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There are two different muscle fiber types in haplotaxids. The pseudo-circomyarian type is typical of Haplotaxis gordioides and the flattened circomyarian type of Pelodrilus leruthi. The mechanisms of growth in fiber size and in fiber number of the two fiber types in the hindmost region of adult specimens have been studied ultrastructurally. The increase in length and girth of the muscle fiber is always the result of the insertion of new myofilaments in the peripheral zones of the muscle cells. The increase in the number of fibers seems to be due to division of differentiated muscle cells.  相似文献   

The simple, high columnar gallbladder epithclia of the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri, Rich.) and the tench (Tinca linca, L.) are composed of light and dark cells. Within the dark cells two types must be distinguished: less hydrated, but normal epithelial cells and degenerating cells. The latter seem to be eliminated from the epithelium through phagocytosis by monocytes and macrophages, which possibly correspond with the ‘basal regenerative cells’ of earlier investigations. Since they are mainly found near the basement membrane, an hypothesis is put forth that they do not enter the gallbladder lumen, but migrate back into the subepithelial connective tissue after phagocytosis. Light and less hydrated dark cells are specialized for absorption of water and dissolved bile salts and for secretion of mucus, which mainly consists of acid glycoproteins. Interspecific differences are seen with regard to both functions. So, in the tench only single microvilli arc developed apically, whereas a true brush border is seen in the rainbow trout. Thus, a higher absorptive rate can be assumed in the rainbow trout. Or, with respect to mucus secretion, in the rainbow trout the granular endoplasmic reticulum predominates, whereas in the tench the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, often associated with glycogen and even forming ‘glycogen bodies’, is better developed. In the rainbow trout fibrillar granules of highly condensed acid glycoproteins are seen to be secreted. In the tench only vesicles of flocculent content occur. Perhaps, these morphological and subsequent metabolic differences may be related to the various feeding habits of the predatory rainbow trout and the omnivorous tench. Seasonal variations as expected especially in the tench after winter rest could not be established.  相似文献   

The digestive system of the sea hare, Aplysia depilans , includes a pair of ribbon-shaped salivary glands. A central duct and a large blood vessel run close to each other along the length of these glands and both are surrounded by a layer of muscle cells. Three cell types form the glandular epithelium: granular cells, vacuolated cells and mucocytes. The granular cells possess cilia and spherical secretion granules, located primarily in the apical region. The granules of immature cells have a low electron density and are mainly formed by neutral polysaccharides with small amounts of proteins. The granules of mature cells are larger, have a high electron density and are mainly formed by proteins with lower amounts of neutral polysaccharides. Transition stages between immature and mature granular cells are observed. The vacuolated cells are large and frequently pyramidal in shape, but after the application of histochemical techniques almost all vacuoles remain uncoloured. The numerous vacuoles contain flocculent material in a clear background and the mitochondria possess large crystalline structures in the matrix. A pyramidal shape is also typical of the mucocytes, which are filled with vesicles containing granular masses surrounded by a network of secretion material. These large cells are strongly stained by Alcian blue, revealing the presence of acidic mucopolysaccharides. This is the first ultrastructural study of the salivary glands in opisthobranch gastropods.  相似文献   

The tegument of the paramphistome, Gastrodiscoides hominis, is basically similar to that of other digeneans. It is folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges bearing numerous tightly packed tubercules, and extends into the oral cavity. An area of specialized tegument is present on the ventral surface, anterior to the disc region. Mitochondria are absent from the tegumental syncytium and underlying tegumental cells, suggesting that the tegument may serve principally as a protective layer rather than in active uptake phenomena. However, extensions of the lymph and parenchyma systems are closely associated with the base of the tegumental syncytium and may provide ATP for active processes. Ciliated and non-ciliated sensory papillae are present, particularly around the oral opening. Numerous lymph channels are present in the sub-tegument and may be involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The functions of the sperm-duct glands of Padogobius martensi were investigated by histochemical, enzyme histochemical and fine structural methods during the prereproductive and reproductive periods, i.e. during their maximum activity. The epithelium lining the spermduct gland tubules produces strongly acidic sulphomucins, probably conjugated with proteins and the variety of sulphomucins increases during the reproductive period when the exocrine epithelium is also involved in the phagocytosis of degenerating sperm cells. A contractile network of myoid cells surround the tubules. The gland interstitium contains cells similar in enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural features to the testicular interstitial cells (Leydig cell homologues). Unlike the latter, however, the interstitial cells of the sperm-duct gland are able to produce steroid glucuronides, which act possibly as pheromones.  相似文献   

The tegument of the paramphistome, Gastrodiscoides hominis, is basically similar to that of other digeneans. It is folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges bearing numerous tightly packed tubercules, and extends into the oral cavity. An area of specialized tegument is present on the ventral surface, anterior to the disc region. Mitochondria are absent from the tegumental syncytium and underlying tegumental cells, suggesting that the tegument may serve principally as a protective layer rather than in active uptake phenomena. However, extensions of the lymph and parenchyma systems are closely associated with the base of the tegumental syncytium and may provide ATP for active processes. Ciliated and non-ciliated sensory papillae are present, particularly around the oral opening. Numerous lymph channels are present in the sub-tegument and may be involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The testicular gland (t.g.) is a glandular tissue situated adjacent to the testis of blenniid and several gobiid species. In the present study the t.g. of Blennius pavo Risso and Gobius niger L. were compared by histological and histochemical methods. In B. pavo the spermatozoa have to cross the t.g. to reach the vas deferens and thus they come into contact with the gland cells, whereas in G. niger the vas deferens is situated between the testis and the t.g. The fine structure and histo-chemistry of the t.g. cells reveal that in B.pavo the cells of the t.g. have exocrine as well as endocrine functions. The t.g. cells of B. pavo contain large amounts of lipids, form a secretion containing acid mucopolysaccharides, show positive reaction for acid phosphatase, and some cells stain for 3β-HSD and G6PD. The function of the t.g. of G. niger is exclusively endocrine. Characteristics of the gland cells of this species are well developed smooth ER and tubulovesicular or paracristal-line mitochondria. The stainings for 3β-HSD, G6PD and UDPGD give strong positive results in the whole t.g., indicating the presence of steroids and steroid glucuronides.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of the brown ear tick of cattle, R. appendiculatus, from both sexes and at all stages of feeding, were examined as whole glands and as sections for ultrastructural and histochemical changes. The type 1 acinus consists of a basal labyrinth formed by the interdigitations of a central cell and four peripheral cells. These cells form a specialized border with a central constrictor cell which surrounds the acinar duct. The plasma membrane of the central cell is exposed to the duct. The type 1 acini do not appear to secrete active saliva components involved in feeding. The type 2 acini undergo a great increase in synthetic and secretory activity during feeding in both sexes and secrete a lipoprotein probably to form part of the attachment cone and also glycoproteins and esterases of unknown functions. The type 3 acini of both sexes also secrete a lipoprotein probably to form part of the attachment cone. The f cells of these acini in the females transiently secrete a glycoprotein of unknown function and then transform to become part of a water excreting unit. In the males the secretory activity of the granular cells of the type 2 and 3 acini is maintained for further attachments. The type 4 acini of the males accumulate masses of proteinaceous granules. The system of interstitial cells and intercellular spaces in types 2, 3 and 4 acini is large and increasingly active during feeding.  相似文献   

The organization of the peripheral vascular apparatus in two haplotaxids has been studied and compared with that of other microdriles. Considerable differences in the circulatory systems of Pelodrilus leruthi and Haplotaxis gordioides, especially in relationships to the body wall muscle fibers, separate and distinguish the two animals. Different organizations of the peripheral apparatus that can be observed in these microdriles are: in the first species, capillary vessels have no contact with the body wall; in the second species, capillaries extend between the longitudinal muscle fibers until they reach the body surface, thus approaching the situation in megadriles where circulation can become intraepithelial.Generally, vessels hanging in the coelom are of a large diameter. When a capillary network related to the body wall muscle develops, vessels are small in diameter and their walls have variable numbers of contractile elements, ensuring the forced circulation of the blood.  相似文献   

Adhesives that are naturally produced by marine organisms are potential sources of inspiration in the search for medical adhesives. Investigations of barnacle adhesives are at an early stage but it is becoming obvious that barnacles utilize a unique adhesive system compared to other marine organisms. The current study examined the fine structure and chemistry of the glandular system that produces the adhesive of the barnacle Lepas anatifera. All components for the glue originated from large single‐cell glands (70–180 μm). Staining (including immunostaining) showed that L ‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine and phosphoserine were not present in the glue producing tissues, demonstrating that the molecular adhesion of barnacles differs from all other permanently gluing marine animals studied to date. The glandular tissue and adhesive secretion primarily consisted of slightly acidic proteins but also included some carbohydrate. Adhesive proteins were stored in cytoplasmic granules adjacent to an intracellular drainage canal (ICC); observations implicated both merocrine and apocrine mechanisms in the transport of the secretion from the cell cytoplasm to the ICC. Inside the ICC, the secretion was no longer contained within granules but was a flocculent material which became “clumped” as it traveled through the canal network. Hemocytes were not seen within the adhesive “apparatus” (comprising of the glue producing cells and drainage canals), nor was there any structural mechanism by which additions such as hemocytes could be made to the secretion. The unicellular adhesive gland in barnacles is distinct from multicellular adhesive systems observed in marine animals such as mussels and tubeworms. Because the various components are not physically separated in the apparatus, the barnacle adhesive system appears to utilize completely different and unknown mechanisms for maintaining the liquid state of the glue within the body, as well as unidentified mechanisms for the conversion of extruded glue into hard cement. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To test how differences in locomotor behaviors may be reflected in muscle fiber-type diversity within anurans, a comparison of hindlimb muscles between the powerful terrestrial hopper, Rana catesbeiana, and the tree frog, Litoria caerulea, was done. One postural muscle (tibialis posticus, TP) and one primary hopping muscle (plantaris longus, PL), were characterized to identify muscle fiber types using standard histochemical methods. In addition, spectophotometric analysis of activity levels of the oxidative enzyme citrate synthase (CS) and the glycolytic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were done in each muscle. In spite of presumed differences in behavior between the species, we found no significant differences in the proportions of the identified fiber types when the muscles were compared across species. In addition, there were no significant differences in the proportions of the different fiber types between the postural versus phasic muscles within species. Within Rana, the postural muscle (TP) had greater oxidative capacity (as measured by CS activity) than did the phasic muscle (PL). Both muscles had equivalent LDH activities. Within Litoria, PL and TP did not differ in either LDH or CS activities. Both PL and TP of Litoria had less LDH activity and greater CS activity than their homologs in Rana. Thus, in spite of the uniform populations of fiber types between muscles and species, the metabolic diversity based on enzyme activity is consistent with behavioral differences between the species. These results suggest that the range of functional diversity within fiber types may be very broad in anurans, and histochemical fiber typing alone is not a clear indicator of their metabolic or functional properties.  相似文献   

Leiarius marmoratus, a freshwater catfish from Pimelodidae family, shows great biological and commercial relevance because of its geographic distribution and adaptation to fish-farm. The knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the digestive tract is fundamental to the understanding of fish physiology and nutrition, which helps in the planning of diets to provide better management and success in fish farming. Thus, this work described the morphology and histochemistry of the digestive tract of L. marmoratus adults. After euthanasia, the animals were dissected for analysis of the digestive tract. The oesophagus is a short and distensive organ with longitudinal folds that allow the passage of large food, e.g., other fishes. Oesophageal mucosa layer shows a stratified epithelium with goblet cells and club cells. The secretion of goblet cells is composed of neutral and acidic mucins that are anchored in the epithelium luminal face by epithelial cells fingerprint-like microridges, lubricating the surface to facilitate the food sliding. Club cells have protein secretion that can be involved in alarm signals when epithelium is damaged and in immunological defence. The saccular stomach is highly distensible to store large food. Gastric mucosa layer is composed of epithelial cells with intense secretion of neutral mucin to protect against self-digestion of gastric juice. Cardiac and fundic regions of stomach show well-developed gastric glands composed of oxynticopeptic cells. These cells have numerous mitochondria, highlighting their intense activity in the synthesis of acid and enzymes. The intestine is divided into three regions: anterior, middle and posterior. Although it is a short tube, intestine shows longitudinal folds and microvilli of enterocytes to increase the contact surface. These folds are higher in the anterior region of the intestine, highlighting their function in digestion and absorption. Intestinal goblet cells have acidic and neutral mucins that lubricate the epithelium and aid in digestive processes. These cells increase in number towards aboral, and they are related to the protection and lubrication to expulsion of faecal bolus.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural morphology of the mouse zona pellucida was studied in preovulatory follicles from the ovaries of immature mice treated with exogenous gonadotrophins. The ovaries were fixed in the presence of cetylpyridinium chloride, which precipitates carbohydrates, so that their loss during fixation and processing is substantially reduced. The semi-thin araldite sections obtained from osmicated material were viewed by conventional light microscopy, while the ultra-thin sections were examined by transmission electron microscopy. A parallel series of semi-thin sections of non-osmicated ovaries was deresined and subsequently stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS). The morphological appearance of the zona pellucida in preovulatory oocytes changed during the final stages of oocyte maturation. A close correlation was observed between the ultrastructural appearance of the zona pellucida and that observed following PAS staining during the period studied. Real differences were observed in the location, density, and distribution of glycoconjugates within the zona pellucida during the final stages of oocyte maturation prior to and immediately following germinal vesicle breakdown. Similar changes in the zona were observed in adult females autopsied during proestrus and oestrus. The changes in the density and distribution of glycoconjugates are likely to have important consequences for fertilization by affecting sperm-zona binding and sperm-egg interactions.  相似文献   

The digestive gland of Viviparus ater was studied using histochemical and ultrastructural methods. Only one cell type was observed in the tubule epithelium of the gland. The cells are involved in an endocytotic process mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles and in the intracellular digestion of food materials (thus they can be regarded as digestive cells). The different stages of digestion and exocytotic extrusion of residual bodies into the tubule lumen were shown by electron microscopy. Very few, small mucocytes are scattered among the digestive cells. Calcium concretions, glycogen-containing cells and endocrine cells are scattered in the area of connective tissue present among the digestive tubules.  相似文献   

The “normal” mesangium of callitrichids exhibits certain features pointing to enhanced activity. Protrusions of the mesangial cellular cytoplasm (blebs) into the capillary lumen were observed very frequently as were electron-dense granules in mesangial matrix channels. Histochemical, α-actin expression was invariably observed in the mesangial cells of callitrichids.  相似文献   

The body wall muscles in five species of branchiobdellidans are all arranged in the oligochaete pattern and the muscle fibres are obliquely striated. The structure of the circular muscle fibres do vary to some degree. The longitudinal muscle fibres in Ankyrodrilus legaeus, Branchiobdella kozarovi, and Xironogiton instabilis all are round circomyarian and thus double-obliquely striated. These species represent three of the four genera composing the family Branchiobdellidae. Although Bdellodrilus illuminatus and Cambarincola fallax, from the families Bdellodrilidae and Cambarincolidae, respectively, also possess a few round circomyarian fibres, most are polyplatymyarian comparable to single-obliquely striated fibres. A similar division of branchiobdellidan families is obtained based on the number of anterior nephridial pores. The muscular structure in the branchiobdellidans shows both similarities and differences with the leeches and the lumbriculid oligochaetes. One phylogenetic explanation for this is that the branchiobdellidans separated from the common clitellate ancestor before the oligochaetes and leeches became recognizable taxa.  相似文献   


The female gonad of two fresh-water prorhynchids, Geocentrophora baltica and Prorhynchus stagnalis, has been investigated by means of conventional electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. Both species have an unpaired germovitellarium located under the gut; accessory cells surround the germovitellarium of G. baltica. The germovitellarium consists of a restricted germinative area where early differentiating oocytes and vitellocytes are randomly associated, and an extensive growth area with follicular organization. Each follicle consists of a single alecithal oocyte surrounded by numerous vitellocytes. The main features of oocyte differentiation are the accumulation of lipid droplets and the appearance of Golgi complexes and small bodies possibly representing secondary lysosomes. Vitellocytes show features typical of secretory cells, including well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and Golgi complexes which are involved in the production of type A and type B inclusions, hi both species, type A inclusions appear first, have a glycoprotein content, do not contain polyphenols, and become localized in the peripheral cytoplasm of mature vitellocytes; they have been interpreted as eggshell forming granules. Type B inclusions are larger, have a proteinaceous content with a different structure in the two species examined, and remain scattered in the cytoplasm of mature vitellocytes; they are considered to be yolk. The finding of eggshell forming granules without polyphenols in prorhynchids contrasts with the condition in most platyhelminths that have a sclerotized eggshell formed through a tanning process of polyphenolic substances. The small bodies in the oocytes and the eggshell granules in the vitellocytes of Lecithoepitheliata differ from those observed in prolecithophorans, which have oocyte and vitellocyte inclusions similar to those of the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and histochemical studies on guard cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Serial thick sections of guard cells from Vicia faba L., Nicotiana tabacum L., Allium cepa L., Zea mays L. and Beta vulgaris L. were obtained systematically (600–800 nm) and viewed with the transmission electron microscope in an effort to demonstrate the presence or absence of a symplastic transport pathway within the stomatal complex. Eight to ten stomata from each species were examined, and no continuous plasmodesmata were found connecting guard cells to sister guard cells or to adjacent epidermal or subsidiary cells. Continuous plasmodesmata were observed in immature guard cells, but were sealed (truncated) during the development of the mature cell wall. Histochemical stains, phosphotungstic acid and silver methenamine, were used to demonstrate differentiation within the mature guard-cell wall. The structural differentiation of the stomatal apoplastic region is discussed in relation to fanctional specialization. Plasma-membrane elaborations or plasmalemmasomes were identified in the guard cells of Zea, and it is suggested that these structures may function in ion transport.Abbreviations PTA-HCl phosphotungstic acid and hydrochloric acid - SM silver methenamine - UA-LC uranyl acetate and lead citrate  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(7):987-996
Drosophila melanogaster has recently emerged as model system for studying synaptic transmission and plasticity during adulthood, aging and neurodegeneration. However, still little is known about the basic neuronal mechanisms of synaptic function in the adult fly. Per se , adult Drosophila neuromuscular junctions should be highly suited for studying these aspects as they allow for genetic manipulations in combination with ultrastructural and electrophysiological analyses. Although different neuromuscular junctions of the adult fly have been described during the last years, a direct ultrastructural comparison with their larval counterpart is lacking. The present study was designed to close this gap by providing a detailed ultrastructural comparison of the larval and the adult neuromuscular junction of the ventrolongitudinal muscle. Assessment of several parameters revealed similarities but also major differences in the ultrastructural organisation of the two model neuromuscular junctions. While basic morphological parameters are retained from the larval into the adult stage, the analysis discovered major differences of potential functional relevance in the adult: The electron‐dense membrane apposition of the presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane is shorter, the subsynaptic reticulum is less elaborated and the number of synaptic vesicles at a certain distance of the presynaptic membrane is higher.  相似文献   

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