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The rate of phloem loading, its selectivity, and the disposition of labeled carbon were studied following application of (14)C-labeled sugars to the free space of source leaves of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Buffered 10 mm solutions of (14)C-labeled sucrose, fructose, stachyose, mannitol, 3-0-methyl glucose or l-glucose were applied to the abraded epidermis of source leaves held in the dark. Distribution of the labeled carbon from sugar taken up from the free space was studied by micro-densitometry of autoradiographs. Uptake of labeled sugar from the free space, partition between mesophyll and minor veins, metabolic conversions, export and respiration were followed during the 3-hr time course studies. Rates of sugar uptake into the minor veins, flux rates through the sieve element-companion cell complex membrane and concentration ratios between free space and the interior of the minor vein phloem cells were compared for the six sugars studied for evidence of active uptake. The composition of the free space solution in leaves photosynthesizing in (14)CO(2) was studied by vacuum infiltration of the source leaf air spaces and removal of the solution by centrifugation. Labeled compounds in this solution were compared to those in an aqueous ethanol extract of the same leaf pieces.The results in sugar beet source leaves support the concept of direct, active uptake of sucrose from free space into minor veins. This is not the case for fructose, 3-0-methyl glucose, mannitol, or stachyose. The latter two sugars, which are translocated in some plants, are not loaded into the minor veins at a rate sufficient to make them a significant component of the material translocated. The rate of phloem loading is controlled in part by mesophyll metabolism, especially as it affects the availability of sucrose to the free space. Both the rate and selectivity of export are controlled by uptake from the free space into the sieve element-companion cell complex of the minor veins.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of [14C]sucrose loading into sugar beet leaf discs revealed the presence of two transport components. At low exogenous sucrose concentrations, a saturable component, which exhibited Michaelis-Menten characteristics, was the main mode of transport. At concentrations greater than 50 millimolar, phloem loading was dominated by a linear component which appeared to operate as a first order kinetic transport process. Over the exogenous sucrose concentrations employed, influx could be described by the equation v = VmaxS/(S + Km) + kS. Influx via both processes was strongly pH-dependent. Evidence is presented that the linear component was not explicable in terms of simple diffusion, or exchange diffusion, into either mesophyll or minor vein phloem tissue. Extensive metabolic conversion of sucrose was not a factor contributing to influx at high external sucrose concentrations. At present, it is believed that both components operate in parallel at the membrane bounding the sieve element-companion cell complex. The saturable component is identified with sucrose-H+ cotransport. While the significance of the linear component has been established, its nature remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Translocation profiles along the path were studied using a modified flap-feeding technique for the simultaneous application of THO and 14C-sucrose. A re-evaluation of a mathematical model for phloem transport with reversible lateral exchange of tracer along the path indicates that lower apparent velocities for THO as compared to labeled carbohydrate are primarily due to extensive lateral exchange of THO along the conduction path. Path-chilling experiments support the concept that THO and 14C-sucrose exhibit different lateral exchange characteristics. The data presented are consistent with a solutionflow mechanism.  相似文献   

Asymmetrically labeled sucrose, 14C(fructosyl)sucrose, was used to determine whether sucrose undergoes extracellular hydrolysis during phloem translocation in the sugar beet, Beta vulgaris. In addition, the metabolism of various sugars accumulated and translocated was determined in various regious of the plant. These processes were studied in detached regions as well as in the intact, translocating plant in the source leaf, along the translocation path, and in a rapidly growing sink leaf and storage beet. The data show that, unlike sucrose accumulation into the sink tissue of sugarcane, sucrose is neither hydrolzyed prior to phloem loading or during transit, nor is it extracellularly hydrolyzed during accumulation into sink leaves or the storage beet.  相似文献   

Transport of carbon-11 labelled photo-assimilate was monitoredin Phaseolus vulgaris. Beta vulgaris, Zea mays, and Cucwbitopepo. The region of leaf to be labelled was first abraded anda solution passed over it to gain access to its apoplast andmonitor changes in label therein. With PCMBS in the bathingsolution the rate of washout of label into the bathing solutionincreased, but the effect of phloem loading was very variablefor each species: on some occasions transport was hardly affected,on others it was halted. This was true even for Cucurbito pepo,where a symplastic pathway of loading has been widely acceptedand suggests that PCMBS affects symplastic transport or thatthere is an apoplastic step in Cucurbito pepo. Apoplastic pHhad little effect on transport or label washout unless a veryacid (pH 40) buffer was introduced, contrary to notions of hydrogenion co-transport for sugar uptake. Anoxia caused phloem loadingto decrease immediately and label washout to increase in allspecies. It is suggested that both symplastic and apoplasticpathways can operate in all species but that their proportionvaries according to species and ambient and/or growth conditions. Key words: Phloem loading, photo-assimilate transport  相似文献   


The article dwells upon identifying the effect of cadmium on the roots of beetroot. The exposure effects of various concentrations of cadmium were studied at different levels of the plant organization (tissue pieces, organelles, membrane vesicles). The effect was noted only at a concentration of 100?μm. The negative effect of cadmium on the roots tissues of beetroot appeared with an increase in permeability and a decrease in the stability of cell membranes due to a change in the composition of fatty acids of membrane lipids and an increase in oxidation processes. The effect of cadmium in model experiments on the activity of the proton pumps of the vacuolar membrane has been evaluated. The pumps provide for the transport of heavy metals into the vacuole, which is one of the effective mechanisms for phytoremediation. The influence of cadmium in model experiments on the activity of the proton pump of a vacuolar membrane was evaluated. Under the influence of cadmium, a decrease in the activity of V-ATPase was observed, while the activity of V-PPase did not change. The results obtained complement our understanding of the damaging effects that occur in plant cells under cadmium stress.  相似文献   

The effect of potentially toxic concentrations of ammonium on root development of Scots pine seedlings raised on Perlite was investigated during growth periods of 3 or 10 weeks after sowing. It was shown that imbalanced ammonium nutrition led to conspicuous changes of root morphology provided the pH value in the medium was allowed to decrease to 3.9 due to the NH+4-dependent proton excretion into the rhizosphere. Ammonium toxicity could not be observed with seedlings treated either with ammonium nitrate or with ammonium chloride at pH 5.3 ? 6.8. While the supply of NH+4 considerably inhibited root development the biomass production of the shoot was increased. Determination of the endogenous level of ammonium in roots and the leaf whorl exclude a simple causal correlation between ammonium toxicity and accumulated ammonium as has been postulated for herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

Concentrations at which methylglyoxal, a by-product of cellular metabolism, can be toxic to hybridoma cell cultures were determined using exogenously supplied doses. Trypan blue cell counts of 6-well cultures incubated for 24 h with various methylglyoxal concentrations revealed inhibition of cell growth at 300 μM and higher, with a median inhibitory concentration of 490±20 μM. The primary mode of death was apoptosis, as assessed by chromatin condensation, and the effects of methylglyoxal were observed to be complete by approximately eight hours. Yet, the impact of methylglyoxal was a function of the rate of dosing; stepwise addition of MG during the first 6 h of incubation inhibited growth but caused much less cell death than a comparable bolus dose. Inhibition of cellular metabolism by MG was found to coincide with inhibition of cell growth, with a comparable median inhibitory concentration of 360±20 μM. The effects on viable cell density and metabolism were both linear at doses approaching zero, with lowest observable effect levels of 54 and 77 μM, respectively. These results provide quantitative estimates for concentrations of methylglyoxal that may be inhibitory to biopharmaceutical-producing cell lines.  相似文献   

ESAU  K. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):1-13
Certain developmental features of the primary phloem were examinedin Phaseolus vulgaris L., chiefly by the use of the pulvinusat the base of the petiole. The cells included in the studywere the sieve element, the companion cell, and the tannin cell.In the sieve element, the sieve plate shows the usual sequenceof conversion of plasmodesmatal canals into pores. The endoplasmicreticulum, which appears as flat cisternae associated with ribosomesin younger cells, later becomes in part stacked and in partaligned parallel with the walls as a network. The stacked ERprecedes the anastornosing parietal ER in time of development,but the parietal ER persists longer. Of the two forms of P-proteincharacteristic of a number of Fabaceae, the crystalline bodyappears considerably in advance of the body composed of tubules.Neither form of P-protein disperses completely in the maturecell, although the crystalline protein may spread out into aggregatesof fine fibrils. The companion cells show the typical denseprotoplasts and branched plasrnodesmatal connections with thesieve elements. The vacuome of these cells is dispersed intonumerous small vacuoles, many of which appear to be concernedwith autophagic digestion of protoplasmic material. The tannincells have large vacuoles in which the tannin material is located.The cells form vertical series in which the end walls becomeperforated.  相似文献   

Sap is driven through phloem sieve tubes by an osmotically generated pressure gradient between source and sink tissues. In many plants, source pressure results from thermodynamically active loading in which energy is used to transfer sucrose (Suc) from mesophyll cells to the phloem of leaf minor veins against a concentration gradient. However, in some species, almost all trees, correlative evidence suggests that sugar migrates passively through plasmodesmata from mesophyll cells into the sieve elements. The possibility of alternate loading mechanisms has important ramifications for the regulation of phloem transport and source-sink interactions. Here, we provide experimental evidence that, in gray poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba), Suc enters the phloem through plasmodesmata. Transgenic plants were generated with yeast invertase in the cell walls to prevent Suc loading by this route. The constructs were driven either by the constitutive 35S promoter or the minor vein-specific galactinol synthase promoter. Transgenic plants grew at the same rate as the wild type without symptoms of loading inhibition, such as accumulation of carbohydrates or leaf chlorosis. Rates of photosynthesis were normal. In contrast, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants, which have limited numbers of plasmodesmata between mesophyll and phloem, displayed typical symptoms of loading inhibition when transformed with the same DNA constructs. The results are consistent with passive loading of Suc through plasmodesmata in poplar. We also noted defense-related symptoms in leaves of transgenic poplar when the plants were abruptly exposed to excessively high temperatures, adding to evidence that hexose is involved in triggering the hypersensitive response.In the mid-1930s, several laboratories discovered that sugar concentrations are higher in the phloem than in mesophyll cells, where the sugar is synthesized (Crafts, 1961). These findings led to the concept of thermodynamically active phloem loading, in which Suc and other transport compounds are transferred into the sieve tubes against a concentration gradient. The idea was rapidly accepted, in part because it was consistent with the pressure flow hypothesis proposed earlier by Münch (1930). Münch (1930) had suggested that sap is propelled through the sieve tubes by a pressure gradient between the leaves (sources) and sinks (Patrick, 2012; De Schepper et al., 2013; Stroock et al., 2014), and because elevated solute levels increase hydrostatic pressure, it was reasonable to assume that the energy used to load the phloem generates the pressure at the source end of the transport stream needed to drive long-distance transport.However, it is important to note that the hypothesis by Münch (1930) predated the discovery of active phloem loading. Münch (1930) assumed that the upstream pressure is generated in the mesophyll cells and not the phloem and that carbohydrate is carried passively from the mesophyll into the sieve tubes (Münch, 1930). The two hypotheses, active and passive loading, lead to different perspectives on several important aspects of phloem physiology, including the regulated entry of ionic and molecular species into the transport system and the mechanisms of source-sink signaling.We provide evidence here that phloem loading of Suc in poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba) is passive, as envisioned by Münch (1930). The reason for choosing poplar for study is that there is correlative evidence consistent with a passive loading mechanism in this species. First, the mesophyll cells and minor vein phloem of poplar are linked by plasmodesmata that are much more dense than those at the same interfaces in plants known to load through the apoplast (Russin and Evert, 1985). Second, the osmotic potential of the sieve element-companion cell complex in the minor veins, estimated by plasmolysis, is lower than commonly found in herbaceous plants and in the same range as that of the mesophyll cells (Russin and Evert, 1985). In species that load actively, the osmotic potential in the phloem is generally, but not always, well above that in the photosynthetic cells.Although these data are suggestive, they are only correlative and for several reasons, inconclusive (see “Discussion”). In the studies reported here, we experimentally tested the hypothesis of passive loading in poplar by introducing yeast invertase to the apoplast of transgenic plants. Invertase in the cell walls inhibits apoplastic loading by hydrolyzing Suc en route to the phloem (von Schaewen et al., 1990; Dickinson et al., 1991; Heineke et al., 1992). For comparison, we conducted the same experiments on alfalfa (Medicago sativa), which on the basis of low plasmodesmata numbers in the minor vein phloem (Gamalei, 1991), loads from the apoplast. Invertase-expressing alfalfa exhibited well-documented symptoms of loading inhibition: elevated foliar sugar and starch, leaf chlorosis, and slow growth. In contrast, transgenic poplar grew normally and accumulated little, if any, excess sugar and starch in the leaves, and it did so even under high light conditions, where sugar synthesis is most active and the loading mechanism is most challenged. The results are consistent with passive, symplastic (through plasmodesmata) phloem loading in poplar.  相似文献   

栽培甜菜花粉发育过程的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用透射电镜技术对栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris)花粉发育过程进行了超微结构观察。结果表明, 在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期间, 细胞内发生了“细胞质改组”, 主要表现在核糖体减少, 质体和线粒体结构发生了规律性变化。末期I 不形成细胞板,而是在2个子核间形成“细胞器带”。“细胞器带”的存在起到类似细胞板的作用, 暂时将细胞质分隔成两部分。四分体呈四面体型, 被胼胝质壁包围。小孢子外壁的沉积始于四分体晚期, 至小孢子晚期外壁已基本发育完全。单核小孢子时期, 细胞核大, 细胞器丰富。二细胞花粉发育主要表现在生殖细胞壁的变化上, 生殖细胞壁上不具有胞间连丝。成熟花粉为三细胞型, 含有1个营养细胞和2个精细胞。精细胞具有短尾突, 无壁, 为裸细胞, 每个精细胞通过2层质膜与营养细胞的细胞质分开。生殖细胞与精细胞里缺乏质体。  相似文献   

An influence of epimutagen 5-azacitidine on a flower stalk morphogenesis in sugar beet was studied. After the epimutagene treatment the great number of the first- and the third-order branch formation was observed. A higher level of branching completely modified the flower stalk architectonics (generations A0Az0 and A1Az1). A number of the second-order branches in the control and the experimental plants were not distinguished. A new epiphenotype with higher level of branching (generation A0Az0) inherited in daughter generation A1Az1. A flower stalk architectonics was modified because the third-order branches developed in the bract axil instead of flower primordium. A great number of lateral shoot modified a metamer organization of the flower stalk. The metamers on the third-order branches were single-flowered.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, E.C. of mustard cotyledons was investigated during the first 4 days of seedling development. The enzyme was found to be composed of seven catalytically active isoforms (each with a molecular mass of 270 kDa) which exhibited a charge heterogeneity when investigated by isoelectric focusing. Antibodies against the purified isoform 7, raised in rabbits, cross-reacted with each of the isoforms in Western blotting experiments. In addition, each of the isoforms was composed of four immunopositive reacting polypeptides with 19, 21, 23 and 25 kDa. During development of the seedlings, a shift in the isoform pattern towards the more acidic forms was found which was more pronounced when the seedlings were supplied with 15 mM NH4Cl. The time course of changes in total GDH level can be correlated with the time course of disappearance of storage proteins. Both parameters are negatively regulated by light possibly via the photoreceptor, phytochrome. There are some indications that GDH in young mustard cotyledons mainly acts in the deaminating direction.  相似文献   

Studies of the water relations of potassium deficient sugarbeet plants (Beta vulgaris L.) revealed two factors for stomatal closure. One component of stomatal closure was reversible by floating leaf discs on distilled water to relieve the water deficit in the leaves; the other component was reversible in the light by floating the leaf discs on KCl solution for 1 hour or more. Potassium-activated stomatal opening in the light was observed when the guard cells were surrounded by their normal environment of epidermal and mesophyll cells, just as observed by previous workers for epidermal strips. Leaf water potentials, like stomatal apertures, appear to be strongly related to leaf potassium concentration. Potassium-deficient plants have a greatly decreased root permeability to water, and the implications of this effect on stomatal aperture and leaf water potential are discussed. In contrast, petiole permeability to water is unaffected by potassium treatment.  相似文献   

Haploid plants of Beta vulgaris were obtained by gynogenesis from ovules isolated from male-fertile and annual and biennial male-sterile plants. We show that on a N6 basal medium, supplemented with 2.85 M IAA and 0.94 M Kinetin or 0.88 M BAP, haploids originate directly through embryogenesis. In order to determine the optimal developmental stage of the ovule of Beta vulgaris for gynogenesis, we carried out a histological study of whole ovules from open male-sterile flowers (collected 1 to 5 days after flowering) and unopened male-fertile flowers (collected 1 to 3 days before anthesis). In all cases, the gametophyte appeared completely differentiated. These results suggest that maturity of the gametophyte is reached a few days before anthesis and therefore ovules from unopened flowers are already suitable for plating. A developmental study of the haploid cells of the sugarbeet embryo sac during the first week of in vitro culture showed that the viable gynogenetic embryo originated only from the egg cell.  相似文献   

Effects of increasing sink-source ratio on rate of translocation and net carbon exchange were studied by darkening all but one source leaf of Beta vulgaris L. or one primary leaf of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Rates of export of labeled material and patterns of its distribution among sinks were studied by means of GM detectors. Changes in export and import rates were compared with adjustments in starch, sucrose, and glucose levels in sugar beet source leaves before and during treatment.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric and cytochemical methods were used to investigate the localization and/or the sensitivity of phosphatase activities in aldehyde-fixed beet leaves and membrane fractions. The nonspecific acid phosphatase substrates, p-nitrophenyl phosphate and beta-glycerol phosphate, each exhibited unique spectrophotometric patterns of hydrolysis as a function of pH. Additionally, beta-glycerol phosphatase activity was primarily present on the tonoplast, whereas p-nitrophenyl phosphatase was present on the plasma membrane. Because of the unique pH response of each enzyme and their different localization, we conclude that they cannot be entirely "nonspecific." The spectrophotometric pattern of ATP hydrolysis differed from that of p-nitrophenol phosphate in that it decreased at pH 5.0-5.5 and was greatly inhibited by 10 mM sodium fluoride; however, both activities were on the plasma membrane. Therefore, we conclude that these activities represent either two enzymes or only one enzyme that differs in its ability to hydrolyze these two substrates. Generally, enzymatically produced lead deposits on the plasma membrane of non-vascular cells were as frequent and large as those on phloem cells; frequently, deposits on sieve element plasma membranes were relatively small. We therefore conclude that there is no evidence for the presence of relatively intense ATPase activity on the plasma membrane of phloem cells in beet leaf, in contrast to other species. Studies with membrane fractions indicated that formaldehyde could completely inhibit the inhibitor-sensitive phosphatase activities in mitochondrial and vacuolar fractions while preserving significant activity in the plasma membrane fraction.  相似文献   

Raab TK  Terry N 《Plant physiology》1994,105(4):1159-1166
A chimeric gene containing the patatin promoter and the transit-peptide region of the small-subunit carboxylase gene was utilized to direct expression of Escherichia coli glycogen synthase (glgA) to potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber amyloplasts. Expression of the glgA gene product in tuber amyloplasts was between 0.007 and 0.028% of total protein in independent potato lines as determined by immunoblot analysis. Tubers from four transgenic potato lines were found to have a lowered specific gravity, a 30 to 50% reduction in the percentage of starch, and a decreased amylose/amylopectin ratio. Total soluble sugar content in these selected lines was increased by approximately 80%. Analysis of the starch from these potato lines also indicated a reduced phosphorous content. A very high degree of branching of the amylopectin fraction was detected by comparison of high and low molecular weight carbohydrate chains after debranching with isoamylase and corresponding high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the products. Brabender viscoamylograph analysis and differential scanning calorimetry of the starches obtained from these transgenic potato lines also indicate a composition and structure much different from typical potato starch. Brabender analysis yielded very low stable paste viscosity values (about 30% of control values), whereas differential scanning calorimetry values indicated reduced enthalpy and gelatinization properties. The above parameters indicate a novel potato starch based on expression of the glgA E. coli gene product in transgenic potato.  相似文献   

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