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Translocation through the nuclear pore complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nuclear transport field has completed a decade of fast-paced research dominated by the discovery of transport signals, receptors, and regulators. What might be considered the Holy Grail of nuclear transport – the physical basis of translocation through the nuclear pore – is now under close scrutiny. Recent publications describe structural and biochemical approaches that help address key aspects of the translocation mechanism. These studies have led to the affinity gradient, Brownian affinity gate and selective phase models of translocation.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a large proteinaceous structure through which bidirectional transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope (NE) takes place. Nup153 is a peripheral NPC component that has been implicated in protein and RNP transport and in the interaction of NPCs with the nuclear lamina. Here, Nup153 is localized by immunogold electron microscopy to a position on the nuclear ring of the NPC. Nuclear reconstitution is used to investigate the role of Nup153 in nucleo- cytoplasmic transport and NPC architecture. NPCs assembled in the absence of Nup153 lacked several nuclear basket components, were unevenly distributed in the NE and, unlike wild-type NPCs, were mobile within the NE. Importin alpha/beta-mediated protein import into the nucleus was strongly reduced in the absence of Nup153, while transportin-mediated import was unaffected. This was due to a reduction in import complex translocation rather than to defective receptor recycling. Our results therefore reveal functions for Nup153 in NPC assembly, in anchoring NPCs within the NE and in mediating specific nuclear import events.  相似文献   

Gp210 is a major transmembrane glycoprotein associated with the nuclear pore complex that is suggested to be important for organizing pore complex architecture and assembly. A mouse monoclonal IgG directed against an epitope in the lumenal domain of rat gp210 was expressed in cultured rat cells by microinjection of mRNA prepared from a hybridoma cell line. The expressed IgG, which becomes assembled into a functional antibody in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, bound to the nuclear envelope in vivo. Expression of anti-gp210 antibody in interphase cells specifically reduced approximately fourfold the mediated nuclear import of a microinjected nuclear protein (nucleoplasmin) coupled to gold particles. The antibody also significantly decreased nuclear influx of a 10-kD dextran by passive diffusion. This transport inhibition did not result from removal of pore complexes from nuclear membranes or from gross alterations in pore complex structure, as shown by EM and immunocytochemistry. A physiological consequence of this transport inhibition was inhibition of cell progression from G2 into M phase. Hence, binding of this antibody to the lumenal side of gp210 must have a transmembrane effect on the structure and functions of the pore complex. These data argue that gp210 is directly or indirectly connected to pore complex constituents involved in mediated import and passive diffusion.  相似文献   

Nuclear protein import proceeds through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Importin-beta mediates translocation via direct interaction with NPC components and carries importin-alpha with the NLS substrate from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. The import reaction is terminated by the direct binding of nuclear RanGTP to importin-beta which dissociates the importin heterodimer. Here, we analyse the sites of interaction on importin-beta for its multiple partners. Ran and importin-alpha respectively require residues 1-364 and 331-876 of importin-beta for binding. Thus, RanGTP-mediated release of importin-alpha from importin-beta is likely to be an active displacement rather than due to simple competition between Ran and importin-alpha for a common binding site. Importin-beta has at least two non-overlapping sites of interaction with the NPC, which could potentially be used sequentially during translocation. Our data also suggest that termination of import involves a transient release of importin-beta from the NPC. Importin-beta fragments which bind to the NPC, but not to Ran, resist this release mechanism. As would be predicted from this, these importin-beta mutants are very efficient inhibitors of NLS-dependent protein import. Surprisingly, however, they also inhibit M9 signal-mediated nuclear import as well as nuclear export of mRNA, U snRNA, and the NES-containing Rev protein. This suggests that mediators of these various transport events share binding sites on the NPC and/or that mechanisms exist to coordinate translocation through the NPC via different nucleocytoplasmic transport pathways.  相似文献   



Tpr is a large protein with an extended coiled-coil domain that is localized within the nuclear basket of the nuclear pore complex. Previous studies [1] involving antibody microinjection into mammalian cells suggested a role for Tpr in nuclear export of proteins via the CRM1 export receptor. In addition, Tpr was found to co-immunoprecipitate with importins α and β from Xenopus laevis egg extracts [2], although the function of this is unresolved. Yeast Mlp1p and Mlp2p, which are homologous to vertebrate Tpr, have been implicated in mRNA surveillance to retain unspliced mRNAs in the nucleus[3, 4]. To augment an understanding of the role of Tpr in nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, we explored the interactions of recombinant Tpr with the karyopherins CRM1, importin β and importin α by solid phase binding assays. We also investigated the conditions required for nuclear import of Tpr using an in vitro assay.  相似文献   

Gustin KE  Sarnow P 《Journal of virology》2002,76(17):8787-8796
Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking pathways and the status of nuclear pore complex (NPC) components were examined in cells infected with rhinovirus type 14. A variety of shuttling and nonshuttling nuclear proteins, using multiple nuclear import pathways, accumulated in the cytoplasm of cells infected with rhinovirus. An in vitro nuclear import assay with semipermeabilized infected cells confirmed that nuclear import was inhibited and that docking of nuclear import receptor-cargo complexes at the cytoplasmic face of the NPC was prevented in rhinovirus-infected cells. The relocation of cellular proteins and inhibition of nuclear import correlated with the degradation of two NPC components, Nup153 and p62. The degradation of Nup153 and p62 was not due to induction of apoptosis, because p62 was not proteolyzed in apoptotic HeLa cells, and Nup153 was cleaved to produce a 130-kDa cleavage product that was not observed in cells infected with poliovirus or rhinovirus. The finding that both poliovirus and rhinovirus cause inhibition of nuclear import and degradation of NPC components suggests that this may be a common feature of the replicative cycle of picornaviruses. Inhibition of nuclear import is predicted to result in the cytoplasmic accumulation of a large number of nuclear proteins that could have functions in viral translation, RNA synthesis, packaging, or assembly. Additionally, inhibition of nuclear import also presents a novel strategy whereby cytoplasmic RNA viruses can evade host immune defenses by preventing signal transduction into the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mediated import of proteins into the nucleus requires cytosolic factors and can be blocked by reagents that bind to O-linked glycoproteins of the nuclear pore complex. To investigate whether a cytosolic transport factor directly interacts with these glycoproteins, O-linked glycoproteins from rat liver nuclear envelopes were immobilized on Sepharose beads via wheat germ agglutinin or specific antibodies. When rabbit reticulocyte lysate (which provides cytosolic factors required for in vitro nuclear import) was incubated with the immobilized glycoproteins, the cytosol was found to be inactivated by up to 80% in its ability to support mediated protein import in permeabilized mammalian cells. Inactivation of the import capacity of cytosol, which was specifically attributable to the glycoproteins, involves stoichiometric interactions and is likely to involve binding and depletion of a required factor from the cytosol. This factor is distinct from an N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive receptor for nuclear localization sequences characterized recently since it is insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide. Cytosol inactivation is suggested to be caused by at least two proteins of the glycoprotein fraction, although substantial capacity for inactivation can be attributed to protein bound by the RL11 antibody, consisting predominantly of a 180-kD glycosylated polypeptide. Considered together, these experiments identify a novel cytosolic factor required for nuclear protein import that directly interacts with O-linked glycoproteins of the pore complex, and provide a specific assay for isolation of this component.  相似文献   

The trafficking of macromolecules between cytoplasm and nucleus through nuclear pore complexes is mediated by specific carrier molecules such as members of the importin-beta family. Nuclear pore proteins (nucleoporins) frequently contain sequence repeats based on FG cores and carriers appear to move their cargo through the pores by hopping between successive FG cores. A major question is why some macromolecules are transported while others are not. This selectivity may be generated by the ability to bind FG repeats, a local concentration of carrier-cargo complexes near the entrance to the pore channel, and steric hindrance produced by high concentrations of nucleoporins in the channel.  相似文献   

Oxysterol binding proteins (OSBPs) comprise a large conserved family of proteins in eukaryotes. Their ubiquity notwithstanding, the functional activities of these proteins remain unknown. Kes1p, one of seven members of the yeast OSBP family, negatively regulates Golgi complex secretory functions that are dependent on the action of the major yeast phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine Sec14p. We now demonstrate that Kes1p is a peripheral membrane protein of the yeast Golgi complex, that localization to the Golgi complex is required for Kes1p function in vivo, and that targeting of Kes1p to the Golgi complex requires binding to a phosphoinositide pool generated via the action of the Pik1p, but not the Stt4p, PtdIns 4-kinase. Localization of Kes1p to yeast Golgi region also requires function of a conserved motif found in all members of the OSBP family. Finally, we present evidence to suggest that Kes1p may regulate adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factor (ARF) function in yeast, and that it may be through altered regulation of ARF that Kes1p interfaces with Sec14p in controlling Golgi region secretory function.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, all macromolecules that traffic between the nucleus and the cytoplasm cross the double nuclear membrane through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). NPCs are elaborate gateways that allow efficient, yet selective, translocation of many different macromolecules. Their protein composition has been elucidated, but how exactly these nucleoporins come together to form the pore is largely unknown. Recent data suggest that NPCs are composed of an extremely stable scaffold on which more dynamic, exchangeable parts are assembled. These could be targets for molecular rearrangements that change nuclear pore transport properties and, ultimately, the state of the cell.  相似文献   

Aitchison JD  Rout MP 《Genetics》2012,190(3):855-883
Exchange of macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm is a key regulatory event in the expression of a cell's genome. This exchange requires a dedicated transport system: (1) nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), embedded in the nuclear envelope and composed of proteins termed nucleoporins (or "Nups"), and (2) nuclear transport factors that recognize the cargoes to be transported and ferry them across the NPCs. This transport is regulated at multiple levels, and the NPC itself also plays a key regulatory role in gene expression by influencing nuclear architecture and acting as a point of control for various nuclear processes. Here we summarize how the yeast Saccharomyces has been used extensively as a model system to understand the fundamental and highly conserved features of this transport system, revealing the structure and function of the NPC; the NPC's role in the regulation of gene expression; and the interactions of transport factors with their cargoes, regulatory factors, and specific nucleoporins.  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous assemblies that provide the only known portals for exchanging macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm. This includes the movement of small molecules and the selective, facilitated transport of large proteins and RNAs. Faithful, continuous NPC assembly is key for maintaining normal physiological function and is closely tied to proper cell division. This review focuses on the most outstanding issues involving NPC structure, assembly, and function.  相似文献   

As a third in a series of MD simulations investigating the binding dynamics between nuclear transport receptors and FG-repeats, Isgro and Schulten (2007b) unveil that close, physical intimacy between partners is likely to ensure a hassle-free passage through the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

mRNA export from the nucleus is an essential step in the expression of every protein- coding gene in eukaryotes, but many aspects of this process remain poorly understood. The density of export receptors that must bind an mRNA to ensure export, as well as how receptor distribution affects transport dynamics, is not known. It is also unclear whether the rate-limiting step for transport occurs at the nuclear basket, in the central channel, or on the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex. Using previously published biophysical and biochemical parameters of mRNA export, we implemented a three-dimensional, coarse-grained, agent-based model of mRNA export in the nanosecond regime to gain insight into these issues. On running the model, we observed that mRNA export is sensitive to the number and distribution of transport receptors coating the mRNA and that there is a rate-limiting step in the nuclear basket that is potentially associated with the mRNA reconfiguring itself to thread into the central channel. Of note, our results also suggest that using a single location-monitoring mRNA label may be insufficient to correctly capture the time regime of mRNA threading through the pore and subsequent transport. This has implications for future experimental design to study mRNA transport dynamics.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The nuclear pore complex is the largest supramolecular complex that assembles in the eukaryotic cell. This structure is highly dynamic and must disassemble prior to mitosis and reassemble after the event. The directed movement of macromolecules into and out of the nucleus occurs through the nuclear pore complex, a potentially regulatory point for translocation. Using biochemical and genetic approaches, several nuclear pore complex proteins from yeast and vertebrates have been well characterized. Although very little is known about plant nuclear pore proteins, research is providing new information that indicates that plant nuclear pore complexes may have some unique features.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Adam SA 《Genome biology》2001,2(9):reviews0007.1-reviews00076
Nuclear pore complexes, the conduits for information exchange between the nucleus and cytoplasm, appear broadly similar in eukaryotes from yeast to human. Precisely how nuclear pore complexes regulate macromolecular and ionic traffic remains unknown, but recent advances in the identification and characterization of components of the complex by proteomics and genomics have provided new insights.  相似文献   

Protein import into the nucleus is a multistep process that requires the activities of several cytosolic factors. In this study we have purified a cytosolic factor that interacts with the nuclear pore complex glycoprotein p62. Isolation involved biochemical complementation of cytosol depleted of this activity by preadsorption with recombinant p62 and the use of a novel flow cytometry-based assay for quantitation of nuclear import. The purified activity (NTF2) is an apparent dimer of approximately 14-kD subunits and is present at approximately 10(6) copies per cell. We obtained a cDNA encoding NTF2 and showed that the recombinant protein restores transport activity to p62-pretreated cytosol. Our data suggest that NTF2 acts at a relatively late stage of nuclear protein import, subsequent to the initial docking of nuclear import ligand at the nuclear envelope. NTF2 interacts with at least one additional cytosolic transport activity, indicating that it could be part of a multicomponent system of cytosolic factors that assemble at the pore complex during nuclear import.  相似文献   

All molecular traffic between nucleus and cytoplasm occurs via the nuclear pore complex (NPC) within the nuclear envelope. In this study we analyzed the interactions of the nuclear transport receptors kapα2, kapβ1, kapβ1ΔN44, and kapβ2, and the model transport substrate, BSA-NLS, with NPCs to determine binding sites and kinetics using single-molecule microscopy in living cells. Recombinant transport receptors and BSA-NLS were fluorescently labeled by AlexaFluor 488, and microinjected into the cytoplasm of living HeLa cells expressing POM121-GFP as a nuclear pore marker. After bleaching the dominant GFP fluorescence the interactions of the microinjected molecules could be studied using video microscopy with a time resolution of 5 ms, achieving a colocalization precision of 30 nm. These measurements allowed defining the interaction sites with the NPCs with an unprecedented precision, and the comparison of the interaction kinetics with previous in vitro measurements revealed new insights into the translocation mechanism.  相似文献   

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