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A new conjugate for the detection of anti-trinitrophenyl(TNP) antibodies was developed to study the localization pattern of specific antibody containing cells and extracellular antibody in vivo. By means of a bridging molecule, poly-L-lysine, nine TNP groups and six horseradish peroxidase (HRP) groups were joined in one conjugate. Thus a higher specificity (more hapten) was united with a higher staining intensity (more enzyme) in the same conjugate. This conjugate made possible the simultaneous detection of anti-TNP antibody containing cells and establishment of their class (immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG). It was also used for the demonstration of anti-TNP antibodies in tissues where a TNP-alkaline phosphate (AP) conjugate could not be used due to high AP (endogenous) background staining. Thus we demonstrated anti-TNP antibody containing cells in gut associated lymphoid tissue and anti-TNP-(TNP-ovalbumin) immune complexes in the glomeruli of the kidney. We suggest that poly-L-lysine is a suitable bridging molecule for the preparation of hapten-HRP conjugates.  相似文献   

Natural autoantibodies to the T-cell receptor (Tcr) have been identified in all human sera. However, titer, epitope specificity, and isotype vary with physiological conditions, autoimmune diseases, and retroviral infections. The levels of anti-Tcr autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are significantly higher than in normal individuals, and the autoantibodies are typically IgM. To obtain detailed information on these autoantibodies, we generated B-cell heterohybridomas secreting monoclonal IgM autoantibodies (mAAbs) from the synovial tissue and peripheral blood of RA patients. We selected clones secreting mAAbs that bound a major V epitope defined by a synthetic peptide that contains the CDR1 region of the V 8.1 gene product. From these we isolated a subset of seven mAAbs that bound a recombinant single-chain V/V construct containing the peptide epitope and, also to JURKAT cells which express V 8.1. The mAAbs produced by these clones were distinct from each other in their V-region sequences. However, all the V regions were essentially identical to germline sequences in both the heavy and light chains. Heavy-chain CDR3 segments ranged in length from 17 to 26 residues, did not correspond to any known autoantibodies, and showed extensive N-region diversity in the V(D)J junctions. Five monoclonal autoantibodies use VH 3 genes, while the remaining two utilized VH 4 sequences. Light-chain variable regions used were V 3 (two), V 3 (four), and one V 2. These autoantibodies derived their unique features from their CDR3 segments that could not be aligned with any known sequences.  相似文献   

Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-specific T-lymphocyte clones were established from MHV-infected BALB/c mice. They expressed Thy1 and Lyt2 antigens but lacked L3T4 and NK1 antigens. The clones killed MHV-infected but not uninfected or influenza virus-infected J774.1 cells. The specificity was further defined by a cold-target competition test.  相似文献   

We have examined the underlying mechanisms accounting for the enhanced in vitro TNP-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response following the parenteral injection of syngeneic hapten-modified lymphoid cells. Augmented CTL activity noted following parenteral injection (iv vs sc) of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol-modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC) is most apparent when limiting numbers of TNP-modified stimulator cells are used in the in vitro sensitization phase. Enhanced CTL responses seen following sc and iv priming is due to distinct mechanisms. Spleen and lymph node (LN) cells from sc primed mice were found to contain significant levels of radioresistant helper activity upon coculture with either viable normal spleen cells in bulk culture or with thymocytes as the source of precursor CTLs in a limiting dilution assay. The helper activity was found to be mediated by a Lyt 1+2- T cells. In addition, Lyt 2-depleted spleen and LN cells from sc primed BALB/c mice could restore the ability of tolerant spleen cells from 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS)-injected BALB/c mice to generate TNP-specific CTLs. Conversely, Lyt 2-depleted spleen and LN cells from iv primed mice provided no measurable helper activity either in bulk culture or in the limiting dilution assay and did not restore the ability of TNBS-tolerant BALB/c spleen cells to generate TNP-specific CTLs. CTL priming via the iv route was found to be completely antigen specific as iv injection of either 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP)- or fluorescein isothiocyanatel (FITC)-modified cells caused no enhanced CTL activity. Priming via the sc route exhibited a unique specificity pattern as it was shown that sc injection of both TNP-SC and DNP-SC, but not FITC-SC, resulted in enhanced TNP-specific CTL responses. CTL T-helper (Th)-cell induction via the sc route was correlated with (1) the presence of H-2 I region determinants on the inducer cells as the sc injection of TNP-modified erythrocytes led to no enhanced CTL responses or CTL Th activity (while iv injection of TNP-erythrocytes did lead to enhanced CTL responses without detectable helper activity) and (2) the detection of both hapten-specific T-cell proliferation and Interleukin 2 (IL-2) production upon restimulation in culture. We conclude that the sc injection of TNP-SC leads preferentially to an increase of specific Lyt 1+ helper activity, while iv injection leads preferentially to an apparent expansion of Lyt 2+ prelytic effector CTLs.  相似文献   

The parenteral injection of ligand-coupled syngeneic spleen cells has profound effects on immune responsiveness. In this regard, it was examined whether the primed in vitro trinitrophenol (TNP)-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses observed in splenic T-cell populations from mice injected intravenously (iv) with syngeneic TNP-modified spleen cells (TNP-SC) are related to the efferent-acting suppressor-T-cell (Ts) activity observed in splenocytes from iv primed mice. Treatment of mice with cyclophosphamide, adult thymectomy, or monoclonal anti-I-J antiserum prior to the iv injection of TNP-SC was found to eliminate the ability of splenic Ts from these mice to suppress the passive transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) mediated by trinitrochlorobenzene-immune T cells. In contrast, spleen cells from these pretreated mice showed no impairment in the development of augmented TNP-specific CTL responses upon in vitro restimulation with TNP-SC. Separation of the two activities was also achieved in a kinetic analysis. It is concluded that specific enhancement of CTL responsiveness induced by the iv injection of TNP-SC is related to the expansion of a population prelytic Lyt 2+ CTL effector cells which does not appear to contain efferent-acting Lyt 2+ Ts active in suppressing DTH expression.  相似文献   

When trinitrophenyl (TNP) myosin of either chicken breast muscle or porcine cardiac muscle was left to stand in an alkaline medium at 20 degrees C for several hours, nitrite ions were found to be gradually produced. The nitrite production from myosin trinitrophenylated in the presence of PPi occurred at the same rate and to the same extent as that from myosin trinitrophenylated in the absence of PPi. The nitrite production was significantly reduced when thiols of myosin were modified with 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoate. Four different preparations of TNP subfragment-1, S1(Aa), S1(Ab), S1(Ba), and S1(Bb), were obtained from chymotryptic digest of chicken breast myosin trinitrophenylated in the absence of PPi. When these preparations of TNP-S1 were left to stand at alkaline pH, a significant amount of nitrite was produced from S1(Ab) and S1(Bb), but very little from S1(Aa) and S1(Ba). In our previous report (J. Biochem. 97, 965-968, 1985), S1(Aa) and S1(Ba) were suggested to correspond to "non-burst" heads of myosin, and S1(Ab) and S1(Bb) to "burst" heads of the myosin molecule (Inoue et al. (1980) Adv. Biophys. 13, 1-194). Therefore, the present findings described above strongly suggest that the nitrite production involves some interaction of TNP groups with thiols, and that it occurs at the "burst" heads.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the nature of the syngeneic T cell-stimulating molecules on SJL lymphoma cells (RCS), a panel of eight Ly-1+2- T cell clones that are specific for transplantable RCS has been generated. All of these clones proliferate vigorously in response to two independent RCS lines and to LPS-activated syngeneic or F1 B cell blasts, but not to unstimulated SJL spleen cells or to allogeneic B cell blasts. Only one RCS-specific clone displays a proliferative response to (SJL X BALB/c) resting spleen cells, suggesting that I-E molecules are not the source of stimulation of RCS-responsive cells. Responses of the T cell clones to both RCS and syngeneic LPS-activated B cells are inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to I-A antigens, and not by antibody to I-E antigens. These findings suggest that RCS-responsive T cells are stimulated either by syngeneic I-As alone, in a form expressed on activated B cells, or by I-As in combination with X, where X is a cell surface antigen present on B cells at certain stages of differentiation.  相似文献   

We have determined that certain altered peptide ligands (APLs) can induce T-cells specific for the native peptide myelin basic protein (MBP) p85-99 to secrete Th2-type cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-5 in the absence of significant Th1-type cytokines. However, it is not known whether stimulation with APLs will activate autoreactive T cells or a distinct population of cells. In the present study, 18 T-cell clones that reacted with either MBP p85-99 or one of three APLs of the peptide substituted at TCR contact residues were generated. T-cells were tested functionally for their reactivity to the original stimulating peptide as well as to the MBP APLs. In addition, the T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha and beta chains of each of these clones were sequenced. In a series of T-cell clones isolated from a multiple sclerosis patient, stimulation of T-cells with the APL 93A, which has an alanine for lysine substitution at the TCR contact residue 93, did not induce substantial proliferation of MBPp85-99-specific T-cell clones, indicating that a distinct set of T-cell clones was induced. However, this was not the case for another set of T-cell clones from a different individual in which the 93A peptide induced clonal expansion of T-cells highly reactive with the native MBPp85-99 antigen. Thus, the potential beneficial effect of using APLs to induce downregulatory cytokines appears to depend on the specific T-cell repertoire of the individual patient.  相似文献   

To determine if lymphocytes are able to discriminate between self and nonself, the polyclonal B-cell activator lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was injected into mice, and sera from those mice were tested at different times for their cytotoxic effect against autologous and syngeneic isotope-labeled spleen cells in the presence of complement. It was regularly found that LPS caused the appearance of cytotoxic activity in sera detectable against autologous and syngeneic spleen cells. This cytotoxicity was found to be complement dependent, and it was abolished by absorbing the sera with the target cells. LPS did not induce cytotoxic serum activity in the LPS nonresponder strain C3H/HeJ. When the serum was passed through an anti-mouse Ig column, the eluted sample completely lost its cytotoxicity. It is likely, therefore, that these cytotoxic factors are immunoglobulins with specificity for self, suggesting that tolerance to thymus-dependent autoantigens does not exist at the B-cell level. The implications of this possibility for the understanding of the triggering mechanism of B lymphocytes and for self-nonself discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop chromatographic methods for the determination of the modification degree and the characterization of poly(ethylene glycol)-modified polyamidoamine dendrimers (PEG–PAMAMs). The PEG–PAMAMs were prepared by reacting PAMAM generation 4 with monomethoxy PEG–nitrophenyl carbonate (mPEG–NPC). The modification degrees of PEG–PAMAMs were determined by quantifying 4-nitrophenol released from mPEG–NPC after PEGylation reaction using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection. The PEG–PAMAMs, which have poor UV absorbances, were characterized by HPLC with charged aerosol detection. This study demonstrates that the combination of these two detectors is a powerful tool for the preparation and characterization of PEG–PAMAMs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were developed against poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and analyzed for their reactivity against the NAD+- and DNA-binding fragments. Two fusions were performed to obtain hybridomas and the resulting anti-poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase antibodies were further screened by characterization of their immunoglobulin light chains. Five different hybridomas were isolated which produced different immunoglobulin light chains, all of which were specific for poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. The specificities of these antibodies were determined by immunoblotting against the purified poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, its autodegradation fragments, and the fragments prepared by limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin and papain. These fragments have been suggested to contain the NAD+-binding site, the DNA-binding site, and the automodification site, respectively. All the monoclonal antibodies reacted with the 116 kdalton (kDa) band corresponding to the purified enzyme. Four antibodies reacted exclusively with antigenic site(s) on the 46-kDa fragment which contains the DNA-binding site. A fifth antibody reacted exclusively with a clearly different antigenic site on the 74- and 54-kDa fragments which possess the NAD+ (substrate) binding site. The immunoreactivity with the major autodegradation products (69- and 46-kDa fragments) of the purified enzyme confirms this difference between the two groups of antibodies. The 22-kDa fragment corresponding to the auto-modification site does not show any immunoreactivity with the antibodies.  相似文献   

A A Fauser  K G Bross  L Kanz  G W L?hr 《Blut》1982,45(2):97-102
Pluripotent stem cells (CFU-GEMM) give rise to multilineage hemopoietic colonies in culture. The cellular composition revealed that mixed colonies contain cells of different myeloid lineages and mononuclear cells with T-cell surface antigens. T-lymphocytes of primary colonies, replated secondary and tertiary colonies from a patient with Hodgkin's Lymphoma were identified by their reaction with the monoclonal antibody OKT 8. Evidence for a common progenitor of myeloid and lymphoid cells is provided by analysis of individual secondary and tertiary colonies using OKT 3, OKT 4, OKT 8, VIM-D 5, and Ig M + D antibodies for each individual colony. Primary mixed, replated secondary and tertiary colonies revealed OKT 8 positive cells. No reaction with OKT 3, OKT 4, VIM-D 5, or Ig M + D was observed.  相似文献   

Clones of lymphocytes, primed in vitro to HLA-DR1; Dw1, were tested for allospecific proliferation on a panel of thirty-one HLA-phenotyped stimulating cells. No clone was restimulated exclusively by cells sharing the DR1; Dw1 priming antigens and most clones were restimulated by subsets of cells bearing DR1; Dw1. Generally, positive responses were at least 20-fold higher than autologous negative controls. Peak proliferative responses occurred around 72 h and varied, depending on the stimulating cell as well as the responding clone. Selected clones were induced to proliferate only by cells incapable of forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes. Specific proliferation by TLCs was blocked by monoclonal DR-specific antibodies, but not by monoclonal anti-Thy 1.2. Genetic studies demonstrated that TLCs detected some cell-surface determinants that are encoded by genes in linkage disequilibrium with HLA and others that may not be linked to the human major histocompatibility complex.Abbreviations used in this paper 3HTdR tritiated methylthymidine - HTC homozygous typing cell - MHC major histocompatibility complex - HLA human MHC - MLC mixed leukocyte culture - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - PLT primed lymphocyte typing - TCGF T-cell growth factor - IL-2 interleukin 2 - TLC T-lymphocyte close  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD) were modified with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), and the resulting conjugates were characterized. Monoclonal anti-GAD antibodies were purified from ATCC HB184 hybridoma cells by either cell culture supernatant or ascites fluid from BALB/c mice. Polyclonal rabbit IgG antibodies were also used as a model protein. Polyclonal rabbit IgG or purified anti-GAD was modified by PEG (MW = 5000 or 20000 Da) through either the lysine residues or through the carbohydrate moiety. Lysine modification was performed in PBS (pH 7.4) or 0.1 M borate (pH 9.2) by adding a molar excess (5-80) of a succinimidyl activated propionic acid terminated mPEG (SPA-PEG) while stirring at room temperature. Carbohydrate modifications were performed in PBS (pH 6.2) by first oxidizing the antibody with sodium periodate followed by incubation with hydrazide-terminated PEG followed by reduction with sodium cyanoborohydride. The degree of modification was assessed by 1H NMR or TNBS (trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid). Circular dichroism (CD) spectra were obtained for lysine-modified rabbit IgG at various degrees of modification ranging from 5 to 60 PEG per antibody. Binding was assessed using an ELISA method with GAD or rabbit anti-mouse-IgG (H+L) coated plates. The TNBS and 1H NMR analysis of the modified antibody showed reasonably similar results from 5 to 60 PEG per antibody. The 1H NMR method showed greater sensitivity at low modifications (below 20:1) and was fairly linear up to about 60 PEG per antibody. The CD spectra of the polyclonal rabbit IgG showed only small differences at variously modified antibody. The binding affinity of anti-GAD is lower for all PEG modifications with respect to unmodified anti-GAD. Modifications at pH 7.4 show lower binding to GAD than modifications at pH 9.2. Binding to GAD or anti-mouse-IgG is decreased as the degree of modification is increased. Lysine modifications showed lower binding to GAD or anti-mouse-IgG than carbohydrate modifications. Binding to GAD or anti-mouse-IgG is lower for PEG20000-modified anti-GAD with respect to PEG5000-modified anti-GAD.  相似文献   

A series of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), specific for Mycobacterium bovis and BCG strains, were tested extensively for cross-reactivity to a wide range of mycobacterial species using ELISA, Western blotting and dot-blot analysis. The MAbs bound specifically to M. bovis and BCG and showed limited cross-reactivity with some strains of M. tuberculosis. All these MAbs recognized a 22 kDa protein previously termed MPB70, and by competitive ELISA analysis appeared to detect at least three M. bovis-specific determinants on the MPB70 molecule.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the IgM anti-hapten plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-conjugated l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tyrosine10 (GAT) is not under conventional Ir gene control in an in vitro microculture system. To explore this phenomenon, we examined both the anti-hapten and anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in the microculture supernatants using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA). We show that splenocytes from GAT-responder BALB/c mice produce anti-hapten and anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in microcultures, while splenocytes from GAT-nonresponder DBA/ 1 mice produce anti-hapten but not anti-carrier responses to TNP-GAT in these culture conditions. We further demonstrate that supernatants from rat splenocyte cultures stimulated by concanavalin A (Con A) similarly drive unprimed, T-lymphocyte-depleted splenocytes to produce anti-hapten but not anti-carrier antibody responses to TNP-GAT in microcultures. This observation suggests that T-cell-B-cell contact may not be required for the generation of anti-hapten responses by splenocytes to TNP-GAT in microcultures and may explain the absence of conventional Ir gene control of such responses in these cultures.  相似文献   

F Sinigaglia  J Richard    L Pink 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13B):3819-3822
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) from a patient who had lived in a malarial-endemic area were cultured in the presence of malarial antigens (a lysate of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes). Responding cells were grown in IL-2-containing medium and then cloned, and subsequently subcloned, in the presence of phytohemagglutinin and allogeneic irradiated PBM. Ten clones were specific for malarial antigens. They proliferated in response to P. falciparum extract, but not to a lysate of uninfected erythrocytes. The response was HLA-restricted. All the clones tested responded to lysates of cells infected with parasites of either African or Asian origin. Six clones had the T4+/T8- phenotype and four the T4-/T8+ phenotype. Two of the T4+ clones recognised a parasite antigen of apparent mol. wt. approximately 50 000. All of the clones tested produced gamma-interferon following antigen stimulation.  相似文献   

One of the most fascinating features of amyloid fibrils is their generic cross-beta architecture that can be formed from many different and completely unrelated proteins. Nonetheless, amyloid fibrils with diverse structural and phenotypic properties can form, both in vivo and in vitro, from the same protein sequence. Here, we have exploited the power of RNA selection techniques to isolate small, structured, single-stranded RNA molecules known as aptamers that were targeted specifically to amyloid-like fibrils formed in vitro from beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m), the amyloid fibril protein associated with dialysis-related amyloidosis. The aptamers bind with high affinity (apparent K(D) approximately nm) to beta(2)m fibrils with diverse morphologies generated under different conditions in vitro, as well as to amyloid fibrils isolated from tissues of dialysis-related amyloidosis patients, demonstrating that they can detect conserved epitopes between different fibrillar species of beta(2)m. Interestingly, the aptamers also recognize some other, but not all, amyloid fibrils generated in vitro or isolated from ex vivo sources. Based on these observations, we have shown that although amyloid fibrils share many common structural properties, they also have features that are unique to individual fibril types.  相似文献   

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