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We examined three ecological factors potentially causing premating reproductive isolation to determine whether divergent selection as a result of coevolution between South Hills crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) and Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia) promotes ecological speciation. One factor was habitat isolation arising because of enhanced seed defenses of lodgepole pine in the South Hills. This caused the crossbill call types (morphologically and vocally differentiated forms) adapted to alternative resources to be rare. Another occurred when crossbills of other call types moved into the South Hills late in the breeding season and feeding conditions were deteriorating so that relatively few non-South Hills crossbills bred ("immigrant infecundity"). Finally, among those crossbills that bred, pairing was strongly assortative by call type (behavioral isolation). Total reproductive isolation between South Hills crossbills and the two other crossbills most common in the South Hills (call types 2 and 5) summed to .9975 and .9998, respectively, on a scale of 0 (no reproductive isolation) to 1 (complete reproductive isolation). These extremely high levels of reproductive isolation indicate that the divergent selection resulting from the coevolutionary arms race between crossbills and lodgepole pine is causing the South Hills crossbill to speciate.  相似文献   

Few studies have shown both reciprocal selection and reciprocal adaptations for a coevolving system in the wild. The goal of our study was to determine whether the patterns of selection on Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta spp. latifolia) and red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) were concordant with earlier published evidence of reciprocal adaptations in lodgepole pine and crossbills on isolated mountain ranges in the absence of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). We found that selection (directional) by crossbills on lodgepole pine where Tamiasciurus are absent was divergent from the selection (directional) exerted by Tamiasciurus on lodgepole pine. This resulted in divergent selection between areas with and without Tamiasciurus that was congruent with the geographic patterns of cone variation. In the South Hills, Idaho, where Tamiasciurus are absent and red crossbills are thought to be coevolving with lodgepole pine, crossbills experienced stabilizing selection on bill size, with cone structure as the agent of selection. These results show that crossbills and lodgepole pine exhibit reciprocal adaptations in response to reciprocal selection, and they provide insight into the traits mediating and responding to selection in a coevolutionary arms race.  相似文献   



The genomes of pathogens are thought to have evolved under selective pressure provided by the host in a coevolutionary arms race (the 'Red Queen's Hypothesis'). Traditionally, adaptation by pathogens is thought to rely not on whole chromosome dynamics but on gain/loss of specific genes, yielding differential abilities to infect distinct tissues. Thus, it is not known whether distinct host organs differently shape the genome of the same pathogen. We tested this hypothesis using Chlamydia trachomatis as model species, looking at 15 serovars that infect different organs: eyes, genitalia and lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the coevolutionary interactions between the slavemaking ant Protomognathus americanus and its Temnothorax hosts on a chemical level. We show that, although this social parasite is principally well-adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are pronounced differences in the fine-tuning of this adaptation. Between populations, chemical adaptation varies with host community composition, as the parasite faces a trade-off when confronted with more than one host species. In addition to adaptation of its own chemical signature, the slavemaker causes a reciprocal adjustment in its slaves' cuticular profile, the degree of which depends on the slave species. On the host side, successful parasite defence requires efficient enemy recognition, and in behavioural aggression trials, host colonies could indeed discriminate between invading slaves, which commonly accompany slavemakers on raids, and free-living conspecifics. Furthermore, hosts shifted their acceptance threshold over the seasons, presumably to reduce the costs of defence.  相似文献   



One of the major recent advances in evolutionary biology is the recognition that evolutionary interactions between species are substantially differentiated among geographic populations. To date, several authors have revealed natural selection pressures mediating the geographically-divergent processes of coevolution. How local, then, is the geographic structuring of natural selection in coevolutionary systems?


I examined the spatial scale of a "geographic selection mosaic," focusing on a system involving a seed-predatory insect, the camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), and its host plant, the Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica). In this system, female weevils excavate camellia fruits with their extremely-long mouthparts to lay eggs into seeds, while camellia seeds are protected by thick pericarps. Quantitative evaluation of natural selection demonstrated that thicker camellia pericarps are significantly favored in some, but not all, populations within a small island (Yakushima Island, Japan; diameter ca. 30 km). At the extreme, camellia populations separated by only several kilometers were subject to different selection pressures. Interestingly, in a population with the thickest pericarps, camellia individuals with intermediate pericarp thickness had relatively high fitness when the potential costs of producing thick pericarps were considered. Also importantly, some parameters of the weevil - camellia interaction such as the severity of seed infestation showed clines along temperature, suggesting the effects of climate on the fine-scale geographic differentiation of the coevolutionary processes.


These results show that natural selection can drive the geographic differentiation of interspecific interactions at surprisingly small spatial scales. Future studies should reveal the evolutionary/ecological outcomes of the "fine scale geographic mosaics" in biological communities.  相似文献   

Microparasites have a higher evolutionary potential than their hosts due to an increased mutation rate and a shorter generation time that usually results in parasites being locally adapted to their sympatric hosts. This pattern may not apply to generalist pathogens as adaptation to sympatric host genotypes is disadvantageous due to a narrowing of the host range, in particular under strong gene flow among host populations. Under this scenario, we predict that the immune defense of hosts reveals adaptation to locally common pathogen phylotypes. This was tested in four host populations of the pipefish Syngnathus typhle and associated bacteria of the genus Vibrio. We investigated the population divergence among host and bacteria populations and verified that gene flow is higher among host populations than among parasite populations. Next, we experimentally assessed the strength of innate immune defense of pipefish hosts using in vitro assays that measured antimicrobial activity of blood plasma against sympatric and allopatric Vibrio phylotypes. Pipefish plasma displays stronger antimicrobial activity against sympatric Vibrio phylotypes compared to allopatric ones. This suggests that host defense is genetically adapted against local bacteria with a broad and unspecialized host spectrum, a situation that is typical for marine systems with weak host population structure.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector protein avirulence protein B (AvrB) is delivered into plant cells, where it targets the Arabidopsis RIN4 protein (resistance to Pseudomonas maculicula protein 1 [RPM1]-interacting protein). RIN4 is a regulator of basal host defense responses. Targeting of RIN4 by AvrB is recognized by the host RPM1 nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat disease resistance protein, leading to accelerated defense responses, cessation of pathogen growth, and hypersensitive host cell death at the infection site. We determined the structure of AvrB complexed with an AvrB-binding fragment of RIN4 at 2.3 A resolution. We also determined the structure of AvrB in complex with adenosine diphosphate bound in a binding pocket adjacent to the RIN4 binding domain. AvrB residues important for RIN4 interaction are required for full RPM1 activation. AvrB residues that contact adenosine diphosphate are also required for initiation of RPM1 function. Nucleotide-binding residues of AvrB are also required for its phosphorylation by an unknown Arabidopsis protein(s). We conclude that AvrB is activated inside the host cell by nucleotide binding and subsequent phosphorylation and, independently, interacts with RIN4. Our data suggest that activated AvrB, bound to RIN4, is indirectly recognized by RPM1 to initiate plant immune system function.  相似文献   

In a coevolutionary arms race between the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)and its host species, both sides should evolve adaptations thatwill ensure the survival of their own offspring. The appearanceof the eggs is central in this race. We investigated the occurrenceof a defense mechanism that has not previously been demonstrated:the evolution of an increase in the variation in egg appearance(color and markings) between clutches, and an increase in theuniformity of eggs within clutches. We quantified the degreeof homogeneity within and between clutches in the color andmarking pattern of eggs of two groups of species, those regardedas suitable and as unsuitable hosts. The results show that statisticallysignificant differences in the predicted direction existed atthe species level for the interclutch variation between thetwo groups, but not for the intraclutch variation. For 34 speciesfor which the rejection rates of artificial cuckoo eggs wereknown, the degree of variation was compared with the rejectionrates. We found a statistically significant positive relationshipbetween the rejection rate and the degree of interclutch variationin egg appearance, but not between the rejection rate and intraclutchvariation. These results support the idea that there has beena coevolutionary arms race between the cuckoo and its hostsin Europe, leading to a high degree of interclutch variationin egg appearance in passerines. The lack of a trend regardingintraclutch variation is discussed.  相似文献   

Aphids seemingly hold the competitive edge above plants in their arms race because of their long evolutionary time and standing association with endosymbionts. However, the advent of modern crop biotechnology has added a further component to the plant’s adaptive arsenal. In specialist associations, as in the case of Diuraphis noxia with its limited host range, both partners in the association exert innovative strategies during the macroevolutionary process that leads to the development of novel adaptive traits. In the current review, the concept of an uneven enigmatic arms race between the insect pest and its host is being argued. Many intricacies at play in the association are highlighted and adaptive strategies discussed, which may provide opportunities for either partner in the association to overcome the others’ barriers during their interaction.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses have been closely related with mankind for thousands of years. Communityacquired human coronaviruses have long been recognized to cause common cold. However, zoonotic coronaviruses are now becoming more a global concern with the discovery of highly pathogenic severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses causing severe respiratory diseases. Infections by these emerging human coronaviruses are characterized by less robust interferon production. Treatment of patients with recombinant interferon regimen promises beneficial outcomes, suggesting that compromised interferon expression might contribute at least partially to the severity of disease. The mechanisms by which coronaviruses evade host innate antiviral response are under intense investigations. This review focuses on the fierce arms race between host innate antiviral immunity and emerging human coronaviruses. Particularly, the host pathogen recognition receptors and the signal transduction pathways to mount an effective antiviral response against SARS and MERS coronavirus infection are discussed. On the other hand, the counter-measures evolved by SARS and MERS coronaviruses to circumvent host defense are also dissected. With a better understanding of the dynamic interaction between host and coronaviruses, it is hoped that insights on the pathogenesis of newly-identified highly pathogenic human coronaviruses and new strategies in antiviral development can be derived.

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) can function as nanoscale vectors that mediate bacterial interactions in microbial communities. How bacteria recognize and recruit OMVs inter-specifically remains largely unknown, thus limiting our understanding of the complex physiological and ecological roles of OMVs. Here, we report a ligand-receptor interaction-based OMV recruitment mechanism, consisting of a type VI secretion system (T6SS)-secreted lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding effector TeoL and the outer membrane receptors CubA and CstR. We demonstrated that Cupriavidus necator T6SS1 secretes TeoL to preferentially associate with OMVs in the extracellular milieu through interactions with LPS, one of the most abundant components of OMVs. TeoL associated with OMVs can further bind outer membrane receptors CubA and CstR, which tethers OMVs to the recipient cells and allows cargo to be delivered. The LPS-mediated mechanism enables bacterial cells to recruit OMVs derived from different species, and confers advantages to bacterial cells in iron acquisition, interbacterial competition, and horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Moreover, our findings provide multiple new perspectives on T6SS functionality in the context of bacterial competition and HGT, through the recruitment of OMVs.Subject terms: Microbial communities, Microbial ecology, Metals  相似文献   

Type III effectors from phytopathogenic bacteria exhibit a high degree of functional redundancy, hampering the evaluation of their precise contribution to pathogenicity. This is illustrated by the GALA type III effectors from Ralstonia solanacearum, which have been shown to be collectively, but not individually, required for disease on Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato. We investigated evolution, redundancy and diversification of this family in order to understand the individual contribution of the GALA effectors to pathogenicity. From sequences available, we reconstructed GALA phylogeny and performed selection studies. We then focused on the GALAs from the reference strain GMI1000 to examine their ability to suppress plant defense responses and contribution to pathogenicity on three different host plants: A. thaliana, tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and eggplant (Solanum melongena). The GALA family is well conserved within R. solanacearum species. Patterns of selection detected on some GALA family members, together with experimental results, show that GALAs underwent functional diversification. We conclude that functional divergence of the GALA family likely accounts for its remarkable conservation during R. solanacearum evolution and could contribute to R. solanacearum's adaptation on several host plants.  相似文献   

The fig and pollinator wasp obligate mutualism is diverse (~750 described species), ecologically important, and ancient (~80 Ma). Once thought to be an example of strict one‐to‐one cospeciation, current thinking suggests genera of pollinator wasps codiversify with corresponding sections of figs, but the degree to which cospeciation or other processes contribute to the association at finer scales is unclear. Here, we use genome‐wide sequence data from a community of Panamanian strangler figs and associated wasp pollinators to estimate the relative contributions of four evolutionary processes generating cophylogenetic patterns in this mutualism: cospeciation, host switching, pollinator speciation, and pollinator extinction. Using a model‐based approach adapted from the study of gene family evolution, our results demonstrate the importance of host switching of pollinator wasps at this fine phylogenetic and regional scale. Although we estimate a modest amount of cospeciation, simulations reveal the number of putative cospeciation events to be consistent with what would be expected by chance. Additionally, model selection tests identify host switching as a critical parameter for explaining cophylogenetic patterns in this system. Our study demonstrates a promising approach through which the history of evolutionary association between interacting lineages can be rigorously modeled and tested in a probabilistic phylogenetic framework.  相似文献   

From the analysis of 251 prokaryotic genomes stored in public databases, the 761,260 deduced proteins were used to reconstruct a complete set of bacterial proteic families. Using the new Overlap algorithm, we have partitioned the Protein Homology Network (PHN), where the proteins are the nodes and the links represent homology relationships. The algorithm identifies the densely connected regions of the PHN that define the families of homologous proteins, here called PHN-Families, recognizing the phylogenetic relationships embedded in the network. By direct comparison with a manually curated dataset, we assessed that this classification algorithm generates data of quality similar to a human expert. Then, we explored the network to identify families involved in the assembly of Type III and Type IV secretion systems (T3SS and T4SS). We noticed that, beside a core of conserved functions (eight proteins for T3SS, seven for T4SS), a variable set of accessory components is always present (one to nine for T3SS, one to five for T4SS). Each member of the core corresponds to a single PHN-Family, while accessory proteins are distributed among different pure families. The PHN-Family classification suggests that T3SS and T4SS have been assembled through a step-wise, discontinuous process, by complementing the conserved core with subgroups of nonconserved proteins. Such genetic modules, independently recruited and probably tuned on specific effectors, contribute to the functional specialization of these organelles to different microenvironments.  相似文献   

Competitors are known to be important in governing the outcome of evolutionary diversification during an adaptive radiation, but the precise mechanisms by which they exert their effects remain elusive. Using the model adaptive radiation of Pseudomonas fluorescens, we show experimentally that the effect of competition on diversification of a focal lineage depends on both the strength of competition and the ability of the competitors to diversify. We provide evidence that the extent of diversification in the absence of interspecific competitors depends on the strength of resource competition. We also show that the presence of competitors can actually increase diversity by increasing interspecific resource competition. Competitors that themselves are able to diversify prevent diversification of the focal lineage by removing otherwise available ecological opportunities. These results suggest that the progress of an adaptive radiation depends ultimately on the strength of resource competition, an effect that can be exaggerated or impeded by the presence of competitors.  相似文献   

Although the importance of gene flow in the geographic structuring of host-parasite interactions has been well discussed, little is known about how dispersal drives the spatial dynamics of other types of coevolutionary interactions in nature. We evaluated the roles of gene flow in the geographically structured processes of a predator-prey arms race involving a seed-predatory weevil with a long mouthpart and its host camellia plant with a thick fruit coat. Molecular genetic analyses showed that both weevil and camellia populations were structured at a spatial scale of several kilometers. Importantly, the spatial pattern of the migration of weevils, but not that of camellias, imposed significant effects on the geographic configuration of the levels of coevolutionary escalation. This result suggests that even if migration is limited in one species (camellia), local coevolution with the other species that migrates between neighboring localities (weevil) can reduce the interpopulation difference in the local adaptive optima of the former species. Thus, gene flow of a species potentially homogenizes the local biological environments provided by the species and thereby promotes the evolutionary convergence of its coevolving counterparts. Consequently, by focusing on coevolutionary interactions in natural communities, "indirect" effects of gene flow on the adaptive divergence of organisms could be identified.  相似文献   

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