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Information extraction in molecular biology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Modelling of protein-protein interactions in signal transduction is receiving increased attention in computational biology. This paper describes recent research in the application of Maude, a symbolic language founded on rewriting logic, to the modelling of functional domains within signalling proteins. Protein functional domains (PFDs) are a critical focus of modern signal transduction research. In general, Maude models can simulate biological signalling networks and produce specific testable hypotheses at various levels of abstraction. Developing symbolic models of signalling proteins containing functional domains is important because of the potential to generate analyses of complex signalling networks based on structure-function relationships.  相似文献   

细胞周期调控的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高燕  林莉萍  丁健 《生命科学》2005,17(4):318-322
细胞周期是一种非常复杂和精细的调节过程,有大量调节蛋白参与其中。此过程的核心是细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶(CDKs)。CDKs的激活又依赖于另一类呈细胞周期特异性或时相性表达的细胞周期蛋白(cyclins),而CDKs调节的关键步骤是细胞周期检查点。PLKs是多种细胞周期检查点的主要调节因子,Aurora蛋白激酶主要在细胞有丝分裂期起作用。本文就上述因素在细胞周期进程中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白酶体降解途径在细胞周期调控中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
细胞周期的进程由一系列细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶(CDK)和CDK活性调节因子驱动。泛素-蛋白酶体对细胞周期调节因子的降解是细胞调控分裂进程的重要手段。CDK活性抑制因子的降解是细胞分裂所必需的,而细胞周期正调控因子的降解则对维持细胞稳态至关重要。本从参与调控的2类泛素连接酶SCF复合物、APC/C复合物的结构和功能的角度阐述了泛素-蛋白酶体降解途径在整个细胞周期调控中的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Iwamoto K  Hamada H  Eguchi Y  Okamoto M 《Bio Systems》2011,103(3):384-391
After DNA damage, cells activate p53, a tumor suppressor gene, and select a cell fate (e.g., DNA repair, cell cycle arrest, or apoptosis). Recently, a p53 oscillatory behavior was observed following DNA damage. However, the relationship between this p53 oscillation and cell-fate selection is unclear. Here, we present a novel model of the DNA damage signaling pathway that includes p53 and whole cell cycle regulation and explore the relationship between p53 oscillation and cell fate selection. The simulation run without DNA damage qualitatively realized experimentally observed data from several cell cycle regulators, indicating that our model was biologically appropriate. Moreover, the comprehensive sensitivity analysis for the proposed model was implemented by changing the values of all kinetic parameters, which revealed that the cell cycle regulation system based on the proposed model has robustness on a fluctuation of reaction rate in each process. Simulations run with four different intensities of DNA damage, i.e. Low-damage, Medium-damage, High-damage, and Excess-damage, realized cell cycle arrest in all cases. Low-damage, Medium-damage, High-damage, and Excess-damage corresponded to the DNA damage caused by 100, 200, 400, and 800 J/m2 doses of UV-irradiation, respectively, based on expression of p21, which plays a crucial role in cell cycle arrest. In simulations run with High-damage and Excess-damage, the length of the cell cycle arrest was shortened despite the severe DNA damage, and p53 began to oscillate. Cells initiated apoptosis and were killed at 400 and 800 J/m2 doses of UV-irradiation, corresponding to High-damage and Excess-damage, respectively. Therefore, our model indicated that the oscillatory mode of p53 profoundly affects cell fate selection.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress are associated with neuronal cell death in many neurodegenerative conditions. However, the exact molecular mechanisms triggered by oxidative stress in neurodegeneration are still unclear. This study used the B65 rat neuroblastoma cell line as a model to study the molecular events that occur after H2O2 treatment. Treatment of B65 cells with H2O2 rapidly up-regulated the DNA damage pathway involved in double-strand breakage. Subsequently, proteins involved in p53 regulation, such as sirtuin 1 and STAT1, were modified. In addition, H2O2 treatment altered the pattern of cell cycle protein expression. Specifically, a decrease was found in the expression of cyclin D1, cdk4 and surprisingly the levels of cyclin A and the retinoblastoma protein phosphorylated at ser780 were increased. Furthermore, this study shows that pre-treatment of B65 cells with 50 µM trolox confers almost total protection against apoptotic cell death and restores the cell cycle. Likewise, the increase in retinoblastoma phosphorylation was attenuated by KU-55993, a selective ATM inhibitor, and also by trolox. These observations indicate that DNA damage and oxidative stress are responsible for cell cycle regulation. In summary, this study describes the molecular mechanisms involved in cell cycle alterations induced by oxidative stress in B65 cells. These findings highlight the relevance of ATM in the regulation of cell cycle after oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that podocyte number is significantly decreased in glomeruli of children with hepa- titis B virus (HBV)-associated glomerulonephritis. In this study, we aimed to explore whether exogenous expression of HBx protein could directly inhibit podocyte proliferation in vitro, and to investigate its role in cell cycle regulation. HBx gene was delivered into cultured mouse podocytes through an adenovirus-based vector. Cell morphology was evaluated with Wright-Giemsa staining. Cell growth and proliferation were measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and 5,6-carboxy- fluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-based pro- liferation assays. Cell cycle phase was analyzed by flow cytometry, and the expression of cell cycle regulatory pro- teins was examined by western blot analysis. It was found that the aberrant nuclear changes like double and multiple micronuclei, which reflect mitotic catastrophe, accumulated in podocytes after 5 days post-infection. MTT assay showed that Ad.HBx-infected podocytes grew much more slowly than controls at day 4 post-infection and thereafter. Furthermore, CFSE-based proliferation assay also showed that the prolifer- ation of HBx-expressing podocytes was significantly inhibited than that of controls at 3-day post-infection, and that the dif- ference became much more obvious at day 5 post-infection. Cell cycle analysis showed that the transfection of HBx resulted in significant up-regulation of both cyclin B1 and CDK-inhibitor p21 expression and G2/M phase arrest, and slight down-regulation of cyclin A expression. These results demonstrated that exogenous expression of HBx might limit the proliferative capacity of podocytes through cell cycle regu- lation, thus suggesting that HBx may play a role in podocyte injuries in HBV-associated glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

A range of cargo adaptor proteins are known to recruit cytoskeletal motors to distinct subcellular compartments. However, the structural impact of cargo recruitment on motor function is poorly understood. Here, we dissect the multimodal regulation of myosin VI activity through the cargo adaptor GAIP-interacting protein, C terminus (GIPC), whose overexpression with this motor in cancer enhances cell migration. Using a range of biophysical techniques, including motility assays, FRET-based conformational sensors, optical trapping, and DNA origami–based cargo scaffolds to probe the individual and ensemble properties of GIPC–myosin VI motility, we report that the GIPC myosin-interacting region (MIR) releases an autoinhibitory interaction within myosin VI. We show that the resulting conformational changes in the myosin lever arm, including the proximal tail domain, increase the flexibility of the adaptor–motor linkage, and that increased flexibility correlates with faster actomyosin association and dissociation rates. Taken together, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI interaction stimulates a twofold to threefold increase in ensemble cargo speed. Furthermore, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI ensembles yield similar cargo run lengths as forced processive myosin VI dimers. We conclude that the emergent behavior from these individual aspects of myosin regulation is the fast, processive, and smooth cargo transport on cellular actin networks. Our study delineates the multimodal regulation of myosin VI by the cargo adaptor GIPC, while highlighting linkage flexibility as a novel biophysical mechanism for modulating cellular cargo motility.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagella are nanomachines that enable cells to move at high speeds. Comprising 25 and more different types of proteins, the flagellum is a large supramolecular assembly organized into three widely conserved substructures: a basal body including the rotary motor, a connecting hook, and a long filament. The whole flagellum from Escherichia coli weighs ∼20 MDa, without considering its filament portion, which is by itself a ∼1.6 GDa structure arranged as a multimer of ∼30,000 flagellin protomers. Breakthroughs regarding flagellar structure and function have been achieved in the last few years, mainly because of the revolutionary improvements in 3D cryo-EM methods. This review discusses novel structures and mechanistic insights derived from such high-resolution studies, advancing our understanding of each one of the three major flagellar segments. The rotation mechanism of the motor has been unveiled with unprecedented detail, showing a two-cogwheel machine propelled by a Brownian ratchet device. In addition, by imaging the flagellin-like protomers that make up the hook in its native bent configuration, their unexpected conformational plasticity challenges the paradigm of a two-state conformational rearrangement mechanism for flagellin-fold proteins. Finally, imaging of the filaments of periplasmic flagella, which endow Spirochete bacteria with their singular motility style, uncovered a strikingly asymmetric protein sheath that coats the flagellin core, challenging the view of filaments as simple homopolymeric structures that work as freely whirling whips. Further research will shed more light on the functional details of this amazing nanomachine, but our current understanding has definitely come a long way.  相似文献   

Flavonoids have been proposed to play diverse roles in plant growth and development, including defense, symbiosis, pollen development and male fertility, polar auxin transport, and protection against ultraviolet radiation. Recently, a new role in cell cycle regulation has emerged. Genetic alteration of glucuronide metabolism by altered expression of a Pisum sativum UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (PsUGT1) results in an altered cell cycle in pea, alfalfa, and Arabidopsis. In alfalfa, altered expression of PsUGT1 results in accumulation of a flavonoid-like compound that suppresses growth of cultured cells. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that PsUGT1 functions by controlling cellular levels of a factor controlling cell cycle (FCC).  相似文献   

It is recognized now that intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which do not have unique 3D structures as a whole or in noticeable parts, constitute a significant fraction of any given proteome. IDPs are characterized by an astonishing structural and functional diversity that defines their ability to be universal regulators of various cellular pathways. Programmed cell death (PCD) is one of the most intricate cellular processes where the cell uses specialized cellular machinery and intracellular programs to kill itself. This cell-suicide mechanism enables metazoans to control cell numbers and to eliminate cells that threaten the animal''s survival. PCD includes several specific modules, such as apoptosis, autophagy, and programmed necrosis (necroptosis). These modules are not only tightly regulated but also intimately interconnected and are jointly controlled via a complex set of protein–protein interactions. To understand the role of the intrinsic disorder in controlling and regulating the PCD, several large sets of PCD-related proteins across 28 species were analyzed using a wide array of modern bioinformatics tools. This study indicates that the intrinsic disorder phenomenon has to be taken into consideration to generate a complete picture of the interconnected processes, pathways, and modules that determine the essence of the PCD. We demonstrate that proteins involved in regulation and execution of PCD possess substantial amount of intrinsic disorder. We annotate functional roles of disorder across and within apoptosis, autophagy, and necroptosis processes. Disordered regions are shown to be implemented in a number of crucial functions, such as protein–protein interactions, interactions with other partners including nucleic acids and other ligands, are enriched in post-translational modification sites, and are characterized by specific evolutionary patterns. We mapped the disorder into an integrated network of PCD pathways and into the interactomes of selected proteins that are involved in the p53-mediated apoptotic signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Early studies on cell cycle regulation were based on experiments in model systems (Yeast, Xenopus, Starfish, Drosophila) and have shaped the way we understand many events that control the cell cycle. Although these model systems are of great value, the last decade was highlighted by studies done in human cells and using in vivo mouse models. Mouse models are irreplaceable tools for understanding the genetics, development, and survival strategies of mammals. New developments in generating targeting vectors and mutant mice have improved our approaches to study cell cycle regulation and cancer. Here we summarize the most recent advances of mouse model approaches in dissecting the mechanisms of cell cycle regulation and the relevance to human disease. W. Li and S. Kotoshiba contributed equally.  相似文献   

Fucci (fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator) is able to visualize dynamics of cell cycle progression in live cells; G1- and S-/G2-/M-phase cells expressing Fucci emit red and green fluorescence, respectively. This system could be applied to cell kinetic analysis of tumour cells in the field of cancer therapy; however, it is still unclear how fluorescence kinetics change after various treatments, including exposure to anticancer agents. To explore this, we arrested live HeLa cells expressing the Fucci probes at various cell cycle stages and observed the fluorescence, in conjunction with flow cytometric analysis. X-irradiation, HU (hydroxyurea) and nocodazole arrest cells at G2/M boundary, early S-phase and early M-phase, respectively. Although X-irradiation and HU treatment induced similar accumulation kinetics of green fluorescent cells, nocodazole treatment induced an abnormal red fluorescence at M phase, followed by accumulation of both red and green fluorescent cells with 4N DNA content. We conclude that certain agents that disrupt normal cell cycle regulation could cause unexpected fluorescence kinetics in the Fucci system.  相似文献   

Abnormal cell cycle regulation in primary human uveal melanoma cultures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uveal malignant melanoma is the most frequent primary intraocular tumor in adult humans. The cellular events leading to neoplasic transformation of normal uveal melanocytes are not well known when compared to other cancers. In this study, we investigated the role of G1 and G1/S regulatory proteins of the cell cycle in human uveal melanoma (UM) primary cell cultures, since these proteins are common targets in tumor development. Further, freshly established and characterized tumor cells are a better model for in vitro studies when compared to cell lines established long ago. Human primary cell cultures from eight different UM were established, as well as one primary culture from rhesus uveal normal melanocytes (UNM). Primary human UM cultures were characterized by a low establishment and growing rate. From four successful cultures, three showed a high expression of cyclin D1, cyclin E, p16NK4A, and p27KIP1 with no variations in cyclin A, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), and CDK4. Interestingly, in one of the cultured tumors, tumor suppressor protein retinoblastoma (Rb) did not bind E2F despite the fact that Rb was found in its hypophosphorylated form. No mutations in either RB1 or the Rb-binding pocket of E2F-1 were detected. Furthermore, we identified seven proteins co-immunoprecipitating with Rb in this tumor, including Lamin A/C and six proteins not previously reported to bind Rb: Hsc70, high mobility group protein 1 (HMG-1), hnRPN, glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), EF-1, and EF-2. Our results indicate that the overexpression of cyclins D1/E and CDKIs p16 and p27, together with a deregulation of the Rb/E2F pathway, may be implicated in the development of human UM.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,Escs)具有自我复制和多潜能分化的特性。相对于体细胞,胚胎干细胞的细胞周期调控非常特别。比如,G1期较短;P53、RB等调控细胞周期“检验点”的蛋白分子功能“异常”等。胚胎干细胞细胞周期调控的研究对于研究胚胎干细胞的自我复制和多潜能性,都具有重要指导意义。该文将重点比较体细胞和胚胎干细胞在细胞周期调控方面的差异,并对近年来有关小鼠和人胚胎干细胞的细胞周期调控的研究进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (Pol) lambda is a DNA repair enzyme involved in base excision repair, non-homologous end joining and translesion synthesis. Recently, we identified Pol lambda as an interaction partner of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) that is central to the cell cycle G1/S transition and S-phase progression. This interaction leads to in vitro phosphorylation of Pol lambda, and its in vivo phosphorylation pattern during cell cycle progression mimics the modulation of CDK2/cyclin A. Here, we identify several phosphorylation sites of Pol lambda. Experiments with phosphorylation-defective mutants suggest that phosphorylation of Thr 553 is important for maintaining Pol lambda stability, as it is targeted to the proteasomal degradation pathway through ubiquitination unless this residue is phosphorylated. In particular, Pol lambda is stabilized during cell cycle progression in the late S and G2 phases. This most likely allows Pol lambda to correctly conduct repair of damaged DNA during and after S phase.  相似文献   

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