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The dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sp., which preys specifically on cells of the red microalga Porphyridium sp., possesses enzymes that degrade exocellular polysaccharides of the Porphyridium sp. A crude extract of Gymnodinium sp. was applied to this polysaccharide, and the degradation products were characterized by charge and size separations. Charge separation revealed the presence of a fraction that was not found in the native polysaccharide. This fraction, which was eluted from an anion-exchange resin with water alone, was composed mostly of glucose and xylose (in a 1:1 weight ratio). Size separation of the degradation products revealed three fractions; the molecular weight of the main one was 5 × 106 daltons, whereas that of the native polysaccharide was 7 × 106 daltons. The carbohydrate composition of these fractions was determined. Although the main product of degradation had a relatively high molecular weight, its viscosity was significantly reduced relative to the native polysaccharide. Additional enzymatic degradation is required for further exploration of the structure of the exocellular polymer of Porphyridium sp.  相似文献   

Although red algae are known to be obligatory photoautotrophs, the red microalga Porphyridium sp. was shown to assimilate and metabolize floridoside. A pulse‐chase experiment with [14C]floridoside showed that at the end of a 240‐min pulse, 70% of total 14C‐uptake by the cells remained in the floridoside fraction. To evaluate the assimilation of floridoside by Porphyridium sp. cells, we exposed Porphyridium sp. not only to [14C]floridoside but also to its constituents, [14C]glycerol and [14C]galactose, as compared with [14C]bicarbonate. The extent of incorporation of [14C] galactose by the Porphyridium sp. cells was insignificant (50–80 dpm·mL?1), whereas uptake of 14C from [14C]glycerol into the algal cells was evident (2.4 × 103 dpm·mL?1) after 60 min of the pulse. The pattern of 14C distribution among the major constituent sugars, xylose, glucose and galactose, of the labeled soluble polysaccharide was dependent on the 14C source. The relative content of [14C]galactose in the soluble polysaccharide was highest (28.8%) for [14C]floridoside‐labeled culture and lowest (19.8%) for the [14C]glycerol‐labeled culture. Upon incubation of [14C]floridoside with a crude extract of a cell‐free system prepared from nonlabeled cells of Porphyridium sp., the label was indeed found to be incorporated into the sulfated polysaccharide. Our results suggested that the carbon metabolic pathway in Porphyridium sp. passes through the low molecular weight photoassimilatory product—floridoside—toward sulfated cell‐wall polysaccharide production.  相似文献   

紫球藻多糖浓度增加对其他逆境适应性的改变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
紫球藻 (Porphyridiumsp .)是一种海水单细胞红藻 ,是多种天然产物的来源。在其培养繁殖过程中 ,能够合成藻胆蛋白、高不饱和脂肪酸、硫酸酯多糖等生物活性物质 ,具有广阔的应用前景。盐胁迫会导致紫球藻的结合态多糖浓度的增加 ,由此可能产生相应的耐盐性的提高 ,并有利于对其他逆境的适应。该项研究采用外加紫球藻多糖或采用盐逆境诱导紫球藻多糖的积累 ,然后解除盐逆境的胁迫的方法获得多糖含量有显著提高的紫球藻试材 ,再给与其他的逆境 :如光抑制 ,低温处理 ,并测定主要的生理生化参数。试验结果表明 ,外加 0 .0 5 %紫球藻多糖的藻细胞光合效率 ,在光抑制条件下 ,低于不加多糖的对照 ,但在低温 ( 4℃ )时 ,高于对照。外加多糖对PSⅡ没有显著影响。紫球藻在去盐后的 48h恢复培养时间内 ,多糖的含量以及光抑制和低温条件下的光合效率都逐渐恢复到对照的水平。但是 ,去盐恢复培养的紫球藻PSⅡ效率在光抑制条件下却高于加盐及未加盐的两种对照 ,显示盐诱导的紫球藻多糖可能增加了PSⅡ对光抑制的忍耐程度。  相似文献   

硒化紫球藻胞外多糖组成与结构的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在ASW培养基中加入适量的亚硒酸制备硒化紫球藻胞外多糖,经分离纯化、纯度鉴定后,利用下列手段对其进行分析:通过紫外可见光谱扫描、红外光谱扫描了解其结构信息;通过高效液相色谱对其单糖组分进行分析;通过硫酸-咔唑法测定其糖醛酸含量;通过硫酸比浊法测定其硫酸根含量,等。Se-PSP和PSP一样,分离后分别得到两种成分,紫外光谱也和PSP相似,不含有蛋白质和核酸;红外光谱显示Se-PSP中Se可能取代了C-H上的H和SO42-中的S;HPLC显示其单糖组分种类相似,含量稍有差别;另外,PSP和Se-PSP所含的糖醛酸含量没有统计学差异,Se-PSP所含SO42-比PSP少。  相似文献   

N‐glycosylation of proteins is one of the most important post‐translational modifications that occur in various organisms, and is of utmost importance for protein function, stability, secretion, and loca‐lization. Although the N‐linked glycosylation pathway of proteins has been extensively characterized in mammals and plants, not much information is available regarding the N‐glycosylation pathway in algae. We studied the α 1,3‐glucosidase glucosidase II (GANAB) glycoenzyme in a red marine microalga Porphyridium sp. (Rhodophyta) using bioinformatic and biochemical approaches. The GANAB‐gene was found to be highly conserved evolutionarily (compo‐sed of all the common features of α and β subunits) and to exhibit similar motifs consistent with that of homolog eukaryotes GANAB genes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed its wide distribution across an evolutionarily vast range of organisms; while the α subunit is highly conserved and its phylogenic tree is similar to the taxon evolutionary tree, the β subunit is less conserved and its pattern somewhat differs from the taxon tree. In addition, the activity of the red microalgal GANAB enzyme was studied, including functional and biochemical characterization using a bioassay, indicating that the enzyme is similar to other eukaryotes ortholog GANAB enzymes. A correlation between polysaccharide production and GANAB activity, indicating its involvement in polysaccharide biosynthesis, is also demonstrated. This study represents a valuable contribution toward understanding the N‐glycosylation and polysaccharide biosynthesis pathways in red microalgae.  相似文献   

利用响应面法对假丝酵母脂肪酶喷雾干燥工艺条件进行优化,考察进口温度、雾化速度、保护剂含量对脂肪酶活力收率的影响。确定了最佳喷雾条件:保护剂为10~15 g/L的阿拉伯胶,进口温度115~120℃,雾化速度0.4 L/h,可得到收率最高为60.5%的脂肪酶酶粉。制得的固定化酶用于手性拆分(R,S)-1-苯乙醇,光学产率最高可达到53.6%;用于催化合成生物柴油,转化率最高可达到90.2%。在4、30℃下密封保存,半衰期可分别达到15个月、3个月。  相似文献   

Phormidium 94a, a cyanobacteria that produces extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), was isolated from arid soils of Mexico. Microscopic localization, using histochemical techniques like the Toluidine blue technique, was done in order to demonstrate the presence of EPS. Acetone was added to precipitate the EPS. In this study we characterized the EPS by GC, HPLC, and IR techniques. The highest fraction of EPS had a molecular weight of 2000 kDa. The sugar composition was galactose, mannose, galacturonic acid, arabinose, and ribose in the three main fractions, and the sugar ratio found was different in each fraction. The low EPS concentrations had a Newtonian behavior, when the concentrations were increased, the behavior changed to pseudoplastic. The EPS rheulogical behavior is similar to low viscosity arabic gum. Also, it was found that an increase in viscosity occurred at longer hydration time. More rheological and toxicological studies are required in order to analyze its possible application in food industries.  相似文献   

The cell-wall sulphated polysaccharide of the red microalga Porphyridium sp. has impressive antiviral activity against Herpessimplex viruses types 1 and 2 (HSV 1, 2) and Varicella zoster virus(VZV). Treatment of cells with 1 g mL-1 polysaccharideresulted in 50% inhibition of HSV-infection as measured by the plaqueassay. Inhibition of the production of new virus particles was also shownwhen pre-infected cell cultures were treated with the polysaccharide. Inaddition, there was indirect evidence for a strong interaction between thepolysaccharide and HSV and a weak interaction with the cell surface.Depending on the concentration, the polysaccharide completely inhibitedor slowed down the development of the cytopathic effect in HSV or VZVpreinfected cells, but did not show any cytotoxic effects on Vero cells evenwhen a concentration as high as 250 g mL-1 was used. Itseems therefore that the polysaccharide is able to inhibit viral infection bypreventing adsorption of virus into the host cells and/or by inhibiting theproduction of new viral particles inside the host cells. Thus, this alga seems tobe a good candidate for the development of an antiviral drug.  相似文献   

This communication reports the use of the petiolar felt-sheath of palm as a novel biomatrix for the immobilization of microalgal cells. Immobilized cells, as compared with free cells, were observed to have significantly higher biomass and polysaccharide production after 27 days of culture growth. Immobilized cells were successfully maintained through 12 successive batch cultures over 96 days. Extracellular polysaccharide production during this period ranged from 382 to 440 mg L−1. The new immobilization material is cheap, stable and easily available, and the procedure developed for entrapment of the microalga is simple, reliable and practical. Received 24 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 01 July 1997  相似文献   

We demonstrated a comprehensive approach for development of axenic cultures of microalgae from environmental samples. A combination of ultrasonication, fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS), and micropicking was used to isolate axenic cultures of Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck (Beijerinck) and Chlorella sorokiniana Shihira & R.W. Krauss from swine wastewater, and Scenedesmus sp. YC001 from an open pond. Ultrasonication dispersed microorganisms attached to microalgae and reduced the bacterial population by 70%, and when followed by cell sorting yielded 99.5% pure microalgal strains. The strains were rendered axenic by the novel method of micropicking and were tested for purity in both solid and liquid media under different trophic states. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene confirmed the absence of unculturable bacteria, whereas fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) further confirmed the axenicity. This is the most comprehensive approach developed to date for obtaining axenic microalgal strains without the use of antibiotics and repetitive subculturing.  相似文献   

iota-Carrageenans are sulfated 1,3-alpha-1,4-beta-galactans from the cell walls of red algae, which auto-associate into crystalline fibers made of aggregates of double-stranded helices. iota-Carrageenases, which constitute family 82 of glycoside hydrolases, fold into a right-handed beta-helix. Here, the structure of Alteromonas fortis iota-carrageenase bound to iota-carrageenan fragments was solved at 2.0A resolution (PDB 1KTW). The enzyme holds a iota-carrageenan tetrasaccharide (subsites +1 to +4) and a disaccharide (subsites -3, -4), thus providing the first direct determination of a 3D structure of iota-carrageenan. Electrostatic interactions between basic protein residues and the sulfate substituents of the polysaccharide chain dominate iota-carrageenan recognition. Glu245 and Asp247 are the proton donor and the base catalyst, respectively. C-terminal domain A, which was highly flexible in the native enzyme structure, adopts a alpha/beta-fold, also found in DNA/RNA-binding domains. In the substrate-enzyme complex, this polyanion-binding module shifts toward the beta-helix groove, forming a tunnel. Thus, from an open conformation which allows for the initial endo-attack of iota-carrageenan chains, the enzyme switches to a closed-tunnel form, consistent with its highly processive character, as seen from the electron-microscopy analysis of the degradation of iota-carrageenan fibers.  相似文献   

The viscosity of an exocellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the bacterium Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris B40 was studied in aqueous solution at an ionic strength of 0.10M. First, the zero‐shear viscosity was determined as a function of the concentration. From the data in the low concentration range, the intrinsic viscosity was determined. In addition, the shear‐thinning behavior was measured at several concentrations. By combining existing theories, a new equation is proposed that describes and predicts the intrinsic viscosity and the concentration dependence of the (zero‐shear) viscosity of B40 EPS solutions from the molar mass and the hydrodynamic radius of the polysaccharide. Based on the Rouse theory, the shear‐rate dependence of the viscosity also could be described and predicted from the molecular characteristics, i.e., molar mass and radius of gyration. It is shown that these equations can be applied to all random coil polysaccharides. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 641–646, 1999  相似文献   

以紫球藻为研究对象,探讨了在不同硝酸钠浓度下紫球藻超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的变化及一氧化氮(NO)的产生情况。研究表明紫球藻在12 mmol/L硝酸钠培养时生长良好,8 mmol/L次之,4、16 mmol/L培养时细胞产量略低。在硝酸钠培养过程中,NO的含量呈先上升、后下降、再上升的趋势,但各浓度培养时差异不大。SOD、CAT的含量对16 mmol/L硝酸钠及无氮条件较敏感,但SOD的含量整体上比CAT含量高。  相似文献   

Microalgae have been investigated for their ability to produce metabolites that exhibit antibacterial activity. However, as research on antibacterial activity progresses, the effect of microalgal extracts on mammalian cells needs to be also assessed. The in vitro effect of microalgal extracts with demonstrated antibacterial activity against the human opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus was examined on the viability of non‐malignant (MCF10A and 184B5 cells) and malignant human cell lines (A2780 and MCF7). Direct cell counts indicated that the MTT (3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyltetrazolium bromide) proliferation assay was found to under/overestimate cell viability when specific microalgal extracts and/or concentrations were tested. From direct cell counts, the viability of non‐malignant cells was not reduced after exposure to the extracts, whereas the viability of malignant cells was affected by specific microalgal extracts and concentrations. The results suggest that green microalgae are worthy of further investigation as potential sources of antibiotics, since they did not show a negative effect on the non‐malignant cell lines, MCF10A and 184B5. Additional studies should evaluate the compounds responsible for the anti‐proliferative activity of specific microalgal extracts observed on the malignant cells A2780 and MCF7.  相似文献   

胡萝卜吸附式低温干燥特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对胡萝卜吸附式低温干燥过程的干燥特性进行了试验研究。考察了干燥气体 (空气 )的湿度和风量以及物料粒度对胡萝卜干燥特性和复水比的影响 ,得到形状相似的干燥曲线 ,用自定义最小二乘法拟合均能获得较好的结果。结果表明 :吸附式低温干燥过程可使被干燥物料达到超干水平 (含水率 <5 % ) ;增加干燥气体流量对干燥过程进行有利 ,当气体流量从 2 0 0L/h增加到 4 0 0L/h时 ,胡萝卜含水率从 4 1 13%降低到 34 93% ;被干燥物料颗粒大小和形状对干燥过程有显著影响 ;经过吸附式干燥后的胡萝卜色泽鲜艳 ,无褐变 ,外表品质优于热风干燥。吸附式低温干燥后胡萝卜的复水比 (6 5 2 )显著高于热风干燥 (1 78)。  相似文献   

Chemically fully sulfated polysaccharides including xylan (-->4Xylbeta-(1-->4)Xylbeta1-->), amylose (-->4Glcalpha-(1-->4)Glcalpha1-->), cellulose (-->4Glcbeta-(1-->4)Glcbeta1-->), curdlan (-->3Glcbeta-(1-->3)Glcbeta1-->) and galactan (-->3Galbeta-(1-->3)Galbeta1-->), which have been isolated from Korean clam, were prepared, and their anticoagulant activity was investigated. The results strongly suggest that the activity might not be depending on anomeric configuration (alpha or beta) or monosaccharide species but on the glycosidic linkage, either (1-->3) or (1-->4). 1H NMR studies of these modified polysaccharides show that the neighboring sulfate groups at the C-2 and C-3 positions might have caused the conformational changes of each monosaccharide from 4C(1) to 1C(4). Furthermore, the effect of 6-sulfate residues on the anticoagulant activity was investigated using a specific desulfated reaction for the chemically fully sulfated polysaccharides. The 6-sulfate group is very important in determining anticoagulant activity of (1-->3)-linked polysaccharides, whereas the activity is not affected by presence or absence of the 6-sulfate group in (1-->4)-linked polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Jhuma Biswas  J. Ganguly 《Biofouling》2013,29(9-10):735-744
A moderately halophilic bacterium, Halomonas xianhensis SUR308 (Genbank Accession No. KJ933394) was isolated from a multi-pond solar saltern at Surala, Ganjam district, Odisha, India. The isolate produced a significant amount (7.87 g l?1) of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) when grown in malt extract–yeast extract medium supplemented with 2.5% NaCl, 0.5% casein hydrolysate and 3% glucose. The EPS was isolated and purified following the conventional method of precipitation and dialysis. Chromatographic analysis (paper, GC and GC-MS) of the hydrolyzed EPS confirmed its heteropolymeric nature and showed that it is composed mainly of glucose (45.74 mol%), galactose (33.67 mol %) and mannose (17.83 mol%). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy indicated the presence of methylene and carboxyl groups as characteristic functional groups. In addition, its proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum revealed functional groups specific for extracellular polysaccharides. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the amorphous nature (CIxrd, 0.56) of the EPS. It was thermostable up to 250°C and displayed pseudoplastic rheology and remarkable stability against pH and salts. These unique properties of the EPS produced by H. xianhensis indicate its potential to act as an agent for detoxification, emulsification and diverse biological activities.  相似文献   

牛肝菌(Boletused)属外生菌根菌,美味牛肝菌多糖有明显的抗肿瘤效果。采用液体培养方法对牛肝菌菌丝体的发酵及产多糖特性进行了研究,实验考察了培养基中葡萄糖浓度和培养基的初始pH对牛肝菌菌丝量及产多糖的影响。结果表明,实验条件下,该株牛肝菌在pH值5.5—6.0,葡萄糖含量为60mg/mL时,多糖产量为6.7mg/mL。实验考察了从发酵菌丝体中提取多糖的几种方法,其中研磨法效果较好,与对照相比,多糖提取量增加了20%。  相似文献   

本文采用十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)和双向电泳(2-DE)技术对3个野生冬虫夏草样本和3个培植冬虫夏草样本进行了比较分析。SDS-PAGE结果显示6个样品的蛋白质分子量主要分布在3-66.4kDa之间,Quantity one软件处理凝胶图谱显示蛋白条带在20-23条之间;采用PDQuest软件对双向电泳图谱处理,共检测到670-936个蛋白点,蛋白质主要分布在等电点为pI 4.5-6、分子量为29.0-66.7kDa和14.3-20.1kDa两个区域。尽管在不同样品之间存在一定程度的蛋白质差异,但是并没有发现野生冬虫夏草和培植冬虫夏草之间有显著差异。以超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力为评价指标对新鲜冬虫夏草以及冷冻干燥、20℃阴干和60℃烘干冬虫夏草样品进行比较,发现新鲜冬虫夏草SOD活力最高,冷冻干燥对冬虫夏草SOD活力的影响小于20℃阴干干燥,60℃烘干干燥对冬虫夏草SOD活力破坏最大,结果表明干燥条件对冬虫夏草SOD活性极其重要。  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy has played a developing role in the study of polysaccharide structures for over 30 years. Many new bacterial polysaccharide repeat unit structures have recently been published as a result of the application of modern NMR techniques. NMR can also be used to elucidate the structures of both regular and heterogeneous polysaccharides from fungal and plant sources, as well as complex glycosaminoglycans of animal origin. In addition to covalent structure, conformation and dynamics of polysaccharides are susceptible to NMR analysis, both in solution and in the solid state. Improvements in NMR technology with potential applications to polysaccharide studies hold promise for the future.  相似文献   

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