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The Irish Travellers are an itinerant group in Ireland that has been socially isolated. Two hypotheses have been proposed concerning the genetic origin of the Travellers: (1) they are genetically related to Roma populations in Europe that share a nomadic lifestyle or (2) they are of Irish origin, and genetic differences from the rest of Ireland reflect genetic drift. These hypotheses were tested using data on 33 alleles from 12 red blood cell polymorphism loci. Comparison with other European, Roma, and Indian populations shows that the Travellers are genetically distinct from the Roma and Indian populations and most genetically similar to Ireland, in agreement with earlier genetic analyses of the Travellers. However, the Travellers are still genetically distinct from other Irish populations, which could reflect some external gene flow and/or the action of genetic drift in a small group that was descended from a small number of founders. In order to test the drift hypothesis, we analyzed genetic distances comparing the Travellers to four geographic regions in Ireland. These distances were then compared with adjusted distances that account for differential genetic drift using a method developed by Relethford (Hum Biol 68 ( 1996 ) 29–44). The unadjusted distances show the genetic distinctiveness of the Travellers. After adjustment for the expected effects of genetic drift, the Travellers are equidistant from the other Irish samples, showing their Irish origins and population history. The observed genetic differences are thus a reflection of genetic drift, and there is no evidence of any external gene flow. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The land snail Leptaxis azorica, endemic on the Azores, was subjected to an electrophoretic (allozymes) and morphometric (genital tract) analysis. Genetic distances suggest the presence of four distinct lineages and are compatible with colonisation proceeding from the eastern, older islands (Santa Maria and S?o Miguel) to the west (Flores and Corvo). On S?o Miguel, genetic and morphometric differentiation is concordant with the separate colonisation of two islands that gave rise to the current island 50,000 years ago. The maximum time available for differentiation in isolation (0.55 million years) suggests a high rate of allozyme change between the two lineages on S?o Miguel. This may be related to population isolation and bottlenecks caused by human and volcanic activity on S?o Miguel in relatively recent times. This is more prominent in the eastern region where populations are also characterised by reduced genetic variation (loss of alleles and heterozygosity) compared to populations elsewhere.  相似文献   

The correlation between genetic variation and recombination rate was investigated in a structured mouse population. Nucleotide sequence data from 19 autosomal DNA loci from eight inbred strains of mouse (Mus musculus) sampled from three major subspecies were analyzed. The recombination rate was estimated from the comparison of genetic and physical map distances between markers flanking a 10-cM region of each locus. The strains were categorized into four groups (subpopulations) based on geography. By partitioning the genetic diversity into within-group and among-group variation, we detected a positive correlation between the recombination rate and nucleotide diversity within groups. The level of nucleotide differentiation among groups (G(ST)) showed a negative correlation with the rate of recombination. There was no significant correlation between recombination rate and nucleotide diversity when data from different subpopulations were pooled. No correlation was detected between recombination rate and nucleotide divergence of M. musculus and M. spicilegus. These patterns deviate from the strict neutral expectation under the constant nucleotide substitution rate, and they are likely to have been formed either by a hitchhiking effect of positively selected mutants or by background selection of deleterious mutants occurring in a subdivided population. Our series of comparisons show that because a real population always has some structure, incorporation of its information is important in detecting non-neutral evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of genetic drift on the genetic structure of seven Irish populations was investigated using anthropometric data collected during the 1890s on 259 adult males. These populations ranged in size from 769 to 3757, were relatively stable over time, and were located within 119 km of one another. Two populations are known to have experienced considerable English admixture. Data on ten anthropometric variables (three body measures and seven craniofacial measures) were adjusted for age and used to compute a relationship (R) matrix. The R matrix was converted into a distance measure and compared with a potential genetic drift distance measure, defined as (1/Ni + 1/Nj), where Ni and Nj are the effective population sizes of groups i and j (derivation of this formula is presented). Distances were rank-transformed, and the correlation between their pairwise elements was computed using matrix permutation methods to assess significance. Under the hypothesis that drift affects anthropometric variation, these correlations are expected to be positive. The correlation between anthropometric distance and potential genetic drift distance is 0.123, which is not significantly different from 0 (P = 0.368). When a multiple regression model is used to adjust for geographic distance and English admixture, the partial correlation (0.369) is significant (p = 0.021). As part of further analysis of the genetic structure of these populations, the same analyses were repeated using a distance matrix derived from surname frequencies. The correlation of surname distance and potential genetic drift distance is 0.164, which is not significant (p = 0.264). When the multiple regression model is applied, the correlation is 0.401, which is borderline significant (p = 0.055). These results show the influence of genetic drift, local migration, and admixture on Irish population structure.  相似文献   

Selective breeding often produces an improvement in phenotype. Much of the phenotypic change within a species is a consequence of genetic variation. However, there is growing evidence for phenotypic change even in the absence of DNA sequence polymorphisms, termed epigenetic variation. This study’s goal was to investigate the genetic and epigenetic variation in the mass selection populations of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), determine if any correlation exists between the genetic and epigenetic variations. This can serve as a first step in investigating the potential role epigenetic variations have in selective breeding. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism methodology were used to monitor genetic and epigenetic variation in two populations (the base stock and the third selected generation) from a mass selection line in the Pacific oyster. The correlation between genetic and epigenetic variation was evaluated by Co-Inertia Analysis. The genetic difference was mainly found in the gene frequency shift revealed by the F ST value (0.0151, P < 0.01) and no significant reduction in genetic diversity was detected. The percentage of methylation in C. gigas was 26.4 %. No significant difference was observed on the average state of methylation, but a few bands showed different frequencies between the two populations. Co-Inertia Analysis revealed a significant association between the genetic and epigenetic profiles (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Genetic variability and drift load in populations of an aquatic snail   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Population genetic theory predicts that in small populations, random genetic drift will fix and accumulate slightly deleterious mutations, resulting in reduced reproductive output. This genetic load due to random drift (i.e., drift load) can increase the extinction risk of small populations. We studied the relationship between genetic variability (indicator of past population size) and reproductive output in eight isolated, natural populations of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis . In a common laboratory environment, snails from populations with the lowest genetic variability mature slower and have lower fecundity than snails from genetically more variable populations. This result suggests that past small population size has resulted in increased drift load, as predicted. The relationship between genetic variability and reproductive output is independent of the amount of nonrandom mating within populations. However, reproductive output and the current density of snails in the populations were not correlated. Instead, data from the natural populations suggest that trematode parasites may determine, at least in part, population densities of the snails.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in sexual and clonal lineages of a freshwater snail   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sexual reproduction within natural populations of most plants and animals continues to remain an enigma in evolutionary biology. That the enigma persists is not for lack of testable hypotheses but rather because of the lack of suitable study systems in which sexual and asexual females coexist. Here we review our studies on one such organism, the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray). We also present new data that bear on hypotheses for the maintenance of sex and its relationship to clonal diversity. We have found that sexual populations of the snail are composed of diploid females and males, while clonal populations are composed of a high diversity of triploid apomictic females. Sexual and asexual individuals coexist in stable frequencies in many ‘mixed’ populations; genetic data indicate that clones from these mixed populations originated from the local population of sexual individuals without interspecific hybridization. Field data show that clonal and sexual snails have completely overlapping life histories, but individual clonal genotypes are less variable than individuals from the sympatric sexual population. Field data also show segregation of clones among depth‐specific habitat zones within a lake, but clonal diversity remains high even within habitats. A new laboratory experiment revealed extensive clonal variation in reproductive rate, a result which suggests that clonal diversity would be low in nature without some form of frequency‐dependent selection. New results from a long‐term field study of a natural, asexual population reveal that clonal diversity remained nearly constant over a 10‐year period. Nonetheless, clonal turnover occurs, and it occurs in a manner that is consistent with parasite‐mediated, frequency‐dependent selection. Reciprocal cross‐infection experiments have further shown that parasites are more infective to sympatric host snails than to allopatric snails, and that they are also more infective to common clones than rare clones within asexual host populations. Hence we suggest that sexual reproduction in these snails may be maintained, at least in part, by locally adapted parasites. Parasite‐mediated selection possibly also contributes to the maintenance of local clonal diversity within habitats, while clonal selection may be responsible for the distribution of clones among habitats. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 79 , 165–181.  相似文献   

A diffusion approximation is obtained for the frequency of a selected allele in a population comprised of many subpopulations or demes. The form of the diffusion is equivalent to that for an unstructured population, except that it occurs on a longer time scale when migration among demes is restricted. This many-demes diffusion limit relies on the collection of demes always being in statistical equilibrium with respect to migration and drift for a given allele frequency in the total population. Selection is assumed to be weak, in inverse proportion to the number of demes, and the results hold for any deme sizes and migration rates greater than zero. The distribution of allele frequencies among demes is also described.  相似文献   

Cherry JL  Wakeley J 《Genetics》2003,163(1):421-428
The population-genetic consequences of population structure are of great interest and have been studied extensively. An area of particular interest is the interaction among population structure, natural selection, and genetic drift. At first glance, different results in this area give very different impressions of the effect of population subdivision on effective population size (N(e)), suggesting that no single value of N(e) can completely characterize a structured population. Results presented here show that a population conforming to Wright's island model of subdivision with genic selection can be related to an idealized panmictic population (a Wright-Fisher population). This equivalent panmictic population has a larger size than the actual population; i.e., N(e) is larger than the actual population size, as expected from many results for this type of population structure. The selection coefficient in the equivalent panmictic population, referred to here as the effective selection coefficient (s(e)), is smaller than the actual selection coefficient (s). This explains how the fixation probability of a selected allele can be unaffected by population subdivision despite the fact that subdivision increases N(e), for the product N(e)s(e) is not altered by subdivision.  相似文献   

Morphological variation is often attributed to differential adaptations to diverse habitats, but adaptations to a similar environment do not necessarily result in similar phenotypes. Adaptations for water and heat budget are crucial for organisms living in arid habitats, and in snails, variation in shell morphology has been frequently attributed to selection by stressful environmental factors. However, their phenotypic divergence often is not accompanied by a relevant niche differentiation and consistent relationships with environmental correlates are lacking. In the pulmonate genus Albinaria, there is great size and shape variation between and within species, and there are two major shell sculpture morphotypes, ribbed and smooth. We used 62 populations of 28 Albinaria species, taking into account their phylogeny, to examine the variation of shell traits (sculpture, size, shape), their effect on water and heat budget, and their association with geographical and climatic gradients. We found unambiguous size and shape discrimination between the two morphotypes. Ribbed shells are lighter, taller, and slimmer and have a smaller aperture than the smooth ones. Moreover, significant correlations between shell traits and heat/moisture budget and climate/geography were revealed. Ribbed and taller shells retain more water on their shell surface, and on the other hand, smooth shells exhibit lower water permeability. Therefore, two strategies are being used to prevent water loss, active retention or resistance to loss. Consequently, different alternative solutions evolved and were retained as responses to the same stressful factor by the two distinct shell morphotypes. Larger shells occur in southern latitudes, mostly on islands, and at sites where there is a shortage of rainfall. Therefore, the variation of the examined traits is nonrandom with respect to location and to climate and their evolution can be attributed to selection by environmental factors, with water availability being the key driving agent of body-size variation.  相似文献   

Summary Many empirical studies demonstrate some degree of genetic differentiation among populations of the same species. Understanding the relative importance of the processes causing this genetic differentiation has proven to be a difficult task. In particular, population differentiation can be influenced primarily by selection, genetic drift, and migration. We review the effect of drift and migration on patterns of genetic variation, with special reference to the conditions necessary for population differentiation. Conceptually, selection may be implicated in cases of population differentiation if the effect of drift and migration can be shown to be insufficient to cause the observed patterns. We examine some of the pitfalls of this approach when used with allozyme data, and revise a previous conclusion concerning the relative importance of selection in poulations of scale insects.  相似文献   

J H Underwood 《Social biology》1991,38(1-2):113-126
Analyses of vital data derived from a family record register for the native population of Guam reveal significant variations in births, deaths, and marriages over the period 1901-41. Although lacking marked photoperiod or temperature changes of temperate zones, the tropical island is subject to marked seasonal differences in rainfall characteristic of western Pacific islands. Marital patterns exhibit troughs associated respectively with the Lenten period and with Christmas celebrations. Infant and childhood deaths show close correspondence with rainfall patterns, consistently exceeding expected values during the rainy season (July-November) when conditions are optimal for the spread of communicable and gastrointestinal diseases. Births attain a peak in November, or at the beginning of the more advantageous season for infant health and survival. Seasonality in vital events, reported for many Euroamerican and some African and Asian populations of modern and historical periods, has rarely been documented for native populations of the tropical Pacific. Comparisons of differences in these patterns among different populations in varied environments provide unique opportunities to evaluate causal models of interactions among biological, sociocultural, and physioenvironmental factors.  相似文献   

Le Corre V  Kremer A 《Genetics》2003,164(3):1205-1219
Genetic variability in a subdivided population under stabilizing and diversifying selection was investigated at three levels: neutral markers, QTL coding for a trait, and the trait itself. A quantitative model with additive effects was used to link genotypes to phenotypes. No physical linkage was introduced. Using an analytical approach, we compared the diversity within deme (H(S)) and the differentiation (F(ST)) at the QTL with the genetic variance within deme (V(W)) and the differentiation (Q(ST)) for the trait. The difference between F(ST) and Q(ST) was shown to depend on the relative amounts of covariance between QTL within and between demes. Simulations were used to study the effect of selection intensity, variance of optima among demes, and migration rate for an allogamous and predominantly selfing species. Contrasting dynamics of the genetic variability at markers, QTL, and trait were observed as a function of the level of gene flow and diversifying selection. The highest discrepancy among the three levels occurred under highly diversifying selection and high gene flow. Furthermore, diversifying selection might cause substantial heterogeneity among QTL, only a few of them showing allelic differentiation, while the others behave as neutral markers.  相似文献   

Genetic drift and estimation of effective population size   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Nei M  Tajima F 《Genetics》1981,98(3):625-640
The statistical properties of the standardized variance of gene frequency changes (a quantity equivalent to Wright's inbreeding coefficient) in a random mating population are studied, and new formulae for estimating the effective population size are developed. The accuracy of the formulae depends on the ratio of sample size to effective size, the number of generations involved (t), and the number of loci or alleles used. It is shown that the standardized variance approximately follows the chi(2) distribution unless t is very large, and the confidence interval of the estimate of effective size can be obtained by using this property. Application of the formulae to data from an isolated population of Dacus oleae has shown that the effective size of this population is about one tenth of the minimum census size, though there was a possibility that the procedure of sampling genes was improper.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in selection can be generated by temporal variation in either the fitness surface or phenotypic distributions around a static fitness surface, or both concurrently. Here, we use within- and between-generation sampling of fitness surfaces and phenotypic distributions over 2 years to investigate the causes of temporal variation in the form of sexual selection on body size in the damselfly Enallagma aspersum. Within a year, when the average female body size differed substantially from the average male body size, male body size experienced directional selection. In contrast, when male and female size distributions overlapped, male body size experienced stabilizing selection when variances in body size were large, but no appreciable selection when the variances in body size were small. The causes of temporal variation in the form of selection can only be inferred by accounting for changes in both the fitness surface and changes in the distribution of phenotypes.  相似文献   

The radiation of Partula land snails has produced a large array of distinct morphological, ecological and behavioural types occupying many tropical volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. Within the Society Islands of French Polynesia, the mode of evolution is thought to have involved a single colonization event on each island, with later speciation occurring largely in situ. The present study examines genetic variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene among taxa within the Society Island archipelago. Levels of intraspecific variation are found to be high, but variation among species is sometimes small. Mitochondrial variants do not always cluster according to island and some species are found to be polyphyletic in the cytochrome b tree, despite other morphological and molecular evidence that strongly supports their monophyly. A possible explanation for the polyphyly of species is that different variants are derived from ancestral mitochondrial polymorphisms that have been retained despite speciation events. Although it is possible that there has been some gene flow among islands, the distribution of mitochondrial lineages across islands strongly indicates that their origins predate the colonization of the islands in the study, and that they are very unlikely to have evolved entirely in situ.  相似文献   

Platt  Thomas  Spitze  Ken 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):191-196
We assayed a subtropical population of Daphnia ambigua for genetic variation using protein electrophoresis (9 loci) and quantitative genetics approaches (life history characters). Our goal was to obtain information about relative levels of variation in a subtropical population, and compare them with extensive previous studies in the temperate and arctic zones. The observed level of allozymic variation (H = 0.11) was consistent with those previously observed in other temperate zone Daphnia populations. However, variation for quantitative traits (heritability) was lower than typically observed in previously-studied temperate populations: estimates were not statistically different from zero. Because allozyme heterozygosity was consistent with previous temperate zone estimates, and the polymorphic allozyme loci did not depart from the expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, we concluded that a period of clonal selection was the most likely explanation for the low heritabilities observed. We do not conclude that this study provides evidence to suggest that subtropical populations harbor lower levels of genetic variation because of their location.  相似文献   

Although many studies confirm long-term small isolated populations (e.g. island endemics) commonly sustain low neutral genetic variation as a result of genetic drift, it is less clear how selection on adaptive or detrimental genes interplay with random forces. We investigated sequence variation at two major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class II loci on a porpoise endemic to the upper Gulf of California, México (Phocoena sinus, or vaquita). Its unique declining population is estimated around 500 individuals. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis revealed one putative functional allele fixed at the locus DQB (n = 25). At the DRB locus, we found two presumed functional alleles (n = 29), differing by a single nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution that could increase the stability at the dimer interface of alphabeta-heterodimers on heterozygous individuals. Identical trans-specific DQB1 and DRB1 alleles were identified between P. sinus and its closest relative, the Burmeister's porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis). Comparison with studies on four island endemic mammals suggests fixation of one allele, due to genetic drift, commonly occurs at the DQA or DQB loci (effectively neutral). Similarly, deleterious alleles of small effect are also effectively neutral and can become fixed; a high frequency of anatomical malformations on vaquita gave empirical support to this prediction. In contrast, retention of low but functional polymorphism at the DRB locus was consistent with higher selection intensity. These observations indicated natural selection could maintain (and likely also purge) some crucial alleles even in the face of strong and prolonged genetic drift and inbreeding, suggesting long-term small populations should display low inbreeding depression. Low levels of Mhc variation warn about a high susceptibility to novel pathogens and diseases in vaquita.  相似文献   

Although there have many studies of the population genetical consequences of environmental variation, little is known about the combined effects of genetic drift and fluctuating selection in structured populations. Here we use diffusion theory to investigate the effects of temporally and spatially varying selection on a population of haploid individuals subdivided into a large number of demes. Using a perturbation method for processes with multiple time scales, we show that as the number of demes tends to infinity, the overall frequency converges to a diffusion process that is also the diffusion approximation for a finite, panmictic population subject to temporally fluctuating selection. We find that the coefficients of this process have a complicated dependence on deme size and migration rate, and that changes in these demographic parameters can determine both the balance between the dispersive and stabilizing effects of environmental variation and whether selection favors alleles with lower or higher fitness variance.  相似文献   



Many groups of land snails show great interspecific diversity in shell ornamentation, which may include spines on the shell and flanges on the aperture. Such structures have been explained as camouflage or defence, but the possibility that they might be under sexual selection has not previously been explored.  相似文献   

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