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王强  袁兴中  刘红  庞旭  王志坚  张耀光 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1548-1558
河流生境是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,是河流生物赖以生存的基础。以位于三峡库区腹心区域的典型山区河流东河为研究对象,采用河流生境调查(RHS)方法调查河流生境,选择河流生境质量评价指数(HQA)、河流生境退化指数(HMS)评估河流生境现状,分析生境质量和人为干扰的空间分布规律。结果表明,51个河段的HQA值介于24—66之间。29.4%河段的HQA为优,29.4%为良,23.5%为中,9.8%为较差,7.8%为差。从HMS看,7.8%的河段保持较自然状态,19.6%受到轻微的破坏,41.2%退化明显,27.5%退化严重,3.9%受到剧烈破坏。HQA与HMS存在显著的负相关关系。东河上、中、下游河段的HQA无明显差异,但HMS差异显著。从干扰来源看,东河上游和中游河流生境主要受引水式小水电、沿河公路、河道采砂影响。东河下游河流生境受高强度的土地开发(农业用地、建设用地),河道采砂,河堤、排污管、桥梁等水工构筑物的修建和三峡水库水位的波动影响。RHS评价结果能较直观地反映河流生境状况,以及导致河流生境质量衰退的原因。  相似文献   

城市河流健康评价指标体系构建及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓晓军  许有鹏  翟禄新  刘娅  李艺 《生态学报》2014,34(4):993-1001
健康的城市河流既能够维持其生态系统的自然运转,又能够满足城市社会经济的正常需求,还能够为人类提供休闲娱乐的场所。基于城市河流健康的内涵,构建出包含自然生态、社会经济和景观环境等3个方面24个指标的城市河流健康评价指标体系。以漓江市区段为例,通过建立基于层次分析法的模糊综合评价模型对其进行健康评价。结果表明:漓江市区段复合生态系统的评价结果为(0.2193,0.3004,0.3261,0.1137,0.0405),处于中健康状态;其自然生态子系统、社会经济子系统和景观环境子系统的健康状态分别为中、优和良;水量、防洪能力、鱼类多样性指数和底栖动物多样性是漓江市区段健康的主要影响因素。该评价指标体系可为其它城市河流的健康评价提供参考。  相似文献   

河流生态系统健康研究现状与展望——基于文献计量研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙然好  魏琳沅  张海萍  陈利顶 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3526-3536
河流生态系统健康是生态系统服务供给和流域可持续发展的基础,亟需从其内涵、影响、评价等方面进行系统归纳。运用文献计量梳理国内外文献,归纳了河流生态系统健康在河流自身、人类需求、管理目标3个方面的内涵;并从人类活动、土地利用、河流生境、水质、水量、气候变化等几个方面归纳了影响河流生态系统健康的主要因素和机理;明确了现有的河流生态系统健康评价方法,包括指示生物法、综合指标法、数学模型法等,总结了它们的优缺点和适用范围。最后,从河流生态系统健康的概念内涵、评价指标和水陆耦合等方面提出了存在的问题,建议进行流域整体的河流生态系统健康评价、跨区域的综合评价对比、多学科评价指标、河流廊道等几个方面的深入研究。  相似文献   

城镇化背景下,河流生态系统退化趋势明显,有效评价河流生境状况是修复和保护河流生态系统健康的重要基础。深圳市作为全国经济发展的窗口城市,河流生境的调查研究十分匮乏。因此,为阐明深圳市不同城镇化程度的流域河流生境的差异与主要影响因素,对深圳市两个代表性流域的河流生境展开了研究。针对深圳市河流的生境特点,于2019年丰水期(8月)和枯水期(11月)对城镇化程度较高的深圳河流域的13个样点和城镇化程度较低的坪山河流域12个样点河段的生境状况进行定量调查与评价。采用综合评价法,从河床、河道和河岸带3个方面选取10个生境指标,构建深圳市河流生境评价指标体系和评价方法。结果表明:深圳河流域河流生境质量总体较差,生境评价等级为"良"、"中"、"差"的样点河段分别占7.7%、38.5%、53.8%;坪山河流域河流生境质量总体较好,生境评价等级为"优"、"良"、"中"、"差"的样点河段分别占8.3%、41.7%、41.7%、8.3%。方差分析结果表明两次调查河流生境状况无显著性差异,短时间跨度内河流生境状况变化较小;两个流域河流生境状况差异显著,城镇化程度较低的坪山河流域河流生境质量显著好于城镇化程度较高的深圳河流域。河流生境评估指标主成分分析结果表明人类活动强度、河岸稳定性、河道变化、底质、河岸土地利用及植被多样性是影响深圳市河流生境变化的主要因子。本文对河床、河道、河岸带3个方面分别提出针对性的修复建议,对深圳市河流的生境修复和保护具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

1. Philosophically, the term ‘river health’ is useful because it is readily interpreted by the general public and evokes societal concern about human impacts on rivers. The common goal of achieving healthy rivers unites ecologists and the general public because the value of the ecologists’ contributions is clear (and, hence, funded). The difficulty arises in the choice of relevant symptoms because there is a wide variety that can be measured with varying accuracy at a broad range of spatial scales. These indicators may respond to impacts at different time scales, and no single indicator is a ‘silver bullet’ that reveals river health unequivocally. 2. In practice, choice of indicator often shows personal bias, technical considerations, and constraints of knowledge. Selection of appropriate spatial and temporal scales for these measures is crucial. Although most measurements are spot samples (e.g. concentration, abundance, species richness), assessment of river health based on changes in ecological processes such as post-disturbance recovery rate or nutrient spiralling lengths may be more suitable in some cases. 3. Problems include validation of the indicator, its response time at a range of scales, and the reliability of its measurement. Assessment of river health should be accurate, timely (warning of deterioration instead of waiting until the patient is terminal), rapid (so that the response is swift), and inexpensive. The connectedness of running waters with their floodplains and catchments must be explicitly recognized. Hydrological and geomorphological modifications of rivers usually affect their health by severing or impairing the linkages, and the ‘cure’ may lie in addressing these causes. Often, we need landscape-level data for management because this is the scale where cumulative effects of impacts are evident. 4. The prognosis is uncertain. We need to explore further the use of integrative measures of river health, and focus on establishing a link between the measure and impaired ecological integrity. Ecosystem-level variables (e.g. estimates of production or respiration) show promise and recent technological advances make these more accessible. Data analytical approaches (e.g. multimetric vs. predictive models) need further debate but must not overlook the importance of high quality and relevant input data. Appropriate choice of indicators, rigorous sampling and analysis, and careful data interpretation must be matched with effective communication to policy-makers and the public. When this occurs, the concept of ‘river health’ becomes more than just a rhetorical tool.‘  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the relationships between the physical features of rivers and the distribution of macrophyte vegetation. Field work was undertaken at 207 stations along the Scorff River and its tributaries, a salmon river system in southern Brittany (western France). The physical features were considered using a principal component analysis (PCA). Stepwise multiple regression models made it possible to assess their relationships with the botanical data. The first five axes of the physical PCA (used as explicative variables) were initially linked to the most frequently surveyed species, then to their eco-morphological types, and, finally to Arber’s (1920. Water Plants. A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 414 pp) morphological classification. It was concluded that plant morphology was closely related to these environmental factors. This could contribute to the development of predictive models for plant distribution and could increase the knowledge of reference vegetation related to bioindication systems.  相似文献   

基于B-IBI指数的温榆河生态健康评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨柳  李泳慧  王俊才  杨玉格  丁振军 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3313-3322
基于温榆河底栖动物和水质采样数据,采用底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)方法,进行温榆河生态健康评价,并探求河流水质与B-IBI指数的相关性。通过分布范围、判别能力以及相关性分析等,确定研究区B-IBI指标体系,包括总分类单元数、总生物量、优势分类单元个体相对丰度、敏感类群分类单元数、生物指数和粘附者个体丰度6个指标。根据参照点25%分位数确定温榆河底栖动物完整性评价标准,即B-IBI>1.821为健康,1.366—1.821为亚健康,0.910—1.366为一般,0.455—0.910为较差,0—0.455为极差。结果表明,温榆河27.3%河段处于健康状态,9.1%河段处于亚健康状态,13.6%河段处于一般状态,50%河段处于较差和极差状态。河流水质与B-IBI指数的相关系数为-0.549,表明生物指标作为水体评价的补充指标十分必要。  相似文献   

1. A full understanding of changes to river ecosystem structure and functioning along the continuum from relatively pristine to profoundly perturbed requires knowledge of physical, chemical and ecological properties at many spatial and temporal scales. Perturbations may span broad spatio-temporal scales or be spatially and temporally discrete. 2. The relevant scale for study depends on the manner in which perturbations move through two kinds of pathways – through the physical space of the catchment hierarchy and through the ecological space of river food webs. Different kinds of perturbation (e.g. inputs of sediment, nitrogen or phosphorus, changes to shading or discharge) vary in the degree and manner in which they are propagated downstream and through food webs. 3. The fundamental importance of disturbance regimes and refugia to river health is now clear and managers need to take this into account when devising river management schemes. 4. A comparison of the physics, chemistry and ecology of streams in catchments of native tussock and exotic pasture grassland in New Zealand serves to emphasize (i) the extreme complexity of interacting factors resulting from land use change, (ii) the importance of disturbance regime (not encapsulated in biotic indices) and biogeographic patterns (usually unmeasured) in determining ecosystem structure and functioning, and (iii) the lack of concordance between any single index of health and various fundamental features of ecosystem functioning. 5. Practical considerations limit most evaluations of river health to a small suite of indices, though it is important that researchers continue to evaluate the spatial, temporal and biological limitations of these indices. The vagaries of history and geography (extinction and colonization trajectories in relation to natural disturbance regimes) and the complexity of interacting physical, chemical and ecological responses to perturbation suggest that multi-scale, multi-temporal studies of river function offer the best opportunity to evaluate river health.  相似文献   

1. Knowledge of what a habitat should be like, in the absence of the effects of human activities, is fundamental to local stream habitat assessment. It has been suggested that stream habitats are influenced by large-scale catchment features. This study aimed to identify these relationships so that local-scale habitat features could be predicted from larger-scale characteristics.
2. Fifty-one reference sites from the Upper Murrumbidgee River catchment, south-eastern Australia, were classified on the basis of the local features of their stream habitat. Large-scale variables, namely catchment area, stream length, relief ratio, alkalinity, percentage of volcanic rocks, percentage of metasediments, dominant geology and dominant soil type, provided sufficient information for classifying 69% of reference sites into appropriate reference site groups.
3. A model created using these large-scale catchment variables was able to predict the local habitat features that were expected (E) to occur at a site in the absence of the effects of human activities. These were compared with observed (O) local habitat features to provide an observed-to-expected (O/E) ratio, an assessment score of the habitat at a site. The departure of this ratio from 1 enables identification of those sites that may be impacted. A list of habitat features that are expected at a site can provide targets for habitat restoration or enhancement.
4. For impacted sites, when habitat assessment from the habitat predictive model was compared with biological assessment from the Australian River Assessment System (AUSRIVAS) predictive model, it was possible to identify whether habitat degradation or water quality degradation was the cause of biological impairment. Such assessment may make it possible to identify rehabilitation goals relevant to the biota.  相似文献   

拉萨河河流健康评价指标体系构建及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为全面反映拉萨河干流生态环境现状,基于拉萨河特征和国内外研究构建了包含水文、水质、生物、生境、服务功能5个要素12个指标的河流健康评价指标体系,提出了赋值标准,并在拉萨干流进行了应用。评价所用数据来自资料收集、文献调研、现场监测和调查。评价结果显示拉萨河干流整体处于较为健康状态,且上游健康状况优于中下游。上游河段枯水期水质达到I类水功能区水质目标,丰水期氨氮含量未达到I类水功能区水质目标,总达标率为50%,赋50分,其余指标赋值大于75分;中游河段受水电站运行和灌溉引水影响,流量过程变异程度、河流连通阻隔状况、大型底栖无脊椎动物科级耐污指数赋值较低,分别为0分、25分和45分,生态基流保障度、外来鱼类入侵率、河道稳定性指标较上游变差,赋值在50—75分之间,其余指标赋值大于75分;下游河段流量过程变异程度、外来鱼类入侵情况赋值为0分,河流连通阻隔状况与中游相同为25分,大型底栖无脊椎动物科级耐污指数赋45分,河道稳定性赋68分,其余指标赋值大于75分。从河流健康角度分析,未来拉萨河流域管理应重点关注上游湿地面源问题、中下游水利水电工程的综合效应、人类聚集区鱼类入侵等问题。  相似文献   

硅藻在河流健康评价中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国忱  刘录三  汪星  李黎 《生态学杂志》2012,23(9):2617-2624
Diatom, as a kind of autotrophic photosynthetic eukaryotic algae, is an important primary producer in aquatic ecosystem, and can reflect the average status of water environment. As the bio-indicators of the environment, Nitzschia communis, Navicula minuscula, and Gomphonema parvulum can indicate the eutrophication of waters, whereas Gomphonema angustum, Epithemia adnata, and Diatoma moniliformis can indicate the oligotrophication of waters. Cyclotella bodanica, Neidium affine, and Eunotia exigua are all the eosinophilic species that can indicate waters acidity, Aminutissimum nodusa can indicate water’s Cu concentration, and Synedra ulna can indicate the Zn concentration in waters. Some other diatoms can also indicate water’s contamination. This paper reviewed the research progress on the applications of diatom and diatom indices in river health assessment, pointed out the related existing problems, and put forward some future research directions, e.g., further perfect the classification and identification of diatoms, broadly carry out the researches of diatom indices upon different areas and conditions, pay more attention to the screening of diatom bio integrality indices, and establish a benchmark which suits for the assessment of water quality.  相似文献   

太湖流域宜兴片河流生境质量评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立包含河道生境、河岸生境和滨岸带生境3方面共10项的河流生境质量评价指标体系,对太湖流域宜兴片42个样点进行生境评价及空间差异比较,分析不同土地利用类型下河流生境各参数的差异性,探讨河流生境质量指数与富营养化综合指数的相关关系。结果表明:河流生境质量指数分值介于29~79,31.0%样点生境质量处于较差和很差等级,57.1%样点为一般等级,表明整体上生境退化明显;南部丘陵山区河流的生境质量状况好于广大的平原河网区;不同土地利用类型下河流生境质量差异显著,林地区域的生境质量明显好于耕地和建设用地;河流生境质量指数与富营养化综合指数显著负相关,说明水质状况对河流生境质量具有较大贡献。  相似文献   

基于压力-状态-响应和物元可拓模型的城市河流健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市河流作为人类活动和自然过程相互作用强烈的区域,承受着人类资源开发利用和污染物排放的压力,但近些年来随着对河流健康的重视,针对城市河流实施了大量的生态治理措施。综合考虑人类正负面影响对河流健康状态的影响,进行河流健康状态的评价,对于城市河流的修复效果检验和管理保护具有重要意义。以南京市鼓楼区典型城市河流西北护城河为研究区,根据河流周边土地利用类型、物理形态差异及城市管网分布将其划分为6个河段,考虑人类修复措施对河流健康水平的影响,构建了基于压力-状态-响应(Pressure-State-Response,PSR)模型的城市河流健康评价指标体系,采用物元可拓模型确定了河段健康等级,并根据各等级综合关联度之间的距离判断河流健康水平的发展趋势。结果表明:压力、状态以及响应准则层的权重分别为0.458、0.311、0.231,压力指标为影响城市河流健康水平的主要因素;西北护城河6个河段的健康水平表现出较强的空间异质性,河段A-F的健康等级分别为中等、健康、亚健康、中等、亚病态和病态,流经公园绿地的河段健康水平明显高于流经居民住宅区的河段,河段B、C、D的健康水平有进一步提升的趋势,而河段A、E、F的健康状态则有进一步恶化的趋势,需要进行重点关注。  相似文献   

藻类对水体环境变化敏感,其种类和数量与环境因素有密切联系并因环境的变化而发生变化,因此藻类常作为河流健康评价的指示生物。水体中的藻类根据生活习性不同分为着生藻类和浮游藻类,在河流健康评价中,以往的工作中有的采用浮游藻类用于河流健康评价,有的采用着生藻类用于评价,但浮游藻类和着生藻类究竟何者用于河流健康评价更适宜,抑或是二者在用于评价的适宜性上没有明显差别,迄今为止未开展过深入研究。选择三峡库区内的两条河流嘉陵江和乌江作为研究对象,于2015年9月,在两条河流上共布设11个研究断面,对嘉陵江、乌江的水环境理化因子、着生藻类和浮游藻类群落进行调查研究,应用着生藻类生物完整性指数(Periphytic algal index of biological integrity,Pe-IBI)和浮游藻类生物完整性指数(Phytoplankton index of biological integrity,Ph-IBI),并结合水体综合污染指数(Comprehensive pollution index,CPI),对嘉陵江、乌江的健康状况进行评价。研究结果表明,采用着生藻类生物完整性评价(Pe-IB...  相似文献   

1. In the context of a generalised modification of hydraulic conditions in medium to large streams, modelling the impacts of stream regulation on fish communities in multiple streams is an important challenge for basic and applied freshwater ecology. Conventional instream habitat models such as PHABSIM link a hydraulic model with preference curves for various species to estimate habitat value changes with discharge in stream reaches. Despite world‐wide applications, they have been scarcely used in multiple sites with multiple species. 2. We assigned 21 size classes of European fish species to four habitat guilds (cluster analysis grouping size classes with comparable microhabitat preference curves). Then, we ran a conventional instream habitat model on 28 French stream reaches belonging to the `barbel zone', to estimate habitat values versus discharge curves for the 21 size classes. We summarised the outputs as mean habitat values for guilds, and tested if they were predictable from average characteristics of reaches (discharge, depth, width, particle size). 3. As was obtained elsewhere for populations, habitat values for guilds were strongly related to average, dimensionless characteristics of reaches. The Reynolds number of reaches, equivalent to a discharge per width unit, reflected most of the discharge‐dependent changes in habitat values (within reaches). In particular, habitat values of species preferring bank (respectively midstream) microhabitats decreased (respectively increased) with increasing Reynolds number. The Froude number at median discharge was the major predictor of reach‐dependent but discharge‐independent variations in habitat values. Habitat values of species preferring riffle versus pool or bank microhabitats were higher in reaches with high Froude numbers. These relationships were consistent with existing knowledge on the different species. 4. Such results suggest that the input variables required to estimate habitat values for fish communities can be greatly simplified, as illustrated by a general estimation of the sensitivity of species preferring midstream habitats to discharge changes in any reach. Cost‐efficient alternatives to conventional instream habitat models should facilitate their validation in multiple sites, a point that remains critical in instream habitat modelling of fish communities.  相似文献   


The river health evaluation is typically complex non-linear system with characteristics of fuzziness and randomness. However, conventional gray clustering method has difficult to effectively describe fuzzy and random information simultaneously. For this purpose, the cloud model and fuzzy entropy theory are introduced to establish 2D gray cloud clustering-fuzzy entropy comprehensive evaluation model. Different with health level models, it reflects river health situation from aspects of health level and corresponding water body complexity simultaneously. The health level is obtained by gray cloud whitened weight function (first sub-system) and fuzzy entropy represents complexity and fuzziness of river health situation (second sub-system). Moreover, multi-level river health evaluation indicator system is constructed with dividing indicators into common and distinct sections according to differences on river characteristics. Meanwhile, indicator weights are determined by renewed combined weighting method based on minimum deviation principle. Finally, we conduct health evaluation work for rivers in the Taihu basin. The evaluation health levels and fuzzy entropy for river A–G are H3 (0.4888, relatively significant); H2 (0.5476, relatively fuzzy); H2 (0.7526, fuzzy); H2 (0.4731, relatively significant); H2 (05138, relatively fuzzy); H3 (0.5822, relatively fuzzy), and H2 (0.4064, relatively significant), respectively. Results are consistent with current river health situation and more intuitive than compared models. Furthermore, evaluation results with four different weighting methods are compared to further demonstrate rationality of the weighting method and evaluation model. Hence, the model proposed is demonstrated to provide new insight for solving river health assessment problem effectively.  相似文献   

生态位因子分析是研究物种地理分布的一种多变量分析方法,其最大优点是模型计算只需物种"出现点"的数据,而不需要"非出现点"数据,在生境评价与生境预测中得到广泛应用.将该方法应用于大熊猫生境适宜性评价中,利用大熊猫活动痕迹点和遥感数据分析了平武县大熊猫生境分布现状,综合评价了该县自然保护区的分布状况和存在的保护空缺.研究结果表明,大熊猫偏好在中高海拔(>2128 m)的针叶林和针阔混交林中活动,而避免在落叶阔叶林和灌丛林中活动,避免在有人为干扰的地区活动,农田是对大熊猫活动影响强度最大的人为干扰因子.平武县大熊猫生境主要分布在该县西部和北部地区,总面积为234033 hm2,其中适宜生境为106345 hm2,次适宜生境为127688 hm2.目前该县已建的3个大熊猫自然保护区使47.2%的大熊猫生境得到保护(包括49.2%的适宜生境和45.6%的次适宜生境),尽管如此,保护区之间连接性差,存在严重的保护空缺.该县北部的白马乡、木座乡是大熊猫的主要分布区,却没有得到保护区的有效保护,建议在该地区新建自然保护区.  相似文献   

野双峰驼各分布区的生存环境差异及评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
世界上野双峰驼(Camelus bactrianus ferus)目前仅分布于中国新疆境内及中蒙边境,即:中国新疆的塔克拉玛干沙漠、阿尔金山北麓、戛顺戈壁、中蒙边境及蒙古国西部的外阿尔泰戈壁。总数共计730~880头。目前已为极度濒危物种。本文对野驼在不同分布区由于生境及人类活动影响所造成的差异加以对比研究并进行评价,为野骆驼保护提供依据。  相似文献   

岷山地区大熊猫生境评价与保护对策研究   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
综合运用大熊猫生物学与行为生态学研究成果、遥感数据分析与地理信息系统技术 ,在系统研究岷山地区大熊猫生境分布、生境质量与空间格局的基础上 ,明确岷山地区保护大熊猫的关键区域 ,分析岷山地区大熊猫保护与自然保护区建设的对策 ,以期为岷山地区大熊猫保护及其与岷山地区资源开发与发展的协调提供依据。遥感数据分析结果表明 ,岷山地区以森林为主 ,各类森林面积 1 91 790 3.4 4 hm2 ,占 5 5 .4 2 % ,将与大熊猫生境密切相关的森林植被分为常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、亚高山针叶林等 ,其中亚高山针叶林面积 5 380 4 9.6 4 hm2 ,占全部森林的占 2 8.0 5 % ,落叶阔叶林面积 4 6 1 35 5 .6 7hm2 ,占2 4 .0 6 % ,针阔混交林面积 4 0 30 36 .2 6 hm2 ,占 2 1 .0 1 %。结果表明岷山地区有大熊猫潜在生境 1 32 3789.1 5 hm2 ,由于森林资源利用、交通、农业活动影响、居民薪柴砍伐 ,以及生境破碎化与生境隔离等导致的生境丧失 5 5 341 3.4 5 hm2 ,目前尚存的大熊猫适宜生境 770 375 .7hm2 ,由于交通等隔离而成为至少 5个相互分隔的生境单元 ,大熊猫种群交流受到严重阻碍。为了有效地保护岷山大熊猫 ,首先应充分注意到各种人类活动 ,尤其交通的建设对大熊猫生境的影响 ;其次要扩大自然保护区范围 ,  相似文献   

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