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Fibrillarin is an evolutionarily-conserved and obligatory protein component of eukaryotic cell nucleoli involved in pre-rRNA processing and methylation. In vertebrates the fibrillarin molecule contains two cysteine residues (Cys99 and Cys268) whose sulfhydryl groups are able to establish intramolecular -S-S- bridges. However, the functional state of fibrillarin with reduced or oxidized thiol groups is still practically unstudied. Besides, there are no data in the literature concerning existence of the -S-S- fibrillarin form in human cells. To answer these questions, we used plasmids encoding native human fibrillarin and its mutant form devoid of cysteine residues (fibrillarinC99/268S) fused with EGFP for temporary transfection of HeLa cells. The mobile fraction localizing the enzymatically active protein molecules and the fluorescence half-recovery time characterizing the rate of enzymatic reactions were determined by the FRAP technique using a confocal laser scanning microscope. Measurements were carried out at 37 and 27°C. The results show that the fibrillarin pool in HeLa cells includes two protein forms, with reduced SH groups and with oxidized SH groups forming intramolecular -S-S- bridges between Cys99 and Cys268. However, the absence of Cys99 and Cys268 has no effect on intracellular localization of fibrillarin and its main dynamic parameters. The human fibrillarin form without disulfide bridges is included into the mobile protein fraction and is consistent with its functionally active state.  相似文献   

Experiments with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) started 30 years ago to visualize the lateral mobility and dynamics of fluorescent proteins in living cells. Its popularity increased when non-invasive fluorescent tagging became possible with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Many researchers use GFP to study the localization of fusion proteins in fixed or living cells, but the same fluorescent proteins can also be used to study protein mobility in living cells. Here we review the potential of FRAP to study protein dynamics and activity within a single living cell. These measurements can be made with most standard confocal laser-scanning microscopes equipped with photobleaching protocols.  相似文献   

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is the preferred method for analyzing the lateral mobility of fluorescently-tagged proteins in the plasma membranes (PMs) of live cells. FRAP experiments are described as being easy to perform; however, the analysis of the acquired data can be difficult. The evaluation procedure must be properly combined with the imaging setup of the confocal microscope to provide unbiased results.With the aim of increasing the accuracy of determining the diffusion coefficient (D) and mobile fraction (Mf) of PM proteins, we developed a novel method for FRAP analysis in the equatorial plane of the cell. This method is based on the calculation of photobleaching characteristics, derived from the light intensity profile and optical parameters of the confocal microscope, and on the model of fluorescent molecule diffusion in PM regions outside of the focal plane. Furthermore, cell movement artifacts in the FRAP data are ameliorated by using a region of interest, which is not fixed but instead moves adaptively in coordination with the movement of cells.When this method was used to determine the mobility of the δ-opioid receptor-eYFP in HEK293 cells, a highly significant decrease in receptor mobility was detected in cholesterol-depleted cells. This decrease was fully reversible by the replenishment of cholesterol levels. Our results demonstrate the crucial role played by cholesterol in the dynamic organization of δ-opioid receptors in the PM under in vivo conditions. Our method may be applied for the determination of the D and Mf values of other PM proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular mobility in membranes of intracellular organelles is poorly understood, due to the lack of experimental tools applicable for a great diversity of shapes and sizes such organelles can acquire. Determinations of diffusion within the plasma membrane or cytosol are based mostly on the assumption of an infinite flat space, not valid for curved membranes of smaller organelles. Here we extend the application of FRAP to mitochondria of living cells by application of numerical analysis to data collected from a small region inside a single organelle. The spatiotemporal pattern of light pulses generated by the laser scanning microscope during the measurement is reconstructed in silico and consequently the values of diffusion parameters best suited to the particular organelle are found. The mobility of the outer membrane proteins hFis and Tom7, as well as oxidative phosphorylation complexes COX and F1F0 ATPase located in the inner membrane is analyzed in detail. Several alternative models of diffusivity applied to these proteins provide insight into the mechanisms determining the rate of motion in each of the membranes. Tom7 and hFis move along the mitochondrial axis in the outer membrane with similar diffusion coefficients (D = 0.7 μm2/s and 0.6 μm2/s respectively) and equal immobile fraction (7%). The notably slower motion of the inner membrane proteins is best represented by a dual-component model with approximately equal partitioning of the fractions (F1F0 ATPase: 0.4 μm2/s and 0.0005 μm2/s; COX: 0.3 μm2/s and 0.007 μm2/s). The mobility patterns specific for the membranes of this organelle are unambiguously distinguishable from those of the plasma membrane or artificial lipid environments: The parameters of mitochondrial proteins indicate a distinct set of factors responsible for their diffusion characteristics.  相似文献   

LC3 is a marker protein that is involved in the formation of autophagosomes and autolysosomes, which are usually characterized and monitored by fluorescence microscopy using fluorescent protein-tagged LC3 probes (FP-LC3). FP-LC3 and even endogenous LC3 can also be incorporated into intracellular protein aggregates in an autophagy-independent manner. However, the dynamic process of LC3 associated with autophagosomes and autolysosomes or protein aggregates in living cells remains unclear. Here, we explored the dynamic properties of the two types of FP-LC3-containing puncta using fluorescence microscopy techniques, including fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The FRAP data revealed that the fluorescent signals of FP-LC3 attached to phagophores or in mature autolysosomes showed either minimal or no recovery after photobleaching, indicating that the dissociation of LC3 from the autophagosome membranes may be very slow. In contrast, FP-LC3 in the protein aggregates exhibited nearly complete recovery (more than 80%) and rapid kinetics of association and dissociation (half-time < 1 sec), indicating a rapid exchange occurs between the aggregates and cytoplasmic pool, which is mainly due to the transient interaction of LC3 and SQSTM1/p62. Based on the distinct dynamic properties of FP-LC3 in the two types of punctate structures, we provide a convenient and useful FRAP approach to distinguish autophagosomes from LC3-involved protein aggregates in living cells. Using this approach, we find the FP-LC3 puncta that adjacently localized to the phagophore marker ATG16L1 were protein aggregate-associated LC3 puncta, which exhibited different kinetics compared with that of autophagic structures.  相似文献   

Annexins are Ca2+-regulated phospholipid-binding proteins whose function is only partially understood. Annexin A4 is a member of this family that is believed to be involved in exocytosis and regulation of epithelial Cl- secretion. In this work, fluorescent protein fusions of annexin A4 were used to investigate Ca2+-induced annexin A4 translocation and self-association on membrane surfaces in living cells. We designed a novel, genetically encoded, FRET sensor (CYNEX4) that allowed for easy quantification of translocation and self-association. Mobility of annexin A4 on membrane surfaces was investigated by FRAP. The experiments revealed the immobile nature of annexin A4 aggregates on membrane surfaces, which in turn strongly reduced the mobility of transmembrane and plasma membrane associated proteins. Our work provides mechanistic insight into how annexin A4 may regulate plasma membrane protein function.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(9):1943-1949
The WNT receptors of the Frizzled family comprise ten mammalian isoforms, bind WNT proteins and mediate downstream signaling to regulate stem cell fate, neuronal differentiation, cell survival and more. WNT-induced signaling pathways are either β-catenin-dependent or -independent, thereby dividing the 19 mammalian WNT proteins into two groups. So far hardly any quantitative, pharmacological information is available about WNT–FZD interaction profiles, affinities or mechanisms of signaling specification through distinct WNT/FZD pairings. This lack of knowledge originates from difficulties with WNT purification and a lack of suitable assays, such as ligand binding assays and FZD activity readouts. In order to minimize this gap, we employ fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to investigate WNT effects on the lateral mobility of FZD6-GFP in living cells. Pharmacological uncoupling of heterotrimeric G proteins by pertussis toxin and N-ethylmaleimide argues that changes in FZD6 mobility are related to putative precoupling of heterotrimeric Gi/o proteins to FZD6. We show that recombinant WNT-1, -2, 3A, -4, -5A, -7A, -9B and -10B affect FZD6 surface mobility and thus act on this receptor. WNT-5B and WNT-11, on the other hand, have no effect on FZD6 mobility and we conclude that they do not act through FZD6. We introduce here a novel way to assess WNT–FZD interaction by live cell imaging allowing further mapping of WNT–FZD interactions and challenging previous experimental limitations. Increased understanding of WNT–FZD selectivity provides important insight into the biological function of this crucial signaling system with importance in developmental biology, stem cell regulation oncogenesis, and human disease.  相似文献   

In order to study the dynamics of gap junctions in living cells, a cDNA was expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma-derived PLC cells coding for chimerical polypeptide Cx.EGFP-1, which consists of rat connexin32 and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Cx.EGFP-1 was integrated into gap junctions, and the emitted epifluorescence reliably reported the distribution of the chimera. Therefore, stably transfected PLC clone PCx-9 was used to examine the dynamic behavior of gap junctions by time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. The pleomorphic fluorescent junctional plaques were highly motile within the plasma membrane. They often fused with each other or segregated into smaller patches, and fluctuation of fluorescence was detected within individual gap junctions. Furthermore, the uptake of junctional fragments into the cytoplasm of live cells was documented as originating from dynamic invaginations that form long tubulovesicular structures that pinch off. Endocytosis and subsequent lysosomal degradation, however, appeared to contribute only a little to the rapid gap junction turnover (determined half-life of 3.3 h for Cx.EGFP-1), since most cytoplasmic Cx.EGFP-1 fluorescence did not colocalize with the endocytosed fluid phase marker horseradish peroxidase or the receptor-specific endocytotic ligand transferrin and since it was distinct from lysosomes. Disassembly of gap junctions was monitored in the presence of the translation-inhibitor cycloheximide and showed increased endocytosis and continuous reduction of junctional plaques. Highly motile cytoplasmic microvesicles, which were detectable as multiple, weakly fluorescent puncta in all movies, are proposed to contribute significantly to gap junction morphogenesis by the transport of small subunits between biosynthetic, degradative, and recycling compartments.  相似文献   

Metabolic functions of fibroblasts are tightly regulated by the extracellular environment. When cultivated in tridimensional collagen lattices, fibroblasts exhibit a lowered activity of protein synthesis, especially concerning extracellular matrix proteins. We have previously shown that extracellular collagen impaired the processing of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in nucleoli by generating changes in the expression of nucleolar proteins and a premature degradation of neosynthesized rRNA. In this study, we have investigated whether inhibiting the synthesis of fibrillarin, a major nucleolar protein with decreased expression in collagen lattices, could mimic the effects of extracellular matrix. Monolayer-cultured fibroblasts were transfected with anti-fibrillarin antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, which significantly decreased fibrillarin content. Downregulation of fibrillarin expression inhibited procollagen secretion into the extracellular medium, without altering total collagen production. No changes of pro1(I)collagen mRNA expression or proline hydroxylation were found. A concomitant intracellular retention of collagen and its chaperone protein HSP47 was found, but no effect on the production of other extracellular matrix macromolecules or remodelling enzymes was observed. These data show that collagen processing depends on unknown mechanisms, involving proteins primarily located in the nucleolar compartment with other demonstrated functions, and suggest specific links between nucleolar machinery and extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) is a conserved 10 kDa DNA-binding protein. BAF interacts with LEM-domain proteins including emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 in the inner nuclear membrane. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), we compared the mobility of BAF to its partners emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 in living HeLa cells. Like endogenous BAF, GFP-BAF was enriched at the nuclear envelope, and found inside the nucleus and in the cytoplasm during interphase. At every location, FRAP and FLIP analysis showed that GFP-BAF diffused rapidly; the halftimes for recovery in a 0.8 microm square area were 260 ms at the nuclear envelope, and even faster inside the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. GFP-fused emerin, LAP2 beta, and MAN1 were all relatively immobile, with recovery halftimes of about 1 min, for a 2 microm square area. Thus, BAF is dynamic and mobile during interphase, in stark contrast to its nuclear envelope partners. FLIP results further showed that rapidly diffusing cytoplasmic and nuclear pools of GFP-BAF were distinctly regulated, with nuclear GFP-BAF unable to replenish cytoplasmic BAF. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) results showed that CFP-BAF binds directly to YFP-emerin at the inner nuclear membrane of living cells. We propose a "touch-and-go" model in which BAF binds emerin frequently but transiently during interphase. These findings contrast with the slow mobility of both GFP-BAF and GFP-emerin during telophase, when they colocalized at the 'core' region of telophase chromosomes at early stages of nuclear assembly.  相似文献   

Imaging protein phosphorylation by fluorescence in single living cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protein phosphorylation by intracellular kinases plays one of the most pivotal roles in signaling pathways within cells. To reveal the biological issues related to the kinase proteins, electrophoresis, immunocytochemistry, and in vitro kinase assay have been used. However, these conventional methods do not provide enough information about spatial and temporal dynamics of the signal transduction based on protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in living cells. To overcome the limitation for investigating the kinase signaling, we developed genetically encoded fluorescent indicators for visualizing the protein phosphorylation in living cells. Using these indicators, we visualized under a fluorescence microscope when, where, and how the protein kinases are activated in single living cells.  相似文献   

We have systematically characterized, by aqueous column chromatography on a size exclusion cross-linked dextran gel (Sephadex G-10), 12 solutes, 11 of which are known to affect protein stability. Six are chaotropes (water structure breakers) and destabilize proteins, while five are polar kosmotropes (polar water structure makers) and stabilize proteins. Analysis of the chromatographic behavior of these neutral (ethylene glycol, urea), positively charged (Tris, guanidine, as the hydrochloride salts) and negatively charged (SO2-4, HPO2-4, F-, Cl-, Br-, Cl3CCO-2, I-, SCN-, as the sodium salts, in order of elution) solutes at pH 7 as a function of sample concentration (up to 0.6 M), supporting electrolyte, and temperature yields four conclusions, based largely on the behavior of the anions. Chaotropes adsorb to the gel according to their position in the Hofmeister series, with the most chaotropic species adsorbing most strongly. ++Chaotropes adsorb to the gel less strongly in the presence of chaotropes (a salting in effect) and more strongly in the presence of polar kosmotropes (a salting out effect). Polar kosmotropes do not adsorb to the gel, and are sieved through the gel according to their position in the Hofmeister series, with the most kosmotropic species having the largest relative hydrodynamic radii. The hydrodynamic radii of polar kosmotropes is increased by chaotropes and decreased by polar kosmotropes. These results suggest that a chaotrope interacts with the first layer of immediately adjacent water molecules somewhat less strongly than would bulk water in its place; a polar kosmotrope, more strongly.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of cellular proteins is one of the major pathways to regulate protein function posttranslationally. Here we demonstrate a potentially general method of degrading any targeted proteins by the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in living cells, using small-molecule proteolysis inducer (SMPI).  相似文献   

The highly fluorescent derivatives of fluorescein, bearing the aliphatic primary amino groups, N-(2-aminoethylcarbonyl)-5(6)-aminofluorescein and 5-[N′-(2-aminoethyl)thioureido]fluorescein, were prepared for labeling of soluble polymers. The absorption and emission properties of these labels and polymers labeled with them were compared with properties of fluorescein and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-bovine serum albumin conjugate. Effects of the chemical structure of the polymer on the relative fluorescence quantum yield of a covalently attached label were evaluated using ionogenic, olefinic, or phenolic groups in side chains. The fluorescence of labeled polymers was adequate for their tracing in all the cases studied. The most pronounced quenching of fluorescence in the presence of phenolic groups is comparable with the quenching of fluorescence of FITC observed in FITC-protein conjugates. The long-term stability of the polymer-fluorochrome bond was checked in solutions of pH 2.10, 7.46, and 11.84; a higher stability of simple amide over amide plus the thiourea bond was found. The quantitative method of measurement of the concentration of labeled polymers in the biological material in a range of about 10 ng was developed; factors affecting the reproducibility are discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of [125I]wheat germ agglutinin ([125I]WGA) of high specific activity to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has been examined over a millionfold range of WGA concentrations and correlated with the phenomena of agglutination and capping by WGA. Analysis of the binding data by the method of Scatchard gives a complex curve indicative of positive cooperativity amongst high-affinity binding sites. Binding assays performed under conditions which inhibit capping and/or agglutination, such as low temperature or glutaraldehyde fixation, give similarly complex binding curves. Thus, the gross mobility of WGA receptors in the membrane does not appear to be responsible for the cooperative binding of WGA to CHO cells.  相似文献   

The use of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) techniques to monitor the lateral mobility of plant lectin-receptor complexes on the surface of single, living mammalian cells is described in detail. FRAP measurements indicate that over 75% of the wheat germ agglutinin receptor (WGA-receptor) complexes on the surface of human embryo fibroblasts are mobile. These WGA-receptor complexes diffuse laterally (as opposed to flow) on the cell surface with a diffusion coefficient in the range of 2 × 10?11 to 2 × 10?10 cm2/sec. Both the percentage of mobile WGA-receptor complexes and the mean diffusion coefficient of these complexes are higher than that obtained from earlier FRAP measurements of the mobility of concanavalin A-receptor (Con A-receptor) complexes in a variety of cell types. The possible reasons for the differing mobilities of WGA and Con A receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility to reveal globular (G-) actin in cell cytosole by means of microscopy has been studied. The applicability of this method was in particular evaluated for diagnostics of malignant cells, whose main pathocytological feature is an anomalously high content of G-actin in cytosol. The cells of a common origin but with different states of cytosolic actin were analyzed by means of cytochemical reaction for biogenic amines using Falck-Hillarp method after 40-h incubation of the cells in dopamine-containing cultivation medium. Mouse embryo cell line BALB/3T3, clone A31 with differentiated actin cytoskeleton were used as a control cell line. The same cells infected with pathogenic virus SV-40 (cell line 3T3B-SV40) exhibited a malignant phenotype; their cytosol mainly consisted of G-actin. Manifold increase in fluorescence intensity of cytosol and karyoplasms, the loci with the highest G-actin concentration, was revealed in malignant cells in comparison with their healthy prototype. Thus, it was shown that G-actin of malignant cells is a diagnostic target for dopamine, which, as it was earlier shown, penetrates into the cytosol, polymerizes G-actin, incorporating into the filaments as integral component in the 100:1 ratio, and thus fluorescently labels G-actin due to conversion into isoquinoline by reaction with formaldehyde. Besides, dopamine exhibited a strong cytotoxicity that considerably reduced the viability of malignant cells. The data suggest that the content of Gactin in cytosol of living cells can be quantitatively estimated by fluorescence intensity of cytosol following incubation of the cells in dopamine-containing medium.  相似文献   

The dynamic interaction of chromatin-binding proteins with their nucleosome binding sites is an important element in regulating the structure and function of chromatin in living cells. Here we review the major factors regulating the intranuclear mobility and chromatin binding of the linker histone H1, the most abundant family of nucleosome-binding proteins. The information available reveals that multiple and diverse factors modulate the interaction of H1 with chromatin at both a local and global level. This multifaceted mode of modulating the interaction of H1 with nucleosomes is part of the mechanism that regulates the dynamics of the chromatin fiber in living cells.  相似文献   

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