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The success of invasive aquatic species is determined by a variety of attributes such as wide environmental tolerance, high genetic variability, short generation time, early sexual maturity, high reproductive capacity, and a broad diet. Usually, introduced species, after some time lag since inoculation, show an exponential population increase and expansion. Maintenance of the immigrant species at a high population level will be dependent on interspecific competition with native species and availability of habitat and food. Eventually, the immigrant population may decline, for instance due to increased predation pressure, parasite infestation or loss of genetic vigour. These characteristic patterns in invasive species are reviewed for the case of the North American spionid polychaete Marenzelleria cf. wireni in the Dutch Wadden Sea. This species was first recorded in estuaries and coastal waters of the European continent in the Ems estuary (eastern Dutch Wadden Sea) in 1983. In the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea the first specimens were found in 1989. The Ems estuary population showed the typical lag-phase, explosive increase, stabilisation, and eventual decline. In the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea the latter two phases have not yet developed. The strong development and stabilisation of the population in the Ems estuary may have been caused by the availability of a yet not utilised food source. The species' final decline remains largely unexplained.  相似文献   

Human transformations of the Wadden Sea ecosystem through time: a synthesis   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Todays Wadden Sea is a heavily human-altered ecosystem. Shaped by natural forces since its origin 7,500 years ago, humans gradually gained dominance in influencing ecosystem structure and functioning. Here, we reconstruct the timeline of human impacts and the history of ecological changes in the Wadden Sea. We then discuss the ecosystem and societal consequences of observed changes, and conclude with management implications. Human influences have intensified and multiplied over time. Large-scale habitat transformation over the last 1,000 years has eliminated diverse terrestrial, freshwater, brackish and marine habitats. Intensive exploitation of everything from oysters to whales has depleted most large predators and habitat-building species since medieval times. In the twentieth century, pollution, eutrophication, species invasions and, presumably, climate change have had marked impacts on the Wadden Sea flora and fauna. Yet habitat loss and overexploitation were the two main causes for the extinction or severe depletion of 144 species (~20% of total macrobiota). The loss of biodiversity, large predators, special habitats, filter and storage capacity, and degradation in water quality have led to a simplification and homogenisation of the food web structure and ecosystem functioning that has affected the Wadden Sea ecosystem and coastal societies alike. Recent conservation efforts have reversed some negative trends by enabling some birds and mammals to recover and by creating new economic options for society. The Wadden Sea history provides a unique long-term perspective on ecological change, new objectives for conservation, restoration and management, and an ecological baseline that allows us to envision a rich, productive and diverse Wadden Sea ecosystem and coastal society.  相似文献   

Organic waste-water from beetsugar factories is being discharged by pipeline into the eastern part of the Dutch Wadden Sea since 1969 mainly in September–December. The organic waste load was high in the first four years and diminished considerably from 1974 onwards.From 1968 macrobenthos has been monitored at five permanent stations. Two of these stations were situated relatively close to the outfall of the pipe-line.Data on numerical density of seven macrobenthic species were analysed for synchrony of yearly fluctuations in order to discriminate between pollution-induced changes in population densities and changes due to variation of natural environmental factors.A great deal of concordance in density fluctuations was found between the five stations. Comparison with data from the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea (150 km apart) revealed a relative good concordance of the density fluctuations in eastern (only 3 stations) and western Wadden Sea. The two stations close to the outfall showed an aberrant pattern of density variations due to the waste discharge.  相似文献   

The Dutch Wadden Sea: a changed ecosystem   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Since 1600 the surface area of the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased considerably by successive reclamations of saltmarshes. In 1932 the Zuiderzee (3200 km2) was closed off from the Wadden Sea causing in the remaining part an increase in tidal range and current velocities. In 1969 the Lauwerszee (91 km2) was closed off and turned into a freshwater lake as well. Man's use of the Wadden Sea changed simultaneously. Dredging in harbours and shipping routes, and extraction of sand and shells became common practice. Extraction of sand increased manifold between 1960 and 1985. These activities did contribute to the turbidity of the Wadden Sea water. Discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into the western Wadden Sea increased also manifold since 1950, causing an increase in phytoplankton production, duration of phytoplankton blooms, and intertidal macrozoobenthic biomass. Loads of metals and organochlorine contaminants entering the Wadden Sea were hard to estimate. Fisheries changed drastically since the 1930's. Fishing for ‘Zuiderzee’ herring came to an end shortly after closing off the Zuiderzee. The anchovy fishery ceased in the 1960’, that for flounder in 1983. Undersized brown shrimps were fished until 1971. Selective shrimptrawls and sorting devices with flushing seawater were introduced to reduce mortality among young flatfish and shrimps. Oysters became extinct in the 1960's due to over-exploitation of the natural beds. Production of mussels increased more than ten times between 1950 and 1961 due to ‘culturing’, catches of cockles increased slowly between 1955 and 1984. Whelks were fished until 1970. The most important changes in the biotic system of the Wadden Sea, increased production of microalgae and intertidal macrozoobenthos, can be attributed to increased nutrient loads. Eutrophication provided ample food supply for mussels which are harvested mainly by man and eider duck, and may have caused also increased growth in juvenile plaice. Increased turbidity may have impaired life conditions for adult dab, and have presented also recovery of sublittoral eelgrass beds after their disappearance in the 1930's due to the ‘wasting disease’. Increased turbidity in the Wadden Sea is probably caused by closing off the Zuiderzee (1932), a significant increase of dredge spoil disposal near Hoek van Holland between 1970 and 1983, and a more than 10-fold increase of mussel culturing in the Wadden Sea since 1950. Stocks of several bird species breeding in the Wadden Sea area suffered great losses in the early 1960's due to a pesticide accident. Most of the breeding populations have recovered. PCB's caused a reproduction failure among harbour seals in the 1970's. Since 1980 official Dutch policy aims at multiple use of the Wadden Sea, with emphasis on protection and restoration of the natural environment. The 3rd Water Management Plan (1989) aims at a development of the Wadden Sea ecosystem towards the situation of ca. 1930, i.e. without undoing present sea dikes and reclaimed polders. Management of the Dutch Wadden Sea will therefore have to focus mainly on reduction of eutrophication, pollution and turbidity. Some management options are discussed.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is a shallow tidal area along the North Sea coast of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The area is strongly influenced by rivers, the most important of which are the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Elbe. Due to the increased nutrient load into the coastal zone the primary production in the Wadden Sea almost tripled during the past few decades. A conceptual model is presented that links nitrogen input (mainly nitrate) via Rhine and Meuse with the annual nitrogen cycle within the Wadden Sea. Three essential steps in the model are: (1) nitrogen limits the primary production in the coastal zone, (2) a proportional part of the primary produced organic matter is transported into the Wadden Sea and (3) the imported organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea and supports the local productivity by nitrogen turn-over. The conceptual model predicts that during years with a high nutrient load more organic matter is produced in the coastal zone and more organic matter is transported into and remineralized within the Wadden Sea than during years with low nutrient loads. As a proxy for the remineralisation intensity ammonium plus nitrite concentrations in autumn were used. Based on monitoring data from the Dutch Wadden Sea (1977–1997) the above mentioned model was statistically tested. In autumn, however, a significant correlation was found between autumn values of ammonium and nitrite and river input of nitrogen during the previous winter, spring and summer. The analysis supports that in years with a high riverine nitrogen load more organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea than in years with a low nitrogen load. A comparison with older data from 1960 to 1961 suggests that the remineralisation intensity in the Wadden Sea has increased by a factor of two to three. This is not reflected by a two to three-fold increase in riverine nitrogen load from 1960 to present. It is suggested that the increased remineralisation rates in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1960s and the 1980s/1990s are largely caused by an increased nitrogen flux through the Channel and the Strait of Dover and by an increased atmospheric nitrogen input.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the methods and results of monitoring sea level (tidal gauges) and with the analysis of depth sounding data. Possible future monitoring by menas of remote sensing techniques will be presented. Some trends, based on water level and morphological monitoring, have been established in the western part of the Dutch Wadden sea: (a) the relative mean sea level is rising persistently by 15 cm/century, observed since the middle of the 19th century. The tidal range is increasing as well; (b) the cross-sectional areas of the most western Dutch Wadden tidal inlets have been increasing over the last two centuries; (c) the intertidal zones of the Texelstroom and Vliestroom tidal basins have shown an increase of surface area over the last decades. The Borndiep tidal basin shows a decrease of 4% of the area shallower than 5 m — Dutch Ordinance Level (DOL) over the last two centuries. Several factors prevent serious predictions about future morphological developments of the tidal Wadden flats: (a) man induced interfering factors, e.g. the construction of the harbour revetments of Den Helder, the construction of the Enclosure Dike and construction of sand drift dikes stabilising the Wadden islands; (b) the limited scope of the present analysis that deals only with the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Humans have interacted with the Wadden Sea since its origin 7,500 years ago. However, exploitation, habitat alteration and pollution have strongly increased since the Middle Ages, affecting abundance and distribution of many marine mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates and plants. Large whales and some large birds disappeared more than 500 years ago. Most small whales, seals, birds, large fish and oysters were severely reduced by the late 19th and early 20th centuries, leading to the collapse of several traditional fisheries. In the 20th century, conservation efforts have enabled some breeding birds and seals to recover. But other species declined further due to continuing exploitation, habitat destruction, pollution and eutrophication. Moreover, complex three-dimensional habitats such as oyster banks, Sabellaria reefs and subtidal eelgrass beds have been lost completely. In contrast, several opportunistic species such as gulls, polychaetes, green algae and exotic invaders increased during the 20th century. Taken together, multiple human impacts have caused dramatic losses of large predators and habitat-building species in the Wadden Sea over the last 500 years. Although still of high natural value and global importance, the Wadden Sea is a fundamentally changed ecosystem. On the other hand, reduced hunting pressure, increased habitat protection and reduced river pollution have enabled the recent recovery of several species and an increase in environmental quality. These successes, together with a historical vision of what was once possible, should guide current and future conservation, restoration and management efforts towards a more sustainable interaction between man and the sea.  相似文献   

The primary production in the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea (Marsdiep tidal basin) has been reported to have increased by a factor of two since the late 1970s. This doubling of the phytoplankton and the microphytobenthos production has been ascribed to the eutrophication of that area: mean annual phosphate concentrations have increased, whereas the nitrogen concentrations have not. Analysis of the available production data indicates a more than tenfold increase of the production of the phytoplankton in the Marsdiep tidal channel since the early 1950s. The increase in the phytoplankton production in the inner area seems to be of the same order of magnitude. The primary production of the phytobenthos and the secondary production of the macrozoobenthos seems to have increased proportionally to that of the phytoplankton. It is known that the nutrients in the Marsdiep tidal basin originate from the River Rhine. However, there are two possible routes for nutrients to reach that area. One is via the River IJssel and Lake IJssel (varying amounts of fresh water are sluiced out from the latter into the Wadden Sea). The other is along the coast of the North Sea, where the water transport is driven northeastwards by the residual current. Analysis of available data shows that the annual primary production in the Marsdiep tidal basin is mainly determined by the phosphate discharge from Lake IJssel which directly reach that part of the Wadden Sea, rather than from the River Rhine of which the water must run northward along the coast before reaching the western Dutch Wadden Sea. The close relation between fluctations in annual phosphate discharges and fluctations in annual phytoplankton primary production up to more than ten times the 1950 values indicates that primary production in the Marsdiep tidal channel and probably even in the main part of the whole basin, was and is phosphate limited.The mineralization of North Sea particulate organic matter inside the Wadden Sea, previously thought to be the main phosphate source, is questioned. The repercussions of this finding for management are discussed.  相似文献   

For 20 years (1969–1988), larger bottom animals have been sampled quantitatively once or twice annually at 15 stations scattered over Balgzand (a 50 km2 tidal flat area in the westernmost part of the Dutch Wadden Sea). In 29 species, numbers were sufficiently high to allow a statistical evaluation of the fluctuation patterns of their annual densities. The results revealed two main trends: (1) a sensitivity to low winter temperatures in 12 species, causing low densities in these species immediately after a severe winter (1979, 1985, 1986 and 1987) and relatively high densities during a period with some mild winters in succession (1973–1975); (2) an upward long-term trend in 11 (other) species, causing upward trends (viz. roughly a doubling) of total macrozoobenthic biomass and production over the 20-year period of observation, probably as a consequence of increasing eutrophication. By far the major part of the species thus exhibited either of these two patterns, causing total biomass and species number to be governed largely by the above two trends. Results of less frequent sampling (once per 5 or 10 years) of 26 transects scattered over the ≈500 km2 of tidal flats of the whole western half of the Dutch Wadden Sea showed that the two trends also represent the changes occurring in a much larger area. Some local departures from the general patterns are discussed and related to specific causes. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

To replenish the exploited native stocks ofOstrea edulis, imports from almost all European coasts have arrived in the North Sea, particularly in the Dutch Oosterschelde estuary. The American oysterCrassostrea virginica and the Portuguese oysterC. angulata have also been imported into the North Sea several times. However, only the introductions of various genetic strains of the Pacific oysterC. gigas have been of lasting success. Spat from British Columbia (Canada) was first imported to the Oosterschelde in 1964. First spatfalls in this area took place in the warm summers of 1975 and 1976. Further larval outbursts occurred in 1982 and 1989, and good settlements took place on culture plots as well as along the dikes of the Oosterschelde. Since 1977 no more cupped oysters have been imported from overseas. The population maintained itself and was able to spread in a northern direction along the Dutch North Sea coast. In Britain, hatchery-producedC. gigas were transferred to several sites, in the 1970s including the British North Sea coast. Here, occurrence in the wild seems to be rather limited up to now. Into the German Wadden Sea,C. gigas larvae and spat from a Scottish hatchery have been introduced since 1971, as were medium-sized oysters from a variety of European sources in the 1980s. Strong spatfalls on intertidal mussel beds in the northern German Wadden Sea occured in 1991 and 1994. For the introductions ofC. gigas along the west European coasts, precautionary measures to minimize unintentional transfers of associated organisms, as recommended by the ICES Code of Practice in 1994, came too late.  相似文献   

The increasing P and N content in the two main tidal basins in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, the Marsdiep and the Vliestroom basin, has been reconstructed from the 50s onwards. The area is enriched with nutrients by two sources both originating from the river Rhine, one being the discharge from Lake IJssel and the other the exchange with the coastal zone of the North Sea. Due to a buffering by Lake IJssel for about 15–20 years, the eutrophication of the western Wadden Sea showed a time lag compared with the continuously increasing nutrient concentrations in the river Rhine and the coastal zone of the North Sea. At present, the primary production in part of the area still seems to be nutrient limited in summer, while loadings have already been decreasing in recent years. So far, no severe, negative effects on the ecosystem have been reported. Some remarks are made on the eutrophication in other parts of the Dutch' Wadden Sea in relation to the hydrographic characteristics of these areas. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988) Publication No. 18 of the project “Ecological Research of the North Sea and Wadden Sea” (EON)  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of most seal species is characterized by a tight synchrony of births. Typically, timing of birth shows little inter-annual variation. Here, however we show that harbour seals Phoca vitulina from the Wadden Sea (southeast North Sea) have shortened their yearly cycle, moving parturition to earlier dates since the early 1970s. Between 1974 and 2009, the birth date of harbour seals shifted on average by −0.71 d yr−1, three and a half weeks (25 days) earlier, in the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea. Pup counts available for other parts of the Wadden Sea were analysed, showing a similar shift. To elucidate potential mechanism(s) for this shift in pupping phenology, possible changes in population demography, changes in maternal life-history traits and variations in environmental conditions were examined. It was deduced that the most likely mechanism was a shortening of embryonic diapause. We hypothesize that this could have been facilitated by an improved forage base, e.g. increase of small fishes, attributable to overfishing of large predator fishes and size-selective fisheries.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, a tradition has developed in western Europe of carrying out shorebird surveys in estuaries. These counts are mostly conducted by amateur ornithologists, usually well acquainted with the area in which they are active. The results of these surveys are well reproducible for at least the abundant species, and information is available on the size of the errors which occur. In several parts of Europe, shorebird surveys have been carried out long enough to allow trend analysis of population size. Four examples from Great Britain demonstrate that monitoring schemes may also be used for management purposes, especially if combined with specific research projects. Long-term shorebird surveys can be used not only for simple analysis of trends in bird numbers, but also to provide a deeper understanding of the functioning of the ecosystem. They may also act as a tool to document the effects of management activities in the area concerned. Shorebird surveys in the Wadden Sea have not only revealed the extremely large importance of the area, especially for waders, but also show that different areas are exploited in different ways. They have also provided data on changes in bird numbers throughout the year. Apart from the counts carried out in January, the frequency of counts in most areas in the Wadden Sea has been too low to allow the results to be used for monitoring purposes. In an area as large as the Wadden Sea, some sites, often supporting large numbers of birds, may not always be covered during simultaneous surveys. This may seriously affect the completeness of the count. The best way to overcome this problem is to calculate index values, using only those sites which have been surveyed in successive years. Two monitoring schemes are proposed which may be effective in providing relevant information for management purposes. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling and foodwebs in Dutch estuaries   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
P. H. Nienhuis 《Hydrobiologia》1993,265(1-3):15-44
In this review several aspects of the functioning of the Dutch estuaries (Ems-Dollard, Wadden Sea, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde, Grevelingen and Veerse Meer) have been compared. A number of large European rivers (especially Rhine) have a prevailing influence on the nutrient cycling of most Dutch estuaries. Owing to the increased loading of the estuaries with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, effects of eutrophication on the biological communities could be demonstrated, mainly in the western Wadden Sea. The causality, however, of the relation between increased nutrient loading and increased biomass and production of primary producers in the turbid tidal Dutch ecosystems is questioned. The most obvious biological effects of eutrophication have been observed in a non-tidal brackish lagoon, Veerse Meer. The estuarine food web received major attention. Budget studies of the main primary producers revealed a dominance of phytoplankton in all Dutch estuaries, followed by microphytobenthos in the tidal systems and macrophytes in the lagoons. The quantitative distribution of primary producers and primary and secondary consumers shows remarkable similarities along the physical and chemical estuarine gradients, notwithstanding the large variability in space and the considerable inconstancy over time. Among the secondary consumers (waterfowl, marine fish, larger invertebrates) the levels of organic carbon consumption — expressed in g C m−2 y−1 — are almost the same, when tidal estuaries are compared with non-tidal lagoons, notwithstanding the fact that the consumer populations show large qualitative differences. The transfer from primary consumers to secondary consumers reveals a bottle neck: especially during late winter, when macrozoobenthos reaches its lowest biomass, food may be a serious limiting resource for large numbers of migratory waders foraging on the intertidal flats. The consequences of the Deltaplan, the closure of several estuaries in the southwest of the Netherlands and their subsequent transfer into non-tidal lagoons, offer complicated case studies of ecosystem changes. Several examples of long-term trends in ecosystem development in Grevelingen lagoon have been discussed.  相似文献   

The climate variability hypothesis proposes that in variable temperate climates poikilothermic animals have wide thermal tolerance windows, whereas in constant tropical climates they have small thermal tolerance windows. In this study we quantified and compared the upper and lower lethal thermal tolerance limits of numerous bivalve species from a tropical (Roebuck Bay, north western Australia) and a temperate (Wadden Sea, north western Europe) tidal flat. Species from tropical Roebuck Bay had higher upper and lower lethal thermal limits than species from the temperate Wadden Sea, and Wadden Sea species showed an ability to survive freezing temperatures. The increased freezing resistance of the Wadden Sea species resulted in thermal tolerance windows that were on average 7 °C greater than the Roebuck Bay species. Furthermore, at a local-scale, the upper lethal thermal limits of the Wadden Sea species were positively related to submersion time and thus to encountered temperature variation, but this was not the case for the Roebuck Bay species. A review of previous studies, at a global scale, showed that upper lethal thermal limits of tropical species are closer to maximum habitat temperatures than the upper lethal thermal limits of temperate species, suggesting that temperate species are better adapted to temperature variation. In this study, we show for the first time, at both local and global scales, that the lethal thermal limits of bivalves support the climate variability effect in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The Dutch Wadden Sea has been changed dramatically over the last centuries by human activities like land reclamation and different forms of fishery. This has, amongst other things, led to changes in the number of biological communities. One of the changes was the near extinction of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The deterioration of the area led to policy plans in the late 1980s that aimed at restoring the original natural communities of which the eelgrass community was one. This paper presents a restoration strategy which contains a selection procedure for suitable transplantation sites. The selection procedure is based on factors such as sediment composition, exposure time, current velocity and wave action. These were combined in a GIS-based map integrating these factors. One important action in the restoration process is to increase the number of freshwater discharge points to meet the requirements of the brackish water community in general and the growing conditions for eelgrass in particular. Received: 27 October 1999 / Received in revised form: 3 February 2000 / Accepted: 3 February 2000  相似文献   

Shallow soft-sediment systems are mostly dominated by species that, by strongly affecting sediment dynamics, modify their local environment. Such ecosystem engineering species can have either sediment-stabilizing or sediment-destabilizing effects on tidal flats. They interplay with abiotic forcing conditions (wind, tide, nutrient inputs) in driving the community structure and generating spatial heterogeneity, determining the composition of different communities of associated species, and thereby affecting the channelling of energy through different compartments in the food web. This suggests that, depending on local species composition, tidal flats may have conspicuously different geomorphology and biological functions under similar external conditions. Here we use a historical reconstruction of benthic production in the Wadden Sea to construct a framework for the relationships between human impacts, ecosystem engineering and sediment dynamics. We propose that increased sediment disturbances by human exploitation interfere with biological controls of sediment dynamics, and thereby have shifted the dominant compartments of both primary and secondary production in the Wadden Sea, transforming the intertidal from an internally regulated and spatially heterogeneous, to an externally regulated and spatially homogenous system. This framework contributes to the general understanding of the interaction between biological and environmental control of ecosystem functioning, and suggests a general framework for predicting effects of human impacts on soft-bottom ecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary As a result of the reconstruction of a dike on the Dutch island of Texel two small areas of the Wadden Sea were embanked in 1977 and 1978. In 1981 both by now blocked brackish waters were investigated for macrofauna and macroflora. The vegetation on these former parts of the Wadden Sea was still in a colonizing state. Many small patches ofRuppia spp. were found, contrary to older brackish waters with more extendedRuppia beds. The striking dominance ofR.maritima agrees with its large seed production enabling to colonize quickly new areas. In one of the ponds, where the maximum salinity of 23 Cl exceeded far the tolerance limit of this species given in the literature (15 Cl),R.maritima was still more numerous thanR.cirrhosa, a species which is more tolerant to salinity fluctuations. Several years after isolation these areas are still inhabited by a few Wadden Sea macrofauna species (e.g. Carcinus maenas, Hydrobia ulvae andCapitella capitata) who managed to survive the drastic environmental changes. In addition, a large number of species characteristic for blocked brackish waters has already colonized the new ponds. One of the two, that has always completely been isolated from other inland water, was inhabited in 1981 by 13 brackish water species. In the future the two new ponds on Texel are expected to loose their pioneer characteristics. There are reasons to expect that most of the Wadden Sea macrofauna relics will soon become extinct. A more extendedRuppia vegetation will probably develop together with a relative increase ofRuppia cirrhosa.  相似文献   

A habitat suitability analysis for littoral mussel beds in the Dutch Wadden Sea was carried out. The analysis was based on the presence of mussel beds in the years 1960–1970, and a number of environmental characteristics: wave action, flow velocity, median grain size, emersion times and distance to a gully border. The habitat model describes mussel bed appearance quantitatively. It predicts the distribution of mussel beds quite well, as well as the distribution of spatfall in the years 1994 and 1996. From the analysis we found that wave action (maximum orbital velocity) was the main structuring factor. A low orbital velocity was preferred. Neither very low, nor maximum flow velocities were favourable for mussel beds. Very coarse sands or silty environments were not preferred. Sites close to the low water line showed lower mussel bed appearance; when emersion time was above 50% , hardly any mussel beds could be found. The habitat suitability analysis and the construction of a habitat suitability map was performed in the framework of the discussions on a further or reduced exploitation of the tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea by cockle and mussel fishery activities. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

From approximately 1960 to 1975 the Ems estuary received several tons of mercury per year from a chlor-alkali plant, a pesticide factory and some minor sources. The discharge has been reduced drastically from 1976 onwards. In 1975 and 1976 measurements were made on the distribution of mercury in the sediment. The horizontal distribution revealed a strong local enrichment of the sediment near the point of discharge. The vertical distribution was found to be in accordance with the local deposition rates. In the water phase no significant change in mercury content from 1975 to 1978/79 could be demonstrated. In 1978/79 a difference between Ems estuary and Dutch Wadden Sea was not significant. In 1978 mercury contents of eelpoutZoarces viviparus in the Ems estuary were about twice as high as in the Wadden Sea. In the Ems estuary a decrease of these contents was found between 1974/75 and 1978. A similar decline in the Wadden Sea may be related to a decreased mercury discharge by the River Rhine.  相似文献   

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