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A detailed comparison was made of codon usage of chloroplast genes with their host (nuclear) genes in the four angiosperm speciesOryza sativa, Zea mays, Triticum aestivum andArabidopsis thaliana. The average GC content of the entire genes, and at the three codon positions individually, was higher in nuclear than in chloroplast genes, suggesting different genomic organization and mutation pressures in nuclear and chloroplast genes. The results of Nc-plots and neutrality plots suggested that nucleotide compositional constraint had a large contribution to codon usage bias of nuclear genes inO. sativa, Z. mays, andT. aestivum, whereas natural selection was likely to be playing a large role in codon usage bias in chloroplast genomes. Correspondence analysis and chi-test showed that regardless of the genomic environment (species) of the host, the codon usage pattern of chloroplast genes differed from nuclear genes of their host species by their AU-richness. All the chloroplast genomes have predominantly A- and/or U-ending codons, whereas nuclear genomes have G-, C- or U-ending codons as their optimal codons. These findings suggest that the chloroplast genome might display particular characteristics of codon usage that are different from its host nuclear genome. However, one feature common to both chloroplast and nuclear genomes in this study was that pyrimidines were found more frequently than purines at the synonymous codon position of optimal codons.  相似文献   

Activity of nitrate reductase (NR), the first enzyme in the nitrate-assimilation pathway, was estimated in the cotyledons of the sunflower( Helianthus annuus) using a standardized in-vivo method. Seedlings were grown in the light on a nitrate medium. Various factors that affect NR activity were optimized, including the molarity and pH of the reaction buffer, nitrate concentration, and use of a surfactant. We also determined whether NADH was required for nitrate reduction. The surfactant propanol (2%) gave the best results, and no NADH supplement was necessary: In a separate study, we compared the effect of various culturing components on in-vivo NR activity among monocot and dicot species, and found that Triton X-100 was the best surfactant for monocots whereas dicots performed better with n-propanol. Monocot species also required additional NADH as an external energy source. Moreover, specific purification procedures were needed to enhance NR activity in dicotyledons. Finally, we also assessed the efficacy of in-vivo versus in-vitro procedures for assaying monocots versus dicots.  相似文献   



The available data demonstrate that even in universal metabolic pathways, some species-specific regulatory features of structural genes are present. For instance, in the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway (ABP), genes may be regulated by ABP-specific regulatory factors, and their expression levels may be strongly associated with anthocyanin pigmentation, or they may be expressed independently of pigmentation. A dataset of orthologous ABP genes (Chs, Chi, F3h, F3’h, Dfr, Ans) from monocot and dicot plant species that have distinct gene regulation patterns and different types of pollination was constructed to test whether these factors affect the evolution of the genes.


Using a maximum likelihood approach, we demonstrated that although the whole set of the ABP genes is under purifying selection, with greater selection acting on the upstream genes than on the downstream genes, genes from distinct groups of plant species experienced different strengths of selective pressure. The selective pressure on the genes was higher in dicots than in monocots (F3h and further downstream genes) and in pollinator-dependent plants than in pollinator-independent species (Chi and further downstream genes), suggesting an important role of pollination type in the evolution of the anthocyanin biosynthesis gene network. Contrasting effects of the regulation patterns on evolution were detected for the F3h and Dfr genes, with greater selective pressure on the F3h gene in plant species where the gene expression was not strongly associated with pigmentation and greater selective pressure on Dfr in plant species where the gene expression was associated with pigmentation.


We demonstrated the effects of pollination type and patterns of regulation on the evolution of the ABP genes, but the evolution of some of the genes could not be explained in the framework of these factors, such as the weaker selective pressure acting on Chs in species that attract pollinators or the stronger selective pressure on F3h in plant species where the gene expression was not associated with pigmentation. The observations suggest that additional factors could affect the evolution of these genes. One such factor could be an effect of gene duplication with further division of functions among gene copies and relaxed selective pressure acting on them. Additional tests with an appropriate dataset combining data on duplicated gene sequences and their functions in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway are required to test this hypothesis.

Previous research has reported inconsistent results from experiments on the influence of boron (B) on plant sensitivity to potentially toxic aluminium (Al) concentrations. Differences in B requirement and cell wall properties among species, especially between Poaceae and dicots, may account for this. This investigation reports amelioration by B of Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in Al-sensitive cucumber (Cucumis sativus), but not in Al-sensitive maize (Zea mays). Vital staining, however, also revealed a positive influence of B supply on Al tolerance in maize. In both species, adequate B supply decreased Al-induced damage of cell integrity. In cucumber, increasing B supply enhanced Al concentrations and haematoxylin staining in root tips. In maize, no differences for root Al among B treatments were observed. These results indicate that the positive effect of B on Al resistance was not due to less Al accumulation in root tips. Enhanced concentrations of reduced glutathione were found in roots of Al-stressed maize plants growing with adequate B. It is concluded that adequate B supply is essential for prevention of Al toxicity in both the dicot and the monocot species. In dicot cucumber, the B-induced amelioration of root elongation, despite higher Al accumulation in root tips, indicates B-induced change in either or both Al speciation and compartmentation in the tips. The protection by an adequate B supply of roots against Al-induced cell death suggests a role for B in the defence against oxidative stress. This is supported by the observation that Al induced enhanced levels of GSH in roots of maize plants growing with adequate B supply but not in those growing with either deficient or excess B concentrations.  相似文献   

Sample preparation in plant proteomics is tedious, requiring modifications depending on the type of tissue involved. Here, we describe a protein extraction protocol for both monocotyledonous (monocot) and dicotyledonous (dicot) species, which significantly improves the solubilization of total proteins. For example, we used the primary leaf tissue and seeds from rice, a cereal crop and genome model system. Total protein was first precipitated with trichloroacetic acid/acetone extraction buffer (TCAAEB) and subsequently solubilized with a modified O’Farrell lysis buffer (LB) containing thiourea and tris (LB-TT). Separation of total leaf proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) revealed improved solubilization, as determined by an increased number of spots detected with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining. In addition, the resolution was better than when LB-TT was used alone for protein extraction. Seed proteins could be extracted in LB-TT itself without the need for TCAAEB, which resulted in a highly insoluble precipitate. Our CBB-stained 2-D gel protein profiles also demonstrated the efficacy of this protocol for total protein extraction/solubilization from the dicot genome model (Arabidopsis), a dicot disease model (cucumber), and two other important monocot cereal crop models (maize and wheat). Moreover, this is the first report on generating a 2-D gel proteome profile for wheat crown and cucumber leaf tissues. Finally, as examples of proteome reference maps, we obtained silver nitrate-stained, large-format 2-D gels for rice leaf and wheat crown LB-TT solubilized proteins.  相似文献   

Analysis of synonymous codon usage bias in Chlamydia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that cause ocular and sexuallytransmitted diseases,and are associated with cardiovascular diseases.The analysis of codon usage mayimprove our understanding of the evolution and pathogenesis of Chlamydia and allow reengineering of targetgenes to improve their expression for gene therapy.Here,we analyzed the codon usage of C.muridarum,C.trachomatis(here indicating biovar trachoma and LGV),C.pneumoniae,and C.psittaci using the codonusage database and the CUSP(Create a codon usage table)program of EMBOSS(The European MolecularBiology Open Software Suite).The results show that the four genomes have similar codon usage patterns,with a strong bias towards the codons with A and T at the third codon position.Compared with Homosapiens,the four chlamydial species show discordant seven or eight preferred codons.The ENC(effectivenumber of codons used in a gene)-plot reveals that the genetic heterogeneity in Chlamydia is constrained bythe G+C content,while translational selection and gene length exert relatively weaker influences.Moreover,mutational pressure appears to be the major determinant of the codon usage variation among the chlamydialgenes.In addition,we compared the codon preferences of C.trachomatis with those of E.coli,yeast,adenovirus and Homo sapiens.There are 23 codons showing distinct usage differences between C.trachomatisand E.coli,24 between C.trachomatis and adenovirus,21 between C.trachomatis and Homo sapiens,butonly six codons between C.trachomatis and yeast.Therefore,the yeast system may be more suitable for theexpression of chlamydial genes.Finally,we compared the codon preferences of C.trachomatis with those ofsix eukaryotes,eight prokaryotes and 23 viruses.There is a strong positive correlation between the differ-ences in coding GC content and the variations in codon bias(r=0.905,P<0,001).We conclude that thevariation of codon bias between C.trachomatis and other organisms is much less influenced by phylogeneticlineage and primarily determined by the extent of disparities in GC content.  相似文献   

M Bulmer 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(10):2869-2873
The effect of neighbouring bases on the usage of synonymous codons in genes with low codon usage bias in yeast and E. coli is examined. The codon adaptation index is employed to identify a group of genes in each organism with low codon usage bias, which are likely to be weakly expressed. A similar pattern is found in complementary sequences with respect to synonymous usage of A vs G or of U vs C. It is suggested that this may reflect an effect of context on mutation rates in weakly expressed genes.  相似文献   

To understand the variation in genomic composition and its effect on codon usage, we performed the comparative analysis of codon usage and nucleotide usage in the genes of three dicots, Glycine max, Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula. The dicot genes were found to be A/T rich and have predominantly A-ending and/or T-ending codons. GC3s directly mimic the usage pattern of global GC content. Relative synonymous codon usage analysis suggests that the high usage frequency of A/T over G/C mononucleotide containing codons in AT-rich dicot genome is due to compositional constraint as a factor of codon usage bias. Odds ratio analysis identified the dinucleotides TpG, TpC, GpA, CpA and CpT as over-represented, where, CpG and TpA as under-represented dinucleotides. The results of (NcExp?NcObs)/NcExp plot suggests that selection pressure other than mutation played a significant role in influencing the pattern of codon usage in these dicots. PR2 analysis revealed the significant role of selection pressure on codon usage. Analysis of varience on codon usage at start and stop site showed variation in codon selection in these sites. This study provides evidence that the dicot genes were subjected to compositional selection pressure.  相似文献   

Codon usage bias (CUB) is a ubiquitous observation in molecular evolution. As a model, Drosophila has been particularly well-studied and indications show that selection at least partially controls codon usage, probably through selection for translational efficiency. Although many aspects of Drosophila CUB have been studied, this is the first study relating codon usage to development in this holometabolous insect with very different life stages. Here we ask the question: What developmental stage of Drosophila melanogaster has the greatest CUB? Genes with maximum expression in the larval stage have the greatest overall CUB when compared with embryos, pupae, and adults. (The same pattern was observed in Drosophila pseudoobscura, see Supplementary Material online.) We hypothesize this is related to the very rapid growth of larvae, placing increased selective pressure to produce large amounts of protein: a 300-fold increase requiring an approximate doubling of protein content every 10 h. Genes with highest expression in adult males and early embryos, stages with the least de novo protein synthesis, display the least CUB. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that CUB is caused (at least in part) by selection for efficient protein production. This seems to hold on the individual gene level (highly expressed genes are more biased than lowly expressed genes) as well as on a more global scale where genes with maximum expression during times of very rapid growth and protein synthesis are more biased than genes with maximum expression during times of low growth.  相似文献   

The phytohormone jasmonate plays a pivotal role in various aspects of plant life, including developmental programs and defense against pests and pathogens. A large body of knowledge on jasmonate biosynthesis, signal transduction as well as its functions in diverse plant processes has been gained in the past two decades. In addition, there exists extensive crosstalk between jasmonate pathway and other phytohormone pathways, such as salicylic acid(SA) and gibberellin(GA), in co-regulation of plant...  相似文献   

Expansins are essential components of plant cell wall and play an important role in plant growth, development, and stress resistance via loosening function. To understand the codon usage pattern of expansin genes, we gained the sequence data of expansin genes from eight plant species. Statistics analysis showed obvious codon characteristics between monocot and dicot plants. Comparably, expansin genes in monocot plants had really higher GC content, more high-frequency codons, and more optimal codons than that in dicot plants. Several monocot plants performed somehow as dicot plants in a few characters. Codon information of expansin genes might contribute to the understanding of the relationship and evolution clues between monocot and dicot plants. It further gained insight into the improvement of the gene expression and roles.  相似文献   

The "expression measure" of a gene, E(g), is a statistic devised to predict the level of gene expression from codon usage bias. E(g) has been used extensively to analyze prokaryotic genome sequences. We discuss 2 problems with this approach. First, the formulation of E(g) is such that genes with the strongest selected codon usage bias are not likely to have the highest predicted expression levels; indeed the correlation between E(g) and expression level is weak among moderate to highly expressed genes. Second, in some species, highly expressed genes do not have unusual codon usage, and so codon usage cannot be used to predict expression levels. We outline a simple approach, first to check whether a genome shows evidence of selected codon usage bias and then to assess the strength of bias in genes as a guide to their likely expression level; we illustrate this with an analysis of Shewanella oneidensis.  相似文献   

为分析栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组的密码子使用特征差异,该文以其线粒体基因组编码序列为研究对象,比较其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和演化过程。结果表明:(1)栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组编码区的GC含量分别为44.56%和44.58%,说明栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体编码基因均富含A/T碱基。(2)栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组密码子第1位、第2位GC含量平均值与第3位GC含量的相关性均呈极显著水平,说明突变在其密码子偏性形成中的作用不可忽略; PR2-plot分析显示,在同义密码子第3位碱基的使用频率上,嘌呤低于嘧啶; Nc-plot分析中Nc比值位于-0.1~0.2区间的基因数占总基因数的95%以上;突变和选择等多重因素共同作用影响了大豆线粒体基因组编码序列密码子使用偏性的形成。(3)有20、21个密码子分别被确定为栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组编码序列的最优密码子,其中除丝氨酸TCC密码子外均以A或T结尾。综上结果认为,栽培大豆线粒体密码子偏性的形成受选择的影响要高于野生大豆,这可能是栽培大豆由野生大豆经长期人工栽培驯化的结果。  相似文献   

We present a series of 14 binary vectors suitable for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dicotyledonous plants and adaptable for biolistic transformation of monocotyledonous plants. The vector size has been minimized by eliminating all non-essential elements from the vector backbone and T-DNA regions while maintaining the ability to replicate independently. The smallest of the vector series is 6.3 kb and possesses an extensive multiple cloning site with 21 unique restriction endonuclease sites that are compatible with common cloning, protein expression, yeast two-hybrid and other binary vectors. The T-DNA region was engineered using a synthetic designer oligonucleotide resulting in an entirely modular system whereby any vector element can be independently exchanged. The high copy number ColE1 origin of replication has been included to enhance plasmid yield in Escherichia coli. FRT recombination sites flank the selectable marker cassette regions and allow for in planta excision by FLP recombinase. The pORE series consists of three basic types; an ‘open’ set for general plant transformation, a ‘reporter’ set for promoter analysis and an ‘expression’ set for constitutive expression of transgenes. The sets comprise various combinations of promoters (P HPL, P ENTCUP2 and P TAPADH), selectable markers (nptII and pat) and reporter genes (gusA and smgfp).  相似文献   

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