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Dispatched1 (Disp1) is required for the release of cholesterol modified hedgehog (Hh) proteins from producing cells. We investigated the role of Disp1 in Indian hedgehog (Ihh) signaling in the developing bone bypassing the lethality of the Disp1C829F allele at early somite stages through the supply of non-cholesterol modified Sonic hedgehog (N-Shh). The long bones that develop in the absence of wild-type Disp1, while clearly shorter, have a juxtaposition of proliferating and non-proliferating hypertrophic chondrocytes that is markedly more normal in organization than those of ihh null mutants. Direct analysis of Ihh trafficking in the target field demonstrates that Ihh is distributed well beyond Ihh expressing cells though the range of movement and signaling action is more restricted than in wild-type long bones. Consequently, a PTHrP-Ihh feedback loop is established, but over a shorter distance, reflecting the reduced range of Ihh movement. These analyses of the Disp1C829F mutation demonstrate that Disp1 is not absolutely required for the paracrine signaling role of Ihh in the skeleton. However, Disp1 is critical for the full extent of signaling within the chondrocyte target field and consequently the establishment of a normal skeletal growth plate.  相似文献   

Exposure of cell lines endogenously expressing the thyroid hormone activating enzyme type 2 deiodinase (D2) to the chemical chaperones tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) or 4-phenylbutiric acid (4-PBA) increases D2 expression, activity and T3 production. In brown adipocytes, TUDCA or 4-PBA induced T3-dependent genes and oxygen consumption (∼2-fold), an effect partially lost in D2 knockout cells. In wild type, but not in D2 knockout mice, administration of TUDCA lowered the respiratory quotient, doubled brown adipose tissue D2 activity and normalized the glucose intolerance associated with high fat feeding. Thus, D2 plays a critical role in the metabolic effects of chemical chaperones.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (THs) play a pivotal role in many physiological functions in vertebrates, including fish. Their effects are mediated by thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), which are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. In this study, full-length cDNA sequences of TRs from yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and Javelin goby Synechogobius hasta were cloned and their mRNA tissue expression profiles were determined. In P. fulvidraco, the validated cDNAs encoding for TRα and TRβ were 1789 and 1848 bp in length, encoding peptides of 401 and 378 amino acid residues, respectively. In addition, a TRβ spliced variant (named P. fulvidraco-TRβv), containing a 60-bp insertion, was detected. In S. hasta, cDNAs encoding for TRαA, TRαB and TRβ were 1827, 2295 and 2258 bp in length, encoding peptides of 401, 409 and 393 amino acid residues, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that TRα and TRβ cDNAs grouped into two separate clusters with other vertebrate counterparts and two TRα sequences grouped separately, suggesting that the two TRαs derived from paralogous genes that might arise during a teleost-specific genome duplication event. All TR mRNAs were detected in various tissues sampled. The mRNA levels of both TRα and TRβ from P. fulvidraco were the highest in brain, followed by liver, and lowest in heart, intestine, muscle, gill and spleen. However, in S. hasta, TRαA, TRαB and TRβ showed the highest mRNA levels in brain and lowest in muscle. Identification and mRNA tissue expression of TR genes from P. fulvidraco and S. hasta provide an initial step towards understanding their biological roles in the two fish species.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) D-domain links the ligand-binding domain (LBD, EF-domain) to the DNA-binding domain (DBD, C-domain), but its structure, and even its existence as a functional unit, are controversial. The D domain is poorly conserved throughout the nuclear receptor family and was originally proposed to comprise an unfolded hinge that facilitates rotation between the LBD and the DBD. Previous TR LBD structures, however, have indicated that the true unstructured region is three to six amino acid residues long and that the D-domain N terminus folds into a short amphipathic alpha-helix (H0) contiguous with the DBD and that the C terminus of the D-domain comprises H1 and H2 of the LBD. Here, we solve structures of TR-LBDs in different crystal forms and show that the N terminus of the TRalpha D-domain can adopt two structures; it can either fold into an amphipathic helix that resembles TRbeta H0 or form an unstructured loop. H0 formation requires contacts with the AF-2 coactivator-binding groove of the neighboring TR LBD, which binds H0 sequences that resemble coactivator LXXLL motifs. Structural analysis of a liganded TR LBD with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) suggests that AF-2/H0 interactions mediate dimerization of this protein in solution. We propose that the TR D-domain has the potential to form functionally important extensions of the DBD and LBD or unfold to permit TRs to adapt to different DNA response elements. We also show that mutations of the D domain LXXLL-like motif indeed selectively inhibit TR interactions with an inverted palindromic response element (F2) in vitro and TR activity at this response element in cell-based transfection experiments.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) acts by binding to nuclear RA receptors (RARs) to regulate a broad spectrum of downstream target genes in most cell types examined. In cytoplasm, RA binds specifically to cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABPI), and II. Although the function of CRABPI in animals remains the subject of debate, it is believed that CRABPI binding facilitates RA metabolism, thereby modulating the concentration of RA and the type of RA metabolites in cells. The basal promoter of the CrabpI gene is a housekeeping promoter that can be regulated by thyroid hormones (T3), DNA methylation, sphinganine, and ethanol acting on its upstream regulatory region. T3 regulation of CrabpI is mediated by the binding of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) to a TR response element (TRE) approximately 1 kb upstream of the basal promoter. Specifically, in the adipocyte differentiation process, T3 regulation is bimodal and closely associated with the cellular differentiation status: T3 activates CrabpI in predifferentiated cells (e.g., mesenchymal precursors or fibroblasts), but suppresses this gene once cells are committed to adipocyte differentiation. These disparate effects are functions of T3-triggered differential recruitment of coregulatory complexes in conjunction with chromatin looping/folding that alters the configuration of this genomic locus along adipocyte differentiation. Subsequent sliding, disassembly and reassembly of nucleosomes occur, resulting in specific changes in the conformation of the basal promoter chromatin at different stages of differentiation. This chapter summarizes studies illustrating the epigenetic regulation of CrabpI expression during adipocyte differentiation. Understanding the pathways regulating CrabpI in this specific context might help to illuminate the physiological role of CRABPI in vivo. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Retinoid and Lipid Metabolism.  相似文献   

The myofibroblast is a highly specialized cell type that plays a critical role during normal tissue wound healing, but also contributes pathologically to chronic inflammatory conditions such as fibrosis and cancer. As fibrotic conditions continue to be a major burden to the public health system, novel therapies that target the function of myofibroblasts may show promise in the clinic. The cytokine transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is the most potent known inducer of myofibroblast differentiation and thus represents a powerful target to modify myofibroblast function during disease. This review focuses on our current understanding of the key signaling pathways activated by TGFβ during myofibroblast differentiation.  相似文献   

Membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity was stimulated in vitro separately by T4 (10−10 M) and by epinephrine (10−6 M). In the presence of a fixed concentration of T4, additions of 10−8 and 10−6 M epinephrine reduced the T4 effect on the enzyme. β-Adrenergic blockade with propranolol (10−6 M) prevented stimulation by epinephrine of Ca2+-ATPase activity, but did not prevent the suppressive action of epinephrine on T4-stimulable Ca2+-ATPase. In contrast α1-adrenergic blockade with unlabelled prazosin restored the effect of T4 on Ca2+-ATPase activity in the presence of epinephrine. Like propranolol, prazosin prevented enhancement of enzyme activity by epinephrine in the absence of thyroid hormone. Neither prazosin nor propranolol had any effect on the stimulations by T4 of red cell Ca2+-ATPase in the absence of epinephrine. Analysis of radiolabelled prazosin binding to human red cell membranes revealed the presence of a single class of high-affinity binding sites (Kd, 1.2 × 10−8 M; Bmax, 847 fmol/mg membrane protein). Thus, the human erythrocyte membrane contains α1-radrenergic receptor sites that are capable of regulating Ca2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Moustakas A  Heldin CH 《FEBS letters》2008,582(14):2051-2065
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) regulates cellular behavior in embryonic and adult tissues. TGF-beta binding to serine/threonine kinase receptors on the plasma membrane activates Smad molecules and additional signaling proteins that coordinately regulate gene expression or cytoplasmic processes such as cytoskeletal dynamics. In turn, the activity and duration of the Smad pathway seems to be regulated by cytoskeletal components, which facilitate the shuttling process that segregates Smad proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleus. We discuss mechanisms and models that aim at explaining the coordination between several components of the signaling network downstream of the TGF-beta signal.  相似文献   

Normal thyrocytes grown as reconstituted follicles in collagen gel were evaluated for drug effects of small molecule kinase inhibitors on growth factor-induced cell migration in a 3D context. MEK inhibition by U0126 only partially antagonized EGF/serum-induced cell migration from the basal follicular surface into the matrix. Combined treatment with U0126 and LY294002, a PI3K blocker, was necessary to abolish migration. However, exposure to only LY294002 facilitated the response to EGF by breakdown of the original follicular structure. In the same time EGF promoted thyroid cell survival that was compromised by LY294002 in absence of EGF. Cells treated with EGF and LY294002 retained the ability to form follicles. The findings indicate that dual inhibition of MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways is required to fully block matrix invasion of EGF-stimulated thyroid cells. Conversely, single drug treatment with PI3K inhibitor adversely promotes invasiveness probably by destabilizing the follicular epithelium.  相似文献   

The understanding of the regulation of food intake has become increasingly complex. More than 20 hormones, both orexigenic and anorexigenic, have been identified. After crossing the blood-brain barrier, they reach their main site of action located in several hypothalamic areas and interact to balance satiety and hunger.One of the most significant advances in this matter has been the discovery of leptin. This hormone plays fundamental roles in the control of appetite and in regulating energy expenditure. In accordance with the lipostatic theory stated by Kennedy in 1953, leptin was originally discovered in white adipose tissue. Its expression by other tissues was later established. Among them, the gastric mucosa has been shown to secrete large amounts of leptin. Both the adipose and the gastric tissues share similar characteristics in the synthesis and storage of leptin in granules, in the formation of a complex with the soluble receptor and a secretion modulated by hormones and energy substrates. However while adipose tissue secretes leptin in a slow constitutive endocrine way, the gastric mucosa releases leptin in a rapid regulated exocrine fashion into the gastric juice.Exocrine-secreted leptin survives the extreme hydrolytic conditions of the gastric juice and reach the duodenal lumen in an intact active form. Scrutiny into transport mechanisms revealed that a significant amount of the exocrine leptin crosses the intestinal wall by active transcytosis. Leptin receptors, expressed on the luminal and basal membrane of intestinal epithelial cells, are involved in the control of nutrient absorption by enterocytes, mucus secretion by goblet cells and motility, among other processes, and this control is indeed different depending upon luminal or basal stimulus. Gastric leptin after transcytosis reaches the central nervous system, to control food intake.Studies using the Caco-2, the human intestinal cell line, in vitro allowed analysis of the mechanisms of leptin actions on the intestinal mucosa, identification of the mechanisms of leptin transcytosis and understanding the modulation of leptin receptors by nutrients and hormones.Exocrine-secreted gastric leptin thus participates in a physiological axis independent in terms of time and regulation from that of adipose tissue to rapidly control food intake and nutrient absorption. Adipocytes and gastric epithelial cells are two cell types the metabolism of which is closely linked to food intake and energy storage. The coordinated secretion of adipose and gastric leptins ensures proper management of food processing and energy storage.  相似文献   

Mahon MJ 《Cellular signalling》2011,23(10):1659-1668
The parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R), a primary regulator of mineral ion homeostasis, is expressed on both the apical and basolateral membranes of kidney proximal tubules and in the LLC-PK1 kidney cell line. In LLC-PK1 cells, apical PTH1R subpopulations are far more effective at signaling via phospholipase (PLC) than basolateral counterparts, revealing the presence of compartmental signaling. Apical PTH1R localization is dependent upon direct interactions with ezrin, an actin-membrane cross-linking scaffold protein. Ezrin undergoes an activation process that is dependent upon phosphorylation and binding to phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), a lipid that is selectively concentrated to apical surfaces of polarized epithelia. Consistently, the intracellular probe for PIP2, GFP-PLCδ1-PH, localizes to the apical membranes of LLC-PK1 cells, directly overlapping ezrin and PTH1R expression. Activation of the apical PTH1R shifts the GFP-PLCδ1-PH probe from the apical membrane to the cytosol and basolateral membranes, reflecting domain-specific activation of PLC and hydrolysis of PIP2. This compartmental signaling is likely due to the polarized localization of PIP2, the substrate for PLC. PIP2 degradation using a membrane-directed phosphatase shifts ezrin localization to the cytosol and induces ezrin de-phosphorylation, processes consistent with inactivation. PIP2 degradation also shifts PTH1R expression from brush border microvilli to basolateral membranes and markedly blunts PTH-elicited activation of the MAPK pathway. Transient expression of ezrin in HEK293 cells shifts PTH1R expression from the plasma membrane to microvilli-like surface projections that also contain PIP2. As a result, ezrin enhances PTH mediated activation of the PLC pathway in this cell model with increasing total receptor surface expression. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that the apical segregation of PIP2 to the apical domains not only promotes the activation of ezrin and the subsequent formation of the PTH1R containing scaffold, but also ensures the presence of ample substrate for propagating the PLC pathway.  相似文献   

We previously showed that phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) mediates a robust PKC-dependent sensitization and desensitization of the highly homologous human Gs protein and adenylyl cyclase (AC)-linked D1 (hD1R) and D5 (hD5R) dopaminergic receptors, respectively. Here, we demonstrate using forskolin-mediated AC stimulation that PMA-mediated hD1R sensitization and hD5R desensitization is not associated with changes in AC activity. We next employed a series of chimeric hD1R and hD5R to delineate the underlying structural determinants dictating the subtype-specific regulation of human D1-like receptors by PMA. We first used chimeric receptors in which the whole terminal region (TR) spanning from the extracellular face of transmembrane domain 6 to the end of cytoplasmic tail (CT) or CT alone were exchanged between hD1R and hD5R. CT and TR swaps lead to chimeric hD1R and hD5R retaining PMA-induced sensitization and desensitization of wild type parent receptors. In striking contrast, hD1R sensitization and hD5R desensitization mediated by PMA are correspondingly switched to PMA-induced receptor desensitization and sensitization following the IL3 swap between hD1R and hD5R. Cell treatment with the PKC blocker, Gö6983, inhibits PMA-induced regulation of these chimeric receptors in a similar fashion to wild type receptors. Further studies with chimeras constructed by exchanging IL3 and TR show that PMA-induced regulation of these chimeras remains fully switched relative to their respective wild type parent receptor. Interestingly, results obtained with the exchange of IL3 and TR also reveal that the D1-like subtype-specific regulation by PMA, while fully dictated by IL3, can be modulated in a receptor conformation-dependent manner. Overall, our results strongly suggest that IL3 is the critical determinant underlying the subtype-specific regulation of human D1-like receptor responsiveness by PKC.  相似文献   

Cholesterol metabolism in the brain is distinct from that in other tissues due to the fact that cholesterol itself is unable to pass across the blood-brain barrier. Elimination of brain cholesterol is mainly dependent on a neuronal-specific cytochrome P450, CYP46A1, catalyzing the conversion of cholesterol into 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol (24OHC), which is able to pass the blood-brain barrier. A suitable model for studying this elimination from human neuronal cells has not been described previously. It is shown here that differentiated Ntera2/clone D1 (NT2) cells express the key genes involved in brain cholesterol homeostasis including CYP46A1, and that the expression profiles of the genes observed during neuronal differentiation are those expected to occur in vivo. Thus there was a decrease in the mRNA levels corresponding to cholesterol synthesis enzymes and a marked increase in the mRNA level of CYP46A1. The latter increase was associated with increased levels of CYP46A1 protein and increased production of 24OHC. The magnitude of the secretion of 24OHC from the differentiated NT2 cells into the medium was similar to that expected to occur under in vivo conditions. An alternative to elimination of cholesterol by the CYP46A1 mechanism is elimination by CYP27A1, and the product of this enzyme, 27-hydroxycholesterol (27OHC), is also known to pass the blood-brain barrier. The CYP27A1 protein level decreased during the differentiation of the NT2 cells in parallel with decreased production of 27OHC. The ratio between 24OHC and 27OHC in the medium from the cultured cells increased, by a factor of 13, during the differentiation process. The results suggest that progenitor cells eliminate cholesterol in the form of 27OHC while neurogenesis induces a change to the CYP46A1 dependent pathway. Furthermore this study demonstrates that differentiated NT2 cells are suitable for studies of cholesterol homeostasis in human neurons.  相似文献   

Naphthoquinone derivatives have been reported to possess various pharmacological activities, such as antiplatelet, anticancer, antifungal, and antiviral properties. In this study, we investigated the effects of a newly-synthesized naphthoquinone derivative, 2-decylamino-5,8-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (2-decylamino-DMNQ), on VSMC proliferation and examined the molecular basis of the underlying mechanism. In a dose-dependent manner, 2-decylamino-DMNQ inhibited PDGF-stimulated VSMC proliferation with no apparent cytotoxic effect. While 2-decylamino-DMNQ did not affect PDGF-Rβ or Akt, it did inhibit the phosphorylation of Erk1/2 and PLCγ1 induced by PDGF. Moreover, 2-decylamino-DMNQ suppressed DNA synthesis through the arrest of cell cycle progression at the G0/G1 phase, including the suppression of pRb phosphorylation and a decrease in PCNA expression, which was related to the downregulation of cell cycle regulatory factors, such as cyclin D1/E and CDK 2/4. It was demonstrated that both U0126, an Erk1/2 inhibitor, and U73122, a PLCγ inhibitor, increased the proportion of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, these results suggest that 2-decylamino DMNQ has an inhibitory effect on PDGF-induced VSMC proliferation and the mechanism of this action is through cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase. This may be a useful tool for studying interventions for vascular restenosis in coronary revascularization procedures and stent implantation.  相似文献   

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