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Ca(2+) signaling in striated muscle cells is critically dependent upon thin filament proteins tropomyosin (Tm) and troponin (Tn) to regulate mechanical output. Using in vitro measurements of contractility, we demonstrate that even in the absence of actin and Tm, human cardiac Tn (cTn) enhances heavy meromyosin MgATPase activity by up to 2.5-fold in solution. In addition, cTn without Tm significantly increases, or superactivates sliding speed of filamentous actin (F-actin) in skeletal motility assays by at least 12%, depending upon [cTn]. cTn alone enhances skeletal heavy meromyosin's MgATPase in a concentration-dependent manner and with sub-micromolar affinity. cTn-mediated increases in myosin ATPase may be the cause of superactivation of maximum Ca(2+)-activated regulated thin filament sliding speed in motility assays relative to unregulated skeletal F-actin. To specifically relate this classical superactivation to cardiac muscle, we demonstrate the same response using motility assays where only cardiac proteins were used, where regulated cardiac thin filament sliding speeds with cardiac myosin are >50% faster than unregulated cardiac F-actin. We additionally demonstrate that the COOH-terminal mobile domain of cTnI is not required for this interaction or functional enhancement of myosin activity. Our results provide strong evidence that the interaction between cTn and myosin is responsible for enhancement of cross-bridge kinetics when myosin binds in the vicinity of Tn on thin filaments. These data imply a novel and functionally significant molecular interaction that may provide new insights into Ca(2+) activation in cardiac muscle cells.  相似文献   

The present study examined Ca(2+) sensitivity of diaphragm muscle (Dia(m)) fibers expressing different myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. We hypothesized that Dia(m) fibers expressing the MHC(slow) isoform have greater Ca(2+) sensitivity than fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms and that this fiber-type difference in Ca(2+) sensitivity reflects the isoform composition of the troponin (Tn) complex (TnC, TnT, and TnI). Studies were performed in single Triton-X-permeabilized Dia(m) fibers. The Ca(2+) concentration at which 50% maximal force was generated (pCa(50)) was determined for each fiber. SDS-PAGE and Western analyses were used to determine the MHC and Tn isoform composition of single fibers. The pCa(50) for Dia(m) fibers expressing MHC(slow) was significantly greater than that of fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms, and this greater Ca(2+) sensitivity was associated with expression of slow isoforms of the Tn complex. However, some Dia(m) fibers expressing MHC(slow) contained the fast TnC isoform. These results suggest that the combination of TnT, TnI, and TnC isoforms may determine Ca(2+) sensitivity in Dia(m) fibers.  相似文献   

In large mammals there is a correlation between microtubule network densification and contractile dysfunction in severe pressure-overload hypertrophy. In small mammals there is a similar correlation for the shift to beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC), a MHC isoform having a slower ATPase Vmax. In this study, murine left ventricular (LV) pressure overload invoked both mechanisms: microtubule network densification and beta-MHC expression. Cardiac beta-MHC was also augmented without altering tubulin levels by two load-independent means, chemical thyroidectomy and transgenesis. In hypertrophy, contractile function of the LV and its cardiocytes decreased proportionally; microtubule depolymerization restored normal cellular contraction. In hypothyroid mice having a complete shift from alpha-MHC to beta-MHC, contractile function of the LV and its cardiocytes also decreased, but microtubule depolymerization had no effect on cellular contraction. In transgenic mice having a cardiac beta-MHC increase similar to that in hypertrophy, contractile function of the LV and its cardiocytes was normal, and microtubule depolymerization had no effect. Thus, although both mechanisms may cause contractile dysfunction, for the extent of MHC isoform switching seen even in severe murine LV pressure-overload hypertrophy, microtubule network densification appears to have the more important role.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that the relative amounts of the cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms MHC-alpha and MHC-beta change during development and transition to heart failure in the human myocardium. The relative amounts of MHC-alpha and MHC-beta in ventricular and atrial samples from fetal (gestational days 47--110) and nonfailing and failing adult hearts were determined. The majority of the fetal right and left ventricular samples contained small relative amounts of MHC-alpha (mean < 5% of total MHC). There was a small significant decrease in the level of MHC-alpha in the ventricles between 7 and 12 wk of gestation. Fetal atria expressed predominantly MHC-alpha (mean > 95%), with MHC-beta being detected in most samples. The majority of adult nonfailing right and left ventricular samples had detectable levels of MHC-alpha ranging from 1 to 10%. Failing right and left ventricles expressed a significantly lower level of MHC-alpha. MHC-alpha comprised approximately 90% of the total MHC in adult nonfailing left atria, whereas the relative amount of MHC-alpha in the left atria of individuals with dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy was approximately 50%. The differences in MHC isoform composition between fetal and nonfailing adult atria and between fetal and nonfailing adult ventricles were not statistically significant. We concluded that the MHC isoform compositions of fetal human atria are the same as those of nonfailing adult atria and that the ventricular MHC isoform composition is different between adult nonfailing and failing hearts. Furthermore, the marked alteration in atrial MHC isoform composition, associated with cardiomyopathy, does not represent a regression to a pattern that is uniquely characteristic of the fetal stage.  相似文献   

The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein. At 17-18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19-20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to anti-slow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two types of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, SM1 and SM2, were recently identified to have different carboxyl termini (Nagai, R., Kuro-o, M., Babij, P., and Periasamy, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 9734-9737). SM1 and SM2 are considered to be generated from a single gene through alternative RNA splicing. In this study we investigated expression of vascular MHC isoforms during development in rabbits at the mRNA, protein, and histological levels. In adults, all smooth muscle cells reacted with both anti-SM1 and anti-SM2 antibodies on immunofluorescence, suggesting the coexpression of SM1 and SM2 in a single cell. In fetal and perinatal rabbits, however, only anti-SM1 antibody consistently reacted with smooth muscles. Reactivity with anti-SM2 antibody was negative in the fetal and neonatal blood vessels and gradually increased during 30 days after birth. These developmental changes in SM1 and SM2 expression at the histological level coincided with mRNA expression of each MHC isoform as determined by S1 nuclease mapping, indicating that expression of SM1 and SM2 is controlled at the level of RNA splicing. However, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myosin from fetal and perinatal aortas revealed the presence of large amount of SM2. Interestingly, fetal SM2 did not cross-react with our anti-SM2 antibody on immunoblotting. We conclude that expression of SM1 and SM2 are differentially regulated during development and that a third type of MHC isoform may exist in embryonic and perinatal vascular smooth muscles.  相似文献   

Summary The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein.At 17–18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19–20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag2 staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag1 fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to antislow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube. At seven days after birth, the pattern of reactivity was similar to that found in the adult spindles, except for the bag1 fiber which still expressed neonatal myosin.We show that slow tonic myosin is expressed from early development and it is a reliable marker of developing bag fibers. We suggest that muscle spindles are formed from special cell lineages of which the primary generation myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin represent the primordium of muscle spindles.  相似文献   

When adult mouse muscle fibers are co-cultured with embryonic mouse spinal cord, the muscle regenerates to form myotubes that develop cross-striations and contractions. We have investigated the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms present in these cultures using polyclonal antibodies to the neonatal, adult fast, and slow MHC isoforms of rat (all of which were shown to react specifically with the analogous mouse isoforms) in an immunocytochemical assay. The adult fast MHC was absent in newly formed myotubes but was found at later times, although it was absent when the myotubes myotubes were cultured without spinal cord tissue. When nerve-induced muscle contractions were blocked by the continuous presence of alpha-bungarotoxin, there was no decrease in the proportion of fibers that contained adult fast MHC. Neonatal and slow MHC were found at all times in culture, even in the absence of the spinal cord, and so their expression was not thought to be nerve-dependent. Thus, in this culture system, the expression of adult fast MHC required the presence of the spinal cord, but was probably not dependent upon nerve-induced contractile activity in the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the isolation and linkage mapping of two isoforms of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain in pig. Two partial cDNAs (pAZMY4 and pAZMY7), coding for the porcine myosin heavy chain-2B and -β respectively, have been isolated from a pig skeletal muscle cDNA library. Four RFLPs were detected with the putative porcine skeletal myosin heavy chain-2B probe (pAZMY4) and one RFLP was identified with the putative myosin heavy chain-β probe (pAZMY7). Two myosin heavy chain loci were mapped by linkage analysis performed with the five RFLPs against the PiGMaP linkage consortium ResPig database: the MYH1 locus, which identifies the fast skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain gene cluster, was located at the end of the map of porcine chromosome 12, while the MYH7 locus, which identifies the myosin heavy chain-α/-β gene cluster, was assigned to the long arm of porcine chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Summary A culture system for adult rat cardiac muscle cells has been established without exposure of cells to serum at any step of the procedure. The methodology has been standardized and optimized to obtain better quality and high yield of cells and culture. Subsequent to enzyme perfusion, the release of myocytes from enzyme-perfused tissues was carried out in enzyme-free Joklik's medium instead of exposing cells to proteolytic enzyme(s) as done previously. Approximately 5 million cylindrical muscle cells per ventricle were obtained. The culture medium contained Eagle's minimum essential medium with Earle's salts, basic fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, insulin, transferrin, selenium, norepinephrine, triiodothyronine (T3), bovine serum albumin, nonessential amino acids, and ascorbic acid. The plating efficiency of the experimental cultures was comparable to that of the control cultures grown in the presence of serum. The cells in the serum-free medium contained myofibrillar and myosin isoforms characteristics of the adult myocytes. The cells underwent cellular reorganization comparable to that of the controls. The initial phase of reorganization involved the breakdown of myofibrils and extrusion of mitochondria, degraded myofibrils, and other cellular organelles. The latter phase of reorganization included myofibrillogenesis and organellogenesis resulting in the development of myofibrillar apparatus with cellular organelles. Myocytes were contractile throughout the culture period. Cardiac myocytes grown, in serum-free medium expressed the predominant myosin isoform V1 similar to their counterparts in vivo. T3 is essential for the expression of isomyosin V1. This study demonstrates that adult cardiac muscle cells can be maintained in long-term serum-free culture from seeding to termination. The cells in serum-free conditions maintain at least two differentiated characteristics of adult myocytes investigated, namely, abundant organized myofibrils and predominant myosin isoform V1. This work is supported by grant DCB-8709594 from the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC  相似文献   

Reversible lysine acetylation is a widespread post-translational modification controlling the activity of proteins in different subcellular compartments. We previously demonstrated that a class II histone deacetylase (HDAC), HDAC4, and a histone acetyltransferase, PCAF, associate with cardiac sarcomeres, and a class I and II HDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A, enhances contractile activity of myofilaments. In this study, we show that a class I HDAC, HDAC3, is also present at cardiac sarcomeres. By immunohistochemical and electron microscopic analyses, we found that HDAC3 was localized to the A band of sarcomeres and was capable of deacetylating myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. The motor domains of both cardiac α- and β-MHC isoforms were found to be reversibly acetylated. Biomechanical studies revealed that lysine acetylation significantly decreased the K(m) for the actin-activated ATPase activity of both α- and β-MHC isoforms. By an in vitro motility assay, we found that lysine acetylation increased the actin sliding velocity of α-myosin by 20% and β-myosin by 36%, compared to their respective non-acetylated isoforms. Moreover, myosin acetylation was found to be sensitive to cardiac stress. During induction of hypertrophy, myosin isoform acetylation increased progressively with duration of stress stimuli, independent of isoform shift, suggesting that lysine acetylation of myosin could be an early response of myofilaments to increase contractile performance of the heart. These studies provide the first evidence for localization of HDAC3 at myofilaments and uncover a novel mechanism modulating the motor activity of cardiac MHC isoforms.  相似文献   

We show that specific mutations in the head of the thick filament molecule myosin heavy chain prevent a degenerative muscle syndrome resulting from the hdp2 mutation in the thin filament protein troponin I. One mutation deletes eight residues from the actin binding loop of myosin, while a second affects a residue at the base of this loop. Two other mutations affect amino acids near the site of nucleotide entry and exit in the motor domain. We document the degree of phenotypic rescue each suppressor permits and show that other point mutations in myosin, as well as null mutations, fail to suppress the hdp2 phenotype. We discuss mechanisms by which the hdp2 phenotypes are suppressed and conclude that the specific residues we identified in myosin are important in regulating thick and thin filament interactions. This in vivo approach to dissecting the contractile cycle defines novel molecular processes that may be difficult to uncover by biochemical and structural analysis. Our study illustrates how expression of genetic defects are dependent upon genetic background, and therefore could have implications for understanding gene interactions in human disease.  相似文献   

We have recently determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the cardiac - and -myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes from both human and Syrian hamster. These genomic sequence data were used to study the molecular evolution of the cardiac MyHC genes.Between the - and -MyHC genes, multiple gene conversion events were detected by (1) maximum parsimony tree analyses, (2) synonymous substitution analyses, and (3) detection of pairwise identity of intron sequences. Approximately half of the 40 cardiac MyHC exons have undergone concerted evolution through the process of gene conversion with the other half undergoing divergent evolution. Gene conversion occurred more often in exons encoding the a-helical myosin rod domain than in the globular head domain, and an apparent directional bias was also observed, with transfer of genetic material occurring more often from to .  相似文献   

Binding of the utmost N-terminus of essential myosin light chains (ELC) to actin slows down myosin motor function. In this study, we investigated the binding constants of two different human cardiac ELC isoforms with actin. We employed circular dichroism (CD) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy to determine structural properties and protein–protein interaction of recombinant human atrial and ventricular ELC (hALC-1 and hVLC-1, respectively) with α-actin as well as α-actin with alanin-mutated ELC binding site (α-actinala3) as control. CD spectroscopy showed similar secondary structure of both hALC-1 and hVLC-1 with high degree of α-helicity. SPR spectroscopy revealed that the affinity of hALC-1 to α-actin (KD = 575 nM) was significantly (p < 0.01) lower compared with the affinity of hVLC-1 to α-actin (KD = 186 nM). The reduced affinity of hALC-1 to α-actin was mainly due to a significantly (p < 0.01) lower association rate (kon: 1018 M−1 s−1) compared with kon of the hVLC-1/α-actin complex interaction (2908 M−1 s−1). Hence, differential expression of ELC isoforms could modulate muscle contractile activity via distinct α-actin interactions.  相似文献   

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