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M A Frye  M H Dickinson 《Neuron》2001,32(3):385-388
Flies exhibit a repertoire of aerial acrobatics unmatched in robustness and aerodynamic sophistication. The exquisite control of this complex behavior emerges from encoding intricate patterns of optic flow, and the translation of these visual signals into the mechanical language of the motor system. Recent advances in experimental design toward more naturalistic visual and mechanosensory stimuli have served to reinforce fly flight as a key model system for understanding how feedback from multiple sensory modalities is integrated to control complex and robust motor behaviors across taxa.  相似文献   

如何减少注意资源的消耗、提升人类在动态视觉持续性注意任务中的表现,是持续性注意研究关注的重点问题,具有理论和实践的重要意义。多目标追踪任务是研究个体持续性注意的常用实验室方法。多目标追踪任务中,观察者可以利用基于物体特征的分组效应将多个运动目标知觉为一个更大的运动单元,从而减少注意资源的消耗、提高追踪任务表现。为了进一步节省注意资源、提升注意追踪的表现,研究者提出了注意追踪中分组效应的可加性问题。分组效应的可加性表现为基于两个及以上特征的分组对追踪表现的提高优于基于一个特征的分组。可加性的研究对理解不同分组效应的认知机制,个体动态视觉追踪中的注意机制和注意资源分配等具有重要意义。本文对以往的行为以及神经影像学研究进行了汇总,讨论了不同类型分组效应的知觉加工机制及其可加性,系统阐述了基于不同表面特征的不可加性,和基于表面特征与特定时空特征可加性的认知及其神经基础。未来可以从行为学实验角度探究更多基于不同特征分组效应的可加性,或者从注意追踪中基于不同分组效应的神经机制入手,探讨分组效应的可加性问题,为分组效应的分类及可加性研究提供更多认知和神经层面的依据。  相似文献   

Visual cues from faces provide important social information relating to individual identity, sexual attraction and emotional state. Behavioural and neurophysiological studies on both monkeys and sheep have shown that specialized skills and neural systems for processing these complex cues to guide behaviour have evolved in a number of mammals and are not present exclusively in humans. Indeed, there are remarkable similarities in the ways that faces are processed by the brain in humans and other mammalian species. While human studies with brain imaging and gross neurophysiological recording approaches have revealed global aspects of the face-processing network, they cannot investigate how information is encoded by specific neural networks. Single neuron electrophysiological recording approaches in both monkeys and sheep have, however, provided some insights into the neural encoding principles involved and, particularly, the presence of a remarkable degree of high-level encoding even at the level of a specific face. Recent developments that allow simultaneous recordings to be made from many hundreds of individual neurons are also beginning to reveal evidence for global aspects of a population-based code. This review will summarize what we have learned so far from these animal-based studies about the way the mammalian brain processes the faces and the emotions they can communicate, as well as associated capacities such as how identity and emotion cues are dissociated and how face imagery might be generated. It will also try to highlight what questions and advances in knowledge still challenge us in order to provide a complete understanding of just how brain networks perform this complex and important social recognition task.  相似文献   

In Lafora disease (LD), the deficiency of either EPM2A or NHLRC1, the genes encoding the phosphatase laforin and E3 ligase, respectively, causes massive accumulation of less-branched glycogen inclusions, known as Lafora bodies, also called polyglucosan bodies (PBs), in several types of cells including neurons. The biochemical mechanism underlying the PB accumulation, however, remains undefined. We recently demonstrated that laforin is a phosphatase of muscle glycogen synthase (GS1) in PBs, and that laforin recruits malin, together reducing PBs. We show here that accomplishment of PB degradation requires a protein assembly consisting of at least four key enzymes: laforin and malin in a complex, and the glycogenolytic enzymes, glycogen debranching enzyme 1 (AGL1) and brain isoform glycogen phosphorylase (GPBB). Once GS1-synthesized polyglucosan accumulates into PBs, laforin recruits malin to the PBs where laforin dephosphorylates, and malin degrades the GS1 in concert with GPBB and AGL1, resulting in a breakdown of polyglucosan. Without fountional laforin–malin complex assembled on PBs, GPBB and AGL1 together are unable to efficiently breakdown polyglucosan. All these events take place on PBs and in cytoplasm. Deficiency of each of the four enzymes causes PB accumulation in the cytoplasm of affected cells. Demonstration of the molecular mechanisms underlying PB degradation lays a substantial biochemical foundation that may lead to understanding how PB metabolizes and why mutations of either EPM2A or NHLRC1 in humans cause LD. Mutations in AGL1 or GPBB may cause diseases related to PB accumulation.  相似文献   

The question of how local image features on the retina are integrated into perceived global shapes is central to our understanding of human visual perception. Psychophysical investigations have suggested that the emergence of a coherent visual percept, or a "good-Gestalt", is mediated by the perceptual organization of local features based on their similarity. However, the neural mechanisms that mediate unified shape perception in the human brain remain largely unknown. Using human fMRI, we demonstrate that not only higher occipitotemporal but also early retinotopic areas are involved in the perceptual organization and detection of global shapes. Specifically, these areas showed stronger fMRI responses to global contours consisting of collinear elements than to patterns of randomly oriented local elements. More importantly, decreased detection performance and fMRI activations were observed when misalignment of the contour elements disturbed the perceptual coherence of the contours. However, grouping of the misaligned contour elements by disparity resulted in increased performance and fMRI activations, suggesting that similar neural mechanisms may underlie grouping of local elements to global shapes by different visual features (orientation or disparity). Thus, these findings provide novel evidence for the role of both early feature integration processes and higher stages of visual analysis in coherent visual perception.  相似文献   

A mechanistic study of consciousness need not be confined to human complexity. Other animals also display key behaviors and responses that have long been intimately tied to the measure of consciousness in humans. Among them are some very well-defined and measurable endpoints: selective attention, sleep and general anesthesia. That these three variables associated with changes in consciousness might exist even in a fruit-fly does not necessarily imply that a fly is "conscious", but it does suggest that some of the problems central to the field of consciousness studies could be investigated in a model organism such as Drosophila melanogaster. Demonstrating suppression of unattended stimuli, which is central to attention studies in humans, is now possible in Drosophila by measuring neural correlates of visual selection. By combining such studies with an eventual understanding of suppression in other arousal states in the fly, such as sleep and general anesthesia, we might be unraveling mechanisms relevant to consciousness as well.  相似文献   

Complex multicellularity represents the most advanced level of biological organization and it has evolved only a few times: in metazoans, green plants, brown and red algae and fungi. Compared to other lineages, the evolution of multicellularity in fungi follows different principles; both simple and complex multicellularity evolved via unique mechanisms not found in other lineages. Herein we review ecological, palaeontological, developmental and genomic aspects of complex multicellularity in fungi and discuss general principles of the evolution of complex multicellularity in light of its fungal manifestations. Fungi represent the only lineage in which complex multicellularity shows signatures of convergent evolution: it appears 8–11 times in distinct fungal lineages, which show a patchy phylogenetic distribution yet share some of the genetic mechanisms underlying complex multicellular development. To explain the patchy distribution of complex multicellularity across the fungal phylogeny we identify four key observations: the large number of apparently independent complex multicellular clades; the lack of documented phenotypic homology between these clades; the conservation of gene circuits regulating the onset of complex multicellular development; and the existence of clades in which the evolution of complex multicellularity is coupled with limited gene family diversification. We discuss how these patterns and known genetic aspects of fungal development can be reconciled with the genetic theory of convergent evolution to explain the pervasive occurrence of complex multicellularity across the fungal tree of life.  相似文献   

A unique vertical bar among horizontal bars is salient and pops out perceptually. Physiological data have suggested that mechanisms in the primary visual cortex (V1) contribute to the high saliency of such a unique basic feature, but indicated little regarding whether V1 plays an essential or peripheral role in input-driven or bottom-up saliency. Meanwhile, a biologically based V1 model has suggested that V1 mechanisms can also explain bottom-up saliencies beyond the pop-out of basic features, such as the low saliency of a unique conjunction feature such as a red vertical bar among red horizontal and green vertical bars, under the hypothesis that the bottom-up saliency at any location is signaled by the activity of the most active cell responding to it regardless of the cell's preferred features such as color and orientation. The model can account for phenomena such as the difficulties in conjunction feature search, asymmetries in visual search, and how background irregularities affect ease of search. In this paper, we report nontrivial predictions from the V1 saliency hypothesis, and their psychophysical tests and confirmations. The prediction that most clearly distinguishes the V1 saliency hypothesis from other models is that task-irrelevant features could interfere in visual search or segmentation tasks which rely significantly on bottom-up saliency. For instance, irrelevant colors can interfere in an orientation-based task, and the presence of horizontal and vertical bars can impair performance in a task based on oblique bars. Furthermore, properties of the intracortical interactions and neural selectivities in V1 predict specific emergent phenomena associated with visual grouping. Our findings support the idea that a bottom-up saliency map can be at a lower visual area than traditionally expected, with implications for top-down selection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of evolution of brain pathways for complex behaviours is still in its infancy. Making further advances requires a deeper understanding of brain homologies, novelties and analogies. It also requires an understanding of how adaptive genetic modifications lead to restructuring of the brain. Recent advances in genomic and molecular biology techniques applied to brain research have provided exciting insights into how complex behaviours are shaped by selection of novel brain pathways and functions of the nervous system. Here, we review and further develop some insights to a new hypothesis on one mechanism that may contribute to nervous system evolution, in particular by brain pathway duplication. Like gene duplication, we propose that whole brain pathways can duplicate and the duplicated pathway diverge to take on new functions. We suggest that one mechanism of brain pathway duplication could be through gene duplication, although other mechanisms are possible. We focus on brain pathways for vocal learning and spoken language in song-learning birds and humans as example systems. This view presents a new framework for future research in our understanding of brain evolution and novel behavioural traits.  相似文献   

Induction and maintenance of immunologic tolerance in humans remains a desirable but elusive goal. Therefore, understanding the physiologic mechanisms of regulation of immune responses is highly clinically relevant for immune-mediated diseases (e.g., autoimmunity and asthma/allergy) and for cell and organ transplantation. Acceptance of the fetus, which expresses paternally inherited alloantigens, by the mother during pregnancy is a unique example of how the immune system reshapes a destructive alloimmune response to a state of tolerance. Understanding the complex mechanisms of fetomaternal tolerance has important implications for developing novel strategies to induce immunologic tolerance in humans in general and for prevention of spontaneous abortion in at-risk populations in particular.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), also named as complex II or succinate:quinone oxidoreductases (SQR) is a critical enzyme in bioenergetics and metabolism. This is because the enzyme is located at the intersection of oxidative phosphorylation and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA); the two major pathways involved in generating energy within cells. SDH is composed of 4 subunits and is assembled through a multi-step process with the aid of assembly factors. Not surprisingly malfunction of this enzyme has marked repercussions in metabolism leading to devastating tumors such as paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma. It is already known that mutations in the genes encoding subunits lead to tumorigenesis, but recent discoveries have indicated that mutations in the genes encoding the assembly factors also contribute to tumorigenesis. The mechanisms of pathogenesis of tumorigenesis have not been fully understood. However, a multitude of signaling pathways including succinate signaling was determined. We, here discuss how defective SDH may lead to tumor development at the molecular level and describe how yeast, as a model system, has contributed to understanding the molecular pathogenesis of tumorigenesis resulting from defective SDH.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical developments had laid down the proper mathematical means to understand how the structural complexity of search patterns may improve foraging efficiency. Under information-deprived scenarios and specific landscape configurations, Lévy walks and flights are known to lead to high search efficiencies. Based on a one-dimensional comparative analysis we show a mechanism by which, at random, a searcher can optimize the encounter with close and distant targets. The mechanism consists of combining an optimal diffusivity (optimally enhanced diffusion) with a minimal diffusion constant. In such a way the search dynamics adequately balances the tension between finding close and distant targets, while, at the same time, shifts the optimal balance towards relatively larger close-to-distant target encounter ratios. We find that introducing a multiscale set of reorientations ensures both a thorough local space exploration without oversampling and a fast spreading dynamics at the large scale. Lévy reorientation patterns account for these properties but other reorientation strategies providing similar statistical signatures can mimic or achieve comparable efficiencies. Hence, the present work unveils general mechanisms underlying efficient random search, beyond the Lévy model. Our results suggest that animals could tune key statistical movement properties (e.g. enhanced diffusivity, minimal diffusion constant) to cope with the very general problem of balancing out intensive and extensive random searching. We believe that theoretical developments to mechanistically understand stochastic search strategies, such as the one here proposed, are crucial to develop an empirically verifiable and comprehensive animal foraging theory.  相似文献   

Much has been written about how law as an institution has developed to solve many problems that human societies face. Inherent in all of these explanations are models of how humans make decisions. This article discusses what current neuroscience research tells us about the mechanisms of human decision making of particular relevance to law. This research indicates that humans are both more capable of solving many problems than standard economic models predict, but also limited in ways those models ignore. This article discusses how law is both shaped by our cognitive processes and also shapes them. The article considers some of the implications of this research for improving our understanding of how our current legal regimes operate and how the law can be structured to take advantage of our neural mechanisms to improve social welfare.  相似文献   

A fundamental and frequently overlooked aspect of animal learning is its reliance on compatibility between the learning rules used and the attentional and motivational mechanisms directing them to process the relevant data (called here data-acquisition mechanisms). We propose that this coordinated action, which may first appear fragile and error prone, is in fact extremely powerful, and critical for understanding cognitive evolution. Using basic examples from imprinting and associative learning, we argue that by coevolving to handle the natural distribution of data in the animal's environment, learning and data-acquisition mechanisms are tuned jointly so as to facilitate effective learning using relatively little memory and computation. We then suggest that this coevolutionary process offers a feasible path for the incremental evolution of complex cognitive systems, because it can greatly simplify learning. This is illustrated by considering how animals and humans can use these simple mechanisms to learn complex patterns and represent them in the brain. We conclude with some predictions and suggested directions for experimental and theoretical work.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue "Neuroendocrine-Immune Axis in Health and Disease." Behavioural and neurophysiological traits and responses associated with anxiety and predation-related fear have been well documented in rodent models. Certain parasites and pathogens which rely on predation for transmission appear able to manipulate these, often innate, traits to increase the likelihood of their life-cycle being completed. This can occur through a range of mechanisms, such as alteration of hormonal and neurotransmitter communication and/or direct interference with the neurons and brain regions that mediate behavioural expression. Whilst some post-infection behavioural changes may reflect 'general sickness' or a pathological by-product of infection, others may have a specific adaptive advantage to the parasite and be indicative of active manipulation of host behaviour. Here we review the key mechanisms by which anxiety and predation-related fears are controlled in mammals, before exploring evidence for how some infectious agents may manipulate these mechanisms. The protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, is focused on as a prime example. Selective pressures appear to have allowed this parasite to evolve strategies to alter the behaviour in its natural intermediate rodent host. Latent infection has also been associated with a range of altered behavioural profiles, from subtle to severe, in other secondary host species including humans. In addition to enhancing our knowledge of the evolution of parasite manipulation in general, to further our understanding of how and when these potential changes to human host behaviour occur, and how we may prevent or manage them, it is imperative to elucidate the associated mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

A computational theory of visual attention is presented. The basic theory (TVA) combines the biased-choice model for single-stimulus recognition with the fixed-capacity independent race model (FIRM) for selection from multi-element displays. TVA organizes a large body of experimental findings on performance in visual recognition and attention tasks. A recent development (CTVA) combines TVA with a theory of perceptual grouping by proximity. CTVA explains effects of perceptual grouping and spatial distance between items in multi-element displays. A new account of spatial focusing is proposed in this paper. The account provides a framework for understanding visual search as an interplay between serial and parallel processes.  相似文献   

The visual system in humans is considered the gateway to the world and plays a principal role in the plethora of sensory, perceptual and cognitive processes. It is therefore not surprising that quality of vision is tied to quality of life . Despite widespread clinical and basic research surrounding the causes of visual disorders, many forms of visual impairments, such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration, lack effective treatments. Non-human primates have the closest general features of eye development to that of humans. Not only do they have a similar vascular anatomy, but amongst other mammals, primates have the unique characteristic of having a region in the temporal retina specialized for high visual acuity, the fovea1. Here we describe a general technique for dissecting the primate retina to provide tissue for retinal histology, immunohistochemistry, laser capture microdissection, as well as light and electron microscopy. With the extended use of the non-human primate as a translational model, our hope is that improved understanding of the retina will provide insights into effective approaches towards attenuating or reversing the negative impact of visual disorders on the quality of life of affected individuals.Open in a separate windowClick here to view.(46M, flv)  相似文献   

Variability is ubiquitous in human movement, arising from internal and external noise, inherent biological redundancy, and from the neurophysiological control actions that help regulate movement fluctuations. Increased walking variability can lead to increased energetic cost and/or increased fall risk. Conversely, biological noise may be beneficial, even necessary, to enhance motor performance. Indeed, encouraging more variability actually facilitates greater improvements in some forms of locomotor rehabilitation. Thus, it is critical to identify the fundamental principles humans use to regulate stride-to-stride fluctuations in walking. This study sought to determine how humans regulate stride-to-stride fluctuations in stepping movements during treadmill walking. We developed computational models based on pre-defined goal functions to compare if subjects, from each stride to the next, tried to maintain the same speed as the treadmill, or instead stay in the same position on the treadmill. Both strategies predicted average behaviors empirically indistinguishable from each other and from that of humans. These strategies, however, predicted very different stride-to-stride fluctuation dynamics. Comparisons to experimental data showed that human stepping movements were generally well-predicted by the speed-control model, but not by the position-control model. Human subjects also exhibited no indications they corrected deviations in absolute position only intermittently: i.e., closer to the boundaries of the treadmill. Thus, humans clearly do not adopt a control strategy whose primary goal is to maintain some constant absolute position on the treadmill. Instead, humans appear to regulate their stepping movements in a way most consistent with a strategy whose primary goal is to try to maintain the same speed as the treadmill at each consecutive stride. These findings have important implications both for understanding how biological systems regulate walking in general and for being able to harness these mechanisms to develop more effective rehabilitation interventions to improve locomotor performance.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors: decoding metabolic disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sonoda J  Pei L  Evans RM 《FEBS letters》2008,582(1):2-9

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