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Helicobacter pylori are Gram-negative bacteria that persistently colonize the human gastric mucosa despite the recruitment of immune cells. The H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) recently has been shown to inhibit stimulation-induced proliferation of primary human CD4(+) T cells. In this study, we investigated effects of VacA on the proliferation of various other types of primary human immune cells. Intoxication of PBMC with VacA inhibited the stimulation-induced proliferation of CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells, and B cells. VacA also inhibited the proliferation of purified primary human CD4(+) T cells that were stimulated by dendritic cells. VacA inhibited both T cell-induced and PMA/anti-IgM-induced proliferation of purified B cells. Intoxication with VacA did not alter the magnitude of calcium flux that occurred upon stimulation of CD4(+) T cells or B cells, indicating that VacA does not alter early signaling events required for activation and proliferation. VacA reduced the mitochondrial membrane potential of CD4(+) T cells, but did not reduce the mitochondrial membrane potential of B cells. We propose that the immunomodulatory actions of VacA on T and B lymphocytes, the major effectors of the adaptive immune response, may contribute to the ability of H. pylori to establish a persistent infection in the human gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of Ba, a fragment of the complement protein Factor B, has been determined from the sequence of its corresponding cDNA. Ba is composed of 234 amino acids and from the sequence two striking regions of internal homology are apparent which are related to a third less homologous region. Analysis of cloned genomic DNA using an 81-bp cDNA probe containing coding information for part of a leader peptide and nine amino acids at the N terminus of Ba has established the extent of the 5' end of the Factor B gene and shown that the region of the gene encoding Ba is approximately 1.6 kb in length.  相似文献   

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been implicated in the predisposition to certain neoplasms and leads to viral reactivation. Natural killer (NK) activity may play a role in immunosurveillance and response to certain viral infections. We have evaluated the sensitivity to UVR of human NK activity, a nonproliferative function, and the proliferative response to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). In vitro exposure to UVR resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of NK activity and response to PHA. The wavelength dependence for UVR inhibition of NK activity and of the PHA response of lymphocytes were virtually superimposable at wavelengths at or above 300 nm, but NK activity was less sensitive to UVR at 260 and 280 nm. Maximal sensitivity for both functions was found at 260 nm, consistent with a nucleic acid chromophore mediating UVR inhibition of both activities. The DNA-directed drugs mitomycin C, acridine orange, and adriamycin at concentrations that inhibit proliferation are poor inhibitors of NK activity. These results suggest that UVR inhibition of NK activity as well as proliferation may be mediated by a nucleic acid chromophore. NK activity, however, is less sensitive to direct damage of DNA by alkylation, distortion, or oxidation. At 300 nm, the amount of radiation required to inhibit NK activity and proliferation is within the range penetrating to the dermis and capillaries during environmental exposure to sunlight.  相似文献   

While several laboratories have agreed that there are two subtypes of the BF * F alleles, no information has been available until now at the molecular level. The region of the BF gene corresponding to the Ba fragment [1.7 kilobases (kb)] of the BF * S, BF * FA, and BF * FB alleles has been sequenced after specific amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A point mutation at codon 7 has been revealed converting a cytosine in the BF * S allele to a thymidine in BF * FB. At the translational level an arginine residue in BF * S is substituted for a tryptophan residue in BF * FB. The amino-terminal sequencing of factor B immunoprecipitated from serum has been carried out form microquantities of protein blotted onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes. We have shown that the difference between the BF * FA and BF * FB subtypes in characterized by a glutamine at position 7 in BF * FA and a tryptophan in BF * FB.  相似文献   

The covalent binding of complement fragment C3b to zymosan by the action of the alternative-pathway C3 convertase and the reversible binding of several complement proteins (component C5, factor B, beta 1H and properdin) to C3b on zymosan have been investigated. When C3b is deposited on zymosan after activation by a surface-bound C3 convertase, the C3b molecules are deposited in foci around the C3 convertase site, with an average of 30 C3b molecules per site. The association constants of C5, factor B, beta 1H, and properdin for C3b bound to zymosan have been determined. The association constants ranged from 6.5 x 10(-5) M-1 for factor B to 2.9 x 10(7) M-1 for properdin. An approximate stoichiometry of 1 : 1 for C5, factor B, and properdin binding to C3b has been observed. Curvilinear Scatchard plots were observed for beta 1H binding to C3b, with the maximal extrapolated ratio of beta 1H to C3b of 0.32. Physiological amounts of properdin increase by 7-fold the affinity constant for factor B binding to C3b with no alteration in the stoichiometry. Similarly, physiological amounts of factor B increase the affinity constant of properdin to C3b about 4-fold with only a small measured difference in stoichiometry. Competition binding studies and protein modification suggest that C5, factor B, beta 1H, and properdin each bind to a distinct region on C3b.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to ascertain whether Na+ influx can be involved in regulation of blastogenesis and proliferation of PHA stimulated mouse splenic lymphocytes. The cells were cultivated in the presence of different concentrations of amiloride, an inhibitor of passive Na+ influx, and cellular activation was monitored by 3H-thymidine incorporation and blast index determination. The drug was not toxic and inhibited cell growth in concentrations ranging from 1 X 10(-3) to 1 X 10(-5) mmol/ml. The results are in agreement with the hypothesis that Na influx is necessary for PHA evoked mouse splenic lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

Human complement factor B is the crucial catalytic component of the C3 convertase enzyme that activates the alternative pathway of complement-mediated immunity. Although a serine protease in its own right, factor B circulates in human serum as an inactive zymogen and there is a crystal structure only for the inactive state of factor B and various fragments. To provide greater insight to the catalytic function and properties of factor B, we have used short para-nitroanilide derivatives of 4- to 15-residue peptides as substrates to profile the catalytic properties of factor B. Among factors found to influence catalytic activity of factor B was an unusual dependence on pH. Non-physiological alkaline conditions strongly promoted substrate cleavage by factor B, consistent with a pH-accessible conformation of the enzyme that may be critical for catalytic function. Small N-terminal extensions to conventional hexapeptide para-nitroanilide substrates significantly increased catalytic activity of factor B, which was more selective for its cleavage site than trypsin. The new chromogenic assay enabled optimization of catalysis conditions, the profiling of different substrate sequences, and the development of the first reversible and competitive substrate-based inhibitor of factor B. The inhibitor was also shown to prevent in vitro formation of C3a from C3 by factor B, by synthetic and by natural C3 convertase of the alternative complement activation pathway, and to block formation of membrane attack complex. The availability of a reversible substrate-based inhibitor that could stabilize the active conformation of factor B, in conjunction with a pH-promoted higher processing activity, may offer a new avenue to obtain crystal structures of factor B and C3 convertase in an active conformation.  相似文献   

The influence of the phospholipid platelet activation factor (PAF) was studied on PHA-stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with bronchial asthma and normal subjects. It was found that influencing on the whole population of lymphocytes PAF suppressed proliferation mainly of T-cells. Besides, the influence of PAF on lymphocyte proliferation seemed to be mediated by monocytes since removal of monocytes from the whole population of mononuclear cells abolished the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation induced by PHA. Pretreatment of lymphocytes with PAF antagonist--BL 8705 almost completely blocked the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation induced by PHA.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte activation and proliferation is involved in many pathological processes. We have recently shown that carbon monoxide (CO), an enzymatic product of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), confers potent antiproliferative effects in airway and vascular smooth muscle cells. The purpose of this study was to determine whether CO can inhibit T lymphocyte proliferation and then to determine the mechanism by which CO can modulate T lymphocyte proliferation. In the presence of 250 parts per million CO, CD3-activated T lymphocyte proliferation was, remarkably, inhibited by 80% when compared with controls. We observed that the antiproliferative effect of CO in T lymphocytes was independent of the mitogen-activated protein kinase or cGMP signaling pathways, unlike what we demonstrated previously in smooth muscle cells. We demonstrate that CO inhibited caspase-3 and caspase-8 expression and activity, and caspase inhibition with benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone (Z-VAD-FMK pan-caspase inhibitor) blocked T lymphocyte proliferation. Furthermore, in caspase-8-deficient lymphocytes, the antiproliferative effect of CO was markedly attenuated, further supporting the involvement of caspase-8 in the antiproliferative effects of CO. CO also increased the protein level of p21(Cip1), and CO-mediated inhibition of caspase activity is partially regulated by p21(Cip1). Taken together, these data suggest that CO confers potent antiproliferative effects in CD3-activated T lymphocytes and that these antiproliferative effects in T lymphocytes are mediated by p21(Cip1)-dependent caspase activity, in particular caspase-8, independent of cGMP and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Soluble CD163 inhibits phorbol ester-induced lymphocyte proliferation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CD163 is a member of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich family which is expressed exclusively on human monocytes and macrophages. Upon an inflammatory stimulus the protein is shed rapidly from the membranes' surface. CD163 expression is significantly upregulated by glucocorticoids and IL-10. While the membrane-bound form of CD163 was recently identified as scavenger receptor for hemoglobin-haptoglobin complexes, there is no information about a possible role of the shed soluble CD163. It has been suggested earlier that CD163 plays a pivotal role in the downregulatory phase of inflammation. However, it has remained elusive so far as to how this protein might influence the inflammatory process. We have now identified a potential direct anti-inflammatory effect mediated by soluble CD163. The highly purified protein statistically significantly inhibits phorbol ester-induced human T-lymphocyte activation, thus attenuating the immune response to the inflammatory mediator.  相似文献   

Our previous report (Muir, D., S. Varon, and M. Manthorpe. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 109:2663-2672) described the isolation and partial characterization of a 55-kD antiproliferative protein found in Schwann cell (SC) and schwannoma cell line-conditioned media and we concluded that SC proliferation is under negative autocrine control. In the present study the 55-kD protein was found to possess metalloprotease activity and stromelysin immunoreactivity. The SC-derived metalloprotease shares many properties with stromelysin isolated from other sources including the ability to cleave fibronectin (FN). Furthermore, limited proteolysis of FN by the SC-derived protease generated a FN fragment which itself expresses a potent antiproliferative activity for SCs. The active FN fragment corresponds to the 29-kD amino-terminal region of the FN molecule which was also identified as an active component in SC CM. Additional evidence that a proteolytic fragment of FN can possess antiproliferative activity for SCs was provided by the finding that plasmin can generate an amino-terminal FN fragment which mimicked the activity of the SC metalloprotease-generated antiproliferative FN fragment. Both the 55-kD SC metalloprotease and the 29-kD FN fragment could completely and reversibly inhibit proliferation of SCs treated with various mitogens and both were largely ineffective at inhibiting proliferation by immortalized or transformed SC lines. Normal and transformed SC types do secrete the proform of stromelysin, however, transformed cultures do not produce activated stromelysin and thus cannot generate the antiproliferative fragment of FN. These results suggest that, once activated, a SC-derived protease similar to stromelysin cleaves FN and generates an antiproliferative activity which can maintain normal SC quiescence in vitro.  相似文献   

Lamprey is a representative of the agnathans, the most ancient class of vertebrates. Parasitic lampreys secrete anticoagulant from their buccal glands and prevent blood coagulation of host fishes. We identified a buccal gland secretory protein-2 (BGSP-2) from a buccal gland cDNA library of Lampetra japonica. The full-length BGSP-2 gene was cloned and the recombinant BGSP-2 protein was generated. The role of BGSP-2 on lymphocyte proliferation was studied by examining its effects on human T lymphocytes. We found that lamprey BGSP-2 was able to effectively block the proliferation of T cells in vitro by inducing G_1/S cell cycle arrest. Furthermore, it inhibited the proliferation of human T lymphocytes stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) at a minimum concentration of 0.1μg/ml. Our data suggest that lamprey BGSP-2 is able to block the mitosis of human T lymphocytes at the G1/S point, and has the potential of anti-proliferative effect on PHA-activated T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

<正> Lamprey is a representative of the agnathans, the most ancient class of vertebrates. Parasitic lampreys secrete anticoagulantfrom their buccal glands and prevent blood coagulation of host fishes. We identified a buccal gland secretory protein-2(BGSP-2) from a buccal gland cDNA library of Lampetra japonica. The full-length BGSP-2 gene was cloned and the recombinantBGSP-2 protein was generated. The role of BGSP-2 on lymphocyte proliferation was studied by examining its effects onhuman T lymphocytes. We found that lamprey BGSP-2 was able to effectively block the proliferation of T cells in vitro by inducingG_1/S cell cycle arrest. Furthermore, it inhibited the proliferation of human T lymphocytes stimulated by phytohemagglutinin(PHA) at a minimum concentration of 0.1μg/ml. Our data suggest that lamprey BGSP-2 is able to block the mitosis of humanT lymphocytes at the G1/S point, and has the potential of anti-proliferative effect on PHA-activated T lymphocytes  相似文献   

IL-12 is a heterodimeric cytokine that was identified on the basis of its ability to synergize with IL-2 in the induction of cytotoxic effector cells and was originally called cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor (CLMF). IL-12 was also found to stimulate the proliferation of PHA-activated lymphoblasts which were greater than 90% CD3+ T cells. In this report we further characterize the effects of IL-12 on lymphocyte proliferation. Studies with purified subpopulations of PHA-activated lymphoblasts and with cloned lines of human T cells indicated that IL-12 caused the proliferation of activated T cells of both the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. This effect of IL-12 was independent of IL-2 because it was not blocked by antibodies to either IL-2 or IL-2R. The maximum proliferation induced by IL-12 was 31 to 72% of the maximum caused by IL-2; however, IL-12 was active at a lower effective concentration (EC50 = 8.5 +/- 1.3 pM) than IL-2 (EC50 = 52 +/- 8 pM). Combination of suboptimal amounts of IL-12 and IL-2 resulted in additive proliferation, up to the maximum induced by IL-2 alone. IL-12 also caused the proliferation of lymphocytes activated by culture with IL-2 for 6 to 12 days. CD56+ NK cells were among the IL-12-responsive cells in the IL-2-activated lymphocyte population. Unlike IL-2 or IL-7, IL-12 caused little or no proliferation of resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In this regard, IL-12 was similar to IL-4. However, IL-12 could enhance the proliferation of resting PBMC caused by suboptimal amounts of IL-2, whereas IL-4 inhibited IL-2-induced PBMC proliferation. Thus, IL-12 is a growth factor for activated human T cells and NK cells; however, its spectrum of lymphocyte growth-promoting properties is distinct from that of IL-2, IL-4, or IL-7.  相似文献   

An alternative pathway C3 convertase is formed by the equilibrium association of Factor B with cobra venom factor (CVF) followed by the activation step catalyzed by Factor D. However, the association of Factor B with CVF has only occasionally been demonstrated and has not been quantitatively analyzed. Here we show that in the absence of metals the two proteins have significant affinity for each other and reversibly associate in a one-to-one stoichiometry with a dissociation constant of 11.6 microM. Upon the addition of metal ions, the complex is stabilized only 2- to 30-fold in the order Ni2+(Kd = 6.6 microM) less than Mg2+(Kd = 1.1 microM) less than Mn2+(Kd = 0.4 microM). These results suggest that metal ions may be less important in stabilizing the CVF.B complex and more important in promoting the subsequent equilibrium association of CVF.B with Factor D. The stability of the CVF.B complex is variously dependent on temperature in the range studied (14-21 degrees C) depending on the metal ion that is present. The complex formation was demonstrated in the analytical ultracentrifuge at sedimentation equilibrium employing a combination of single- and multiple-independent variable nonlinear least squares analytical techniques. Two different numerical approaches gave very similar results.  相似文献   

Platelet factor 4 (PF-4), a platelet-derived CXC chemokine, has been shown to induce the differentiation of monocytes into a subset of macrophages that lack the expression of HLA-DR Ag. This suggests a potential role for PF-4 in the modulation of monocyte-dependent T cell activation. Using an Ag-specific stimulation model in which T cells were cocultured with monocytes in the presence of recall Ags, we could show that under these conditions PF-4-treatment caused a strong decrease of T cell proliferation as well as of IFN-gamma release. However, inhibition of T cell functions such as proliferation, IL-2 release, and IL-2 mRNA production did also occur when isolated T cells were activated in the absence of monocytes with immobilized Abs directed against CD3 in combination with cross-linked anti-CD28 Abs. The effect could be reversed when low concentrations of exogenous IL-2 instead of anti-CD28 were used as a costimulus in combination with anti-CD3 Abs. Further evidence for direct modulation of T cell function by PF-4 was obtained by the detection of specific binding sites for the chemokine on the surface of these cells. Taken together, our results show that specific binding of PF-4, resulting in the down-regulation of the IL-2-release correlates with the inhibition of functions in activated T cells.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pneumoniae is an omnipresent obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen that infects numerous host species. C. pneumoniae infections of humans are a common cause of community acquired pneumonia but have also been linked to chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and asthma. Persistent infection and immune avoidance are believed to play important roles in the pathophysiology of C. pneumoniae disease. We found that C. pneumoniae organisms inhibited activated but not nonactivated human T cell proliferation. Inhibition of proliferation was pathogen specific, heat sensitive, and multiplicity of infection dependent and required chlamydial entry but not de novo protein synthesis. Activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were equally sensitive to C. pneumoniae antiproliferative effectors. The C. pneumoniae antiproliferative effect was linked to T cell death associated with caspase 1, 8, 9, and IL-1β production, indicating that both apoptotic and pyroptotic cellular death pathways were activated after pathogen-T cell interactions. Collectively, these findings are consistent with the conclusion that C. pneumoniae could induce a local T cell immunosuppression and inflammatory response revealing a possible host-pathogen scenario that would support both persistence and inflammation.  相似文献   

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