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Background: Identifying biomarkers for accurate diagnosis and prognosis of diseases is important for the prevention of disease development. The molecular networks that describe the functional relationships among molecules provide a global view of the complex biological systems. With the molecular networks, the molecular mechanisms underlying diseases can be unveiled, which helps identify biomarkers in a systematic way. Results: In this survey, we report the recent progress on identifying biomarkers based on the topology of molecular networks, and we categorize those biomarkers into three groups, including node biomarkers, edge biomarkers and network biomarkers. These distinct types of biomarkers can be detected under different conditions depending on the data available. Conclusions: The biomarkers identified based on molecular networks can provide more accurate diagnosis and prognosis. The pros and cons of different types of biomarkers as well as future directions to improve the methods for identifying biomarkers are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances indicate that assigning or reversing edge direction can significantly improve the structural controllability of complex networks. For directed networks, approaching the optimal structural controllability can be achieved by detecting and reversing certain “inappropriate” edge directions. However, the existence of multiple sets of “inappropriate” edge directions suggests that different edges have different effects on optimal controllability—that is, different combinations of edges can be reversed to achieve the same structural controllability. Therefore, we classify edges into three categories based on their direction: critical, redundant and intermittent. We then investigate the effects of changing these edge directions on network controllability, and demonstrate that the existence of more critical edge directions implies not only a lower cost of modifying inappropriate edges but also better controllability. Motivated by this finding, we present a simple edge orientation method aimed at producing more critical edge directions—utilizing only local information—which achieves near optimal controllability. Furthermore, we explore the effects of edge direction on the controllability of several real networks.  相似文献   

Background: In network biology researchers generate biomolecular networks with candidate genes or proteins experimentally-derived from high-throughput data and known biomolecular associations. Current bioinformatics research focuses on characterizing candidate genes/proteins, or nodes, with network characteristics, e.g., betweenness centrality. However, there have been few research reports to characterize and prioritize biomolecular associations (“edges”), which can represent gene regulatory events essential to biological processes.Method: We developed Weighted In-Path Edge Ranking (WIPER), a new computational algorithm which can help evaluate all biomolecular interactions/associations (“edges”) in a network model and generate a rank order of every edge based on their in-path traversal scores and statistical significance test result. To validate whether WIPER worked as we designed, we tested the algorithm on synthetic network models.Results: Our results showed WIPER can reliably discover both critical “well traversed in-path edges”, which are statistically more traversed than normal edges, and “peripheral in-path edges”, which are less traversed than normal edges. Compared with other simple measures such as betweenness centrality, WIPER provides better biological interpretations. In the case study of analyzing postanal pig hearts gene expression, WIPER highlighted new signaling pathways suggestive of cardiomyocyte regeneration and proliferation. In the case study of Alzheimer’s disease genetic disorder association, WIPER reports SRC:APP, AR:APP, APP:FYN, and APP:NES edges (gene-gene associations) both statistically and biologically important from PubMed co-citation.Conclusion: We believe that WIPER will become an essential software tool to help biologists discover and validate essential signaling/regulatory events from high-throughput biology data in the context of biological networks.Availability: The free WIPER API is described at discovery.informatics.uab.edu/wiper/  相似文献   

Does each cognitive task elicit a new cognitive network each time in the brain? Recent data suggest that pre-existing repertoires of a much smaller number of canonical network components are selectively and dynamically used to compute new cognitive tasks. To this end, we propose a novel method (graph-ICA) that seeks to extract these canonical network components from a limited number of resting state spontaneous networks. Graph-ICA decomposes a weighted mixture of source edge-sharing subnetworks with different weighted edges by applying an independent component analysis on cross-sectional brain networks represented as graphs. We evaluated the plausibility in our simulation study and identified 49 intrinsic subnetworks by applying it in the resting state fMRI data. Using the derived subnetwork repertories, we decomposed brain networks during specific tasks including motor activity, working memory exercises, and verb generation, and identified subnetworks associated with performance on these tasks. We also analyzed sex differences in utilization of subnetworks, which was useful in characterizing group networks. These results suggest that this method can effectively be utilized to identify task-specific as well as sex-specific functional subnetworks. Moreover, graph-ICA can provide more direct information on the edge weights among brain regions working together as a network, which cannot be directly obtained through voxel-level spatial ICA.  相似文献   

Biological and social networks are composed of heterogeneous nodes that contribute differentially to network structure and function. A number of algorithms have been developed to measure this variation. These algorithms have proven useful for applications that require assigning scores to individual nodes–from ranking websites to determining critical species in ecosystems–yet the mechanistic basis for why they produce good rankings remains poorly understood. We show that a unifying property of these algorithms is that they quantify consensus in the network about a node''s state or capacity to perform a function. The algorithms capture consensus by either taking into account the number of a target node''s direct connections, and, when the edges are weighted, the uniformity of its weighted in-degree distribution (breadth), or by measuring net flow into a target node (depth). Using data from communication, social, and biological networks we find that that how an algorithm measures consensus–through breadth or depth– impacts its ability to correctly score nodes. We also observe variation in sensitivity to source biases in interaction/adjacency matrices: errors arising from systematic error at the node level or direct manipulation of network connectivity by nodes. Our results indicate that the breadth algorithms, which are derived from information theory, correctly score nodes (assessed using independent data) and are robust to errors. However, in cases where nodes “form opinions” about other nodes using indirect information, like reputation, depth algorithms, like Eigenvector Centrality, are required. One caveat is that Eigenvector Centrality is not robust to error unless the network is transitive or assortative. In these cases the network structure allows the depth algorithms to effectively capture breadth as well as depth. Finally, we discuss the algorithms'' cognitive and computational demands. This is an important consideration in systems in which individuals use the collective opinions of others to make decisions.  相似文献   

Cellular functions are mediated through complex systems of macromolecules and metabolites linked through biochemical and physical interactions, represented in interactome models as ‘nodes’ and ‘edges’, respectively. Better understanding of genotype‐to‐phenotype relationships in human disease will require modeling of how disease‐causing mutations affect systems or interactome properties. Here we investigate how perturbations of interactome networks may differ between complete loss of gene products (‘node removal’) and interaction‐specific or edge‐specific (‘edgetic’) alterations. Global computational analyses of ~50 000 known causative mutations in human Mendelian disorders revealed clear separations of mutations probably corresponding to those of node removal versus edgetic perturbations. Experimental characterization of mutant alleles in various disorders identified diverse edgetic interaction profiles of mutant proteins, which correlated with distinct structural properties of disease proteins and disease mechanisms. Edgetic perturbations seem to confer distinct functional consequences from node removal because a large fraction of cases in which a single gene is linked to multiple disorders can be modeled by distinguishing edgetic network perturbations. Edgetic network perturbation models might improve both the understanding of dissemination of disease alleles in human populations and the development of molecular therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The structure of hierarchical networks in biological and physical systems has long been characterized using the Horton-Strahler ordering scheme. The scheme assigns an integer order to each edge in the network based on the topology of branching such that the order increases from distal parts of the network (e.g., mountain streams or capillaries) to the "root" of the network (e.g., the river outlet or the aorta). However, Horton-Strahler ordering cannot be applied to networks with loops because they they create a contradiction in the edge ordering in terms of which edge precedes another in the hierarchy. Here, we present a generalization of the Horton-Strahler order to weighted planar reticular networks, where weights are assumed to correlate with the importance of network edges, e.g., weights estimated from edge widths may correlate to flow capacity. Our method assigns hierarchical levels not only to edges of the network, but also to its loops, and classifies the edges into reticular edges, which are responsible for loop formation, and tree edges. In addition, we perform a detailed and rigorous theoretical analysis of the sensitivity of the hierarchical levels to weight perturbations. In doing so, we show that the ordering of the reticular edges is more robust to noise in weight estimation than is the ordering of the tree edges. We discuss applications of this generalized Horton-Strahler ordering to the study of leaf venation and other biological networks.  相似文献   

Non-smooth or even abrupt state changes exist during many biological processes, e.g., cell differentiation processes, proliferation processes, or even disease deterioration processes. Such dynamics generally signals the emergence of critical transition phenomena, which result in drastic changes of system states or eventually qualitative changes of phenotypes. Hence, it is of great importance to detect such transitions and further reveal their molecular mechanisms at network level. Here, we review the recent advances on dynamical network biomarkers (DNBs) as well as the related theoretical foundation, which can identify not only early signals of the critical transitions but also their leading networks, which drive the whole system to initiate such transitions. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel approach, examples of complex diseases are also provided to detect pre-disease stage, for which traditional methods or biomarkers failed.  相似文献   

Gene networks are commonly interpreted as encoding functional information in their connections. An extensively validated principle called guilt by association states that genes which are associated or interacting are more likely to share function. Guilt by association provides the central top-down principle for analyzing gene networks in functional terms or assessing their quality in encoding functional information. In this work, we show that functional information within gene networks is typically concentrated in only a very few interactions whose properties cannot be reliably related to the rest of the network. In effect, the apparent encoding of function within networks has been largely driven by outliers whose behaviour cannot even be generalized to individual genes, let alone to the network at large. While experimentalist-driven analysis of interactions may use prior expert knowledge to focus on the small fraction of critically important data, large-scale computational analyses have typically assumed that high-performance cross-validation in a network is due to a generalizable encoding of function. Because we find that gene function is not systemically encoded in networks, but dependent on specific and critical interactions, we conclude it is necessary to focus on the details of how networks encode function and what information computational analyses use to extract functional meaning. We explore a number of consequences of this and find that network structure itself provides clues as to which connections are critical and that systemic properties, such as scale-free-like behaviour, do not map onto the functional connectivity within networks.  相似文献   



Weighted semantic networks built from text-mined literature can be used to retrieve known protein-protein or gene-disease associations, and have been shown to anticipate associations years before they are explicitly stated in the literature. Our text-mining system recognizes over 640,000 biomedical concepts: some are specific (i.e., names of genes or proteins) others generic (e.g., ‘Homo sapiens’). Generic concepts may play important roles in automated information retrieval, extraction, and inference but may also result in concept overload and confound retrieval and reasoning with low-relevance or even spurious links. Here, we attempted to optimize the retrieval performance for protein-protein interactions (PPI) by filtering generic concepts (node filtering) or links to generic concepts (edge filtering) from a weighted semantic network. First, we defined metrics based on network properties that quantify the specificity of concepts. Then using these metrics, we systematically filtered generic information from the network while monitoring retrieval performance of known protein-protein interactions. We also systematically filtered specific information from the network (inverse filtering), and assessed the retrieval performance of networks composed of generic information alone.


Filtering generic or specific information induced a two-phase response in retrieval performance: initially the effects of filtering were minimal but beyond a critical threshold network performance suddenly drops. Contrary to expectations, networks composed exclusively of generic information demonstrated retrieval performance comparable to unfiltered networks that also contain specific concepts. Furthermore, an analysis using individual generic concepts demonstrated that they can effectively support the retrieval of known protein-protein interactions. For instance the concept “binding” is indicative for PPI retrieval and the concept “mutation abnormality” is indicative for gene-disease associations.


Generic concepts are important for information retrieval and cannot be removed from semantic networks without negative impact on retrieval performance.  相似文献   

Breath biomarkers have the potential to offer information that is similar to conventional clinical tests or they are entirely unique. Preliminary data support the use of breath biomarkers in the study of liver disease, in particular non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It was evaluated whether breath ethanol, ethane, sulfur compounds and acetone would be associated with hepatic histopathology amongst morbidly obese patients presenting for bariatric surgery. Breath samples were collected during a preoperative visit and compared with liver biopsies obtained during the surgery. A Student's two-tailed t-test was used to compare differences between the two groups. Linear regression was used to analyse associations between the concentrations of breath molecules and independent predictor variables. It was found that breath ethanol, ethane and acetone can be useful biomarkers in patients with NAFLD. In particular, breath ethanol can be associated with hepatic steatosis, and breath acetone can be associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.  相似文献   

The outbreak of influenza A comes from a relatively stable state is a critical phenomenon on epidemic. In this paper, influenza A varying from different states is studied in the method of dynamical network biomarkers (DNB). Through studying DNB of influenza A virus protein, we can detect the warning signals of outbreak for influenza A and obtain a composite index. The composite index varies along with the state of pandemic influenza, which gives a clue showing the turn point of outbreak. The low value (<1) steady state of the composite index means influenza A is normally in the relatively steady stage. Meanwhile, if the composite index of a certain year increases by more than 0.8 relative to the previous year and it is less than 1 and it increases sharply and reaches a peak being larger than 1 in next year, it means the year is normal in the critical state before outbreak and the next year is normally in the outbreak state. Therefore, we can predict the outbreak of influenza A and identify the critical state before influenza A outbreak or outbreak state by observing the variation of index value.  相似文献   

Clinical treatment outcomes are the quality and cost targets that health-care providers aim to improve. Most existing outcome analysis focuses on a single disease or all diseases combined. Motivated by the success of molecular and phenotypic human disease networks (HDNs), this article develops a clinical treatment network that describes the interconnections among diseases in terms of inpatient length of stay (LOS) and readmission. Here one node represents one disease, and two nodes are linked with an edge if their LOS and number of readmissions are conditionally dependent. This is the very first HDN that jointly analyzes multiple clinical treatment outcomes at the pan-disease level. To accommodate the unique data characteristics, we propose a modeling approach based on two-part generalized linear models and estimation based on penalized integrative analysis. Analysis is conducted on the Medicare inpatient data of 100,000 randomly selected subjects for the period of January 2010 to December 2018. The resulted network has 1008 edges for 106 nodes. We analyze key network properties including connectivity, module/hub, and temporal variation. The findings are biomedically sensible. For example, high connectivity and hub conditions, such as disorders of lipid metabolism and essential hypertension, are identified. There are also findings that are less/not investigated in the literature. Overall, this study can provide additional insight into diseases' properties and their interconnections and assist more efficient disease management and health-care resources allocation.  相似文献   

The statistical mechanical approach to complex networks is the dominant paradigm in describing natural and societal complex systems. The study of network properties, and their implications on dynamical processes, mostly focus on locally defined quantities of nodes and edges, such as node degrees, edge weights and –more recently– correlations between neighboring nodes. However, statistical methods quickly become cumbersome when dealing with many-body properties and do not capture the precise mesoscopic structure of complex networks. Here we introduce a novel method, based on persistent homology, to detect particular non-local structures, akin to weighted holes within the link-weight network fabric, which are invisible to existing methods. Their properties divide weighted networks in two broad classes: one is characterized by small hierarchically nested holes, while the second displays larger and longer living inhomogeneities. These classes cannot be reduced to known local or quasilocal network properties, because of the intrinsic non-locality of homological properties, and thus yield a new classification built on high order coordination patterns. Our results show that topology can provide novel insights relevant for many-body interactions in social and spatial networks. Moreover, this new method creates the first bridge between network theory and algebraic topology, which will allow to import the toolset of algebraic methods to complex systems.  相似文献   

Using biomarkers to model disease course effectively and make early prediction is a challenging but critical path to improving diagnostic accuracy and designing preventive trials for neurological disorders. Leveraging the domain knowledge that certain neuroimaging biomarkers may reflect the disease pathology, we propose a model inspired by the neural mass model from cognitive neuroscience to jointly model nonlinear dynamic trajectories of the biomarkers. Under a nonlinear mixed‐effects model framework, we introduce subject‐ and biomarker‐specific random inflection points to characterize the critical time of underlying disease progression as reflected in the biomarkers. A latent liability score is shared across biomarkers to pool information. Our model allows assessing how the underlying disease progression will affect the trajectories of the biomarkers, and, thus, is potentially useful for individual disease management or preventive therapeutics. We propose an EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation, where in the E step, a normal approximation is used to facilitate numerical integration. We perform extensive simulation studies and apply the method to analyze data from a large multisite natural history study of Huntington's Disease (HD). The results show that some neuroimaging biomarker inflection points are early signs of the HD onset. Finally, we develop an online tool to provide the individual prediction of the biomarker trajectories given the medical history and baseline measurements.  相似文献   



The implementation of national systems for recording the movements of cattle between agricultural holdings in the UK has enabled the development and parameterisation of network-based models for disease spread. These data can be used to form a network in which each cattle-holding location is represented by a single node and links between nodes are formed if there is a movement of cattle between them in the time period selected. However, this approach loses information on the time sequence of events thus reducing the accuracy of model predictions. In this paper, we propose an alternative way of structuring the data which retains information on the sequence of events but which still enables analysis of the structure of the network. The fundamental feature of this network is that nodes are not individual cattle-holding locations but are instead direct movements between pairs of locations. Links are made between nodes when the second node is a subsequent movement from the location that received the first movement.


Two networks are constructed assuming (i) a 7-day and (ii) a 14-day infectious period using British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS) data from 2004 and 2005. During this time period there were 4,183,670 movements that could be derived from the database. In both networks over 98% of the connected nodes formed a single giant weak component. Degree distributions show scale-free behaviour over a limited range only, due to the heterogeneity of locations: farms, markets, shows, abattoirs. Simulation of the spread of disease across the networks demonstrates that this approach to restructuring the data enables efficient comparison of the impact of transmission rates on disease spread.


The redefinition of what constitutes a node has provided a means to simulate disease spread using all the information available in the BCMS database whilst providing a network that can be described analytically. This will enable the construction of generic networks with similar properties with which to assess the impact of small changes in network structure on disease dynamics.

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