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Human type 1 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3 beta-HSD/isomerase) catalyzes the two sequential enzyme reactions on a single protein that converts dehydroepiandrosterone or pregnenolone to androstenedione or progesterone, respectively, in placenta, mammary gland, breast tumors, prostate, prostate tumors, and other peripheral tissues. Our earlier studies show that the two enzyme reactions are linked by the coenzyme product, NADH, of the 3 beta-HSD activity. NADH activates the isomerase activity by inducing a time-dependent conformational change in the enzyme protein. The current study tested the hypothesis that the 3 beta-HSD and isomerase activities shared a common coenzyme domain, and it characterized key amino acids that participated in coenzyme binding and the isomerase reaction. Homology modeling with UDP-galactose-4-epimerase predicts that Asp36 is responsible for the NAD(H) specificity of human 3 beta-HSD/isomerase and identifies the Rossmann-fold coenzyme domain at the amino terminus. The D36A/K37R mutant in the potential coenzyme domain and the D241N, D257L, D258L, and D265N mutants in the potential isomerase domain (previously identified by affinity labeling) were created, expressed, and purified. The D36A/K37R mutant shifts the cofactor preference of both 3 beta-HSD and isomerase from NAD(H) to NADP(H), which shows that the two activities utilize a common coenzyme domain. The D257L and D258L mutations eliminate isomerase activity, whereas the D241N and D265N mutants have nearly full isomerase activity. Kinetic analyses and pH dependence studies showed that either Asp257 or Asp258 plays a catalytic role in the isomerization reaction. These observations further characterize the structure/function relationships of human 3 beta-HSD/isomerase and bring us closer to the goal of selectively inhibiting the type 1 enzyme in placenta (to control the timing of labor) or in hormone-sensitive breast tumors (to slow their growth).  相似文献   

The human type 1 (placenta, breast tumors) and type 2 (gonads, adrenals) isoforms of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3beta-HSD) are key enzymes in biosynthesis of all active steroid hormones. Human 3beta-HSD1 is a critical enzyme in the conversion of DHEA to estradiol in breast tumors and may be a major target enzyme for the treatment of breast cancer. 3beta-HSD2 participates in the production of cortisol and aldosterone in the human adrenal gland. The goals of this project are to evaluate the role of the 2alpha-cyano group on trilostane (2alpha-cyano-4alpha,5alpha-epoxy-17beta-ol-androstane-3-one) and determine which amino acids may be critical for 3beta-HSD1 specificity. Trilostane without the 2alpha-cyano group, 4alpha,5alpha-epoxy-testosterone, was synthesized. Using our structural model of 3beta-HSD1, trilostane or 4alpha,5alpha-epoxy-testosterone was docked in the active site using Autodock 3.0, and the potentially critical residues (Met187 and Ser124) were identified. The M187T and S124T mutants of 3beta-HSD1 were created, expressed and purified. Dixon analyses of the inhibition of wild-type 3beta-HSD1, 3beta-HSD2, M187T and S124T by trilostane and 4alpha,5alpha-epoxy-testosterone suggest that the 2alpha-cyano group of trilostane is anchored by Ser124 in both isoenzymes. Kinetic analyses of cofactor and substrate utilization as well as the inhibition kinetics of M187T and the wild-type enzymes suggest that the 16-fold higher-affinity inhibition of 3beta-HSD1 by trilostane may be related to the presence of Met187 in 3beta-HSD1 and Thr187 in 3beta-HSD2. This structure/function information may lead to the production of more highly specific inhibitors of 3beta-HSD1 to block the hormone-dependent growth of breast tumors.  相似文献   

Two distinct genes encode the 93% homologous type 1 (placenta, peripheral tissues) and type 2 (adrenals, gonads) 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3beta-HSD/isomerase) in humans. Mutagenesis studies using the type 1 enzyme have produced the Y154F and K158Q mutant enzymes in the Y(154)-P-H(156)-S-K(158) motif as well as the Y269S and K273Q mutants from a second motif, Y(269)-T-L-S-K(273), both of which are present in the primary structure of the human type 1 3beta-HSD/isomerase. In addition, the H156Y mutant of the type 1 enzyme has created a chimera of the type 2 enzyme motif (Y(154)-P-Y(156)-S-K(158)) in the type 1 enzyme. The mutant and wild-type enzymes have been expressed and purified. The K(m) value of dehydroepiandrosterone is 13-fold greater, and the maximal turnover rate (K(cat)) is 2-fold greater for wild-type 2 3beta-HSD compared with the wild-type 1 3beta-HSD activity. The H156Y mutant of the type 1 enzyme has substrate kinetic constants for 3beta-HSD activity that are very similar to those of the wild-type 2 enzyme. Dixon analysis shows that epostane inhibits the 3beta-HSD activity of the wild-type 1 enzyme with 14-17-fold greater affinity compared with the wild-type 2 and H156Y enzymes. The Y154F and K158Q mutants exhibit no 3beta-HSD activity, have substantial isomerase activity, and utilize substrate with K(m) values similar to those of wild-type 1 isomerase. The Y269S and K273Q mutants have low, pH-dependent 3beta-HSD activity, exhibit only 5% of the maximal isomerase activity, and utilize the isomerase substrate very poorly. From these studies, a structural basis for the profound differences in the substrate and inhibition kinetics of the wild-type 1 and 2 3beta-HSD, plus a catalytic role for the Tyr(154) and Lys(158) residues in the 3beta-HSD reaction have been identified. These advances in our understanding of the structure/function of human type 1 and 2 3beta-HSD/isomerase may lead to the design of selective inhibitors of the type 1 enzyme not only in placenta to control the onset of labor but also in hormone-sensitive breast, prostate, and choriocarcinoma tumors to slow their growth.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe previously showed that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is S-glutathionylated in the presence of H2O2 and GSH. S-glutathionylation was shown to result in the formation of a disulfide bridge in the active site of the protein. In the present work, the possible biological significance of the disulfide bridge was investigated.MethodsHuman recombinant GAPDH with the mutation C156S (hGAPDH_C156S) was obtained to prevent the formation of the disulfide bridge. Properties of S-glutathionylated hGAPDH_C156S were studied in comparison with those of the wild-type protein hGAPDH.ResultsS-glutathionylation of hGAPDH and hGAPDH_C156S results in the reversible inactivation of the proteins. In both cases, the modification results in corresponding mixed disulfides between the catalytic Cys152 and GSH. In the case of hGAPDH, the mixed disulfide breaks down yielding Cys152-Cys156 disulfide bridge in the active site. In hGAPDH_C156S, the mixed disulfide is stable. Differential scanning calorimetry method showed that S-glutathionylation leads to destabilization of hGAPDH molecule, but does not affect significantly hGAPDH_C156S. Reactivation of S-glutathionylated hGAPDH in the presence of GSH and glutaredoxin 1 is approximately two-fold more efficient compared to that of hGAPDH_C156S.ConclusionsS-glutathionylation induces the formation of Cys152-Cys156 disulfide bond in the active site of hGAPDH, which results in structural changes of the protein molecule. Cys156 is important for reactivation of S-glutathionylated GAPDH by glutaredoxin 1.General significanceThe described mechanism may be important for interaction between GAPDH and other proteins and ligands, involved in cell signaling.  相似文献   

The catalytic motif (YSASK) at the active site of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is conserved across different species. The crystal structures of the human, guinea pig and mouse enzymes have been resolved to help identify the non-conserved residues at the active site. A tyrosine residue (Y177) upstream of the catalytic motif in human 11beta-HSD1 represents the largest difference at the active sites between the human and the rodent enzyme where the corresponding residue is glutamine. Although Y177 was postulated as a potential hydrogen bond donor in substrate binding in crystal structure-based modeling, no experimental evidence is available to support this notion. Here, we report that Y177 is not a hydrogen bond donor in substrate binding because removal of the hydroxyl group from its side chain by mutagenesis (Y177F) did not significantly change the Km value for cortisone. However, removal of the hydrophobic side chain by changing tyrosine to alanine (Y177A) or substitution with a hydrophilic side chain by changing tyrosine to glutamine (Y177Q) increased Km values for cortisone. These data suggest that Y177 is involved in substrate binding through its hydrophobic side chain but not by hydrogen bonding. In addition, the three mutations had little effect on the binding of the rodent substrate 11-dehydrocorticosterone, suggesting that Y177 does not confer substrate specificity. However, the same mutations reduced the affinity of the licorice derived 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor glycyrrhetinic acid by about 6- to 10-fold. Interestingly, the affinity of carbenoxolone, the hemisuccinate ester of glycyrrhetinic acid with a similar potency against the wildtype enzyme, was not drastically affected by the same mutations at Y177. These data suggest that Y177 has a unique role in inhibitor binding. Molecular modeling with glycyrrhetinic acid led to findings consistent with the experimental data and provided potential interaction mechanisms. Our data suggest that Y177 plays an important role in both substrate and inhibitor binding but it is unlikely a hydrogen bond donor for the substrate.  相似文献   

The structure in the extracellular, intradiscal domain of rhodopsin surrounding the Cys110–Cys187 disulfide bond has been shown to be important for correct folding of this receptor in vivo. Retinitis pigmentosa misfolding mutants of the apoprotein opsin (such as P23H) misfold, as defined by a deficiency in ability to bind 11-cis retinal and form rhodopsin. These mutants also possess an abnormal Cys185–Cys187 disulfide bond in the intradiscal domain. Here, by mutating Cys185 to alanine, we eliminate the possibility of forming this abnormal disulfide bond and investigate the effect of combining the C185A mutation with the retinitis pigmentosa mutation P23H. Both the P23H and P23H/C185A double mutant suffer from low expression and poor 11-cis retinal binding. Our data suggest that misfolding events occur that do not have an absolute requirement for abnormal Cys185–Cys187 disulfide bond formation. In the detergent-solubilised, purified state, the C185A mutation allows formation of rhodopsin at wild-type (WT) levels, but has interesting effects on protein stability. C185A rhodopsin is less thermally stable than WT, whereas C185A opsin shows the same ability to regenerate rhodopsin in detergent as WT. Purified C185A and WT opsins, however, have contrasting 11-cis retinal binding kinetics. A high proportion of C185A opsin binds 11-cis retinal with a slow rate that reflects a denatured state of opsin reverting to a fast-binding, open-pocket conformation. This slower rate is not observed in a stabilising lipid/detergent system, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/Chaps, in which C185A exhibits WT (fast) retinal binding. We propose that the C185A mutation destabilises the open-pocket conformation of opsin in detergent resulting in an equilibrium between correctly folded and denatured states of the protein. This equilibrium can be driven towards the correctly folded rhodopsin state by the binding of 11-cis retinal.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cell glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GA3PD) (EC. was completely inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), a fairly specific reagent for histidine residues in the pH range of 6.0-7.5. The rate of inactivation was dependent on pH and followed pseudo-first order reaction kinetics. The difference spectrum of the inactivated and native enzymes showed an increase in the absorption maximum at 242 nm, indicating the modification of histidine residues. Statistical analysis of the residual enzyme activity and the extent of modification indicated modification of one essential histidine residue to be responsible for loss of the catalytic activity of EAC cell GA3PD. DEPC inactivation was protected by substrates, D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD, indicating the presence of essential histidine residue at the substrate-binding region of the active site. Double inhibition studies also provide evidence for the presence of histidine residue at the active site.  相似文献   

We used recombinant techniques to create a two-chain form (residues 1-345 and residues 346-758) of the vitamin K-dependent gamma-glutamyl carboxylase, a glycoprotein located in the endoplasmic reticulum containing five transmembrane domains. The two-chain carboxylase had carboxylase and epoxidase activities similar to those of one-chain carboxylase. In addition, it had normal affinity for the propeptide of factor IX. We employed this molecule to investigate formation of the one disulfide bond in carboxylase, the transmembrane structure of carboxylase, and the potential interactions among the carboxylase's transmembrane domains. Our results indicate that the two peptides of the two-chain carboxylase are joined by a disulfide bond. Proline 378 is important for the structure necessary for disulfide formation. Results with the P378L carboxylase indicate that noncovalent bonds maintain the two-chain structure even when the disulfide bond is disrupted. As we had previously proposed, the fifth transmembrane domain of carboxylase is the last and only transmembrane domain in the C-terminal peptide of the two-chain carboxylase. We show that the noncovalent association between the two chains of carboxylase involves an interaction between the fifth transmembrane domain and the second transmembrane domain. Results of a homology model of transmembrane domains 2 and 5 suggest that not only do these two domains associate but that transmembrane domain 2 may interact with another transmembrane domain. This latter interaction may be mediated at least in part by a motif of glycine residues in the second transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Human type 5 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD5;AKR1C3) plays a major role in the metabolism of androgens in peripheral tissues. In prostate basal cells, this enzyme is involved in the transformation of dehydroepiandrosterone into dihydrotestosterone, the most potent androgen. It is thus a potential target for prostate cancer therapy because it is understood that the testosterone formation by this enzyme is an important factor, particularly in patients who have undergone surgical or medical castration. Here we report the first structure of a human type 5 17beta-HSD in two ternary complexes, in which we found that the androstenedione molecule has a different binding position from that of testosterone. The two testosterone-binding orientations in the substrate-binding site demonstrate the structural basis of the alternative binding and multispecificity of the enzyme. Phe306 and Trp227 are the key residues involved in ligand recognition as well as product release. A safety belt in the cofactor-binding site enhances nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate binding and accounts for its high affinity as demonstrated by kinetic studies. These structures have provided a dynamic view of the enzyme reaction converting androstenedione to testosterone as well as valuable information for the development of potent enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

The dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 7alpha-hydroxylation in humans takes place in the liver, skin, and brain. These organs are targets for the glucocorticoid hormones where 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) activates cortisone through its reduction into cortisol. The putative interference of 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA with the 11beta-HSD1-catalyzed reduction of cortisone into cortisol has been confirmed in preliminary works with human liver tissue preparations of the enzyme demonstrating the transformation of 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA into 7-oxo-DHEA and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA. However, the large production of 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA could not be explained satisfactorily. Therefore our objective was to study the role in the metabolism of oxygenated DHEA by recombinant human 11beta-HSD1 expressed in yeast. The 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA were each oxidized into 7-oxo-DHEA with quite dissimilar K(M) (70 and 9.5 microM, respectively) but at equivalent V(max). In contrast, the 11beta-HSD1-mediated reduction of 7-oxo-DHEA led to the production of both 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA with equivalent K(M) (1.1 microM) but with a 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA production characterized by a significantly greater V(max). The 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA produced by the cytochrome CYP7B1 in tissues may exert anti-glucocorticoid effects through interference with the 11beta-HSD1-mediated cortisone reduction.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence to the effect that steroid hormones are associated with a complex phenotype of metabolic abnormalities usually referred to as the metabolic syndrome. The 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases/Delta(4,5)-isomerase (3 beta-HSD) is crucial to the biosynthesis of hormonal steroids, including aldosterone, cortisol, and testosterone. The objective of the present study was to examine the potential impact of a T-->C substitution at codon Leu(338) of the type I (HSD3B1) 3 beta-HSD gene on obesity, circulating hormones, and estimates of insulin, glucose, and lipid metabolism as well as blood pressure in 284 unrelated Swedish men born in 1944. The subjects were genotyped by using PCR amplification of exon 4 of the HSD3B1 gene followed by digestion with the restriction enzyme BglII. The frequency of allele T was 0.44 and that of allele C 0.56. Homozygotes for the C allele (n=75) had significantly (P<0.05) higher mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures compared to both heterozygotes (n=143) and homozygotes for the T allele (n=45). In addition, the C allele was significantly (P=0.018) more frequent among subjects with grade 1 hypertension (>140/90 mm Hg) compared to normotensive (<130/85 mm Hg) subjects. These results were all adjusted for the potential confounding effect of body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Other measurements such as BMI, WHR, abdominal sagittal diameter, salivary cortisol, total testosterone, serum leptin, fasting insulin and glucose, and serum lipids were not different across the HSD3B1 genotype groups. In conclusion, a T-->C polymorphism at codon Leu(338) of exon 4 of the HSD3B1 gene is associated with elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The pathogenic mechanism underlying this association is, however, uncertain from the present data and further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

This study reports a molecular modelling investigation of human sorbitol dehydrogenase complexed with the substrate sorbitol and the inhibitor WAY135 706 based on the structures of human beta3 alcohol dehydrogenase, human sigma alcohol dehydrogenase and horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. The tertiary structure of human beta3 alcohol dehydrogenase was used as a template for the construction of the model. The rms positional deviation between the main-chain atoms of the initial and final models of sorbitol dehydrogenase is 1.37 A. Similar residue interactions exist between sorbitol dehydrogenase and both sorbitol and inhibitor. Binding of sorbitol in the substrate-binding site results in interactions with Lys-294, Tyr-50, His-69, Glu-150, and NAD+ while WAY135 706 interacts with Ser-46, Lys-294 and Phe-59. The enzyme-inhibitor interactions revealed by this study will be useful in the design of more specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Mammalian 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3beta-HSD) is a member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase. It is a key steroidogenic enzyme that catalyzes the first step of the multienzyme pathway conversion of circulating dehydroepiandrosterone and pregnenolone to active steroid hormones. A three dimensional model of a ternary complex of human 3beta-HSD type 1 (3beta-HSD_1) with an NAD cofactor and androstenedione product has been developed based upon X-ray structures of the ternary complex of E. coli UDP-galactose 4-epimerase (UDPGE) with an NAD cofactor and substrate (PDB_AC: 1NAH) and the ternary complex of human type 1 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD_1) with an NADP cofactor and androstenedione (PDB_AC: 1QYX). The dimeric structure of the enzyme was built from two monomer models of 3beta-HSD_1 by respective 3D superposition with A and B subunits of the dimeric structure of Streptococcus suis DTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (PDB_AC: 1KEP). The 3D model structure of 3beta-HSD_1 has been successfully used for the rational design of mutagenic experiments to further elucidate the key substrate binding residues in the active site as well as the basis for dual function of the 3beta-HSD_1 enzyme. The structure based mutant enzymes, Asn100Ser, Asn100Ala, Glu126Leu, His232Ala, Ser322Ala and Asn323Leu, have been constructed and functionally characterized. The mutagenic experiments have confirmed the predicted roles of the His232 and Asn323 residues in recognition of the 17-keto group of the substrate and identified Asn100 and Glu126 residues as key residues that participate for the dehydrogenase and isomerization reactions, respectively.  相似文献   

Recombinant human monoclonal antibodies have become important protein-based therapeutics for the treatment of various diseases. The antibody structure is complex, consisting of beta-sheet rich domains stabilized by multiple disulfide bridges. The dimerization of the C(H)3 domain in the constant region of the heavy chain plays a pivotal role in the assembly of an antibody. This domain contains a single buried, highly conserved disulfide bond. This disulfide bond was not required for dimerization, since a recombinant human C(H)3 domain, even in the reduced state, existed as a dimer. Spectroscopic analyses showed that the secondary and tertiary structures of reduced and oxidized C(H)3 dimer were similar, but differences were observed. The reduced C(H)3 dimer was less stable than the oxidized form to denaturation by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl), pH, or heat. Equilibrium sedimentation revealed that the reduced dimer dissociated at lower GdmCl concentration than the oxidized form. This implies that the disulfide bond shifts the monomer-dimer equilibrium. Interestingly, the dimer-monomer dissociation transition occurred at lower GdmCl concentration than the unfolding transition. Thus, disulfide bond formation in the human C(H)3 domain is important for stability and dimerization. Here we show the importance of the role played by the disulfide bond and how it affects the stability and monomer-dimer equilibrium of the human C(H)3 domain. Hence, these results may have implications for the stability of the intact antibody.  相似文献   

The ribonucleases H (RNases H) of HIV and hepatitis B virus are type 1 RNases H that are promising drug targets because inhibiting their activity blocks viral replication. Eukaryotic ribonuclease H1 (RNase H1) is an essential protein and a probable off-target enzyme for viral RNase H inhibitors. α-hydroxytropolones (αHTs) are a class of anti-RNase H inhibitors that can inhibit the HIV, hepatitis B virus, and human RNases H1; however, it is unclear how these inhibitors could be developed to distinguish between these enzymes. To accelerate the development of selective RNase H inhibitors, we performed biochemical and kinetic studies on the human enzyme, which was recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. Size-exclusion chromatography showed that free RNase H1 is monomeric and forms a 2:1 complex with a substrate of 12 bp. FRET heteroduplex cleavage assays were used to test inhibition of RNase H1 in steady-state kinetics by two structurally diverse αHTs, 110 and 404. We determined that turnover rate was reduced, but inhibition was not competitive with substrate, despite inhibitor binding to the active site. Given the compounds’ reversible binding to the active site, we concluded that traditional noncompetitive and mixed inhibition mechanisms are unlikely. Instead, we propose a model in which, by binding to the active site, αHTs stabilize an inactive enzyme–substrate–inhibitor complex. This new model clarifies the mechanism of action of αHTs against RNase H1 and will aid the development of RNase H inhibitors selective for the viral enzymes.  相似文献   

The human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) catalyzes both the NADP(H)-dependent oxido-reduction of cortisol and cortisone and the inter-conversion of 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) through a 7-oxo-DHEA intermediate. As shown with human liver and intestine fractions, 7alpha-hydroxy-epiandrosterone (7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA) and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA were readily inter-converted with no evidence for a 7-oxo-EpiA intermediate. Whether this inter-conversion resulted from action of the 11beta-HSD1 or from an unknown epimerase is unresolved. Furthermore, whether these steroids could inhibit the cortisol-cortisone oxido-reduction remains a question. The recombinant human 11beta-HSD1 was used to test these questions. NADP(+) supplementation only provided the production of 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA out of 7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA with a V(max)/K(M) ratio at 0.1. With NADPH supplementation, both 7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA were formed in low amounts from 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA and 7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA, respectively. These inter-conversions occurred without a trace of the putative 7-oxo-EpiA intermediate. In contrast, the 7-oxo-EpiA substrate was efficiently reduced into 7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA, with V(max)/K(M) ratios of 23.6 and 5.8, respectively. Competitive and mixed type inhibitions of the 11beta-HSD1-mediated cortisol oxidation were exerted by 7alpha-hydroxy-EpiA and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA, respectively. The 11beta-HSD1-mediated cortisone reduction was inhibited in a competitive manner by 7-oxo-EpiA. These findings suggest that the active site of the human 11beta-HSD1 may carry out directly the epimeric transformation of 7-hydroxylated EpiA substrates. The low amounts of these steroids in human do not support a physiological importance for modulation of the glucocorticoid status in tissues.  相似文献   

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