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Maple J  Møller SG 《FEBS letters》2007,581(11):2162-2167
Chloroplasts still retain components of the bacterial cell division machinery and research over the past decade has led to an understanding of how these stromal division proteins assemble and function as a complex chloroplast division machinery. However, during evolution plant chloroplasts have acquired a number of cytosolic division proteins, indicating that unlike the cyanobacterial ancestors of plastids, chloroplast division in higher plants require a second division machinery located on the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. Here we review the current understanding of the stromal and cytosolic plastid division machineries and speculate how two protein machineries coordinate their activities across a double-membraned structure.  相似文献   

Plastid division and development   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Pyke KA 《The Plant cell》1999,11(4):549-556

BACKGROUND: The continuity of chloroplasts is maintained by division of pre-existing chloroplasts. Chloroplasts originated as bacterial endosymbionts; however, the majority of bacterial division factors are absent from chloroplasts and the eukaryotic host has added several new components. For example, the ftsZ gene has been duplicated and modified, and the Min system has retained MinE and MinD but lost MinC, acquiring at least one new component ARC3. Further, the mechanism has evolved to include two members of the dynamin protein family, ARC5 and FZL, and plastid-dividing (PD) rings were most probably added by the eukaryotic host. SCOPE: Deciphering how the division of plastids is coordinated and controlled by nuclear-encoded factors is key to our understanding of this important biological process. Through a number of molecular-genetic and biochemical approaches, it is evident that FtsZ initiates plastid division where the coordinated action of MinD and MinE ensures correct FtsZ (Z)-ring placement. Although the classical FtsZ antagonist MinC does not exist in plants, ARC3 may fulfil this role. Together with other prokaryotic-derived proteins such as ARC6 and GC1 and key eukaryotic-derived proteins such as ARC5 and FZL, these proteins make up a sophisticated division machinery. The regulation of plastid division in a cellular context is largely unknown; however, recent microarray data shed light on this. Here the current understanding of the mechanism of chloroplast division in higher plants is reviewed with an emphasis on how recent findings are beginning to shape our understanding of the function and evolution of the components. CONCLUSIONS: Extrapolation from the mechanism of bacterial cell division provides valuable clues as to how the chloroplast division process is achieved in plant cells. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the highly regulated mechanism of plastid division within the host cell has led to the evolution of features unique to the plastid division process.  相似文献   

Many species appear to be undergoing shifts in phenology, arising from climate change. To predict the direction and magnitude of future changes requires an understanding of how phenology depends on climatic variation. Species show large‐scale spatial variation in phenology (affected by differentiation among populations) as well as variation in phenology from year‐to‐year at the same site (affected predominantly by local plasticity). Teasing apart spatial and temporal variation in phenology should allow improved predictions of phenology under climate change. This study is the first to quantify large‐scale spatial and temporal variation in the entire emergence pattern of species, and to test the relationships found by predicting future data. We use data from up to 33 years of permanent transect records of butterflies in the United Kingdom to fit and test models for 15 butterfly species. We use generalized additive models to model spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of adult butterflies over the season, allowing us to capture changes in the timing of emergence peaks, relative sizes of peaks and/or number of peaks in a single analysis. We develop these models using data for 1973–2000, and then use them to predict phenologies from 2001 to 2006. For six of our study species, a model with only spatial variation in phenology is the best predictor of the future, implying that these species have limited plasticity. For the remaining nine species, the best predictions come from a model with both spatial and temporal variation in phenology; for four of these, growing degree‐days have similar effects over space and time, implying high levels of plasticity. The results show that statistical phenology models can be used to predict phenology shifts in a second time period, suggesting that it should be feasible to project phenologies under climate change scenarios, at least over modest time scales.  相似文献   

Plastids are derived from free-living cyanobacteria that were engulfed by eukaryotic host cells through the process of endosymbiosis and, like their cyanobacterial ancestors, divide by binary fission. Over the last decade the continued identification and functional analysis of plastid division components, coupled with ever-increasing genomic resources, have yielded insights into the origins and evolution of the plastid division mechanism in higher plants. Here we review the current understanding of the evolution of the chloroplast division proteins and present a model of how the machinery has developed to execute plastid division in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Plastid division: evidence for a prokaryotically derived mechanism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plastid division is a critical process in plant cell biology but it is poorly understood. Recent studies combining mutant analysis, gene cloning, and exploitation of genomic resources have revealed that the molecular machinery associated with plastid division is derived evolutionarily from the bacterial cell division apparatus. Comparison of the two processes provides a basis for identifying new components of the plastid division mechanism, but also serves to highlight the differences, not least of which is the nuclear control of the plastid division process.  相似文献   

We have investigated several factors determining plastid size and number in Peperomia, a genus in the Piperaceae family whose species naturally display great interspecific variation in chloroplast size and number per cell. Using microscopic techniques, we show that chloroplast size and number are differently regulated in the palisade parenchyma and the spongy parenchyma, suggesting that chloroplast division in these cell types is controlled in different ways. Microscopic studies of iodine-stained root cells revealed a correlation between amyloplast size in root cells and chloroplast size in palisade parenchyma cells. However, despite substantial variation in chloroplast number in leaf mesophyll cells, amyloplast number in root cells was very similar in all species. The results suggest that organelle size and number are regulated in a tissue-specific manner rather than in dependency on the plastid type. We also demonstrate that plastid size determines the size but not the number of starch grains in root amyloplasts.  相似文献   

Decisions of when and where to divide are crucial for cell survival and fate, and for tissue organization and homeostasis. The temporal coordination of mitotic events during cell division is essential to ensure that each daughter cell receives one copy of the genome. The spatial coordination of these events is also crucial because the cytokinetic furrow must be aligned with the axis of chromosome segregation and, in asymmetrically dividing cells, the polarity axis. Several recent papers describe how cell shape and polarity are coordinated with cell division in single cells and tissues and begin to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms, revealing common principles and molecular players. Here, we discuss how cells regulate the spatial and temporal coordination of cell polarity with cell division.  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of cell division is equal transmission of the duplicated genome to two new daughter cells. Multiple surveillance systems exist that monitor proper execution of the cell division program and as such ensure stability of our genome. One widely studied protein complex essential for proper chromosome segregation and execution of cytoplasmic division (cytokinesis) is the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). This highly conserved complex consists of Borealin, Survivin, INCENP, and Aurora B kinase, and has a dynamic localization pattern during mitosis and cytokinesis. Not surprisingly, it also performs various functions during these phases of the cell cycle. In this review, we will give an overview of the latest insights into the regulation of CPC localization and discuss if and how specific localization impacts its diverse functions in the dividing cell.  相似文献   

Plastids arise by division from pre-existing organelles, and with the recent characterization of several new components of plastid division our understanding of the division process in higher plants has improved dramatically. However, it is still not known how these different protein components act together during division. Here we analyse protein-protein interactions between all known stromal plastid division proteins. Using a combination of quantitative yeast two-hybrid assays, in planta co-localization studies, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays we show that these proteins do not act in isolation but rather in protein complexes to govern appropriate plastid division. We have previously shown that AtMinD1 forms functional homodimers and we show here that in addition to homodimerization AtMinD1 also interacts with AtMinE1. Furthermore, AtMinE1 has the ability to homodimerize. We also demonstrate that proteins from both FtsZ families (AtFtsZ1-1 and AtFtsZ2-1) not only interact with themselves but also with each other, and we show that these interactions are not dependent on correct Z-ring formation. Further to this we demonstrate that ARC6 specifically interacts with the core domain of AtFtsZ2-1, but not with AtFtsZ1-1, providing in planta evidence for a functional difference between the two FtsZ protein families in plants. Our studies have enabled us to construct a meaningful intraplastidic protein-protein interaction map of all known stromal plastid division proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly assumed that closely related animals are similar in body size, the degree of similarity has not been examined across the taxonomic hierarchy. Moreover, little is known about the variation or consistency of body size patterns across geographic space or evolutionary time. Here, we draw from a data set of terrestrial, nonvolant mammals to quantify and compare patterns across the body size spectrum, the taxonomic hierarchy, continental space, and evolutionary time. We employ a variety of statistical techniques including "sib-sib" regression, phylogenetic autocorrelation, and nested ANOVA. We find an extremely high resemblance (heritability) of size among congeneric species for mammals over approximately 18 g; the result is consistent across the size spectrum. However, there is no significant relationship among the body sizes of congeneric species for mammals under approximately 18 g. We suspect that life-history and ecological parameters are so tightly constrained by allometry at diminutive size that animals can only adapt to novel ecological conditions by modifying body size. The overall distributions of size for each continental fauna and for the most diverse orders are quantitatively similar for North America, South America, and Africa, despite virtually no overlap in species composition. Differences in ordinal composition appear to account for quantitative differences between continents. For most mammalian orders, body size is highly conserved, although there is extensive overlap at all levels of the taxonomic hierarchy. The body size distribution for terrestrial mammals apparently was established early in the Tertiary, and it has remained remarkably constant over the past 50 Ma and across the major continents. Lineages have diversified in size to exploit environmental opportunities but only within limits set by allometric, ecological, and evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

Predictable trait variation across environments suggests shared adaptive responses via repeated genetic evolution, phenotypic plasticity or both. Matching of trait–environment associations at phylogenetic and individual scales implies consistency between these processes. Alternatively, mismatch implies that evolutionary divergence has changed the rules of trait–environment covariation. Here we tested whether species adaptation alters elevational variation in blood traits. We measured blood for 1217 Andean hummingbirds of 77 species across a 4600-m elevational gradient. Unexpectedly, elevational variation in haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) was scale independent, suggesting that physics of gas exchange, rather than species differences, determines responses to changing oxygen pressure. However, mechanisms of [Hb] adjustment did show signals of species adaptation: Species at either low or high elevations adjusted cell size, whereas species at mid-elevations adjusted cell number. This elevational variation in red blood cell number versus size suggests that genetic adaptation to high altitude has changed how these traits respond to shifts in oxygen availability.  相似文献   

Modelling data across labs, genomes, space and time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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