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有或没有基细胞是毛鞘藻属与枝鞘藻属的区别之一。这里叙述了Mrozinska在其专著中,将Oedocladium indicum Kamat附图(即模式图)上的一个基细胞错误地移置到Oe.prescottii Islam上去的情况。  相似文献   

首次报道了作为鞘藻目中三个属之一的枝鞘藻属(Oedocladium),即勃氏枝鞘藻(Oedocladium prescottii)。  相似文献   

首次报道了作为鞘藻目中三个属之一的枝鞘藻属(Oedocladium),即勃氏枝鞘藻(Oedocladium prescottii)。  相似文献   

迁移体(migrasome)是俞立教授于2015年报道的新细胞器。迁移体是细胞迁移过程中尾部产生的收缩丝的尖端或交叉点产生出的膜性细胞器。细胞产生迁移体的过程称为迁移性胞吐(migracytosis),介导细胞内物质的释放和细胞间远距离通讯,在斑马鱼胚胎发育及器官形成中具有重要作用。本篇综述总结了目前有关迁移体的研究进展,包括早期迁移体的发现过程,TSPAN4和胆固醇形成的宏结构域,整合素(integrin)与细胞外基质的相互作用以及特异性是迁移体发生的核心分子机制、迁移体研究的第一个活体动物模型以及迁移体具有和潜在的生理意义、血清中迁移体的研究。本篇综述还归纳了当前建立的迁移体研究方法和工具,包括迁移体纯化的方法、迁移体的鉴定方法、迁移体的分子标志物、迁移体的染料标记方法和抑制迁移体发生的小分子抑制剂等相关研究进展,为迁移体领域的研究奠定工具基础和树立标准。本综述还对迁移体这个新兴领域中的重要问题和研究方向进行展望,期待更多其他领域的科学家投入迁移体领域的研究中。  相似文献   

在Miami医学院(Miami,FL)实施的几个体外和体内实验表明,“分化凶子”(DF)是培养鼠细胞的一种未鉴定的产物,它致使白血病细胞分化成正常细胞。虽然Miami的研究者们还没有证实在老鼠中有“分化因子”的存在,但已知它的粒性白细胞集落刺激因子有相似的效应。然而,他们的研究认为,不足量的DF可能担负着动物异常白血病细胞的继续生长。  相似文献   

生物技术面临着大量储存活细菌和酵母等的重大问题,活细胞保藏技术的进步对于生物技术业尤显重要。过去十年间,科学家们在寻找保藏活细胞的新方法方面取得了可喜的成绩,“过冷”技术即是引人注目的新技术之一。剑桥大学生物物理学家F.Franks博士,在研究活细胞中水的冷冻行为的基础上,发展了这种保藏活细胞的“过冷”技术。  相似文献   

“甘蔗复合群”是一类极具生物能源开发潜力的禾本科C4植物。近年来由于世界能源危机的影响和植物遗传育种研究的发展,国内外学者对“甘蔗复合群”植物资源评价和能源育种研究越来越重视。本文介绍了“甘蔗复合群”的基本概念、属种分类及核心类群等研究背景。同时以甘蔗属和芒属核心资源为例,从“甘蔗复合群”能源植物遗传育种的角度综述了国内外相关研究进展。旨在总结前人的理论研究成果和杂交育种实践经验,探讨相关类群在植物系统分类和种质资源利用中存在问题与对策,为我国“甘蔗复合群”能源植物的应用基础研究和产业化开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

“人类基因组计划”自启动至“后基因组计划”的转折杨焕明(中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学教授)(中国“人类基因组计划”重大项目秘书长)今年是“人类基因组计划”(HumanGenomeProject,HGP)正式提出十周年。对这一可与“曼哈顿原子弹计划”、“阿波罗登月计划”相媲美的创举作一历史性的回顾,纵览十年来这一计划的成果、瞻望这一计划的前景,对于我国抓住机遇,接受挑战是很有必要的。  相似文献   

哺乳动物基础代谢率的主要影响因素   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
综述了影响哺乳动物基础代谢率的主要因素, 包括体重、系统发育、食性、气候和栖息地、季节、生活习性和繁殖, 以及激素、器官、线粒体和质子漏的理化特征等, 并对这些因素可能的作用机理进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

YAG激光主要通过它的热效应和对组织穿透深、止血效果好,在临床上起重要治疗作用,因具有封闭小静脉、小动脉及淋巴管的作用,从而防止了癌细胞扩散转移的不良因素。 本文十三例基底细胞癌,其中二例低分化鳞癌属于高恶,术后经二至六年随访至今健在,未发现复发和转移。实践证实,掌握好激光功率大小和正确的治疗方法也是提高疗效的关键。表明激光对基底细胞癌开辟一个新的治疗手段,值得在临床有更进一步应用研究的必要。  相似文献   

目的观察大乳头水螅(Hydra magnipapillata)基盘再生进程中基盘过氧化物酶的表达情况,探讨水螅基盘过氧化物酶的生理作用。方法通过ABTS细胞化学染色法显示水螅基盘过氧化物酶的表达。结果水螅基盘再生20h后其基盘过氧化物酶开始出现少量表达,其后过氧化物酶表达量逐渐增加;基盘再生52h后该酶表达量趋于稳定。过氧化物酶仅在基盘周边区域外胚层中表达,而在基盘中央区域(反口孔)外胚层中无表达。结论水螅基盘再生进程中过氧化物酶的表达量逐渐增加直接反映了基盘再生时细胞分化过程,基盘表达的过氧化物酶可能在维持基盘结构的稳定上起一定的作用。  相似文献   

The impact of basal (non-induced) expression levels of metallothionein I and II on the growth of mouse embryo fibroblasts in standard DMEM/F-12 containing 8.8 microm folic acid, and in DMEM/F12 without hypoxanthine, thymidine or folic acid, containing 15 nm or 15 pm[6S]-folinic acid, was assessed by comparing wild-type MT (+/+) and homozygous null MT (-/-) cell lines. No difference in growth rate was observed between the two in DMEM/F12, although MT (-/-) cells displayed a 6-fold decrease in p27(Kip1), a two fold increase in p53 and a slight increase in p21(Waf1). After 6 days in culture, the growth rate for MT (-/-) cells in 15 nm or 15 pm[6S]-folinic acid was half that of MT (+/+). After an additional 6 days in 15 n m folate, both MT (+/+) and (-/-) cells maintained their respective growth rates, while those in 15 pm had ceased to grow. During the initial 6 days in 15 nm folate, neither cell population displayed an increase in apoptosis or a change in cell cycle distribution, even though MT (-/-) cells sustained an additional 4-fold increase in p21(Waf1)and a 6-fold decrease in cyclin E expression. At day 12, however, the MT (-/-) population, but not MT (+/+), underwent a 7-fold increase in apoptosis coupled with a 3 fold increase in S phase cells. Hence, the basal level of MT I and II constitutively expressed in MT (+/+) cells enhances growth in 15nM [6S]-folinic acid by preventing S phase arrest and apoptosis.  相似文献   

A model is suggested for the organization of the epidermis based on the ordered structure of the differentiating layers, as demonstrated by published work. This ordered structure enables one to look through the epidermis at the basal cell nuclei and to see their arrangement beneath the differentiating column of cells. In dorsal skin from male DBA-2 mice there are 10.6 basal nuclei beneath a column of cells. The central nucleus of the group responds slightly earlier and more effectively than the rest to stimulation, is cycling more slowly than the majority of the basal nuclei and may spend significant periods of time out of cycle. The skin appears to contain a series of fairly independent proliferative units, each of which contain ten or eleven basal nuclei and eight to ten superficial cells of which only the youngest one or two retain their nuclei. At the centre of each group of basal nuclei is a cell that behaves differently from the rest and which is present in the skin in numbers compatible with the number of clonogenic cells. It is suggested that this represents the basic stem cell of the unit.  相似文献   

打碗花生殖细胞,精细胞及卵细胞中的细胞质类核   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
已有不少超微结构的资料阐明被子植物双亲和单亲母系质体遗传的细胞学基础。近年应用DAPI荧光染色的方法,可快速地从检测质体DNA存在的状况确定被子植物中具双亲遗传潜能的种。从质体的类核存在与否判断质体遗传方式为母系遗传或双亲遗传与已有的遗传分析结论基本一致,只有少数种类是矛盾的。DAPI荧光技术可以认为是研究细胞质遗传机理的一个重要手段。我们曾证明旋花科牵牛属植物生殖细胞、精细胞中存在细胞质类核,确定其具双亲或单亲父系质体遗传的潜能,并用RFLP技术进一步确定其为质体父系遗传型。本研究证明旋花科的打碗花属生殖细胞、精细胞和卵细胞中细胞质类核存在的状况与牵牛属的相似,提供了打碗花可能在质体遗传上与牵牛属 具相同的遗传方式的资料。  相似文献   

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in the United States. Sunburn is a modifiable risk factor for BCC. The objective of this project was to synthesize research on BCC and sunburn to quantify the impact and severity of sunburn at different life stages on BCC risk in the general population. A systematic literature search of four electronic databases was conducted and data were extracted by two independent reviewers using standardized forms. Data from 38 studies were pooled using both dichotomous and dose-response meta-analytic methods. BCC risk increased with ever experiencing a sunburn in childhood (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 1.19, 1.72) and with ever experiencing a sunburn in life (OR= 1.40, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.45). Every five sunburns experienced per decade in childhood increased BCC risk by 1.86 (95% CI: 1.73, 2.00) times. Every five sunburns experienced per decade in adulthood increased BCC risk by 2.12 (95% CI: 1.75, 2.57) times and every five sunburns per decade of life increased BCC risk by 1.91 (95% CI: 1.42, 2.58) times. The data on sunburn exposure and BCC show that an increase in number of sunburns at any age increased the risk of BCC. This may inform future prevention efforts.  相似文献   

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