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BMP signaling and stem cell regulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stem cells play an essential role in cellular specialization and pattern formation during embryogenesis and in tissue regeneration in adults. This is mainly due to a stem cell's ability to replenish itself (self-renewal) and, at the same time, produce differentiated progeny. Realization of these special stem cell features has changed the prospective of the field. However, regulation of stem cell self-renewal and maintenance of its potentiality require a complicated regulatory network of both extracellular cues and intrinsic programs. Understanding how signaling regulates stem cell behavior will shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell self-renewal. In this review, we focus on comparing the progress of recent research regarding the roles of the BMP signaling pathway in different stem cell systems, including embryonic stem cells, germline stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, and intestinal stem cells. We hope this comparison, together with a brief look at other signaling pathways, will bring a more balanced view of BMP signaling in regulation of stem cell properties, and further point to a general principle that self-renewal of stem cells may require a combination of maintenance of proliferation potential, inhibition of apoptosis, and blocking of differentiation.  相似文献   

Dvorak P  Dvorakova D  Hampl A 《FEBS letters》2006,580(12):2869-2874
Cancer stem cells are cancer cells that originate from the transformation of normal stem cells. The most important property of any stem cell is the ability to self-renew. Through this property, there are striking parallels between normal stem cells and cancer stem cells. Both cell types share various markers of “stemness”. In particular, normal stem cells and cancer stem cells utilize similar molecular mechanisms to drive self-renewal, and similar signaling pathways may induce their differentiation.The fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) pathway is one of the most significant regulators of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) self-renewal and cancer cell tumorigenesis. Here we summarize recent data on the effects of FGF-2 and its receptors on hESCs and leukemic stem/progenitor cells. Also, we discuss the similarities of these findings with stem cell renewal and differentiation phenotypes.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) aging remain to be elucidated. In this study, we investigated age-related changes in the functional and phenotypic properties of murine HSCs. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the number and frequency of CD34−/lowc-Kit+Sca-1+lineage marker (CD34KSL) cells, a highly enriched HSC population, significantly increased in old mice, though their repopulating ability was reduced. Continuous bromodeoxyuridine labeling revealed a significant delay in the cell cycle progression of CD34KSL cells in old mice. This delay was also observed in young recipients transplanted with whole bone marrow cells from old mice. When cultured in vitro, CD34KSL cells from old mice showed a greater capacity to give rise to primitive CD48KSL cells with reduced HSC activity. Gene expression profiling identified age-related changes in the expression of several cell cycle regulatory genes, including p21/Cdkn1a and p18/Cdkn2c. These results support the notion that HSC aging is largely regulated by an intrinsic genetic program.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can self-renew and differentiate into all cell types of the blood. This is therapeutically important as HSC transplants can provide a curative effect for blood cancers and disorders. The process by which HSCs develop has been the subject of extensive research in a variety of model organisms; however, efforts to produce bonafide HSCs from pluripotent precursors capable of long-term multilineage reconstitution have fallen short. Studies in zebrafish, chicken, and mice have been instrumental in guiding efforts to derive HSCs from human pluripotent stem cells and have identified a complex set of molecular signals and cellular interactions mediated by such developmental regulators as fibroblast growth factor, Notch, transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), and Wnt, which collectively promote the stepwise developmental progression toward mature HSCs. Tight temporal and spatial control of these signals is critical to generate the appropriate numbers of HSCs needed for the life of the organism. The role of the Wnt family of signaling proteins in hematopoietic development has been the subject of many studies owing in part to the complex nature of its signaling mechanisms. By integrating cell fate specification with cell polarity establishment, Wnt is uniquely capable of controlling complex biological processes, including at multiple stages of embryonic HSC development, from HSC specification to emergence from the hemogenic epithelium to subsequent expansion. This review highlights key signaling events where specific Wnt signals instruct and guide hematopoietic development in both zebrafish and mice and extend these findings to current efforts of generating HSCs in vitro.  相似文献   

A functional decline of the immune system occurs during organismal aging that is attributable, in large part, to changes in the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) compartment. In the mouse, several hallmark age-dependent changes in the HSC compartment have been identified, including an increase in HSC numbers, a decrease in homing efficiency, and a myeloid skewing of differentiation potential. Whether these changes are caused by gradual intrinsic changes within individual HSCs or by changes in the cellular composition of the HSC compartment remains unclear. However, of note, many of the aging properties of HSCs are highly dependent on their genetic background. In particular, the widely used C57Bl/6 strain appears to have unique HSC aging characteristics compared with those of other mouse strains. These differences can be exploited by using recombinant inbred strains to further our understanding of the genetic basis for HSC aging. The mechanism(s) responsible for HSC aging have only begun to be elucidated. Recent studies have reported co-ordinated variation in gene expression of HSCs with age, possibly as a result of epigenetic changes. In addition, an accumulation of DNA damage, in concert with an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species, has been associated with aged HSCs. Nevertheless, whether age-related changes in HSCs are programmed to occur in a certain predictable fashion, or whether they are simply an accumulation of random changes over time remains unclear. Further, whether the genetic dysregulation observed in old HSCs is a cause or an effect of cellular aging is unknown. We are grateful for the generous financial support provided by the Dutch Platform for Tissue Engineering (to B.D.) and for a VICI grant awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (to G.d.H.).  相似文献   



Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche of the BM provides a specialized microenvironment for the regulation of HSCs. The strict control of HSCs by the niche coordinates the balance between the proliferation and the differentiation of HSCs for the homeostasis of the blood system in steady states and during stress hematopoiesis. The osteoblastic and vascular niches are the classically identified constituents of the BM niche.

Scope of review

Recent research broadens our understanding of the BM niche as an assembly of multiple niche cells within the BM. We provide an overview of the HSC niche aiming to delineate the defined and possible niche cell interactions which collectively modulate the HSC integrity.

Major conclusions

Multiple cells in the BM, including osteoblasts, vascular endothelia, perivascular mesenchymal cells and HSC progeny cells, function conjunctively as niche cells to regulate HSCs.

General significance

The study of HSC niche cells and their functions provides insights into stem cell biology and also may be extrapolated into the study of cancer stem cells. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental findings concerning the kinetics of hematopoietic reconstitution are compared to corresponding clinical data. Although not clearly apparent, the transplantation practice seems to confirm the basic proposals of experimental hematology concerning hematopoietic reconstitution resulting from successive waves of repopulation stemming from different subpopulations of progenitor and stem cells. One of the "first rate" parameters in clinical transplantations in hematology; i.e. the CD34+ positive cell dose, has been discussed with respect to the functional heterogeneity and variability of cell populations endowed by expression of CD34. This parameter is useful only if the relative proportion of stem and progenitor cells in the CD34+ cell population is more or less maintained in a series of patients or donors. This proportion could vary with respect to the source, pathology, treatment, processing procedure, the graft ex vivo treatment and so on. Therefore, a universal dose of CD34+ cells cannot be defined. In addition, to avoid further confusion, the CD34+ cells should not be named "stem cells" or "progenitor cells" since these denominations only concern functionally characterized cell entities.  相似文献   

张春霞  刘峰 《遗传》2021,(4):295-306
血液系统是维持机体生命活动最重要的系统之一,为机体提供所需的氧气和营养物质,通过物质交换维持内环境的稳态,同时为机体提供免疫防御与保护。血细胞是血液的重要组成成分,机体中成熟血细胞类型起源于具有自我更新及分化潜能的多能成体干细胞—造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)。造血干细胞及各类血细胞产生、发育及成熟的过程称为造血过程,该过程开始于胚胎发育早期并贯穿整个生命过程,任一阶段出现异常都可能导致血液疾病的发生。因此,深入探究造血发育过程及其调控机制对于认识并治疗血液疾病至关重要。近年来,以小鼠(Mus musculus)和斑马鱼(Danio rerio)作为动物模型来研究造血发育取得了一系列的进展。其中,BMP、Notch和Wnt等信号通路对造血干细胞的命运决定和产生发挥了重要作用。本文对这些信号通路在小鼠和斑马鱼造血过程中的调控作用进行系统总结,以期能够完善造血发育过程的调控网络并为临床应用提供指导。  相似文献   

The extent of adult stem cell involvement in embryonic growth is often unclear, as reliable markers or assays for whether a cell is derived from an adult stem cell, such as the melanocyte stem cell (MSC), are typically not available. We have previously shown that two lineages of melanocytes can contribute to the larval zebrafish pigment pattern. The embryo first develops an ontogenetic pattern that is largely composed of ErbB-independent, direct-developing melanocytes. This population can be replaced during regeneration by an ErbB-dependent MSC-derived population following melanocyte ablation. In this study, we developed a melanocyte differentiation assay used together with drugs that ablate the MSC to investigate whether MSC-derived melanocytes contribute to the ontogenetic pattern. We found that essentially all melanocytes that develop before 3 dpf arise from the ErbB-independent, direct-developing population. Similarly, late-developing (after 3 dpf) melanocytes of the head are also ErbB independent. In contrast, the melanocytes that develop after 3 days postfertilization in the lateral and dorsal stripe are sensitive to ErbB inhibitor, indicating that they are derived from the MSC. We show that melanocyte regeneration mutants kitj1e99 and skiv2l2j24e1 that are grossly normal for the overall ontogenetic pattern also lack the MSC-derived contribution to the lateral stripe. This result suggests that the underlying regeneration defect of these mutations is a defect in MSC regulation. We suggest that the regulative functions of the MSC may serve quality control roles during larval development, in addition to its established roles in larval regeneration and growth and homeostasis in the adult.  相似文献   

Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is the seventh most common cancer worldwide with high mortality rates. Amongst oral cavity cancers, tongue carcinoma is a very common and aggressive oral cavity carcinoma. Despite the implementation of a multimodality treatment regime including surgical intervention, chemo-radiation as well as targeted therapy, tongue carcinoma shows a poor overall 5-year survival pattern, which is attributed to therapy resistance and recurrence of the disease. The presence of a rare population, i.e., cancer stem cells (CSCs) within the tumor, are involved in therapy resistance, recurrence, and distant metastasis that results in poor survival patterns. Therapeutic agents targeting CSCs have been in clinical trials, although they are unable to reach into therapy stage which is due to their failure in trials. A more detailed understanding of the CSCs is essential for identifying efficient targets. Molecular signaling pathways, which are differentially regulated in the CSCs, are one of the promising targets to manipulate the CSCs that would provide an improved outcome. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of molecular signaling associated with the maintenance and regulation of CSCs in tongue squamous cell carcinoma in order to emphasize the need of the hour to get a deeper understanding to unravel novel targets.  相似文献   

Kidney disease is an escalating global health problem,for which the formulation of therapeutic approaches using stem cells has received increasing research attention.The complexity of kidney anatomy and function,which includes the diversity of renal cell types,poses formidable challenges in the identification of methods to generate replacement structures.Recent work using the zebrafish has revealed their high capacity to regenerate the integral working units of the kidney,known as nephrons,following acute injury.Here,we discuss these findings and explore the ways that zebrafish can be further utilized to gain a deeper molecular appreciation of renal stem cell biology,which may uncover important clues for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) require multiple molecular inputs for proper specification, including activity of the Notch signaling pathway. A requirement for the Notch1 and dispensability of the Notch2 receptor has been demonstrated in mice, but the role of the remaining Notch receptors has not been investigated. Here, we demonstrate that three of the four Notch receptors are independently required for the specification of HSCs in the zebrafish. The orthologues of the murine Notch1 receptor, Notch1a and Notch1b, are each required intrinsically to fate HSCs, just prior to their emergence from aortic hemogenic endothelium. By contrast, the Notch3 receptor is required earlier within the developing somite to regulate HSC emergence in a non-cell-autonomous manner. Epistatic analyses demonstrate that Notch3 function lies downstream of Wnt16, which is required for HSC specification through its regulation of two Notch ligands, dlc and dld. Collectively, these findings demonstrate for the first time that multiple Notch signaling inputs are required to specify HSCs and that Notch3 performs a novel role within the somite to regulate the neighboring precursors of hemogenic endothelium.  相似文献   

Formation of the dorsal organizer (Spemann organizer) is an important process in early vertebrate development. In zebrafish, two molecular cascades—Bozozok/Dharma (Boz) and Nodal signaling—act in parallel to induce the dorsal organizer. However, the complete molecular mechanism regulating this event remains unclear. Here we report that zebrafish cell lines derived from various developmental stages can induce a secondary axis when they are implanted into the mid-blastula but not the early gastrula. The implanted cellsthemselves did not differentiate, but instead induced ectopic expression of dorsal organizer markers incells around the implanted cells and induced notochord formation in the secondary axis. These results indicate that cultured cell lines have the ability to induce a secondary axis through the initiation of dorsal organizer activity. However, ectopic expression of boz and sqt were not observed in cultured cells. In addition, implanted cell lines could induce the dorsal organizer even in maternal-zygotic one-eyed pinhead mutants, which are not responsive to Nodal signaling. Finally, the Nodal signaling pathway was not activatedfollowing implantation of cultured cells. Collectively, these data suggest that zebrafish cell lines induce the dorsal organizer independent of the boz and Nodal signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment(TME) is complex and constantly evolving. This is due, in part, to the crosstalk between tumor cells and the multiple cell types that comprise the TME, which results in a heterogeneous population of tumor cells and TME cells. This review will focus on two stromal cell types, the cancerassociated adipocyte(CAA) and the cancer-associated fibroblast(CAF). In the clinic, the presence of CAAs and CAFs in the TME translates to poor prognosis in multiple tumor types. CAAs and CAFs have an activated phenotype and produce growth factors, inflammatory factors, cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrix components, and proteases in an accelerated and aberrant fashion. Through this activated state, CAAs and CAFs remodel the TME, thereby driving all aspects of tumor progression, including tumor growth and survival, chemoresistance, tumor vascularization, tumor invasion, and tumor cell metastasis. Similarities in the tumorpromoting functions of CAAs and CAFs suggest that a multipronged therapeutic approach may be necessary to achieve maximal impact on disease. While CAAs and CAFs are thought to arise from tissues adjacent to the tumor, multiple alternative origins for CAAs and CAFs have recently been identified. Recent studies from our lab and others suggest that the hematopoietic stem cell, through the myeloid lineage, may serve as a progenitor for CAAs and CAFs. We hypothesize that the multiple origins of CAAs and CAFs may contribute to the heterogeneity seen in the TME. Thus, a better understanding of the origin of CAAs and CAFs, how this origin impacts their functions in the TME, and thetemporal participation of uniquely originating TME cells may lead to novel or improved anti-tumor therapeutics.  相似文献   

Suppressive regulatory T cells (Treg cells) play a vital role in preventing autoimmunity and restraining excessive immune response to both self- and non-self-antigens. Studies on humans and mice show that the Forkhead box p3 (Foxp3) is a key regulatory gene for the development and function of Treg cells. In zebrafish, Treg cells have been identified by using foxp3a as a reliable marker. However, little is known about the function of foxp3a and Treg cells in gonadal development and sex differentiation. Here, we show that foxp3a is essential for maintaining immune homeostasis in zebrafish testis development. We found that foxp3a was specifically expressed in a subset of T cells in zebrafish testis, while knockout of foxp3a led to deficiency of foxp3a-positive Treg cells in the testis. More than 80% of foxp3a–/– mutants developed as subfertile males, and the rest of the mutants developed as fertile females with decreased ovulation. Further study revealed that foxp3a–/– mutants had a delayed juvenile ovary-to-testis transition in definite males and sex reversal in about half of the definite females, which led to a dominance of later male development. Owing to the absence of foxp3a-positive Treg cells in the differentiating testis of foxp3a–/– mutants, abundant T cells and macrophages expand to disrupt an immunosuppressive milieu, resulting in defective development of germ cells and gonadal somatic cells and leading to development of infertile males. Therefore, our study reveals that foxp3a-positive Treg cells play an essential role in the orchestration of gonadal development and sex differentiation in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Precise regulation of the signaling range of secreted molecules is essential for proper pattern formation during development. The Nodal family of TGF-beta proteins has been shown to function as both short- and long-range signals. But the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In this study, we investigated the regulation of the signaling range of zebrafish Nodal proteins Cyclops and Squint, which are short- and long-range signals, respectively. We show that (1) the stability of Cyclops and Squint correlates with the activity range but increasing the stability of the short-range Cyclops does not increase its signaling range; (2) structural differences in the N-terminus region of the mature peptides of Cyclops and Squint determine their differences in the signaling range and swapping the N-terminus region of the Squint mature ligand into that of Cyclops makes the latter function at a distance.  相似文献   

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