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Telocytes (TCs) are recently described interstitial cells, present in almost all human organs. Among many other functions, TCs regulate gastrointestinal motility together with the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs). TCs and ICCs have close localization in the human myenteric plexus; however, the exact spatial relationship cannot be clearly examined by previously applied double immunofluorescence/confocal microscopy. Data on TCs and submucosal ganglia and their relationship to intestinal nerves are scarce. The aim of the study was to analyse the spatial relationship among these components in the normal human ileum and colon with double CD34/CD117 and CD34/S100 immunohistochemistry and high-resolution light microscopy. TCs were found to almost completely encompass both myenteric and submucosal ganglia in ileum and colon. An incomplete monolayer of ICCs was localized between the TCs and the longitudinal muscle cells in ileum, whereas only scattered ICCs were present on both surfaces of the colonic myenteric ganglia. TC-telopodes were observed within colonic myenteric ganglia. TCs, but no ICCs, were present within and around the interganglionic nerve fascicles, submucosal nerves and mesenterial nerves, but were only observed along small nerves intramuscularly. These anatomic differences probably reflect the various roles of TCs and ICCs in the bowel function.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that enteric inhibitory neurotransmission is mediated via interstitial cells of Cajal in some gastrointestinal tissues. This study describes the physical relationships between enteric neurons and interstitial cells of Cajal in the deep muscular plexus (IC-DMP) of the guinea-pig small intestine. c-Kit and vimentin were colocalized in the cell bodies and fine cellular processes of interstitial cells of the deep muscular plexus. Anti-vimentin antibodies were subsequently used to examine the relationships of interstitial cells with inhibitory motor neurons (as identified by nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity) and excitatory motor neurons (using substance P-like immunoreactivity). Neurons with nitric oxide synthase- and substance P-like immunoreactivities were closely associated with the cell bodies of interstitial cells and ramified along their processes for distances greater than 300 7m. With transmission electron microscopy, we noted close relationships between interstitial cells and the nitric oxide synthase- and substance P-like immunoreactive axonal varicosities. Varicosities of nitric oxide synthase and substance P neurons were found as close as 20 and 25 nm from interstitial cells, respectively. Specialized junctions with increased electron density of pre- and postsynaptic membranes were observed at close contact points between nitric oxide synthase- and substance P-like immunoreactive neurons and interstitial cells. Close structural relationships (approximately 25 nm) were also occasionally observed between either nitric oxide synthase- and substance P-like immunoreactive varicosities and smooth muscle cells of the outer circular muscle layer. The data suggest that interstitial cells in the deep muscle plexus are heavily innervated by excitatory and inhibitory enteric motor neurons. Thus, these interstitial cells may provide an important, but probably not exclusive, pathway for nerve-muscle communication in the small intestine.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal in the circular (ICC-CM) and longitudinal (ICC-LM) muscle layer of the rat gastric antrum and their innervation were studied ultrastructurally. Both ICC-CM and ICC-LM are characterized by many mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, caveolae, and formation of gap junctions with each other and with muscle cells, though ICC-LM tend to show more variable cytoplasmic features depending on section profiles. Close contacts between nerve terminals and both ICC-CM and ICC-LM are observed. These possible synaptic structures are characterized by: (1) accumulation of synaptic vesicles in nerve varicosities, (2) a narrow gap (about 20 nm) between pre- and postjunctional membranes, (3) lack of a basal lamina between pre- and postjunctional membranes, and (4) the presence of an electron-dense lining on the inner aspect of prejunctional membranes. Almost the same characteristics are observed between the nerve terminals and the muscle cells of both circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the same specimens. Therefore, we conclude that the smooth muscle cells of both circular and longitudinal layers of the rat antrum are directly and indirectly innervated via ICC. Their functional significance is discussed.  相似文献   

The term 'Interstitial cells of Cajal' (ICC) designates several groups of mesenchymal cells present along the gastro-intestinal tract (GI), in close association with smooth muscle cells and elements of the enteric nervous system (ENS). For years, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been the only reliable tool to study ICC. Whilst TEM remains the golden standard for identification of ICC, the observation that the tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit plays a crucial role in their development recently resulted in numerous immunohistochemical studies and also led to a better characterization of their roles. ICC form extensive networks of electrically coupled cells and certain groups of ICC are currently regarded as the source of the spontaneous slow waves of the gut musculature (pacemaker cells). Other ICC appear to be involved in the transduction of the relaxation of smooth muscle triggered by nitric oxide. Abnormal distribution of ICC has been reported in several human diseases and abnormal functioning of ICC might actually be involved in many disorders of GI transit. This review addresses (1) the morphology and relationships of ICC along the GI tract in man and mouse, mainly based on data from immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, (2) the emerging role of ICC in the pathophysiology of human diseases, like infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (a common disorder with a dysfunction of the pyloric sphincter), Hirschsprung's disease (aganglion-osis coli) and intestinal pseudo-obstruction, (3) developmental issues, (4) recent reports suggesting a possible link between ICC and gastrointestinal stromal tumors.  相似文献   

A histochemical method for the acetylcholinesterase activity was used to establish the parasympathetic components of the gastric coats in man. The four gastric layers contain a rich cholinergic innervation. In the mucosa the positive nerve fibers are located around the gastric glands and between the muscles of the muscularis mucosae. In the submucosa rich interconnected nerve fibers, rare large nerve trunks, and scarce ganglia cells show a strong cholinergic reaction. The muscular layer contains the highest density of cholinergic nerve fibers, isolated or in large bundles. Auerbach's plexus has a strong acetylcholinesterase activity in the nerve cell bodies. The subserous layer is very rich in cholinergic nerve fibers, rarely isolated, but interconnected. The vessels of each gastric layer exhibit a rich cholinergic innervation in the adventitia and the outside part of media.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are proposed to play a role in stretch activation of nerves and are under intense investigation for potential roles in enteric innervation. Most data to support such roles come from in vitro studies with muscle strips whereas data at the whole organ level are scarce. To obtain insight into the role of ICC in distention-induced motor patterns developing at the organ level, we studied distension-induced adaptive relaxation in the isolated whole stomach of wild-type and W/W(v) mice. A method was developed to assess gastric adaptive relaxation that gave quantitative information on rates of pressure development and maximal adaptive relaxation. Pressure development was monitored throughout infusion of 1 ml of solution over a 10-min period. The final intraluminal pressure was sensitive to blockade of nitric oxide synthase, in wild-type and W/W(v) mice to a similar extent, indicating NO-mediated relaxation in W/W(v) mice. Adaptive relaxation occurred between 0.2 and 0.5 ml of solution infusion; this reflex was abolished by TTX, was not sensitive to blockade of nitric oxide synthase, but was abolished by apamin, suggesting that ATP and not nitric oxide is the neurotransmitter responsible for this intrinsic reflex. Despite the absence of intramuscular ICC (ICC-IM), normal gastric adaptive relaxation occurred in the W/W(v) stomach. Because pressure development was significantly lower in W/W(v) mice compared with wild type in all the conditions studied, including in the presence of TTX, ICC-IM may play a role in development of myogenic tone. In conclusion, a mouse model was developed to assess the intrinsic component of gastric accommodation. This showed that ICC-IM are not essential for activation of intrinsic sensory nerves nor ATP-driven adaptive relaxation nor NO-mediated relaxation in the present model. ICC-IM may be involved in regulation of (distention-induced) myogenic tone.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) include several types of specialized cells within the musculature of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Some types of ICC act as pacemakers in the GIT musculature, whereas others are implicated in the modulation of enteric neurotransmission. Kit immunohistochemistry reliably identifies the location of these cells and provides information on changes in ICC distribution and density. Human stomach specimens were obtained from 7 embryos and 28 foetuses without gastrointestinal disorders. The specimens were 7–27 weeks of gestational age, and both sexes are represented in the sample. The specimens were exposed to anti‐c‐kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation. Enteric plexuses were immunohistochemically examined by using anti‐neuron specific enolase and the differentiation of smooth muscle cells (SMC) was studied with anti‐α smooth muscle actin and anti‐desmin antibodies. By week 7, c‐kit‐immunopositive precursors formed a layer in the outer stomach wall around myenteric plexus elements. Between 9 and 11 weeks some of these precursors differentiated into ICC. ICC at the myenteric plexus level differentiated first, followed by those within the muscle layer: between SMC, at the circular and longitudinal layers, and within connective tissue septa enveloping muscle bundles. In the fourth month, all subtypes of c‐kit‐immunoreactivity ICC which are necessary for the generation of slow waves and their transfer to SMC have been developed. These results may help elucidate the origin of ICC and the aetiology and pathogenesis of stomach motility disorders in neonates and young children that are associated with absence or decreased number of these cells.  相似文献   

The effect of neural inhibition on the electrical activities of circular and longitudinal colonic smooth muscle was investigated. In addition, a comparative study was carried out between circular muscle preparations with and without the "submucosal" and "myenteric plexus" network of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) to study innervation of the "submucosal" ICC and to investigate whether or not the ICC network is an essential intermediary system for inhibitory innervation of smooth muscle cells. Electrical stimulation of intrinsic nerves in the presence of atropine caused inhibitory junction potentials (ijps) throughout the circular and longitudinal muscle layers. The ijp amplitude depended on the membrane potential and not on the location of the muscle cells with respect to the ICC network. Neurally mediated inhibition of the colon resulted in a reduction in amplitude and duration of slow wave type action potentials in circular and abolishment of spike-like action potentials in longitudinal smooth muscle, both resulting in a reduction of contractile activity. With respect to mediation by ICC, the study shows (i) "submucosal" ICC receive direct inhibitory innervation and (ii) circular smooth muscle cells can be directly innervated by inhibitory nerves without ICC as necessary intermediaries. The reversal potential of the ijp in colonic smooth muscle was observed to be approximately -76 mV, close to the estimated potassium equilibrium potential, suggesting that the nerve-mediated hyperpolarization is caused by increased potassium conductance.  相似文献   

The generation of functional neuromuscular activity within the pre-natal gastrointestinal tract requires the coordinated development of enteric neurons and glial cells, concentric layers of smooth muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). We investigated the genesis of these different cell types in human embryonic and fetal gut material ranging from weeks 4–14. Neural crest cells (NCC), labelled with antibodies against the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR, entered the foregut at week 4, and migrated rostrocaudally to reach the terminal hindgut by week 7. Initially, these cells were loosely distributed throughout the gut mesenchyme but later coalesced to form ganglia along a rostrocaudal gradient of maturation; the myenteric plexus developed primarily in the foregut, then in the midgut, and finally in the hindgut. The submucosal plexus formed approximately 2–3 weeks after the myenteric plexus, arising from cells that migrated centripetally through the circular muscle layer from the myenteric region. Smooth muscle differentiation, as evidenced by the expression of -smooth muscle actin, followed NCC colonization of the gut within a few weeks. Gut smooth muscle also matured in a rostrocaudal direction, with a large band of -smooth muscle actin being present in the oesophagus at week 8 and in the hindgut by week 11. Circular muscle developed prior to longitudinal muscle in the intestine and colon. ICC emerged from the developing gut mesenchyme at week 9 to surround and closely appose the myenteric ganglia by week 11. By week 14, the intestine was invested with neural cells, longitudinal, circular and muscularis mucosae muscle layers, and an ICC network, giving the fetal gut a mature appearance.A.S.W. is funded by a PhD studentship awarded to A.J.B. by the Child Health Research Appeal Trust.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are interposed between enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells in gastrointestinal (GI) muscles. The specific relationships between these cells in the murine proximal colon were studied with conventional and immunoelectron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Intramuscular interstitial cells (IC-IM) formed discrete networks within the circular muscle layer of the murine proximal colon. Nerve trunks ran in close association with IC-IM and individual nerve trunks came into close contact with multiple IC-IM. Conventional electron microscopy revealed very close (< or = 20 nm) associations between nerve fibers and IC-IM. Processes of IC-IM also formed close contacts with neighboring smooth muscle cells. At the points of close association between neurons and IC-IM, areas of membrane densification in both pre- and postjunctional cells were present, suggesting specialized contacts or synaptic-like structures. Similar points of contact between neurons and smooth muscle cells were extremely rare. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that IC-IM formed close associations with neurons containing nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity (NOS-LI) or vesicular acetylcholine transporter-like immunoreactivity (vAChT-LI), suggesting innervation by both inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons. IC-IM were also labeled with anti-NOS antibodies. These observations suggest that IC-IM are an integral part of the neuromuscular junction in the colon. These cells may be the primary site of innervation, and neural regulation of the musculature may occur via IC-IM.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal in the deep muscular plexus (ICC-DMP) of the small intestine express excitatory neurotransmitter receptors. We tested whether ICC-DMP are functionally innervated by cholinergic neurons in the murine intestine. Muscles were stimulated by intrinsic nerves and ACh and processed for immunohistochemistry to determine these effects on PKC-epsilon activation. Under control conditions, PKC-epsilon-like immunoreactivy (PKC-epsilon-LI) was only observed in myenteric neurons within the tunica muscularis. Electrical field stimulation or ACh caused translocation of neural PKC-epsilon-LI from the cytosol to a peripheral compartment. After stimulation, PKC-epsilon-LI was found in spindle-shaped cells in the DMP. These cells were identified as ICC-DMP by Kit-LI and vimentin-LI. PKC-epsilon-LI in ICC-DMP and translocation of PKC epsilon-LI in neurons were blocked by tetrodotoxin or atropine, suggesting that these responses were due to activation of muscarinic receptors. Western blots also confirmed translocation of PKC-epsilon-LI. In conclusion, PKC-epsilon translocation is linked to muscarinic receptor activation in ICC-DMP and a subpopulation of myenteric neurons. These studies demonstrate that ICC-DMP are functionally innervated by excitatory motoneurons.  相似文献   

The feline gastrointestinal (GI) tract is an important model for GI physiology but no immunohistochemical assessment of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) has been performed because of the lack of suitable antibodies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the various types of ICC and associated nerve structures in the pyloric sphincter region, by using immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy to complement functional studies. In the sphincter, ICC associated with Auerbach’s plexus (ICC-AP) were markedly decreased within a region of 6–8 mm in length, thereby forming an interruption in this network of ICC-AP, which is otherwise continuous from corpus to distal ileum. In contrast, intramuscular ICC (ICC-IM) were abundant within the pylorus, especially at the inner edge of the circular muscle adjacent to the submucosa. Similar distribution patterns of nerves positive for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and substance P (SP) were encountered. Quantification showed a significantly higher number of ICC-IM and the various types of nerves in the pylorus compared with the circular muscle layers in the adjacent antrum and duodenum. Electron-microscopic studies demonstrated that ICC-IM were closely associated with enteric nerves through synapse-like junctions and with smooth muscle cells through gap junctions. Thus, for the first time, immunohistochemical studies have been successful in documenting the unique distribution of ICC in the feline pylorus. A lack of ICC-AP guarantees the distinct properties of antral and duodenal pacemaker activities. ICC-IM are associated with enteric nerves, which are concentrated in the inner portion of the circular muscle layer, being part of a unique innervation pattern of the sphincter. This study was supported by operating grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (to J.D.H. and N.E.D.) and from the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (to L.W.C.L.).  相似文献   

Several subtypes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) form networks that play a role in gastrointestinal motor control. ICC express c-kit and depend on signaling via Kit receptors for development and phenotype maintenance. At 7-8 weeks of development, c-kit-immunoreactive (c-kit-IR) cells are present in the human oesophagus, stomach and proximal duodenum wall. In the remaining small and large bowel, c-kit-IR cells appear later. The object of the present study is to determine the timing of the appearance of c-kit-IR ICC in the parts of the digestive tube originating from the midgut (distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum and proximal colon). Specimens were obtained from eight human embryos and 11 fetuses at 7-12 weeks of gestational age. The specimens were exposed to anti-c-kit antibodies to investigate ICC differentiation. The differentiation of enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells was immunohistochemically examined by using anti-PGP9,5 and anti-desmin antibodies, respectively. In the distal duodenum, jejunum and ileum, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9 at the level of the myenteric plexus in the form of a thin row of cells encircling the inception of the ganglia. These cells were multipolar or spindle-shaped with two long processes and corresponded to the ICC of the myenteric plexus. In the proximal colon, c-kit-IR cells emerged at week 9-10 in the form of two parallel belts of cells extending at the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus levels. We conclude that ICC develop following two different patterns in the human midgut.  相似文献   

In many organs, different protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are expressed in specific cell types, suggesting that the different PKCs have cell-specific roles, and also that drugs acting on a particular PKC may have effects on the whole organ that are distinguishable from drugs that target other isoforms. Previous studies of the guinea-pig and mouse intestine indicate that there are cell-specific expressions of PKC isoforms in neurons, muscle and the interstitial cells of Cajal. In the present study we have investigated the expression of different PKCs in human intestine. Immunohistochemical studies showed that the forms that are prominent in human enteric neurons are PKCs γ and ε and in muscle the dominant form is PKCδ. Neurons were weakly stained for PKCβI. These observations parallel findings in guinea-pig and mouse, except that in human PKCγ-IR was not present in the same types of neurons that express it in the guinea-pig. Enteric glial cells were strongly immunoreactive for PKCα, which is also the major isoform in enteric glial cells of guinea-pig. In human and guinea-pig, glial cells also express PKCβI. Spindle-shaped cells in the mucosa were immunoreactive for PKCα and PKCγ and in the muscle layers similar cells had PKCγ-IR and PKCθ-IR. The spindle-shaped cells were similar in morphology to interstitial cells of Cajal. Western analysis and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of the PKC isoform proteins and mRNA in the tissue. We conclude that there is cell-type specific expression of different PKCs in enteric neurons and intestinal muscle in human tissue, and that there are strong similarities in patterns of expression between laboratory animals and human, but some clear differences are also observed.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) generate the electrical slow wave required for normal gastrointestinal motility. The ionic conductances expressed in human intestinal ICC are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine expression of a Na+ current in human intestinal ICC and to determine the effects of the Na+ current on the slow wave. Visually identified, freshly dissociated, single ICC were verified by the presence of c-kit mRNA by using single-cell RT-PCR. Standard whole cell currents were recorded from patch-clamped ICC held at -100 mV between pulse protocols. A Na+ current was identified in human intestinal ICC. The current activated at -55 mV and peaked at -30 mV. Extracellular N-methyl-d-glucamine abolished and QX-314 (500 microM) blocked the Na+ current, but nifedipine and Ni2+ did not. The Na+ current was activated by shear stress. Single-cell RT-PCR detected mRNA for the Na+ alpha-subunit SCN5A in single human intestinal ICC. Lidocaine (200 microm) and QX-314 (500 microM) decreased slow wave frequency, and stretch increased slow wave frequency. A mechanosensitive Na+ channel current is present in human intestinal ICC and appears to play a role in the control of intestinal motor function.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are morphologically and functionally intercalated between the elements of the enteric nervous system and the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the musculature of the digestive tract. Kit immunohistochemistry reliably identifies the location of these cells and provides information on changes in ICC distribution and density. Human oesophagus specimens (7 embryos, 23 fetuses at 7-27 weeks gestational age; both sexes) were exposed to Kit antibodies to determine ICC differentiation. Enteric plexuses were examined immunohistochemically by using anti-neuron-specific enolase, whereas the differentiation of SMCs was studied with antibodies against α-smooth-muscle actin and desmin. By week 7, c-kit-immunopositive cells were present along the entire oesophagus in the form of an uninterrupted layer around the myenteric plexus (MP) elements. From the beginning of the 3rd month, the number of ICC progressively decreased around the MP ganglia but increased within the muscle layers. Concomitantly, differences in the number and distribution of ICC were established in the various portions of the oesophagus: specifically, ICC were abundant in the lower portion, less numerous in the middle region and rare in the upper part. By the 5th month of development, the relationship as found in later developmental stages had been established: C-kit IR ICC were present within the circular muscle layer, within the longitudinal layer and in the connective septa surrounding the muscle bundles but were completely missing around the MP ganglia.  相似文献   

c-kit immunohistochemistry was performed on unfixed frozen sections of human small (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) and large intestine (ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon). The c-kit immunoreactive cells in the muscularis externa of the intestinal wall were identified as interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and mast cells. ICC were identified by their morphology, localization, and organization based on previous light and electron microscopic studies. In the small intestine, ICC were located primarily in relation to the myenteric plexus of Auerbach, but also in septa between circular muscle lamellae. In the large intestine, ICC were seen in relation to Auerbach’s plexus, but also and in great numbers in the circular muscle layer and in teniae of the longitudinal muscle layer. The morphology of the ICC was similar in the small and large intestine, but the pattern of distribution was obviously different. c-kit immunoreactive mast cells were found predominantly in the inner part of the circular muscle layer. The anti-c-kit method is found to be an easy and reliable method to study at least most of the interstitial cells of Cajal and thereby contribute to further normal and pathological studies. Accepted: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

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