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Nucleotide excision repair: from E. coli to man   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Petit C  Sancar A 《Biochimie》1999,81(1-2):15-25
Nucleotide excision repair is both a 'wide spectrum' DNA repair pathway and the sole system for repairing bulky damages such as UV lesions or benzo[a]pyrene adducts. The mechanisms of nucleotide excision repair are known in considerable detail in Escherichia coli. Similarly, in the past 5 years important advances have been made towards understanding the biochemical mechanisms of excision repair in humans. The overall strategy of the repair is the same in the two species: damage recognition through a multistep mechanism involving a molecular matchmaker and an ATP-dependent unwinding of the damaged duplex; dual incisions at both sides of the lesion by two different nucleases, the 3' incision being followed by the 5'; removal of the damaged oligomer; resynthesis of the repair patch, whose length matches the gap size. Despite these similarities, the two systems are biochemically different and do not even share structural homology. E. coli excinuclease employs three proteins in contrast to 16/17 polypeptides in man; the excised fragment is longer in man: the procaryotic excinuclease is not able by itself to remove the excised oligomer whereas the human enzyme does. Thus, the excinuclease mode of action is well conserved throughout evolution, but not the biochemical tools: this represents a case of evolutionary convergence.  相似文献   

Two modes of excision repair in toluene-treated Escherichia coli.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In toluene-treated Escherichia coli incision breaks accumulate during post-irradiation incubation in the presence of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). It is shown that incised deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is converted to high-molecular-weight DNA during reincubation in the presence of the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTP's) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). This restitution process is ATP independent and N-ethylmaleimide insensitive and takes place only in polA+ strains. It is defective in strains carrying a mutation in the 5' leads to 3' exonucleolytic activity associated with DNA polymerase I. Repair of accumulated incision breaks differs from repair in which all the steps of the excision repair process occur simultaneously or in rapid succession. The latter is observed if toluene-treated E. coli are incubated immediately after irradiation in the presence of the four dNTP's, NAD, and ATP. It is shown that under these conditions dimer excision occurs to a larger extent than during repair of accumulated incision breaks and that, except in strains defective in polynucleotide ligase, incision breaks do not accumulate. This consecutive mode of repair is detectable in polA+ strains and at low doses also in polA mutants.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair in yeast   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

In Escherichia coli, replication of both strands of genomic DNA is carried out by a single replicase—DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (pol III HE). However, in certain genetic backgrounds, the low-fidelity TLS polymerase, DNA polymerase V (pol V) gains access to undamaged genomic DNA where it promotes elevated levels of spontaneous mutagenesis preferentially on the lagging strand. We employed active site mutants of pol III (pol IIIα_S759N) and pol V (pol V_Y11A) to analyze ribonucleotide incorporation and removal from the E. coli chromosome on a genome-wide scale under conditions of normal replication, as well as SOS induction. Using a variety of methods tuned to the specific properties of these polymerases (analysis of lacI mutational spectra, lacZ reversion assay, HydEn-seq, alkaline gel electrophoresis), we present evidence that repair of ribonucleotides from both DNA strands in E. coli is unequal. While RNase HII plays a primary role in leading-strand Ribonucleotide Excision Repair (RER), the lagging strand is subject to other repair systems (RNase HI and under conditions of SOS activation also Nucleotide Excision Repair). Importantly, we suggest that RNase HI activity can also influence the repair of single ribonucleotides incorporated by the replicase pol III HE into the lagging strand.  相似文献   

We have determined and compared nucleotide excision repair capability of several rat tissues by a method based on restoration of the transformation activity of UV-irradiated pBlueScript by incubation in repair-competent protein extracts. After 3 h of incubation, plasmid DNA was isolated and used to transform competent Escherichia coli cells. Damaged plasmids showed low transformation efficiency prior to incubation in repair-competent extracts. After incubation the transformation efficiency was restored to different extents permitting calculation of the repair capacity of the extracts. Our results showed that rapidly proliferating tissues such as liver, kidney and testis showed higher nucleotide excision repair capacity than slowly proliferating tissues such as heart, muscle, lung and spleen. When liver and splenocytes were stimulated to proliferation by partial hepatectomy and mitogen stimulation, their repair capability increased in parallel with the respective proliferative rates.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair and translesion DNA synthesis are two processes that operate at arrested replication forks to reduce the frequency of recombination and promote cell survival following UV-induced DNA damage. While nucleotide excision repair is generally considered to be error free, translesion synthesis can result in mutations, making it important to identify the order and conditions that determine when each process is recruited to the arrested fork. We show here that at early times following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA synthesis occurs through nucleotide excision repair of the lesion. In the absence of repair or when the repair capacity of the cell has been exceeded, translesion synthesis by polymerase V (Pol V) allows DNA synthesis to resume and is required to protect the arrested replication fork from degradation. Pol II and Pol IV do not contribute detectably to survival, mutagenesis, or restoration of DNA synthesis, suggesting that, in vivo, these polymerases are not functionally redundant with Pol V at UV-induced lesions. We discuss a model in which cells first use DNA repair to process replication-arresting UV lesions before resorting to mutagenic pathways such as translesion DNA synthesis to bypass these impediments to replication progression.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the most versatile and best studied DNA repair system in humans. NER can repair a variety of bulky DNA damages including UV-light induced DNA photoproducts. NER consists of a multistep process in which the DNA lesion is recognized and demarcated by DNA unwinding. Then, a ~28 bp DNA damage containing oligonucleotide is excised followed by gap filling using the undamaged DNA strand as a template. The consequences of defective NER are demonstrated by three rare autosomal-rezessive NER-defective syndromes: xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome (CS), and trichothiodystrophy (TTD). XP patients show severe sun sensitivity, freckling in sun exposed skin, and develop skin cancers already during childhood. CS patients exhibit sun sensitivity, severe neurologic abnormalities, and cachectic dwarfism. Clinical symptoms of TTD patients include sun sensitivity, freckling in sun exposed skin areas, and brittle sulfur-deficient hair. In contrast to XP patients, CS and TTD patients are not skin cancer prone. Studying these syndromes can increase the knowledge of skin cancer development including cutaneous melanoma as well as basal and squamous cell carcinoma in general that may lead to new preventional and therapeutic anticancer strategies in the normal population.  相似文献   

One of the major products of lipid peroxidation is trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). HNE forms highly mutagenic and genotoxic adducts to all DNA bases. Using M13 phage lacZ system, we studied the mutagenesis and repair of HNE treated phage DNA in E. coli wild-type or uvrA, recA, and mutL mutants. These studies revealed that: (i) nucleotide excision and recombination, but not mismatch repair, are engaged in repair of HNE adducts when present in phage DNA replicating in E. coli strains; (ii) in the single uvrA mutant, phage survival was drastically decreased while mutation frequency increased, and recombination events constituted 48 % of all mutations; (iii) in the single recA mutant, the survival and mutation frequency of HNE-modified M13 phage was slightly elevated in comparison to that in the wild-type bacteria. The majority of mutations in recA- strain were G:C → T:A transversions, occurring within the sequence which in recA+ strains underwent RecA-mediated recombination, and the entire sequence was deleted; (iv) in the double uvrA recA mutant, phage survival was the same as in the wild-type although the mutation frequency was higher than in the wild-type and recA single mutant, but lower than in the single uvrA mutant. The majority of mutations found in the latter strain were base substitutions, with G:C → A:T transitions prevailing. These transitions could have resulted from high reactivity of HNE with G and C, and induction of SOS-independent mutations.  相似文献   

Mutations in several nucleotide excision repair genes were found to affect the efficiency of recombination between short DNA sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These effects could be due to observed changes in the processing of recombination intermediates.  相似文献   

A combination of hydrodynamic and cross-linking studies were used to investigate self-assembly of the Escherichia coli DNA repair protein UvrB. Though the procession of steps leading to incision of DNA at sites flanking damage requires that UvrB engage in an ordered series of complexes, successively with UvrA, DNA, and UvrC, the potential for self-association had not yet been reported. Gel permeation chromatography, nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and chemical cross-linking results combine to show that UvrB stably assembles as a dimer in solution at concentrations in the low micromolar range. Smaller populations of higher order oligomeric species are also observed. Unlike the dimerization of UvrA, an initial step promoted by ATP binding, the monomer-dimer equilibrium for UvrB is unaffected by the presence of ATP. The insensitivity of cross-linking efficiency to a 10-fold variation in salt concentration further suggests that UvrB self-assembly is driven largely by hydrophobic interactions. Self-assembly is significantly weakened by proteolytic removal of the carboxyl terminus of the protein (generating UvrB*), a domain also known to be required for the interaction with UvrC leading to the initial incision of damaged DNA. This suggests that the C terminus may be a multifunctional binding domain, with specificity regulated by protein conformation.  相似文献   

Zou Y  Luo C  Geacintov NE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(9):2923-2931
DNA damage recognition plays a central role in nucleotide excision repair (NER). Here we present evidence that in Escherichia coli NER, DNA damage is recognized through at least two separate but successive steps, with the first focused on distortions from the normal structure of the DNA double helix (initial recognition) and the second specifically recognizing the type of DNA base modifications (second recognition), after an initial local separation of the DNA strands. DNA substrates containing stereoisomeric (+)- or (-)-trans- or (+)- or (-)-cis-BPDE-N(2)-dG lesions in DNA duplexes of known conformations were incised by UvrABC nuclease with efficiencies varying by up to 3-fold. However, these stereoisomeric adducts, when positioned in an opened, single-stranded DNA region, were all incised with similar efficiencies and with enhanced rates (by factors of 1.4-6). These bubble substrates were also equally and efficiently incised by UvrBC nuclease without UvrA. Furthermore, removal of the Watson-Crick partner cytosine residue (leaving an abasic site) in the complementary strand opposite a (+)-cis-BPDE-N(2)-dG lesion led to a significant reduction in both the binding of UvrA and the incision efficiency of UvrABC by a factor of 5. These data suggest that E. coli NER features a dynamic two-stage recognition mechanism.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair and anti-cancer chemotherapy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eddie Reed 《Cytotechnology》1998,27(1-3):187-201
DNA repair is an important effector of anti-cancer drug resistance. In recent years, it has become apparent that DNA repair is an extremely complex process. Processes within DNA repair that may contribute to one or more drug resistance phenotypes include; O-6-alkyltransferase activity, base excision repair, mismatch repair, nucleotide excision repair, and gene specific repair. Clearly, several of these processes may show increased activity within any single cell, or tumor, at any one time. This review attempts to touch briefly upon the question of the distinctions between each of these specific pathways; and then seeks to expand on nucleotide excision repair as a possible effector of cellular and clinical resistance to platinum-based anticancer therapy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Though DNA polymerase I (poll) of Escherichia (E.) coli is understood to play a role in repair synthesis of excision repair, it is still obscure whether DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) plays a similar role in eukaryotic cells. To estimate the role of pol beta in excision repair processes, we inserted the rat pol beta gene into several mutant E. coli defective in a diverse set of enzymatic activities of poll. UV resistance was seen only when the 5'----3' exonuclease (exo) activity of poll molecules remained. Therefore it is suggested that 5'----3' exo activity as well as pol beta activity are essential for repair synthesis of excision repair in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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