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The rat organic cation transporter rOCT1 with six histidine residues added to the C-terminus was expressed in Sf9 insect cells, and expression of organic cation transport was demonstrated. To purify rOCT1 protein, Sf9 cells were lysed with 1% (w/v) CHAPS [3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate], centrifuged, and subjected to sequential affinity chromatography using lentil-lectin Sepharose and nickel(II)-charged nitrilotriacetic acid-agarose. This procedure yielded approximately 70 microg of purified rOCT1 protein from 10 standard culture plates. Using a freeze-thaw procedure, purified rOCT1 was reconstituted into proteoliposomes formed from phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, and cholesterol. Proteoliposomes exhibited uptake of [3H]-1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ([3H]MPP) that was inhibited by quinine and stimulated by an inside-negative membrane potential. MPP uptake was saturable with an apparent K(m) of 30 +/- 17 microM. MPP uptake (0.1 microM) was inhibited by tetraethylammonium, tetrabutylammonium, and tetrapentylammonium with IC50 values of 197 +/- 11, 19 +/- 1, and 1.8 +/- 0.03 microM, respectively. With membrane potential clamped to 0 mV using valinomycin in the presence of 100 mM potassium on both sides of the membrane, uptake of 0.1 microM MPP was trans stimulated 3-fold by 2.5 mM intracellular choline, and efflux of 0.1 microM MPP was trans stimulated 4-fold by 9.5 mM extracellular choline. The data show that rOCT1 is capable and sufficient to mediate transport of organic cations. The observed trans stimulation under voltage-clamp conditions shows that rOCT1 operates as a transporter rather than a channel. Purification and reconstitution of functional active rOCT1 protein is an important step toward the biophysical characterization and crystallization.  相似文献   

Organic cation transporters of the OCT family mediate downhill transport of organic cations, compatible with carrier, pore, or gate-lumen-gate mechanisms. We studied rat OCT2 expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique, including membrane capacitance (C(m)) monitoring. Choline, a transported cationic substrate, elicited the expected inward currents but also elicited decreases of C(m). Similar C(m) decreases were caused by the non-transported inhibitors tetrabutylammonium (a cation) and corticosterone (uncharged). Effects on C(m) were voltage-dependent, with a maximum at -140 mV. These findings suggest that the empty rOCT2 protein can undergo an electrogenic conformation change, with one conformation highly favored at physiological voltage. Moreover, alkali cations elicited considerable inward currents and inhibited uptake of [(14)C]tetraethylammonium with a sequence Cs(+) > Rb(+) > K(+) > Na(+) approximately Li(+). Cs(+) affected current and capacitance with similar affinity (K(0.5) approximately 50 mm). Tetraethylammonium inhibited Cs(+) currents in a concentration-dependent manner. Conversely, Cs(+) inhibited tetraethylammonium uptake by a competitive mechanism. Activation energy of the currents estimated from measurements between 12 degrees C and 32 degrees C was approximately 81 kJ/mol for Cs(+) and 39 kJ/mol for tetramethylammonium, compatible with permeation of Cs(+) through rOCT2 along the same path as organic substrates and by a mechanism different from simple electrodiffusion. Rationalization of Cs(+) selectivity in terms of a pore pointed to a pore diameter of approximately 4 A. Intriguingly, that value matches the known selectivity of rOCT2 for organic compounds. Our data show that selective permeability of rOCT2 is not determined by ligand affinity but might rather be understood in terms of the ion channel concept of a distinct "selectivity filter."  相似文献   

The organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) is expressed in plasma membranes of kidney and brain. Its transport mechanism and substrates are debated. We studied substrate-induced changes of electrical current with the patch clamp technique after expression of rat OCT2 in oocytes. Activation of current, corresponding to efflux, was observed for small organic cations, e.g. choline. In contrast, the bigger cations quinine and tetrabutylammonium elicited no change in current. However, transport of choline could be inhibited by applying quinine or tetrabutylammonium to the cytoplasmic side. Inhibition of organic cation efflux by quinine was competitive with substrates. Quinine at the inside also inhibited substrate influx from the outside. Current-voltage analysis showed that both maximal turnover and apparent affinity to substrates are voltage-dependent. Substrate-induced currents with organic cations on both membrane sides reversed as predicted from the Nernst potential. Our results clearly identify the electrochemical potential as driving force for transport at neutral pH and exclude an electroneutral H(+)/organic cation(+) exchange. We suggest the existence of an electroneutral organic cation(+) exchange and propose a model for a carrier-type transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Bahn A  Hagos Y  Rudolph T  Burckhardt G 《Biochimie》2004,86(2):133-136
Protein sequence alignments revealed one amino acid position, where organic cation transporters (OCTs, aspartate (D) at position 475 of rOCT2) and organic anion transporters (OATs, arginine (R) at position 466 of rOAT1) are charged oppositely. To address the impact of this amino acid for protein function we cloned rat organic cation transporter 2 (rOCT2), the renal electrogenic cation transporter of the basolateral side of proximal tubule cells. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate rOCT2-D475R (rOCT2-mut). Heterologous expression of rOCT2 wild-type (rOCT2-wt) in A6 cells resulted in a significant uptake of the fluorescent organic cation 4-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-N-methylpyridinium (ASP(+)). Accordingly, rOCT2-wt-transfected COS 7 cells showed an almost fourfold uptake of 25 microM [(14)C]-TEA, whereas rOCT2-mut did not exhibit any uptake of [(14)C]-TEA. These data indicate that rOCT2 transports both ASP(+) and TEA and that aspartate at position 475 of rOCT2 plays a critical role in transport function.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of organic cation transport by rat OCT2 was examined in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. When extracellular Na+ ions were replaced with K+ ions, uptake of tetraethylammonium (TEA) by OCT2-expressing oocytes was decreased, suggesting that TEA uptake by OCT2 is dependent on membrane potential. Kinetic analysis revealed that the decreased TEA uptake by ion substitution was caused at least in part by decreased substrate affinity. Acidification of extracellular buffer resulted in decreased uptake of TEA, whereas TEA efflux from OCT1- and OCT2-expressing oocytes was not stimulated by inward proton gradient, in consistent with basolateral organic cation transport in the kidney. Inhibition of TEA uptake by various organic cations revealed that apparent substrate spectrum of OCT2 was similar with that of OCT1. However, the affinity of procainamide to OCT1 was higher than that to OCT2. Uptake of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium was stimulated by OCT2 as well as OCT1, but uptake of levofloxacin, a zwitterion, was not stimulated by both OCTs. These results suggest that OCT2 is a multispecific organic cation transporter with the characteristics comparable to those of the basolateral organic cation transporter in the kidney.  相似文献   

The relative rates of ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) synthesis in vivo were studied by pulse-labeling rats with [4,5-3H]leucine, isolating the mitochondrial enzyme protein by immunoprecipitation with a monospecific antibody, dissociating the immunoprecipitates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels, and determining the radioactivity in OAT. After 4 days of treatment with triiodothyronine (T3), both the enzyme activity level and the relative synthetic rate of OAT in rat kidney were elevated over twofold. The level of hepatic OAT activity was unaffected by this treatment. Thyroidectomy caused a 50% drop in the basal level of OAT activity and synthesis in kidney but not in liver. Although the basal levels of activity and synthesis of both renal and hepatic OAT were unaffected by adrenalectomy, the glucagon induction of the enzyme in liver was enhanced by about one-third and the T3 induction in kidney was suppressed 50% by this operation. After 4 days of treatment with estrogen, both the enzyme activity level and the relative synthetic rate of OAT in male rat kidney were elevated nearly 10-fold. Hepatic OAT activity and synthesis were unaffected by this regimen. Thyroidectomy almost completely abolished the estrogen induction of OAT in kidney. OAT induction by estrogen could be restored by treating thyroidectomized rats with T3. Simultaneous administration of T3 plus estrogen to intact rats produced a multiple effect, resulting in a striking 20-fold induction of renal OAT. Although administration of either T3 or estrogen causes an increase in the synthesis of immunoprecipitable OAT protein in rat kidney, each of these hormones may induce OAT by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Metabolic acidosis (6 days NH4Cl) causes a fourfold increase in the relative abundance of mRNA encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in rat kidney. Streptozotocin-diabetes (6 days) also results in an increased abundance of the mRNA but this increase can be prevented if the acidosis associated with bicarbonate is corrected by treatment with bicarbonate. The results confirm that renal phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is regulated primarily by changes in acid-base status and that this control is at a pretranslational step. Isolated kidney tubules in short-term incubation have been used to identify which agents regulate levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA. The relative abundance of the mRNA was increased by glucocorticoids and hormones which act via cAMP, or by cAMP analogues directly, but was not affected by hormones acting via Ca2+. Neither incubation at pH 7.1 nor the presence of serum from acidotic rats had any effect on the level of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA. It is concluded that acidosis, glucocorticoids, and cAMP independently regulate expression of renal phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.  相似文献   

Organic cation transporters (OCTs) are involved in the renal elimination of many cationic drugs and toxins. A hypothetical three-dimensional structure of OCT2 based on a homology model that used the Escherichia coli glycerol 3-phosphate transporter as a template has been described (Zhang, X., Shirahatti, N. V., Mahadevan, D., and Wright, S. H. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 34813-34822). To further define OCT structure, the accessibility to hydrophilic thiol-reactive reagents of the 13 cysteine residues contained in the human ortholog of OCT2 was examined. Maleimide-PEO2-biotin precipitated (surface biotinylation followed by Western blotting) and reduced tetraethylammonium transport by OCT2 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, effects that were largely reversed by co-exposure to substrates and transport inhibitors, suggesting interaction with cysteines that are near to or part of a substrate-binding surface. Cysteines at amino acid position 437, 451, 470, and 474 were identified from the model as being located in transmembrane helices that participate in forming the hydrophilic cleft, the proposed region of substrate-protein interaction. To determine which residues are exposed to the solvent, a mutant with all four of these cysteines converted to alanine, along with four variants of this mutant each with an individual cysteine restored, were created. Maleimide-PEO2-biotin was only effective at precipitating and reducing transport by wild-type OCT2 and the mutant with cysteine 474 restored. Additionally, the smaller thiol-reactive reagent, methanethiosulfonate ethylsulfonate, reduced transport by wild-type OCT2 and the mutant with cysteine 474 restored. These data demonstrate that cysteine 474 of OCT2 is exposed to the aqueous milieu of the cleft and contributes to forming a pathway for organic cation transport.  相似文献   

The significance of conserved cysteines in the human organic cation transporter 2 (hOCT2), namely the six cysteines in the long extracellular loop (loop cysteines) and C474 in transmembrane helix 11, was examined. Uptake of tetraethylammonium (TEA) and 1-methyl-4-phenypyridinium (MPP) into Chinese hamster ovary cells was stimulated >20-fold by hOCT2 expression. Both cell surface expression and transport activity were reduced considerably following mutation of individual loop cysteines (C51, C63, C89, C103, and C143), and the C89 and C103 mutants had reduced Michaelis constants (K(t)) for MPP. The loop cysteines were refractory to interaction with thiol-reactive biotinylation reagents, except after pretreatment of intact cells with dithiothreitol or following cell membrane solubilization. Reduction of disulfide bridge(s) did not affect transport, but labeling the resulting free thiols with maleimide-PEO(2)-biotin did. Mutation of C474 to an alanine or phenylalanine did not affect the K(t) value for MPP. In contrast, the K(t) value associated with TEA transport was reduced sevenfold in the C474A mutant, and the C474F mutant failed to transport TEA. This study shows that some but not all of the six extracellular loop cysteines exist within disulfide bridge(s). Each loop cysteine is important for plasma membrane targeting, and their mutation can influence substrate binding. The effect of C474 mutation on TEA transport suggests that it contributes to a TEA binding surface. Given that TEA and MPP are competitive inhibitors, the differential effects of C474 modification on TEA and MPP binding suggest that the binding surfaces for each are distinct, but overlapping in area.  相似文献   

Novel organic cation transporter (OCTN2) is an organic cation/carnitine transporter, and two missense mutations, L352R and P478L, in OCTN2 have been identified as the cause for primary carnitine deficiency. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two mutations on the carnitine transport function and the organic cation transport function of OCTN2. The L352R mutation resulted in a complete loss of both transport functions. In contrast, the P478L mutation resulted in a complete loss of only the carnitine transport function but significantly stimulated the organic cation transport function. Studies with human OCTN2/rat OCTN2 chimeric transporters indicated that the carnitine transport site and the organic cation transport site were not identical. Because carnitine transport is Na(+)-dependent whereas organic cation transport is Na(+)-independent, we investigated the possibility that the P478L mutation affected Na(+) binding. The Na(+) activation kinetics were found to be similar for the P478L mutant and wild type OCTN2. We then mutated nine different tyrosine residues located in or near transmembrane domains and assessed the transport function of these mutants. One of these mutations, Y211F, was found to have differential influence on the two transport activities of OCTN2 as did the P478L mutation. However, the Na(+) activation kinetics were not affected. These findings are of clinical relevance to patients with primary carnitine deficiency because whereas each and every mutation in these patients is expected to result in the loss of the carnitine transport function, all of these mutations may not interfere with the organic cation transport function.  相似文献   

Uptake by the liver of the organic cation and essential nutrient choline is required for the hepatic synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. Uptake of other organic cations is also important for the metabolism and secretion of numerous endobiotics and drugs. Although a high affinity mammalian hepatic choline transporter has been kinetically defined, it has not been previously identified. We have developed stable transfectants of BALB/3T3 cells, using a murine member of the organic cation transporter gene family (mOct1/Slc22a1), and used these cells to characterize the transport of the organic cation choline and model organic cation tetraethylammonium (TEA). Functional expression of mOct1/Slc22a1 in BALB/3T3 cells confers the saturable, temperature-dependent uptake of choline with a K(m) of 42 micrometer, and uptake of TEA with a K(m) of 43 micrometer. We subsequently used our cell culture uptake system to kinetically define in HepG2 cells a high affinity choline uptake process, which transports choline with a K(m) similar to that of mOct1/Slc22a1 protein. We also demonstrated that organic cation transport by mOct1/Slc22a1 is inhibited by several organic cations, and that the gene is expressed in the perinatal period, at a time when phosphatidylcholine synthesis increases.We conclude that mOct1/Slc22a1 encodes a high affinity mammalian hepatic choline/organic cation transporter. This transporter may be important for hepatic phosphatidylcholine synthesis, and for the metabolism and secretion of many organic cationic drugs.  相似文献   

The developmental regulation of rat brain-derived/Hep G2 glucose transporter gene expression was studied by means of Northern blot hybridization, using a rat brain glucose transporter cDNA probe, in order to directly quantify steady state glucose transporter mRNA levels. The results obtained showed different tissue-specific patterns of glucose transporter mRNA levels during ontogenesis; while in brain there was a sustained increase in the levels of the message from 20 days embryogenesis until 50 days postnatal, other organs such as heart, lung, liver, and muscle expressed maximal levels of the glucose transporter mRNA in 20-day fetuses and 1-day neonates, decreasing subsequently to very low levels. The relative expression of the glucose transporter mRNA in the different tissues, at both fetal and adult stages, was analyzed using a solution hybridization-RNase protection assay. This approach revealed that, while the heart expresses the highest levels of glucose transporter mRNA at 20 days of fetal life, the brain shows the highest levels at the adult stage. These results indicate a tissue-specific ontogenic pattern of glucose transporter gene expression, suggesting a developmental role for this glucose transporter gene product.  相似文献   

Polyspecific organic cation transporters (OCTs) have a large substrate binding pocket with different interaction domains. To determine whether OCT regulation is substrate specific, suitable fluorescent organic cations were selected by comparing their uptake in wild-type (WT) human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells and in HEK-293 cells stably transfected with hOCT2. N-amidino-3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazine-carboxamide (amiloride) and 4-[4-(dimethylamino)-styryl]-N-methylpyridinium (ASP) showed concentration-dependent uptake in hOCT2 at 37°C. After subtraction of unspecific uptake determined in WT at 37°C or in hOCT2 at 8°C saturable specific uptake of both substrates was measured. Km values of hOCT2-mediated uptake of 95 µM amiloride and 24 µM ASP were calculated. Inhibition of amiloride and ASP uptake by several organic cations was also measured [IC50 (in µM) for amiloride and ASP, respectively, tetraethylammonium (TEA) 98 and 30, cimetidine 14 and 26, and tetrapentylammonium (TPA) 7 and 2]. Amiloride and ASP uptake were significantly reduced by inhibition of Ca2+/CaM complex (–55 ± 5%, n = 10 and –63 ± 2%, n = 15, for amiloride and ASP, respectively) and stimulation of PKC (–54 ± 5%, n = 14, and –31 ± 6%, n = 26) and PKA (–16 ± 5%, n = 16, and –18 ± 4%, n = 40), and they were increased by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (+28 ± 6%, n = 8, and +55 ± 17%, n = 16). Inhibition of Ca2+/CaM complex resulted in a significant decrease of Vmax (160–99 photons/s) that can be explained in part by a reduction of the membrane-associated hOCT2 (–22 ± 6%, n = 9) as determined using FACScan flow cytometry. The data indicate that saturable transport by hOCT2 can be measured by the fluorescent substrates amiloride and ASP and that transport activity for both substrates is regulated similarly. Inhibition of the Ca2+/CaM complex causes changes in transport capacity via hOCT2 trafficking. organic cation transport; fluorescence measurement; 4-[4-(dimethylamino)-styryl]-n-methylpyridinium; amiloride  相似文献   

Kwak JO  Kim HW  Song JH  Kim MJ  Park HS  Hyun DK  Kim DS  Cha SH 《IUBMB life》2005,57(2):109-117
The rat organic anion transporter 3 (rOAT3) has recently been identified as the third isoform of the OAT family. The mechanisms that regulate rOAT3's functions remain to be elucidated. rOAT3 contributes for moving a number of negatively charged organic compounds between cells and their extracellular milieu. Caveolin (Cav) also plays a role as a membrane transporter. To address the relationship of these two proteins, we investigated the protein-protein interaction between rOAT3 and Cav-1. The rOAT3 mRNA and protein expression were observed in the rat kidney, and the expressions of Cav-1 mRNA and protein were also detected in the kidney. Confocal microscopy of the immuno-cytochemistry experiments using primary cultured renal proximal tubular cells showed that rOAT3 and Cav-1 were co-localized at the plasma membrane. This finding was confirmed by Western blot analysis using isolated caveolae-enriched membrane fractions from the rat kidney and immuno-precipitation experimentation. When rOAT3's synthesized cRNA of rOAT3 along with the antisense oligo deoxynucleotide ofXenopusCav-1 were co-injected intoXenopusoocytes, the [(3)H] estrone sulfate uptake was significantly decreased. These findings suggest that rOAT3 and caveolin-1 share a cellular expression in the plasma membrane and Cav-1 up-regulates the organic anionic compound uptake via rOAT3 under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Hormonal regulation of gene expression   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The involvement of plant hormones in the regulation of gene expression is well-recognized. Current research using molecular approaches has resulted in the isolation and characterization of a number of hormone-responsive genes and cDNAs. These genes are proving to be valuable molecular probes to study the mode of action of plant hormones. This review will briefly describe some recent molecular data from selected hormone-responsive plant systems. Results of these studies indicate potential complexity in the regulation of these genes. These results and future challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

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