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Body size is often assumed to represent the outcome of conflicting selection pressures of natural and sexual selection. Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) populations in the Galápagos exhibit 10-fold differences in body mass between island populations. There is also strong sexual size dimorphism, with males being about twice as heavy as females. To understand the evolutionary processes shaping body size in marine iguanas, we analyzed the selection differentials on body size in two island populations (max. male mass 900 g in Genovesa, 3500 g in Santa Fé). Factors that usually confound any evolutionary analysis of body sizes—predation, interspecific food competition, reproductive role division—are ruled out for marine iguanas. We show that, above hatchlings, mortality rates increased with body size in both sexes to the same extent. This effect was independent of individual age. The largest animals (males) of each island were the first to die once environmental conditions deteriorated (e.g., during El Niños). This sex-biased mortality was the result of sexual size dimorphism, but at the same time caused sexual size dimorphism to fluctuate. Mortality differed between seasons (selection differentials as low as –1.4) and acted on different absolute body sizes between islands. Both males and females did not cease growth when an optimal body size for survival was reached, as demonstrated by the fact that individual adult body size phenotypically increased in each population under favorable environmental conditions beyond naturally selected limits. But why did marine iguanas grow “too large” for survival? Due to lek mating, sexual selection constantly favored large body size in males (selection differentials up to +0.77). Females only need to reach a body size sufficient to produce surviving offspring. Thereafter, large body size of females was less favored by fertility selection than large size in males. Resulting from these different selection pressures on male and female size, sexual size dimorphism was mechanistically caused by the fact that females matured at an earlier age and size than males, whereafter they constantly allocated resources into eggs, which slowed growth. The observed allometric increase in sexual size dimorphism is explained by the fact that the difference between these selective processes becomes larger as energy abundance in the environment increases. Because body size is generally highly heritable, these selective processes are expected to lead to genetic differences in body size between islands. We propose a common-garden experiment to determine the influence of genetic factors and phenotypic reaction norms of final body size.  相似文献   

In monogamous mammals it is often unclear why males do not defend larger territories to attract more than one female. I investigated the territoriality of the monogamous Kirk's dikdik, Madoqua kirki, a dwarf antelope, in which food resources increase with territory size and some males defend enough resources for more than one female. Yet, all males are paired monogamously. When males were removed from small territories, their female partners spent more time outside of their territories than females in large ones. When females were removed, their male partners almost never left. Pairs in small territories spent more time together than pairs in large ones. Paired males left mostly together with their females, apparently not on their own initiative. Presumably because females in small territories left more often, their males spent more time outside in the female's company than males in large territories. I argue that males in smaller territories can keep better track of their females and that they can effectively reduce their females' time outside. Male intrusion pressure was unrelated to territory size, but it increased in the presence of unguarded females. If large territories decrease the ability to mate guard, and if unguarded females attract competing males, then defending large territories may be uneconomical, even it they could attract more than one female. On the other hand, territories must be large enough to satisfy the requirements of a single female.  相似文献   

We studied foraging site partitioning between the sexes in Neolamprologus tetracanthus, a shrimp-eating Tanganyikan cichlid with harem-polygyny. Females maintained small territories against heterospecific food competitors within large territories of males, foraging exclusively at the inner side of their own territories (foraging areas). Males fed as frequently as females in their own territories, but mostly outside female foraging areas, although they frequently entered female territories and repelled food competitors from the territories. Soon after removal of the resident females, however, harem males, as well as many food competitors, invaded the vacant territories and intensively devoured prey of female foraging areas. This indicates that although female foraging areas appear to contain more food than outside the areas, harem males refrained from foraging there when the resident females were present. We suggest that harem males will attempt to keep female foraging areas in good condition, whereby they may get females to reside in male territories and/or promote female gonadal maturation.  相似文献   

Although the cost of mate choice is an essential component of the evolution and maintenance of sexual selection, the energetic cost of female choice has not previously been assessed directly. Here we report that females can incur high energetic costs as a result of discriminating among potential mates. We used heart rate biologging to quantify energetic expenditure in lek-mating female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Receptive females spent 78.9+/-23.2 kJ of energy on mate choice over a 30-day period, which is equivalent to approximately (3/4) of one day's energy budget. Females that spent more time on the territories of high-quality, high-activity males displayed greater energetic expenditure on mate choice, lost more mass, and showed a trend towards producing smaller follicles. Choosy females also appear to face a reduced probability of survival if El Ni?o conditions occur in the year following breeding. These findings indicate that female choice can carry significant costs, and suggest that the benefits that lek-mating females gain through mating with a preferred male may be higher than previously predicted.  相似文献   

Body size is one of the most important traits of organisms and allows predictions of an individual's morphology, physiology, behaviour and life history. However, explaining the evolution of complex traits such as body size is difficult because a plethora of other traits influence body size. Here I review what we know about the evolution of body size in a group of island reptiles and try to generalize about the mechanisms that shape body size. Galapagos marine iguanas occupy all 13 larger islands in this Pacific archipelago and have maximum island body weights between 900 and 12 000g. The distribution of body sizes does not match mitochondrial clades, indicating that body size evolves independently of genetic relatedness. Marine iguanas lack intra- and inter-specific food competition and predators are not size-specific, discounting these factors as selective agents influencing body size. Instead I hypothesize that body size reflects the trade-offs between sexual and natural selection. We found that sexual selection continuously favours larger body sizes. Large males establish display territories and some gain over-proportional reproductive success in the iguanas' mating aggregations. Females select males based on size and activity and are thus responsible for the observed mating skew. However, large individuals are strongly selected against during El Ni?o-related famines when dietary algae disappear from the intertidal foraging areas. We showed that differences in algae sward ('pasture') heights and thermal constraints on large size are causally responsible for differences in maximum body size among populations. I hypothesize that body size in many animal species reflects a trade-off between foraging constraints and sexual selection and suggest that future research could focus on physiological and genetic mechanisms determining body size in wild animals. Furthermore, evolutionary stable body size distributions within populations should be analysed to better understand selection pressures on individual body size.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory suggests that feeding competition shapes female social relationships. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) live in fission–fusion societies that allow them to react flexibly to increased feeding competition by forming smaller foraging parties when food is scarce. In chimpanzees at Gombe and Kibale, female dominance rank can crucially influence feeding competition and reproductive success as high‐ranking females monopolize core areas of relatively high quality, are more gregarious, and have higher body mass and reproductive success than low‐ranking females. Chimpanzee females in Taï National Park do not monopolize core areas; they use the entire territory as do the males of their community and are highly gregarious. Although female chimpanzees in Taï generally exhibit a linear dominance hierarchy benefits of high rank are currently not well understood. We used a multivariate analysis of long‐term data from two Taï chimpanzee communities to test whether high‐ranking females (1) increase gregariousness and (2) minimize their travel costs. We found that high‐ranking females were more gregarious than low‐rankers only when food was scarce. During periods of food scarcity, high rank allowed females to enjoy benefits of gregariousness, while low‐ranking females strongly decreased their gregariousness. High‐ranking females traveled more than low‐ranking females, suggesting that low‐rankers might follow a strategy to minimize energy expenditure. Our results suggest that, in contrast to other chimpanzee populations and depending on the prevailing ecological conditions, female chimpanzees at Taï respond differently to varying levels of feeding competition. Care needs to be taken before generalizing results found in any one chimpanzee population to the species level. Am. J. Primatol. 73:305–313, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The alpine accentorPrunella collaris is a territorial and polygynandrous mating species. The breeding unit is a group consisting of about seven members who share a group territory which contains all the resources necessary for living. Each female holds a small territory around her own nest within the larger group territory. Supplemental food in the form of millet seed was provided for a total of 23 group territories to test the hypothesis that the abundance and distribution of food influences the size of a female's territory and her dispersion pattern which, in turn, determine the mating system. Both males and females had regular access to the feeders, but females and groups provided with feeders did not have smaller territories than those without feeders. No groups were divided into two by offering extra food. Provision of extra food resulted in an increase of group size but did not alter the sex ratio. All members, including new settlers, were sexually active and the sexual relationships among the members of a group were still multiple matings. Food addition did not prompt the fed females to choose nest sites nearer the feeder. Nest sites were restricted to particular rocky slopes and non-vegetated areas which were invariably free from snow each year due to the effects of strong winds and the topography. Females showed a nest-site fidelity for successive years. The reason why supplemental food had no effect on the territory size or dispersion of female alpine accentors is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Territoriality is commonly associated with resource defence polygyny, where males are expected to gain access to females by anticipating how resources will influence female distribution and competing for resource-rich sites to establish their zone of dominance. 2. We tested this hypothesis in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by simultaneously assessing the influence of resources on female distribution and the influence of female distribution on male distribution and breeding success using paternity analyses. 3. Females did not fully distribute themselves among male territories in relation to resources. As a result, relative female abundance in a male's territory depended on territory size, but not on its habitat quality. In turn, relative female abundance in a male's territory determined, at least partially, his breeding success. 4. Interestingly, male territory size, and hence access to females, was partly determined by male body mass (all males) and by residual antler size (subadults only). The latter result suggests that large antlers may be important to young males for establishing their first territory, which is then usually retained for all subsequent reproductive seasons. 5. To conclude, although territoriality of male roe deer has certainly evolved as a tactic for ensuring access to mates, our results suggest that it does not really conform to a conventional resource defence polygyny strategy, as males seem to gain no obvious benefit from defending a territory in an area of high habitat quality in terms of enhanced access to mates. 6. This may explain the stability of male territories between years, suggesting that male territoriality conforms to an 'always stay' and 'low risk-low gain' mating strategy in roe deer.  相似文献   

The evolution of greater male than female parental care remains poorly understood. In birds it is thought to be related to precocial chicks and small clutch size. This review shows, however, that such role reversal has also evolved in a family with altricial young and relatively large clutch size: coucals (Centropodidae, Cuculiformes). Males perform most nest building, incubation, and feeding of young. As predicted by sexual selection theory, coucals have also reversed sexual size dimorphism, females being larger than males in all 12 species for which size data are available. Most coucals that have been studied are monogamous, but the black coucal Centropus grillii appears to be polyandrous, and males perform almost all parental care, whereas females show more active advertisement behaviour. In this species, females are about 50% heavier than males. Polyandry in the black coucal seems to be associated with a shift to a habitat with seasonally rich food resources. Difficulties for female coucals of gathering enough resources for producing several clutches of relatively large eggs may favour mainly male parental care. Female sexual competition and resource storage, and male foraging economy, may explain why females are larger. Additional field studies are needed to test these hypotheses; the coucals are of great interest to sexual selection and mating systems theory.  相似文献   

Females do not unanimously choose the single 'best' male, even when female choice is strong, such as in leks, or in polygynous mating situations. A possible explanation is that females base their choices on limited information, perhaps because gathering information is costly. We tested this hypothesis by continuously observing individual female marine iguanas throughout the mating period in order to document the information they gathered about each potential mate. Females actively visited approximately five additional males during the 3 d prior to copulation, compared to the males seen on their normal foraging routes. Females were more likely to visit large-bodied males, but preferentially copulated with the male that had the highest display rate of all males they visited. Females that mated on a dense territory cluster mated with more active males than did those that mated on dispersed territories. However, females on a dense cluster also lost more body mass, potentially as a consequence of high rates of interaction with males. This mass loss may represent an important cost and result from postural changes in response to male attention. Such costs may explain why females only gather a certain amount of information and why females on dispersed territories choose less active mates. Lack of complete information introduces subjectivity into female choice: what is perceived as best by one female may not be perceived as best by another. Thus, lack of complete information may prevent unanimity of female choice.  相似文献   

The mechanistic bases of natural and sexual selection on physiological and behavioral traits were examined in male morphs of three colors of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Orange-throated males are aggressive and defend large territories with many females. Blue-throated males defend smaller territories with fewer females; however, blue-throated males assiduously mate guard females on their territory. Yellow-throated males do not defend a territory, but patrol a large home range. They obtain secretive copulations from females on the territories of dominant males. Males with bright orange throats had higher levels of plasma testosterone (T), endurance, activity, and home range size and concomitantly gained greater control over female home ranges than blue- or yellow-throated males. Experimentally elevating plasma T in yellow- and blue-throated males increased their endurance, activity, home range size, and control over female territories to levels that were seen in unmanipulated orange-throated males that had naturally high plasma T. However, the enhanced performance of orange-throated males is not without costs. Orange-throated males had low survival compared to the other morphs. Finally, some yellow-throated males transformed to a partial blue morphology late in the season and the endurance of these transforming yellow-throated males increased from early to late in the season. In addition, yellow-throated males that transformed to blue also had significantly higher plasma T late in the season compared to the plasma T earlier in the season. T appears to play an important role in the physiological changes that all three color morphs undergo during the process of maturation. In some yellow males, T plays an additional role in plastic changes in behavior and physiology late in the reproductive season. We discuss natural and sexual selection on physiological and behavioral traits that leads to the evolution of steroid regulation in the context of alternative male strategies.  相似文献   

I studied the sex-limited red spots on the wings of male rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina americana) in relation to territoriality and fitness in the wild. Both observational and experimental (wing spot manipulation) studies indicated that wing spots were selected through competition among males for mating territories, not through female choice or direct competition for females. Males with naturally or artificially large wing spots were more successful at holding territories and consequently mated at higher rates than males with relatively small wing spots. In contrast, sexual selection on male body size appeared to operate among nonterritorial males at the clasping stage of the mating sequence, perhaps because larger males were better at clasping females forcibly. Of four models proposed to explain the evolution of ornaments through territory competition, only the agonistic handicap model makes predictions consistent with the results of this study.  相似文献   

In invertebrates, the size at maturation is considered to be important for adult fitness. In the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata, however, it is only females that clearly benefit of larger size through augmented egg production, while male mating success is determined by display activity not related to size. Thus, we can expect conflicting growth patterns for the sexes. Additionally, populations differ greatly in adult size: individuals from dry habitats are smaller than those from wet habitats. To study the sexual differences in reaction norms of growth, we reared spiderlings from seven populations at two food levels under controlled laboratory conditions and compared size at sexual maturity. The shapes of reaction norms for adult size differed between the sexes. In females, the reaction norms were parallel, but individuals from dry habitats tended to grow larger at the given food levels. In males, there was a significant interaction between food level and population without any consistent differences between populations. Maturation time was a plastic character in both sexes with no genetic differences among populations. However, females on low food level matured later and significantly smaller in size than those on high food level. Males also matured later on low food level, but they were nearly of the same size as males that received more food. Female growth patterns reflected the strong selection for large size at maturity. However, the patterns for males were highly variable, which could be explained by the weak overall selection on male size, which means that any environmental factors can affect male growing patterns. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is potentially important in marine zooplankton, presumably the most abundant metazoans on earth, but it has never been documented. We examine the conditions for sexual selection through mate choice and describe mating preferences in relation to size in a marine zooplankter, the pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa. Males produce spermatophores at a rate (~1 day−1) much lower than known female encounter rates for most of the year and the decision to mate a particular female thus implies lost future opportunities. Female egg production increases with female size, and males mating larger females therefore sire more offspring per mating event. Similarly, females encounter males more frequently than they need to mate. Large males produce larger spermatophores than small males and the offspring production of female increases with the size of the spermatophore she receives. Additionally, large spermatophores allow females to fertilize eggs for a longer period. Thus, mating with large males reduces the female’s need for frequent matings and she may sire sons that produce more offspring because size is heritable in copepods. Finally, we show that both males and females mate preferentially with large partners. This is the first demonstration of sexual selection by mate choice in a planktonic organism.  相似文献   

When animal home ranges overlap extensively in species lacking overt territorial behaviours, identifying exclusive core areas within individual ranges can be difficult. By analysing the size and overlap of successively smaller core areas among individual Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), we determined exclusive areas within the home ranges of resident males and females. Possible effects of habitat composition and food supplies were explored by monitoring squirrels in different conifer forests and during years with low and high tree seed production. Using outlier-exclusive cores (OEC) revealed that the total ranges consisted of large sally zones (on average, 35% of the total minimum convex polygon [MCP] range) around home ranges with multi-nucleate cores. The mean OEC home range size did not differ between the sexes but was larger with poor food availability. Home ranges (99% incremental cluster polygons [ICP]) overlapped extensively between sexes (average overlap high food–low food: males by females 21–40%, females by males 43–45%) and among males (males by males 26–44%), while intrasexual overlap among females was low (9–10%). The overlap of inner cores among females rapidly approached zero, suggesting the intrasexual territoriality of 75% core areas. This was not the case among male squirrels, for which intrasexual overlap averaged only 4% at 50% but 18% at 75% core areas. Even the smallest inner cores had some degree of intersexual overlap, indicating that complete territoriality did not occur in this species. Female home ranges were more strongly affected by annual fluctuations in food supplies than male ranges. Females reduced the size of their food-based intrasexual territories when food availability increases. Males probably benefit from using larger home ranges and core areas, which overlap with the ranges of several females, by increasing their probability of successful mating.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphological, physiological, and behavioral components of social dominance important for mate attraction in male green iguanas (Iguana iguana). A group of 9 male and 11 female adult green iguanas was studied in a large semi-natural enclosure during one reproductive season (October–January). Four of the nine males never initiated aggressive encounters; the other five were observed to display aggressively toward each other and were ranked in a linear dominance hierarchy. Head size was the most important factor influencing fighting success. Head size and display frequency were positively correlated with plasma testosterone levels. Dominance rank directly influenced ability to monopolize areas containing resources used by females. The quality of a male's home range, measured as his access to a large basking rock in the enclosure, was related to the proportion of potential mates found within his home range. One male greatly surpassed the others in his ability to defend a home range of high quality and attract potential mates. These data suggest that physiological and morphological factors, through their influence on social behavior, may ultimately affect male reproductive fitness. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental determinants of butterflyfish social systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) display a variety of social systems, including monogamous pair-bonds, harems, and schooling with group spawning. The range of reproductive options available to butterflyfishes is shaped by their general life history characteristics, such as broadcast spawning with widely dispersed pelagic larvae, large body size and low adult mortality. The distribution and quality of food resources are major determinants of group size and mobility, thereby influencing the relative costs and benefits of available options, and determining specific social systems. Planktivorous and corallivorous butterflyfishes exemplify the relationship between food resources and social systems. Pelagic plankton is a patchy, but temporally and spatially unpredictable food resource which is efficiently exploited by fish in mobile schools. Neither sex is able to monopolize food resources necessary for the other sex, and plantivorous butterflyfishes appear constrained to spawn in groups. In contrast, corals are stable and predictable in space and time, favoring residence in one area and territorial defense of that space by coral-feeding butterflyfishes. Females defend food resources from other females, and males defend territories containing a female from other males. Males attempt to defend areas containing more than one female, but are unsuccessful. A monogamous social system results. This system favors the evolution of cooperative behavior between mates to increase female fecundity, as long as the male has an opportunity of sharing in that reproduction. Mate removal experiments conducted on two monogamous coral-feeding species,Chaetodon multicinctus andChaetodon quadrimaculatus reveal a division of labor between male and female pair-mates. Paired males assume most of the territorial defense activities, allowing their mates to feed more.  相似文献   

We investigated female settlement in a colony of red bishops(Euplectes orix), a territorial and highly polygynous weaverbirdwidely distributed over sub-Saharan Africa. An earlier studyshowed that male reproductive success is mainly determinedby the number of nests a male builds in his territory, whichappeared to be a good indicator of male quality. Because malesprovide no parental care or food resources within the territory,females sharing a territory do not compete for material resourcesand might therefore be expected to settle preferentially interritories of males that build many nests to gain the possiblegenetic benefit of high-quality offspring. An analysis of femalesettlement, however, revealed that females did not show a preferencefor territories of males with many nests and that the distribution of female breeding attempts with regard to the number of vacantnests within a territory could be explained best by randomfemale settlement in 3 out of 4 years. Females settled moreoften than expected by chance (in 3 out of 4 years) in territoriesalready containing occupied nests, indicating that residentfemales did not discourage settlement of additional females.However, sharing a territory with other females might imposecosts in terms of an increased predation risk because nestsin territories that contained other nests with young sufferedfrom higher predation than nests in territories that did notcontain other nests with young. Females therefore might tradethe possible benefits of settling in territories of males withmany nests against the costs of sharing a territory with otherfemales. This might result in the mating pattern found withrandom female settlement and male reproductive success beingdirectly proportional to the number of nests built. We discuss possible implications of this mating pattern for sexual selectionon males.  相似文献   

Both sexes of the herbivorous damselfish Stegastes nigricans maintain individual feeding territories. These territories are distributed contiguously, forming distinct colonies. Females visit male territories to spawn, and eggs are guarded by males until hatching. Male-male competition and female mate choice were studied in two colonies of different size compositions. Only larger individuals bred in both colonies. Some males in the large colony, that were larger than the breeding males in the small colony, did not succeed in reproducing probably because of severe attacks by the larger males while courting. However, females did not choose large size among breeding males. The most important male characteristic in female choice was the frequency of courtship displays in both colonies. Females in the large colony chose males mainly on the basis of the frequency of displays conducted in the females' territories, whereas females in the small colony chose males on the basis of the frequency of displays conducted in the males' territories. This difference may be a result of the difference in colony size. The distances between females' and males' territories were much greater in the large colony, and, because females cannot see courtship displays conducted in distant male territories, males in the large colony may have had to visit female territories frequently in order to conduct courtship near the females.  相似文献   

In lekking species, female choice of particular males for mating is based on male characters that are not related to immediate gains such as access to resources. This is, however, unclear in exploded-lekking species, as male territories may contain resources for females; it is thus the degree to which males regulate female access to these resources to obtain matings that should distinguish lekking from nonlekking species. We investigated the relationship between resources for females, male distribution and male attractiveness in little bustards. One parameter determining resource quality for females was invertebrate availability: females laid eggs in grassland fields (grass, alfalfa and ryegrass) with significantly higher invertebrate biomass than others of similar cover but nests were in areas that did not have higher invertebrate biomass, at a scale of 1 km2. Males set up territories and females laid eggs in areas that had a high proportion of alfalfa, but not high mean invertebrate biomass. Thus males set up territories at resources potentially used by females, but that appeared not to be critical for breeding. In addition, females did not use the amount of resources defended as a criterion for mate choice, as male attractiveness was not related to various territorial resources. Locating the lek in areas attractive to females might be a way of increasing the probability of encounter between the sexes. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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