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Summary Cytogenetic analysis of first and second metaphase configurations of oocytes from M. mulatta and M. nemestrina matured in vitro were carried out. 76 diakinesis/metaphase I cells from M. mulatta obtained after 19–30 hrs of culture revealed an average chiasmata frequency per bivalent of 1.58 and 119 second metaphase cells all contained 21 pairs save for one cell with 22.51 oocytes from M. nemestrina cultured for 24–31 hrs revealed diakinesis/first metaphase configurations with an average chiasmata frequency of 1.52. 54 second metaphase cells were normal. Two peaks of timing for second metaphase were observed in both species.
Zusammenfassung Eine cytogenetische Analyse der ersten und zweiten meiotischen Teilungen von Oocyten von M. mulatta und M. nemestrina wurde nach Reifung in vitro durchgeführt. 76 Diakinese/Metaphase I-Zellen von M. mulatta, die nach einer Kulturzeit von 19–30 Std gewonnen wurden, ergaben eine durchschnittliche Chiasmahäufigkeit von 1,58/Bivalent; von 119 Zellen der Metaphase II zeigten 21 Chromosomenpaare, während eine Zelle 22 Chromosomenpaare aufwies. 51 Oocyten von M. nemestrina zeigten nach einer Kulturzeit von 24 bis 31 Std Diakinese/Metaphase I-Konfigurationen mit einer durchschnittlichen Chiasmafrequenz von 1,52. 54 Metaphase II-Zellen waren normal. In beiden Species war die Zeitkurve der Metaphase II zweigipfelig.

In the last 5 years, HLA class II genotyping methods have been adapted for genotyping of class II loci in rhesus macaques. Since previously published typing protocols were used on samples that were collected and stored under ideal conditions, it was of interest to determine if these methods were adequate for genotyping a large collection of archival samples from which DNA had been isolated and stored under various conditions. Established macaque DQA1 typing protocols were modified to optimize the typing procedure and enhance the ability to successfully genotype DNA from samples that were of poor quality and/or quantity. Long-term storage of whole-blood buffy coats or stored DNA extracted from whole-blood buffy coats did not affect typing success; however, amplification and typing of DNA extracted from archival samples of plasma were difficult and resulted in a low success rate. This suggests that amplification and DQA1-genotyping of archival samples is possible with a modified protocol, but is influenced by the age and source of the sample, and to a lesser extent, the method used to extract DNA from sample substrates.  相似文献   

The present study examined the fiber-type proportions of 22 muscles spanning the shoulder and/or elbow joints of three Macaca mulatta. Fibers were classified as one of three types: fast-glycolytic (FG), fast-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG), or slow-oxidative (SO). In most muscles, the FG fibers predominated, but proportions ranged from 25-67% in different muscles. SO fibers were less abundant except in a few deep, small muscles where they comprised as much as 56% of the fibers. Cross-sectional area (CSA) of the three fiber types was measured in six different muscles. FG fibers tended to be the largest, whereas SO fibers were the smallest. While fiber-type size was not always consistent between muscles, the relative size of FG fibers was generally larger than FOG and SO fibers within the same muscle. When fiber CSA was taken into consideration, FG fibers were found to comprise over 50% of the muscle's CSA in almost all muscles.  相似文献   

Exoerythrocytic (EE) schizonts of Plasmodium fragile were found in liver tissue acquired 7, 8, 9, and 10 days following inoculation of Macaca mulatta monkeys with sporozoites from Anopheles balabacensis balabacensis mosquitoes. There was little to distinguish the EE bodies of P. fragile from EE bodies of many of the other species of primate malaria.  相似文献   

Genealogical and gene marker data from the closely related species Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis have been used to search for linkage between genes coding for the blood proteins albumin, carbonic anhydrase 1 and 2, diaphorase 1 and 2, group-specific component, glucose phosphate isomerase, hemoglobin alpha chains, isocitrate dehydrogenase, prealbumin, and transferrin. The results are consistent with conservation of the linkage between the loci coding for albumin and group-specific component and loci coding for the two carbonic anhydrase isozymes, as observed in other species. Among the 38 possible pairwise comparisons, no new linkage groups were identified. Tight linkage can be excluded for most pairs of loci.  相似文献   

A relatively simple procedure was devised to obtain blood pressures in rhesus monkeys. This procedure utilized a polygraph, pulse transducer, pressure transducer, blood pressure mixer unit, and pediatric sphygmomanometer cuff. Previous attempts to auscultate the Korotkoff sounds by use of a sphygmomanometer cuff and stethoscope were unsuccessful. Blood pressure can be obtained by cannulation of the femoral artery, but repeated puncture may cause serious trauma to the arterial wall. This procedure was developed and used in our laboratory to obtain repeated blood pressures over a 90-da period. Results from using the cuff and polygraph have been shown to correlate favorably with cannulation of the femoral artery.  相似文献   

Cellular transfer of cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity (CBH) was studied. Guinea pigs immunized for CBH with incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA) provided cells which could transfer delayed and basophil-rich reactions in skin tests of recipients. Guinea pigs immunized with complete classical tuberculin-type delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DH), which are characteristically devoid of basophils. However, recipients of cells from donors with DH, surprisingly, were found to have delayed skin reactions containing large basophil infiltrates which were lacking in the donors. Thus, recipients of classical cell transfers of tuberculin-type DH had delayed reactions which resembled CBH. Control experiments verified that the cell transfer of CBH from donors with DH was due to passive transfer with live cells and not transfer of contaminating humoral factors or active sensitization of recipients. It was concluded that cutaneous basophil responses were suppressed in CFA-immunized donors and expressed in cell transfer recipients. Cells from donors immunized with CFA were enriched for nonadherent and nonimmunoglobulin-bearing lymphocytes by passage through nylon wool columns, and these cells transferred conjugate specific CBH reactions. It was concluded that cells mediating these transfers were probably T cells. The finding of basophils in cell transfers of DH and a variety of other findings suggesting complex regulation of basophil numbers in tissue lead to the conclusion that the term CBH be used to simply describe a basophil-containing skin reaction.  相似文献   

The concept of the linear dominance hierarchy and a much less precise notion of a central/peripheral ordering of individuals have been prominent among the ideas about social organization of monkey groups. Although the latter has seldom been quantified, the ranks of individuals in the two orders are usually assumed to be correlated. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of a free-ranging group of rhesus monkeys. The individual histories of progression of dominance rank and an independently determined measure of centrality in the social grooming network are compared among a set of males. Centrality is not a static correlate of dominance rank as implied by the findings of short-term studies. Rather, centrality is a more sensitive indicator of status than is dominance rank, to which it is related in a dynamic fashion. Small changes in dominance rank may be followed by large changes in centrality. An increase in centrality may facilitate rise in dominance rank. These findings suggest a complex psychology of status, rather than a simple causative relation between the two variables.  相似文献   

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