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Unique among the phospholipase C isozymes, the recently identified phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon) contains an amino-terminal CDC25 domain capable of catalyzing nucleotide exchange on Ras family GTPases as well as a tandem array of Ras-associating (RA) domains near its carboxyl terminus that are effector binding sites for activated H-Ras and Rap. To determine whether other small GTPases activate PLC-epsilon, we measured inositol phosphate accumulation in COS-7 cells expressing a broad range of GTPase-deficient mutants of Ras superfamily proteins. RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC all markedly stimulated inositol phosphate accumulation in PLC-epsilon-expressing cells. This stimulation matched or exceeded phospholipase activation promoted by co-expression of PLC-epsilon with the known regulators Ras, Galpha12/13, or Gbeta1gamma2. In contrast, little effect was observed with the other Rho family members Rac1, Rac2, Rac3, and Cdc42. Truncation of the two carboxyl-terminal RA domains caused loss of responsiveness to H-Ras but not to Rho. Truncation of PLC-epsilon to remove the CDC25 and pleckstrin homology (PH) domains also did not cause loss of responsiveness to Rho, Galpha12/13, or Gbeta1gamma2. Comparative sequence analysis of mammalian phospholipase C isozymes revealed a unique approximately 65 amino acid insert within the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon not present in PLC-beta, gamma, delta, or zeta. A PLC-epsilon construct lacking this region was no longer activated by Rho or Galpha12/13 but retained regulation by Gbetagamma and H-Ras. GTP-dependent interaction of Rho with PLC-epsilon was illustrated in pull-down experiments with GST-Rho, and this interaction was retained in the PLC-epsilon construct lacking the unique insert within the catalytic core. These results are consistent with the conclusion that Rho family GTPases directly interact with PLC-epsilon by a mechanism independent of the CDC25 or RA domains. A unique insert within the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon imparts responsiveness to Rho, which may signal downstream of Galpha12/13 in the regulation of PLC-epsilon, because activation by both Rho and Galpha12/13 is lost in the absence of this sequence.  相似文献   

PLC-epsilon was identified recently as a phosphoinositide-hydrolyzing phospholipase C (PLC) containing catalytic domains (X, Y, and C2) common to all PLC isozymes as well as unique CDC25- and Ras-associating domains. Novel regulation of this PLC isozyme by the Ras oncoprotein and alpha-subunits (Galpha(12)) of heterotrimeric G proteins was illustrated. Sequence analyses of PLC-epsilon revealed previously unrecognized PH and EF-hand domains in the amino terminus. The known interaction of Gbetagamma subunits with the PH domains of other proteins led us to examine the capacity of Gbetagamma to activate PLC-epsilon. Co-expression of Gbeta(1)gamma(2) with PLC-epsilon in COS-7 cells resulted in marked stimulation of phospholipase C activity. Gbeta(2) and Gbeta(4) in combination with Ggamma(1), Ggamma(2), Ggamma(3), or Ggamma(13) also activated PLC-epsilon to levels similar to those observed with Gbeta(1)-containing dimers of these Ggamma-subunits. Gbeta(3) in combination with the same Ggamma-subunits was less active, and Gbeta(5)-containing dimers were essentially inactive. Gbetagamma-promoted activation of PLC-epsilon was blocked by cotransfection with either of two Gbetagamma-interacting proteins, Galpha(i1) or the carboxyl terminus of G protein receptor kinase 2. Pharmacological inhibition of PI3-kinase-gamma had no effect on Gbeta(1)gamma(2)-promoted activation of PLC-epsilon. Similarly, activation of Ras in the action of Gbetagamma is unlikely, because a mutation in the second RA domain of PLC-epsilon that blocks Ras activation of PLC failed to alter the stimulatory activity of Gbeta(1)gamma(2). Taken together, these results reveal the presence of additional functional domains in PLC-epsilon and add a new level of complexity in the regulation of this novel enzyme by heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon) is a highly elaborated PLC required for a diverse set of signaling pathways. Here we use a combination of cellular assays and studies with purified proteins to show that activated RhoA and Ras isoforms directly engage distinct regions of PLC-epsilon to stimulate its phospholipase activity. Purified PLC-epsilon was activated in a guanine nucleotide- and concentration-dependent fashion by purified lipidated K-Ras reconstituted in PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles. Whereas mutation of two critical lysine residues within the second Ras-association domain of PLC-epsilon prevented K-Ras-dependent activation of the purified enzyme, guanine nucleotide-dependent activation by RhoA was retained. Deletion of a loop unique to PLC-epsilon eliminated its activation by RhoA but not H-Ras. In contrast, removal of the autoinhibitory X/Y-linker region of the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon markedly activates the enzyme (Hicks, S. N., Jezyk, M. R., Gershburg, S., Seifert, J. P., Harden, T. K., and Sondek, J. (2008) Mol. Cell, 31, 383-394), but PLC-epsilon lacking this regulatory region retained activation by both Rho and Ras GTPases. Additive activation of PLC-epsilon by RhoA and K- or H-Ras was observed in intact cell studies, and this additivity was recapitulated in experiments in which activation of purified PLC-epsilon was quantified with PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles reconstituted with purified, isoprenylated GTPases. A maximally effective concentration of activated RhoA also increased the sensitivity of purified PLC-epsilon to activation by K-Ras. These results indicate that PLC-epsilon can be directly and concomitantly activated by both RhoA and individual Ras GTPases resulting in diverse upstream control of signaling cascades downstream of PLC-epsilon.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon) is a recently identified PLC isoform activated by subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (Galpha(12), Galpha(13), and Gbetagamma) as well as by the low molecular weight GTPases, Rho and Ras. To define the enzymatic activity and substrate specificity of PLC-epsilon as well as its potential direct activation by Rho family GTPases, a major fragment of PLC-epsilon encompassing the catalytic core (EF-hand repeats through the tandem Ras-associating domains; approximately 118 kDa) was purified to near homogeneity and assayed after reconstitution under various conditions. Similar to the enzymatic profiles of previously purified PLC-beta isozymes, the purified fragment of PLC-epsilon maximally hydrolyzed phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate at a rate of approximately 10 mumol/mg of protein/min, exhibited phospholipase activity dependent on the concentration of free calcium, and favored phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate as substrate relative to other phosphoinositides. Furthermore, in mixed detergent phospholipid micelles, RhoA stimulated the phospholipase activity of the PLC-epsilon fragment in both a concentration-dependent and guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)-dependent manner. This activation was abolished by the deletion of a unique approximately 65 amino acid-insert within the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon. Although Rac1 activated purified PLC-beta2ina guanine nucleotide-dependent manner, Rac1 failed to promote guanine nucleotide-dependent activation of purified PLC-epsilon. These results indicate that PLC-epsilon is a direct downstream effector for RhoA and that RhoA-dependent activation of PLC-epsilon depends on a unique insert within the catalytic core of the phospholipase.  相似文献   

Inhibition of phospholipase D by amphiphysins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two distinct proteins inhibiting phospholipase D (PLD) activity in rat brain cytosol were previously purified and identified as synaptojanin and AP180, which are specific to nerve terminals and associate with the clathrin coat. Two additional PLD-inhibitory proteins have now been purified and identified as the amphiphysins I and II, which forms a heterodimer that also associates with the clathrin coat. Bacterially expressed recombinant amphiphysins inhibited both PLD1 and PLD2 isozymes in vitro with a potency similar to that of brain amphiphysin (median inhibitory concentration of approximately 15 nm). Expressions of either amphiphysin in COS-7 cells reduced activity of endogenous PLD as well as exogenously expressed PLD1 and PLD2. Coprecipitation experiments suggested that the inhibitory effect of amphiphysins results from their direct interaction with PLDs. The NH(2) terminus of amphiphysin I was critical for both inhibition of and binding to PLD. Phosphatidic acid formed by signal-induced PLD is thought to be required for the assembly of clathrin-coated vesicles during endocytosis. Thus, the inhibition of PLD by amphiphysins, synaptojanin, and AP180 might play an important role in synaptic vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinase regulation of phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon), which is under the control of Ras-like and Rho GTPases, was studied with HEK-293 cells endogenously expressing PLC-coupled epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors. PLC and Ca(2+) signaling by the EGF receptor, which activated both PLC-gamma1 and PLC-epsilon, was specifically suppressed by inactivation of Ras-related GTPases with clostridial toxins and expression of dominant-negative Rap2B. EGF induced rapid and sustained GTP loading of Rap2B, binding of Rap2B to PLC-epsilon, and Rap2B-dependent translocation of PLC-epsilon to the plasma membrane. GTP loading of Rap2B by EGF was inhibited by chelation of intracellular Ca(2+) and expression of lipase-inactive PLC-gamma1 but not of PLC-epsilon. Expression of RasGRP3, a Ca(2+)/diacylglycerol-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras-like GTPases, but not expression of various other exchange factors enhanced GTP loading of Rap2B and PLC/Ca(2+) signaling by the EGF receptor. EGF induced tyrosine phosphorylation of RasGRP3, but not RasGRP1, apparently caused by c-Src; inhibition of c-Src interfered with EGF-induced Rap2B activation and PLC stimulation. Collectively, these data suggest that the EGF receptor triggers activation of Rap2B via PLC-gamma1 activation and tyrosine phosphorylation of RasGRP3 by c-Src, finally resulting in stimulation of PLC-epsilon.  相似文献   

Inhibition of phospholipase A2 by heparin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is an important enzyme in the regulation of cell behavior. The hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine in vitro catalyzed by porcine pancreatic PLA2 was inhibited by heparin. Other glycosaminoglycans inhibited PLA2 activity to a significantly lesser extent, with a pattern of inhibition: heparin much greater than chondroitin sulfate (CS)-C greater than CS-A greater than CS-B greater than keratan sulfate. Hyaluronic acid and heparan sulfate caused no inhibition. Heparin's ability to inhibit PLA2 activity did not depend on substrate concentration, but did depend on ionic strength, with inhibition decreasing with increasing ionic strength. Heparin inhibition also varied with pH, being more effective at pH 5-8 than at pH 10. As a consequence, heparin induced a shift of the pH optimum of PLA2 from 7 to 8. Histone IIA and protamine sulfate, heparin-binding proteins, reversed heparin-induced PLA2 inhibition. The concentration of heparin which inhibited PLA2 activity by 50% increased with increasing enzyme concentration. Furthermore, PLA2 bound to heparin-Affigel. The data indicate that the catalytic potential of PLA2 can be regulated by heparin or heparin-like molecules and that inhibition is contingent on the formation of a heparin-PLA2 complex.  相似文献   

N-Acylethanolamines (NAEs) are endogenous lipids in plants produced from the phospholipid precursor, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine, by phospholipase D (PLD). Here, we show that seven types of plant NAEs differing in acyl chain length and degree of unsaturation were potent inhibitors of the well-characterized, plant-specific isoform of PLD-PLD alpha. It is notable that PLD alpha, unlike other PLD isoforms, has been shown not to catalyze the formation of NAEs from N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine. In general, inhibition of PLD alpha activity by NAEs increased with decreasing acyl chain length and decreasing degree of unsaturation, such that N-lauroylethanolamine and N-myristoylethanolamine were most potent with IC(50)s at submicromolar concentrations for the recombinant castor bean (Ricinus communis) PLD alpha expressed in Escherichia coli and for partially purified cabbage (Brassica oleracea) PLD alpha. NAEs did not inhibit PLD from Streptomyces chromofuscus, and exhibited only moderate, mixed effects for two other recombinant plant PLD isoforms. Consistent with the inhibitory biochemical effects on PLD alpha in vitro, N-lauroylethanolamine, but not lauric acid, selectively inhibited abscisic acid-induced closure of stomata in epidermal peels of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi) and Commelina communis at low micromolar concentrations. Together, these results provide a new class of biochemical inhibitors to assist in the evaluation of PLD alpha physiological function(s), and they suggest a novel, lipid mediator role for endogenously produced NAEs in plant cells.  相似文献   

The 36 kDa substrate of several tyrosine protein kinases has been shown to exist in monomeric and oligomeric (362102) forms. Partial sequence data has suggested that the oligomer, referred to as protein I, is homologous to a group of phospholipase A2 inhibitory proteins, collectively called lipocortins. In the present communication we demonstrate that protein I inhibits bovine pancreas phospholipase A2 with similar potency to that of lipocortin. Approximately 44 pmol protein I was required to produce 50% inhibition of 7.2 pmol of phospholipase A2. Inhibition of phospholipase A2 activity by calmodulin, S-100, calregulin, parvalbumin, troponin-C, or CAB-48 was not observed. These results indicate that protein I is a potent and specific inhibitor of phospholipase A2 activity, and thus shares functional homology with the lipocortin proteins. We therefore propose that this protein be named lipocortin-85.  相似文献   

The polyamines spermine, spermidine, and putrescine inhibit the activity of phospholipase A2 (Naja naja) and phospholipase C (Clostridium welchii) on phospholipid vesicles and mitochondrial membranes as sources of substrate phospholipids. The inhibitory effect is highest for spermine and lowest for putrescine. With both enzymes, inhibition is stronger when phospholipid vesicles rather than mitochondrial membranes are used as the substrate. No clear competition of polyamines with Ca2+, which is required for the activity of both enzymes, has been observed. The inhibition appears to be due to steric hindrance of enzyme-substrate interaction due to the binding of the organic polycations to the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Inhibition of TASK-1 potassium channel by phospholipase C   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Thetwo-pore-domain K+ channel, TASK-1, was recently shown tobe a target of receptor-mediated regulation in neurons and in adrenalglomerulosa cells. Here, we demonstrate that TASK-1 expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes is inhibited by differentCa2+-mobilizing agonists. Lysophosphatidic acid, via itsendogenous receptor, and ANG II and carbachol, via their heterologouslyexpressed ANG II type 1a and M1 muscarinic receptors,respectively, inhibit TASK-1. This effect can be mimicked by guanosine5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), indicating the involvementof GTP-binding protein(s). The phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122reduced the receptor-mediated inhibition of TASK-1. Downstream signalsof phospholipase C action (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, cytoplasmicCa2+ concentration, and diacylglycerol) do not mediate theinhibition. Unlike the Gq-coupled receptors, stimulation ofthe Gi-activating M2 muscarinic receptorcoexpressed with TASK-1 results in an only minimal decrease of theTASK-1 current. However, additional coexpression of phospholipaseC-2 (which is responsive also to Gi-subunits) renders M2 receptor activation effective.This indicates the significance of phospholipase C activity in thereceptor-mediated inhibition of TASK-1.


Non-hydrolysable analogues of phosphatidylinositol were synthesized and tested as inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus. In these molecules, the phosphodiester bond of phosphatidylinositol hydrolyzed by the phospholipase was replaced by a phosphonate linkage and a simpler hydrophobic group replaced the diacylglycerol moiety. One of the phosphonates also contained a carboxylate functional group suitable for matrix attachment. All three synthetic phosphonates inhibited the phospholipase C activity in a concentration-dependent manner, with the analogue most closely resembling the structure of the natural substrate, phosphatidylinositol, being the most potent inhibitor. The data indicate that phosphonate analogues of phosphatidylinositol may be useful for study of phospholipase C and other proteins interacting with myo-inositol phospholipids.  相似文献   

Stimulation of phospholipase C (PLC) by G(q)-coupled receptors such as the M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) is caused by direct activation of PLC-beta enzymes by Galpha(q) proteins. We have recently shown that G(s)-coupled receptors can stimulate PLC-epsilon, apparently via formation of cyclic AMP and activation of the Ras-related GTPase Rap2B. Here we report that PLC stimulation by the M(3) mAChR expressed in HEK-293 cells also involves, in part, similar mechanisms. M(3) mAChR-mediated PLC stimulation and [Ca(2+)](i) increase were reduced by 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine (dd-Ado), a direct adenylyl cyclase inhibitor. On the other hand, overexpression of Galpha(s) or Epac1, a cyclic AMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap GTPases, enhanced M(3) mAChR-mediated PLC stimulation. Inactivation of Ras-related GTPases with clostridial toxins suppressed the M(3) mAChR responses. The inhibitory toxin effects were mimicked by expression of inactive Rap2B, but not of other inactive GTPases (Rac1, Ras, RalA, Rap1A, and Rap2A). Activation of the M(3) mAChR induced GTP loading of Rap2B, an effect strongly enhanced by overexpression of Galpha(s) and inhibited by dd-Ado. Overexpression of PLC-epsilon and PLC-beta1, but not PLC-gamma1 or PLC-delta1, enhanced M(3) mAChR-mediated PLC stimulation and [Ca(2+)](i) increase. In contrast, expression of a catalytically inactive PLC-epsilon mutant reduced PLC stimulation by the M(3) mAChR and abrogated the potentiating effect of Galpha(s). In conclusion, our findings suggest that PLC stimulation by the M(3) mAChR is a composite action of PLC-beta1 stimulation by Galpha(q) and stimulation of PLC-epsilon apparently mediated by G(s)-dependent cyclic AMP formation and subsequent activation of Rap2B.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of exogenous, purified phospholipase C (PLC) on neutrophil oxidative metabolism, lysosomal enzyme release and aggregation. We found that PLC inhibited O2- and H2O2 generation and oxygen consumption, but did not alter glucose oxidation via the hexose monophosphate shunt. In contrast, we found a striking stimulation of aggregation and release of the lysosomal enzymes lysozyme and beta-glucuronidase. In experiments designed to further characterize the mechanism of the PLC effect on membrane activation we studied the effect of PLC on intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i and found that PLC did not interfere with the fMLP-mediated rise in [Ca2+]i, suggesting that its inhibitory effect on the respiratory burst does not involve inhibition of early signal transduction events. In addition, we found that PLC alone results in mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ stores, consistent with its stimulatory effect on aggregation and lysosomal enzyme release.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Bacillus cereus phospholipase C by univalent anions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of phospholipid hydrolysis in erythrocyte ghosts by Bacillus cereus phospholipase C was markedly decreased by the presence of NaCl at concentrations between 25 and 200 mM. The inhibition seemed to be due to Cl- and was unaffected by the type of cation present. The larger univalent anions such as HCO3-, Br-, Cl-, NO3-, CNO- and I- seemed most effective, whereas the bivalent anion SO42- was relatively ineffective at 0.1 M, as were acetate and formate. Tris buffers at 0.1 M caused marked inhibition. With bovine brain myelin, phospholipid hydrolysis by phospholipase C was also much more strongly inhibited by I- and Cl- than by SO42- or acetate. NaCl inhibited the hydrolysis by the enzyme of the soluble substrate dihexanoylglycerophosphocholine, thereby suggesting that the inhibiton did not arise simply from substrate effects.  相似文献   

Inhibition of mitochondrial phospholipase A2 by mono- and dilysocardiolipin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Reers  D R Pfeiffer 《Biochemistry》1987,26(25):8038-8041
Phospholipase A2 extracted from the acetone powder of previously frozen rat liver mitochondria is strongly inhibited compared to the activity manifest before acetone powder preparation. Activity is substantially recovered upon partial purification of the enzyme by gel filtration chromatography. Inhibitor activity elutes in the void volume from the column and is obtained in the chloroform layer when void volume fractions are subjected to a Folch extraction. Structural studies support the inhibitor being monolysocardiolipin. Under the assay conditions employed, 1 molecule of the inhibitor per 5000 substrate molecules or 40 nM on a nominal concentration basis is I50 for the mitochondrial enzyme. The agent is similarly effective against pancreatic and snake venom phospholipases A2. Monolysocardiolipin and dilysocardiolipin prepared enzymatically from bovine heart cardiolipin are less potent than the material arising from rat liver cardiolipin by factors of 10- and 30-fold, respectively, yet are still highly potent compared to the other known inhibitors of this enzyme. Differences in acyl group composition, in the degree of acyl group oxidation, or in structural isomerism between the sn-1 and sn-2 positions of the lyso compounds may account for the difference in potency between the materials derived from rat liver and bovine heart.  相似文献   

Endogenous neutrophil formylpeptide receptors do not inhibit adenylylcyclase activation. The ability of a cloned and transfected human formylpeptide receptor to mediate the inhibition of adenylylcyclase was assessed in the human embryonic kidney 293 TSA cell line. Inclusion of 1 microM fMetLeuPhe resulted in a ca. 50% inhibition of isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP in transfected cells. Activation of adenylylcyclase by isoproterenol was inhibited ca. 30% by fMetLeuPhe in membranes prepared from transfected cells but not in membranes prepared from neutrophils. Prior treatment of transfected cells with pertussis toxin abrogated the inhibitory effect of fMetLeuPhe. These data indicate that factors in addition to the primary structure of the formylpeptide receptor govern its transductional activities.  相似文献   

Here we report inhibition of phospholipase C-beta1 (PLC-beta1)-mediated signaling by post-translational glycosylation with beta-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc modification). In C2C12 myoblasts, isoform-specific knock-down experiments using siRNA showed that activation of bradykinin (BK) receptor led to stimulation of PLC-beta1 and subsequent intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. In C2C12 myotubes, O-GlcNAc modification of PLC-beta1 was markedly enhanced in response to treatment with glucosamine (GlcNH2), an inhibitor of O-GlcNAase (PUGNAc) and hyperglycemia. This was associated with more than 50% inhibition of intracellular production of IP3 and Ca2+ mobilization in response to BK. Since the abundance of PLC-beta1 remained unchanged, these data suggest that O-GlcNAc modification of PLC-beta1 led to inhibition of its activity. Moreover, glucose uptake stimulated by BK was significantly blunted by treatment with PUGNAc. These data support the notion that O-GlcNAc modification negatively modulates the activity of PLC-beta1.  相似文献   

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