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Some 160 cultures were preserved by freeze drying, under mineral oil and in soil. After storage for 5 years all freeze dried cultures were viable; most cultures of xanthomonads were viable under oil and in soil; pseudomonads survived well in soil but only moderately well under oil; soft-rotting Erwinia spp. survived poorly but storage under oil was better than in soil; other Erwinia spp. and most Corynebacterium spp. survived well in soil and under oil. The mean half lives in years ( h ) calculated for freeze dried cultures of groups of closely related bacteria were: Erwinia 'chrysanthemi group', 0·40; Erwinia 'carotovora group', 0·51; Pseudomonas 'syringae group', 0·50; Xanthomonas spp., 0·84 years. Estimated half lives for Corynebacterium spp. ranged from 1·8 to 6·5 years. There was no evidence that bacteria which had been in culture for more than 3 years before being freeze dried had a longer storage life than those freeze dried within 3 years of isolation. Cultures of the Pseudomonas 'syringae group'had a longer storage life when freeze dried by Greaves'method ( h = 0·73) than when freeze dried by Annear's method ( h =0·50). There appeared to be no general correlation between half life in storage and either the proportion of cells surviving the freeze drying process or the viable cell count immediately after freeze drying. Most of the variation in the results could be attributed to variation in viable cell count between different ampoules of the same batch of a culture.  相似文献   

A method is presented by which whole embryos, immature animals, parts of organs, or even thick sections, of vertebrate material are very slowly dehydrated, thoroughly cleared, and then dried to show the topography of complicated structures.

A representative photomicrograph is included to show the result obtained.  相似文献   

A method is presented by which whole embryos, immature animals, parts of organs, or even thick sections, of vertebrate material are very slowly dehydrated, thoroughly cleared, and then dried to show the topography of complicated structures.

A representative photomicrograph is included to show the result obtained.  相似文献   

Freeze Preservation of Cultured Plant Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A basic technique for successful freeze preservation and storage at -196°C of cultured plant cells and an assay of percentage survival following the freezing-storage-thawing procedure are described. These techniques have been applied to suspension cultures of carrot (3 cell lines), belladonna and sycamore. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and glycerol, when appropriately applied, were the most effective cryoprotectants tested. Although these cryoprotectants were of low toxicity and did not cause alterations in the cytology and growth potential of the recovered cells, the cell lines differed in their sensitivity to the toxicity of these cryoprotectants. Small meristematic cells survived the freezing-thawing procedure better than larger more highly vacuolated cells. Specific differences in survival are in part explained in terms of differences in cell morphology.  相似文献   

张鸿芳 《植物学报》1989,6(3):190-192
植物热值是草原生态系统中能流研究的重要指标。热值测定采用氧弹法,其原理是将定量试样在充氧的弹筒中燃烧,由燃烧后水温的升高计算试样发热量。为了获得准确测定结果,应注意读温准确、试样均匀、选择最佳氧气压力,以及尽量减少对样品的污染。测定结果表明,草原植物的热值随不同植物种,以及同一种植物不同部位和生长发育的阶段而变化。  相似文献   

The freeze-dry method of preparing tissue for histological observation has been applied to a large variety of plant material with good results. This method involves freezing the tissue rapidly and dehydrating at a temperature below -30°C. under vacuum with a desiccant. The tissue, when dry, is infiltrated with paraffin under vacuum. The apparatus uses a liquid nitrogen-cooled condenser as the desiccant and the tissue is infiltrated with paraffin while in the original vacuum. Using root, stem, leaf, and reproductive tissue of common experimental species such as Vicia faba, Zea mays, Allium cepa, Lillium longiflorium, Pisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris, the effect of thickness on drying time was studied. It was found that there was greater difference between types of tissue than between species so that regardless of species, leaf tissue was easiest and root tips the most difficult to freeze and dry. Leaf segments required 1-2 days to dry while root material required 6 days or more. In all tissue except leaf, 1-2 mm. segments were optimal for freezing and drying although 4 mm. segments could occasionally be used.  相似文献   

Tularemia is a highly infectious zoonosis, in Sweden usually occurring in the varying hare. The risk of human infections when diagnosing this disease in the laboratory is high. Therefore, a method for diagnosing tularemia in formalin fixed material with the FA-technique has been tested. 46 necropsied varying hares were examined using this method. 28 of the examined animals were diagnosed with tularemia based on conventional post mortem, histological and bacteriological examinations. 96 per cent of them were positive to the FA-technique test. 18 other animals infected with different bacteria and Toxoplasma were also tested. All the controls were negative.  相似文献   

Freeze Preservation of Cultured Plant Cells. III. The Pregrowth Phase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is an inverse relationship between cell size and capacity to survive the freeze-preservation protocol. Pregrowth of cell suspensions in media rendered more negative in water potential by addition of mannitol enhances the survival capacity of Acer pseudoplatanus and Capsicum annuum cells but this effect can only partially be explained in terms of the associated reduction in mean cell size. Studies with cell suspensions of Daucus carota indicate the importance for successful freeze-preservation of the stage in the growth cycle of suspensions propagated in batch culture; highest survival was recorded for cells taken at lag phase or early exponential phase. Regrowth of recovered cells depends upon the establishment of an appropriate inoculum density of cells which have retained the capacity to divide. The dividing cells only achieve a growth rate equal to that of untreated cells after a number of cell generations. A proportion of the recovered cells giving an initial positive fluorescein diacetate reaction lose this capacity rapidly (within 24 h), others lose the capacity more slowly and others, in which the positive reaction persists, are incapable of division. These observations indicate that different levels of injury are inflicted by the freeze-preservation protocol and that only in a proportion of the cells is the injury reparable or compatible with growth by cell division.  相似文献   

A vacuum freeze-drying apparatus is described. Cell contentswere preserved in small, rapidly frozen pieces of plant tissuedried for four hours at – 30° C. After drying, specimenswere either directly embedded with the resin ‘Epikote’or fixed with 2 per cent osmium tetroxide in benzene and subsequentlyembedded in ester wax or Epikote resin. Mesophyll cells and border parenchyma cells were preserved inleaf pieces, and cell contents are comparable with the protoplastsof living cells. In soybean leaf, files of parenchyma cellsoccur between palisade and spongy mesophyll cells, linking fineveins. Hand sections of frozen-dried Epikote-embedded petiolephloem from Primula obconica revealed a mature sieve tube containingstrands. Preservation by freeze-drying is taken as conclusiveevidence for the existence of transcellular strands in livingsieve tubes.  相似文献   

为延长枸杞鲜果的贮存时间,开发专用植物源保鲜剂,采用浸泡法初步研究18种植物提取物对枸杞鲜果的保鲜作用。结果表明,荷叶乙醇提取物和柠檬油对枸杞鲜果具有较好的保鲜活性,在1 g/L和1 mL/L剂量时,处理5 d后好果率分别为78.64%和72.22%,质量损失率分别为7.68%和8.13%,显著优于标准药剂1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP 0.25 μL/L,P<0.05);其次为肉桂油、丁香叶油、香紫苏油、卡楠加油、丹参提取物和知母提取物,好果率均在50%以上;最佳使用剂量筛选表明,荷叶乙醇提取物和柠檬油二者分别在2 g/L和400 μL/L时对枸杞鲜果的保鲜效果最好,处理5 d后枸杞鲜果好果率均在80%以上,显著优于1-MCP(0.25 μL/L)处理。可见荷叶提取物和柠檬油对枸杞鲜果具有较好的保鲜活性,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

在假定植物群体中每个基因座上等可能出现N种不同等位基因,每一种等位基因的频率相等的前提下,用概率方法对在各种交配形式和不同异交率的情况下,动态地保持一个种群所需的基因库样本大小进行了数学分析,为保存和使用植物种质资源提供了一个有效方法。文中还给出了配子染色体数(n)为5—30的不同物种,在各种交配情况下维持动态基因库所需最小植株数目表,为植物育种家在实际运用本研究结果时提供便利。  相似文献   

Leaves of desiccated ‘resurrection plants’,Selaginellalepidophylla, were hydrated either through the roots of intactplants or as isolated organs. Air-dry tissue and samples at1, 4, 8 and 24 h (both detached and intact) of hydration wereprepared for electron microscopy using aldehyde fixatives ofdifferent osmotic strengths. Both dry and hydrated tissues werealso prepared using freeze substitution. Significant differencesin the ultrastructural preservation of these different sampleswere noted. There was a direct correlation between the osmolalityof both the fixative and the tissue with the quality of ultrastructuralpreservation. When the osmolality of the fixative was slightly(or even considerably) higher than that of the tissue, optimalpreservation was achieved. Freeze substitution, however, gavethe most faithful preservation of all subcellular compartments,despite the frequent presence of small ice crystals. Additionally,hydration of detached leaves for more than 4 h resulted in swellingdamage of the organelles and cytoplasm, regardless of the fixationprotocol. Broadly interpreted, the results of this study indicate thatan optimal preservation of plant cell and organelle ultrastructurecan be achieved by the use of high osmolality fixatives or,preferably, freeze substitution. These results are also importantin determining the method of hydration of poikilohydric samplesfor physiological studies and for interpretation of functionalchanges as related to the structural condition of the organelles.Copyright1997 Annals of Botany Company Selaginella; fixation; ultrastructure; dry; hydrated  相似文献   

植物抗病性物质的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晓梅  郭顺星 《植物学报》1999,16(6):658-664
植物与病原菌相互作用后在植物体内会产生抗性物质。植物的抗病性物质包括两大类:植物固有的抗菌物质和植物保卫素。本文就近年来对植物抗病性物质的化学组成、生物合成、代谢途径方面的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

植物抗病性物质的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
植物与病原菌相互作用后在植物体内会产生抗性物质。植物的抗病性物质包括两大类 :植物固有的抗菌物质和植物保卫素。本文就近年来对植物抗病性物质的化学组成、生物合成、代谢途径方面的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

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