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The secretory activity of Sertoli cells (SC) is dependent on ion channel functions and protein synthesis and is critical to ongoing spermatogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of action associated with a non-metabolizable amino acid [14C]-MeAIB (α-(methyl-amino)isobutyric acid) accumulation stimulated by T4 and the role of the integrin receptor in this event, and also to clarify whether the T4 effect on MeAIB accumulation and on Ca2+ influx culminates in cell secretion.


We have studied the rapid and plasma membrane initiated effects of T4 by using 45Ca2+ uptake and [45C]-MeAIB accumulation assays, respectively. Thymidine incorporation into DNA was used to monitor nuclear activity and quinacrine to analyze the secretory activity on SC.


The stimulation of MeAIB accumulation by T4 appears to be mediated by the integrin receptor in the plasma membrane since tetrac and RGD peptide were able to nullify the effect of this hormone. In addition, T4 increases extracellular Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+ from intracellular stocks to enhance nuclear activity, but this genomic action seems not to influence SC secretion mediated by T4. Also, the cytoskeleton and ClC-3 chloride channel contribute to the membrane-associated responses of SC.


T4 integrin receptor activation ultimately determines the plasma membrane responses on amino acid transport in SC, but it is not involved in calcium influx, cell secretion or the nuclear effect of the hormone.

General significance

The integrin receptor activation by T4 may take a role in plasma membrane processes involved in the male reproductive system.  相似文献   

The accumulation of mRNA encoding for hepatic and intestinal T3-receptor (TR) and body and liver masses were measured in fed and 3-week fasted juvenile and swim up stage rainbow trout embryos. Plasma and total body thyroid hormone (TH) levels were measured for juvenile and swim up stages, respectively. Fasted juveniles exhibited a lower hepatosomatic index (HSI), liver mass and plasma T4 and T3 concentrations than fed animals, but there were no changes in body mass or the accumulation of mRNA encoding for either of the TR(alpha) or TR(beta) isoforms in liver or intestine. TR(beta) mRNA accumulation was greater than TR(alpha) mRNA accumulation in both tissues. Fasted embryos had lower whole body TH levels and body, liver and intestinal tract masses, in addition to a lower intestinosomatic index. However, there was no change in HSI. Fasting did not affect whole body or hepatic TR(alpha) and TR(beta) mRNA accumulation, although intestinal tract TR(alpha) and TR(beta) mRNA accumulation was lower in the fasted embryos. The HSI and body mass changes in fasted juvenile and embryo stages, respectively, indicated that both developmental stages were impacted by fasting. Both stages also showed evidence of decreased TH production. The lower TR gene expression in the intestinal tract of fasted embryos may suggest a role for THs in the transitional stage of intestinal development during this period of development.  相似文献   



Thyroid hormone acts via receptor subtypes (TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2) with differing tissue distributions, encoded by distinct genes (THRA, THRB). THRB mutations cause a disorder with central (hypothalamic–pituitary) resistance to thyroid hormone action with markedly elevated thyroid hormone and normal TSH levels.

Scope of review

This review describes the clinical features, genetic and molecular pathogenesis of a homologous human disorder mediated by defective THRA. Clinical features include growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia and constipation associated with low-normal T4 and high-normal T3 levels and a low T4/T3 ratio, together with subnormal reverse T3 levels. Heterozygous TRa1 mutations in affected individuals generate defective mutant receptors which inhibit wild-type receptor action in a dominant negative manner.

Major conclusions

Mutations in human TRα1 mediate RTH with features of hypothyroidism in particular tissues (e.g. skeleton, gastrointestinal tract), but are not associated with a markedly dysregulated pituitary–thyroid axis.

General significance

Human THRA mutations could be more common but may have eluded discovery due to the absence of overt thyroid dysfunction. Nevertheless, in the appropriate clinical context, a thyroid biochemical signature (low T4/T3 ratio, subnormal reverse T3 levels), may enable future identification of cases.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signalling.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction of 2,4,6-triiodophenol (TIP), a potent thyroid hormone disrupting chemical, with serum proteins from rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), chicken (Gallus gallus), pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), and rat (Rattus norvegicus) using a [(125)I]TIP binding assay, gel filtration chromatography, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. [(125)I]TIP bound non-specifically to proteins in trout serum, specifically but weakly to proteins in bullfrog serum, and specifically and strongly to proteins in chicken, pig, and rat serum samples. Candidate TIP-binding proteins included lipoproteins (220-320kDa) in trout, albumin in bullfrog, albumin and transthyretin (TTR) in chicken and pig, and TTR in rat. TTR in the chicken, pig, and rat serum samples was responsible for the high-affinity, low-capacity binding sites for TIP (dissociation constant 2.2-3.5×10(-10)M). In contrast, a weak interaction of [(125)I]TIP with tadpole serum proteins accelerated [(125)I]TIP cellular uptake in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection of [(125)I]TIP in tadpoles revealed that the radioactivity was predominantly accumulated in the gallbladder and the kidney. The differences in the molecular and binding properties of TIP binding proteins among vertebrates would affect in part the cellular availability, tissue distribution and clearance of TIP.  相似文献   



Thyroid hormone influences gene expression in virtually all vertebrates. Its action is initiated by the activation of T4 to T3, an outer ring deiodination reaction that is catalyzed by the type 1 or the type 2 iodothyronine selenodeiodinases (D1 or D2). Inactivation of T4 and T3 occurs via inner ring deiodination catalyzed by the type 3 iodothyronine selenodeiodinases (D3). The T4 concentration is generally quite stable in human plasma, with T3 levels also remaining constant. Deiodinase actions are tightly regulated in both pre- and post-natal life when they are required to make local adjustments of intracellular T3 concentrations in a precise spatio- and temporal manner. Although all the signals governing the dynamic expression of deiodinases in specific cell types are not known, many important regulatory factors have been deciphered.

Scope of review

This review provides striking examples from the recent literature illustrating how the expression of D2 and D3 is finely tuned during maturation of different organs, and how their action play a critical role in different settings to control intracellular T3 availability.

Major conclusions

Emerging evidence indicates that in various cell contexts, D2 and D3 are expressed in a dynamic balance, in which the expression of one enzyme is coordinately regulated with that of the other to tightly control intracellular T3 levels commensurate with cell requirements at that time.

General significance

Deiodinases control TH action in a precise spatio-temporal fashion thereby providing a novel mechanism for the local paracrine and autocrine regulation of TH action. This remarkable tissue-specific regulation of intracellular thyroid status remains hidden due to the maintenance of constant circulating TH concentrations by the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signalling.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether changes in the circulating thyroid hormone (TH) and brain synaptosomal TH content affected the relative levels of mRNA encoding different thyroid hormone receptor (TR) isoforms in adult rat brain. Northern analysis of polyA+RNA from cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of control and hypothyroid adult rats was performed in order to determine the relative expression of all TR isoforms. Circulating and synaptosomal TH concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. Region-specific quantitative differences in the expression pattern of all TR isoforms in euthyroid animals and hypothyroid animals were recorded. In hypothyroidism, the levels of TRα2 mRNA (non-T3-binding isoform) were decreased in all brain regions examined. In contrast the relative expression of TRα1 was increased in cerebral cortex and hippocampus, whereas in cerebellum remained unaffected. The TRβ1 relative expression in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of hypothyroid animals was not affected, whereas this TR isoform was not detectable in cerebellum. The TR isoform mRNA levels returned to control values following T4 intraperitoneal administration to the hypothyroid rats. The obtained results show that in vivo depletion of TH regulates TR gene expression in adult rat brain in a region-specific manner. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 93–100, 2005)  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) D-domain links the ligand-binding domain (LBD, EF-domain) to the DNA-binding domain (DBD, C-domain), but its structure, and even its existence as a functional unit, are controversial. The D domain is poorly conserved throughout the nuclear receptor family and was originally proposed to comprise an unfolded hinge that facilitates rotation between the LBD and the DBD. Previous TR LBD structures, however, have indicated that the true unstructured region is three to six amino acid residues long and that the D-domain N terminus folds into a short amphipathic alpha-helix (H0) contiguous with the DBD and that the C terminus of the D-domain comprises H1 and H2 of the LBD. Here, we solve structures of TR-LBDs in different crystal forms and show that the N terminus of the TRalpha D-domain can adopt two structures; it can either fold into an amphipathic helix that resembles TRbeta H0 or form an unstructured loop. H0 formation requires contacts with the AF-2 coactivator-binding groove of the neighboring TR LBD, which binds H0 sequences that resemble coactivator LXXLL motifs. Structural analysis of a liganded TR LBD with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) suggests that AF-2/H0 interactions mediate dimerization of this protein in solution. We propose that the TR D-domain has the potential to form functionally important extensions of the DBD and LBD or unfold to permit TRs to adapt to different DNA response elements. We also show that mutations of the D domain LXXLL-like motif indeed selectively inhibit TR interactions with an inverted palindromic response element (F2) in vitro and TR activity at this response element in cell-based transfection experiments.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic cavity of lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) has been suggested to accommodate various lipophilic ligands through hydrophobic effects, but its energetic origin remains unknown. We characterized 18 buffer-independent binding systems between human L-PGDS and lipophilic ligands using isothermal titration calorimetry. Although the classical hydrophobic effect was mostly detected, all complex formations were driven by favorable enthalpic gains. Gibbs energy changes strongly correlated with the number of hydrogen bond acceptors of ligand. Thus, the broad binding capability of L-PGDS for ligands should be viewed as hydrophilic interactions delicately tuned by enthalpy–entropy compensation using combined effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Alterations in circulatory levels of total T4 (TT4), total T3 (TT3), free T4 (FT4), free T3 (FT3), thyrotropin (TSH) and T3 uptake (T3U) were studied in male and female sea-level residents (SLR) at sea level, in Armed forces personnel staying at high altitude (3750 m) for prolonged duration (acclimatized lowlanders, ALL) and in high-altitude natives (HAN). Identical studies were also performed on male ALL who trekked to an extreme altitude of 5080 m and stayed at an altitude of more than 6300 m for about 6 months. The total as well as free thyroid hormones were found to be significantly higher in ALL and HAN as compared to SLR values. Both male as well as female HAN had higher levels of thyroid hormones. The rise in hormone levels in different ALL ethnic groups drawn from amongst the southern and northern parts of the country was more or less identical. In both HAN and ALL a decline in FT3 and FT4 occurred when these subjects trekked at subzero temperatures to extreme altitude of 5080 m but the levels were found to be higher in ALL who stayed at 6300 m for a prolonged duration. Plasma TSH did not show any appreciable change at lower altitudes but was found to be decreased at extreme altitude. The increase in thyroid hormones at high altitude was not due to an increase in hormone binding proteins, since T3U was found to be higher at high altitudes. A decline in TSH and hormone binding proteins and an increase in the free moiety of the hormones is indicative of a subtle degree of tissue hyperthyroidism which may be playing an important role in combating the extreme cold and hypoxic environment of high altitudes.  相似文献   

NaF mimicked the activation by thyrotropin of iodide binding to proteins and of glucose C-I oxidation but not the accumulation of intracellular colloid droplets or the stimulation of secretion in dog thyroid slices in vitro. On the contrary, NaF inhibited the two latter thyrotropin effects. The inhibitory action of F was partially relieved by the addition of glucose to the medium; it was mimicked by sodium oxamate. These data suggest that NaF depresses the endocytosis of colloid and thyroid secretion by inhibiting aerobic glycolysis in the follicular cell. NaF inhibited the activation of colloid droplet accumulation and secretion by N6,O2′-dibutyryl-adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (dibutyryl cyclic AMP) and the accumulation of cyclic AMP in thyrotropin-stimulated slices. This suggests an inhibition at the level of both cyclic AMP accumulation and cyclic AMP action. The inhibition by NaF and sodium oxamate of colloid droplet formation and thyroid secretion but not of glucose C-I oxidation in stimulated slices further confirms our conclusion that the latter effect is not merely a consequence of the activation by thyrotropin of colloid endocytosis.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormones L-thyroxine and triiodo-Lthyronine have profound effects on postenbryonic development of most vertebrates.Analysis of their action in mammals is vitiated by the exposure of the developing foetus to a number of maternal factors which do not allow one to specifically define the role of thyroid hormone (TH) or that of other hormones and factors that modulate its action.Amphibian metamorphosis is obligatorily dependent on TH which can initiate all the diverse physiological manifestations of this postembryonic developmental process(morphogenesis,cell death,re-structuring,etc.) in free-living embryos and larvas of most anurans.This article will first describe the salient features of metamorphosis and its control by TH and other hormones.Emphasis will be laid on the key role played by TH receptor (TR),in particular the phenomenon of TR gene autoinduction,in initiating the developmental action of TH.Finally,it will be argued that the findings on the control of amphibian metamorphosis enhance our understanding of the regulation of postembryonic development by TH in other vertebrate species.  相似文献   

The influence of silicon-treatment on the levels of TSH and thyroid hormones was studied in rats. Concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) were estimated in sera of rats receiving per os a soluble silicon compound—sodium metasilicate nonahydrate (Na2SiO3·9H2O), dissolved in the animals' drinking water. An increase in the TSH level in the tested group was observed, without statistically significant differences in T3 and T4 concentrations between the two groups of animals. The results provide evidence for the influence of silicon on the endocrine balance. They could also prove that this chemical element is capable of modifying the rate of some hormones' synthesis.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (THs) play a pivotal role in many physiological functions in vertebrates, including fish. Their effects are mediated by thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), which are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. In this study, full-length cDNA sequences of TRs from yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and Javelin goby Synechogobius hasta were cloned and their mRNA tissue expression profiles were determined. In P. fulvidraco, the validated cDNAs encoding for TRα and TRβ were 1789 and 1848 bp in length, encoding peptides of 401 and 378 amino acid residues, respectively. In addition, a TRβ spliced variant (named P. fulvidraco-TRβv), containing a 60-bp insertion, was detected. In S. hasta, cDNAs encoding for TRαA, TRαB and TRβ were 1827, 2295 and 2258 bp in length, encoding peptides of 401, 409 and 393 amino acid residues, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that TRα and TRβ cDNAs grouped into two separate clusters with other vertebrate counterparts and two TRα sequences grouped separately, suggesting that the two TRαs derived from paralogous genes that might arise during a teleost-specific genome duplication event. All TR mRNAs were detected in various tissues sampled. The mRNA levels of both TRα and TRβ from P. fulvidraco were the highest in brain, followed by liver, and lowest in heart, intestine, muscle, gill and spleen. However, in S. hasta, TRαA, TRαB and TRβ showed the highest mRNA levels in brain and lowest in muscle. Identification and mRNA tissue expression of TR genes from P. fulvidraco and S. hasta provide an initial step towards understanding their biological roles in the two fish species.  相似文献   

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