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Transient assay systems using protoplasts have been utilized in several plant species and are a powerful tool for rapid functional gene analysis and biochemical manipulations. A protoplast system has not been used in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), even though it is a bioenergy crop that has received considerable attention. Here we report the first protocol to isolate large numbers of viable protoplasts from both leaves and roots of two switchgrass genotypes. Furthermore, we demonstrate transient expression of PEG-mediated DNA uptake in the isolated protoplasts by measuring the activity of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by either the Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter or the maize ubiquitin 1 promoter. Protoplast transformation with either the 35S or the ubiquitin promoter resulted in an increase in GUS activity compared to the untransformed controls; however, the extent of GUS activity was considerably higher for the ubiquitin promoter than for the 35S promoter. Collectively, our results indicate an efficient protoplast isolation and transient assay system that can be used to facilitate gene expression studies in switchgrass.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a C4 perennial grass and has been identified as a potential bioenergy crop for cellulosic ethanol because of its rapid growth rate, nutrient use efficiency and widespread distribution throughout North America. The improvement of bioenergy feedstocks is needed to make cellulosic ethanol economically feasible, and genetic engineering of switchgrass is a promising approach towards this goal. A crucial component of creating transgenic switchgrass is having the capability of transforming the explants with DNA sequences of interest using vector constructs. However, there are limited options with the monocot plant vectors currently available. With this in mind, a versatile set of Gateway-compatible destination vectors (termed pANIC) was constructed to be used in monocot plants for transgenic crop improvement. The pANIC vectors can be used for transgene overexpression or RNAi-mediated gene suppression. The pANIC vector set includes vectors that can be utilized for particle bombardment or Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. All the vectors contain (i) a Gateway cassette for overexpression or silencing of the target sequence, (ii) a plant selection cassette and (iii) a visual reporter cassette. The pANIC vector set was functionally validated in switchgrass and rice and allows for high-throughput screening of sequences of interest in other monocot species as well.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in renewable energy has attracted more research attention on biofuels. In order to generate sustainable amount of biomass feedstock from dedicated biofuel crops such as switchgrass they need to be genetically improved. Genetic transformation is one of the techniques to achieve this goal. The aim of our study was to devise a simplified protocol for switchgrass genetic transformation. We have used NB(0) as the basal medium and mature seeds of the cultivar Alamo as the starting material. The nutrient medium used and scutellum-derived callus are fashioned after rice genetic transformation protocols. We obtained friable calluses, which were similar to the type II calluses in other monocotyledonous species. Calluses were amenable for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation with at least 6?% transformation efficiency. The concentration of hygromycin was optimized for successful selection of transgenic calluses. The Green Fluorescent Protein gene was used to monitor and demonstrate successful genetic transformation. Compared to the previously published methods for genetic transformation of switchgrass, our protocol is simpler and equally efficient. KEY MESSAGE: An efficient, simplified switchgrass genetic transformation method with NB(0) basal medium and mature seeds as inoculum was developed. The appropriate concentrations of hormones and selection agent are described.  相似文献   


Key message

With a novel elite genotype, SA37, and an improved transformation protocol, it is now possible to routinely and efficiently engineer switchgrass using biolistic transformation.


Transformation of elite switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) genotypes would facilitate the characterization of genes related to cell wall recalcitrance to saccharification. However, transformation of explants from switchgrass plants has remained difficult. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a biolistic transformation protocol for elite genotypes. Three switchgrass genotypes (ST1, ST2, and AL2) were previously selected for tissue culture responsiveness. One genotype, SA37, was selected for further use due to its improved formation of callus amenable to transformation. Various medium sets were compared and a previously published medium set provided cultures with >96 % embryogenic callus, and data on transient and stable gene expression of RFP were used to optimize biolistic parameters, and further validate the switchgrass (PvUbi1) promoter. SA37 proved to be the most transformable, whereas eight transgenic calli on average were recovered per bombardment of 20 calli (40 % efficiency) when using a three-day day preculture step, 0.6 M osmotic adjustment medium, 4,482 kPa rupture disks and 0.4 μm gold particles which traveled 9 cm before hitting the target callus tissue. Regenerability was high, especially for ST2, for which it is possible to recover on average over 400 plants per half-gram callus tissue. It is now possible to routinely and efficiently engineer elite switchgrass genotypes using biolistic transformation.  相似文献   

Switchgrass is a large, North American, perennial grass that is being evaluated as a potential energy crop. There is a need to assess genetic diversity in stored accessions and in remaining native stands to assist breeding and conservation efforts. Marker development will also be necessary for genetic linkage mapping. Toward this end, 32 switchgrass genic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellites were identified from expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These microsatellites were used to screen individuals from two different named cultivars. The markers displayed a high level of polymorphism consistent with the tetraploid, allogamous behaviour of the cultivars tested.  相似文献   

We report an early investigation into genomic organization and chromosomal transmission in switchgrass based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The segregation of 224 single dose restriction fragments (SDRF) in 85 full-sib progeny of a cross between the genotypes Alamo (AP13) and Summer (VS16) was used to determine linkage associations in each parent. In the seed parent AP13, 11 cosegregation groups were identified by 45 SDRF markers with a cumulative recombination length of 412.4 cM. In the pollen parent VS16, 57 SDRF markers were assigned to 16 cosegregation groups covering a length of 466.5 cM. SDRF markers identified by the same probes and mapping to different cosegregation groups were used to combine the two maps and identify homology groups. Eight homology groups were identified among the nine haploid linkage groups expected in switchgrass. The high incidence of repulsion phase associations indicates that preferential pairing between homologous chromosomes is predominant in switchgrass. Based on marker distribution in the paternal map (VS16), we estimated the recombinational length of switchgrass genome to be 4,617 cM. In order to link 95% of the genome to a marker at a 15-cM distance, a minimum of 459 markers will be required. Using information from the ratio of repulsion to coupling linkages, we infer that switchgrass is an autotetraploid with a high degree of preferential pairing. The information presented in this study establishes a foundation for extending genetic mapping in this crop and constitutes a framework for basic and applied genetic studies.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas9 system has become a powerful tool for targeted mutagenesis. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a high yielding perennial grass species that has been designated as a model biomass crop by the U.S. Department of Energy. The self‐infertility and high ploidy level make it difficult to study gene function or improve germplasm. To overcome these constraints, we explored the feasibility of using CRISPR/Cas9 for targeted mutagenesis in a tetraploid cultivar ‘Alamo’ switchgrass. We first developed a transient assay by which a non‐functional green‐fluorescent protein gene containing a 1‐bp frameshift insertion in its 5′ coding region was successfully mutated by a Cas9/sgRNA complex resulting in its restored function. Agrobacterium‐mediated stable transformation of embryogenic calli derived from mature caryopses averaged a 3.0% transformation efficiency targeting the genes of teosinte branched 1(tb1)a and b and phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM). With a single construct containing two sgRNAs targeting different regions of tb1a and tb1b genes, primary transformants (T0) containing CRISPR/Cas9‐induced mutations were obtained at frequencies of 95.5% (tb1a) and 11% (tb1b), respectively, with T0 mutants exhibiting increased tiller production. Meanwhile, a mutation frequency of 13.7% was obtained for the PGM gene with a CRISPR/Cas9 construct containing a single sgRNA. Among the PGM T0 mutants, six are heterozygous and one is homozygous for a 1‐bp deletion in the target region with no apparent phenotypical alterations. We show that CRISPR/Cas9 system can generate targeted mutagenesis effectively and obtain targeted homozygous mutants in T0 generation in switchgrass, circumventing the need of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a C4 grass with high biomass yield potential and is now a model species for the Bioenergy Feedstock Development Program. Two distinct ecotypes (e.g., upland and lowland) and a range of plant morphotypes (e.g., leafy and stemmy) have been observed in switchgrass. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of ecotype and morphotype on biomass feedstock quality. Leaf and stem tissues of leafy and stemmy morphotypes from both lowland and upland ecotypes were analyzed for key feedstock traits. The leaf : stem ratio of leafy morphotype was more than 40% higher than the stemmy morphotype in both upland and lowland ecotypes. Therefore, the stemmy morphotype has significant advantages over leafy morphotype during harvesting, storage, transportation and finally the feedstock quality. Remarkable differences in feedstock quality and mineral composition were observed in switchgrass genotypes with distinct ecotypic origins and variable plant morphotypes. Lignin, hemicelluloses and cellulose concentrations were higher in stems than in the leaves, while ash content was notably high in leaves. A higher concentration of potassium was found in the stems compared to the leaves. In contrast, calcium was higher and magnesium was generally higher in the leaves compared to stems. The upland genotypes demonstrated considerably higher lignin (14.4%) compared with lowland genotypes (12.4%), while hemicellulose was higher in lowland compared with upland. The stemmy type demonstrated slightly higher lignin compared with leafy types (P < 0.1). Differences between the ecotypes and morphotypes for key quality traits demonstrated the potential for improving feedstock composition of switchgrass through selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Polyploidy poses challenges for phylogenetic reconstruction because of the need to identify and distinguish between homoeologous loci. This can be addressed by use of low copy nuclear markers. Panicum s.s. is a genus of about 100 species in the grass tribe Paniceae, subfamily Panicoideae, and is divided into five sections. Many of the species are known to be polyploids. The most well-known of the Panicum polyploids are switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and common or Proso millet (P. miliaceum). Switchgrass is in section Virgata, along with P. tricholaenoides, P. amarum, and P. amarulum, whereas P. miliaceum is in sect. Panicum. We have generated sequence data from five low copy nuclear loci and two chloroplast loci and have clarified the origin of P. virgatum. We find that all members of sects. Virgata and Urvilleana are the result of diversification after a single allopolyploidy event. The closest diploid relatives of switchgrass are in sect. Rudgeana, native to Central and South America. Within sections Virgata and Urvilleana, P. tricholaenoides is sister to the remaining species. Panicum racemosum and P. urvilleanum form a clade, which may be sister to P. chloroleucum. Panicum amarum, P. amarulum, and the lowland and upland ecotypes of P. virgatum together form a clade, within which relationships are complex. Hexaploid and octoploid plants are likely allopolyploids, with P. amarum and P. amarulum sharing genomes with P. virgatum. Octoploid P. virgatum plants are formed via hybridization between disparate tetraploids. We show that polyploidy precedes diversification in a complex set of polyploids; our data thus suggest that polyploidy could provide the raw material for diversification. In addition, we show two rounds of allopolyploidization in the ancestry of switchgrass, and identify additional species that may be part of its broader gene pool. This may be relevant for development of the crop for biofuels.  相似文献   

Land spreading of biosolids as a disposal option is expensive and can disperse pathogens and contaminants in the environment. This growth room study examined phytoremediation using switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and cattail (Typha latifolia L.) as an alternative to land spreading of biosolids. Seedlings were transplanted into pots containing 3.9 kg of biosolids (dry wt.). Aboveground biomass (AGB) was harvested either once or twice during each 90-day growth period. Switchgrass AGB yield was greater with two harvests than with one harvest during the first 90-day growth period, whereas cattail yield was not affected by harvest frequency. In the second growth period, harvesting frequency did not affect the yield of either plant species. However, repeated harvesting significantly improved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) uptake by both plants in the first period. Phytoextraction of P was significantly greater for switchgrass (3.9% of initial biosolids P content) than for cattail (2.8%), while plant species did not have a significant effect on N phytoextraction. The trace element accumulation in the AGB of both plant species was negligible. Phytoextraction rates attained in this study suggest that phytoremediation can effectively remove P from biosolids and offers a potentially viable alternative to the disposal of biosolids on agricultural land.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a perennial warm season grass that is native to the plains of North America and is widely grown as a forage, bioenergy or groundcover crop. Despite its importance, a bottleneck in switchgrass production is poor seedling vigor, which as a perennial crop represents an important time for management. Herein, data identify a suite of culturable bacterial microflora extracted from switchgrass, and show their capability to influence host plant growth and development. A total of 307 bacterial isolates were cultured and isolated from surface sterilized switchgrass biomass and sequence identified into 76 strains (subspecies classification), 36 species and 5 phyla. Approximately 58% of bacterial strains, when reintroduced into surface‐sterilized switchgrass seeds, were documented to increase lamina length (cm from base to tip after 60 days growth) relative to uninoculated controls. Ecologically, Phylum Firmicutes was the most abundant bacterial classification and encompassed 75% of all isolates. Although the culturable bacterial community studies herein represent an unknown and assumedly minor proportion of the total microbiome, by focusing on culturable bacteria, we delineate functional feedback between the presence of isolated bacteria and switchgrass seedling growth.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of cocultivating the important bioenergy crop switchgrass with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Sebacina vermifera under severe drought conditions. Plants cocultivated with the fungus produced significantly higher biomass and had a higher macronutrient content than uninoculated control plants under both adequately watered and drought conditions.  相似文献   

In the central Great Plains of North America, climate change predictions include increases in mean annual temperature of 1.5–5.5 °C by 2100. Ecosystem responses to increased temperatures are likely to be regulated by dominant plant species, such as the potential biofuel species Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) in the tallgrass prairie. To describe the potential physiological and whole‐plant responses of this species to future changes in air temperatures, we used louvered open‐sided chambers (louvered OSC; 1 × 1 m, adjustable height) to passively alter canopy temperature in native stands of P. virgatum growing in tallgrass prairie at varying topographic positions (upland/lowland). The altered temperature treatment decreased daily mean temperatures by 1 °C and maximum temperatures by 4 °C in May and June, lowered daytime stomatal conductance and transpiration, decreased tiller density, increased specific leaf area, and delayed flowering. Among topographic contrasts, aboveground biomass, flowering tiller density, and tiller weight were greater in lowland sites compared to upland sites, with no temperature treatment interactions. Differences in biomass production responded more to topography than the altered temperature treatment, as soil water status varied considerably between topographic positions. These results indicate that while water availability as a function of topography was a strong driver of plant biomass, many leaf‐level physiological processes were responsive to the small decreases in daily mean and maximum temperature, irrespective of landscape position. The varying responses of leaf‐level gas exchange and whole‐plant growth of P. virgatum in native stands to altered air temperature or topographic position illustrate that accurately forecasting yields for P. virgatum in mixed communities will require greater integration of physiological responses to simulated climate change (increased temperature) and resource availability over natural environmental gradients (soil moisture).  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is considered a model herbaceous energy crop for the USA, for its adaptation to marginal land, low rainfall and nutrient‐deficient soils; however, its low biomass yield is one of several constraints, and this might be rectified by modulating plant growth regulator levels. In this study, we have determined whether the expression of the Zea mays gibberellin 20‐oxidase (ZmGA20ox) cDNA in switchgrass will improve biomass production. The ZmGA20ox gene was placed under the control of constitutive CaMV35S promoter with a strong TMV omega enhancer, and introduced into switchgrass via Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation. The transgene integration and expression levels of ZmGA20ox in T0 plants were analysed using Southern blot and qRT‐PCR. Under glasshouse conditions, selected transgenic plants exhibited longer leaves, internodes and tillers, which resulted in twofold increased biomass. These phenotypic alterations correlated with the levels of transgene expression and the particular gibberellin content. Expression of ZmGA20ox also affected the expression of genes coding for key enzymes in lignin biosynthesis. Our results suggest that the employment of ectopic ZmGA20ox and selection for natural variants with high level expression of endogenous GA20ox are appropriate approaches to increase biomass production of switchgrass and other monocot biofuel crops.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle TiO2 is a common chemical used in daily life. As increasing usage of TiO2, it is becoming a potentially dangerous contaminant to the environment. However, the impact of TiO2 is not well understood. In this paper, switchgrass was employed to investigate the impacts of nanoparticle TiO2 on plant growth and development as well as the potential impact on the expression of microRNAs (miRNAs). TiO2 significantly affected switchgrass seed generation as well as plant growth and development in a dose-dependent manner. Particularly, TiO2 significantly inhibited root development. miRNA expressions were also significantly altered. Nanoparticle TiO2 may regulate plant development through controlling the expression of certain miRNAs. Among the 16 tested miRNAs, the expression of some miRNAs, such as miR390 and miR399 was increased with increasing TiO2 concentrations; the expression of some miRNAs, such as miR169 was decreased with increasing TiO2 concentrations; the other miRNAs show different expression patterns.  相似文献   

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