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Despite the potential efficacy of cancer immunotherapy in preclinical studies, it did not show yet significant positive clinical results in humans with only a small number of cancer patients demonstrating objective tumor regression. This poor clinical outcome can be explained by the generation of sophisticated tumor immune escape mechanism, in particular, abnormalities in the expression of HLA class I antigens. We have studied the expression of HLA class I antigens in ten metastatic lesions obtained from a melanoma patient undergoing immunotherapy. Five lesions were obtained after Interferon-alpha-2b treatment and five after autologous vaccination plus BCG (M-VAX). Eight metastases were regressing after immunotherapy while two were progressing. The eight regressing metastases showed high level of HLA class I expression, whereas the two progressing lesions had low levels as measured by real time PCR and immunohistological techniques. These results indicate a strong association between HLA class I expression and progression or regression of the metastatic lesions. Our data support the hypothesis that the level of HLA class I expression is an important parameter of tumor immune escape that needs to be monitored.  相似文献   

The revived cancer immune surveillance theory has emphasized the active role the immune system plays in eliminating tumor cells and in facilitating the emergence of their immunoresistant variants. MHC class I molecule abnormalities represent, at least in part, the molecular phenotype of these escape variants, given the crucial role of MHC class I molecules in eliciting tumor antigen-specific T cell responses, the high frequency of HLA class I antigen abnormalities in malignant lesions and their association with a poor clinical course of the disease. Here, we present evidence for this possibility and review the potential mechanisms by which T cell selective pressure participates in the generation of tumor cells with MHC class I molecule defects. Furthermore, we discuss the strategies to counteract tumor cell immune evasion.  相似文献   

Purpose To determine the clinical impact of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I expression in irradiated and non-irradiated rectal carcinomas. Experimental design Tumor samples in tissue micro array format were collected from 1,135 patients. HLA class I expression was assessed after immunohistochemical staining with two antibodies (HCA2 and HC10). Results Tumors were split into two groups: (1) tumors with >50% of tumor cells expressing HLA class I (high) and (2) tumors with ≤50% of tumor cells expressing HLA class I (low). No difference in distribution or prognosis of HLA class I expression was found between irradiated and non-irradiated patients. Patients with low expression of HLA class I (15% of all patients) showed an independent significantly worse prognosis with regard to overall survival and disease-free survival. HLA class I expression had no effect on cancer-specific survival or recurrence-free survival. Conclusions Down-regulation of HLA class I in rectal cancer is associated with poor prognosis. In contrast to our results, previous reports on HLA class I expression in colorectal cancer described a large population of patients with HLA class I negative tumors, having a good prognosis. This difference might be explained by the fact that a large proportion of HLA negative colon tumors are microsatellite instable (MSI). MSI tumors are associated with a better prognosis than microsatellite stable (MSS). As rectal tumors are mainly MSS, our results suggest that it is both, oncogenic pathway and HLA class I expression, that dictates patient’s prognosis in colorectal cancer. Therefore, to prevent confounding in future prognostic analysis on the impact of HLA expression in colorectal tumors, separate analysis of MSI and MSS tumors should be performed. Frank M. Speetjens and Elza C. de Bruin contributed equally to this work. Cornelis J.H. van de Velde is the Chairperson of the Total Mesorectal Excision Trial.  相似文献   

Background Altered HLA class I cell surface expression is one of the major mechanisms by which tumor cells escape from T lymphocytes. Immunohistochemistry-defined phenotypes of lost HLA class I expression have been described in human solid tumors, nut less information is available on melanoma cell lines. Objectives To describe the frequency and distribution of different types of HLA class I antigen alterations in 91 melanoma cell lines from the European Searchable Tumour Cell and Databank (ESTDAB). Methods The HLA class I expression was assessed by flow cytometry and HLA genotyping. Results We found various types of HLA class I cell surface alterations in about 67% of the melanoma cell lines. These alterations range from total to selective HLA class I loss due to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), haplotype loss, β2-microglobulin gene mutation, and/or total or selective down-regulation of HLA class I molecules. The most frequently observed phenotype is down-regulation of HLA-B locus that was reversible after treatment with IFN -γ. Conclusions In general, HLA class I alterations in the majority of the cells analyzed were of regulatory nature and could be restored by IFN-γ. Analysis of the frequency of distinct HLA class I altered phenotypes in these melanoma cell lines revealed specific differences compared to other types of tumors. Rosa Méndez and Teresa Rodríguez have equally contributed to this work and both should be considered as first authors.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying tumor-specific immune response and tumor escape has considerably increased. HLA class I antigen defects remain an important tumor escape mechanism since they influence the interactions between tumor cells and specific T and NK cells in the course of malignant disease. We have studied here HLA class I expression in six subcutaneous metastases obtained from a melanoma patient immunized with an autologous melanoma cell vaccine (M-VAX). We report in this paper that HLA class I antigen expression on these metastatic lesions strongly correlated with the course of the disease. The three metastases that were partially regressing at the time of their excision showed a strong HLA class I expression, whereas the progressing ones showed a very weak or negative staining with most of the anti-HLA class I mAbs used. Real-time quantitative PCR of the samples obtained from microdissected tumor tissue revealed a significant difference in the mRNA levels of HLA-ABC heavy chain and beta2m between the two types of metastases, i.e., lower levels in progressing metastases and high levels in regressing ones, confirming the immunohistological findings. This is, to our knowledge, the first report where the clinical outcome of different HLA class I positive and negative melanoma metastases can be clearly correlated with the regression and progression of the disease, respectively.  相似文献   

Class I human leukocyte antigen molecules are nature’s proteome-scanning chips, presenting thousands of endogenously loaded peptides on the surface of virtually every cell in the body. Cytotoxic T cells survey the class I human leukocyte antigen peptide cargo presented, recognize peptides unique to unhealthy cells and destroy diseased cells. A precise understanding of how class I molecules distinguish diseased cells is positioned to drive immune-based diagnostics, therapies and vaccines. When identifying epitopes unique to unhealthy cells, the most experimentally direct approach is to examine the class I-presented peptides of infected/cancerous cells. Here we discuss the strategies adapted for protein production, protein/peptide purification, peptide separation and for maintaining experimental reproducibility during the direct characterization of class I human leukocyte antigen peptides.  相似文献   

HLA class I alleles are studied by representing them in a metric space where each dimension corresponds to each one of the amino acid positions. Their similarity in reference to their ability to present peptides to T cells is then evaluated by calculating the correlation matrix between the amino-acid-composition tables (or binding affinity tables) for the sets of peptides presented by each allele. This correlation matrix is considered an empirical similarity matrix between HLA alleles, and is modeled in terms of possible structures defined in the metric space of HLA class I amino acid sequences. These geometric structures are adequate models of the peptide-binding data currently available. The following clusters of HLA class I molecules are identified in reference to their ability to present peptides: Cluster I) HLA-A3/ HLA-A11/ HLA-A31/ HLA-A33/ HLA-A68; Cluster II) HLA-B35/ HLA-B51/ HLA-B53/ HLA-B54/ HLA-B7; and Cluster III) HLA-A29/ HLA-B61/HLA-B44; the last cluster showing possible similarities between alleles from different loci. In modeling these natural clusters, the geometric structures with more predictive power confirm the importance of those positions in the peptide-binding groove, particularly those in the B pocket. In addition, other positions (46, 79, 113, 131, 144, and 177) appeared to bear some relevance in determining which peptides can be presented by which HLA alleles. Received: 20 January 1998 / Revised: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

 The protein-coding sequences of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are characterized by extraordinarily high polymorphism, apparently maintained by balancing selection, which favors diversity in the peptide-binding domains of the MHC glycoproteins. Here we report that the introns flanking the polymorphic exons of the human MHC class I loci HLA-A, -B, and -C genes have been relatively conserved and have become locus-specific apparently as a result of recombination and subsequent genetic drift, leading to homogenization within loci over evolutionary time. Thus, HLA class I genes have been shaped by contrasting evolutionary forces maintaining polymorphism in the exons and leading to conservation in the introns. This study provides the first extensive analysis of the introns of a highly polymorphic gene family. Received: 10 April 1997 / Revised: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

The major subset of human blood gammadelta T lymphocytes expresses the variable-region genes Vgamma9 and Vdelta2. These cells recognize non-peptidic phosphoantigens that are present in some microbial extracts, as well as the beta(2)-microglobulin-deficient Burkitt's lymphoma Daudi. Most cytotoxic human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells express inhibitory natural killer cell receptors for HLA class I that downmodulate the responses of the gammadelta T lymphocytes against HLA class I expressing cells. In this study we show that transfection of the human beta(2)-microglobulin cDNA into Daudi cells markedly inhibits the cytotoxic and proliferative responses of human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells. This provides direct evidence that the "innate" specificity of human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T-lymphocytes for Daudi cells is uncovered by the loss of beta(2)m by Daudi. However, Daudi cells that express HLA class I in association with mouse beta(2)m at the cell surface are recognized by human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells close to the same degree as the parental HLA class I deficient Daudi cell line. Thus, proper conformation of the HLA class I molecules is required for binding to natural killer cell receptors. Cloning of the HLA class I A, B, and C molecules of Daudi cells and transfer of the individual HLA class I molecules of Daudi cells into the HLA class I deficient recipient cell lines.221 and C1R demonstrate that for some human gammadelta T-cell clones cytolysis can be entirely inhibited by single HLA class I alleles while for other clones single HLA class I alleles only partially inhibit cytotoxicity. Thus, most human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T cells represent a population of killer cells that evolved like NK cells to destroy target cells that have lost expression of individual HLA class I molecules but with a specificity that is determined by the Vgamma9/Vdelta2 TCR.  相似文献   

Alterations in HLA class I antigen expression have been frequently described in different epithelial tumors and are thought to favor tumor immune escape from T lymphocyte recognition. Multiple molecular mechanisms are responsible for these altered HLA class I tumor phenotypes. Some are structural defects that produce unresponsiveness to treatment with interferons. Others include alterations in regulatory mechanisms that can be switched on by treatment of tumor cells with different cytokines. One important mechanism belonging to the first group is loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at chromosome region 6p21.3, which can lead to HLA haplotype loss. In this investigation, the frequency of LOH at 6p21 chromosome region was studied in 69 bladder carcinomas. Short tandem repeat analysis showed that 35% of cases had LOH in this chromosome region. By considering these results together with immunohistological findings previously published by our group, we identified a distribution pattern of HLA class I altered phenotypes in bladder cancer. The most frequently altered phenotype in bladder carcinomas was total loss of HLA class I expression (17 cases, 25%), followed by phenotype II associated with HLA haplotype loss (12 cases, 17.5%), and HLA allelic loss (ten cases, 14.5%). Nine cases (13%) were classified as having a compound phenotype, five cases (7%) as having HLA locus loss, and in 16 cases (23%) no alteration in HLA expression was detected. An important conclusion of this report is that a combination of different molecular and immunohistological techniques is required to precisely define which HLA alleles are lost during tumor progression and to characterize the underlying mechanisms of these losses. These studies should be performed when a cancer patient is to be included in an immunotherapy protocol that aims to stimulate different immune effector mechanisms.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody (2D7 mAb), which specifically bound to the alpha2 domain of HLA class I, rapidly induces cell aggregation accompanied by weak cytotoxicity against ARH-77 cells, suggesting that 2D7 mAb had a potential for agonist antibody. In order to enhance this cytotoxicity, 2D7 mAb was engineered to be a small bivalent antibody fragment, 2D7 diabody. The resultant 2D7 diabody showed a strong cytotoxicity against ARH-77 cells. As a notable characteristic feature, the lethal effect of 2D7 diabody was quite rapid, mediated by a caspase-independent death pathway. Furthermore, 2D7 diabody also showed cytotoxicity against several leukemia and lymphoma cell lines, and mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), but not for normal resting PBMC and adherent cell lines such as HUVEC. These results suggest that 2D7 diabody could be expected as a novel therapeutic antibody for hematological malignancies as well as inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The lateral distribution and colocalization of HLA I, HLA-DR, and ICAM-1 proteins was studied for the first time in the plasma membrane of two human uveal melanoma cell lines, OCM-1 and OCM-3. Our fluorescence resonance energy transfer and confocal laser scanning microscopic experiments revealed that these molecules are mostly confined to the same membrane regions, where they form similar protein patterns (homo- and hetero-associates) to those found previously on other cell types of lymphoid as well as colorectal carcinoma origin. Confocal microscopic colocalization experiments with GM(1) gangliosides and the GPI-anchored CD59 molecules showed enrichment of HLA I, HLA-DR, and ICAM-1 molecules in specific membrane domains (lipid rafts) excluding the transferrin receptor. IFN-gamma remarkably increased the expression levels of these molecules and rearranged their association patterns, which can affect the adoptive immune response of effector cells.  相似文献   

HLA class I allele types have differential impacts on the level of the pVL and outcome of HIV‐1 infection. While accumulations of CTL escape mutations at population levels have been reported, their actual impact on the level of the pVL remains unknown. In this study HLA class I types from 141 untreated, chronically HIV‐1 infected Japanese patients diagnosed from 1995–2007 were determined, and the associations between expression of individual HLA alleles and level of pVL analyzed. It was found that the Japanese population has an extremely narrow HLA distribution compared to other ethnic groups, which may facilitate accumulation of CTL escape mutations at the population level. Moreover while they uniquely lack the most protective HLA‐B27/B57, they commonly express the alleles that are protective in Caucasians (A11:10.4%, A26:11.55%, B51:8.6% and Cw14:12.7%). Cross‐sectional analyses revealed no significant associations between expression of individual alleles and the level of the pVL. The patients were then stratified by the date of HIV diagnosis and the analyses repeated. It was found that, before 2001, B51+ individuals displayed significantly lower pVL than the other patients (median: 5150 vs. 18 000 RNA copies/ml, P= 0.048); however thereafter this protective effect waned and disappeared, whereas no changes were observed for any other alleles over time. These results indicate that, at a population level, some HLA alleles have been losing their beneficial effects against HIV disease progression over time, thereby possibly posing a significant challenge for HIV vaccine development. However such detrimental effects may be limited to particular HLA class I alleles.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes play a key role in the immune response to both foreign and self peptide antigens, which they recognize in combination with MHC molecules. In the past it has been difficult to analyse objectively the specificity, frequency and intensity of T cell responses. The recent application of fluorescent-labelled MHC class I multimers, however, has provided a powerful experimental approach to the direct visualisation of antigen-specific T cells. As a result, our perspective of how T cells respond to both viruses and other antigens in vivo has been greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Advancements in high‐resolution HPLC and mass spectrometry have reinvigorated the application of this technology to identify peptides eluted from immunopurified MHC class I molecules. Three melanoma cell lines were assessed using w6/32 isolation, peptide elution and HPLC purification; peptides were identified by mass spectrometry. A total of 13 829 peptides were identified; 83–87% of these were 8–11 mers. Only approximately 15% have been described before. Subcellular locations of the source proteins showed even sampling; mRNA expression and total protein length were predictive of the number of peptides detected from a single protein. HLA‐type binding prediction for 10 078 9/10 mer peptides assigned 88–95% to a patient‐specific HLA subtype, revealing a disparity in strength of predicted binding. HLA‐B*27‐specific isolation successfully identified some peptides not found using w6/32. Sixty peptides were selected for immune screening, based on source protein and predicted HLA binding; no new peptides recognized by antimelanoma T cells were discovered. Additionally, mass spectrometry was unable to identify several epitopes targeted ex vivo by one patient's T cells.  相似文献   

NY-BR-1 is a recently identified differentiation antigen of the mammary gland. To use NY-BR-1 for T-cell-based immunotherapy, analysis of its co-expression with HLA class I antigens is required. In the present tissue microarray study, primary breast cancers (n = 1,444), recurrences (n = 88), lymph node (n = 525) and distant metastases (n = 91) were studied for NY-BR-1 expression using a novel monoclonal antibody. NY-BR-1 expression was compared with prognosis, estrogen receptor, HER2-status, EGFR and HLA class I antigen expression. NY-BR-1 was more frequently expressed in grade 1 (82%) than in grade 2 (69%) and grade 3 (46%) carcinomas (P < 0.0001). Moreover, NY-BR-1 expression correlated directly with estrogen receptor expression (P < 0.0001) and inversely correlated with HER2-status and EGFR expression (P < 0.0001 for both). Considering high expression level of co-expression, 198/1,321 (15%) primary breast carcinomas and 4/65 (6%) distant metastases expressed NY-BR-1 and HLA class I, suggesting that active immunotherapy can be applied to about 10% of breast cancer patients. Survival analysis showed an association of NY-BR-1 expression with better patient outcome (P = 0.015). No difference between NY-BR-1 expression of primary tumors and metastases could be found, indicating that the presence of NY-BR-1 in metastases can be deduced from their corresponding primary. Forty-three paired biopsies taken from patients before and after chemotherapy suggest that NY-BR-1 expression is not influenced by preceding chemotherapy (kappa = 0.89, P < 0.0001). In summary, the co-expression of NY-BR-1 with HLA class I antigens and its expression in metastases without modification by chemotherapy suggest that NY-BR-1 targeted immunotherapy represents a viable strategy in addition to other targeted cancer drug therapies of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The characterization of peptides bound to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I is of fundamental importance for understanding CD8+ T cell‐driven immunological processes and for the development of immunomodulatory therapeutic strategies. However, until now, the mass spectrometric analysis of HLA‐bound peptides has typically required billions of cells, still resulting in relatively few high‐confidence peptide identifications. Capitalizing on the recent developments in mass spectrometry and bioinformatics, we have implemented a methodology for the efficient recovery of acid‐eluted HLA peptides after purification with the pan‐reactive antibody W6/32 and have identified a total of 27 862 unique peptides with high confidence (1% false discovery rate) from five human cancer cell lines. More than 93% of the identified peptides were eight to 11 amino acids in length and contained signatures that were in excellent agreement with published HLA binding motifs. Furthermore, by purifying soluble HLA class I complexes (sHLA) from sera of melanoma patients, up to 972 high‐confidence peptides could be identified, including melanoma‐associated antigens already described in the literature. Knowledge of the HLA class I peptidome should facilitate multiplex tetramer technology‐based characterization of T cells, and allow the development of patient selection, stratification and immunomodulatory therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

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