applied to reduced, or eliminate, such HCPs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 240–251. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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