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Larval Xenopus laevis at stage 56 (Nieuwkoop and Faber, '56) were subjected to various types of lentectomy: (1) simple lentectomy, from the pupillary space after incision of outer and inner cornea; (2) lentectomy from the dorsal region of the eye; (3) lentectomy from the dorsal region of the eye and simultaneous incision of the outer cornea; (4) lentectomy from the dorsal region of the eye and simultaneous incision of the outer and inner cornea. The results obtained show that the outer cornea underwent lens-forming transformations only when the inner cornea had been incised, thus permitting outer cornea (Experiments I-IV). No lens regeneration occurred when the inner cornea was left intact (Experiments II, III). It was concluded that the factor(s) allowing the lens-forming transformations of the outer cornea is not an aspecific nutritional factor(s) but a more specific factor(s) that cannot reach the outer cornea when the inner cornea is intact. Therefore, the absence of the lens and sufficient nutrient available to the outer cornea are not enough to allow lens regeneration from the outer cornea. When lens removal was carried out through the dorsal part of the eye (Experiments III-IV) the lens regenerated from the pericorneal epidermis of this region in a large number of cases.  相似文献   

After lentectomy through the pupillary hole, the outer cornea of larval Xenopus laevis can undergo transdifferentiation to regenerate a new lens. This process is elicited by inductive factor(s) produced by the neural retina and accumulated into the vitreous chamber. During embryogenesis, the outer cornea develops from the outer layer of the presumptive lens ectoderm (PLE) under the influence of the eye cup and the lens. In this study, we investigated whether the capacity of the outer cornea to regenerate a lens is the result of early inductive signals causing lens-forming bias and lens specification of the PLE, or late inductive signals causing cornea formation or both signals. Fragments of larval epidermis or cornea developed from ectoderm that had undergone only one kind of inductive signals, or both kinds of signals, or none of them, were implanted into the vitreous chamber of host larvae. The regeneration potential and the lens-forming transformations of the implants were tested using an antisense probe for pax6 as an earlier marker of lens formation and a monoclonal antibody anti-lens as a definitive indicator of lens cell differentiation. Results demonstrated that the capacity of the larval outer cornea to regenerate a lens is the result of both early and late inductive signals and that either early inductive signals alone or late inductive signals alone can elicit this capacity.  相似文献   

采用组织学方法观察了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus) 眼的发生过程, 结果显示: 胭脂鱼眼的发育经历了眼原基形成期、眼囊形成期、视杯形成期、晶体板形成期、晶体囊形成期、角膜原基形成期、角膜上皮形成期、视网膜细胞增殖期、晶状体成熟期、眼色素形成期以及眼成型期等11个时期。视网膜发育最早, 起始于眼原基的形成, 直至眼成型期分化完成, 形成了厚度不一的8层细胞, 由内向外依次为神经纤维层、神经细胞层、内网层、内核层、外网层、外核层、视杆视锥层和色素上皮层, 且发育历时最长, 约264h。晶状体的发育在视网膜之后, 始于晶体板的形成, 于出膜前期成熟, 发育历时最短, 约74h。角膜发育最晚, 始于角膜原基的形成, 出膜1 d分化为透明的成熟角膜, 发育历时约96h。出膜4 d仔鱼眼色素沉积明显, 视网膜各层分化明显, 晶状体内部完全纤维化, 眼的形态结构基本发育完全。  相似文献   

Previously, the only anuran amphibians known to have the capacity to regenerate a lens after lentectomy were Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. This regeneration process occurs during the larval life through transdifferentiation of the outer cornea promoted by inductive factors produced by the retina and accumulated inside the vitreous chamber. However, the capacity of X. tropicalis to regenerate a lens is much lower than that of X. laevis. This study demonstrates that Xenopus borealis, a species more closely related to X. laevis than to X. tropicalis, is not able to regenerate a lens after lentectomy. Nevertheless, some morphological modifications corresponding to the first stages of lens regeneration in X. laevis were observed in the outer cornea of X. borealis. This suggested that in X borealis the regeneration process was blocked at early stages. Results from histological analysis of X. borealis and X. laevis lentectomized eyes and from implantation of outer cornea fragments into the vitreous and anterior chambers demonstrated that: (i) in X. borealis eye, the lens-forming competence in the outer cornea and inductive factors in the vitreous chamber are both present, (ii) no inhibiting factors are present in the anterior chamber, the environment where lens regeneration begins, (iii) the inability of X. borealis to regenerate a lens after lentectomy is due to an inhibiting action exerted by the inner cornea on the spreading of the retinal factor from the vitreous chamber towards the outer cornea. This mechanical inhibition is assured by two distinctive features of X. borealis eye in comparison with X. laevis eye: (i) a weaker and slower response to the retinal inducer by the outer cornea; (ii) a stronger and faster healing of the inner cornea. Unlike X. tropicalis and similar to X. laevis, in X. borealis the competence to respond to the retinal factor is not restricted to the corneal epithelium but also extends to the pericorneal epidermis.  相似文献   

The lentectomized eye of larval Xenopus laevis can regenerate a lens by a process of lens-transdifferentiation of the cornea and pericorneal epidermis. These tissues can form the lens only when they become in direct communication with the environment of the vitreous chamber (neural retina) indicating that the eye cup plays a fundamental role in this process.
In this work the role of the eye cup in the maintainance of the lens-forming capacity of the cornea and pericorneal epidermis was studied by allowing these tissues to cover the enucleated orbit for different periods, and then implanting them into the vitreous chamber of the contralateral eye. Under these experimental conditions the maintainance of the lens-forming capacity of the cornea and pericorneal epidermis showed no significant correlation with the time from enucleation to implantation.  相似文献   

In larval X. laevis the capacity to regenerate a lens under the influence of inductive factors present in the vitreous chamber is restricted to the outer cornea and pericorneal epidermis (Lentogenic Area, LA). However, in early embryos, the whole ectoderm is capable of responding to inductive factors of the larval eye forming lens cells. In a previous paper, Cannata et al. (2003) demonstrated that the persistence of lens-forming competence in the LA is the result of early signals causing lens-forming bias in the presumptive LA and of late signals from the eye causing cornea development. This paper analyzes 1) the decrease of the lens-forming capacity in ectodermal regions both near LA (head epidermis) and far from LA (flank epidermis) during development, 2) the capacity of the head epidermis and flank epidermis to respond to lens-competence promoting factors released by an eye transplanted below these epidermal regions, and 3) the eye components responsible for the promoting effect of the transplanted eye. Results were obtained by implanting fragments of ectoderm or epidermis into the vitreous chamber of host tadpoles and by evaluating the percentage of implants positive to a monoclonal antibody anti-lens. These results demonstrated that the lens-forming competence in the flank region is lost at the embryonic stage 30/31 and is weakly restored by eye transplantation; however, lens-forming competence in the head region is lost at the larval stage 48 and is strongly restored by eye transplantation. The authors hypothesize that during development the head ectoderm outside the LA is attained by low levels of the same signals that attain the LA and that these signals are responsible for the maintenance of lens-forming competence in the cornea and pericorneal epidermis of the larva. In this hypothesis, low levels of these signals slacken the decrease of the lens-forming competence in the head ectoderm and make the head epidermis much more responsive than the flank epidermis to the effect of promoting factors released by a transplanted eye. Results obtained after transplantation of eyes deprived of some components indicate that the lens and the retina are the main source of these promoting factors. The immunohistochemical detection of the FGFR-2 (bek variant) protein in the epidermis of stage 53 larvae submitted to eye transplantation at stage 46 showed that the eye transplantation increased the level of FGFR-2 protein in the head epidermis but not in the flank epidermis, indicating that the lens-forming competence in X. laevis epidermis could be related to the presence of an activated FGF receptor system in the responding tissue.  相似文献   

东方扁虾精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用电镜研究了东方扁虾(Thenus orientalis)精子的形态和结构。精子由核、膜复合物区和顶体区3部分组成。核内含非浓缩的染色质、微管及细纤维丝,外被核膜;5~6条辐射臂自核部位伸出,臂内充满微管。膜复合物区位于核与顶体之间,由许多膜片层结构及其衍生的囊泡共同组成。顶体区由顶体囊和围顶体物质组成,顶体结构复杂,由顶体帽、内顶体物质和外顶体物质等构成;围顶体物质呈细颗粒状,主要分布于顶体囊  相似文献   

Anuran amphibians can regenerate the retina through differentiation of stem cells in the ciliary marginal zone and through transdifferentiation of the retinal pigmented epithelium. By contrast, the regeneration of the lens has been demonstrated only in larvae of species belonging to the Xenopus genus, where the lens regenerates through transdifferentiation of the outer cornea. Retinal pigmented epithelium to neural retina and outer cornea to lens transdifferentiation processes are triggered and sustained by signaling molecules belonging to the family of the fibroblast growth factor. Both during retina and lens regeneration there is a re-activation of many of the genes which are activated during development of the eye, even though the spatial and temporal pattern of gene expression is not a simple repetition of that found in development.  相似文献   

The time course of appearance and distribution of fibronectin in the developing eye have been studied in chick embryos by indirect immunofluorescence. At the 12-somite stage, fibronectin was detected as a layer under the ectodermal cells overlying the forebrain vesicle; it was also present in the head mesenchyme. During formation of the lens placode and its invagination, a zone containing fibronectin persisted around the lens as a component of the capsule. The fibronectin-containing layer was separated from the corneal epithelial cells during the formation of the acellular stroma. The migrating corneal endothelial cells were seen posterior to the fibronectin layer. The secondary stroma was strongly positive for fibronectin. Fibronectin disappeared from the cornea starting from its posterior part along with the corneal condensation. In the newborn chicken cornea, fibronectin was present only in Descemet's membrane. In addition, the embryonic vitreous body had a network of fibronectin-containing material. The distribution of fibronectin in the developing cornea, as well as other data available on this glycoprotein, is consistent with the proposed role of fibronectin in positioning and migration of cells and in organization of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The role of cell death during morphogenesis of the mammalian eye   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Serial sections of embryonic rat eyes were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, quantified (by counting pycnotic and viable nuclei), reproduced by camera lucida on wax plates, and moulded into reconstructions in order to study the normal progression of cellular death during morphogenesis. At least nine distinct necrotic loci (A through I) can be distinguished. Immediately following contact between the retina and surface ectoderm (day 11) degenerating cells were observed in (A) the ventral extent of the optic vesicle, beginning in the mid-retinal primordium and continuing ventrally in the optic stalk, (B) in the rostral optic stalk base, and (C) in the surface ectoderm encircling the early lens placode. No degeneration was observed in the dorsal half of the presumptive retina, in the entire pigment epithelium, or in the lens placode proper. During day 11.5 the lens placode thickens and forms a degenerating locus (D) in its ventral portion opposite the underlying pycnotic zone in the retina (A). During day 12 the ventral pycnotic zone (A) divides into two subunits (A1 and A2). Invagination of the lens displaces its marginal and ventral components (C and D) so that they come to occupy the lens pore area and presumptive corneal epithelium. Simultaneous invagination of the retinal rudiment juxtaposes the pigment epithelium which concurrently forms a necrotic area (E) adjacent ventrally to that in the retina (A1). Degeneration appears in the caudal optic stalk (I). The density of viable cells decreases adjacent to pycnotic areas in the retina and pigment epithelium and increases within these death centers. During day 13 the optic fissure forms within the subunits of the ventral pycnotic zone (A1 and A2). Degenerations are seen in the dorsal optic stalk (F) and in the walls of the optic fissure (G and H). Throughout these stages necrosis appears only in those portions of the eye rudiment where invagination is either retarded or completely absent. In part, these observations suggest that cell death serves (1) to retard or inhibit invagination within death centers, (2) to integrate the series of invaginations which mould the dorsal optic cup and optic fissure, (3) to assist formation of the pigment epithelium monolayer, and (4) to orient the lens vesicle within the eye cup. The spatio-temporal relationship between necrotic loci suggests that pycnotic cells in the retina may influence their production in the lens and pigment epithelium. Preliminary observations on the mouse, pig, and human substantiate those on the rat.  相似文献   

Transdifferentiation of ocular tissues in larval Xenopus laevis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transdifferentiation phenomena offer a useful opportunity to study experimentally the mechanisms on which cell phenotypic stability depends. The capacities of vertebrate eye tissues to reprogram cell differentiation are well known in avian and mammalian embryos, and in larval and adult newt. From research into the capacity of anuran eye tissues to reprogram differentiation into a new pathway, considerable data have accumulated concerning the transdifferentiative capacities of eye tissues in larval Xenopus laevis. This work reviews the data concerning the transdifferentiative phenomena of eye tissues in that species and, based on these, aims to establish the extent of our knowledge about the mechanism controlling these processes. In larval Xenopus laevis the outer cornea can regenerate a lens by a lens-transdifferentiation process triggered and substained by a factor(s), probably of a protein nature, produced by the neural retina. In a normal eye phenotypic stability of the outer cornea is guaranteed by the presence of the inner cornea and lens, which prevent the spread of retinal factor(s). The stimulus for lens transdifferentiation of the outer cornea can be supplied by other tissues as well, but this capacity is not widely distributed. The iris and retinal pigmented epithelium can transdifferentiate into neural retina if isolated from the surrounding tissues and implanted in the vitreous chamber. As for lens transdifferentiation of the outer cornea, retinal transdifferentiation of the iris can be stimulated by certain nonocular tissues as well.  相似文献   

In this study we extend the mouse Pax6 mutant allelic series to include a homozygous and hemizygous viable hypomorph allele. The Pax6(132-14Neu) allele is a Phe272Ile missense mutation within the third helix of the homeodomain. The mutant Pax6 homeodomain shows greatly reduced binding activity to the P3 DNA binding target. Glucagon-promoter activation by the entire mutant Pax6 product of a reporter gene driven by the G1 paired and homeodomain DNA binding target was slightly increased. We constructed mutant Pax6 genotypes such that Pax6 activity ranged between 100 and 0% and show that the extent of eye development is progressively reduced as Pax6 activity decreased. Two apparent thresholds identify three groups in which the extent of eye development abruptly shifted from complete eye at the highest levels of Pax6 to a rudimentary eye at intermediate levels of Pax6 to very early termination of eye development at the lowest levels of Pax6. Of the two Pax6-positive regions that participate in eye development, the surface ectoderm, which develops into the lens vesicle and the cornea, is more sensitive to reduced levels of Pax6 activity than the optic vesicle, which develops into the inner and outer retinal layers.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study was made of the spore envelope during development in the microsporidan, Thelohania bracteata. The frozen-etched outer (convex) face of the relatively thin spore coat in the earliest immature stage of development has a granular structure in regular array. The inner (concave) face bears particles as well as depressions arranged in a net-like pattern. The mature spore coat has a substructure of numerous microfibers, ~8 nm in diameter, arranged in a matrix and forming thin layers which run parallel to the spore surface. The mature spore coat possesses both outer and inner limiting layers. The outer (convex) face of the outer limiting layer is granular. The convex face of inner limiting layer bears many particles as well as many long, narrow depressions. The concave face of the inner limiting layer carries many stud-like projections, ~40 nm long and 30 nm high, which are complementary to the depressions observed on the convex face. In addition, the concave face has subunits ~15 nm in diameter, apparently arranged in a hexagonal pattern with a center to center distance of ~18 nm. The change in size of these projections, depressions, and subunits presumably is related to spore maturation.  相似文献   

The course of the statoblast formation in Pectinatella gelatinosa was divided into four stages and studied histologically and histochemically. The bottom of the cystigenous cup is a center of cystigenous cell differentiation and the peripheral zone of the inner cystigenous layer turns to the outer cystigenous layer as the cystigenous cup grows. The annulus is formed by migration and transformation of the outer cystigenous cells. During early stages, the yolk cells have an intensely pyroninophilic or RNA-rich cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic pyroninophilia then diminishes as the amount of yolk granules increases. Several kinds of yolk substances occur in the mature statoblast. During statoblast formation glycogen appears first, then glycoprotein and finally neutral unsaturated lipid. Acid phosphatase activity is associated with granular structures in the cytoplasm. In the cystigenous vesicle, acid phosphatase activity is low and confined to the apical extremity of the cell. Histochemically detectable alkaline phosphatase activity is not involved in the formation of the statoblast.  相似文献   

The tentacular epidermis of the black coral Antipathes aperta is organized into three distinct regions, containing at least nine different types of cells. The outermost region is dominated by spirocytes along with two types of nematocytes, organized into discrete wart-like batteries. The two nematocyte types both contain microbasic b-mastigophore nematocysts. The outer boundary of the wart is marked by the presence of both spumous and vesicular mucus cells. The ciliation of the wart is contributed principally by the spirocytes. Warts are enveloped and separated from one another by an unusual neurosensory cell complex that extends from the tentacular surface to the mesogleal connective tissue foundation. Funnel-like, flagellated cells composing the complex connect with ganglion cells composing the dominant portion of the nerve net system. Branches of this complex also penetrate the central portion of the wart, making direct contact with the cnidae. The tentacular mid-region is composed of nematocytes and spirocytes in various stages of maturation, along with epitheliomuscular cell (EMC) somata. The EMC's narrow apically extend toward the tentacle surface, forming contacts with the cnidae. The basal end of the EMC expands to form the larger portion of the tentacular musculature. The inner region of tentacular epidermis is marked by a neuromuscular complex sheathed by extensions of mesoglea. The ganglion cells occur as a plexus deep within the tentacle and form polarized junctions with the EMC's, but neuromuscular synapses are not well enough defined for documentation. Polarized synapses lacking well-defined membrane thickenings characterize the interneuronal junctions. Granular cells lining the mesogleal surface appear to be responsible for mesogleal fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

SKENE  D. S. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):493-512
An apple fruit may be treated as approximately spherical, butallometric analysis shows that its growth is far from uniformlydistributed throughout its tissues. Along the fruit axis, longitudinal(i.e. lengthwise) growth is most rapid at the eye end and slowestat the stalk end, and in each region is slower than transversegrowth in the equatorial zone (i.e. growth in diameter). Onthe surface of the fruit cheek longitudinal growth is most rapidin the equatorial region and slower at the stalk and eye ends;growth at the eye end is slightly slower than at the stalk end.Near the equator, longitudinal growth of the cheek is also fasterthan latitudinal growth, despite the slower growth in over-allfruit length. In the transverse plane at the equator, growthis initially much faster in the cortex (the outer tissues) thanin the pith (the inner tissues). Later, about one month afterblossom, there is practically no difference in the growth-ratesof the cortex and pith. The change in the relative transverse growth-rates of the cortexand pith occurs at about the same time as cell division in thecortex stops, and at this time also there is an increase inthe rate of expansion of the air-spaces, relative to growthin fruit diameter. Other aspects of growth, such as growth inover-all length or weight, both relative to fruit diameter,do not appear to change in any way when cell division stops. Cell division in the epidermis continues for a longer time thanin the cortex, and accounts for a greater proportion of tissuegrowth. Allometric analysis of growth in cell size shows thatcell division in the epidermis stops when the fruit is about45 mm in diameter, or about 65–70 days after blossom.The same data show that in the stalk and eye cavities, longitudinalgrowth of the cheek is substantially faster than latitudinalgrowth.  相似文献   

 The tentacular apparatus of Coeloplana bannworthi consists of a pair of tentacles which bear, on their ventral side, numerous tentilla. Each tentacle extends from and retracts into a tentacular sheath. Tentacles and tentilla are made up of an axial core covered by an epidermis. The epidermis includes six cell types: covering cells, two types of gland cells (mucous cells and granular gland cells), two types of sensory cells (ciliated cells and hoplocytes), and collocytes, this last cell type being exclusively found in the tentilla. The core is made up of a fibrillar matrix, the mesoglea, which is crossed by nerve processes and two kinds of smooth muscle cells. Regular muscle cells are present in both the tentacles and tentilla while giant muscle cells occur exclusively in the tentilla. The retraction of the tentacular apparatus is an active phenomenon due to the contraction of both types of muscle cells. The extension is a passive phenomenon that occurs when the muscle cells relax. Tentacles and tentilla first extend slightly due to the rebound elasticity of the mesogleal fibers and then drag forces exerted by the water column enable the tentacular apparatus to lengthen totally. Once the tentacles and tentilla are extended, gland cells, sensory cells, and collocytes are exposed to the water column. Any swimming planktonic organism may stimulate the sensory cilia which initiates tentillum movements. Pegs of hoplocytes can then more easily contact the prey which results in a slight elevation of the nearby collocytes, the last being responsible for gluing the prey to the tentilla. Accepted: 1 April 1997  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):451-457

A new species, Notothylas himalayensis Udar et Singh is described from India. The species is remarkable in usually having erect plants with radially symmetrical basal stalk. Of particular significance is the presence of sinuate or nodulose radial wall thickenings in the epidermal cells of the capsule wall, usually with an additional plate-like thickening extending to transverse and outer tangential walls. The plants are further characterised by the presence of tetrahedral as well as tetragonal spore tetrads; deep brown spores with finely vermiculate exine ornamentation and a smooth or wavy flange. The vermiculae ramify to form reticulations as revealed under SEM apart from some larger lamellar structures sporadically distributed on the surface. The pseudoelaters have prominent spiral or semiannular thickening bands.  相似文献   

The ectodermal eyes, 45–55 μm in diameter, of the cnidarian hydrozoan Cladonema radiatum Dujardin possess a lens approximately 15 μm in diameter enveloped by an eyecup (retina). An overlying layer of intensely vacuolated distal process of the adjoining epithelial cells forms a transparent cornea. The eyecup is composed of three cell types: basal cells, melanin-containing pigment cells, and photoreceptor cells. The last two cell types occur in the ratio of approximately 2:1. Histogenesis of the eye both during ontogeny and regeneration is described from light and electron microscopic investigations. During ontogeny the cell types forming the retina are derived from a compact group of morphologically undifferentiated cells, but during regeneration a primordium is formed by regeneration cells. In both cases the lens is built from distal nonnucleated cytoplasmic portions pinched off from the pigment cells. The cornea is formed by distal lamellar processes of the ocellus adjoining the epithelial cells. Through EM-histochemical methods (silver impregnation and DOPA-oxidase reaction) the pigment of the chromatophores of the retina was identified as melanin.  相似文献   

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